I was thinking of a new title if we're going to reveal ourselves with the supposed godhood revelation and still go business as usual in E-Rantel.

if the King becomes our vassal it seems like it would become a moot point since we can still run E-Rantel if we want. Not sure if a new title would be needed at that point.

Political delegations can get adventurers to do escort duties. The higher the rank the bigger the prestige.

It's odd yes but how much would we care about that?

I mean it seems like it would make more sense to have at least suggested it it would have made more sense. Not to mention I'm note sure if Ainz wouldn't be wary about being assosiated with Wizzomatic outside his Ainz persona. Than again not seeing a big enough reason to not ask and considering his reputation as a powerful warrior it wouldn't be that odd.
if the King becomes our vassal it seems like it would become a moot point since we can still run E-Rantel if we want. Not sure if a new title would be needed at that point.
We got the title of wizard or something for our services and oaths. If we reveal ourselves then usually a new title would be self bestowed as we're no longer beholden as a servant.
I mean it seems like it would make more sense to have at least suggested it it would have made more sense. Not to mention I'm note sure if Ainz wouldn't be wary about being assosiated with Wizzomatic outside his Ainz persona. Than again not seeing a big enough reason to not ask and considering his reputation as a powerful warrior it wouldn't be that odd.
Mostly an excuse to holiday with Ainz and the homunculus kids (who we just left to go adventuring by themselves and haven't heard from in a while) together.
Mostly an excuse to holiday with Ainz and the homunculus kids (who we just left to go adventuring by themselves and haven't heard from in a while) together.

Ainz I get but it still seems way too weird to ask for the homunuclus kids specifically considerig how weak they are. Though I do think we should go see how they are doing personally, will put that as an action after the next update.
I mean if it goes well we can pretend to be surprised that the Cardinals surrendered to Wizzomatic himself due to his power giving us sovereignty which would practically make us royalty which would be pretty obvious politically. Afterall we would have been strong enough to take the Slane Theocracy by ourselves means that it wouldn't be unbelievable that the people in charge would only accept Wizzomatic as the rightful ruler thanks to showing off godly abilities. At that point don't think people would blame the King for acknowledging us as an independent power.
Oh yeah for the theocracy are we annexing or going for vassalage?
Oh yeah for the theocracy are we annexing or going for vassalage?

As I said, maybe have the Cardinals outright swear fealty to Wizzomatic himself due to his power? That would outright give us complete control the Kingdom and with our power it doesn't seem like it would be odd. Maybe throw in an angel sightight(we have one and our angel body as well) to take advantage of the religious meaning to make it seem like the angels themselves approve to make people of the Kingdom accepting easier?
As I said, maybe have the Cardinals outright swear fealty to Wizzomatic himself due to his power? That would outright give us complete control the Kingdom and with our power it doesn't seem like it would be odd. Maybe throw in an angel sightight(we have one and our angel body as well) to take advantage of the religious meaning to make it seem like the angels themselves approve to make people of the Kingdom accepting easier?
Ok vassalage then I wasn't too sure.

Yeah sure on the angel thing. Would be easier if we can switch forms easily instead of body possession.

Maybe next biomancy project.
Don't we have some equivalent of Shapechange to do it?

Considering that Overlord was based on DND and only druids were able to turn into other animals and races, not to mention that if Ainz could he would have used it himself in canon considering how useful it was, doubt that we do even if we do have a lot of spells. Pretty sure that that kind of spell or ability is locked to certain classes and races.
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Considering that Overlord was based on DND and only druids were able to turn into other animals and races, not to mention that if Ainz could he would have used it himself in canon considering how useful it was, doubt that we do even if we do have a lot of spells. Pretty sure that that kind of spell or ability is locked to certain classes and races.
Shapechange :: d20srd.org

Arcane spell for Sorc/Wiz, shapechange? So not in DnD. Druids have Wildshape which is just animals.
Might explaining in more detail about the guardian bit? I mean I get getting acceptance from the King to get permission for the attack since on paper and to the rest of the world we are subordinate to him(despite not really being the case in reality) and it would give justification for us specifically going on the attack(which we are actually extremely justified since the ST did actually attack villages) but not sure about the guardian bit.
Ok so we can agree with king's support for thrashing the theocracy from what's already discussed.

The guardian title I'm a bit unsure on but that's simply due to the circumstances where we demonstrated our power to be offered a title, position and land. When we reveal ourselves I'm not sure what our position will be. Obviously the tables are turned where it's the king who serves us instead but what does that mean for our previous commitments? Do we dictate new terms and form an independent E-Rantel or will it remain part of the kingdom but with a lot of independence while the king manages the rest of the kingdom as he usually does but under our authority?

Then when we take over the theocracy I suppose it will have the same authority as the king does as a vassal with what we discussed so it won't be annexed.

