Euh, I was under the impression arks levitate like an ekranoplan i.e. hovers over the water, but the moment they try to go on land the whole system falls apart. That's why they need other ships and sea monsters.
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these 'Slann', exceptionally dangerous psykers, which I'd grade to at least Beta level, if not Alpha."

Highly dependent on what spawning. The higher number the spawning the weaker the Slann. You got some like Mazdamundi who can move entire landmasses and render the planet uninhabitable if he so chose. Then there is always the Nuclear Option of Lord Kroak who if appears is just a sign of "Your fucked." In the same vane as the Emperor himself appearing during the Great Crusade.
Yea that's definitely not a thing I've never heard of it, nor can I find any source on it. If indeed it was in 6th then no it's never been brought up again. Black Arks were DE cities on Uthuan, which floats on the sea beacuse the Old Ones said so. Subsequently the DEs get some magic and also sea creatures to buoy them up but I've certainly never heard anythign about them flying about all over the place, or that the magic that makes them float could also make them fly.
pretty sure the cannon I remember goes that after the first round of the elven civil war ended in a dark elf defeat , the Witch king used his incredible magical power* to rip out the cities and strongholds of his supporters from the ground and flew them out of Ulthuan towards safety , those same castles and cites would become the black arks

*mind you at the time he was doing this the Witch king had also made an attempt to unbind the vortex of magic at the same time which I believe is where he got the power needed to pull off such a feat through taping the vortex

also flying cities are not completely unheard off to the elves , I remember reading in the wiki about a flying city in Hoath that was a center of magical learning before the white tower was build that was founded by one of Calador dragon tamers surviving peers that ended up being destroyed during the sundering when the Witch king tried to unbind the vortex because it had caused the magic keeping it in the air to go haywire , so something like the elven cites flying about is not completely unprecedented
pretty sure the cannon I remember goes that after the first round of the elven civil war ended in a dark elf defeat , the Witch king used his incredible magical power* to rip out the cities and strongholds of his supporters from the ground and flew them out of Ulthuan towards safety , those same castles and cites would become the black arks
see that's all true but htey didn't fly they just floated, then Malekith beached them on Naggoroth basically. The Dark Elves are well known for their association with the sea, they have Black Ark Corsairs, their boats in Manowar are on the backs of sea dragons and so on. I suppose the Asur do sea stuff to but yea the black arks are parts of uthuan which broke off

its just teh flying thing which surprised me

from the wiki

During what would be called the Sundering, when Malekith's plan to unbind the Great Vortex of Ulthuan failed, he and his followers utilized the last of their sorcerous powers to ride out the storm that followed. Energized by dark magic, their black citadels broke free of Nagarythe, and rose upon the frothing waves. Upon these floating castles -- the Black Arks, as they would be called in later years -- the Witch King and his minions fled the cataclysm they'd unleashed, travelling north-west across the churning seas, to the desolate wilderness of Naggaroth.

In the uttermost westward reaches of the Sea of Malice, in the freezing shadows of the jagged Iron Mountains, the Black Arks of Nagarythe finally halted. There, in that desolate land, Malekith declared he would recreate the glories of Aenarion's reign and build a capital to put the greatest cities of Ulthuan to shame.
Warp vs Magic
Then what would you consider them? They can obvious tap the Warp, the 8 Winds. Maybe something like an Artificial Daemon of Order or something?

It's complicated. Chaos comes through the Polar Gates, is ordered into the 8 winds, and then sometimes curdles into Dhar, but most of the time just sort of floats around gathering in particular places.

A fertile farm attracts Ghyran, or perhaps, Ghyran makes it fertile. A strong wolf is covered in Ghur, or is made strong by Ghur, a volcano or an angry man is Aqshy laden.

Are these Warp effects? Sort of sure:

When an emotion or faith in an entity or concept grows strong enough, it actually becomes one of the denizens of the Warp.

Many of these beings vanish when the emotion or beliefs that create them pass, but the strongest and most archetypal can become self-perpetuating, spreading the thoughts and events that grant them form and power and even interacting with the material world in a way that further strengthens the beliefs and attitudes that give them existence.

However, what the Old Ones managed to do was to not banish the warp like the Cadian Pylons do, but rather to bring order to disorder. That would obviously be exceptionally interesting to the Imperium. The Winds are the Immaterial made Material.

