Note, reports of Skaven civilisation as an independent Abhuman strain living beneath the earth appear baseless. No evidence has been found for independent polities of Skaven, though 'Skaven' communities within human settlements have been discovered with varied levels of genetic stability.
A question of inclination and ability. There were rolls a while ago which indicated that the other cults were quite skeptical, which has only been exacerbated. The Ulrican roll was the worst, and the Ulricans and Sigmarites are on the verge of warfare over the Sigmarites' continued closeness with the Astartes. Meanwhile, the Astartes don't really care to talk to heretics, unless they're heretics which seem to be reasonably convertable like the Sigmarites. Meanwhile, Taalites etc have rather to much talking to or turning into animals for any of the Astartes to be very comfortable with such a faith. There are the other cults, which aren't universal like Taal, Sigmar and Ulric are, and as such aren't really concentrated on much by the Astartes in their analysis.
Also though remember that Marines are terrible at diplo in general, and I don't put all the options you might take in. If you wanted to talk to them more, you could perfectly reasonably take an action to invovle yourself in one of the fairly regular eccumenical conclaves.
Amra had taken a progress, as was common to rulers. He travelled through the land atop a mighty hover-palanquin designed by the Mechanicus from one of their existing surveying vehicles. From a golden cupola, he had surveyed the cities of the Southlands, the magnificent machine hovering above tree and sand on a cushion of air and thrumming grav-plates. The population had been overjoyed, and stories had spread of miracles in Amra's wake. He had accounted them to the Emperor's divine presence, but to the mortals of Medes and Araby, to the superstitious tribes of the jungle, or the fierce Norscans, Amra himself was a god-king, resplendent and glorious.
Over a dozen assaults had failed against the hover-palanquin's defences. A dozen more got through the ion shields of the craft, or enemies leapt upon it and climbed up, but each time Amra's burning gaze turned them to ash. The Emperor's power was strong, and under the sun he would not allow his Champion to perish.
I'm starting to think the better way to handle the Empire is with Amra's visit for better or worse what with the situation. He's got the armor so all should be well. He has the experience of Norsca under his belt.
It did help a lot to bolster domestic support didn't it?
I'm starting to think the better way to handle the Empire is with Amra's visit for better or worse what with the situation. He's got the armor so all should be well. He has the experience of Norsca under his belt.
It did help a lot to bolster domestic support didn't it?
Generally speaking its just more dangerous and less controlled. Amra could indeed wander out and go to Solland, but he's at significantly more risk because the Chapter doesn't absolutely control that area.
And yes it did help for domestic support, there's people making little Amra shrines now to go next to ther Emperor ones.
That should help with Amra's warpy powers. If it can be utlised then some small bonuses can be held towards affecting success by getting them to pray more towards different policy matters depending on the season.
They must be happy when he can burn the aggrieved mutants their mutations.
Generally speaking its just more dangerous and less controlled. Amra could indeed wander out and go to Solland, but he's at significantly more risk because the Chapter doesn't absolutely control that area.
One of the problems is that the more you know about the Chaos Gods, the most you know that this is well within their power. If they wanted to empower a champion as a sort of Chaos sleeper agent, they can defnitely do that. Furthermore, scholars of teh Old World know that you can't 'cure' mutation. It's a spiritual affliction, you can't for example amputate a extra arm or something and then the person is not a mutant anymore. Therefore, say for example some educated people see this, or they look at Amra's cool armour etc and then conclude that he's actually some sort of chaos plant, and then he's also trying to kill their priests of the non-sigmarite cults, that's going to cause problems.
The Order of the Bloody Rose had requested an audience, and the Celestial Lions turned out in parade to hear them.
In truth, they'd been requested in for several years, but knowing the abilities of the Sisters of Battle to detect heresy, the Chapter's leadership had been reluctant to expose Amra's unveiled form to them.
Now that it was popularly known that the Pridelord had recovered from his 'injuries', Palatine Olga, the commander of the small force of Soroitas, approached Pharos, coming to the great arena where Amra held his court.
Where once the arena had been rude tusks and bones of beasts, now it held the periodic Feast of Blades, where combatants would come from all over the Southlands to competed before the Chapter's officers. The Arena was at once a thing of beauty and might, a stark reminder of the power and glory of the Imperium.
If Palatine Olga was surprised at her request being accepted finally, she didn't show it. But then the last decades had been strange for her Order. Olga was approaching sixty now, her right arm replaced by a bionic after the limb was crushed in a manticore's jaws. While some Sisters dyed their hair white, her's was now slate grey, hanging in a long plait down her back, framing her nut-brown skin, rugged and scarred from long fighting under the sun. Her bones creaked, her chainsword, once sharp and keen, had broken down years ago and she wielded an axe now, wickedly sharp.
The original ten Sisters who'd survived the transition to Mallus had been fighting and training for years. From a fine crop of noviates, they'd built their numbers up battling Greenskins in the Panther Mountains, or burning undead in the Great Desert. They'd made do with lasguns and flak armour, with steel swords and wooden shields, and only three of their suits of power armour were now in any fit state to be worn, but Olga wore one now.
The red plate shone in the sun, scars from a dozen dark champions or mutant beasts crossed the pauldrons, and one patched hole marked where an abhuman lancer on a feirce lizard had skewered her many years ago.
Behind Olga were two of her Sisters, and a hundred of the noviates, but no more were they the young women given in tribute to the Astartes, they were battle-hardened veterans, not only ready for war, but wed to it.