The guardian title is mostly just to say that you'll honor the commitment of protecting the sovereignty of the kingdom. Can be some other title as well since we'll be a sovereign in charge of vassals.

[X] Just enjoying the sights.
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Chapter Thirty-Two: Daughters & Drones
[X] Just enjoying the sights.
-[X] Side Story: Wizzomatics trip through the Holy Kingdom
-[X] SIde Story: Agatha's trip to the Dwarf Kingdom.
-[X] Inform Ainz of run in you had with Yellow Thirteen when you entered the Holy Kingdom.
-[X] Send a probe to one of the locations that the Bifrost connects to return with footage of what it sees there.
-[X] Since the king was willing to keep ruling the kingdom, inform him through an illusion that you're willing to consider his offer as a vassal on some conditions. Namely supporting your plans against the theocracy for their meddling in kingdom borders as an excuse and maybe a change in title to guardian of the kingdom since well it's just the same as what you're doing but with a more fancier title and open independence.
-[X] This time experiment with data crystals on humanoids. You still have some brain dead ones you created. Check their brains to see if there are any noticable changes, especially if they could be negative. Use a single mid tier crystal along side low levels ones. Try to see if there are any crystals whose enhancements would be more subtle or at least not blatantly obvious.
-[X] Look up the library for any monster books/beasteries on monsters that create high grade materials naturally. Since Ygrassil seems to lack high quality materials might see about looking up ways to create more and with biomancy you have more options.
-[X] Skip to the 44th

Interlude: Wizzomatic​

Wizzomatic was already a figure of renown, and some would claim of legend. Pretty much any of the nations would go out of their way to accommodate someone as powerful as him, who can crush nations if he willed it. Many were skeptical if his power level wasn't exaggerated, but the sight of him casually casting high-level spells made those doubts shrink away into dust.

As such, showing the guards at the Grand Wall separating the Holy Kingdom and Abelion Hills his documents was enough for them to bow at a ninety-degree angle and allow him to talk to their commanding officer.

However, on the way there, they were stopped by a man with stagnant eyes. He had a devil's face and wore enchanted leather armor with an owl symbol on one part of his chest, and the coat of arms of the Holy Kingdom on the other side.

Pavel Baraja, also known as The Black, or the Mad-Eyed Archer. He was one of the Nine Colors, the greatest warriors of the Roble Holy Kingdom.

"Damian, Sera, letting in civilians is strictly prohibited. I don't care who he is, get him out of here," Pavel said indifferently, not even bothering to look at Wizzomatic.

"M-My Lord, this is Wizzomatic of Cybertron-dono."

Pavel's eyes widened and his gaze turned to Wizzomatic, seizing him. His thoughts: 'Those are mage robes, and they're gaudy, but I didn't expect him to be a noble. Right. Wizzomatic of Cybertron, I heard the rumors. He's apparently really powerful, but I bet the Re-Estize Kingdom is exaggerating and lying to create a pawn for themselves.'

Pavel's eyes closed for a split second, as he nodded to himself in confirmation of a new tactic.

"I am Pavel Baraja, The Black among the Nine Colors. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said, greeting Wizzomatic with all the proper decorum.

"I am Wizzomatic of Cybertron, Margrave of the Re-Estize Kingdom, and Archmage in the Realm of Heroes. The pleasure is mine."

"Wizzomatic-dono, don't bother going to the commanding officer; my authority is equal or higher than his. May I inquire for the reason of your visit?" Pavel gave a look at the soldiers beside him, prompting the two of them to salute and then go away.

Wizzomatic and Pavel fell into step, as Wizzomatic explained, "I've heard rumors of this marvelous wall you have erected to protect your Kingdom, and my eyes, which wish to record all of human wisdom couldn't pass up the opportunity to witness it. So far, I have been impressed."

"Is that so? Do you think you could destroy it if you put your mind to it?" Pavel asked obtrusively. Even an idiot that can't read minds would tell he's gathering intel.

"Of course. Tearing a hole through a segment of the wall is child's play, but fully bulldozing it could take a few days, even for one such as me. The troops may be a concern, but they are a distraction at worst and a displeasure at best."

Pavel kept his surprise hidden well behind his poker face, even if Wizzomatic knew how he truly felt. Passing outside the guardhouse entrance and walking past archer lookouts stationed every twenty meters, they made their way through the battlements.

"Then, would you mind giving me the honor of a duel? It won't be an official challenge in any capacity, just a spar. I'd like to see if you live up to the rumors."

"A duel, you say? Let's do it. Where and when?"

"I don't mind there and now," Pavel pointed down into a small courtyard within the confines of a small wall detachment with several armory buildings and barracks. It looked like a training camp, since it had an obstacle course and several straw-filled dummies with red targets sketched on them.