Most of those who study the phenomena agree that wherever and whenever the immaterial meets the material, some kind of hybrid of the two is created. When the raw metaphysical stuff of the Aethyr leaks through the Chaos Gates, it becomes perceptible as eight separate aspects to those with the appropriate senses.

That's the metaphysical part. Now to look at practitioners, psykers in 40k are genetic abnormalities. In WFB magic does manifest in childhood, but it can also randomly manifest to adults, like Magnus' greatsword captain. We might conclude from that that it isn't genetic, though that's a more shaky conclusion to make.

Similarly, the Winds are bound to the Vortex in a way that the Warp isn't. Powerful figures or ideas in the Warp will become daemons, whether of Chaos or of the Emperor (Sanguinar, Living Saints, Legion of the Damned etc), whereas in fantasy if you're a powerful and learned wizard you'll mutate a bit sometimes if you're human, but otherwise nothing happens to you. There's the End Times and the Incarnates but that's a specific point not a general one.

Similarly the two are used differently. The Imperium would also be fascinated with Dwarf rune magic because again it's reliable, useful, and so on. Ghal Maraz in theory is a daemon weapon, as would any enchanted item be because they're all created by binding the Immaterium into a physical object. Comparably though when you look at one they're obviously not daemon weapons.

In general a lot of the 'culturally specific' elements of WFB will be very confusing to the Imperium's psykers. Wtf is Nagash for example? The Black Pyramid is designed to gather and store the Winds, it's an arcane fulcrum, but it doesn't store Warp energy clearly because otherwise that much energy would have opened a warp gate pretty easily I expect.

To requests from you readers to conclude this:
1. Offer opinions on this. I'm trying to crush two mutually exclusive universes' magic systems together so would welcome thoughts or points on how you think they'd interact
2. Experiment with stuff. For example, could you use Ghyran to fix the Imperial Fists' successor's gene-seed flaws? What happens if you put a grain of warpstone in a bolter round? This sort of experiments through choosing actions are your main way to get cool tech given you don't have access to relic gear because you're so far away from everything now.
3. Suggest and query reactions or issues from each side. I think WFB people would perceive Librarians as terrifying Chaos Sorcerers because they access the Warp directly by breaking holes in the barrier between Immaterial and Material worlds. Comparably, the idea that the rituals and rote of the Imperial's prayers would create some sort of shard-Emperor inside the Mallus bubble is also very interesting.
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Dwarf rune magic because again it's reliable, useful, and so on
Oof, that's until we run into Dawi traditions. They don't like reuse runic combinations, and that does very poorly with mass production.
i really look forward to us meeting the dwarfs
Here's to a good first impression.
Librarians as terrifying Chaos Sorcerers
Based on our scrying roll, probably worst. The order goes:

CHAOS/Warp->chaos->Gates->The Winds/Dhar

Space Marines, by training would be on the far left( Warp Usage) so they might register like a mini eldritch being as opposed to bog standard chaos sorcerer.
While there taping into Warp. There souls are still human. So that can be noticed. They might look like chaos sorcerers to normal folk. But anyone who can see them with Magic/Winds. Will notice what there doing as well as the fact they have human souls.
However, there is a notable contrast between the immaterial on this planet as opposed to every other world.

While chaos is the same for both the planetside of Mallus and outside in the wider galaxy, the magnitude at which the Chaos gods can operate is limited. Chaos tried to flood the world, failed, and now certain Narratives exist which force Daemons to operate by while on this world. Moreover, the wider conceptual sea, that is the Warp, is not the same as it is planetside. It goes without saying that this due to the Polar Gates + Reality, but one doesn't need to reference it for every instance of discussion.

As for souls, I'm sure people will be able to see the souls of the Space Marines, as well as, the serfs. Despite the legal unification, no Space Marine here has given themselves to Chaos, so they will not have the typical marks of "allegiance," to the Dark Powers. The only way I see people being incapable is in the case of Blanks. Though, soullessness doesn't transfer over all that well to Warhammer Fantasy, and the only close equivalent is a thing called Null Stone. However, that only gets a single mention in 6th edition concerning High Elves; as in, irrelevant.
Space Marines, by training would be on the far left( Warp Usage) so they might register like a mini eldritch being as opposed to bog standard chaos sorcerer.

