Untitled Superhero Quest (No SV Be the Hero)

[X]The Crisis of Terra SOL (1979-1986): Arthur C. Clarke said that we were either alone in the Universe, or we were not...it seems we were not alone, and it was terrifying to witness the might Mankind battled to maintain its existence as a species.
--[X]First Contact (1979): It came on a cold spring Morning, it arrived over the City of Los Angeles, looking for a lost probe that was destroyed in 1942. They figured out that it was destroyed by Humans...and they took exception to that, you are part of the First Responders on that fateful day.
[X]The Hopeless Night (1914-1919):The "War to End all Wars" had begun, the Death of the Archduke, had been the excuse many needed to finally settle the matter of national honor.To the detriment of the Millions of Lives lost in its pride. The Concert had reached its climax, a bloody crescendo under the howl of the dying.
--[X]The Lost Generation (1919): How does a man live, when he is is apart of the Lost Generation, one who's future and innocence was snuffed out in the Trenches of the Somme, of Verdun and of Tannenberg, what good can remain after all that pain ALL THAT SUFFERING..no. You will not be lost forever, you will lead this Generation out of the Darkness and into the Light again, or die trying.

I always love the rising out of the dark stories! \(^-^)/
[X] The Modern Age of Superheroes (2000-Present): You emerge at the new age, where every kind of heroes are more accepted than before, no matter what your methods are. Heroes come to conflicts of course, but they also unite to prevent the mistakes of the past.
--[X] The Third Generation (2019): You're considered a "kid" superhero, one that starts after nearly 20 years of Superheroes around to stop alien invasions, Old Gods and many, many, many Supervillains. Now it's time to show these old folk how your generation does things.

Let's show these old time heroes how WE do things!
[X] The Modern Age of Superheroes (2000-Present): You emerge at the new age, where every kind of heroes are more accepted than before, no matter what your methods are. Heroes come to conflicts of course, but they also unite to prevent the mistakes of the past.
--[X] The Third Generation (2019): You're considered a "kid" superhero, one that starts after nearly 20 years of Superheroes around to stop alien invasions, Old Gods and many, many, many Supervillains. Now it's time to show these old folk how your generation does things.
[X]The Golden Dawn (1900-1912): It was a glorious century that the world had entered in the Year of our Lord 1900, the British Empire was near its zenith, the Concert of Europe was reaching its climax as the storm clouds of a great and terrible crisis lingered over this time of prosperity, exploitation and modernity.
--[X]The Edwardian Era (1901): Queen Victoria has passed away at the age of 81, King Edward the 7th, has ascended, Brittanna rules over the Largest Empire the world has ever seen, eclipsing the MIGHT of Rome, The Sun...Never sets on the British Empire. And with the work of his loyal subjects, it never will.
[X]The Silver Age (1960-1975): The Childhood of Superheroes, where people start to show strange superpowers, silly gimmicks and...The Cold War, with the threat of Nuclear War and other situations even the elders could not predict.
--[X]Feet of Bronze (1970): The End of the Vietnam War destroyed the reputation of many Heroes and the Government of the US and other nations hoped to help their image, declaring war on drugs and narcotics seems to be a good idea, let's do it!! What Heroes and the Government are growing more Corrupt, surely you Jest.
[X]The Crisis of Terra SOL (1979-1986): Arthur C. Clarke said that we were either alone in the Universe, or we were not...it seems we were not alone, and it was terrifying to witness the might Mankind battled to maintain its existence as a species.
--[X]The Final Crisis (1985): The Leader of the Alien Threat is coming, even if you had driven the menace from earth, You had to cut off the head of the Serpent, no matter what happens it must be done, for mankind...For your future.
Calling the Vote
[X] The Modern Age of Superheroes (2000-Present): You emerge at the new age, where every kind of heroes are more accepted than before, no matter what your methods are. Heroes come to conflicts of course, but they also unite to prevent the mistakes of the past.
--[X] The Third Generation (2019): You're considered a "kid" superhero, one that starts after nearly 20 years of Superheroes around to stop alien invasions, Old Gods and many, many, many Supervillains. Now it's time to show these old folk how your generation does things. wins.
Character Creation Part 2
Character Creation Part 2

So...now you remember the time from where you come from ?

