The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

[x] …on Naboo.

We know one person who isn't a friend of the megacorps. Besides, if there's a chance to get Padme (Just Try and Stop Me) Amidala and General (I will go through you) Grievous on the same side? I want to try it.
I'm going to be honest I kind of want to pick every option on here, which is certainly a sign of a good setup! Still, I'll probably wait a couple of days to mull it over.

Right now I'm thinking about hitting the Senate directly as well, to give Anakin a chance to try his hand at resolving things himself. The main issue with Padme, at least, is time, as I see it.
Why? Anakin did spend the last little while boning up on law and legal procedure -- a half-remembered snippet could spring to mind, and he could connect the dots, if he took a breath and thought for a moment instead of panicking. Perhaps drawing on Jedi training for aid in centering himself. They're supposed to be pretty good at that.

Also, from a purely character perspective, "hey let's go to this really cool queen whose planet got a similar treatment, haha, no other reason I Anakin Skywalker want an excuse to talk to Padme Amidala" is extremely in-character!
[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.

Palpatine hasn't given us any reason not to trust him, so I have no idea why we wouldn't take the most expedient and effective course of action. Queen Amidala probably doesn't have the sheer muscle necessary to move the IGBC, and the Senate could bog us down indefinitely without a strong ally to manage it. Palpatine is the natural choice.
Yeah that checks. I don't think it's realistic to expect this relief mission to ever happen, but I'm very much coming around to the idea that it's not possible - or even neccesarily desireable - to not break Anakin Skywalker, merely determine the shape of the shards, as it were.

With that in mind

[X] …in the Senate.

has my vote because that's where Anakin is most likely to see the futility of placing his hopes on the Republic.
In a word.

... You know what?

Fuck Palps. This is probably something he orchastrated in the first place because he wants Grievous as one of his tools. He's not going to help us here. He'll find some way to poison the well. So instead, we throw down the gauntlet at the entire Senate and see if any of them have the balls to actually pick it up. I say we ask for permission to speak as one of the orchestrators of the relief effort and then shame the entire fucking lot of them with what we are. Anakin represents every failing in upholding their supposed vaunted laws that the Senate has ever engaged in.

[X] …in the Senate.
Furthermore he will try to make us loose faith in the jedi no no no no.
[X] …in the Senate.
Lets make common cause with Organa and Bel Ilbis. This our chance to make friends with cool senators who in another continuity create the rebel alliance. Padme is not as influential at this stage, so lets not.
[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.
[X] …in the Senate.

Meta-logic for Palpatine: if he already has his eyes on Grievous, this at least forces him to drop those plans to keep hold of Anakin.
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Simply ignoring every option involving Palpatine is not going to work; it's like thinking that if you don't look at a tiger then it can't eat you. We are going to have to interact with him a bit if we want Anakin to gain the experience he'll need to start to see through him as a manipulator.
Sure, but going to Sheev because we think it will salve our worries, after Obi-Wan instructed us otherwise, and without non-Jedi allies, ain't the way to do it. Moreover, we've been all but told that our choices aren't mutually exclusive, and that what we're actually deciding is the order of events (and thus how later events are impacted by earlier ones) -- although, taking the longest-lasting option of seeing Padme might mean locking ourselves out of at least one more immediate option on Coruscant.

But if we are to face Sheev, I'd like to do it with the backing of not just a united Jedi Order but also at least some third parties, and on our own terms rather than running to seek his help with adversity.

(All of the above said, I am not averse to seeking aid in the Senate at this juncture and may edit in an approval-vote to that effect at some point.)
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[X] …on Naboo.
Queen Amidala is a sworn enemy of the megacorps, but this will take time you may not have.

[X] …in the Senate.
Is there anyone in the Republic who has power they're not willing to sell to the highest bidder?
[X] …on Naboo.

Naboo doesn't have much material aid to provide, but Anakin wants to see Padmé again.

She's going to recommend direct action. If he follows through, the Jedi Council will internally label him as a rogue agent and try to keep him at more of a distance. But he might tease out a more direct confrontation between the Jedi and the Palpatine-manipulated factions early, getting the Jedi to plan and act earlier.

I do like that Anakin has a new appreciation for the Agricorps. If possible, i'd like to try and foster a closer relationship with them, because they are those who work to feed the galaxy.
And if Anakin fails to make it as a Jedi, having respect for the Agricorps gives him an alternative.

I really don't think the IBC's threat is terribly credible. A cease and desist is only a threat to take the Jedi to court, and while the Kalee may not have many rights or good lawyers, the Jedi surely have lots of both.
A court is likely to issue an injunction long enough for tons of people to starve.
[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.

I really don't want to do this. But it's a choice between a sort of pride and saving lives.

[X] …on Naboo.

But there is also the maverick option.
[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.
This is easy he wants Grievous but he cant allienate Anakin. As a SITH he will take the greedy choice of trying to keep Anakin in his pants over Grievous.
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A court is likely to issue an injunction long enough for tons of people to starve.
I disagree that the IBC can make out good enough case for a preliminary injunction such that it will get granted quickly against such opposition as I am confident the Jedi can muster. I doubt they could even manage a temporary restraining order for the time it would take to decide a motion for a preliminary injunction -- the prejudice to their rights is simply too minimal, and the Jedi can be prepared to meet an emergency motion with their opposition before the court can rule on the former.
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[X] …in the Senate.

TBH this is mostly hoping we can run into Bail Organa and/or Mon Mothma. Padme might take too long, and Palpatine is obviously a risk of building that connection (and behind this).
You have a bad feeling about this.

"I'm Rush Clovis," he says.
Damn, this man cannot catch a break. :rofl:

Oh well, serves him right for trying to steal someone's girl. Can't wait to teach Anakin the meaning of Defenestration.
He hands you a datapad.

Your eyes flick over the words with the same precision with which you pick targets from a fighter cockpit. We regret to inform you…interference with worlds under IGBC jurisdiction…cancel proposed asset deployment…legal action may be necessary…

It is a cease and desist message for the entire AgriCorps operation you have just put together.
Oh. Oh. Oh that I hate.

[X] …in the Supreme Chancellor's office.
It's just one tiny favor. One dose does not a habit make. We're not addicted, honest.
Spoiler: Part 3
+1: A danger to those closest to you
-1: A glimmer of hope
Total: 5
+1: The dark is patient
+1: Depukrekta, repairer of chains

Total: 5
The formatting got borked in the Stress post @Kirook.

Though on that note we really do need to think about what we're going to do when we hit the next Stress breakpoint. At this rate it's going to be soon, and if we avoid venting again it's just going to make the next one even worse.