[ ] Write-in: Subvert the Daughters of Elyra
Even as Amra lifts up Palatine Olga and her Sisters, lavishing them with material abundance so they may no longer want in war, this new Order of Adepta Sororitas will be inextricably tied to the fate and whims of the Celestial Lions.

Subversion vs established Sisters defences 65, fairly well, many subverted, but not completely
Secret roll, 5, or were they?

[ ] Mechanicus Expansion
The Cult Mechanicus have exploited all the sites previously available to them, and now beg leave to expand across the Southlands, opening new mines and constructing new roads. This expansion must be carefully coordinated given the Astartes recruiting areas in that continent, but once resolved will significantly increase the Mallusian Mechanicus' ability to support the Chapter. AWARDS AN EXTRA STEWARDSHIP ACTION.

Expansion provocation? 95, super provocative


[ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
Purge the Badlands from the Dragonback Mountains to the Marshes of Madness and the gates of Barak Varr. Set forth the Knights of Kollosi and the indefatigable Metallican war-cohorts to bring death to the Greenskins and assorted horrors of the land.

Stirring the hornet's nest 12
Making abhuman friends 2
Awaking some ancient terror? 81

No ancient terrors, Fights with dwarves though, losses to Orcs and skaven etc. Fairly damaging but ultimately successful

[ ] Militia Liaison
Though the example of Kabor Brighthand, the Chapter has demonstrated the utility of mortal forces led by Astartes officers. One in ten of each population under the Chapter's control are under arms, and Kabor has proposed a similar arrangement, with rotating Astartes officers to lead forces and generally have greater oversight of the military affairs of the world. While this would have significant military and diplomatic benefits, it would also necessitate the long term deployment of veterans among the mortals.

Tyrants Legion 96, really well, militia capabilities upgraded to IG level when inspired by Astartes

[ ] Identify the Roots
Anti-Imperial sentiment seems to be growing in Sigmar's Holy Empire. The Chapter isn't entirely sure why at present, but if possible this sentiment should be cut off at the root.

Looking about 19
Usual suspects 37
Unusual suspects 27
Looks like chaos? Maybe? Some other stuff going on but mostly chaos?Maybe?

[ ] Pursue the Saboteurs
While there's little hope for a clear sign of whatever enemy sabotaged the Peregrin, it may be possible through extensive investigation to uncover psychic spoor or similar telling of them. Set Nassor to the task.

Normal investigation 38
psy stuff 18
Saboteurs covering up 29
Messily covered up bombing, not a great deal to go on.

[ ] The First Men
Nehekharans represent the original template for genetic manipulation of humans on Mallus, or so Thalis has concluded from an initial study among the tribes of Nehekhara. Those tribes are gone now, swallowed by Settra's storms, but genetic material is preserved in the various ritual jars and mummified bodies of the Tomb Kings, and much might be learnt from them, and perhaps the next crop of Aspirants strengthened?

Understanding the Old Ones' design 91, actually really good!
Discerning the Great Plan? 31, not really, but some info gained.
Nehekharan Marines are a go

[ ] Genewright
While tithing for Aspirants is easy enough, without the requisite gene-seed, recruits cannot become Astartes. Thalis proposes a bold project, using all the secret arts and knowledge he has to accelerate the maturation of Progenoids, implanting many Aspirants with the limited gene-seed available. If successful, this project could furnish the Chapter with at least a hundred Astartes, and provide the potential for significantly expanded recruitment in future.

Tampering with the Emperor's Great Design 22, poorly, however, 2 rolls due to previosuy work, 90, 26, 90 does it, successful, new design of marines realised.
FractiousDay threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: D100s Total: 495
65 65 5 5 95 95 12 12 2 2 81 81 96 96 19 19 37 37 27 27 38 38 18 18
FractiousDay threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: D100s Total: 289
29 29 91 91 31 31 22 22 90 90 26 26
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[ ] Write-in: Subvert the Daughters of Elyra
Even as Amra lifts up Palatine Olga and her Sisters, lavishing them with material abundance so they may no longer want in war, this new Order of Adepta Sororitas will be inextricably tied to the fate and whims of the Celestial Lions.

Subversion vs established Sisters defences
Secret roll

[ ] Mechanicus Expansion
The Cult Mechanicus have exploited all the sites previously available to them, and now beg leave to expand across the Southlands, opening new mines and constructing new roads. This expansion must be carefully coordinated given the Astartes recruiting areas in that continent, but once resolved will significantly increase the Mallusian Mechanicus' ability to support the Chapter. AWARDS AN EXTRA STEWARDSHIP ACTION.

Expansion provocation?

[ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
Purge the Badlands from the Dragonback Mountains to the Marshes of Madness and the gates of Barak Varr. Set forth the Knights of Kollosi and the indefatigable Metallican war-cohorts to bring death to the Greenskins and assorted horrors of the land.

Stirring the hornet's nest
Making abhuman friends
Awaking some ancient terror?

[ ] Militia Liaison
Though the example of Kabor Brighthand, the Chapter has demonstrated the utility of mortal forces led by Astartes officers. One in ten of each population under the Chapter's control are under arms, and Kabor has proposed a similar arrangement, with rotating Astartes officers to lead forces and generally have greater oversight of the military affairs of the world. While this would have significant military and diplomatic benefits, it would also necessitate the long term deployment of veterans among the mortals.

Tyrants Legion

[ ] Identify the Roots
Anti-Imperial sentiment seems to be growing in Sigmar's Holy Empire. The Chapter isn't entirely sure why at present, but if possible this sentiment should be cut off at the root.

Looking about
Usual suspects
Unusual suspects

[ ] Pursue the Saboteurs
While there's little hope for a clear sign of whatever enemy sabotaged the Peregrin, it may be possible through extensive investigation to uncover psychic spoor or similar telling of them. Set Nassor to the task.

Normal investigation
psy stuff
Saboteurs covering up

[ ] The First Men
Nehekharans represent the original template for genetic manipulation of humans on Mallus, or so Thalis has concluded from an initial study among the tribes of Nehekhara. Those tribes are gone now, swallowed by Settra's storms, but genetic material is preserved in the various ritual jars and mummified bodies of the Tomb Kings, and much might be learnt from them, and perhaps the next crop of Aspirants strengthened?

Understanding the Old Ones' design

[ ] Genewright
While tithing for Aspirants is easy enough, without the requisite gene-seed, recruits cannot become Astartes. Thalis proposes a bold project, using all the secret arts and knowledge he has to accelerate the maturation of Progenoids, implanting many Aspirants with the limited gene-seed available. If successful, this project could furnish the Chapter with at least a hundred Astartes, and provide the potential for significantly expanded recruitment in future.

Tampering with the Emperor's Great Design
I don't see the die results to it's respective action.

Edit: now I do
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I'm glad that finally finally we are getting somewhere with genetics and that all our previous investments in it meant something.
@rx915 Y'know after this turn or next I'm really thinking about rewarding the Norscans especially the Bjornlings for being our longest serving native allies what do you think?

Could we give them snow mobiles? Cloned thunderwolves? Offer to try and peaceably resolve the Norse Dwarves grudges with them for sufficent sums of treasure and or hostages? Surely as soon as our borders are settled again we can do something for them after how they've fought and tithed and their displays of piety.
I'm glad that finally finally we are getting somewhere with genetics and that all our previous investments in it meant something.
@rx915 Y'know after this turn or next I'm really thinking about rewarding the Norscans especially the Bjornlings for being our longest serving native allies what do you think?

Could we give them snow mobiles? Cloned thunderwolves? Offer to try and peaceably resolve the Norse Dwarves grudges with them for sufficent sums of treasure and or hostages? Surely as soon as our borders are settled again we can do something for them after how they've fought and tithed and their displays of piety.
I don't know what they want but since you mentioned cloned thunder wolves there could be something within the the genetic lab to give them a pack animal that'll survive Norsca's environment.
Maybe importing Rhinoexen? I'd think they could survive in Norsca despite not being native there? The mountains of Mourne are fairly similar as an environment. And if they are too wiley, brain surgery is easy peasy for imperials.
Or maybe I'm looking this bass akwards and greenhouses and the like would do them good, really what we should do is ask them when possible.

EDIT: I'm willing to bet that we will son be facing a combined alliance of Woodelves, Bretonnians and Estalians massing on The Empires Borders

Ah well, we never needed Reikland anyways.
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The good news I can see is the gene seed problem is probably fixed. Militia training is rad. Rest can go from less than stellar to average or bad.

Probably fought Barak Varr dwarves. Orion is unleashed. Probably manageable.

@FractiousDay can the abhuman sample be repeated again?

But-but we haven't even dealt with nagash yet! ;-;
If they can be redirected to fight each other it'll be a job well done.
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I'd be shocked if either wanted each other territories for a while what with their home bases being a desert and a forest respectively. That said, Orion from what I know of him is deeply Anti Chaos and Anti Undead. So maybe we can have Amra send him a dream message indicating that we'd be willing to stay out of Athel Loren and even aide any effort against those forces?
Not a tue alliance per say offer so much as ''we have the same enemies and should at least not yet be aiming at each other'' with (yet) being heavily impied most likely because imperials have got to imperial.

