Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

Authored Act
[X] Heterochromic Eyes
Very rarely, when void Inchlings with differently colored eyes have children, a child will be born with heterochromia. These heterochromatic void Inchlings will have both a Yin and Yang eye, meaning they can see through falsehoods and see hidden truths. The only downside is that even the most talented of the heterochromatic will be worse than a master of one eye type.

[X] inch-drake dragonic meditation
[X] Vault of Mammon
[X] Synthesis Craft
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[X] Bigger Inch-Drakes
Make all Inch-Drakes grow large enough to carry Inchlings on their backs as they used to.

[X] Sandians

[X] Greed Sirens

[X] ErrorCrop.json

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Authored Act
[X] Greed Sirens
- 'A betrayal born from greed will birth a Siren'. Greed sirens are incorporeal creatures that the viewer will view as those they find attractive with an intelligence rivalling that of the smarter sapient creatures but only in tactical and manipulation skills with a unique ability to project songs into the minds of creatures. These creatures can understand how people work but are incapable of feeling love.

These creatures are pack ambushers who make their home on the most pricy floating treasure in the sand seas, they feed on the deaths caused by greed. These creatures have unique ambushing methods where a few of them will leave their home to travel far and will use their incorporeal nature to hide and observe those who wander the sand seas finding out how they act. Once they have figured these wanderers out they will go back to their home where they will hatch a plan.

These plans can include but are not limited to-
1. Singing songs about their treasure but leading wanderers to dangerous areas or creatures in the sand seas so that the wanderers get themselves killed.
2. The above but also singing songs to other wanderers so that the two wanderers will fight and kill each other over treasure
3. Bringing a part of their treasure far from their home and leading an possessive individual wanderer of a group to it but then immediately notifying their greedy crewmates about the treasure leading to the crew killing the possessive individual
4. Leading a crew by song towards gargoyle nests especially ones with girdlings (they have an immense hatred to girdlings due to the trust girdlings have with gargoyles, sometimes even leading crews towards gargoyle nests just to see them kill each other).

And many more plans. Greed sirens are physically hurt by selfless acts and will actively avoid people or creatures who commit such acts. They will also aim to kill those sirens who made the plan if their plan fails to kill any of the crew especially if it also loses them their treasure.

TLDR: Ghost Sirens born from greedy betrayals who tempt travellers to their doom by using the travellers reed against themselves. Cannot feel love even though they are very smart and can be hurt by selfless acts.

Supported Acts
[X] Bigger Inch-Drakes
by @alexthealright
[X] Synthesis Craft
by @Feather_Up
[X] The Sea and The Ship
by @SleepyCaterpilar
[X] Sandians
by @Zalkon

Anyone wants to trade?
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Vault of Mammon has 6 Votes supporting it!

It should qualify for the Artificer Bonus, and hopefully, it also benefits from the Thematic Bonus as a source of Treasure and Thrilling Adventure!
[X] Synthesis Craft
A new method of crafting is given unto the Inch-drakes. With careful manipulations and a low-intensity use of their breath weapons, they are able to merge two items on both a material and conceptual level. This can be used to fuse stone and plant stem into solid rods with the durability of stone and the suppleness of wood or merge two shovels into a single tool with the best strengths of both, to give an example. But where this form of crafting truly shines is when used with relics and other objects of power.

Fusing two relics together results in the powers of those relics merging into one greater effect equal to the sum of its parts. A needle that points towards the nearest living creature and a lens that can look through stone might produce a handheld lens that only shows living creatures when looked through, treating all nonliving matter as void. A perpetually frozen ice crystal and a blade-tail can result in a sword that freezes as it cuts.

Yet one cannot simply start mixing potent artifacts right from the start. Synthesis craft is a skill just like any other, requiring time and effort to be put in. Starting with mundane and common ingredients the Crafter must develop their ability to comprehend the materials, refine their fine motor control, and strengthen their patience in this slow and careful process. Attempting to merge items beyond a Crafter's skill level results the ingredients being ruined and the product a useless mismashed blob, at best. More potent and refined ingredients take larger degrees of skill to utilize but bring out greater effects upon success. Other intelligent species can technically learn the Craft but this comes with two caveats. First, they lack the instinct the ___ whispered into the drakes and must learn from another. Second, the breath weapon of the inch-drakes is still required. Even so, some Voidlings may work alongside their draconic companions to help forge wonders.

