Untitled Superhero Quest (No SV Be the Hero)

Turn 1 (Civilian)
Turn 1 (Civilian)

Name: Adian O'brian
Hero Alias: Caliburn

Public Relations: 16+1=17
Tactical Skill: 20
Finance Skill: 6+1=7
Investigative Skill: 8+1=9
Knowledge Skill : 17+1=18
Combat Skill: 18+1+5=24


Excalibur: The Legendary Sword of the Kingdom of Britannia and Whales, imbued with Magical properties that make it almost unbreakable and a potent source of physical augmenting magic(+5 to Combat Skills, +10 against mages and combat rolls. Gives legal claim to the United Kingdoms and Commonwealth)

Supernatural Charisma: You always had a way with talking to people, and getting them to do what you need them to do. (+5 to Diplomacy Rolls)


The First of the New: No baggage, no scars...just simple ideas to strive for. (One stat set at 20, +1 rest, no greater destriments or boons.)


You woke up and looked at the sword hanging on the wall, It had been nearly two months since you had gotten the thing, it had already been a long and terrifying day that led to stumbling into Fae magic and getting involved in a grand destiny.

You promptly ignored it and took the sword and intended to sell it for some quick coin.

But you never had the heart to actually get rid of the thing. Mostly because, who would want a magic sword in this day and age?

It was merely a matter of principle, finders keepers and all, you never really intended to actually do anything with it.

And yet here you were looking at it.

You weren't planning on actually going out and doing anything with it...like playing dress up and hero.

Mom and Dad wanted you to focus on School, and getting good grades not turning yourself into a commodity and dying before Thirty, you knew a lot of stories about Heroes during the last century, most of them from the Crisis of Terra SOL, and HACIU (Human Alien Counter Insurgency Unit) Heroes who all but kept humanity alive.

Most of the survivors of that barely made it to the Turn of the Millennium.

But this isn't Twenty Years ago, you had something to make of it, something to make right.

The world is scary, but you had a responsibility to keep it better than when you found it.

But first you had to make it to your home room…

(You have 4 Actions in Civilian Life)

[]Attend Class:You got to go to class, it's not an easy thing to deal with, damn interspecies classes, Mutants you can stomach, but Aliens...sure some of them are hot, but they are things...not made by God's green earth. Greeneview Highschool everyone, one of the most diverse in DC.

[]Socialize around School (Human Clique): You are going to spend some time with the Human cliques, they are the most normal of the groups that populated the school.

[]Socialize around School (Mutant Clique): Mutants were playing with powers on school grounds again...even if they wern't allowed to do it. Might as well spend time, study and maybe prove that Normies can still keep up with those powered pricks.

[]Socialize around School (Alien Clique):Aliens...they normally kept to themselves, mostly out of the lingering fears that some Asari might cause a biotic breakdown and flay someone alive...or get into a fistfight with a Sanghaili and then have it escalate into an honor duel. Or...whatever else the other races could do. But let's do it anyway.

[]Read up on History:You are bored and want to know more about the long history of heroism and the effect on Society at large, because they did a lot.
-[]Write in the Era you wish to learn about

[]Watch the News:What are the Hero's doing this time...better see how DC's Finest are doing.

[]Darknet Browsing:The Supervillain section of the Darknet is a no go to most people out of common sense.

[]Find a Part time Job: You are young...and near dirt poor, better fix that.

[]Spend time with Family: Family time...the best time to enjoy and Cherish, you never know when they could be taken away...like all those origin stories in film.

[]Read Hero Mags:Most of the time people buy the HERO UNITED Weekly for the Comics, the stories that the public can stomach or all the half naked Male and Female heroes in the matchmaker sections, but sometimes they give you actual information.

[]Play Video Games: OH boy the new patch for Galactic Crusader 2 is out! AND THE BATTLETECH MOD WAS UPDATED YES!! PRAISE KERENSKY!!

[]Study Excalibur:You want to actually look at the Blade you have, see if you can learn to read it, if at all.

AN: I have returned Finals are defeated...enjoy. Plan format.

