What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Sad day today, numbers 1-10 have been taken off…going to check the map to see if we got it in order at least!
Chaos is a insurgency

It turns civilians into supporters and then into active members

The way to handle a insurgency always been

>deny them home ground: you can set hideouts in territory you know and with local community aid

Take away the knowledge of the local area and friendship ties,and they cant fight as effectively

So rotating population around and keeping them away from people they known and instead become friends of approved faith members

Also cuts down their logistics

>Hearths and mind: be brutal but swift when necesary,be sweet with everybody else, we need a scalpel aproach,always cut down major trouble makers

So both invest on improving local life and making them join the faith

@The Laurent

Your write in seems good,i would add rotating people in the repetance communities and have audits every so often,to avoid chaos insurgents from building up networks of intel and/or stockpiles

Chaos works when you give it time to act,not letting sinners take root untill cleared is a great way to stop tzenchian plots
Your write in seems good,i would add rotating people in the repetance communities and have audits every so often,to avoid chaos insurgents from building up networks of intel and/or stockpiles

On one hand rotating does prevent insurgents from building up. But on the other I don't think it would have a good effect on converting them away from chaos if we keep shuffling them to different people. Half of repentance is building up a sense of trust and community like with a therapist and their client. If the client keeps seeing different therapists every time then there's no progress. Also the people might rightfully feel like the community doesn't trust them which opens them up to chaos anyway.
You guys know we could also use the Melodies to help deal with the Chaos cultists.

Like see what happens we when hit a Nurgle follower with that Fire + Health + Humanity + Protection + Song + Hope combo

Or a Khorne worshiper with that Humanity + Compassion + Mercy + Wisdom + Creativity + Somg combo

We already get some passive affects with our Melodies, which could be enough to help fix our Chaos Communes.
Chaos is a insurgency

It turns civilians into supporters and then into active members

The way to handle a insurgency always been

>deny them home ground: you can set hideouts in territory you know and with local community aid

Take away the knowledge of the local area and friendship ties,and they cant fight as effectively

So rotating population around and keeping them away from people they known and instead become friends of approved faith members

Also cuts down their logistics

>Hearths and mind: be brutal but swift when necesary,be sweet with everybody else, we need a scalpel aproach,always cut down major trouble makers

So both invest on improving local life and making them join the faith

@The Laurent

Your write in seems good,i would add rotating people in the repetance communities and have audits every so often,to avoid chaos insurgents from building up networks of intel and/or stockpiles

Chaos works when you give it time to act,not letting sinners take root untill cleared is a great way to stop tzenchian plots

The real issue is that a Chaos Based insurgency doesn't require any actual grievances, just a populace who isn't hardened against them. The Imperium just doesn't really bother to harden against them because it's cheaper for them to just kill everyone who ever has contact with Chaos than it does to vet anyone who survives contact with them, with a rare few exceptions. The very fact that we can even try to do rehab on the ones who only grazed it is a point in our favor, because Chaos doesn't really have any good hooks it can leverage to do damage even absent the instigating event. While the Imperium is so shit that someone sees a Chaos sigil and doesn't' get purged, then later independently decides to Praise Chaos because there's nothing really stopping them from making that decision.

They also are generally free from logistics because they can summon daemons and Chaos Space Marines and other bullshit from the god damn ether, as long as the Cult either has critical mass or an agent of Chaos with actual power wants it enough to pay for the expense out of their own budget.

Our greatest advantage after all, is that our society doesn't really give Chaos any good hooks to work through, and they don't have a cheap, subtle way of creating openings either. The point is having precedent available for the occasional person who isn't too far gone. Since apparently that vast majority of people who succumb don't have the presence of mind to do anything but fight to the death.
They're not actually free of logistics? Like, being able to summon Daemons just gives you different logistics problems, tbh.

Like, maybe that's against the QM's take on things, but I'm pretty sure there have been Chaos controlled planets before in 40k where most of the people were... non-combatants? As if they do actually have to have an economy even if they replace half of it with Bullshit.
They're not actually free of logistics? Like, being able to summon Daemons just gives you different logistics problems, tbh.

Like, maybe that's against the QM's take on things, but I'm pretty sure there have been Chaos controlled planets before in 40k where most of the people were... non-combatants? As if they do actually have to have an economy even if they replace half of it with Bullshit.