While there taping into Warp. There souls are still human. So that can be noticed. They might look like chaos sorcerers to normal folk. But anyone who can see them with Magic/Winds. Will notice what there doing as well as the fact they have human souls.
They might appear as humans who've lived in the warp for a long time and have therefore taken on lots of warpstuff, which would be equally weird because it's impossible. Possibly looking a bit like daemons because their souls would be so powerful comparatively speaking
They might appear as humans who've lived in the warp for a long time and have therefore taken on lots of warpstuff, which would be equally weird because it's impossible. Possibly looking a bit like daemons because their souls would be so powerful comparatively speaking
Ah I really don't think so. Mainly becaues raw Warp is VERY different from souls. And well it does not work consistency unless a God is guiding it. And even then it can be wild and uncontrol. Hell the one thing that might have good control on that is fucking MALICE/MALAL. Give he can just take mutations away from folks.
Turn 4
Turn 4

Another year passes. With the aid of the Mechanicum and Galaxia work seems to speed along, structures going up for the newly arrived and landed personnel, as well as medical and spiritual care given to the wounded of the orbitals.

The Chapter Master begins to look to the future. To the creation of a home, a great Fortress-Monastery and stronghold for his people.

But in the meantime there's much to attend to.

Previous voting rules apply. See updated action budget. Turns will take place over roughly a year's worth of time. Actions will have a difficulty rating. Write ins or modifications permitted. Ask me if unsure. Voting moratorium for 12 hours to encourage discussion, do not vote before this, make only draft plans before this.

Diplomacy (Choose 2)
While Corax, Master of Rites, retains his responsibilities in the Chapter, you've appointed Confessor Hermina of the Missionia Galaxia, a woman of great faith and grace, to manage the Imperium's external relations.

[ ] Further Xenos investigation
Building on the previous success, Corax suggests attempting to capture more of the Lizardmen for further experiments.

[ ] Bear Island
Conduct a rescue mission to retrieve the crew of the downed Rapah, then destroy the ship.

[ ] The City of Bronze
A large city lies almost hidden by sand dunes to the north. Hath-Horeb has suggested trying to speak to the humans closer to the psytek pyramid to better understand what it is, and to gather any folklore about it.

[ ] Vassals
There are cities on the coast nearby, command them in the name of the God-Emperor of Mankind to submit.

Martial (Choose 3)
Tuthmes Skytalon, Master of the Fleet, is now aided by a Master of Skitarii and Colonel Seleucus of the Macharia 45th and all three work together to ensure this small Imperium's safety.

[ ] Conquer the Coast
There are cities on the coast, small ones, mortal ones…

[ ] Fortify
Your newly enlarged perimeter needs protecting. Set up fortifications in your immediate surroundings, perhaps in preparation for some attack by the Lizardmen.

[ ] Acheron Crash Site
The Acheron, though relatively secure, has apparently been periodically attacked by Orks, take battle to them and show them the Emperor's Fury!

[ ] Scourge the Xenos
The Lizardmen attacked the Mordant's crash site and pockets of stranded survivors, defiling the corpses of the fallen, some of them even being eaten. This insult against the Chapter cannot stand.

[ ] Kill the Mutant!
There are two large congregations of mutants, firstly in the mountains to the northwest on the coast, secondly in the jungles over the larger mountain range to the south. Aerial reconnaissance has confirmed their disposition and numbers, and they will not stand against the Lions' claws. Likely they have been turned by the same influence which affected your serfs, but all the same they must be purged.

[ ] Train Auxiliaries (1 of 2)
Many of the Chapter-serfs are well trained, but they lack the military discipline and experience of long campaigns that the Imperial Guard do. Set the 45th Macharians to training a regiment up.

Stewardship (Choose 3)
Khotan, Master of the Forge, has taken on management of most of the organisation of the crash site.

[ ] Establish Basic Manufacturing
While you have sufficient supplies for the moment, Khotan has suggested getting some basic supply lines of ammunition and similar set up early. Must be established by turn 9 to prevent supply issues.

[ ] Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8)
The Magi Explorator have various equipment in their care which will allow the production of more advanced items like power armour and some tanks and aircraft. Establish these foundries. Can be moved after but will require further actions.