Olga knelt before the Pridelord's throne. Massive he was, his armour writ with runes and holy phrases, his face a golden shining mask, his eyes full of stars.
"Who comes before the Master of Mallus."
It wasn't a question, merely a statement from the giant that Olga felt vibrate through her soul.
But she had steeled herself for this.
She spoke of the Order's struggles, of their triumphs in the many years.
She spoke of failure, of the failures of the Serfs to live up to the martial abilities of their masters, and of the need for an intermediate force, a force of the Adeptus Soroitas, armoured in ceramite and wielding bolters, yet mortal.
She spoke of the need for faithful protectors for the Sisters of the Word, the Compliance's missionary force, and of a greater role for the original Missionia Galaxia.
She spoke the words Hermina the Confessor had coached her to say, but she spoke it from the heart.
Amra sat in silence, as unmoving as an ancient statue.
The old Ministorum elements of the Compliance have come forward with a proposal. They wish to christen a new order of Soroitas, the 'Daughters of Elyra', in honour of the Imperial Saint who gave her name to Lions' home sector. The Soroitas have been hard-set over the thirty years since Planetfall, and now seem to seek a reward for their dedication. In founding a new Order, the traditions of the Soroitas will be preserved, and missionaries protected by Sororitas troops in their missions. To achieve this, Palatine Olga requests resource to establish her new Order in the Vaults, a mountains region south of Solland. If denied however, the Soroitas are likely to be so demoralised they may take drastic action, such as pursuing a suicidal penitent crusade.
If taken, this action removes 1 Stewardship and 1 Personal action this turn. In return you get thousands of highly trained warriors, led by a core of power armoured Sisters of Battle. This action will also convert some of the Marines old armour into Sororitas armour.
Choose 1:
[ ] Accept the proposal
[ ] Deny the proposal
This chapter features a dilema choice. As such your plan could be formatted as follows. However as long as it's clear to me and the voters, I don't really mind.
[X] Soroitas Choice
[X] Plan Example
-Action 1
-Action 2
-Action 3
Discussion on the merits of the choice is reccomended.
Previous voting rules apply.
• Turns will take place over several years worth of time. A single action should be considered to be years worth of effort from a particular person or group, though there's a level of abstraction with all actions given the format of the quest. I have dispensed with the Economy Turn, instead I've written a 'Status' section for relevant information.
• Actions will have a difficulty rating which should be apparent from the text. Some actions are time sensitive. Actions can go wrong, based on dice, reactions of characters, and other effects. Some actions are pretty vague. If action is unspecific or has options listed, it's up to you to suggest something. If nothing is suggested the most logical and simplest action will be taken, from the perspective of the characters, which may not always be the most effective action.
• Write ins are permitted and encouraged, but require my approval to make sure they're sensible. These might be 'go there, fight that, talk to them, make this' and so on. I don't give all the best options, you're meant to discuss and find the best options out. Modifications or combinations are also permitted, and may result in greater efficiency of actions and voting. If logical, you can take an action more than once.
• Voting moratorium for 24 hours to encourage discussion, do not vote before this. Post only draft plans before this. Discussion and voting are very useful for the health of the quest in general, and both are encouraged. If you're making a plan, provide reasoning to guide my writing, be broad and strategic unless you have something very specific you want to address. If you're just voting though you don't need to provide lots of reasoning, not necessary.
Diplomacy (Choose 1)
Confessor Hermina is occupied ruling Medes, but still manages the Chapter's diplomatic efforts.
[ ] Stirrups and Heels
The chivalric orders of Sigmar's Empire are beginning to agitate for greater autonomy, railing against the supposed overreach of Imperial authority. Remind them of their true allegiance, whether by word or demonstration.
[ ] Guide the Sigmarites
As the friendliest cult in the Empire, despite being technically heretics, the Sigmarite faith is the most promising for further infiltration. Stronger relations, and a greater level of influence must be pursued. It is time for the Sigmarites to official acknowledge that Sigmar was not a god. There is but one god, and He Protects.
[ ] Southern Realms
While Estalia seems closed for the moment due to Bretonnian machinations, Tilea and the Border Princes lie ripe for persuasion. Guarantee their safety in return for fealty and dispatch a diplomatic mission.
[ ] Strigos
The ancient empire of Strigos once ruled over the Badlands as one of the first bastions of Humanity on Mallus, or so it is said in the ancient texts of Araby. The peoples of Strigos are scattered across the Old World, but some yet remain in their capital among the floating villages and fetid towns of the Marshes of Madness. While these places are hardly productive or populous, it is likely they hold great stores of arcane knowledge in their depths, and an initial diplomatic contact, with the promise of the new rise of Strigos under Imperial support, may prove useful.
Stewardship (Choose 2)
While the Magi and the Techmarines maintain some view over various matters, Arch-Factor Galannus has also taken responsibility for various questions of internal organisation.
[ ] Mark IX 'Mallus' Armour (1 of 2)
With a reasonably supply of Gromril from the mines of the Sour Sea, and the learnings of Kraka Drak in it's forging, Khotan proposes the creation of Gromril suits of Power Armour. Hath-Horeb has enthusiastically supported this project, calling for runecraft too, while the Deathspeaks, not wanting to be left out, wish to inscribe the suits with their wardings. The proposed armour will be exceptional, perhaps even to the standards of Terminator Armour, and will be highly resistant to warp phenomena. However, the resources used in material and manpower will be extensive, and only a single squad of such armour can be produced at first.