Ahh the 2019 year...its been a long road across the Century, the alien invasion of '79 was a mess, the whole Anti Hero Phase in the 90s was a mess to clean up and handle, The War on Terror and the ensuring Rebirth of Superheroing and Villainy made things even more of a mess but life moved on, the streets are safer, the polls are happy with your actions as long as you keep it on the down-low and killing is a last resort now.

The New Trinity had to work hard to get those laws of the land going global, just make sure that you are all on track.

Now just set up in the local brand and remind us who the hell you are.

However, who are you exactly? (Voting must be done in plan format!)
-[] Name:
-[] Age:
-[] Gender:
-[] Physical Description (You may add a photo if you wish):

What is your Species: As in where do you fall on this blue marble!!:

[]I am a Human: You are a human being born on planet Earth!! Congratulations you are also lucky enough to be someone of reasonable importance in the grand scheme of things. (Greatest Variability, able to choose the Mutant subclass.)

[]I am an Artificial Lifeform: You were not born from Nature, and your unnatural appearance leaves you looking rather out of place in the uniformity of society, but you make it work out as best you can. (Difficult to kill, may be able to come back in certain cases.)

[]I am an Alien: You are not from this world, that presents advantages and difficulties. (Alien...you are an alien, and a very deadly one at that.)
-[]Write what type of alien you are (Must be from fiction. But within reason, as in NO Kryptonians and New Gods)


Where does your power come from?:

[]Trained:You are an ordinary being in the grand scheme of things, no special gifts, no talents beyond your dedicated training and force of will to be a deadly human being.

[]Technology:You are powerful based on the technology created by this world. You are beyond what can be considered normal by the power of your technology.

[]Mutant:You were born with superpowers, some theory involving evolved human lifeforms, pretty cool if you think about it, so some guy can shoot lasers out of his eyes...neat.

[]Gimmick: Magical or supernatural/ alien artifact gives you powers and abilities, you know how this song and dance goes, use it to fight evil or some terrible catastrophe or what not...it doesn't come with an instruction manual.

What are your powers?
-[]Write in (Max of 2)

Where were you born?
[] New York City, USA
[]Vienna, Austria
[]Berlin, Germany
[]Moscow, Russia
[] Tokyo, Japan
[] London, England
[] Write-In

What's your story? (Write a summary of your character's early life and what made him/her want to be a Superhero)
--[]Write in

AN: Its short and sweet, now be creative as you want, ENJOY!!
I'm leaning on the Gimmick or Technology choice. Looks interesting and the shenanigans it brings just makes it all the more appealing.
Plan: Let's Make Aquaman Great Again!

-[X] Name: Nanami Mizushima
-[X] Age: 25
-[X] Gender: Female
-[X] Physical Description (You may add a photo if you wish):

[X]I am an Artificial Lifeform: You were not born from Nature, and your unnatural appearance leaves you
looking rather out of place in the uniformity of society, but you make it work out as best you can.
(Difficult to kill, may be able to come back in certain cases.)

[X]Mutant:You were born with superpowers, some theory involving evolved human lifeforms, pretty cool if you
think about it, so some guy can shoot lasers out of his eyes...neat.