We've let Zlatlan stand for decades though if they need evidence of this being our priority policy.
I'd be shocked if either wanted each other territories for a while what with their home bases being a desert and a forest respectively. That said, Orion from what I know of him is deeply Anti Chaos and Anti Undead. So maybe we can have Amra send him a dream message indicating that we'd be willing to stay out of Athel Loren and even aide any effort against those forces?
Not a tue alliance per say offer so much as ''we have the same enemies and should at least not yet be aiming at each other'' with (yet) being heavily impied most likely because imperials have got to imperial.

We've let Zlatlan stand for decades though if they need evidence of this being our priority policy.
I'm more surprised he cares much about the southland. Did wood elves have some outposts there?
In Total War they do yes, and and Fractious mentioned that. The Verdant Heart I think?
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So the whole orion being active sooner thing, once you''ve written it can you reveal if thats a result of the collusion vote? I'm thinking between Finubar having some new experiances and ulthuan proving slightly more succesful than in the main timeline that maybe Naith's prophecy about Athel Lornens death may have changed in nature?

I thought it might have been his meeting with them going better at first but fin managed to embarass himself horribley in from of the WE a little less than a century before the Imperium arrived. Basically he tried telling them they should be honored that Ulthuan wanted to reabsorb them...which they were not going to do, lol.
@Box Lunch
I wanted to let you know this is still ongoing since I recall your enthusiasm.
Since settra the lions have (in short):

Gained a spaceship!
Lost a spaceship!
Lost Geneseed.
Regained Geneseed.
Coquered the rest of Nehekara!
Lost a ton of dudes to a returning Nagash!

Reestablished the Sisters of Battle, but Awoken Orion.
As RX915 notes, perhaps our best hope may be an attempt to pin these two embodied gods against each other.
Plenty else has happened but those are, I think , the important bits as it were.


With immortal empires finally out of beta, any chance you might use it's map to show our territories? It's bound to be a bit lless distorted than the one in game two right? I get that our northern border is now contigously reaching to Barak Varr, or non contigously the Island of Norsca but what's actually our southern border?
Where do our lands end and the Cape ulthuan colonies begin? for that matter just how much of a territory was ceded to Kabor? How big is Solland + sylvania, or is it also parts of ostland and drakwald as well or what?
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Heartwood Interlude
Heartwood Interlude

The Bowmen of Oreon were an ancient order.

In truth, that was not their name, for they were no men at all.

Prince Oreon had once been a young noble of Athel Loren who with his kinband had joined the campaigns of the Asur, sailing across the world in errantry. For centuries they'd served, and eventually the band had dwindled further and further, till there were only a handful of elves left.

Oreon himself had been wounded, his eye cut out by the claw of a mutant champion, and turned sullen and melancholy, leading his warriors deeper and deeper into the woods of the Southlands.

Eventually Oreon's band settled there, among ancient stands they called the Heart of the Jungle, and soon enough others came too through the Worldroots. Exiles, adventurers and pioneers, the Heart soon became a colony of Athel Loren, and in the modern age, much which had marked the elves as natives of the north was gone. Oreon himself bore the marks of that woodland kingdom, but of his archers, only a few still bore bows of Witherhold Oak, while most now were of Baobab, with their mantles worked as the leaves of fevertrees or kapok.

To the human tribes, Oreon's folk were strange, a curious people rarely seen, but known in the surrounding regions as magnificent archers. With the few elves who lived in the Southlands, the legend of the Bowmen of Oreon was born.

Now Oreon looked out over his lands, single eye seething in hatred. The missing socket in his face wept with pus, and old infection from where he refused to stop scratching it. His hand tightened on his bow, his the fingers itching to reach for the arrows, coated as they were with the poison of stripped serpents.

The Metal-men, the 'Imperials' were burning the forests.

Burning his forests…

Twenty years, twenty years of incursion, twenty years of logging, cutting, slashing, burning.

With a single smooth motion he sent a shaft whistling through the forest, sinking into the eye of one of the enemy cavaliers.

His folk loosed their own shots, hundred other shafts. They'd trained for this, over centuries the doctrine of the Bowmen had been to loose many shafts at once, to slay an enemy before they could defend themselves or even react.

Their enemy were half-man, half-machine. They had fleshy parts, and though a shot against a metal arm or even sometimes a heart would sometimes do nothing by impair the creatures, shots against the head were more effective.

The Bowmen fled soon after. Just as the radium shots started striking the trees all around them, just as choking gas fell into the forest lying heavy in the canopy. They had to be away quickly, and each elf wounded would have to be examined carefully, for the Skitarii used rounds which would cause a slow death if they weren't dug out and the flesh excised.

