[X] Song choice: Springtime for Hitler and Germany
[X] Look through the full list of DLCs you purchased - maybe there's something interesting in there? (Extra stuff.)

True classic, cannot not choose this.
But this might be the only time for us to get another glitch user.
To get another Glitch user Quickly? Sure, but probably not the only opportunity. There are a ton of people, many of which will be trying to wring everything they can out of this deathgame.

I very much doubt we'll be the only Glitchploiter, it just means having to actually seek them our organically instead of starting with one.
To get another Glitch user Quickly? Sure, but probably not the only opportunity. There are a ton of people, many of which will be trying to wring everything they can out of this deathgame.

I very much doubt we'll be the only Glitchploiter, it just means having to actually seek them our organically instead of starting with one.
I know that it is not really important. I just really want it.

But I will not mind the DLC.
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Picture this. After Kayaba finds out about us being able to respawn, for some reason we meet up with him. Maybe we figured out that he can't erase us when people are around without letting them know he's Kayaba, maybe we have to for some reason. Either way, we waltz into the room like we own the place, and THIS starts playing:

Kayaba: :jackiechan::mob:
Really hope this quest isn't dead (and sorry for a slight necro).

However, I just came across a video about the glitch in the Civilization games that brought about the "nuclear Gandhi" meme.

Basically, all of the player AI had an aggression stat between 1 and 10 that determines how aggressive they are. Gandhi starts off with a 1. Later, researching Democracy reduces this value by 2, which should reduce his aggression to -1. Unfortunately, the game can't handle that value so it results in an underflow glitch giving him an aggression of 255... out of 10! Fortunately, Democracy makes it so he can't declare war on anyone unless they strike first.

Anyway, I bring this up because it could make for a hilarious glitch to find some invulnerable NPC (possibly a priest or healer normally in charge of running the resurrection temples or whatever), find some way to reduce their aggression to a negative value, and then lure the now 255-out-of-10 aggression NPC into fighting a Boss or something.
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