Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

[] Void Weavers
Crystal Spiders about three meters wide and a meter tall. These creatures are made of onyx like black crystals that slowly grow over time, allow the sides to lay gem like eggs that unfold into their young. While needing no sustenance the void Weavers hate not being able to go where they see so they will create webs tying many smaller rocks together to make a large network for the void weavers to traverse.
Era 5 - Turn 0 - Special Era
And so, it was chosen. The other choices fade, to melt back into the chaos they crystallized from. The world grabs you by the hand and guides you to the void, far from the planet that it ostensibly calls its body. Out in the dark void, orbitting in tandem with the world in its revolution, a field of red debris floats about in the bleak starless black. An expansion of the cosmos yond the confines of the world's physical form. Boulders of red bowl about in the airless void, moving and colliding with each other, but never sticking together. Some large, some small, many others a speck of dust among the darkness. Rock, gravel, and some ice here and there.

Shallow craters pockmark the surface of the asteroids, marking a history of collisions. Traces of ice and metal lace the floating mounts like old forgotten treasures of pirates or ancient remains of long dead civilization. Of course, it is impossible to construe such things from simple lumps of metal ore and dirty ice, but the world liked to imagine. After all, in this Era, the world had set a theme, a theme of treasures gold and plenty and treasure hunters bold and greedy.

The sun serves as the sole source of light in the black sky. Its radiant yet distant light bathing the dark in its brightness and heat. Out in the distance, covered by the glare of the sun, is the world upon which all the Eras before have occurred. The world, an azure pearl in the empty cosmos but a pinprick's shadow before the glory of the sun. To would-be inhabitants of the Red Debris, such a shadow is hard to discern as another celestial body, likely believing the sea of debris the sole harbor of life in the dark starless sea. The reverse is not true. The mounts of the debris field is readily visible every night on the many isles that pepper the surface the world.

There is something strange within this chaotic mess, this black sea of red floating isles. There is a mysterious force that's keeping these isles away, their influence cancelling the attractive force of gravity. This force prevents the red asteroids from simply coalescing into planetesimals. The force permeates the field like water permeating in the sea. Its whispers the waves upon the shore and shaping the world with its passing.

And influence it did.

The mysterious force's whispers had a power of its own, and so close was it to the world that its whispers could not be ignored. With the world's eager attention focusing upon this patch of the cosmos, they could be realized, confusing its power and Act as one of your own. Only your own whispers could show the world the illegitimacy of the Acts of the whispers.

And so, the new Era begins. The voice of the world awaits the wonders of your Acts.

[Thematic Coherence] Pirate's Treasure - Acts that create ships, buried treasure, and treasure hunters may pass as Great Acts and gain +2 points.
[Otherworldly Whispers] The Whispers will propose an Act. If not voted on, the whispered Act will pass.
[Derivative Improvement] Acts that build on other Acts slightly enhance those Acts.
[Cradle of Civilization] Acts that create sapient races gain +2 points.
[Artisan] Acts that create artifacts and artificial objects or creatures gain +2 points.

The Mysterious Whispers whisper their act, and the world listens. If it garners 6 votes, the world will change its mind and see it as a non-passing Act.
[] [Whispered Act] Aureate and Argentine
The whispers whisper of Aureate and Argentine, crystals of yellow and white, gleaming like gold and silver yet never corroding or tarnishing. Aureate and Argentine absorb energy. They glow brighter and become harder and stronger the more energy they accrue, releasing that energy as sparks when struck in lieu of the damage it would otherwise have taken. When left safe and undisturbed for years, Aureate and Argentine may begin budding and growing, expending the energy and absorbing metals in its surroundings. Expended Aureate and Argentine are easily to carve into shape, and tends to keep that shape when charged, making it rather excellent for keeping its edge.
[] Iron Skull Pirates
A band of autonomous robots have taken up piracy, using the Lady Luck as their ship. Most of these robots have a six-legged centaur-like frame, though some opt for alternate forms such as mechanical birds, and some even switch bodies the way a more fleshly being would change clothes. One trait every crew member has in common, though, is the one they are named for: Every single one has a head patterned after a skull, with the type of skull reflecting the rank of the pirate in question.
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Wait, I think I forgot to open voting and moratorium.

