So when we deal with the beastman invading the dragon kingdom what kind of response are you people in favour of?

They sound like the kind of people who respond with violence so it sounds like an opportunity to let loose and unleash hell to make it Nappa's best day ever. Though we could draw lots between the guilds on who gets to go beat them to a pulp.

To be fair and to avoid appearing like we do favoritism between races, remember one of our main goals is to draw magic users from all the races with the statement that they will all be treated equally, might want to handle them the same way we did with the Slane Theocracy. That said considering our reputation we can probably get the opposing side to surrender by telling them who we are which would be awesome to add to our tale. Failing that we can pull take out their best warriors in front of their people and then subjugate them after they give up once they understand the pecking order.
To be fair and to avoid appearing like we do favoritism between races, remember one of our main goals is to draw magic users from all the races with the statement that they will all be treated equally, might want to handle them the same way we did with the Slane Theocracy. That said considering our reputation we can probably get the opposing side to surrender by telling them who we are which would be awesome to add to our tale. Failing that we can pull take out their best warriors in front of their people and then subjugate them after they give up once they understand the pecking order.
How sad that won't fulfill my violence quota.

Eh meh I'll still make a plan on that.

I don't want to deal with them for a long while so I'd rather kick them back to their own side as forcefully as possible.
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Maybe we can act as a sort of mercenary, if kingdoms want a defense against the beastmen they have to pay in world items or highest level reagents/knowledge.
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I Need You!

To come up with World Item ideas. The next Chapter is roughly ~33% complete. As you know, the Theocracy has access to World Items of an unknown amount. Through a random roll, it was decided that the amount of World Items would be 4+DoC&C. I have already come up with two World Items, called [Eternal Rest] and [Bannerlord] respectively. Wait until the update to find out more.

However, I still have two unused slots for World Item ideas, and I'm currently out of ideas. If any of you think you have a cool concept for a game-breaking cheat item, post them here.
This is partially pulled straight from Magic: the Gathering, but:

World Slayer: A broad zweihander capable of wiping a world clean with a single swing. In the New World, the sword's output is variable, but even at its weakest it can still instantly annihilate a modest-sized adventuring party. The sword's wielder will always be caught in the backlash, and dies unless the sword is being used at its lowest output and the wielder has high resistance to instant death.

I made it for my MtG-based Guild to have as their only World Item, but they only had it because they wanted to keep it from being used.
Op items?

I suppose a weapon that can transform into multiple forms would do after investment of rare materials to unlock new abilities. (Myriad manifestation umbrella)

Maybe a gunblade?
I Need You!

To come up with World Item ideas. The next Chapter is roughly ~33% complete. As you know, the Theocracy has access to World Items of an unknown amount. Through a random roll, it was decided that the amount of World Items would be 4+DoC&C. I have already come up with two World Items, called [Eternal Rest] and [Bannerlord] respectively. Wait until the update to find out more.

However, I still have two unused slots for World Item ideas, and I'm currently out of ideas. If any of you think you have a cool concept for a game-breaking cheat item, post them here.

For future refference I think it should be important to remember that WI are actually meant to be extremely rare to the point that even most of the top guilds didn't have more than one or two with canon Nazzerick being a notable exception and that can be chalked up to invaders having had WI on them when trying to invade it. Just saying to make it less of an issue to come up with other WI in the future.

Now for WI going with:

[Drinker of magic] An item that lets the user drain any creature of half it's mana, regardless of class or race, with it having 1-2 uses per day.
I Need You!

To come up with World Item ideas. The next Chapter is roughly ~33% complete. As you know, the Theocracy has access to World Items of an unknown amount. Through a random roll, it was decided that the amount of World Items would be 4+DoC&C. I have already come up with two World Items, called [Eternal Rest] and [Bannerlord] respectively. Wait until the update to find out more.

