The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

The Way of the Rancor is, however, lightsaber plus something else.

That is a really open ended 'something else' though. Either the blade is setting up the opponent to be taken down by the Force or some other secondary element or the Force or some secondary element is setting them up to be taken out by the blade. A practitioner is always dual wielding even if the opponent can only see one blade.
I image most force users can sense someone else using the force, and just for the record, every Jedi uses the force as a weapon, they just tend to focus that power inward rather than outward.
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As long as we can all agree that the first player who brings up the phrase "Electric Judgement" will have their hands and feet cut off and then be cast into the Sarlacc Pit, I think there's a lot of cool options to explore.
That and we all need to actually commit to studying lightsaber combat so we can get to that "Scary Force User" range rather than getting stuck in the same lackluster place as every other Form 6 user of the era.
As long as we can all agree that the first player who brings up the phrase "Electric Judgement" will have their hands and feet cut off and then be cast into the Sarlacc Pit, I think there's a lot of cool options to explore.

Exactly! Why settle for the cheap knockoff when you can learn the Original™️ Force Lightning? Anakin ought to go to the Archives and ask to access the Sith Holocrons in storage: I guarantee the results would be exciting!
All I said was that you're not getting through the quest without getting into at least some lightsaber duels, because this is a Star Wars quest and you are playing as a Jedi. I never said anything about the opponents or locations of those fights being predetermined.
Okay, cool, because the way people were talking it sounded like I missed you saying something to the opposite effect of that.
It's established fact for the purposes of this Quest, if you check the information post on the Forms
It's mentioned as being canon in that post, so in this case I think Kirook is misinformed. If it's just a change from canon, totally fine, QM is free to do whatever they want with their quest and that's a pretty insubstantial change.

In terms of canon though, it's incorrect in terms of what I've found regarding it. I made sure to fact check that first too just in case. @Kirook pinging you mostly to see if this is just a change you made, maybe an error on your part, or maybe I'm misinformed myself.

Not a huge deal but I wanted clarification regardless.
It's worth noting that of the Master's who can actually incorporate force attacks into their fighting style in the way old school Niman was is intended... is Mace Windu. Cin Drallig was likely the best user of Niman outright, but Mace Windu was able to utilize it the way it was meant to be used as a martial form and that's basically it.

If Anakin can get someone to teach him how to use it the way it was initially made to be used, like Cin or Mace, he's golden. Or otherwise taking the time to research it properly, also good. It's if he does what most Jedi have done and "Mastered" it as a way to say they're a master of a Jedi form, and be otherwise uninvolved in the martial aspects of being a Jedi and acting more as a scholar/philosopher, that there's a problem.

So what I'm hearing is that guilt tripping Mace into actually doing his job should be a priority for more reasons than getting access to the Cool™ style.
So what I'm hearing is that guilt tripping Mace into actually doing his job should be a priority for more reasons than getting access to the Cool™ style.
I mean. Bugging Mace and Cin Drallig for help learning lightsaber forms isn't too out there I imagine - Mace might brush us off and insist we learn from our assigned Master though. But Cin's entire deal is teaching, and Mace is the greatest duelist in the order at this time (could make an argument for Dooku though), so he might be willing to teach us if we ask.

Honestly doubt Obi-Wan will mind either. He's got Ataru and Soresu under his belt mostly, and Soresu he hasn't even finalized. Getting others to help us out with a form he really doesn't know as well is probably expected.
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It's mentioned as being canon in that post, so in this case I think Kirook is misinformed. If it's just a change from canon, totally fine, QM is free to do whatever they want with their quest and that's a pretty insubstantial change.

In terms of canon though, it's incorrect in terms of what I've found regarding it. I made sure to fact check that first too just in case. @Kirook pinging you mostly to see if this is just a change you made, maybe an error on your part, or maybe I'm misinformed myself.

