Should the world be a Low Fantasy setting?

  • Yes

    Votes: 63 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 30.0%

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Hey, next turn who's up for sending a war party into the forest to start clearing it of Undead? I'd rather not have those things lurking about longer than needed. We can even get the Maradysh in on the fun. Nothing brings people together like a common enemy after all.

We can also explore the lowlands on the same turn to see if anyone is still alive down there.
We should wait till we have iron or steel, then we can do some proper clear cutting and actually start cutting away at the forest, anything else is just going to fight in enemy infested homeground, where the ground is literally against us (the forest).

Should totally explore the lowlands though.
We should wait till we have iron or steel, then we can do some proper clear cutting and actually start cutting away at the forest, anything else is just going to fight in enemy infested homeground, where the ground is literally against us (the forest).

Should totally explore the lowlands though.
I was thinking less cutting down the forest and more burning down the forest. Just clear the whole thing out. Cause fuck the forest spirits that created Undead.
Hrm, does the ruleset not contain anything about the factions? I went to atleast find what the range of moods there was but noticed there was no info about them at all.

Priests (4 (5)) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add faction power to Stability or Legitimacy Rolls, Objective: Start the Sacred Forest Megaproject, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Elders (3) = Mood: Pleased, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Create New Trails in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Stability/-1 Stability
Warriors (5) = Mood: Satisfied, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Explore the Lowlands, Success/Failure: ???/-
Farmers (1) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Build Palisade in 1 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Crafters (1) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Explore the Sunrise Mountains in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: ???/-

After looking at this again we should probably build a palisade. We only have one turn left for this little quest.

Priests (4 (5)) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add faction power to Stability or Legitimacy Rolls, Objective: Start the Sacred Forest Megaproject, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Elders (3) = Mood: Pleased, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Create New Trails in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Stability/-1 Stability
Warriors (5) = Mood: Satisfied, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Explore the Lowlands, Success/Failure: ???/-
Farmers (1) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Build Palisade in 1 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Crafters (1) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Explore the Sunrise Mountains in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: ???/-

After looking at this again we should probably build a palisade. We only have one turn left for this little quest.
I'm also rather curious as to why the Sunrise Mountains even have an exploration for them. I would have thought building a massive road through it would have counted. But maybe there is something interesting there to find? Like exploring includes looking for new and interesting metals? Source of first magic-material maybe?
Still lets take a page from our neighbors and start building walls around our villages we got them and now we need to build them.
It may also be worthwhile to note that our warriors seem to be our most powerful group and are (possibly??) our least happy faction. So, checking the lowlands may be keep them from getting into neutral territory.
Atleast, I think satisfied is less happy than pleased.
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I'm also rather curious as to why the Sunrise Mountains even have an exploration for them. I would have thought building a massive road through it would have counted. But maybe there is something interesting there to find? Like exploring includes looking for new and interesting metals? Source of first magic-material maybe?

We built a path through it, not made full range exploration.
Instead of rush builders shouldn't we have a legacy for steady builders,
for example once you start a extended project there is an automatic secondary each turn after until finished.
edit: obliviously it only proc's if we don't select the action our selves.
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I was thinking less cutting down the forest and more burning down the forest. Just clear the whole thing out. Cause fuck the forest spirits that created Undead.
Literally impossible. Forests don't burn like that even if you used massive amounts of kerosene to help it along. Forest fires have a lot of trouble spreading unless there is a large amount of dry tinder to be utilized. You need at least one of the following to get a wildfire going at all. You need two or three to get further than a localized fire:
-Extended drought sufficient to lower groundwater levels. Note that in a primordial forest, the ground contains large amounts of water within the leaf litter and the clay, which is kept from evaporation due to the shade the trees provide.

-Large amounts of free tinder. This does not naturally happen, small fires would break out and burn through the dry leaves and twigs before dying down with negligible damage to the trees and bushes, or animals will procure and eat or otherwise use up the tinder.

-Significant numbers of trees dying off at once. Under the right circumstances the wood can become dry and powdery, or dry and oily, both of which are significant flame accelerants.

Green wood burns like shit, produces lots of choking smoke which would smother fires, and generally is not inclined to turn into a firestorm.
I'm also rather curious as to why the Sunrise Mountains even have an exploration for them. I would have thought building a massive road through it would have counted. But maybe there is something interesting there to find? Like exploring includes looking for new and interesting metals? Source of first magic-material maybe?
Not that massive.
Impressive for the era given that they go through impassable mountains, but objectively speaking not that huge.
I'm also rather curious as to why the Sunrise Mountains even have an exploration for them. I would have thought building a massive road through it would have counted. But maybe there is something interesting there to find? Like exploring includes looking for new and interesting metals? Source of first magic-material maybe?
That same path means that its now easier to get further into the mountains to explore.
Maradysh Negaverse omake: Cadlon with a Northern Soul
Negaverse omake: Cadlon with a Northern Soul


Your Cadlon is considering attempting to also become the Cadlon of the Northerners.

[O) The families approve of the plan: a leader to guarantee friendship with the northerners for generations to come
Results: Cadlon Bronwyn attempts to become a dual Cadlon, possible further strengthening of relations between the People and the Northeners, ???