[ ] Heresy Upgrades (1 of 4)
Most of the Mallusian marines are equipped with Mark V 'Heresy' Armour, due to the previous resource issues when constructing the armour. This armour is distinctly inferior to others, and a programme of upgrades over several years can upgrade the armour to Mark VII 'Aquila' Armour, the most common pattern used by Astartes across the Galaxy.
[ ] Specialist Upgrades (1 of 3)
The present distinct lack of specialist armour, notably Mark VI 'Corvus' Armour used by the Black Chamber and the Hunters, as well as more advanced patterns of armour for officers, must be remedied. Without this, the Chapter will continue to have to cannibalise damaged armour from stores rather than repairing it.
[ ] Lion Forge (1 of 12)
The needs of the Chapter, of rebuilding and repairing the vehicles and voidcraft of such a force, are immense, indeed greater than even some minor Forge World's would be able to meet. Without access to the advanced facilities of the one of the greater Mechanicum planets, it may be many centuries before the Chapter's armoury can be replenished. Instead, Khotan proposed the establishment of a specialist Forge Temple to manufacture Astartes equipment specifically, significantly reducing the amount of time needed to produce Power Armour or Astartes-grade vehicles, and even possessing the facilities to manufacture Terminator Armour and other relics.
[ ] Uziel
The Dauntless scout cruiser 'Uziel' is now the least damaged ship of the Chapter's navy, and should be the next to be raised.
[ ] Yet More Militarum Production
The Serf-Militarum is well supplied now, to a good standard among the regiments you might compare them to. However, they lack the highest level of Astra Militarum equipment. Such weaponry as hotshot lasguns, or carapace armour for companies of storm troopers may be unnecessary when the Astartes are there to assist, but the Serfs can be strengthened even more with such equipment.
[ ] Peregrin Repair
Once again the Peregrin is damaged. This time in the Void itself, making repairs significantly more difficult. Indeed, to even accomplish this is a reasonable timescale, Khotan is proposing to cannibalise one of the other small ships in the damaged fleet.
[ ] Vehicle Repair
Many of the Chapter's vehicles were damaged in the early years of the Compliance, and have languished in the bowels of various ships. Khotan knows not what damages might be present, but will attempt to repair many of the vehicles.
[ ] Mechanicus Expansion
The Cult Mechanicus have exploited all the sites previously available to them, and now beg leave to expand across the Southlands, opening new mines and constructing new roads. This expansion must be carefully coordinated given the Astartes recruiting areas in that continent, but once resolved will significantly increase the Mallusian Mechanicus' ability to support the Chapter. AWARDS AN EXTRA STEWARDSHIP ACTION.
[ ] Serf-Militarum Facility Expansion
While the Serf-Militarum has some mechanised elements, to increase their capabilities these could be expanded further, especially in longer range transport and expeditionary capability so that the Lion Guard can support the Chapter's operations further afield.
[ ] Regularise Uplift
Like many aspects of Imperial rule, the uplifting of populations is largely irregular, shallow, and inefficient. This must be made more consistent, with careful attention and planning over time to push the project forward. While failing in the last few years, this might be pursued again.
[ ] Sea Power
While the Serf forces, military and otherwise, could continue to fly everything about, it would also be wise to establish proper dockyards in Medes, Araby, and Norsca, as well as to construct the beginnings of a navy. A fleet which can carry the Serf-Militarum to battle across the seas will be the first step, and after than perhaps trading or transport vessels.
[ ] Open the Biologis Vaults!
The Divisio Biologis maintain extensive samples of various plants and animals from the wider Imperium. Unleash these vaults, introducing populations of Grox and other Imperial staples to Mallus. Note what sort of thing you want out of the Vaults.
[ ] Peregrin Modifications
The Vanguard Light Cruiser 'Peregrin' is the only voidship in the Chapter's fleet, or at least, the only one not crashed on the surface of the planet. Now repaired, the Peregrin might be modified to suit other purposes than its current role of planetary assault and bombardment. See ship infoposts for ideas, and specify what you want it to do. LOCKED TILL REPAIRED.
[ ] Genetic Restructuring
The Magi Genetor propose genetic engineering the Imperial population in Pharos to emphasise the traits most beneficial to Astartes recruitment. This genetic restructuring will be a trial for other programmes of genetic tampering that the Genetors might conduct.
[ ] Terraforming Survey
Nehekhara is supposedly a cursed land. While the Mechanicus don't necessarily believe that, in any case it will be necessary to survey the Land of the Dead to determine the best way to bring it under cultivation.
Martial (Choose 2)
Tuthmes Skytalon, Master of the Fleet, directs the military operations of the Imperium.
[ ] Spawning Pool Heist
The old insult of the Lizardmen is not forgotten, but more importantly, Hath-Horeb desires a Spawning Pool to study, and the only way to get this is to seize it from the Lizardmen city itself.
[ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
Purge the Badlands from the Dragonback Mountains to the Marshes of Madness and the gates of Barak Varr. Set forth the Knights of Kollosi and the indefatigable Metallican war-cohorts to bring death to the Greenskins and assorted horrors of the land.
[ ] Serf Training
The Serf-Militarum have vehicles and equipment now, but ones they're relatively inexperienced in. Through education by Astartes officers, this can be remedied, building the capacity of the Serfs. In particular, the Serfs lack skill in expeditionary activity.
