The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

Voting is open for the next 2 days, 10 hours
[X] Form VI - Niman

I always like the force as an active thing to be used rather then a fall back it seemed to be in the movie fights.

And I feel like I want to see more written about using the force as an active component of the fight rather then the fall back when you're too far away to hit them with your lightsaber, rather then the passive buff it feels like it's relegated too in so many fights.

that's very fair, as much as Sidious is well, Sidious, his philosophy is pretty interesting regarding the use of lightsabers is really interesting. His whole thing was that a true master of the force simply wouldn't and shouldn't use a lightsaber in combat, for they would have no need of it. Something along those lines anyways, someone can probably articulate it better than me!
Adhoc vote count started by Etranger on Jun 2, 2024 at 7:46 PM, finished with 185 posts and 131 votes.

[announcer voice]

Despite an early surge from Djem So, Shii-Cho has taken the lead at 50 votes, while Djem So and Niman jockey for second at 46 each.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a tight race.

Trailing well behind our frontrunners are the rest, which... yes, Juyo appears to have illegally joined the race.
Trailing well behind our frontrunners are the rest, which... yes, Juyo appears to have illegally joined the race.
Look here now, if we can make a huge comeback on Juyo, I'll be estatic. Mostly because I think Anakin doggedly bothering Mace Windu to teach him Juyo is an amazing idea and now it's all I can think of. Mostly though, I wonder if Vaapad isn't a good means for Anakin to familiarize himself on that knifes edge.
The roil of the Force around you and Ferus drowns out their emotions until only whispers remain. But in their eyes you can see apprehension, nervousness…no, more than that. Fear. In spite of the trust you thought you'd earned with them, and in spite of the spirit of friendship that swept you all up when you came here, they were certain that you were about to try to seriously hurt Ferus over nothing more than harsh words.

And though it shames you to realize that, what shames you far more is that they were very nearly right.
They're all aware that Anakin is a lot stronger than them and he has reputation for being a hot head.

You breathe out, and shut your lightsaber off. And the whole room seems to exhale with you.

No one says it out loud, but it's apparent that the time for games is over. The Initiates disperse, wandering off alone or in pairs, murmuring to each other in low voices. Ferus doesn't even look at you as he walks away—maybe he can't bring himself to, after twisting the knife like he just did. It's an ugly end for a day that started so beautifully; your only consolation is that it would have been far worse if you'd failed to control yourself.
"No, I mean…" Iskat struggles for the words for a moment. "Getting pushed to the edge like that, but then…pulling yourself back before you go over. I didn't think that was possible."
He showed an impressive amount of self control.

"Just so," says Chancellor Palpatine, glancing—so briefly you almost miss it—at the statue of Sistros of Dwartii. "Which brings me to the reason I called you two here. Your deft diplomacy negotiated a peace between Kalee and Huk; now, that peace must be secured. As you may know, the Senate can be…unruly…at the best of times. However, I believe that I can bring some of the Senators in line behind our mutual goals. Simply put: should you deem it necessary, I can, and will, marshal the votes for a relief bill for Kalee."

"Just like that?"

You didn't mean to say it out loud, but you're so surprised that the words just slip out. This is a far cry from the hemming and hawing you've come to expect from well-meaning Core Worlders. You already knew that Palpatine was different from them, of course; but now those differences are put on starker display than ever.

Palpatine smiles again, but it's not the same friendly expression with which he first greeted you. His mouth is pulled a little tighter; his eyes are harder and narrower. "Anakin, I chose to run for this office because my predecessor Valorum was content to watch the bureaucrats bicker as my homeworld burned. I assure you, there will be no such squabbling in this Chancellery if I have any say in the matter—and I most definitely do."
Palpatine is showing why people liked him and how he managed to become so beloved.

[X] Form VI - Niman
The untapped potential of a desert night.

I feel like this could help him grow as a person.

Jedi Vector

Jedi Vectors were a model of starfighter utilized exclusively by the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. Designed to be a physical extension of the Jedi's connection to the Force, the Vector was a sleek and streamlined vessel that emphasized performance and maneuverability. Renowned for its...

Which honestly sounds like something right up Anakin's alley; there's even one that was apparently being worked on at the Order's hangers the year Anakin was born.