However, I still have two unused slots for World Item ideas, and I'm currently out of ideas. If any of you think you have a cool concept for a game-breaking cheat item, post them here.
Some inspiration, there are one use items other than Caloric stones, they could even have one of those, given it can actually be made it is possible for one to exist, or a product of the world item.
World Item wise, I don't think we have seen a proper armour type. An item which allows you to change your resistances and immunities (although you have to leave some weak spots)
Have you factored in the guild weapon? Don't remember what if anything happened to it

To everyone else
According to the wiki most world items are better super tier spells... how true that is I don't know

So, two of the twenty are alter the magic system items... isn't it assumed that one of these was used to create the world

Known world items from canon
An item that deletes another player at the cost of themselves
A weapon that greatly hurts those with negative karma, the Angra Mainyu thought of earlier seems to be the opposite
The two items that affect the spell system
A weapon that starts weak and grows, apparently to the level it could would allow the user to "A club-shaped item, which is very weak in its initiatory stage, but gets stronger with time. It can become so strong that it could even conquer Nazarick with all the members of Ainz Ooal Gown combined."
An item that can supposedly reverse mind alter affectes, basically Ainz considered using it to treat Shalltear and didn't
Mind control
An item designed to store exp for later use (past the surplus exp bar), might do something different in light novel
Calloric stones, basically a super crafting agent
A item that traps people in a pocket dimension, has a large amount of control of the area, apparently a stronger version of a super tier spell
Holy Grail
Dove Brings and Olive branch
an Item that summons an "avatar of god"

Unknown ones, first those Ainz has two of the 20, one was suggested to be able to heal shalltear, Hygieia's Chalice (which might be healing item in the same way the holy grail is), billion blades, Albedo's item that can apparently destroy large areas (and named after a void that describes what was before the world, and what the universe will turn into after it ends), Atlas which is unknown (probably connected to Atlas the myth rather than the atlas book), Throne of Kings i.e. Ainz's throne, the Orb in Ainz's chest (at least in the web novel, explains why we don't seem him carry a different world item)
Items that summons endless numbers of demons, one use as it is part of the 20, likely to be an angelic equivalent,
One called founder
Graeae, either based on the theatre company or on the three sisters who share a single eye in greek mythology
A leaf of Yggdrassil, which is apparently protection based

Items we have, dove and holy grail already mentioned, World Destroyer core (I think this was mentioned as well), Defensive magical item, Super tier enhancer staff, Crystal ball for wind control, Gate of Babylon, Demon army summoner, Spear with ranged abilities and both cures and inflicts status affects, Summon horrors, Excalbur... and eventually avalon

So I would say we are missing a Fire, Water and Earth enhancer, possibly summon angels, Warrior defensive items (shield, helm that sort of thing), ranged weapons, tools for a rogue,

Additional options, ultimate teleporter, summon dragons, counter summoning, a forge/hammer for crafting, something like a beast master item (maybe allows you to tame any creature perhaps even a boss as long as it isn't "World" tier)

We also need to factor in why these weren't used against Wiz

Edit: as Red Bovine suggested something to steal mana could work, equally something to steal health, Stamina or EXP (maybe to the extent of gaining temporary levels) might also be valid
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Could actually go with a horadric cube expy.

Then there could be a ring to do multiple transformations of yggradisil monsters/bosses.

Maybe an item that allows you to change classes or races.
So, I'm hopping for a crafting type, and either a defensive type for warriors, or utility type that is hard to move (like Ainz's throne)... hm, a regal item, we have 2 arthurian items, and are aiming to get a third, why not a round table expy? Maybe something people around the table to empower their king, requires loyalty, and might weaken the people supporting. For the Theocracy it wouldn't be that useful against Wiz since he was so much more powerful, and when the last of the six gods fought the Greed Kings he didn't have anyone supporting him or was it a her don't actually know, maybe it doesn't work with NPCs

Edit: Important note, Surshana (the god of death) is known for his scythe, so I could easily believe it is either a guild weapon or world item (could be this Eternal Rest Birdie mentioned... it would certainly be fitting for the strongest of the Six Gods to have a world item)
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Ok so the six great gods are of different elements fire, water, wind, earth, light (god of life) and darkness (god of death).