[ ] Militia Liaison
Though the example of Kabor Brighthand, the Chapter has demonstrated the utility of mortal forces led by Astartes officers. One in ten of each population under the Chapter's control are under arms, and Kabor has proposed a similar arrangement, with rotating Astartes officers to lead forces and generally have greater oversight of the military affairs of the world. While this would have significant military and diplomatic benefits, it would also necessitate the long term deployment of veterans among the mortals.
[ ] Void Warfare
Of the Chapter's Mallusian recruits, none have any experience of Void Warfare. Tuthmes Skytalon suggests the establishment of a new force in a reconstituted 9th Company to concentrate the Chapter's knowledge and abilities in void based warfare, and to be posted permanently aboard the resurgent Peregrin. LOCKED TILL YOU HAVE VOID SHIPS AGAIN.
Intrigue (Choose 2)
Black Nassor, Master of the Watch, keeps a close eye on developments across the world which might threaten the Chapter.
[ ] Further Afield
Despatch Scouts and Thunderhawks to give broad surveys of the lands outside the continent you're currently on.
[ ] The Head of the Snake
The heretical Middenheim 'Guild of Magic' is a growing threat and must be removed. While an assassination mission is unlikely to be well received in Middenheim, perhaps it's a better option that laying siege to the whole city?
[ ] Identify the Roots
Anti-Imperial sentiment seems to be growing in Sigmar's Holy Empire. The Chapter isn't entirely sure why at present, but if possible this sentiment should be cut off at the root.
[ ] Pursue the Saboteurs
While there's little hope for a clear sign of whatever enemy sabotaged the Peregrin, it may be possible through extensive investigation to uncover psychic spoor or similar telling of them. Set Nassor to the task.
[ ] Wastes Survey
The Flesh-that-Hates may be gone, but the Chaos Wastes still hold horrors. Or at least you assume so, you don't know after all.
[ ] Destabalise the Chivalrous
The Bretonnian-Estalian alliance has continued strongly these last few years, with the twin kingdoms assisting each other in internal matters and administration. While the Chapter presently have no need to fear this polity, it might be well to try to begin to destabalise the pact sooner rather than later.
[ ] Nagashizzar 2: Spooky Boogaloo
The citadel of evil, Nagashizzar lies deep in the Broken Teeth mountains. While the previous infiltration failed, Khotan proposes a new infiltration by robotic forces supplied by the Mechanicus.
Learning (Choose 2)
Hath-Horeb, the Chapter's Chief Librarian, is certainly the most learned Astartes in the Chapter, and is assisted by Explorator Magos Magna-Thal to investigate the various mysteries of Mallus.
[ ] The Data Vaults
Magna-Thal proposes an expedition into the depths of the Data Vaults of the Kingmaker. The libraries of such an ancient vessel may hold any number of interesting Standard Template Construct plans! Indicate if you want the techpriests to look for something in particular.
[ ] Item Creation
Hath-Horeb wishes to conduct an experiment with what he's learnt so far, and plans to create something in the manner of the 'magical' items of Mallus. Specify what Hath-Horeb seeks to create.
[ ] Induce… Witchery?
The Spiritwalkers have proposed a horrific idea, a project to actually induce the psyker gene in matured Marines, instead of it manifesting supposedly randomly. The Deathspeakers support the project, if only to understand what's causing the process better.
[ ] Nehekharan Categorisation
Various artefacts have been seized from the ruins of conquered Nehekharan cities, and these must be examined.
[ ] The First Men
Nehekharans represent the original template for genetic manipulation of humans on Mallus, or so Thalis has concluded from an initial study among the tribes of Nehekhara. Those tribes are gone now, swallowed by Settra's storms, but genetic material is preserved in the various ritual jars and mummified bodies of the Tomb Kings, and much might be learnt from them, and perhaps the next crop of Aspirants strengthened?
[ ] Genewright
While tithing for Aspirants is easy enough, without the requisite gene-seed, recruits cannot become Astartes. Thalis proposes a bold project, using all the secret arts and knowledge he has to accelerate the maturation of Progenoids, implanting many Aspirants with the limited gene-seed available. If successful, this project could furnish the Chapter with at least a hundred Astartes, and provide the potential for significantly expanded recruitment in future.
[ ] Psy-Armour
The phenomena of 'Manifest Psykers' seems to show no sign of stopping, and though they receive training, there simply hasn't been sufficient time to give each Marine the appropriate psy-conductive equipment Librarians usually receive. The Librarius propose a project to upgrade the equipment of the Manifest Psykers you have currently, bringing them roughly on par with normal Librarians.
Personal (Choose 1)
The Chapter Master has undergone many changes, but he remains a capable leader.
[ ] Personal Attention
Amra directs an action from the other categories. Actions should be chosen in consideration to Amra's specific appearance and the effects this might have.
[ ] The Ancients
The Chapter maintains 5 of the ancients known as Dreadnoughts, yet the Tomb-Brothers seem to have succumbed to a malaise recently. Even the Venerable Ancient of the Chapter has become difficult to wake, unwilling to rouse himself to the fury that is necessary. Having investigated once, Natohk fears what might happen if the Deathspeakers fail again, and counsels against attempting it before the source of the Dreadnoughts' fugue is discovered.
[ ] Soulbinding
With the assistance of his officers, Amra intends to attempt to soulbind several psykers to himself, as a proxy for the Emperor of Mankind, and by this safeguard their souls.
Now we get to collectively feel bad for not investing more in the sisters a bit earlier when we had a chance. I love that this game has consequences for *BOTH* our actions *AND* our inactions.