Up-tech one of those suckers with new parts, spend some time tinkering with it and Anakin could have quite the machine to use.
"Further cementing itself as the premier ship of the Jedi Order, the Vector's weapons systems could only be activated with the use of a lightsaber as a key."
Anakin never loses his lightsaber, so I'm sure this would work out great for him.

[x] Form II - Makashi
[x] Form V - Djem So
Makashi because I like the idea of Anakin deciding that he really doesn't want to lose any more lightsaber duels after that last experience, and Djem So because I happen to like canon Anakin.
[X] Form I - Shii-Cho
[X] Form III - Soresu
[X] Form VI - Niman

At this stage, broadening Anakin's mind and view is probably the best for him long-term. So, having him focus on the basics (thus teaching him humility and the need for mastering the basics before moving on to the advanced) or learning patience is for the best.

Having him basically go with his base preference of Djem-So doesn't really teach him much, though is a de-stressor. But, long-term, limits his viewpoint to that which he already is destined to go.

Niman is a high-risk, high-reward type of choice since, if we do this, we really need Anakin to focus on his bladework alot. I believe, canonically, most Form VI practitioners died in the Battle of Geonosis since they mostly skimped off their blade work.
[] Form V - Djem So
[] Form VI - Niman

I want Djem So to win but I would rather Niman win over Shii-cho. It just feels too basic.
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Niman is a high-risk, high-reward type of choice since, if we do this, we really need Anakin to focus on his bladework alot. I believe, canonically, most Form VI practitioners died in the Battle of Geonosis since they mostly skimped off their blade work.
Yeah basically, the problem with Niman is that is a low-skill floor, high-skill ceiling form of combat, which was favored by Jedi who didn´t expect to be engaged in combat beyond punctual scuffles with bandits (healers, seers, diplomats...) because you could get serviceable results with less training than other forms, and those were the ones who fell in Geonosis like Doritos encrusted flies...

On the contrary, Mastering Niman required much more training and skill than any other style but once mastered (which usually took 10 years or so) the user went beyond the "Jack of all trades" and became a "Master of All"... Hell, the most feared lightsaber duelists on Legends all used Niman as their primary style (Revan, Darth Krayth, Exar Kun, Starkiller...)
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[X] Form I - Shii-Cho
[X] Form III - Soresu
[X] Form VI - Niman

I actually really like Soresu. We know that Obi-Wan is going to be picking up this style and it's something Anakin could learn alongside him. Something that might help strengthen their bond together.
Doesn't look like many other like it though so approval voting for Shii-Cho and Niman. Focus on the fundamentals or on the Force.
[X] Form I - Shii-Cho
[X] Form VI - Niman

@Kirook as an aside I just wanted to gush about how you write Palpatine in chancellor mode, I can just hear Ian McDiarmid saying it as I'm reading, surface-level the grandfatherly steward of the Republic all stern but fair and morally upright and even a little prissy while savvy and full of cunning, but all shit that could easily become maximum sinister once it leads up to teaching Anakin the right/wrong lesson about the universe.
[X] Form I - Shii-Cho
[X] Form VI - Niman

@Kirook as an aside I just wanted to gush about how you write Palpatine in chancellor mode, I can just hear Ian McDiarmid saying it as I'm reading, surface-level the grandfatherly steward of the Republic all stern but fair and morally upright and even a little prissy while savvy and full of cunning, but all shit that could easily become maximum sinister once it leads up to teaching Anakin the right/wrong lesson about the universe.
One of the things that I've noticed about Palpatine in EU material is that when he's in his Chancellor guise he's constantly saying stuff that seems innocuous if you don't know his secret but actually hints at his true, villainous plans. He's very much the sort of person who gets a twisted kick out of all but shouting "I am a secret Sith Lord!" and watching people miss the implications anyway.
its great its simultaneously peak "saturday cartoon villain in the fake persona infiltration episode" and also just Reagan's dogwhistles in his speeches on freedom and whatnot.
What's with all the support for Form 1? There's a reason most Jedi don't use it.
Having a good understanding of the Fundamentals is never a bad thing, especially for someone like Anakin who started lightsaber training late. It will serve as a useful foundations for the other styles later on in his path.

Also Kit Fisto uses it. And every Jedi Master is at least familiar with the style. Never neglect the basics.
Voting is open for the next 2 days, 10 hours