[) The families disapproved: too much closeness with the northerners - this idea must be stamped down even if it means speaking against the Cadlon!
Results: -1 legitimacy, -1 stability, block further strengthening of relations, ???


When the family heads and - elders jubilantly agreed with Bronwyn The Beautiful on her claiming the throne of the Northerners, it was still expected to be an uphill battle against the entrenched powers that would rather take the crown for themselves.
What they didn't expect was for the news come from one clear summer:
The Cadlon of the Northerners willingly naming her as the next successor to their throne.

This shocked the families immensely - and brought a ring of terror to those who could now see what they hadn't previously.

Their Cadlon was a Northerner - raised by them and only in their older days brought among the People. A fact that hadn't been hidden, but was easily forgotten when listening to the silky voice of the Cadlon.

This hadn't been one of The People starting to rule the Northerners.
This was the opposite.

When the time came that Browyn rose to her second throne, she began to work - in short time, their people were closer than ever.
At the cost of the Northerners learning of their secrets.
On how to ride the boars of The Tusked Kin. How to train war dogs. Of how fast they had already spread their settlements in hopes of matching their numbers in the future.

And then, she began to speak of the Northern Goddesses.

The families were horrified, but some saw a necessity on it: the Northern goddesses were bizarre, but their Cadlon already proved they could be approached.
In fact, they had also learned of how the All-Seeress used to be a Goddess of the Mentir-Northerners and had fought until she lay defeated, only to be allowed to join her sisters among their goddesses.
Could this not also be possible for the Goddess of Light? Have they not already lost so much that uniting under a stronger whole would also strengthen their goddess? Surely that wasn't betraying her, you would be cementing her survival alongside the People.

The Tusked Kin would not approve, however. Who knows what they will do if Cadlon gains traction on this matter.


New Status Effects -

Under Unwanted Personal Union: The People are under the leadership of an outsider - at least for now. -1 legitimacy per turn. The more powerful party can use actions to increase Legitimacy in the weaker side of the union. Turns into vassalage if legitimacy rises above max.

Our Cadlon is trying to convert the People to the heathen goddesses!

[) The People will resist to the last!
Results: Fight against religious conversion, high potential for civil war, if failed lose the game, ???

[) It seems this might be for the best - but let her stay!
Results: Work with the religious conversion while pushing for the Northerners to adopt The Light among their deities, very high chance of Tusked Kin-led civil war, merge with the Northerners, uncontrolled change of values & legacies if successful, if process fails play as Lowlands Tusked Kin.


AN: The rolls were oddly bipolar: your Cadlon succeeded without a fight as the Northerners rolled their acceptance with a critical.
Unfortunately, they rolled a critical on the power play while you Natural 1'd and instead of a time of diplomatic struggle that should've desensitized Bronwyn from closing the metaphorical noose, she could immediately go to work with bringing your peoples closer together.

On one hand, things are bad. You lost a lot of your exclusive access to certain warfare techs and are now possibly facing vassalage.
However, you have gained a unique possible way out as well: you could work with the process in hopes of assimilating into the Northerners - or Arthwyd if you prefer - and then play as them as your new "successor state" like when the plague broke your former civ and your closer neighbors.

Honestly, the rolls for the Arthwyd have been insane since the Boarslayer was rolled! And this turn... well, this wasn't the only ridiculous thing they got.


"Oh you are just fear-mongering", you said! "The Cadlon is our hero", you said!

*Flips table enthusiastically*
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For starters, the People gained knowledge of just how far the Maradysh had expanded under the rule of Cadlon Aeryn and Cadlon Tarvan as the Maradysh had settled villages across a vast portion of the land around Green River in the region between the Arthwyd and the lowlands.

While this knowledge was initially a shock to the Arthwyd as such rapid expansion would have been possible for them, it quickly began apparent that Maradysh just focused on founding new villages.

Unlike those in the north, the southerners didn't worry about building shrines to their goddesses or constructing trails to connect their settlements or even putting up walls to protect their homes. No, they just expanded as new branches of families set off to build their new homes in the wilderness.

This rapid expansion had started under Cadlon Aeryn as she had hoped to gain more numbers to reduce the power difference between the Maradysh and the Arthwyd and Cadlon Tarvan had continued this policy despite his marriage with Elyn. New settlements were already being founded when Bronwyn the Beautiful began the Cadlon of the Maradysh and she saw no reason to stop the current wave of expansion.
3 times 2 = 6. Where did the southerners get the resources for 6 settlements with no breaks? 18 Temp Econ, -3 Temp Martial, +6 Settlement Progress, +6 Econ. I repeat, where did they get the resources to build that with no break/rest period?
M: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +2 Settlement Progress, +2 Econ,
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3 times 2 = 6. Where did the southerners get the resources for 6 settlements with no breaks? 18 Temp Econ, -3 Temp Martial, +6 Settlement Progress, +6 Econ. I repeat, where did they get the resources to build that with no break/rest period?
They must have legacies and values that significantly lower the cost of making settlements, most likely the ones that also leads to their great infighting and disorganization.