I'm pro accepting the proposal even though it further curtails our action ecconomy, because we can use all the friendly forces we can get at this point of being stalled and losing people faster than we can replace them.
I'm also pro investing in genewrights X2 via making it a personally invested action of utmost importance now that militarum production has improved somewhat.
Otherwise I'm torn on just about everything else and am very persuadable.
Inducing Witchery and Sea power strike me as the most cool things we could vote for thoough so I might need to hear arguments against those if they are disliked.
[X] Soroitas Choice
[X] Plan Me
-Diplomacy - Stirrup and Heels
-Stewardship - Mechanicus Expansion
-Martial - Serf Training
-Martial - Militia Liaison
-Intrigue - Identify the Roots
-Intrigue - Nagashizzar 2: Spooky Boogaloo
-Learning - Genewright X2
[X] Soroitas Choice
[X] Plan Me V2
-Diplomacy - Stirrup and Heels
-Stewardship - Mechanicus Expansion
-Martial - Serf Training
-Martial - Militia Liaison
-Intrigue - Nagashizzar 2: Spooky Boogaloo X2
-Learning - Genewright X2
[X] Soroitas Choice
[X] Plan Me V3
-Diplomacy - Stirrup and Heels
-Stewardship - Mechanicus Expansion
-Martial - Serf Training
-Martial - Militia Liaison
-Intrigue - Identify the Roots X2
-Learning - Genewright X2
So this is is what I thought of. We gotta throw friends a bone especially when they're SoBs. No military expansions at this time. Inward expansion for now. Getting another stewardship action is necessary.
Intrigue is up to you. I would rather do a double down on any single one of them because of the precarious nature going on in the Empire and we got lucky Nagash didn't notice.
Hmm most of this strikes me as sensible except for two things. Firstly favoring the knightly orders over the church of Sigmar. Maybe I'm too sleepy but they both look about equal in terms of chances for victory/disaster in the area?
I agree that aiding the Mech Bois and Battle Nuns are sensible priorities.
One other worry, I don't think we can wisely neglect regularizing uplift for any longer than needed though especially since its been made clear that one side effect of doing so is having constant screw ups with the chapters supplies and supply lines.
Yes attempting that at the same time as mech expansion is a little riskier but not by much and with more potential for stability.
Sucks that regardless of doubling the first or splitting it I too am unconvinced that raising the Uziel would be a wise move at this time, especially since with more regularized supplies and many more engine seers it might become an autocomplete for all I know.
BTW unrelated to this plan but I am truly and deeply amused by the image of like lizardmen or ettins or whatever malcontents(amra visted norsca too afterall) throwing themselves onto an imperial hover craft and more often than not getting plinged off instead of getting to see combat. I initially imagined amea getting into 20+ dangerous duels to complete his tour but it was much less of a close thing than that he he.
Denying the proposal is the smart choice as we've done so much Heresy! like our choice to subvert the various Imperial institutions under our rule. Strengthening one of these outsider organizations seems to go against our policy and we may enter into conflict with them down the line due to our heresies. Just letting them die is better and more consistent with our objectives. The most ideal path though is to strengthen them and subvert them.
[ ] Draft Plan
- [ ] Stirrups and Heels
-- [ ] Write-in: Only diplomacy. No force.
- [ ] Peregrin Repair OR Regularise Uplift
- [ ] Mechanicus Expansion
- [ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
- [ ] Serf Training
- [ ] Identify the Roots
- [ ] Nagashizzar 2: Spooky Boogaloo
- [ ] Genewright
- [ ] Psy-Armour
- [ ] Soulbinding
Of the proposed actions, I dislike Militia Liason as that dilutes our Astartes forces by so much that we'd start to rely on our Serfs as our main strike force. Maybe others find that appealing but I personally don't.
Hmm most of this strikes me as sensible except for two things. Firstly favoring the knightly orders over the church of Sigmar. Maybe I'm too sleepy but they both look about equal in terms of chances for victory/disaster in the area?
I agree that aiding the Mech Bois and Battle Nuns are sensible priorities.
One other worry, I don't think we can wisely neglect regularizing uplift for any longer than needed though especially since its been made clear that one side effect of doing so is having constant screw ups with the chapters supplies and supply lines.
Yes attempting that at the same time as mech expansion is a little riskier but not by much and with more potential for stability.
Sucks that regardless of doubling the first or splitting it I too am unconvinced that raising the Uziel would be a wise move at this time, especially since with more regularized supplies and many more engine seers it might become an autocomplete for all I know.
BTW unrelated to this plan but I am truly and deeply amused by the image of like lizardmen or ettins or whatever malcontents(amra visted norsca too afterall) throwing themselves onto an imperial hover craft and more often than not getting plinged off instead of getting to see combat. I initially imagined amea getting into 20+ dangerous duels to complete his tour but it was much less of a close thing than that he he.
One of the problems is that the more you know about the Chaos Gods, the most you know that this is well within their power. If they wanted to empower a champion as a sort of Chaos sleeper agent, they can defnitely do that. Furthermore, scholars of teh Old World know that you can't 'cure' mutation. It's a spiritual affliction, you can't for example amputate a extra arm or something and then the person is not a mutant anymore. Therefore, say for example some educated people see this, or they look at Amra's cool armour etc and then conclude that he's actually some sort of chaos plant, and then he's also trying to kill their priests of the non-sigmarite cults, that's going to cause problems.
It's really annoying that its an in universe perception that only the chaos gods hand out mutations when, Taal, Ulric and the spirits of Athel Loren can and do also do it albiet more rarely. I have no reason to think those gods couldn't also remove mutations if they so choose to but it must be infrequent enough not to be common knowlege.