[ ] Establish Exotic Manufacturing (1 of 12)
The Magi Explorator have various equipment in their care which will allow the production of exotic items like plasma munitions and anti-grav technology, as well as spacecraft. Establish these foundries. Cannot be moved after construction.

[ ] Establish the Apothecarion (1 of 2)
Thalis describes how no further aspirants can be brought into the Chapter without setting up the more sensitive equipment he maintains. Find a place and set him to work. Must be completed by turn 7 to prevent disruption to reinforcements. Cannot be moved after construction.

[ ] Rites of Unity (Ships)
Khotan describes the 'Rites of Unity', essentially the cannibalisation of parts from destroyed ships to strengthen the remainder. Set him to repair the Serenkai using the materials from the smaller, more damaged ones. Will destroy the 'salvaged' pieces of materiel, preventing their possible repair. Specify what you want to concentrate on.

[ ] Rites of Unity (Vehicles)
Khotan describes the 'Rites of Unity', essentially the cannibalisation of parts from destroyed vehicles to strengthen the remainder. Set him to repair the vehicles using the materials from the more damaged ones. Will destroy the 'salvaged' pieces of materiel, preventing their possible repair. Specify what you want to concentrate on.

[ ] Rites of Unity (Equipment)
Khotan describes the 'Rites of Unity', essentially the cannibalisation of parts from destroyed equipment to strengthen the remainder. Set him to repairing any suits of Power Armour or weapons he can using the materials from the more damaged ones. Will destroy the 'salvaged' pieces of materiel, preventing their possible repair. Specify what you want to concentrate on.

[ ] Cut a Way
Accept Khotan's suggestion to cut a way through the Serenkai to the vehicle bay to give you access to the heavier equipment in the bowels of the ship.

[ ] Dig a Way (1 of 4)]
Though it'll take much longer, you could also dig your way through and create tunnels to the cargo bays of the ships.

[ ] Salvage the Demios
The Demios, a frigate, exploded on impact during landing. The wreckage is still scattered about the surroundings and it would be good to salvage some of the intact pieces, possibly even repairing the other ships?

[ ] Artillery
Khotan described how he might employ the downed ship's cannons as artillery, approve this project.

Vularakh, Master of Scouts, is skilled and able as an infiltrator and information gatherer.

[ ] Further Afield
Despatch Scouts and Thunderhawks to give broad surveys of the lands outside the continent you're currently on.

[ ] Observe the Xenos
Using all the guile and skill of the 10th Company, mount a mission to observe the Xenos city more closely.

[ ] The Desert.
Concentrate the Scouts' efforts on the northern desert.

[ ] The Coast
Concentrate the Scouts' efforts on the western coast.

[ ] The Mountains
Concentrate the Scouts' efforts on the eastern mountains.

[ ] The Black Pyramid
Concentrate the Scouts' efforts on the Xenotech pyramid in the centre of the northern desert.

[ ] Seeking a Home
You cannot stay at the crash site forever. Direct the Scouts to looking for possible sites to establish a Fortress Monastery.

Learning (Choose 2)
Hath-Horeb, the Chapter's Chief librarian, is certainly the most learned Astartes in the Chapter.

[ ] Scrying
The Librarians are able to perceive many mysterious things, walking in the Realm of Spirits using their abilities. Apparently the prognostication will be protracted, but potentially very useful in learning various things.

[ ] The Pyramid
Direct Hath-Horeb to investigate the Xenotech pyramid and its effects.

[ ] Warding
Hath-Horeb believes he can create a psychic ward that will protect the crash site from the green moon's baleful influence.

[ ] Unusual Warp Activity.
The Chief Librarian describes how the Warp seems to work strangely on this world, set him to studying it in more detail.

Personal (Choose 1)
You, Amra, are a veteran of a hundred wars, an able administrator, and more besides, and there is much to do after all…

[ ] Personal Attention
Select one action from another area to give your personal attention.