Hydrokinetic Constructs
Aquatic Adaptation

Born in: [X] Tokyo, Japan

Born as a clone of the previous and now deceased Atlantean Exarch, Nanami Mizushima was born in an attempt to stem the tide of undersea aggression during the cold war. Unfortunately, the cloning process went slightly awry, and Nanami was only born with partial mutations that would make her an ill fit for the Undersea Throne- while she can manipulate water with the best of them and can breathe easily even in the depths of the ocean, she lacks the ability to speak to fish, lacks the superior strength of her forbears, and lacks any talent for magic. As she reached adulthood, Nanami made a bid for freedom from the labs where she was raised and now seeks to make a place and name for herself in the world of heroism! Whether she wants to prove herself to the world, her putative family under the sea, or herself, is something even Nanami doesn't know.
[X] Plan World's Cutest Abomination
-[X] Name: Eva Genos
-[X] Age: "Teen" / 1
-[X] Gender: Female
-[X] Physical Description (You may add a photo if you wish):
-[X] Human/Artificial Lifeform
-[X]Mutant:You were born with superpowers, some theory involving evolved human lifeforms, pretty cool if you think about it, so some guy can shoot lasers out of his eyes...neat.
-[X] Biokinesis: Eva Genos is a biokinetic, and an incredibly powerful one because she was born from her mother's own biokinesis. Eva has incredible mastery of her own body, allowing her to survive blatantly fatal things like decapitation and perform superhuman physical feats amongst other possibilities.
-[X] Hydrokinesis/Water Generation: Eva possesses natural hydrokinetic abilities, though by itself it doesn't amount to much. Via her Biokinesis, however, Eva can shift her body structure/etc to produce natural tools to achieve feats like high-pressure blasts.
-[X] New York City, USA
-[X] Eva is the granddaughter of a biokinetic known for selling superpowers, her grandfather having gotten into the business to help the world recover by creating new superheroes. Eva's mother, due to disagreement and rebellion with her father, injected herself with one of the super serums to show him up as a true hero. However her mother's biology ultimately reacted poorly, slowly becoming a half-crazed monster even as she kept up her ill-fated heroics. Finally, Eva's grandfather eventually managed to locate his daughter and barely saved her by injecting a serum purger. Her mother though, desperate to keep her artificial power, unintentionally created Eva. As a result, Eva is a peculiar individual who can be considered the living personification of her mother's two superpowers. Her own interest in heroics is partially due to her utter fascination with superpowers, showing an inquisitive nature eager to help unleash their (aka the superpowers) full potential. The other half is her wanting to meet others "like her", seeing heroes and villains as the likest individuals to befriend.

Not sure about her appearance, but why not play as a humanoid abomination who's the living incarnation of superpowers who adorably wants to befriend other superpowers?
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[X] plan rise a knight
-[x] name Aiden O'Brien
-[x] age 16
-[x] gender male
-[x] physical description

-[x] Human
-[x] gimmick: Excalibur the magical sword of King Arthur himself. grants you the power to defend Brittan in its time of greatest need. which considering it didn't feel the alien invasion was bad enough to make a comeback... we'll it doesn't fill you with confidence we'll just say that

-[x] powers: super charisma- people are more likely to listen to you. as to what you'll actually say... you'll just wing it how hard can it be right? the magic of the sword lends power to what you say, and lets people hear the intent of your words. basically no worry about tripping over your words or being misunderstood and people want to listen to you but they're not forced they can still say no if they feel so inclined.

-[x] blessings of the lady- you never tire and wound's heal much faster than normal. great for physical training and lasting in a fight but not much else. (healing factor but a minor one since the scabbard is still missing we'll have to find that one of these days)

-[x] Washington D.C USA

-[x] Aiden is the son of a powerless immigrant couple who moved to the U.S for a better life. son of an Irish Catholic family he has many sisters about 6 all of them younger. having grown up in the U.S all his life he's an American through and through. in recent years though he's kinda just costed. he lacks direction and he's just kinda bored of his life frankly. a wrong turn got him lost in the land of the fae where he met the lady of the lake who was looking for a new champion. having failed to lift the sword initially he was sent home, only to call the sword to him later in a moment of need when a villain was targeting his sisters (who the hell actually uses superpowers to mug little girls?) now he trains for the eventual confrontation he knows is coming. he will protect his family and home, no matter the cost.

it would help if he wasn't a teenager with more guts than brains but hey Arthur was like 14 when he pulled the sword. he's got this... right?
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@Cyberphilosipher: Oh right, how much does the Character Creation affect the Turn Actions? Presumably there's basic stuff like "Train your powers", but will there be unique options based on their race/powers/backstory?

Besides that, how much worldbuilding are we allowed to do regarding Character Creation? Stuff like businesses that sell super serums seems interesting, and establishing "Depowers" as only working on artificial powers & only possible for a limited timeframe before permanence is a nice change of pace.
@Cyberphilosipher: Oh right, how much does the Character Creation affect the Turn Actions? Presumably there's basic stuff like "Train your powers", but will there be unique options based on their race/powers/backstory?
Yes...I'll need to use the backstory to make the story, the better the backstory, the better the story (Hopefully.)
Besides that, how much worldbuilding are we allowed to do regarding Character Creation?
I mean...you can do almost whatever you want, just three things to keep in mind. Most mutants come tampering in the Homo genius, so humanoid shapes are a near must, unless your an alien or a very corrupted mutant or robot.