And can someone give me a tite? For the Quest…
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[X] plan: let's start
-[X]Study Excalibur:You want to actually look at the Blade you have, see if you can learn to read it, if at all.
-[X]Find a Part time Job: You are young...and near dirt poor, better fix that.
-[X]Attend Class:You got to go to class, it's not an easy thing to deal with, damn interspecies classes, Mutants you can stomach, but Aliens...sure some of them are hot, but they are things...not made by God's green earth. Greeneview Highschool everyone, one of the most diverse in DC.
-[X]Find a Part time Job: You are young...and near dirt poor, better fix that.
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[X] plan: origin story

[X]Study Excalibur: You want to actually look at the Blade you have, see if you can learn to read it, if at all.

[X]Spend time with Family: Family time...the best time to enjoy and Cherish, you never know when they could be taken away...like all those origin stories in film

[X]Watch the News: What are the Hero's doing this time...better see how DC's Finest are doing.

[X]Attend Class: You got to go to class, it's not an easy thing to deal with, damn interspecies classes, Mutants you can stomach, but Aliens...sure some of them are hot, but they are things...not made by God's green earth. Greeneview Highschool everyone, one of the most diverse in DC.

lets figure out the ground rules and what our family is like before we start messing with stuff

Edit: also welcome back cyberphilosopher hope finals went well. as for a title "king of heroes" "fae heroics"? "the dangers of giving a teenager magical powers"?

Edit 2 electric boogaloo: changed study history to watch the news still getting info but now it's a more modern sort
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-[X]Write in the Era you wish to learn about: anything relating to the Arthurian mythos try to figure out what era it would actually be set in first of all but figure out if there's any correlation to what heroes were expected to be in that time compared to now (best to make sure you won't be smote for looking at some lady's ankles)
Ohh reading history means looking into the Era's from the Intro selection, history as in the last century or so.
[X] plan: origin story
Hey Cyber, what kinda species exist? I saw the Elites and Asari, so whatever aliens and the like exist on Earth?
[X] plan: origin story

So I totally want to hang out with the Aliens, purely because I dislike how "Attend Class" implies he's racist towards them. Still, we can do that next turn, so no rush right? That and probably better he fully embraces his powers first, as "Socialize with Mutants" implies he's also racist towards them.
to be fair if your species just went through a major war to not be either exterminated or enslaved you'd be pretty judgy too.

I get the impression that he's racist against the mutants in the same way you would be racist against wolves. they're dangerous, they've attacked you before, and there's no guarantee that they even think in the same ways as humans, they are an entirely different species. though it doesn't seem like he wants to exterminate them either so probably just trying to give them a wide berth.

most aliens are probably looked at the same way the nazis were after ww2 they did invade the planet and make the entire species fight a war for survival for about a decade after all
to be fair if your species just went through a major war to not be either exterminated or enslaved you'd be pretty judgy too.
It was FAR worse in the 90s...everything was worse in the 90s.
I get the impression that he's racist against the mutants in the same way you would be racist against wolves. they're dangerous, they've attacked you before, and there's no guarantee that they even think in the same ways as humans, they are an entirely different species. though it doesn't seem like he wants to exterminate them either so probably just trying to give them a wide berth.
Good answer...he's a bit of an odd ball among his peer group because Mutants are a bit more trusted in the Modern age.
oh right @Cyberphilosipher could you let me know how Aiden stacks up stats wise. i get the impression that he's pretty impressive with those high rolls we got but like is that just good for a Newby or is he genuinely impressive

also, did you mean to change his name from Aiden to Adrian? just curious mainly i don't really care.
oh right @Cyberphilosipher could you let me know how Aiden stacks up stats wise. i get the impression that he's pretty impressive with those high rolls we got but like is that just good for a Newby or is he genuinely impressive
He's a comparatively well rounded street hero...he's peak human...somehow. But compared to the Titans of power, aliens and Mutants...he's got nothing on them.
also, did you mean to change his name from Aiden to Adrian? just curious mainly i don't really care.
he's peak human...somehow
I love the idea that his secret identity is safe because he was already so amazing before he got his powers that if anyone sees his civilian side do something weird they're just like "oh yeah Aiden does that some times"

"he's literally better than almost every human out there!"