"Very well." Wizzomatic hopped down from the wall, his descent arresting a second before he hit the ground harmlessly. Pavel stared wide-eyed at the magic caster who could do that even without an incantation. Not wanting to take too long, he put his hand on the ledge of the wall and slid down its interior, which was lightly sloped compared to the rough, purposefully hard-to-climb exterior.

"You truly are something, casting without a whisper," Pavel nearly stammered. His expression, previously unbroken, was now showing a tint of shock due to his narrowed eyebrows. Pavel was trying to read Wizzomatic with his eyes, but all attempts at an analysis failed.

Soldiers, seeing their arrival, gathered around. "Hey, The Mad-Eyed Archer is fighting someone!"

"Isn't that Wizzomatic of Cybertron?!"

"I heard he's really strong! This ought to be good!"

Around a dozen soldiers gathered and sat down on barrels, boxes, or took the support of walls or fences, watching as Pavel and Wizzomatic lumbered forward and stood ten meters apart in the middle of the courtyard. Pavel took out his bow and hooked an arrow on the string, not drawing the bow yet.

"Wizzomatic-dono, can you conjure up some sort of signal for us to know when to start?"

"As you wish." Wizzomatic waved his hand at the wrist, producing purple haze which soon transformed into a timer.

[Create Greater Item] was capable of creating almost any object the caster could imagine with little limits to volume, size, weight, and so on, though an understanding of any internal parts was also necessary. Something that cannot be imagined cannot be created. For Wizzomatic, the creation of a primitive button-based timer was achievable, though something like a fully working clock would be a small mental exercise.

This was because he could imagine the internal components of the timer he held. If Wizzomatic one day learned the New Worlders' methods of creating new spells (and he was sure he would, since that's what the Mega Brain and Academy are for, anyway,) he could probably form a spell that analyzed the internal structure of an object so that it could be later called upon with perfect accuracy. Something like that would be indispensable.

The timer in Wizzomatic's hand, though functional, was primitive and clunky. For one, to work, the button had to be held constantly. In addition, it had a limit of counting down ten seconds, and this couldn't be changed in any way whatsoever. With each passing second, it released a loud click sound, and at the tenth, it would buzz for one and a half seconds to announce the end of the countdown. In addition, the timer was inefficiently big and would be troublesome to carry around, as it probably wouldn't fit in most pockets.

As for holding the button down, Wizzomatic could just do that with telekinesis.

He threw the timer, and as if carried by the breeze, it landed perfectly midway. "This will count down for ten seconds, then proclaim the beginning of our duel with a buzzing. Are you ready for the countdown to begin?"

"Yes. Before that, are you fine if I use normal arrows?"

"Haah, I see you're not like the rest of the military. Most would try to use less-lethal measures, but you're actually aware that wounds from those arrows can be healed easily by me," Wizzomatic summarized Pavel's thoughts perfectly, surprising him.

"That's true. You certainly are a sagacious magic caster, Wizzomatic-sama," Pavel said. "Well, let's get this over with. I'm yearning to see how strong you are! Show me the best of your spellwork!"

"I will make sure to do that. Leave it to me!" Wizzomatic lied in response, nodding with resolve, and the timer began to count. Click. Click.

Pavel raised his bow, but didn't draw his arrow yet. His eyes were staring at Wizzomatic's figure, trying to pinpoint evasion routes, predict movement patterns, and even preparing to dodge in case he cast a powerful spell that would inflict too much damage if not avoided.

Wizzomatic cast [Discern Enemy], and the spell put Pavel's Level at 27-29, give or take, though the spell was metaphorically 'willing to bet' he was 28. In other words, he was pitifully easy to beat. Not even bothering to prepare any pre-battle buff spells, Wizzomatic simply went through a mental list of spells that he could cast to take down Pavel without turning him into a smoothie instantly.

Click. Click.

'Chromatic Orb? Hmm... no, too flashy and too damaging. Would Incapacitate Senses be too harsh?'

Click. Click.

'Maybe I'll just concentrate kinetic energy at my fingertip and launch it at him like a wave? Ten kilojoules seems safe for a guy like him, right?... Well, if it breaks his bones, I can just heal him, but...'

Click. Click.

Pavel drew the bowstring, his arrow vibrating lightly under the pressure.

'Well. It doesn't matter. I'll just cast Obsidian Cascade or something. If there's something those shitty devs are good at, it's making useless spells useless.'


Pavel's fingers prepared to loose the arrow.

In YGGDRASIL, players had a culture of calling the developers 'shitty devs' as a sort of affectionate nickname. Obsidian Cascade, on another hand, was an extremely underpowered Earth-category spell, which dealt extremely low damage for its Tier. Even with Wizzomatic's passive perks and Magic Attack stat, Obsidian Cascade should only be as powerful as an ordinary 2nd Tier Spell cast by someone at around Level 30.