So a world item could be related to one of the elements. Maybe a bonfire dark souls reference.

Also understood now why Nigun mentioned Alah Alaf. He's the god of life as part of the six.
I Need You!

To come up with World Item ideas. The next Chapter is roughly ~33% complete. As you know, the Theocracy has access to World Items of an unknown amount. Through a random roll, it was decided that the amount of World Items would be 4+DoC&C. I have already come up with two World Items, called [Eternal Rest] and [Bannerlord] respectively. Wait until the update to find out more.

However, I still have two unused slots for World Item ideas, and I'm currently out of ideas. If any of you think you have a cool concept for a game-breaking cheat item, post them here.
You had really good WIs when you started the quest, just use the ones we didn't pick.

But.. if you want more here are some suggestions

Ruler's Domain ring - can store living things, a separate dimension, gives the wearer absolute control over energies and matter in the dimension, the dimension grows in size exponentially with the user's power. Anything created in the dimension cannot be taken out.
The Codex - A book that holds infinite pages….. with no index. it may be filled with secrets lost to time or powers of the unknown or simply scribbles who knows, who knows.
Gate of Alchemy - Allows for seamless matter transmutation using the law of equivalent exchange.
What's next? - these 2 dice have 2 symbols on each, one represents good and the other bad, before making a decision the owner can roll the dice, if both are good then the outcome will be good, if both are bad then the outcome will be bad but if one is good and the other bad the outcome can go either way.
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Oingo Boingo!
[X] Peace Keeping and keep things together. V2
-[X] As you have taken over the theocracy in doing so it falls to you to take up their mantle of protecting humanity. Send detachments of Automaton Knights, Alchemic Veteran Automata and their stronger kin as support to teleport and drive back demi human attacks (along with any other parties trying to take advantage of the situation) temporarily until the theocracy is ready to continue their duties once they meet your standards. Have members of the Assault squad ready to provide support, have Ichika provide direction using scrying to ensure prompt arrival, if needed (assuming it is possible) create additional beings to help with scrying. Have one of the NPCs abduct the demi humans massing for an attack at the wall. You'll need intel and agents beyond that wall to deal with those problematic bunch.
-[X] Have the angels used previously align themselves with your forces and assist in protecting the public
-[X] The forces of the theocracy unlike the kingdom have an existing military. Begin getting to know existing assets be it the scriptures, treasures and secrets of the theocracy for future military buildup and improvement as future peacekeepers.
-[X] Go visit the Dragon Kingdom to speak with the queen, with the intent of supporting them against the invading beastmen
-[X] Agree with Lord Adorables proposal to send humanitarian aid to that village. Accept Velgath's suggestion to deal with the poor soldier quality in Re-Estize Kingdom, have some experience soldiers from the Slane Theocracy be moved to train the soldier of the Re-Estize kingdom to a better standard. Let Kimba be the mascot for the mage academy.
-[X] Accept Elentra's suggestionwriting a territorial agreement with Nazarick to decide who gets which countries during their systemic conquest of the New World and a student exchange program between the two guilds to help build trust. Call Ainz to see about setting up the meeting in about a week.
-[X] Accept Calca's offer but tell her you are going to have to put that on hold for now since you need to deal with the Demi-human attacks.
-[X] Arrange to speak with both Emperor Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix and the Regency Council of the Dwarf Kingdom.
-[X] Provide some basic Resurrection Wands and some strong Healing wands to the temples in E-Rantel.
-[X] Experiment with adding a construct skeleton to a flesh body. Have Agatha create a construct skeleton that you will build a flesh body around. The construct will have no mind of it's own and will be controlled by the flesh body on top of it. Have Agatha go to the library on Laputa to look up the possibility of 'living metal' for the construct after creating the construct for future experiments.
-[X] There are spells that the new worlders use to identify Talents, is there perhaps a way to study talents more in depth? Perhaps there is a way to study Wild magic
-[X] Interlude: Ainz