They're "non-combattants" in the sense they're incapable of fighting, but generally speaking, a fully controlled Chaos planet's only populace are slaves who are worked to the bone, people who are constantly made to march in meaningless directions so they can walk around in macro scale glyphs, or the small handful who escaped and are ignored until someone wants some sport or one of them finds a patron.

Chaos allows for nothing that doesn't lead to Ruin. For all they brag about freedom, they're even more regressive than the Imperium ever was. If you're not working for your Overlords, you're a sacrifice in waiting. All for the sake of one or two favored toys who get to pretend like they're in charge.

But yeah, generally speaking, they don't tend to require logistics in the same way more normal factions do. They're an artisanal economy that works on fucking monopoly money and favor trading. Actually needing baseline materials and food is only required if your territory is in realspace, and most Chaos controlled planets are either in Warp Storms which aren't really realspace, or won't remain realspace for long.
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>chaos only need symbols and grievances:
Wich is why is important to keep them away from saod symbols or from being able to make hidden altars and stuff like that

Pop rotation along a strong tracking of who goes in and out can help notice patterns

"There is a increase on behavior associated with chaos every time this specific citizens moves into a location"

>free from logistics: only at the highest levels when you are dealing with demon worlds

They still need and make use of guardsmen
Wich need food,weapons and ammo wich still logistics

they still need faithful to sacrifice and make symbols
As well hitting critical mass of cultists before summoning
This still a form og logistics,but is measured in sacrifices and believers instead of material

And we can disrupt this form of chaos logistics by making sure cults can set roots through a rotation and tracking system

And you are right our society structure advantages is denying passive corruption (read in as recruitment and the main form of getting support for a insurgency)

This leads tl the conclusion

>we need to get as many low level corrupted people to join our faith, in order to avoid a grassroots chaos insurgency from rising

>we need to stop small vanguard (read in as: fanatical,motivated,intelligent, highly corrupted) from laying low and preping terrain for subversion and insurgency

>to do this i reccomend implementing a population tracking and rotating between repetant communities, we cant track chaos directly but we can track it indirectly (more altars per square km in the past weeks means someone is being naugthy there,we can then track who has been behaving weirdly or has arrived in the past weeks)
The really good news is that Chaos guys aren't... Actually usually very good at covering their tracks, they're mostly reliant on subverting or deleting the investigators rather than actually keeping a low profile. If they were actually anywhere remotely decent at their job, the Imperium would have fallen long ago.
On one hand rotating does prevent insurgents from building up. But on the other I don't think it would have a good effect on converting them away from chaos if we keep shuffling them to different people. Half of repentance is building up a sense of trust and community like with a therapist and their client. If the client keeps seeing different therapists every time then there's no progress. Also the people might rightfully feel like the community doesn't trust them which opens them up to chaos anyway.

With our passive protection we can tank most low level passive corruption

So any chaos cult cant rely on drawings and altars to passively turn people,our faithful would ring the alarm of random billy is drawing nurgle sigils he saw on a dream

Instead any hope for chaos relies on doing hidden rituals and recruiting new members

Active recruiting and building up rather than passive

I gladly take the reduction on passive turning into starchild faithful as long we dont get a "tzeenchian laid low for 50 years,now ritual activates and half the world is chaos"
question: does the glittering federation know about blanks and the pariah gene? could emitters be created that could be used in places where the people to be examined will be isolated and controlled?
With our passive protection we can tank most low level passive corruption

So any chaos cult cant rely on drawings and altars to passively turn people,our faithful would ring the alarm of random billy is drawing nurgle sigils he saw on a dream

Instead any hope for chaos relies on doing hidden rituals and recruiting new members

Active recruiting and building up rather than passive

I gladly take the reduction on passive turning into starchild faithful as long we dont get a "tzeenchian laid low for 50 years,now ritual activates and half the world is chaos"

And it's hard for them to recruit new members when the QoL is generally really good and people have plenty of fulfillment in life, yeah.