Wizzomatic slashed the space in front of himself with his hand. "[Obsidian Cascade]!" A flurry of black, jagged dagger-shaped rocks flew in Pavel's direction as Wizzomatic's hand ran before him.

Pavel hopped into the air, just above the line of daggers, and in midair, Pavel shot his arrow, enhanced by a Martial Art, in Wizzomatic's direction.

The attack could slay an unarmored man easily. Pavel, in fact, didn't want to kill or harm Wizzomatic in any capacity, since the Re-Estize Kingdom had good relations with his own country, however, Wizzomatic gave him the green light to do it.

The arrow hit Wizzomatic's chest, but to Pavel's quasi-surprise, it actually dug most of its arrowhead into his chest before encountering a rib and stopping.

Wizzomatic, carelessly, ripped the arrow out of his chest and Pavel's eyes widened when he saw the little hole of damaged flesh mend itself back together.

In fact, it looked like his robe took the brunt of the damage, and the cloth actually sewed itself back together with particles of mana soon after, much like the flesh, before cleaning itself free of blood. Pavel had never heard of such magical cloth, even though this was a standard function for all YGGDRASIL clothes made with materials above LV35, or considered 'High-Tier.'

Wizzomatic felt, for some bizarre reason, extremely elated when he was hit. The idea of getting damaged was exciting.

Pavel, afraid he had overstepped his bounds, stopped moving, but Wizzomatic grinned at him. "What's wrong? Is that the best you can do? Then, my turn. Let me show you 5th Tier Magic; a mere diet taste of my true power! [Widen Magic Cone of Acid]!"

Wizzomatic extended a hand as a green magic circle appeared before it. It immediately spewed forth a venerable spray, similar to flamethrower yet wider, of steaming green liquid. Pavel's eyes widened in shock, as he realized he had no cover to hide behind. Protecting his most important body parts, he turned around let the acid wash over his back.

The liquid was boiling and corrosive. It went through Pavel's leather armor in seconds, and then he felt like someone was flaying the skin on his back in thin stripes.

Pavel wanted to scream and cry from the pain, but he was one of the Nine Colors and achieved that rank by enduring pain much like this one.

Instead, Pavel spun around on the spot, and by the time he faced Wizzomatic again, his bow already had an arrow in it, and he was already letting go of it.

The fight continued this way, Wizzomatic very clearly going easy on Pavel, and Pavel loosing arrows that slowly accrued minimal damage. In four more rounds of spells, Pavel gave up the match, far later than Wizzomatic had expected.

Breathing heavily, clearly exhausted, Pavel said, "You're a monster, you know? Not even Remedios Custodio can beat you. We'd need several of the Nine Colors to do that."

As a sign of good will, Wizzomatic cast [Maximize Magic Repair] on Pavel's armor and gave him a healing salve for his back. He also told him about his offers of transhuman enhancement, describing the process and results, and Pavel said he'd consider it.

The two shook on it, then Wizzomatic entered his wagon and departed for the mainland, while Pavel watched from the wall.

Orlando came up to him and started yelling obscenities, about how he heard Pavel sparred with Wizzomatic of Cybertron. Apparently, he was mad that he, himself, didn't get to fight.

Ignoring this utterly, Pavel simply thought: 'He's not human, is he? No... That person has long since thrown down the limitations of being human.'

Orlando, in a punkish voice, bellowed, "Oy, Mad-Eyed Bastard, stop ignoring me! It pisses me off! Just because I ignore you when you talk about your daughter doesn't give you the–"


Orlando flinched.

Interlude: Agatha

"So, you use these heatstones for heat? I see that's interesting," Agatha said, in her biological body that Wizzomatic-sama has crafted for her. She was seated opposite of a dwarven innkeeper, by the counter, and had already drank her seventh cup of ale with no signs of slowing down or getting tipsy.

"Yes, but there was a problem recently, with some monsters in the mines, or so I hear."

"Not monsters," uninterestedly said another dwarf from two seats across, who then sipped his beer. "T'was Quagoa. I work at the mines, and the leader of another team gave us the scoop."


The innkeeper interjected here, explaining to Agatha, "They are a race of beastmen who keep giving us trouble. They look like humanoid moles, though I've never seen one. They took over Feo Berkana, our capital."

Agatha had already explained that, though she was a dwarf, she was from another continent and not accustomed to local culture.

"Quagoa aside," Agatha said, starting a new topic. She turned to the miner, two seats removed from her. "Do you have any Prismatic Ores in your mines?"

"Prismatic what?"

"Prismatic Ores."

"First I ever heard of that," the miner shrugged.

Prismatic Ores were an extremely potent crafting item in YGGDRASIL. However, when spent together, they were worth more than the sum of the parts. For example, amassing enough certain Prismatic Ores could be used to create a World Item-level object, called a [Caloric Stone]. It was the only World Item in YGGDRASIL that could have multiple copies existing concurrently, and it was the most powerful crafting material, used to create objects on par with World Items.

