The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

[X] Accompany Obi-Wan to Huk.
Stand by your mentor as he faces war and strife.

Beyond the shipyards, guarding the main hyperlane into the system, is your destination: the naval outpost where you are meant to meet up with the Judicial Forces. You are guided to a dock by a flight controller speaking in the distinctive dual-flanged voice of an Ithorian and a cheerful astromech droid whose beeps and whirrs make you miss the steadfast company of R2-D2.

I may be misunderstanding how hyperlanes (and FTL, in general, in Star Wars) works, but this arrangement seems odd. Wouldn't you typically wants you (extremely valuable and strategically important) shipyards behind your main defenses?

[X] Accompany Knight Tachi and the Initiates to Ilum.

We won't be much help with our lackluster lighersaber training(we don't even have one yet either) and otl anakin think would go with obi wan so I like to go along a different path than otl and strengthen our friendship with the other jedi. Also good learning experience for anikan that he can't be there for everyone

There are plenty of ways to contribute without a light saber, both in and out of combat. Learning that early, and being forced to learn how to look for non-combat solutions to conflicts, is probably more beneficial for our overall goals and avoiding becoming Vader than getting a bit better with our sword. To quote a certain sword master: "To train with the sword, first master sweeping. When you have mastered sweeping, you must master the way of drawing water. Once you have learned how to draw water, you must split wood. Once you have split wood, you must learn the arts of finding the fine herbs in the forest, the arts of writing, the arts of paper making, and poetry writing. You must become familiar with the awl and the pen in equal measure. When you have mastered all these things you must master building a house. Once your house is built, you have no further need for a sword, since it is an ugly piece of metal and its adherents idiots."

No, the Huk invaded his homework and enslaved his people, back then he was a freedom fighter...

The worst part of that war is that the Huk managed somehow to paint the Kaaleshi as the aggressors when they starting to fight back, and the Republic forced them to pay reparations...

That and the lose of her sister in arms Ronderu lij Kummar is what made him hate the Republic and the Jedi.
And this sounds like a very good reason to go. More than a light saber, Anakin's insights and experience as a former slave could be invaluable here. If nothing else, Depur demanding a bunch of unruly primitives get put down and shackled should set off some major alarm bells.

And did you specify you were putting Chara in charge of a ship named after Carth Onasi? :V

For someone out of the loop, what is the significance of that name?
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[X] Accompany Knight Tachi and the Initiates to Ilum
Okay, I've been convinced enough to change my vote.

[X] Accompany Obi-Wan to Huk.

I have a bad feeling about this...
Oh boy this is a hard one. I vacillated between these two for a bit.

[X] Accompany Knight Tachi and the Initiates to Ilum.
I may be misunderstanding how hyperlanes (and FTL, in general, in Star Wars) works, but this arrangement seems odd. Wouldn't you typically wants you (extremely valuable and strategically important) shipyards behind your main defenses?
The Jedi probably have their own secret hyperlanes through which they can get into various systems more easily. This is definitely the main reason why I set it up this way and not just because I wanted a setpiece moment of flying through the shipyards. :V
"Unarmed", we blew up a Lucrehulk's shields and helped bring the Trade Federation low. I'm certain we can pick up a blaster, or even a box of provisions, and be useful once again.
I am sure little Ani would get great at making IEDs if given the opportunity.
This might be hubris talking, but this is Anakin Skywalker we're talking about here. He's never unarmed, for better or worse, and he shouldn't stand by as another mentor of his faces death.
Hubris is a coward´s word.

[X] Accompany Obi-Wan to Huk.
Fuck it, we ball!
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As close as you have grown to your friends over the past few months, your first and strongest bond is with your teacher. Obi-Wan's presence at first seems diffuse, pulled in many directions at once; but a closer examination shows you that it is solidifying bit by bit, drawing inward. He is shaping himself into a shield, a thing to be interposed between danger and peace. It's a drive you can respect: he may have lost Qui-Gon, but he will see no one else fall on his watch.
Knight Tachi hews close to him—closer than you expected, even, although "distance" is not truly a meaningful concept when speaking of the Force. She seems to weave herself from strands of liquid cable or spider silk: flexible, adaptable, yet nearly impossible to break. It's easy to see how she and Obi-Wan work so well together.
A pulse of energy draws your attention from the two of them to Serra and Darra, who are still testing each other even now. Serra's "form" is that of a lightning storm, striking unpredictably at all angles as the river/tree/tower that is Darra channels the flow of her current into more peaceful shapes. Witnessing it reminds you in a way of the duel you witnessed between Qui-Gon and Maul on Tatooine, but where that clash was deadly, this one is playful—even complimentary, like a dance. It occurs to you for the first time to wonder what the two of them could do if they fought side by side; you pity whatever enemy has to face them both.
I really love how Anakin describes other people with symbolism that fits who they are as people. It adds a degree of mysticism to things.

You have long been aware that your strength in the Force outshines your peers. To look directly at you is to be blinded by your light, and fail in the end to see you as you truly are. You've often resented that in your short time at the Temple—in fact, you've resented it since the Jedi High Council made that very same mistake when you came before them for the first time. But today, you're grateful for it. The star-fire of your presence hides the pain of slavery and the place where your Amu's absence dwells like a phantom limb.
Anakin's star symbolism is really neat.

What was it like? As usual, you choose honesty over tact. "It was…new. That's the best way to describe it, I guess. I spent my whole life on one planet, doing one thing. Then I came to Coruscant and I wasn't thinking about how many people there were or how a whole planet could be a city, I was thinking, 'This is somewhere other than home.' For better and for worse."
That's a pretty interesting reaction to it. Also like that he choose honesty over tact.

You grimace. You hardly needed a reminder of how the Republic's courts have delayed and deflected justice for the Viceroy's manifold crimes.
Republic sucks like that.

"We Jedi can take care of ourselves," you point out, a little more heatedly than you intended. "You talk like we need to be babysat, but you don't know how powerful the Force can be. Maybe the pirates and the Banking Clan should be watching out for us."
Ah Anakin's arrogance is showing.

[X] Accompany Obi-Wan to Huk.
Anakin is going to get a reminder of the Republic's nature and going to be shown the nature of war.
The Jedi probably have their own secret hyperlanes through which they can get into various systems more easily. This is definitely the main reason why I set it up this way and not just because I wanted a setpiece moment of flying through the shipyards. :V

Honestly, that would be an interesting thing and force-only/secret hyperlanes that let them get around more quickly would help explain their influence beyond the amount of violence they can wreak with a glowy sword. Simply being able to get diplomats and other agents where you need them faster than everyone else is really impactful.
Honestly, that would be an interesting thing and force-only/secret hyperlanes that let them get around more quickly would help explain their influence beyond the amount of violence they can wreak with a glowy sword. Simply being able to get diplomats and other agents where you need them faster than everyone else is really impactful.
I think they have to have at least some because Ilum, Tython, Jedha, and Ossus are all in areas that for various reasons are pretty hard to reach by normal or "standard" hyperlanes.