The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

[X] How dare he?
IIRC in canon the Huk managed to convince the Republic that the Kaleeshi were the aggressors and got the Republic to intervene on their behalf and crush the Kaleeshi rebels under Grievous, and here Grievous is risking exactly that outcome by threatening orbital bombardment of Huk civilians in full view of the Republic's diplomats. It's exactly the opposite of effective strategy.
The fact is that the Republic already knew that the Kaleeshi were under attack, they told them themselves when they asked for help at the beginning of the war, but the Huk and his allies lobbied the hell out for them to be ignored... And they did the same when the Kaleshi retaliated they bribed the hell out of the Republic to paint the Kalseshi as the aggressors

So in canon, the Orbital Bombardment thing was irrelevant since the outcome of it had already been decided in Coruscant, and the Truth was not going to get in the way of good business with the Huk
The fact is that the Republic already knew that the Kaleeshi were under attack, they told them themselves when they asked for help at the beginning of the war, but the Huk and his allies lobbied the hell out for them to be ignored... And they did the same when the Kaleshi retaliated they bribed the hell out of the Republic to paint the Kalseshi as the aggressors

So in canon, the Orbital Bombardment thing was irrelevant since the outcome of it had already been decided in Coruscant, and the Truth was not going to get in the way of good business with the Huk

Ok, so if the potential orbital bombardment is irrelevant to the eventual outcome, we agree that it's nothing but senseless murder of civilians?
[X] You're better than this.

Very interesting decision to mechanically incentivise the decision that seems to be closer to where the thread would prefer Anakin go. And given how easily we learned about the Huk's crimes, I'm even more concerned about what could possibly have happened in canon.
Actually the other way around. We're at 4 Stress here, and the vote to lash out at Grevious will burn that off like speaking out in front of the Jedi Council earlier did. But we've been told that burning Stress at the wrong times will lead to Anakin making bad decisions that could lead to more Stress immediately afterwards or make things worse in the long run. And this seems like one of those times.
Ok, so if the potential orbital bombardment is irrelevant to the eventual outcome, we agree that it's nothing but senseless murder of civilians?
Well, from the Kaleeshi point of view is not senseless at all... It is a way of making sure that the Huk cannot hurt them ever again...

But let´s avoid opening the can of worms of the justification of bombing civilians' objectives in a war, The discussions inevitably go to Hiroshima and Dresden...
[x] You're better than this.

How many? How many lives, Grievous, are you willing to trade for revenge?

You have your world. Bring proof of their wrong and they might well not be allowed to build or buy war ships ever again. Which is much cleaner and easier than breaking those ships.

Bring war to their unarmed population centers and you are nothing more than a rabid dog, and you will suffer the fate of all rabid dogs. There's an entire galactic government; we are merely the most convenient representatives.

You are better than this, Grievous. Show Kalee the difference between justice and vengeance.
I'm vibing with the stress mechanics right now. If 'how dare he' wins, we get to burn it all in one go and get a neat fight with Grievous. Get our ass kicked, most likely, but still. Right on a platform in the middle of space...hard to find better scenery. But if we don't burn it, then I'll get to see what happens when Anakin is the one to decide to burn the stress, and not the questers. That should be a delightful little blow up.
[X] You're better than this.

I have no idea if this vote will affect Grievous's fate, but I find the idea of Anakin calming down and emphasizing with him intriguing.
I mean you have the Trandoshans that according to canon were in 99.9995% complete assholes that were either, bounty hunters, mercenaries or slavers, who didn´t value sapient life at all.

So yeah there is a distinct possibility that ALL the Huk had it coming.

I mean, it is clear that Grievous and the Kaleeshi are doing it for revenge, but even if the motive is exceedingly selfish, the Kaleeshi are actually being protected pretty damn well due to these acts...

Let´s not kid ourselves the whole "violence doesn't solve anything" only sounds great in the Miss America Contest, but in reality, violence is pretty effective at solving stuff, and history has shown us again and again, that the total brutalization of the enemy and the fear of retaliation are extremely efficient ways of preventing anyone from attacking you...
Violence is only effective at problem solving if you consistently hit the target(s) responsible for your complaints without hitting targets who are not.

There are a fair few fallen empires explicitly brought down by people banding together to kill these rabid monsters who can't be bothered to restrain themselves in a meaningful fashion, even more fallen empires created by rampant infighting, and in more recent times a lot of dystopian shitholes caused by people so enamored of the sword, gun, and bomb that they forget how to take up the plow, hammer, and pen.