It could even be used to make requests from the developers, as a testament to its power. Cybertron had never obtained any [Caloric Stones], which was a shame, as Agatha could turn one into an extremely powerful item or a golem rivaling or potentially surpassing Tangaku's combat power.

You can get the top-class materials and pour as many Data Crystals as you want into an item, but Agatha's limit was Divine-Tier Items if she was lucky or worked for a long enough time. A [Caloric Stone] could accomplish truly insane things, so it was a shame the New World didn't seem to have Prismatic Ores.

If there were any caches of it, she'd have to make sure to beg Wizzomatic-sama to let her retrieve them and craft something from them. Her pride as a craftsman wouldn't allow otherwise.

The creation of a new World Item-level object... That was it.

That would be her life's magnum opus. The testimonial of her usefulness to the Supreme Beings.

However, as far as she knew, there were no Prismatic Ores in the Dwarf Kingdom. Half the reason she came here was to verify if her hypothesis that they existed in the New World was true, but it appeared to be false. Sighing, Agatha stood up and let a few coins clatter to the counter, then left the inn.

The underground city of Feo Jera was the current capital of the Dwarven Kingdom, after Feo Berkana was seized.

Agatha called out to an invisible Illithid behind her. "Oi, slimy. Make yourself useful and send Wizzomatic-sama a message. There are no Prismatic Ores in this world."

"Understood," came the telepathic reply.

Agatha sighed, pondering where to go next.

She might as well try to visit the runecrafters and learn the history of the trade.


After arriving in Hoburns officially, Wizzomatic laid his body to sleep and opened up his red, Illithid eyes, back on the Laputa.

Now that his human-self was sleeping, he planned to do some experiments. More importantly, there was one he wanted to try in a while.

He opened up the [World Travel Menu] and looked through the corrupt option list, sliding one down from the one he was currently in. He confirmed the option, summoned a Drone-control panel, and moved it onward. The Laputa shot out a rainbow-colored beam, that expanded into a vast portal of swirling colors projected in front of it.

Instead of throttling the Fortress onward, Wizzomatic beckoned the drone to go through and return after two minutes.

And now, it was back, with recordings from the other side.

To say the least, it was... promising?

The world on the other side, that Wizzomatic tentatively dubbed World #4 (Earth was #1, YGGDRASIL #2, the New World would be #3,) appeared to be an expanse of green surrounded by bricky ruins. Within these ruins lived what looked like a feral tribe of snakemen, who instantly kowtowed as soon as they saw the Bifrost portal and drone, as if worshipping it as a deity.

It got some good footage, and Wizzomatic began to suspect certain... things.

Namely, the YGGDRASIL systems translated bizarrely well in the New World, didn't they? And yet, all of these worlds he saw in YGGDRASIL were literal remnants of a grand multiverse, which was consumed and turned into World Items by World Enemies, like the World Eater.

'Those shitty devs really loved their Worlds, didn't they?' he thought, seeing that the word 'World' was plastered on everything in YGGDRASIL.

Perhaps, and this was an insane theory, but Wizzomatic made a hypothesis: What if the New World is one of the thousands of leaves of YGGDRASIL before the World Enemies tore them apart? Was Wizzomatic not only moved across space and universe but also back in time to before the World Enemies made their move?

It was insane.

After all, the World Item that gave birth to World Eater, the first World Enemy, was literally in his treasury for god's sake!


Wizzomatic hurried upstairs to double-check, but the reinforced gate was locked and the alarm showed no signs of intrusion.

'Well, as long as it's here and no one uses it, I don't have to worry about it. Though, that insane theory of mine... it really IS food for thought.'

Sighing in relief, he went back down.


REPORT STATION -- (Current Date: 44th Day Post-Transition)