[A/N: I've decided to make the World Items a vote. If I picked, some people might feel it was unfair. Also, if you're confused about the Chapter name, try the Youtube search-bar then click the second thing that comes up. PS: I strongly recommend a Lord Adorable Interlude for next chapter.]
Interlude: Ainz

There was a lavish room somewhere in Nazarick, a private chamber with no intent. It was one of the countless hundreds upon hundreds of useless rooms that could be repurposed as desired. Sitting on a couch with a maid beside him, Ainz watched the carnage unfold in the mirror.

The Mirror of Remote Viewing, a simply scrying item, though to most New World magic casters it would be immeasurably impressive.

'Ooh, pretty cool.' Ainz couldn't help but be impressed at the speed with which Wizzomatic hit the Captain.


'That's pretty much cheating! You shouldn't use Magic Seal on opponents of their level...'


"Ah, Black Blade, huh?" Ainz asked himself, cupping his chin.

'Wizzomatic-san must really like that spell. He used the superior version during our fight. It's almost like he wants to be a knight... no, what am I saying? Changing one's build in YGGDRASIL is easy.'

The way that YGGDRASIL leveling worked, one could get to LV100 relatively quickly when compared to other RPGs. In return, for every death, a player lost five levels, but could regain them even faster than before. This was the best way to adjust one's build and test if it worked.

In fact, there were cases where players at the top would commit a series of twenty suicides just to start from scratch and try a different path, while others were content with what their had, like Ainz, whose build was partly for roleplay purposes.

Soundly standing up, Ainz turned off the mirror and turned to the maid. "Tell Albedo to meet me in my office."

"It shall be done, Ainz-sama!"

Without delay, he teleported there and sat in his desk. A few minutes later, Albedo, followed by the maid came in.

"Albedo, what is the progress in subjugating the Elven Kingdoms?"

"Yes! I believe that Aura and Mare should be at the stage of conquering their capitals as we speak. If you desire to reaffirm, I will send a message right this instant, Ainz-sama!" Albedo's face was stern and serious, knowing that now was the time for business.

"No. If you say so, then it must probably be the case," Ainz relaxed in his seat slightly, murmuring thoughtfully.

"Albedo, which country do you think should we target next?" He had learned to compose questions in such a way that the Guardians wouldn't reply that their input would only scar his great image of the future.

She thought for several seconds before unveiling her considerations, "Yes, I think the Baharuth Empire would be a good target. Wizzomatic-sama has already practically captured the Kingdom and Theocracy. In addition, the Queen of the Holy Kingdom has reportedly fallen in love with him. Therefore, we should focus on the east and north, while Cybertron conquers the west and south."

Ainz had plans already brewing in his mind, like strands of thought developing individually in different directions, creating vectors, off-shoots, variants, addons. He already investigated Jircniv, the Bloody Emperor, and knew his personality to an extent.

He saw several plausible ways to conquer the Baharuth Empire, but one of them included a high likelihood that he would be put at odds with the Kingdom. And thus, Wizzomatic. Perhaps they could exploit this somehow? Like a publicity stunt?

In Ainz' world, a lot of famous people who were friends would pretend to be in conflict. The tension and drama would attract more viewers.

Could they do the same? Wizzomatic didn't seem like a glory-hog, but surely he understood the benefits of a reputation. Not that he didn't have one, but Ainz was yet to develop his own.

"Haah, I guess I'll talk about it with Wizzomatic-dono," Ainz muttered.

