These are all good points and indeed, things that I have considered. But to the matter of fact, let's examine them rather closely and show you where I disagree with them.
are middle grounds, in that the sway of power is held by different pantheons much like power blocks. The end is not always the destruction of all a la Ragnarok or destruction of Gods found disagreeable a la Titanomachy. Moreover and with regards to compatibility, what happens if our Pantheon find a God who is agreeable...who in turn finds another God to be agreeable but
not with the Goddesses?
Another difficult question, one that I feel should be answered promptly considering our religious focus.
And here's the big point of uncertainty. The Gods are real, yes. They have power, yes. But you said it yourself, the biggest point of uncertainty:
'So far'. 'For now'. The other undeniable fact is that Gods
change. They are old, but they can, through actions of other Gods or their worshippers, change, shift, and have different aspects to change
entirely. Arthryn dragged It-That-Became All-Seerest kicking and screaming into the Pantheon. Wryn
casually making it so that Evalyn turn into a Catgirl Goddess (I did the
opposite of complaining when the sidestory dropped
). Gods can become so unrecognizable in this world, even. Dionysus' treatment in the mythos (check out the Overly Sarcastic Production video on the matter, it's great) is a prime example of this.
Simply put, we cannot rely our Gods to remain the
same, that they retain the values that us, the player want. Like the civilization, we need to take careful stock of their disposition and nature, and how the civilization venerates them.
Certainly, but notably speaking, that is
not what is happening with this current vote. I have no outward problems with it, not with a Double Hero in the helm. But what do you think will happen to the Boarfolk who might to their perceived barbaric ways, the ways of the
damned Scourge of the past?
Nothing good for them, that is for sure.