- Ainz has been notified of Yellow Thirteen's appearance.
- A drone has been sent through the Bifrost and made a successful return with footage of another world?
- The king agreed to Wizzomatic's stipulations, commenting, "We can beat the Theocracy easily with your power, Wizzomatic-sama! I humbly thank you for this mercy."
- Incriminating evidence enough to provide a cassus belli on the Slane Theocracy has been gathered. Your servants have gathered the contact information of potential third parties that could prove their legitimacy.
- Data Crystal Biomancy on Braindead Humanoids concluded. All Humanoids were LV10 when the experiment took place.​
- [Common Fire Crystal] resulted in promotion to LV12 and gaining 2 (two) Fire skills.
- [Ashen Triangular Fire Crystal] resulted in a promotion to LV20 and gaining a set of 6 (six) Fire Manipulation related skills.
- [Common Holy Crystal] resulted in a promotion to LV12 and gaining 2 (two) Holy skills.
- [White Light Tricrystal] resulted in a promotion to LV20 and gaining a set of 5 (six) Holy skills, as well as enough Levels in 'Angel' to grow basic wings capable of low-altitude flight.
- [Prized Greed Opal of Mammon] resulted in a promotion to LV28 and gaining a set of 12 (twelve) skills related to Money and Currency as concepts, including the ability to use 'Greed's Death,' a high-level curse, up to three times a day.​
- The Library provided the following data:​
- Gold Dragons' scales contain gold mixed together with celestial metal, creating an extremely durable and unnaturally pure mix. Scales that were lost grow back over time, so this may be used as a harvesting method.
- All Spiderlikes produce silk naturally. High-Level Spider monsters naturally produce higher level silk. The silk that Phoebi can produce is hundreds of times more durable than adamantium. Silk is easily replenishable.​
- Same goes for snake venom and Ichika.​
- All entities with the Druid class can cultivate supernatural plants, like producing trees with wood as hard as adamantium or even harder, provided their Level is high enough.
- A Rust Monster, if mind-controlled, could EXTREMELY SLOWLY convert low-grade metals into better ones. Still, turning adamantium into anything appropriate for a member of the Assault Squad would take months at earliest.
- A Metal Elemental is a better alternative since all of its skills revolve around the idea of creating metal. A high-level member of this species will easily produce things better than adamantium.
- Demon Cow can be milked to produce [Red Milk]. Sirloin steak made from them is also very exquisite. (Disclaimer: There is nothing inherently demonic about the cow itself, other than that it has red skin. Its milk also has higher calcium contents.)
- Braindead Homunculi are technically free-game organ farms. Surgery was introduced to the New World by the Minotaur Sage centuries ago, and though not popular, people are familiar with the concept of cutting one's body open to replace organs. To go the extra step on the munchkin ladder, a high-Level homunculus will yield superhuman organs. Give them some of those LV100 lungs and they'll survive days underwater.
- Probably more, that Wizzomatic didn't bother looking for.​
- Timeskip to 44th.

MINOR EVENTS (unrelated to vote)
- Shale Gilmore's Glorious Goods made a revenue of 55 gold coins today.
- Agatha sends a message, saying that Prismatic Ores do not exist in the New World according to what she's seen so far.
- [ERROR] %:¿!*ᛃ‡&Δ%?■^$ẞŒπ: Wizzomatic made a willful decision to fight Pavel Baraja?

- 41st to 48th PT: Agatha's Holiday in the Dwarf Kingdom. (Ongoing)
- 42nd or 43th PT: Gathering information on the Theocracy is scheduled on one of these days. (completed during timeskip)
- 45th PT: Meeting with the Dragonhearts and the Red Queen.
- 45th PT, late afternoon/early evening: Transhuman surgery scheduled with a Gold-rank Adventurer; see Repeating Actions.
- 47th PT: Strategy Meeting with Kaori, Lord Adorable (unavailable, replaced by Serpentireon), Demiurge, Albedo, and Ainz; see Repeating Actions.
- 50th PT: Meeting with Vrillian Boyard Egil Boundera, third son of Marquis Boundera, regarding his newly obtained magic talent.
- 62nd PT: Meeting with Avacyn Krose Roy Harloy, second son of Count Harloy, regarding his newly obtained magic talent.
- ~182th PT+: The experimental Data Crystal tree saplings will grow up.
- ~190th PT: The Educational District in E-Rantel will be mostly finished.
- ~200th PT: The Magic Academy, as well as the Adventurer School in E-Rantel will both be ready to open.

Vote by Plan.

[] Direct Action - The character attempts to carry out the described action the closest to how it is described.
[] Add Repeating Action - Character automatically carries out a certain action when certain conditions are met.
[] Remove Repeating Action - Removes a repeating action.
[] Timeskip Until (When) - Automatically pass time until the specified time, condition, or event. (This will not skip important events.)
[] Side-Story: (Character) - Next update includes a side story or element written from the perspective of a character other than Wizzomatic. Players can have some involvement in what the characters in service of Cybertron are doing in these side-stories. (ie: "Kenny: Goes On A Quest.")
-[] Minor Interlude - A short self-contained story. No longer than one "part" of a chapter.
-[] Major Interlude - A longer story about the chosen character. As long as a full chapter, and will either precede or follow the next chapter. Expect it to take some time to write.
[] Write-in - (Something else?)