"It's not enough." the High Spellsinger said, "They advance every day, they leave ash in their wake. Even the Forest Spirits cannot defeat them."

Indeed, one of the Ancient Treemen of the Heart of the Jungle, the greatest of them, the greatest of the Southland spirits had been slain. Forth he'd strode with his attendants and many beasts of the forest, yet a great crablike metal creation had blown a hole through the treeman's chest, and each of his kind fell to similar terrible weapons.

All through the continent this was happening, the woods were being pushed back. Sometimes in massive chunks, sometimes individual trees. It wasn't everywhere, some areas had been reserved for the Warriors' hunting grounds, or so it seemed. They were formidable foes, strong enough to wrestle Ironhides, and they had the speed of elves.

Oreon wandered alone after the battle. Ash fell like snow and he tasted it on his tongue.

There was one path left.

Away from war he went, up into the mountains.

Prey he stalked, shafts he loosed, quarries he brought down.

He laid horn and tooth on the altar of Kurnous. No words were said, no incantation. The God of the Hunt had no need for it.

It was not enough.

Saurus, Skaven, Greenskins, even the skulls of the Imperials and their Warriors.

Still not enough, the Huntsman's horn sounded not.

Oreon stood on the corpse of a mighty Chaos Dragon, twin heads feathered with his bolts, it's belly carved open by his spear, his sword broken, half shattered in one of the dragon's eyes.

The Bowman lay dying, his body rent from a dozen cuts, bow and arm entire burned by hellfire.

And in the distance, the Wild Riders sounded their horns.

The snows retreated, spring raced spry through the forests.

The Wild Riders bore the Bowman away. Racing over mountain and across deserts they ran, their captive bound behind them. They dragged his body through the forests, through briar-patch and thorn-wood. With knives they flensed him, with rites they bound him, with runes they marked his bones.

Seed and bough they sewed into his limbs, and a single great acorn grew as a new heart.

The corpse-elf staggered before Brúidd, the Council of Beasts and knelt, collapsing into the Forgotten Pools of Darna-Cáoch.

Dreams he had, and dreams bore him, carried him into the Oak of Ages, through the incarnations of that godly place.

In the cold of night Oreon died.

And in the bright light of dawn, Orion, God-King of the Wood thundered forth, the Wild Hunt upon his heels, his great spear in his hand, and blaring horn at his lips.

To war, the Waking Wood, to war the Children of the Trees!
We can handle this right guys ? It's just sticks and stones they have last time I checked right guys ? Guuuys ???
They are in good company with Orikan the Diviner, I suppose he would not be a problem if he choose to only use stone tools would he ;-) ?

This is fairly widely attested too.

''Athel Loren is divided into twelve realms, each ruled by a lord or lady of the great council. Some realms are permanently locked in time, and only ever experience a single season as the years pass. Others dwell eternally under the night, or in the glory of the noon-day sun.''

''Children taken from the lands around the forest, destined never to grow old, joyfully serve their graceful Elven masters.''

''Arranoc, the Summerstrand, is a High Realm of Athel Loren, ruled by Lord Amadri Ironbark. Winter never comes to the verdant reaches of the Summerstrand. Here, the glades are ever dappled by brilliant sunshine all year round. Likewise, night seldom falls in this part of the forest and, even when it does, the hours of darkness are few and fleeting.[1a] ''

''Modryn, the Night Glens, is known collectively as a High Realm of Athel Loren, ruled by Lady Morlanna & Lord Arias. It is a land that lies ever in shadow. Sunlight never reaches these glades, and the only light is that emitted by the flickering spite-creatures that quarrel and frolic as they flit through the upper branches of the trees''

''The forest is steeped in magic, and it is unlike any other forest in the world. It is said that time flows differently in the forest than elsewhere. You could be in there for hours and come out and see only a few minutes have gone by. Or you could be in there for several minutes and come out and see a century has gone by.[1a]''

IDK how much it applies to these southland offshoots but them having no ability to bend time would be odd.
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We could've if it weren't for the dumb ass saboteurs on the Peregin.

How can they be dumb if they learned to target our ever vulnerable engines and actually managed to cover their tracks halfway decent? ;-)
Also perhaps if we could revive The Ancients that might help?
IDK how much it applies to these southland offshoots but them having no ability to bend time would be odd.
Would probably say that that's more to do with Athel Loren itself, rather than a specific Asrai 'technology' which they can deploy a bit. As a colony they'll have fewer ancient stuff like that, it's more things like wood elves dressed in jungle stuff rather than european forest stuff, riding cold ones not stags etc. But yes, as a colony there will be some weird magics pervading through the worldroots