Even by the Kingdom's standards, the security in the Dragon Kingdom was piss-poor. The border checkpoint was probably as old as the Dragon Kingdom itself, and had never seen maintenance since its conception. In addition, it was placed in an inaccessible way for wagons and carriages, so to gain entry through the gate on the road, one would have to leave their wagon...

This was one inconvenience.

Then again, it's not like most people could afford to travel by carriage. Magic-propelled carriage, especially.

Wizzomatic told the servants to wait there, despite their insistence that they go to meet the border-watch instead.

That's when he noticed the second inconvenience, snoring away in the booth, eight meters away from the road.

It didn't look like they had multiple guards, either. What happened if a foreign nation attacked? Or even bandits? They would have no way to send forth a message to warn of the incoming foe... How troublesome, was Wizzomatic fated to always have problematic encounters with border control?

He approached the booth, smiling with kindness and waiting for the guard to awaken from his slumber. In response, he only drooled and snored.

Wizzomatic impatiently tapped his staff, then sighed, unsure what he was expecting.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat, to no avail.

A cramp appeared in his smile. "AHEM!" he repeated forcefully, at two times the volume.​

The balding, middle-aged and chubby guardsman jerked awake and nearly tumbled off his chair as he quickly pulled his feet off the counter. Seeing Wizzomatic, he hastily ran his sleeve across his lips to remove the last of his saliva, before scratching his five-o'-clock shadow-beard. "Oh, you wanna enter? Can I see some papers, or at least ask you for your name?"

Clearly, this man was of no use in battle, so he saw why they'd move him here. But why did he have to sleep?

Wizzomatic showed him his seal.

"Oh, crap-eh, I mean, it is a true honor to meet you, Wizzomatic-sama!" The guard bowed his head down, standing up.

'Oh, boy. I heard the rumors, but I thought he was a really strong magic caster or something? Can't he teleport? Or maybe he's not as strong as Fluder Paradyne... Ooh, or maybe it's customary for him to enter the country in this way, otherwise it's trespassing? We don't get much traffic around these parts anyway, so I can't be blamed for not looking ahead to this...'

The guards' thoughts betrayed him. He raised a fair point with the teleportation, though. Ignoring it, Wizzomatic sighed again.

Deciding to throw the tiniest amount of snark his direction, Wizzomatic sarcastically said, "What a warm reception."

Wizzomatic painfully massaged the bridge of his nose, as the guard rummaged through his desk in search of the keys.

He left his booth and walked over to the gate, to manually open it, but Wizzomatic laid a hand on his shoulder and looked at him with a stifled gaze. "Just... don't bother."

Wizzomatic waved his hand, opening the gate with swiftness and moving the wagon to the other side, before it snapped back close.

"Aaah?! As expected of Wizzomatic-sama, the famed magician!"

"Yes, yes, go back to sleep to dream about funnel cakes."

"Eeh? How did you know?!" The guard grinned sheepishly in shock.


The little girl that stood in front of him really creeped him out.

"I hope you've had a good time traveling, onii-san! Did my guards treat you properly?"

Wizzomatic was deeply disturbed, indeed.

Draudillion Oriculus appeared as a young girl, no older than a grade schooler. She had an innocent and cute face and voice. This, by itself, was fine. History knew of many rulers who took to the throne very early in their lives, sometimes before or during their pubescent years, and even Jircniv himself did so when he was twelve, if Wizzomatic remembered correctly.

No, this was not the issue.

"So, you see, these mean Beastmen are attacking my kingdom, and I've heard onii-san is really strong! Because onii-san took the Slane Theocracy for himself, we don't have troops anymore, so I'd really appreciate if onii-san could help somehow..." The little queen pouted at him with tear-stained eyes as she made her plea.

There were two issues, namely, her overuse of the term 'onii-san' which began to dwindle the carefully-stocked resource of patience that Wizzomatic graced her with... and then, there were her thoughts.

'Accept it already, you disgusting pedo. You like little girls, don't you? I bet you love them... All of you are all the same, disgusting...'

