The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

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Wait, you mean because we picked Niman? Nah. We picked Niman because The Force is cooler than lightsabers, and we want to go full Starkiller, and throw the senate back at Cosinga Jr.
I mean, I feel like people are probably trying to craft an Anakin that's more willing to be diplomatic and work with other people rather than just brute forcing his way through life generally. Though I agree people probably picked the lightsaber style because it would encourage him to wreak havoc with the force in combat.
I mean, I feel like people are probably trying to craft an Anakin that's more willing to be diplomatic and work with other people rather than just brute forcing his way through life generally. Though I agree people probably picked the lightsaber style because it would encourage him to wreak havoc with the force in combat.

I would appreciate him having political connections that aren't his girlfriend or his evil mentor.
[X] Request an AgriCorps deployment.

Boots on the ground with eyes open. At which point Jedi with more leverage than we have can act.
For clarity's sake, you aren't necessarily just going to pick one of these entities to Solve The Problem. The Kalee negotiations are complex and there are a lot of moving parts. You may end up getting different allies to handle various parts of the settlement.
HE should hang with Bel Iblis and Bail Organa

Exactly! There's a whole delegation of guys who went on to form the rebellion. They're probably junior senators or their aides right now but that doesn't mean they aren't around. The idealistic wing of the separatists is also still part of the republic. You will never get a majority out of it, but you'll get people who know very well they're the minority but still find ways to get something out of the republic's institutions.
The Kalee negotiations are complex and there are a lot of moving parts. You may end up getting different allies to handle various parts of the settlement.
Yeah, I kind of figured. That's why I voted Agricorps: "Some parts of this are going to take time, in the meanwhile, as a show of good faith, here are some people that can help immediately with a different aspect (rebuilding your world)."
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HE should hang with Bel Iblis and Bail Organa

As has been pointed out to me before, Garm isn't the firebrand he was in later years just yet and is still new to the Senate/not very influential. Meanwhile, I don't think Bail Organa is even in the Senate yet, with Alderaan's seat still being occupied by Bail Antilles (confusing, I know).

Edit: After double-checking Wookieepedia, Organa might be in the Senate, but still new to his seat like Garm is.
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As has been pointed out to me before, Garm isn't the firebrand he was in later years just yet and is still new to the Senate/not very influential. Meanwhile, I don't think Bail Organa is even in the Senate yet, with Alderaan's seat still being occupied by Bail Antilles (confusing, I know).

Edit: After double-checking Wookieepedia, Organa might be in the Senate, but still new to his seat like Garm is.

Continuing this thread, it looks like Mon Mothma also joined the senate in or around 32BBY and she'd be another good person to know. Also, ages in Star Wars are weird. According to the wiki, Mon Mothma was married at 15 and became a galactic Senator at 16. Now, I'm all for seeing younger politicians than our current gerontocracy, but holding a galaxy level position at 16 seems a bit to far in the other direction. ... Actually, the fact that entire planets seem to be on board with electing 16 year-olds to these positions (and older people aren't throwing around enough resources to get the positions for themselves), does not speak well to the perceived efficacy of the senate.
As has been pointed out to me before, Garm isn't the firebrand he was in later years just yet and is still new to the Senate/not very influential. Meanwhile, I don't think Bail Organa is even in the Senate yet, with Alderaan's seat still being occupied by Bail Antilles (confusing, I know).

Edit: After double-checking Wookieepedia, Organa might be in the Senate, but still new to his seat like Garm is.
Bail is from Alderaan and the last representative Antilles nearly won the Chancellorship if not for Sheev existing, and Garms no slouch as senator of wealthy Corellia he has some latitude alongside the maverick Corellian stereotype he played into. Getting in touch with Corellia's senators might also get us in touch with their ndependant jedi sect.
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Bail is from Alderaan and the last representative Antilles nearly won the Chancellorship if not for Sheev existing, and Garms no slouch as senator of wealthy Corellia he has some latitude alongside the maverick Corellian stereotype he played into. Getting in touch with Corellia's senators might also get us in touch with their ndependant jedi sect.

If Bail Organa is in the Senate, it's as a new Senator with no connections or respect yet from his peers. Same for Garm.

As for the Green Jedi, they only operate within the Corellian System. It's part of why they're allowed to be independent from the main order.
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