[X]Ore Wa....
--[X]Discerning Eyes
--[X]Strong Body
--[X]Spiritual Affinity
--[X]Indomitable Will
-[X]Talent: Swordsmanship
--[X]Write-In: An Old Woman who was previously a criminal. But, she was delegated to being your caretaker due to a favor she owes your blood grandfather. Your parents are alive, just not around the village....or the kingdom for that matter. You call the old woman Baba Sui.
--[X]You are generally friendly with the villagers (Everyone from the village at least knows, or are friendly with you)
--[X]You have a rival (Can be customized)
---[X]Write-In:Kamie (Name)
---[X]Write-In:8 (Age)
---[X]Write-In: Female (Gender)
---[X]Write-In: Daughter of a Sword Teacher (Status)
---[X]Write-In:She beat you at swordsmanship and you've been training your ass off since. You still haven't beaten her.(Reason why they became your rival)

I wanted to go for Luffy, but since there isn't any Fist Expertise, I had to Fuse Zoro's.

[X]Action Plan: Just Going Around then Training.
-[X]Go to the guard outpost
--[X]Talk to the guard
-[X]Go to the local smithery
--[X]Talk to the village blacksmith
-[X]Write-In: Train Swordsmanship.
Last edited:
[X] Plan Stronk
-[X] 9
-[X] Green Thumb - You are a natural at planting every types of plants. If you tried to grow a plant, you will always succeed. (1 AP)
-[X] Athleticism - You are very flexible and you have great reflexes. More options that includes physical activities will be available to you. (1 AP)
-[X] Strong Body - You are naturally physically stronger. You are two times more stronger than what your physical body suggests. (1 AP)
-[X]Knowledge of Herbs - You are more knowledgeable about herbs. Quickly identify every herbs you encounter. (1 AP)
-[X] Natural Cook - You're a natural at cooking. Cooking food won't end in failure. (1 AP)
-[X] Axe Expertise - You can use axe more effectively, and techniques that uses axes are more devastating depending on the level of this talent.
-[X] You have a good relationship with your family (Chase's Father & Chase's Mother trusts you unanimously)
-[X]You have a brother that you are close with (Acquire a brother that you can name)
--[x] Write-In (Chris)
--[x] 12
-[X]You have a pet (Can be customized)
--[X] Write-In (Speed)
--[X] Write-In (1 year old)
--[X] Write-In (Male)
--[X] Write-In (Horse)

[X] Plan Slow Days
-[X]Bond with your Pet (if you have one)
-[X] Go to farmlands
--[X] Help out on the farm
-[X]Go to the village center
--[X] Talk to everyone

I wasn't sold on the current plans, so made my own. Complete with good familial relations, pet horse, and the foundations to be a Woodsman, the Paul Bunyan Expy, or an adventurer. It's not optimized for combat, but I'm sure we can learn how to fight later. Also, feels too young to take the workaholic trait.
I wasn't sold on the current plans, so made my own. Complete with good familial relations, pet horse, and the foundations to be a Woodsman, the Paul Bunyan Expy, or an adventurer. It's not optimized for combat, but I'm sure we can learn how to fight later. Also, feels too young to take the workaholic trait.

1) previous life so of course they could be a workaholic
2) The Older we are the stronger we are.
Its why i stated 1 to begin with.
That line of reasoning doesn't work as if a person was a workaholic from their first life then wouldn't they start working as soon as they're able? From personally experience, I know actually workaholics and they don't stop. They push themselves to work 14-16 hours, and if they would reject sleep to do more work. And historically speaking, the earliest children can work on a farm is doing light tasks at the age of five.

Considering this is a fantasy world that's sort of peaceful (no active and constant Waring), that age could probably be pushed back to 7 or 8. Really depends on how active the Dark Lord or Demon Lord, or whatever That-Thing-Which-Threats-the-World is around our neighborhood.

Maybe my dealings with workaholics are skewing what the QM intends for this trait to represent (a means to generate the Action Economy), but I do not wish to take the trait as a child in the second life.