"Yeah, he's like really into self-improvement. I think he works out after school"

except when it comes to actually thinking things through. then he just goes full dumbass as seen with his finance and investigation skills lol
brian in Irish is high or noble. so Aiden's full name would probably translate into something like "noble little flame" if it was dramatically correct or "the little flame noble" (the o' in O'brian just means son of. the high king of Ireland named Brian Boru was one of the most successful Irish high kings, unifying the isles against the Viking invaders and while he didn't free the island from all Viking influence he did stop its conquest)

but the first translation (high) could be used for the title like "high king's quest" or into "noble quest". unrelated to the name you could have things like "king of heroes" or "the modern knight"

alternatively, if you want a really stupid name "Camelot 2 electric boogaloo" is probably still available lol
brian in Irish is high or noble. so Aiden's full name would probably translate into something like "noble little flame" if it was dramatically correct or "the little flame noble" (the o' in O'brian just means son of. the high king of Ireland named Brian Boru was one of the most successful Irish high kings, unifying the isles against the Viking invaders and while he didn't free the island from all Viking influence he did stop its conquest)

but the first translation (high) could be used for the title like "high king's quest" or into "noble quest". unrelated to the name you could have things like "king of heroes" or "the modern knight"

alternatively, if you want a really stupid name "Camelot 2 electric boogaloo" is probably still available lol
Neat...will keep it in mind.

Anything in terms of LORE!!
How about "Foes will Rise, Flames rise Higher", or "Foes Rise, a Flame rises Higher"? His favorite song/theme song could be Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire?
Keeping it in mind.
how accepted is magic as a thing
Accepted enough like a stage thing, as long as you register and don't send people to a timeless demon dimension, your pretty okay.
if you want world history stuff, who are the all time greats of American heroes and what did they do?
Witch Era...there are lot of US born Heroes that are popular.

Edit: From the List of Era's witch era's hero's do you want to know about.
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lets try the golden dawn era (Edwardian) what sort of heroes laid the foundation for the heroic traditions of today?
Ahh, Hero is a LOOSE term when describing that Era,

The Crow (Real Name is unpronounceable) (1887-1927): was a native American rights activist, farmer, and the last of a dying breed of frontier vigilante and lawman in the American southwest. He had laid the groundwork of the secret identity motif that would become relevant in the Golden Age. He arrested lowlifes, fought railroad companies and Rockerfeller and Oil companies. He died fighting the Klan of all things when they caused the "Saint Martin's Day Massacre" witch killed over 25 hero's in the Chicago Area and led to the Golden Age of Heroes as he was made a Martyr. He used Guns, Bows, and Torture. In the 70s AIM would use him as a symbol of Native resistance. He even has a Statue in DC at the Pavalon of Hero's (Its a big park next to the WW2 and Terra SOL memorials.)

James "The Wiz" Martin (The Wizard of Harlem) (1887-1983):An African American musician, Shaman, and hero, he is one of the most learned and practical mages of his age, able to use magic without a massive strain on his body. He survived fighting in the Great War, fought the Klan in 20s and 50s, wrestled Demons and taught many hundreds of students. He died in '83 having told an army of aliens to fuck off and summoned well, something terrible to do it. He's also owner of a suit tailoring store that gives good luck on dates. He was also a closeted homosexual who had a longterm partnership with a Russian Warlock.

Alison "Goldie" Smith (The Golden States Golden girl) (1899-1919): Starting her heroic career at the age of seven with her Boxing father, she was noted as a hard-fighting hard-nosed no-nonsense thief-taker, and later a bounty hunter, she spent much of her wayward career being both a local nuecence and a celebrated hero in the city of LA, she fought every manner of street gangs, the Mob and for about five days, The US government, she was known for brawling, chasing cars on foot, throwing criminals in dumpsters outside the police station and being the first recorded sidekick and mantle bearer of Golden Girl (A misnoumor, she was a crass asshole, the name stuck). She died giving birth to her daughter Annabell, who is better known today as "Golden Girl II"

Anything else?

Edit:These are the ones with the best records.
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