Repeating Actions List:
- Perform biomantic experiments with flora and fauna.
- Meet with the strategists from both Guilds regularly to discuss important topics.
- Assist Carne Village when other, higher-priority matters aren't pressing. If they are likely to be attacked and/or wiped out in the near future, better to live under Cybertron's protection than die under the false protection of their previous patrons. If they disagree, help them invisibly anyway. A living village can be studied indefinitely, a dead one is merely a snap-shot of this new world. Even if our assistance taints the viewing somewhat.
- Every time a New World Religion is learned of, have a document prepared for our perusal informing us of how it works and its leadership. Subtly infiltrate religious organizations over time.
- Every time a new large government is discovered, have a document prepared for our perusal informing us of how it works and its leadership. Subtly infiltrate Governments over time.
- Attempt to recreate Earth tech, or magical technology that can imitate Earth tech.
- Continue work on the Mega-Brain and the bio-mecha meant to be used alongside it.
- Call Ainz using the "dono" or "sama" suffix in public, and vice versa.
- Have your NPCs spread rumors that Wizzomatic of Cybertron has heard of legends of ways to surpass human limits. If any accept the 'quest' set it up so that they end up in Cybertron where you will try experiments to increase the limits of natives. Try to be humane about it as possible. Whether successful or not send the natives back home in as perfect condition as possible.

Vote Duration: 18-48 hours.

[AN: Consider this a way of me paying you back for my latent tardiness.]
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- ~182th PT+: The experimental data crystal tree saplings will grow up.
- ~190th PT: The Educational District in E-Rantel will be mostly finished.
- ~200th PT: The Magic Academy, as well as the Adventurer School in E-Rantel will both be ready to open.
Wonder if past a certain amount of days, another guild will join this world. Might as well prep the bifrost ready for that outcome.

We still holidaying in the holy kingdom?

edit: I missed out we still in Hoburns never mind.
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Data Crystal Biomancy has good results for the ultimate eva body. Though the next step is first to try making a cyborg from the brain dead bodies if we're to include combine cybernetics and superior biological material. Could try a mortal kombat cyber ninja.

To locate ores faster maybe it could be done through technology from the guild base scanners or magic to detect possible ores?
[X] Time to conquer a Kingdom
-[X] Start a new expirement where you will study many different brain patterns with your biomancy. The goal is to understand the brain enough to eventually be able to 'program' or 'condition' brains to develop a certain way or to avoid developing negative traits.
-[X] Use your newly gained knowledge about beasts, monsters and plants that create high quality material to create said creatures/plants in breeding numbers, enough to sustain a population, to farm. Make room in your guild base if possible and also be prepared to gain land from other sources.
-[X] See if it would be possible to set up something like a satalite in orbit.
-[X] Inform Ainz of what you learned in regards to beasts/plants that create high level materials. Offer to create some creatures that he wouldn't have access to otherwise if he wants.
-[X] Side Story: Queen Calca
-[X] Before the attack on the Slane Theocracy visit Kenny and Remmy to personally check up on them.
-[X] After our vacation in Hoburn begin the operation against the Slane Theocracy. With the evidence in hand the King will reveal the findings and with that you will personally offer to deal with it. When taking on the ST use only 8 level spells unless neccesary and take with you two level 40-50 NPCs meant for combat. Knock out large numbers of soldiers that are not threats to you with harmless incapacitating spells when possible. Personally take on their greatest soldiers solo. Once that is all done have the Cardinals secretely under your control give up control of the Kingdom to Wizzomatic himself.
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[X] Time to conquer a Kingdom
-[X] Start a new expirement where you will study many different brain patterns with your biomancy. The goal is to understand the brain enough to eventually be able to 'program' or 'condition' brains to develop a certain way or to avoid developing negative traits.
-[X] Use your newly gained knowledge about beasts and monsters that create high quality material to create said creatures in breeding numbers to farm. Make room in your guild base if possible and also be prepared to gain land from other sources.
-[X] Inform Ainz of what you learned in regards to beasts that create high level materials. Offer to create some creatures that he wouldn't have access to otherwise if he wants.
-[X] Begin the operation against the Slane Theocracy. With the evidence in hand the King will reveal the findings and with that you will personally offer to deal with it. When taking on the ST use only 8 level spells unless neccesary and take with you two level 40-50 NPCs meant for combat. Knock out large numbers of soldiers that are not threats to you with harmless incapacitating spells. Personally take on theri greatest soldiers solo. Once that is all done have the Cardinals secretely under your control give up control of the Kingdom to Wizzomatic himself.
We're still in Hoburn though. Maybe do this after finishing the vacation?

On the other hand we have a spare angel body to do this.

Or we make another human body. Done.
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Reasoning for my plan once again, first off the experiment. After looking at the likes of Barbro thought it would be a good idea to make it so that any future kids and their descendants, the descendants bit is important since we wouldn't be able to program them on creation, would only develop personalities traits that we view as safe while making sure that it is impossible or at least extremely unlikely for our kids or creations to sire children that are likely to stab their family in the back.

Next up is creating creatures to farm for high level materials. We now have a reason to farm food to feed our farm animals/monsters. Also looks like we may need to buy land outside our guild base if we want to farm animals and plans on a large level. Also telling Ainz our findings and offering to create things he doesn't have access to that would give high level materials he wouldn't find in the New World.