Again, too bad the only really well known in universe case I've seen of a mutation being removed was from Konrad, and he certainly was dealing with chaos shenanigans.
Not to be confused with the Sons of Ulric. The story of the Children of Ulric (Ulricskinder in Reikspiel)[2a] is a very old tale that priests of Ulric never mention in their sermons, but that has lived long around the hearths of the peasants of the Empire.[1a] The legend has it that long ago...
Cyanos was a reclusive Asrai Highborn who ruled over the realm of Fincara in the Pine Crags. An eccentric bordering on lunacy, Cyanos had been secretly conspiring against the rule of Orion and Ariel, the rulers of Athel Loren, first under the influence of the forest spirits, and later under the...
Ranalt Waldhauss is the Venerated Soul of trackers and lone hunters. He is recognized by the Cult of Taal and Rhya. During the Great War Against Chaos, a scout and hunter managed to track down and kill thirty Beastmen ravaging the town of Bechafen. Upheld by trackers and lone hunters, the locals...
"And yet, heroes have come from among the people, have they not? The man Konrad, of whom all the minstrels sing; is he not a peasant? And Sierck, who saved the emperor's life a few years ago, was a mere actor, I believe. Sigmar himself was hardly born to the green velvet, as it were. Many men of...
Denying the proposal is the smart choice as we've done so much Heresy! like our choice to subvert the various Imperial institutions under our rule. Strengthening one of these outsider organizations seems to go against our policy and we may enter into conflict with them down the line due to our heresies. Just letting them die is better and more consistent with our objectives. The most ideal path though is to strengthen them and subvert them.
[ ] Draft Plan
- [ ] Stirrups and Heels
-- [ ] Write-in: Only diplomacy. No force.
- [ ] Peregrin Repair OR Regularise Uplift
- [ ] Mechanicus Expansion
- [ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
- [ ] Serf Training
- [ ] Identify the Roots
- [ ] Nagashizzar 2: Spooky Boogaloo
- [ ] Genewright
- [ ] Psy-Armour
- [ ] Soulbinding
Of the proposed actions, I dislike Militia Liason as that dilutes our Astartes forces by so much that we'd start to rely on our Serfs as our main strike force. Maybe others find that appealing but I personally don't.
Thank you for the write in idea for the Knightly orders. I doubt knights would respond well to 'diplomatic' efforts consisting of ''Join us or you too can become mincemeat like Seigfried over here.''
I do hope due to the last sentence you typed that maybe if you change your mind a write in on the sororitas might be possible.
Something like, Yes Sororitas Resources (but) w performance reports vetted by chapter serfs. Or similar to avoid lending them complete independence?
I'm wondering why the lack of interest in the chaos wastes or Nehekaran genetics stuff? Surely the former might clarify threat levels better since it's one of the only places where things worse than nagash lurk and the latter aides all our other human genetic projects, or so I would think?
I'm glad you brought up soulbinding it is one of those options that if successful inevitably opens up plenty of other options I would think.
EDIT: I also wouldn't have minded making serfs our main strike force....if we hadn't just lost a large chunk of them and had our efforts trying to bolster them mostly fail.
To achieve this, Palatine Olga requests resource to establish her new Order in the Vaults, a mountains region south of Solland. If denied however, the Soroitas are likely to be so demoralised they may take drastic action, such as pursuing a suicidal penitent crusade.
Thank you for the write in idea for the Knightly orders. I doubt knights would respond well to 'diplomatic' efforts consisting of ''Join us or you too can become mincemeat like Seigfried over here.''
I do hope due to the last sentence you typed that maybe if you change your mind a write in on the sororitas might be possible.
Something like, Yes Sororitas Resources (but) w performance reports vetted by chapter serfs. Or similar to avoid lending them complete independence?
I'm wondering why the lack of interest in the chaos wastes or Nehekaran genetics stuff? Surely the former might clarify threat levels better since it's one of the only places where things worse than nagash lurk and the latter aides all our other human genetic projects, or so I would think?
I'm glad you brought up soulbinding it is one of those options that if successful inevitably opens up plenty of other options I would think.
EDIT: I also wouldn't have minded making serfs our main strike force....if we hadn't just lost a large chunk of them and had our efforts trying to bolster them mostly fail.
I think a Write-in Diplomacy Option subverting them even as we build them back up might be the best option, yeah. Good idea. As for the lack of interest with the Chaos Wastes, I think I agree with rx915 that it'd be better if we get Mallus Power Armour first before doing something as steeped in the Warp as that place. And for the Nehekharan stuff, I could do that as well. Let me try another draft plan.
[ ] Draft Plan v2
- [ ] Subvert the Daughters of Elyra
- [ ] Mechanicus Expansion
- [ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
- [ ] Serf Training
- [ ] Identify the Roots
- [ ] Nagashizzar 2: Spooky Boogaloo
- [ ] The First Men
- [ ] Genewright
So basically we're building up our forces with the SoB actions and the Serf Training. We're expanding our Stewardship and resources with the Mechanicus Expansion and the Soon-to-be-Alrightlands. And The First Men and Genewright works to increase our Astartes production rate. The Intrigue options are there to work on two separate problems, mainly that of the Empire slowly crumbling down and Nagash.
Now we get to collectively feel bad for not investing more in the sisters a bit earlier when we had a chance. I love that this game has consequences for *BOTH* our actions *AND* our inactions.