Those were her thoughts. She could maintain these thoughts, while also smiling cutely and saying things like, "So, would you help my country, o~nii~san~?"

He growled, so quietly that Draudillion didn't hear and perhaps for the best, as the vehemence of it would earn him the ire of her kingdom and guards.

Draudillion widened her eyes a milimeter in surprise, then grinned smugly and teasingly said, "You've been staring at me for a while with those shocked eyes, onii-san. Am I too cute for you? Do you love little girls? Tee-hee~"

"This little..." A vein popped on Wizzomatic's temple.


[Downfall of Castle and Country] is a golden dress-shaped item, though it doesn't have to be worn to be used, and can be applied as a belt. Upon activation, a short charging sequence will begin, lasting around fifteen seconds. This sequence will unleash a splendid yellow dragon that will unerringly strike the target chosen by the user. As a result, the target's mental barriers will be violated and all immunities to mind control will be obliterated, then control of the target will be given to the holder of the World Item as long as it is worn. This World Item may only control up to one person at a time.

[Eternal Rest] is a scythe-type item, presenting itself with an ornate blade with five sapphires in it. The scythe's damage output is actually 0 points of damage per hit on an unarmored opponent. Instead, the scythe applies a Drain Touch effect on all opponents, but boosted to eleven. On each impact, the scythe steals away thousands of EXP points. In just fifty swings, even a LV100 opponent will be reduced to a LV1 creature. With enough EXP (at least a full 25 Levels), one of the sapphires on the scythe flares up with blue soulfire. Each sapphire can be used once to either fully heal the holder, refill a small amount of their MP bar (Note: this is a cheat-like ability, as there are no mana potions or similar items in YGGDRASIL,) or give them a stat boost for five minutes. Although not lethal unless all of a creature's EXP is drained, it can impair motor function, speech, and other abilities, due to a sudden loss of physical ability and vigor.

[Bannerlord] is a huge banner with no flag, though it may have a flag mounted on top of it. In addition to being a decently strong spear, it has the ability to be planted into the ground to create a large field that imparts countless buffs on the user's allies and debuffs on enemies within range, increasing stats and giving passive damage ups to allies while lowering them for enemies, turning even a lowly LV15 creature into a formidable foe who could face a LV30 warrior on even ground due to the buffs and debuffs making them equals in terms of combat strength.

And two World Items...

[] Write-in. [Gain x 2 World Item]

[Name] is a/an [short physical description]. [Noteworthy basic attributes as an item; damage output, defense rating, etc]. [Special and unique abilities; should fall in line with something that would be conceivably useful in an MMORPG game, and should be cheat-like in strength]. [Drawbacks or demerits, if any at all, including cooldowns or target/time limits]. [A sentence saying if the World Item is one of the Twenty; if it's not, don't include this section].

REPORT STATION -- (Current Date: 63rd Day Post-Transition)