[ ] Reorganisation
The Chapter is severely wounded, two companies lack commanders, and all but one company is below 50% strength. It has been suggested that certain companies be amalgamated. See to this, filling specialist roles where necessary and distributing the Marines of understrength companies to form more cohesive and well-resourced units.
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i think we should found a fortress-monastery as I think are ability to make stuff should be their not ar our crash site
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[ ] Further Xenos investigation
[ ] Bear Island

[ ] Acheron Crash Site
[ ] Fortify
[ ] Train Auxiliaries (1 of 2)

[ ] Salvage the Demios
[ ] Artillery
[ ] Cut a Way

[ ] Observe the Xenos

[ ] Scrying
[ ] Warding

[ ] Reorganisation

i propose this plan thoughts on it
I don't like how the Turn post has so little indication of the current state of things.
[ ] Acheron Crash Site
The Acheron, though relatively secure, has apparently been periodically attacked by Orks, take battle to them and show them the Emperor's Fury!
In particular, "The Acheron reports being attacked by Orks" feels like it belongs in a report section rather than an action, and preferably with a bit more description of what the Ork attacks are like. (Has the Acheron not noticed the relative backwardness of Mallus Orks?)
[ ] The Coast
Concentrate the Scouts' efforts on the eastern coast.

[ ] The Mountains
Concentrate the Scouts' efforts on the western mountains.
I thought we were on the Plain of Tuskers, which has a coast to the west and mountains to the east. Or does this mean the far eastern coast across the mountains? :???:

Here's my view of current priorities:

[ ] Bear Island
Conduct a rescue mission to retrieve the crew of the downed Rapah, then destroy the ship.
[ ] Vassals
There are cities on the coast nearby, command them in the name of the God-Emperor of Mankind to submit.

We have information and there's nothing drastically urgent to learn about the lizardfolk, IMO - but personnel is going to be a critical shortage for both Space Marines and auxiliaries, best to get moving on that. Human cities should be given a chance to come peacefully before we conquer them for the Emperor. Also it risks less of our precious materiel if they might have nasty warp surprises on hand against invasion forces.

[ ] The Battle of the Orbitals
Having identified the continued danger of the orbitals, lead a force to take back the ships.
[ ] Acheron Crash Site
The Acheron, though relatively secure, has apparently been periodically attacked by Orks, take battle to them and show them the Emperor's Fury!
[ ] Scourge the Xenos
The Lizardmen attacked the Mordant's crash site and pockets of stranded survivors, defiling the corpses of the fallen, some of them even being eaten. This insult against the Chapter cannot stand.

Again, collect who and what we can of ships and survivors, because the replacements are going to take so long to set up.

[ ] Establish the Apothecarion (1 of 2)
Thalis describes how no further aspirants can be brought into the Chapter without setting up the more sensitive equipment he maintains. Find a place and set him to work. Must be completed by turn 7 to prevent disruption to reinforcements. Cannot be moved after construction.
Cut a Way / Dig a Way (not sure)
[ ] Artillery
Khotan described how he might employ the downed ship's cannons as artillery, approve this project.

Apothecarion is the most time-sensitive and urgent thing here. Ship equipment has to be gotten out, not sure how much urgency I want to put into that with cutting a ship open is so hard to fix without manufacturing. Artillery buys us time and safety, both for limited personnel and for the manufacturing to come. Salvage the Demios is also on my preferred shortlist.

[ ] Seeking a Home
You cannot stay at the crash site forever. Direct the Scouts to looking for possible sites to establish a Fortress Monastery.

Semi-prerequisite to putting up the hard-to-move heavy manufacturing.

[ ] Warding
Hath-Horeb believes he can create a psychic ward that will protect the crash site from the green moon's baleful influence.
[ ] Unusual Warp Activity.
The Chief Librarian describes how the Warp seems to work strangely on this world, set him to studying it in more detail.

The moon is blasting mutation rays at us. The Xenotech Pyramid is not. Ergo, the moon is high priority and the xenotech pyramid is low priority. :p

[ ] Reorganisation
The Chapter is severely wounded, two companies lack commanders, and all but one company is below 50% strength. It has been suggested that certain companies be amalgamated. See to this, filling specialist roles where necessary and distributing the Marines of understrength companies to form more cohesive and well-resourced units.

Stop being such a mess.
Then we establish a new Apothecarion elsewhere when the time comes. It's not super long (2 turns, compared to 8/12 turns on the more exotic manufacturing). And I think it's worth keeping the recruitment going until then.