Not a huge deal but I wanted clarification regardless.
I was going to type like three or four paragraphs here on the presentation of Sidious's dual-wielding fighting style in TCW and its relationship to the Legends lore around Form VI as compared to other dual-blade characters, but long story short: yes, I'm changing the lore slightly so that he's primarily a Niman user as opposed to just being good at every form.
One additional nice bit is that its a cannibal style: Since its a pragmatic blending of the less derived elements of every other style then something can be gained from being trained by the practitioner of any style. You wouldn't just be learning to defeat that style, you would be stealing from it.
Personally, I think tutinamis sounds pretty silly. With that said, once you get past the name, it seems like a super useful force power and I'd definitely be interested in learning it.
Particularly handy if you are planning on spending your paid time off in proximity to an active lave flow. You know, just sayin'.
I was going to type like three or four paragraphs here on the presentation of Sidious's dual-wielding fighting style in TCW and its relationship to the Legends lore around Form VI as compared to other dual-blade characters, but long story short: yes, I'm changing the lore slightly so that he's primarily a Niman user as opposed to just being good at every form.
Fair enough, your story and I'm not gonna argue on that.

... but also now I really want the three to four paragraphs.
I remember reading something somewhere about Sidious disdaining lightsaber combat and preferring to dominate things with the Force, so it makes sense for him to specialize in the most Force-happy of lightsaber forms.
Supposedly, Niman is not just the most favored style by Jedi of this era, but also the style that the current Jedi Council supports the most: the sheer whiplash from Anakin choosing to study the form that would have universal support from the Jedi Council is gonna unbalance the Force; he needs to get rid of any approval he earns from this decision fast.

I'll vote for him to challenge Mace to a lightsaber duel. That show of arrogance will hopefully convince everyone that he hasn't been replaced by a shapeshifter.
One additional nice bit is that its a cannibal style: Since its a pragmatic blending of the less derived elements of every other style then something can be gained from being trained by the practitioner of any style. You wouldn't just be learning to defeat that style, you would be stealing from it.
What's your source for that? It's a general style, not a cannibalistic one.
What's your source for that? It's a general style, not a cannibalistic one.
Its right on the wiki: "This fighting style was a hybrid martial art created by effectively combining elements of the preceding lightsaber forms into a single, generalized form." Which kind of makes it the martial equivalent of, say, what the English language historically has been to other languages.

Its a generalist style woven from elements of other styles. Thus cannibalistic.
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Supposedly, Niman is not just the most favored style by Jedi of this era, but also the style that the current Jedi Council supports the most: the sheer whiplash from Anakin choosing to study the form that would have universal support from the Jedi Council is gonna unbalance the Force; he needs to get rid of any approval he earns from this decision fast.

I'll vote for him to challenge Mace to a lightsaber duel. That show of arrogance will hopefully convince everyone that he hasn't been replaced by a shapeshifter.
Oh it looks like Ashara'd Hett and Ayla just tried to assassinate the Chancellor. They claim they are innocent, but the evidence is there. Guess the Council has no choice huh.
I get you're joking, but Ima also be a buzzkill. Sidious uses Juyo, but adapts every form into his fighting style; he prefers Juyo and Ataru though. Niman barely makes the cut in terms of his forms.

I don't know why people are saying he uses Niman much at all; they're wrong. Your best Niman user to date is going to be Exar Kun.
Exar Kun as poster boy of Niman is kinda funny because from my (admittedly not too deep) familiarity, nothing about the way he fights resembles Niman whatsoever

Niman's big defining features are a distinct lack of physical focus and instead working to integrate active use of the force into lightsaber combat

Exar Kun, to my knowledge, absolutely prides himself on his skills as a pure lightsaber duelist, and he beats his opponents by physically overwhelming them

Even if we assume some kind of older, more physically intensive version of Niman (which wouldn't really be recognizable as Niman anymore)
Exar Kun is not a generalist
He's a hyper aggressive dervish who likes overwhelming people with a high volume of attacks and feints, and likes dual wielding and spinny double ended lightsabers because they give him more sword per a second
And also trick duelist who built a double lightsaber that could rapidly change each individual blade length to confuse the hell out of his opponents

If he didn't have Niman stamped on his character sheet you probably wouldn't guess it