The Smallest of Dragons, The Loudest of Roars (An ASOIAF Valyrian Adventure Quest)

[X] Take a Position as a Racer: You will go to Summerwind, and become a Racer. Something tells you that Rhaegar wants you to be a racer for a reason.
[]Old Swords: Your Father's… old friends from the Legion have come… they have started to take positions to defend you? Why?

[]A Senatorial Affair: Your Regent wishes to Speak to you… and give you a warning?
[]The Legion and the Senate: Why does the Legion want revenge on the Senate? And why did your father try to give it to them?
Why do I feel that things are gonna escalate, making the knowledge about that certain incident quite important?
I removed my plan. Everyone who voted for it either write it as your plan or just vote for something else please.
[X] Take a Position as a Racer: You will go to Summerwind, and become a Racer. Something tells you that Rhaegar wants you to be a racer for a reason.
[X] Plan: Ignore
-[X]Ignore the Offer: You don't want to be part of the team… that is something you do not see yourself as.
(Choose 5 Actions)
-[X]Eavnings of Dark and Light: Rhaerya wants to show you her magic… and maybe… something more.
-[X]Some Help: Rhaerya came to you with exactly one thing on her mind… Helping you see life as worth living.
-[X]Old Swords: Your Father's… old friends from the Legion have come… they have started to take positions to defend you? Why?
-[X]A Senatorial Affair: Your Regent wishes to Speak to you… and give you a warning?
-[X]An Adventure: You wish to go on an adventure… MAybe it was because the world was seen as something greater… Maybe because you think there are assassins out to get you… Which given your circumstances… might be more true than you think.
[X]Take a Position as an Owner: You will go to Summerwind, and become an Owner of the Team. You wish to make yourself known as a manager, and a leader… not a daredevil racer.

We can always pick the other actions next turn
[X]Take a Position as an Owner: You will go to Summerwind, and become an Owner of the Team. You wish to make yourself known as a manager, and a leader… not a daredevil racer.
Why do I feel that things are gonna escalate, making the knowledge about that certain incident quite important?
Because we might wind up as Ceaser during Sulla's dictaroship. :V

Only with more friends, money, and possibly a small army of dragon riders at our command, or as our friends.
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Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Nov 30, 2020 at 12:29 PM, finished with 31 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Take a Position as a Racer: You will go to Summerwind, and become a Racer. Something tells you that Rhaegar wants you to be a racer for a reason.
    [X]Take a Position as an Owner: You will go to Summerwind, and become an Owner of the Team. You wish to make yourself known as a manager, and a leader… not a daredevil racer.
    [X] Plan More Legion Politics, More Magic
    [X] Plan: Ignore
    -[X]Ignore the Offer: You don't want to be part of the team… that is something you do not see yourself as.
    -[X]Eavnings of Dark and Light: Rhaerya wants to show you her magic… and maybe… something more.
    -[X]Some Help: Rhaerya came to you with exactly one thing on her mind… Helping you see life as worth living.
    -[X]Old Swords: Your Father's… old friends from the Legion have come… they have started to take positions to defend you? Why?
    -[X]A Senatorial Affair: Your Regent wishes to Speak to you… and give you a warning?
    -[X]An Adventure: You wish to go on an adventure… MAybe it was because the world was seen as something greater… Maybe because you think there are assassins out to get you… Which given your circumstances… might be more true than you think.
[X] Take a Position as a Racer: You will go to Summerwind, and become a Racer. Something tells you that Rhaegar wants you to be a racer for a reason.
Is this still going? And am I able to vote?

If yes to both of those...

[X] Take a Position as a Racer: You will go to Summerwind, and become a Racer. Something tells you that Rhaegar wants you to be a racer for a reason.
[X] Take a Position as a Racer: You will go to Summerwind, and become a Racer. Something tells you that Rhaegar wants you to be a racer for a reason.

Later on if we dont get killed, we should lay claim to the Stepstone Islands.

Controlling the Narrow Sea means Tolls, Warehouses with Fees, Markets to Trade, Supplies to sell, Brothels to run, guides we can hire out, Ships we can use to Patrol, escort and guard Traders for fees, Smugglers we can board and seize etc....

So... Yeah. Lets just say that I have writer's block for this quest and after 20 drafts of this turn... I just can't write it. I'm clearly having problems and I need time to figure out... if I can write this.

It sucks... But I do not want to stare at my computer for 4 hours every day and see no progress.

So Long term Hiatus for now... but potentially canceled due to these issues.

I do not want to waste my time with something I cannot write.
I do not want to waste my time with something I cannot write.
Perfectly fair. Honestly, I think some of your block here comes from trying to start the protagonist off as a blank slate. There really wasn't enough framework here to build a story off of because there was next to no canon to lean on and we were orphaned.

It might have worked better as something in media res with our already being in the middle of things, the initial crisis being right there. Like, say, you start with a fallen member of the Forty that badly lost a feud with another great house. You are an old man who never expected to be a patriarch and you end up having to produce a child on the quick before dedicating yourself to some dangerous hail mary to salvage your dying house. Taking command of Zamatar or something. Character creation could literally be how you elect for him to raise his child mixed with what he brings from home for the inital expedition via pointbuy. You get peripheral named characters in the for your equivalent of small council positions and a few neighboring powers.

A lot of it is just painting that initial picture so neither you nor the players has to grope around blind. After than you have foundation stones to build upon.
I would've preferred to start around Aegon's Conquest or maybe around the doom. Not much lore around the inner working's of Valyria and why they did some things.