- Wizzomatic investigated the tomb underneath the Holy City, which was the Six Great Gods' Guild Hall, which the Theocracy didn't dare explore due to its sacredness. He couldn't conquer it, as the Guild Item wasn't there. The treasury showed signs of being looted in the past, and didn't have many items left except for some trash and the ocassional nugget worth keeping. The Cardinals, however, showed him that they had Divine-Tier Items, which were once the regalia wielded by the Six Great Gods, and explained that the Holy Catacomb was once pillaged by the Eight Greed Kings, but by that time, Surshana had already issued out all of the best items to the people of the Theocracy, hence why the Eight Greed Kings didn't find them here.
- Obtained: [2 x Legendary-Tier Item], [12 x Relic-Tier Item], [29 x Legacy-Tier Item], [42 x Top-Tier Item], and mountains of [High-Tier Item] or below, which are too trashy to even bother counting. Everything else has either been looted, or is in the possession of the Cardinals.
- Obtained (from Cardinals): [11 x Divine-Tier Item], [29 x Legendary-Tier Item], [76 x Relic-Tier Item], [x 92 Legacy-Tier Item], [x205 x Top-Tier Item].
- Obtained: [ᚠ27,291,500] (YGGDRASIL Gold - Wizzomatic judges it as very low monetary reward for beating a Guild, but that's to be expected since it was looted already.)
- Obtained: [x 5 World Item].​
- 1,000 Automaton Knights and 300 Veteran Alchemic Automata were dispatched to Abelion Hills and are being directed by scryers, including Ichika Toufexidis. Angels under Celestael have joined in, numbering at 1,750 Archangel Flames, and numerous higher-level angels.
- Meeting with Calca was put on hold.
- 1,500 Theocrat soldiers have been transferred to the Re-Estize Kingdom to begin a nation-wide project of enhancing the quality of military training.
- Kimba has been granted the position of the mascot of the Mage Academy in E-Rantel that is to-be-opened.
- Wizzomatic kindly lent a five Resurrection Wands and a dozen Healing Wands to the temple in E-Rantel. The clerics thanked him profusely, calling him a saint.
- A construct skeleton with a flesh body have been made. Its Level is approximately 8.
- Agatha reports that living metal is a possibility through the use of Biomancy.​
- Humanitarian aid was sent to the Southern Badlands. Lord Adorable is helping the villagers, and as soon as everything is in working order, he expects the elders will lead him to his goal.
- Five World Items discovered and captured.
- Wizzomatic visited the Dragon Kingdom and met Draudillion Oriculus.
- Wizzomatic was taken into custody by the FBI, but they let him out after the questioning was over.

MINOR EVENTS (unrelated to vote)
- Marquis Raeven wishes to meet with Wizzomatic regarding his son's latent magical talent. Apparently, Raeven could only ignore it until Rii-tan made an ancient vase explode on accident, hurting a maid with the shrapnel. Fortunately, the damage isn't fatal, but the vase is not coming back.
- Ainz has a plan that involves luring workers from the Empire into Nazarick and coaxing the Emperor to help him conquer E-Rantel to start his own country. The way he intends this to go down is a fight between Ainz and Wizzomatic which concludes in both of them "exhausted" and deciding to sign a treaty by splitting E-Rantel in half, kind of like Berlin during the Iron Curtain. In addition, this should make Jircniv feel more contended due to having a 'token' of his own to use against Wizzomatic, therefore stabilizing the situation slightly, though possibly splitting all nations on the continent into two different bodies.

- 64nd PT: Meeting with Avacyn Krose Roy Harloy, second son of Count Harloy, regarding his newly obtained magic talent.
- 65th PT: Meeting with Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix.
- 66th PT: Meeting with the Dwarven Regency Council.
- 68th PT: Meeting with Ainz regarding territorial treaty and student exchange. Ainz also has a matter he'd like to discuss, regarding the conquest of the Baharuth Empire.
- 75th PT: Strategy Meeting with Kaori, Lord Adorable (unavailable, replaced by Serpentireon), Demiurge, Albedo, and Ainz.
- ~182th PT+: The experimental Data Crystal tree saplings will grow up.
- ~190th PT: The Educational District in E-Rantel will be mostly finished.
- ~200th PT: The Magic Academy, as well as the Adventurer School in E-Rantel will both be ready to open.


Vote by Plan.

[] Direct Action - The character attempts to carry out the described action the closest to how it is described.
[] Add Repeating Action - Character automatically carries out a certain action when certain conditions are met.
[] Remove Repeating Action - Removes a repeating action.
[] Timeskip Until (When) - Automatically pass time until the specified time, condition, or event. (This will not skip important events.)
[] Side-Story: (Character) - Next update includes a side story or element written from the perspective of a character other than Wizzomatic. Players can have some involvement in what the characters in service of Cybertron are doing in these side-stories. (ie: "Kenny: Goes On A Quest.")
-[] Minor Interlude - A short self-contained story. No longer than one "part" of a chapter.
-[] Major Interlude - A longer story about the chosen character. As long as a full chapter, and will either precede or follow the next chapter. Expect it to take some time to write.
[] Write-in - (Something else?)