Stuff like businesses that sell super serums seems interesting, and establishing "Depowers" as only working on artificial powers & only possible for a limited timeframe before permanence is a nice change of pace.
Super serums are.. illeagal, dangerous and prone to causing issues, don't do drugs...because the 90s ruined that point.

Any other questions.
Yes...I'll need to use the backstory to make the story, the better the backstory, the better the story (Hopefully.)
Super serums are.. illeagal, dangerous and prone to causing issues, don't do drugs...because the 90s ruined that point.

Honestly that works perfectly fine with Eva's backstory, given how her mother thought grandpa was full of crap for refusing to use his super serums for himself.

Then there's how the idea behind Eva's grandfather is that he specifically felt like he had to do something despite being relatively weak, thus deciding to develop super serums and using his natural biokinesis to achieve stable/safe results.

Hmm, so the overall (legal) stance is that creating & selling superpowers is illegal, partially because toying with biology is a dangerous crapshoot and partially because the government wanting to prevent dangerous vigilantes & supervillians from being made.

Hmm... Dean Genos, Eva's grandfather, has been alive for a long time- long enough to have seen plenty of heroes & villains rise, as well as the conflicts they fight/create. However, seeing himself as weak and not wanting to get involved, he tries to keep a low-ish profile even as he uses his power to achieve a form of immortality/youth.

It isn't until the sheer madness of the late 70s/mid-80s that he feels guilt for not having done more, feeling like there's something he could do to help people. Having seen the world nearly destroyed and now in ruins with its heroes' gone...

Dean Genos sought to use his power to create new heroes, and inadvertently became a huge problem during the 80s/90s simply because he wanted to embolden a new generation of heroes.

The creator of heroes, the forger of villains, the maker of monsters... the infamous "Gene Splicing 'Villain' Heromaker", who was brought to a terrible low over his pure desire to help being twisted to destroy.

Though he has gone in hiding he refuses to give up his goal, albeit being much more careful with who gets his serums. Like... All-Might if he could give out infinite powers, looking out for heroic individuals and testing them of their worthiness.

His ex-wife being the woman who taught him so much about his own powers, yet drifting apart due to her growing obsession with creating an ultimate lifeform resulting in her being far more lax about who got superpowers during the 80s/90s.

The "Evolutionary Perfectionist Villain Mary Echidna", even to this day she continues her experiments, performing illegal enhancement programs and artificially creating life. Her true goal, or why she began it all, is seemingly known only to herself...

Their only daughter, Anna Genos, lived with her father after her mother was arrested at the height of her parents' (initial) infamy. Nurtured by her father's heroic ideals, seeing a world in pain, wanting to do more...

Again and again she tried convincing her father the two of them could become the strongest heroes, having seen the things he could do for others. Yet every time he told her no, trying to insist that they shouldn't, she just got angrier with him.

In her eyes she believes her father could of saved countless lives during the 80s, could of been the hero the world needed instead of all the fake ones he unwittingly created in the 90s...

Growing up in the modern age, watching as the new heroic age formed around her, Anna finally had enough and stole one of her father's serums. Running away from home, she became the "Infinite Aqua Heroine Lady Neptune".

Joining a team of other young heroes and living the dream, even dating her teammate Ura Anges the "Angel Cloth Heroine Feather Purity", Anna just kept ignoring the strange changes happening to her- writing it off as her powers "growing".

Her negligence resulted in her having a breakdown on live streaming, as she and Ura decided to toy with one of their team's recurring villains. Ura hasn't been seen since her girlfriend was arrested, and the notion Heromaker is up & running again...

The huge PR scandal caused serious damage to their team, let alone the whispers & rumors she or even her whole team were "just" pawns Heromaker & Mary Echidna made for showing off their progress & marketing to clients.


Ahem, how's that for a general "wrote it up just now" idea? I got plenty of little ideas and concepts I'm mulling over, but I figure keeping the Backstory section in the actual vote short is better. TL;DR is a total problem...
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