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[ ] Write-in: Subvert the Daughters of Elyra
Even as Amra lifts up Palatine Olga and her Sisters, lavishing them with material abundance so they may no longer want in war, this new Order of Adepta Sororitas will be inextricably tied to the fate and whims of the Celestial Lions.
Subversion vs established Sisters defences 65, fairly well, many subverted, but not completely
Secret roll, 5, or were they?
[ ] Mechanicus Expansion
The Cult Mechanicus have exploited all the sites previously available to them, and now beg leave to expand across the Southlands, opening new mines and constructing new roads. This expansion must be carefully coordinated given the Astartes recruiting areas in that continent, but once resolved will significantly increase the Mallusian Mechanicus' ability to support the Chapter. AWARDS AN EXTRA STEWARDSHIP ACTION.
Expansion provocation? 95, super provocative
[ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
Purge the Badlands from the Dragonback Mountains to the Marshes of Madness and the gates of Barak Varr. Set forth the Knights of Kollosi and the indefatigable Metallican war-cohorts to bring death to the Greenskins and assorted horrors of the land.
Stirring the hornet's nest 12
Making abhuman friends 2
Awaking some ancient terror? 81
No ancient terrors, Fights with dwarves though, losses to Orcs and skaven etc. Fairly damaging but ultimately successful
[ ] Militia Liaison
Though the example of Kabor Brighthand, the Chapter has demonstrated the utility of mortal forces led by Astartes officers. One in ten of each population under the Chapter's control are under arms, and Kabor has proposed a similar arrangement, with rotating Astartes officers to lead forces and generally have greater oversight of the military affairs of the world. While this would have significant military and diplomatic benefits, it would also necessitate the long term deployment of veterans among the mortals.
Tyrants Legion 96, really well, militia capabilities upgraded to IG level when inspired by Astartes
[ ] Identify the Roots
Anti-Imperial sentiment seems to be growing in Sigmar's Holy Empire. The Chapter isn't entirely sure why at present, but if possible this sentiment should be cut off at the root.
Looking about 19
Usual suspects 37
Unusual suspects 27
Looks like chaos? Maybe? Some other stuff going on but mostly chaos?Maybe?
[ ] Pursue the Saboteurs
While there's little hope for a clear sign of whatever enemy sabotaged the Peregrin, it may be possible through extensive investigation to uncover psychic spoor or similar telling of them. Set Nassor to the task.
Normal investigation 38
psy stuff 18
Saboteurs covering up 29
Messily covered up bombing, not a great deal to go on.
[ ] The First Men
Nehekharans represent the original template for genetic manipulation of humans on Mallus, or so Thalis has concluded from an initial study among the tribes of Nehekhara. Those tribes are gone now, swallowed by Settra's storms, but genetic material is preserved in the various ritual jars and mummified bodies of the Tomb Kings, and much might be learnt from them, and perhaps the next crop of Aspirants strengthened?
Understanding the Old Ones' design 91, actually really good!
Discerning the Great Plan? 31, not really, but some info gained.
Nehekharan Marines are a go
[ ] Genewright
While tithing for Aspirants is easy enough, without the requisite gene-seed, recruits cannot become Astartes. Thalis proposes a bold project, using all the secret arts and knowledge he has to accelerate the maturation of Progenoids, implanting many Aspirants with the limited gene-seed available. If successful, this project could furnish the Chapter with at least a hundred Astartes, and provide the potential for significantly expanded recruitment in future.
Tampering with the Emperor's Great Design 22, poorly, however, 2 rolls due to previosuy work, 90, 26, 90 does it, successful, new design of marines realised.
Even as Amra lifts up Palatine Olga and her Sisters, lavishing them with material abundance so they may no longer want in war, this new Order of Adepta Sororitas will be inextricably tied to the fate and whims of the Celestial Lions.
Subversion vs established Sisters defences 65, fairly well, many subverted, but not completely
Secret roll, 5, or were they?
[ ] Mechanicus Expansion
The Cult Mechanicus have exploited all the sites previously available to them, and now beg leave to expand across the Southlands, opening new mines and constructing new roads. This expansion must be carefully coordinated given the Astartes recruiting areas in that continent, but once resolved will significantly increase the Mallusian Mechanicus' ability to support the Chapter. AWARDS AN EXTRA STEWARDSHIP ACTION.
Expansion provocation? 95, super provocative
[ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
Purge the Badlands from the Dragonback Mountains to the Marshes of Madness and the gates of Barak Varr. Set forth the Knights of Kollosi and the indefatigable Metallican war-cohorts to bring death to the Greenskins and assorted horrors of the land.
Stirring the hornet's nest 12
Making abhuman friends 2
Awaking some ancient terror? 81
No ancient terrors, Fights with dwarves though, losses to Orcs and skaven etc. Fairly damaging but ultimately successful
[ ] Militia Liaison
Though the example of Kabor Brighthand, the Chapter has demonstrated the utility of mortal forces led by Astartes officers. One in ten of each population under the Chapter's control are under arms, and Kabor has proposed a similar arrangement, with rotating Astartes officers to lead forces and generally have greater oversight of the military affairs of the world. While this would have significant military and diplomatic benefits, it would also necessitate the long term deployment of veterans among the mortals.
Tyrants Legion 96, really well, militia capabilities upgraded to IG level when inspired by Astartes
[ ] Identify the Roots
Anti-Imperial sentiment seems to be growing in Sigmar's Holy Empire. The Chapter isn't entirely sure why at present, but if possible this sentiment should be cut off at the root.
Looking about 19
Usual suspects 37
Unusual suspects 27
Looks like chaos? Maybe? Some other stuff going on but mostly chaos?Maybe?
[ ] Pursue the Saboteurs
While there's little hope for a clear sign of whatever enemy sabotaged the Peregrin, it may be possible through extensive investigation to uncover psychic spoor or similar telling of them. Set Nassor to the task.
Normal investigation 38
psy stuff 18
Saboteurs covering up 29
Messily covered up bombing, not a great deal to go on.
[ ] The First Men
Nehekharans represent the original template for genetic manipulation of humans on Mallus, or so Thalis has concluded from an initial study among the tribes of Nehekhara. Those tribes are gone now, swallowed by Settra's storms, but genetic material is preserved in the various ritual jars and mummified bodies of the Tomb Kings, and much might be learnt from them, and perhaps the next crop of Aspirants strengthened?
Understanding the Old Ones' design 91, actually really good!
Discerning the Great Plan? 31, not really, but some info gained.
Nehekharan Marines are a go
[ ] Genewright
While tithing for Aspirants is easy enough, without the requisite gene-seed, recruits cannot become Astartes. Thalis proposes a bold project, using all the secret arts and knowledge he has to accelerate the maturation of Progenoids, implanting many Aspirants with the limited gene-seed available. If successful, this project could furnish the Chapter with at least a hundred Astartes, and provide the potential for significantly expanded recruitment in future.
Tampering with the Emperor's Great Design 22, poorly, however, 2 rolls due to previosuy work, 90, 26, 90 does it, successful, new design of marines realised.
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