The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

[X] Form I - Shii-Cho
[X] Form III - Soresu
[X] Form VI - Niman

I hope that later on we could do some work learning Soresu since patience is something Anakin sorely needs.

The idea of Anakin fighting against Palpatine with the style he uses is amusing.
Palpatine smiles again, but it's not the same friendly expression with which he first greeted you. His mouth is pulled a little tighter; his eyes are harder and narrower. "Anakin, I chose to run for this office because my predecessor Valorum was content to watch the bureaucrats bicker as my homeworld burned. I assure you, there will be no such squabbling in this Chancellery if I have any say in the matter—and I most definitely do."
Palpatine is such a nice guy. We should hang out with him more

[X] Form V - Djem So
[X] Form VII - Juyo
[x] Form V - Djem So

Rage against the machine! I revolt! ... but also Djem So for Anakin to have something nice and simple to work with - poor kid handles a lot already, a familiar form that he can sink into would be nice.
Ok let's remember some things,
first we haven't been specializing in saber practice at all, like in the first turn vote saber practice was the second last vote with only corresponding with padme getting less votes, and us voting in huge amounts more to Bonding with the other Initiates and Padawans, to working with technology, to resting and even studying more before saber practice came into the picture, and unless things change in the votes, working with technologies is always going to be our focus, and with our promise for Kalee, that's just another things that's gonna take time. so Basically taking any form other than djem so means making Saber practice a higher priority than previously voted on.

second Djem so is not weak at all Anakin was arguably one of the strongest fighters in the entire galaxy because of his force powers and because of his mastery of Djem so that came so easily to him, even against Palpatine or mace windu or Obi wan or Yoda, Anakin as a stable (not dark force corrupted) master of the form could take them on and win against them. he is up there with them in strength.
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Some thoughts about Anakin and the forms:
  • In regards to Shii-Cho, the reliance (in combat usage) of Force-directed intuition potentially turns Anakin's intuitive and deep connection to the Force into an incredible multiplier, offering a built-in unpredictability that could mesh well with his occasional off-the-wall plans. It's applicability to just about every possible situation could offer flexibility as well. A solid pick, in my mind. Ranked 4th.
  • Makashi... not feeling it. Sure, it has advantages - but honestly, if someone's in a seriouls lightsaber duel with Anakin they're... probably in quite a bit of trouble regardless of his form (or, in a couple of cases, he's in trouble regardless of his form). Ranked 6th.
  • Soresu... does have potential. In part the influence it would have on his mentality (if successfully trained) and in part due to Obi-Wan's (future) mastery giving Anakin a great teacher for it. It's not really a great pick, but it's not a bad one. Ranked 5th.
  • Ataru has very strong promise. Given Anakin's talent with piloting, which requires a grasp of 3D movement to begin with, this form would be the closest analog to something that's already a strong suit for him. It's likely that his connection to the Force would lead to a great ability to apply it to his physical abilities with this form - maybe not Yoda-pinball level of maneuverability, but likely pretty good. Ranked 1st.
  • Djem-So / Shien. We know from canon that this is a strong and safe pick for Anakin. He's going to be in battlefields of different scales in the future, so again, good pick on likely future use. He's going to have physical strength and reach to use it well. Ranked 3rd.
  • Niman. This one gets crapped on a lot as "the form Jedi who don't care about lightsaber combat uses", but it's perhaps the most creative of the forms. The greater integration of the Force aside from self-enhancement offers a lot of promise. It's typically the form used by some of the greatest lightsaber combatants of their respective ages (Palpatine, Exar Kun both come to mind), so it's likely got a high effectiveness cap. It also meshes well with unorthodox tactics and creativity - somewhat like a refined Shii-Cho, honestly. Ranked 2nd.
  • Juyo. Yeah, let's not. There's some potential of Anakin taking Mace Windu's ability to find balance on the blade's edge quite far... maybe. Ranked 7th.
Overall, to me it comes between Forms IV, V and VI; the ranking between them honestly is a bit variable.
[X] Form V - Djem So
[X] Form VII - Juyo

Ultimately, lightsaber combat is an extremely inefficient way of setting right the wrongs of the galaxy. We should either pick the form that gives us the easiest time to do other things.. or the coolest form because it's just too cool to pass up.
This rationale doesn't necessarily apply to Shii-Cho, with which Anakin already has some experience and which is the most straightforward of the forms.
Not so sure
The idea in choosing it would be to make up for lost time in Anakin's saber training by making sure that your fundamentals are as good as you can make them, at the cost of ruling out any personal flourishes to his style for the immediate future
Unlike djem so where it clearly states that Anakin will have more time, this reads more that Anakin will make up for his earlier deficiencies, which shows more that if we chose shii-cho first and then chose another Form to master, Anakin will simply be better, then if for example he masters 2 other forms, simply because he has a better foundation and corrected any mistakes he had, while in other forms he will still have some mistakes. but again the problem would be time management and priorities cause shii cho isn't the best alone.
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[X] Form V - Djem So
Overall possibly the best pick, since it requires less catching up since it´s something Anakin seems to have aptitude for. Plus it reduces stress, which everybody seems to insist on piling on. My personal preference.
[X] Form VI - Niman
Long term project. While being jack of all trades is not always as good as master of one, master of all is better once you get there. Also a force heavy form will be useful in the hands of the most talented force sensitive in recorded history. Will probably require us to focus more on saber practice then before if we want to get there.
[X] Form VII - Juyo
Fuck it we ball!
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