Indeed, I do want to emphasise the dangers of inaction. For example, what's that chaos sorcerer been doing of the last 10 years? What about the tech the Skaven stole? What about the Inquisitorial agents on the fleet? What about the Assassin/Djinncaller faction, what about the Vampires? Etcetc.
The whole point, or at least one of my functions as GM, is to prevent challenges like these.
Keep in mind it's a lot more efficient. You've spent like 7 actions on the serfs by now? I think? You're getting a good sized order of Soroitas in 2 actions.
Again with all these x2s. What do you intend to do with them?For example, how do you intend to infiltrate nagashizzar twice? Drop twice as many robots into there? That wouldn't be a whole action worth. They'll drop as many robots as they think proper, it's not some arbitrary amount.
I don't mind doubling up to really concentrate on actions, or to represent double effort into something like one of the 12 turn stewardship actions, but otherwise I'd say it's a bit of a waste.
On Genewrights for example, just take the Nehekharan DNA action along with it, then you can get cool new marines who also have ancient nehekharan (that is, the first humans the Old Ones made) DNA in them too.
It is quite amusing just how low powered some chaos beast rushing out would be and then Amra the Greater DaemonImperial Saint Entirely Normal Chapter Master zaps them.
Was thinking of Shem's Burning Gaze specifically for eye thing. I've been descriming him as Hysh-ey in his telepathy, glowiness etc.
I dislike Militia Liason as that dilutes our Astartes forces by so much that we'd start to rely on our Serfs as our main strike force. Maybe others find that appealing but I personally don't.
On the other hand, your 10th Company has just been standing about not doing anything for 10 years. Sure they've been attending to their normal duties, but their job and specialisation is literally training people. consider it as an organisational thing if you're discontent, the Chapter's leadership wouldn't want the training to prevent hem
Will note that this is based on the Tyrant's Legion, as other stuff is (I use Badab for a lot in this): During the early years of the Badab War, the integration of the Astral Claws into the Tyrant's Legion helped to serve as a force multiplier for the Astral Claws, who used them aggressively as an ablative shield to preserve their Astartes forces and soak up enemy firepower, while in defence the Tyrant's Legion bitterly resisted the Loyalist forces arrayed against them, able to blunt even the murderous force of Space Marine assaults on occasion.
Huron put a third of his forces into the Legion, you could do that, but you don't have to. But its not going to be:
'Oh hey Brother so and so, can you come help us out against this greater daemon?'
'Nah mate, Ive got to train these militia sorry cant'
Again, too bad the only really well known in universe case I've seen of a mutation being removed was from Konrad, and he certainly was dealing with chaos shenanigans.
I can't think of any actual curings tbh, and yea the Tome of Corruption explicitly says its a spiritual ailment. If you cut off your mutated bits they'll just grow back as other mutations. But yea, in theory it's possible.
Keep in mind that there's different bits of the Wastes. There's the super Chaosy bit far to the north where you can just walk into the Realms of Chaos if you travel far enough, but then there's also just the place where the chaos-aligned humans live, like the Kurgan. As far as you're aware the Flesh-that-Hates ate all teh Kurgan, or they lemminged into it or somtheing, but you don't know, thats why you want to check
The Soroitas, and the Ministorum more genreally, have proven quite resilient to subversion actually. In the rolls you got the fleet and the administratum fine, but the soroitas and the Militarum were more difficult. As for whether Hermina would be sad etc, maybe, but that's somethign to discuss. You did have this:
Life was good, Lukeni brought the True Faith to the region, he stamped out the unfaithful just as he had in the jungle, and after a time he was returned back to Pharos, this time to teach those who had once been like him. He stood alongside his colleagues from the Iterators, as well as those from the original Missionarus Galaxia sent alongside the Celestial Lions' fleet.
"This new cadre will do well, I think." said one Drill-Abbot to him as they ate together during a break, "They have the intellect, and the zeal I think, but I fear for their purpose."
Lukeni's confusion must have been evident.
"What I mean," the missionary continued, "Is that while the Missionaria's taught everyone well, I see fundamental flaws. It's hardly my place to say, I know Confessor Hermina has spoken to the Arch-Factor about it… There is inflexibility, a lack of proper systems. We send our students out, students like you, without a clear idea of what they're to do, other than preach."
"Is that not our purpose?" Lukeni asked.
"Yes." The missionary admitted, "But, it's been the Missionaria's perspective that preaching itself isn't enough. Did you attend the Arch-Factor's address last year? Of course you did, but you remember, he said 'In order to make them civilised, we must first make them men'? Fundamentally the Iterators are attempting to implement a dozen projects at once. There isn't enough training, enough understanding of the cultures we're sending our people out into. Why, only last week I heard about a purge of one tribe who'd taken in heretics from another tribe who'd warred with a loyalist group previously. The regional governor considered the sheltering of refugees as a prelude to an attack, so he struck first, but it wasn't, that tribe just happened to follow a culture where hospitality was sacred. As I say, inflexibility… You might also say that the Iterators have been rolled out according to an unsuited design. We in the Missionaria have taught others, but the Arch-Factor controls it all, he administrates the scheme, but he does so as a high ranking Chapter Serf and a servant of the Astartes, thus he considers all matters in relation to his position, he cannot prevent the Astartes from doing as they please, even moderating them, consider this fire cult they have going for example-"
"I would not think those words wise." Lukeni remarked, looking around. While he'd lost some of his wonder he was still a pious man. "It is not wise to even think such things." While it might be reasonable to criticise mortals, even implying that an Astartes, the Chapter Master no less, had made a bad decision was stupidity, and worse, heresy… The Elysian Pyrocult of the Lions was well known as a source of contention among the more orthodox elements of the Ecclesiarchy on Mallus, but it was rarely spoken of.