One dude scribbling lines is not going to be able to suddenly turn half a planet to Chaos if he's not able to find recruits because he doesn't have anything to offer them that won't raise immediate Red Flags.
so like, if every psyker gets recruited into our choirs, Chaos can't get any sorcerers?

imagine having a chaos cult and you can't even communicate to your gods directly lmao
[X] Plan: The Long Haul, V3
-[X] Separation 1: Those who have any disease that we can't immediately recognize is to be quarantined carefully, and killed if they show any hostility, body burned or otherwise purified, as it might be some strange and horrifying exception to basic medical reality. Similarly we should keep in mind that those who worship rot are different than those who worship slaughter or exccess, and each needs to be kept away from 'triggers' and regarded as a risk for these reasons. Those captured who are soldiers are to be considered Prisoners of War of High Danger, and even those who are not are to be considered carefully... though even the worst prisoner is to have food and medical care, until or unless it is decided that they are to be executed by firing squad.
-[X] Separation 2: By task or deed. Those who fought in the name of Chaos, or who were especially eager in slaughter must be separated from either the reluctant or those who, fundamentally, were not important.
-[X] Separation 3: Among them. It is the case that if you have 500 sinners in one community, you have a community of sinners. Instead for those who willingly surrendered and who have not been found to have committed the most vile deeds, we will create Repentance Communities, places where those who wish to redeem the lost and make them Found again. By mixing the faithful and the faithless, and creating a model Star Child town, complete with plenty of chapels... and yet also having it being guarded by the fiercely faithful against subversion, we can give these people a taste of the Federation life: food, medical care, houses and all other Quality of Life amenities equal to that of any citizen of the Federation. To those who were captured or who did greater evils, we must keep them spread out. That is to say, a Repentance Community might have 200 such Chaos people and as many or more good Glimmering Federation Citizens devoted to the cause, and especially to be created and encouraged are Orders of Repentance that can peacefully help run these areas, and that can be trusted to provide lists of the devout and the devoted to further people them thus that each sinner lives in a community filled with faith. But for those who either went too far (but not so far as to be executed) or who had to be captured should be held such that there are no more than a dozen at any location, the better to individually monitor them.
--[X] Addendum: Let it be known that those of each of the false Chaos Gods have different needs, and as you might be careful drinking around those who have challenges with alcohol, so too should the communities be made and run with the awareness of what might tempt one, but not another...
-[X] Separation 4: Separation by Inquisition. Those left over, those who fall into the cracks, are to be investigated and tried. Those found too guilty or too corrupted are to be executed, but if there is a chance to save them without granting dishonor to their victims, it must be investigated. Therefore let it be that those Orders and groups involved in this Inquisition must come not only from those preaching Mercy, or Justice, but from those who believe in both.
-[X] Separation 5: Time. Conversion can be forced, and may have to be, but it also takes time for faith to take root in the heart. At the end of each year, those in all of the categories are to be evaluated, those doing well and Finding Faith potentially to be moved up, those who are backsliding to be pulled away such that they cannot help others backslide, with the ultimate goal that all who can be saved... and who are WILLING to be saved, will one day be full-citizens released from the Repentance Communities.
-[X] OOC: Force literally every voter who votes for this to sign a life pact promising to vote for 'finding Chaos' next turn.
-[X] Caveat/Note: The well-being of those who care for, imprison, or judge these people is important to. They are to have regular mental health check-ins with uninvolved people (as well as medical check-ins, considering the risk of disease) and are to be rotated out of their duties every so often as best as possible.
Hmm I wonder if it might be a good idea to make an entire section about giving surrendered cultists redemption in death? Cause I imagine a lot of chaos slaves self aware enough to surrender would also kind of not want to live with their sins they committed in the name of Chaos. So attempting to do some sort of ritual execution that will hopefully free their souls from the grasp of Chaos could be useful?

One of the big things about Chaos is that you're basically damned from the 1st moment you're really chaos marked and when you die your soul is damned to be a demon's eternal torture toy unless you're one of the actual big names. So be able to attempt to offer an escape from that could get surrenders even from some long war Space Marine veterans who long regret hitching their ride to Chaos but they can't back out without facing eternal torment.

Though for a ritual like this to actually do as advertised we might require a new Song but who knows through the Star-Child all things are possible.
[X] Plan: The Long Haul, V3

Oh boy here we go.
[X] Plan: The Long Haul, V3

Right, fingers crossed that tomorrow isn't a disaster.
If we are being honest, even the best scenario has massacres involved. The best we can realistically hope for is that most of our forces are not corrupted and the ones that are successfully contain themselves or deal with it.

With chaos right there, its not an if something will go bad, its a how is it gonna go bad.
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