I don't like how the Turn post has so little indication of the current state of things.
[ ] Acheron Crash Site
The Acheron, though relatively secure, has apparently been periodically attacked by Orks, take battle to them and show them the Emperor's Fury!
In particular, "The Acheron reports being attacked by Orks" feels like it belongs in a report section rather than an action, and preferably with a bit more description of what the Ork attacks are like. (Has the Acheron not noticed the relative backwardness of Mallus Orks?)
[ ] The Coast
Concentrate the Scouts' efforts on the eastern coast.
[ ] The Mountains
Concentrate the Scouts' efforts on the western mountains.
I thought we were on the Plain of Tuskers, which has a coast to the west and mountains to the east. Or does this mean the
far eastern coast across the mountains?
Here's my view of current priorities:
[ ] Bear Island
Conduct a rescue mission to retrieve the crew of the downed Rapah, then destroy the ship.
[ ] Vassals
There are cities on the coast nearby, command them in the name of the God-Emperor of Mankind to submit.
We have information and there's nothing drastically urgent to learn about the lizardfolk, IMO - but
personnel is going to be a critical shortage for both Space Marines and auxiliaries, best to get moving on that. Human cities should be given a chance to come peacefully before we conquer them for the Emperor. Also it risks less of our precious materiel if they might have nasty warp surprises on hand against invasion forces.
[ ] The Battle of the Orbitals
Having identified the continued danger of the orbitals, lead a force to take back the ships.
[ ] Acheron Crash Site
The Acheron, though relatively secure, has apparently been periodically attacked by Orks, take battle to them and show them the Emperor's Fury!
[ ] Scourge the Xenos
The Lizardmen attacked the Mordant's crash site and pockets of stranded survivors, defiling the corpses of the fallen, some of them even being eaten. This insult against the Chapter cannot stand.
Again, collect who and what we can of ships and survivors, because the replacements are going to take so long to set up.
[ ] Establish the Apothecarion (1 of 2)
Thalis describes how no further aspirants can be brought into the Chapter without setting up the more sensitive equipment he maintains. Find a place and set him to work. Must be completed by turn 7 to prevent disruption to reinforcements. Cannot be moved after construction.
Cut a Way / Dig a Way (not sure)
[ ] Artillery
Khotan described how he might employ the downed ship's cannons as artillery, approve this project.
Apothecarion is the most time-sensitive and urgent thing here. Ship equipment has to be gotten out, not sure how much urgency I want to put into that with cutting a ship open is so hard to fix without manufacturing. Artillery buys us time and safety, both for limited personnel and for the manufacturing to come. Salvage the Demios is also on my preferred shortlist.
[ ] Seeking a Home
You cannot stay at the crash site forever. Direct the Scouts to looking for possible sites to establish a Fortress Monastery.
Semi-prerequisite to putting up the hard-to-move heavy manufacturing.
[ ] Warding
Hath-Horeb believes he can create a psychic ward that will protect the crash site from the green moon's baleful influence.
[ ] Unusual Warp Activity.
The Chief Librarian describes how the Warp seems to work strangely on this world, set him to studying it in more detail.
The moon is blasting mutation rays at us. The Xenotech Pyramid is not. Ergo, the moon is high priority and the xenotech pyramid is low priority.
[ ] Reorganisation
The Chapter is severely wounded, two companies lack commanders, and all but one company is below 50% strength. It has been suggested that certain companies be amalgamated. See to this, filling specialist roles where necessary and distributing the Marines of understrength companies to form more cohesive and well-resourced units.
Stop being such a mess.