Finally beginning the attack on the Slane Theocracy.

We're still in Hoburn though. Maybe do this after finishing the vacation?

On the other hand we have a spare angel body to do this.

Or we make another human body. Done.

Changed to have the attack happen after our trip is over.
Reasoning for my plan once again, first off the experiment. After looking at the likes of Barbro thought it would be a good idea to make it so that any future kids and their descendants, the descendants bit is important since we wouldn't be able to program them on creation, would only develop personalities traits that we view as safe while making sure that it is impossible or at least extremely unlikely for our kids or creations to sire children that are likely to stab their family in the back.

Next up is creating creatures to farm for high level materials. We now have a reason to farm food to feed our farm animals/monsters. Also looks like we may need to buy land outside our guild base if we want to farm animals and plans on a large level. Also telling Ainz our findings and offering to create things he doesn't have access to that would give high level materials he wouldn't find in the New World.

Finally beginning the attack on the Slane Theocracy.

Changed to have the attack happen after our trip is over.
Might as well put a side story on the queen since we're in Hoburn. Trade deals can be more military stuff including better walls since we looked at it so why not make it bigger and better? Carte blanche to go explore Abelion Hills from their end sounds fun. Better roads for the land route between both kingdoms for better trade travel etc.

Maybe lord adorable on his trip.

You reckon we could launch an advanced drone to function like a satellite in orbit over this planet? With an advanced scanner we can locate resources faster.
Might as well put a side story on the queen since we're in Hoburn. Trade deals can be more military stuff including better walls since we looked at it so why not make it bigger and better? Carte blanche to go explore Abelion Hills from their end sounds fun. Better roads for the land route between both kingdoms for better trade travel etc.

Maybe lord adorable on his trip.

You reckon we could launch an advanced drone to function like a satellite in orbit over this planet? With an advanced scanner we can locate resources faster.

Added a side story for the queen. Not seeing the point of an interlude on Lord Adorable until he actually finds something. For the advanced drone thing don't really see it as much of a prioty considering that canon wise it was noted that a lot of materials found in the new world were inferior to the ones found in Ygrassil and my plan calls for a way to mass produce high level materials that aren't native to New World. Might be better to just ask the locals if there are any rare materials they heard about.
Added a side story for the queen. Not seeing the point of an interlude on Lord Adorable until he actually finds something. For the advanced drone thing don't really see it as much of a prioty considering that canon wise it was noted that a lot of materials found in the new world were inferior to the ones found in Ygrassil and my plan calls for a way to mass produce high level materials that aren't native to New World. Might be better to just ask the locals if there are any rare materials they heard about.
I think it's just faster if we go use our abilities to go look for it then ask the locals in case there's something rare deep under the planet.
Should also check into our homunculus adventurers. Maybe time to recall them for upgrades and additional training maybe Fluder or Gazef could train em.

Then they can get a long term project to go travel and document this world while having the ability to return to the guild base for restocking or something.
I think it's just faster if we go use our abilities to go look for it then ask the locals in case there's something rare deep under the planet.

Shouldn't it be the other way around? Considering that the locals have personally explored more of the world they would be likely to know about rare materials. If they don't know anything than they don't know anything but if they do it could save us time. I mean we have tons of connections and it wouldn't take that long. You may also be overestimating any hypothetical satalite we can make. Even our IRL satalites aren't just able to tell if there may be rare materials just by looking at the surface and may not even recognize any at first glance.

Should also check into our homunculus adventurers. Maybe time to recall them for upgrades and additional training maybe Fluder or Gazef could train em.

Then they can get a long term project to go travel and document this world while having the ability to return to the guild base for restocking or something.

Added a bit to have us personally check in on them. Considering the adventurer and magic schools are opening up soon they may just go there for further training.
Shouldn't it be the other way around? Considering that the locals have personally explored more of the world they would be likely to know about rare materials. If they don't know anything than they don't know anything but if they do it could save us time. I mean we have tons of connections and it wouldn't take that long. You may also be overestimating any hypothetical satalite we can make. Even our IRL satalites aren't just able to tell if there may be rare materials just by looking at the surface and may not even recognize any at first glance.

Added a bit to have us personally check in on them. Considering the adventurer and magic schools are opening up soon they may just go there for further training.
This is under the assumption as a supreme being the abilities we have and the guild base we got has the possible capability to do this and get us faster data.

It's worth trying to at least have a satellite to map the planet faster at least.

There's probably more continents than just the canon map.
This is under the assumption as a supreme being the abilities we have and the guild base we got has the possible capability to do this and get us faster data.

It's worth trying to at least have a satellite to map the planet faster at least.

There's probably more continents than just the canon map.

Alright, added a bit about checking out the satalite idea.