"True enough." the Drill-Abbot replied, and bent to their food.
Again with all these x2s. What do you intend to do with them?For example, how do you intend to infiltrate nagashizzar twice? Drop twice as many robots into there? That wouldn't be a whole action worth. They'll drop as many robots as they think proper, it's not some arbitrary amount.
I don't mind doubling up to really concentrate on actions, or to represent double effort into something like one of the 12 turn stewardship actions, but otherwise I'd say it's a bit of a waste.
On Genewrights for example, just take the Nehekharan DNA action along with it, then you can get cool new marines who also have ancient nehekharan (that is, the first humans the Old Ones made) DNA in them too.
It's my belief the x2s will increase chances of success based upon the greater roll. Say one fails but the other one was higher than that one is taken.
It is quite amusing just how low powered some chaos beast rushing out would be and then Amra the Greater DaemonImperial Saint Entirely Normal Chapter Master zaps them.
Was thinking of Shem's Burning Gaze specifically for eye thing. I've been descriming him as Hysh-ey in his telepathy, glowiness etc.
On Genewrights for example, just take the Nehekharan DNA action along with it, then you can get cool new marines who also have ancient nehekharan (that is, the first humans the Old Ones made) DNA in them too.
Plan Stabilization
[X] accept the sororitas proposal
This gives us a chance to make the sororitas subordinate to the space marines in this world.
Diplo-Southern realms, giving us more resources
Stewardship-Mechanicum expansion, more actions
Martial-Spawning pool heist, potential to mass produce gene seed
Martial-The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands, end the threat before it gets too big
Intrigue-Identify the roots, let's keep the empire in a position to be easily converted
Intrigue-waste survey, let's make sure that deamons don't sprout up again
Learning-psy armor, let's up the power of one of our special forces
Learning-induce... witchery? Let's see if it is possible, because then we could have a large group of psykers
Hey Quick question for the thread while I put together the rest of this post... do any of you think what the lions heard psychically in Norsca might not be a Thousands Sons marine at all but maybe The Changeling or some other tzeenchian servant trying to bait a more cunning trap instead?
I had been thinking more about participation, sadly a novel idea for planquests that I saw elsewhere, in one cathay based quest was using the strawpoll website. Sadly I am thinking this would not work in our scenario because the number of votes might be variable even within a plan.
I really wish I had more energy. I'll work on reformatting this once I wake once again and my eyeballs feel like eyeballs again.
Plan 16
[]Sororitas Acceptance, write in.
[]Stewardship: []Mechanicus Expansion
[]Stirrups and heels, with diplomacy focus.
[]Militia Liason, for reasons mentioned before
[]Serf Training
-[] Intrigue:
[]Wastes survey, for reasons discussed before
I can't relax around anything that can even imitate another marine.
[]Intrigue 2:
[]Destabilize the Chivalrous
The chances of us worsening opposition to us within the empire seem higher the more we intervene, meanwhile the brets are already dead set against us so that's not a risk in that area.
[]The First Men
because genetics was one of the few things the imperium isn't utterly inept at learning, innovation wise.
because I have no idea what would increase our number of learning votes
Personal: N/A ,/ Covered by sororitas effort.
I can't think of any actual curings tbh, and yea the Tome of Corruption explicitly says its a spiritual ailment. If you cut off your mutated bits they'll just grow back as other mutations. But yea, in theory it's possible.
To be super clear if anyone is more confused, it looka less that a doctor or preist ''cured'' him or something and more to my understanding, that is that Tzeench nerfed his powers out of existence.
Now the exact details of what I read beyond that were confusing so I offer two different explanations:
Perhaps big bird was was so salty that he didn't even want to remember interacting with the man who killed one of his better sleeper agents and who was so inept that he ended up accidentally served khorne while trying to serve sigmar and whom had destroyed every chaos artifact he had been able too. Not one ounce of plotting within the man whatever his many other qualities both for good and ill.
I think this because the mutation, simply dissapeared after his stolen chaos armor did, the mutation is described as a golden eye with foresight powers which is very common tzeench type stuff.
Either that or maybe the armor was khornate(it seemed to compell violence constantly which doesn't feel tzeenchian) and tzeench didn't need him anymore, having maybe wanted to destroy it? ...but thats why I'm convinced at least tzeench removed it because the big squid had been harassing the fellow on and off for his whole life prior.
Now to propose what I'd love to see but which is likely too impractical to pass for a whole post of reasons. The reasons for the wants in this plan all boil down to these seeming like good options for expanding power that don't leave imperials looking like they are twiddeling their thumbs to their rival powers watching. Plus it would be cool to see the Metallicans behaving very actively again.
The chances of us worsening opposition to us within the empire seem higher the more we intervene, meanwhile the brets are already dead set against us so that's not a risk in that area.
I was thinking that a return to an Age of Three Emperors wouldn't be so bad for us if we set ourselves up right. We gain allies, seed the Empire with spies, turn public opinion positive with us, and strengthen our martial forces and when civil war comes again we could make Kabor a contender to the Throne. Go do Thunderhawk drops on the Elector Count capitals and make everyone concede. Fight the vampires in the shadows.
Hopefully once all is settled again we could have an Emperor Kabor.