[X] inch-drake dragonic meditation
[X] ErrorCrop.json
[X] Shrine of Value
[X] The Sea and The Ship
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Around the same ballpark as Dungeon Keys, but it's only one and seems partially non-renewable. I would say that it would become seen as a sister ship to Lady Luck.
It is a pity that the Gargorites will again remain the loser. I just saw the number of acts directly or indirectly strengthening the robots of the pirates and the dosihpor is at a loss how they have not cut out all the living things yet and did not plunder all the dead. There are fewer reinforcements only in the inchlings. But how are the Gargorites still survived? Considering that for the pirates the murder of gargorites in their lair has long become the usual entertainment.
It is a pity that the Gargorites will again remain the loser. I just saw the number of acts directly or indirectly strengthening the robots of the pirates and the dosihpor is at a loss how they have not cut out all the living things yet and did not plunder all the dead. There are fewer reinforcements only in the inchlings. But how are the Gargorites still survived? Considering that for the pirates the murder of gargorites in their lair has long become the usual entertainment.
The obvious answer is "you are underestimating the Gargorites." Between the fact that they have been directly strengthened already (with the benefit of Derivative Improvement amplifying that strengthening) and the fact that they were worthy rivals to the Pirates from the start (remember, Gargorites were a Great Act too), the Pirates can't just roflstomp them; hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they were currently at a disadvantage since this is the first turn where we're trying to directly strengthen the Pirates instead of introducing an unrelated treasure that the Pirates happen to benefit from.

On top of that, the Gargorites have had Ages to fortify their lairs; the Pirates may have numbers, but they still need to get through all the traps to get at them.

...In fact, evidence that the Pirates might currently be at a disadvantage: The Gargorites nearly destroyed the Lady Luck when they were introduced; I suspect that if we hadn't managed to get Great Act on both it and the Pirates they wouldn't've been able to defend themselves. And, as mentioned, the Gargorites are currently one of only two beneficiaries of direct strengthening (which, here, counts for a lot more than an equivalent Act that strengthens a faction as a side-effect).

And all that's failing to mention that the Gargorites have been indirectly strengthened too; if nothing else, there was that "incarnated wealth" thing that actually taught them to trust, which means they are permanently banding together into tribes... and their solitude was probably the main reason the Pirates were keeping up so well.

tldr: Gargorites are surviving because they are currently winning.
tldr: Gargorites are surviving because they are currently winning.

The second was Captain Jared who returned with a dungeon sphere plundered from a gargorite's hoard. They've been tracking this sphere for months after hearing rumours of its existence. They've tracked it to multiple gargorites, but when they arrived, another gargorite had already plundered it, until it came into the hands of a gargorite who would guard it adequately enough for no other gargorite to steal it before them.

Captain Merela drove into her homestead. The back of her pick-up truck was filled with the plunder she and her crew had pillaged from the outer isles. She had to make give it to the gargorites -- or at least for that sector -- they had really good aesthetic sense. The statuette and the painting would look good over the generator.
This is exactly what the victory looks like. lol
It sounded more like great accomplishments of certain groups, which probably paid in a lot of blood for it. Do we now how many tried and failed, before victory of some sort was achieved? 🤔​
This is exactly what the victory looks like. lol
Hmm. I suppose that's on me for putting inordinate focus on the pirates. I need to get more elaborate on gargorite stuff. I'm treating gargorites like dragons, and the raiding a vault is supposed to be like raiding a dragon's hoard. I suppose I need to put some emphasis on the might of the gargorites.

Also, at times, I have keep myself from making the pirates too humanlike.
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...Really, stop mining the updates for "proof" that the Pirates are more than they are when Mango literally just said that they're overemphasizing the Pirates' triumphs and neglecting to show the cost of those triumphs.

For my part, I'm assuming that the Pirates that are being followed in the updates are the local equivalents to One Piece's Whitebeard until Mango says otherwise.

edit: @MangoFlan I feel like editing in quick lines like "Jared lost half his crew in the process, and could not reembark until hiring replacements" or "Merela's was not the first crew to attempt this, but the others had been annihilated to the last hand" might simultaneously emphasize the accomplishments more and reinforce that fighting Gargorites is not an easy task sufficiently for your purposes. Also seems to reiterate their respective advantages: Gargorites are far stronger individually, but the Pirates are like a swarm of ants.
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