Repeating Actions List:
- Perform biomantic experiments with flora and fauna.
- Meet with the strategists from both Guilds regularly to discuss important topics.
- Assist Carne Village when other, higher-priority matters aren't pressing. If they are likely to be attacked and/or wiped out in the near future, better to live under Cybertron's protection than die under the false protection of their previous patrons. If they disagree, help them invisibly anyway. A living village can be studied indefinitely, a dead one is merely a snap-shot of this new world. Even if our assistance taints the viewing somewhat.
- Every time a New World Religion is learned of, have a document prepared for our perusal informing us of how it works and its leadership. Subtly infiltrate religious organizations over time.
- Every time a new large government is discovered, have a document prepared for our perusal informing us of how it works and its leadership. Subtly infiltrate Governments over time.
- Attempt to recreate Earth tech, or magical technology that can imitate Earth tech.
- Continue work on the Mega-Brain and the bio-mecha meant to be used alongside it.
- Call Ainz using the "dono" or "sama" suffix in public, and vice versa.
- Have your NPCs spread rumors that Wizzomatic of Cybertron has heard of legends of ways to surpass human limits. If any accept the 'quest' set it up so that they end up in Cybertron where you will try experiments to increase the limits of natives. Try to be humane about it as possible. Whether successful or not send the natives back home in as perfect condition as possible.
- Create Deep Ones up to Wizzomatic's daily creature limit.

Vote Duration: 24-72 hours.
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[X] Wizzomatic's Best Day Ever
-[X] Agree to help as long as she stops with the charade she's putting on and you'll do more than help. You'll kick the beastman back into their own lands whence they came. The gratitude for such work can be discussed later. You're pissed right now in having to take over Theocracy responsibilities.
-[X] Let loose and relax in wrecking havoc on the beastmen. You're having such a bad time in interacting with not so normal people you need to take out your frustrations on something. Try out Eternal Rest. Do be a bit careful with captured cities in case of captives.
-[X] Ham it up while killing the beastmen "I am the scourge of the Gods, appointed to chastise you, since no one knows the remedy for your iniquity except me. You are wicked, but I am more wicked than you. And so be silent!"
-[X] Tell Ainz it maybe better to go at it more directly by doing what you did. Make yourself known to the Empire in their own lands and then going from there.
-[X] Interlude Lord Adorable

Will edit later. Heading out to work.
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Well whatever happens to the beastman, they eat humans (fetuses are a delicacy to them) so any interactions must be us putting them under our mercy after kicking their ass.
[X] Showing the Beastman the pecking order
-[X] Agree to help as long as she stops with the charade she's putting on and you'll do more than help.
-[X] Go to the Beastman leading the invading armies at the queens border and offer an ultimatum. Either leave or face the wrath of Wizzomatic and have their tribes be conquered. Any people that refuse will be beaten to a pulp by Wizzomatic himself and have their tribes forced to follow him.
-[X] Set up a meeting with Marquis once the issue with the Beastman is settled.
-[X] Agree with Ainz plans. That said you remember a certain someone that you wanted to recruit for your magic school that also happened to be a worker. Go meet up with Arche and her group to make an offer.
-[X] Experiment with making living metal
-[X] Have Agatha look up the designs of the magic school you are building to see if there are things she can add to it. Take Harry Potter Hogwarts as an example. Also ask how much time would she be able to speed things up if she got personally involved in construction.
-[X] Interlude Lord Adorable
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Oh hey we can make a living metal with Biomancy.

Neat. That means we can make things that look artificial while actually being organic, probably other stuff too but we'd have to experiment.