It three days until Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone. It also happens that voting would close on Christmas as scheduled.
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[] [Whispered Act] Aureate and Argentine
The whispers whisper of Aureate and Argentine, crystals of yellow and white, gleaming like gold and silver yet never corroding or tarnishing. Aureate and Argentine absorb energy. They glow brighter and become harder and stronger the more energy they accrue, releasing that energy as sparks when struck in lieu of the damage it would otherwise have taken. When left safe and undisturbed for years, Aureate and Argentine may begin budding and growing, expending the energy and absorbing metals in its surroundings. Expended Aureate and Argentine are easily to carve into shape, and tends to keep that shape when charged, making it rather excellent for keeping its edge.
Got :ninja:'d by this while I was brainstorming my Act. Might as well open discussion on the Whispers' act, since we're on moratorium time anyway.

Personally? I'm fine with this Act.
[X] The Lady Luck

A emerald green and gold spaceship with special "cosmic sails" that absorb cosmic background radiation along with any other ambient energies for back up power generation. The Lady Luck has a complement of twenty cannons that fire spherical masses of plasma that explode on contact. She contains both a captains quarters and crew quarters that adapts to the crew's physiological needs (becoming recharging stations for robots for instance). She has a spacious cargo hold capable of holding 100 Tons of cargo/treasure. She also has a sick bay, a mess hall with bar, a workshop, and a navigation room with a full map of the region that updates if the debris field changes, and a generator room that serves as the primary source of power for the ship. The Lady Luck also has a faint enchantment of giving her crew better luck in dangerous situations, as long as they aren't being stupid and reckless. Finally, the Lady Luck has something of a Will of her own, and can take control of itself to protect her crew if they're away and in danger.

[X] Iron Skull Pirates
[X] Golden Carrots
[X] Void Weavers
[X] The White Compass.
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[X] Iron Skull Pirates
A band of autonomous robots have taken up piracy, using the Lady Luck as their ship. Most of these robots have a six-legged centaur-like frame, though some opt for alternate forms such as mechanical birds or hovering humanoid torsos, and some even switch bodies the way a more fleshly being would change clothes. One trait every crew member has in common, though, is the one they are named for: Every single one has a head patterned after a skull, with the type of skull reflecting the rank of the pirate in question- the more imposing the skull, the more important the pirate.

[X] The Lady Luck
[X] Solar Plants
[X] Inch-Drakes
[X] Void Inchlings
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[X] Golden Carrots

Somewhere in this place, there is a buried chest filled with golden carrots. These carrots serve as a representation of the idea of Minecraft crops. They can be planted in almost any type of soil and will grow at an accelerated rate compared to normal plants. The growth occurs in stages, with each new carrot being nearly identical to the others. The soil's fertility remains relatively constant throughout the growth process. Additionally, these carrots can be stored for extended periods without spoiling if kept in a sealed container. They can also be stacked, allowing up to 63 more carrots to be placed in a volume of the single one. This means that if one carrot is eaten or bitten, there are still 63 more available to consume within the same space. However, if a carrot is damaged or altered, it will lose some of its Minecraft crop properties proportionate to the damage it has sustained.

It's important to note that these crops cannot propagate on their own. Like all Minecraft crops, they require someone to actually plant them in order to grow. They will not expand beyond the square meter in which the golden carrot was initially planted unless someone takes action. Golden carrots are not only delicious and visually appealing, but they are also highly nutritious. One could consume only golden carrots for their entire life without experiencing any adverse health effects. While they can be cooked, doing so will cause them to lose their "crop" properties. Therefore, it is not possible to plant carrot scraps or carrot soup and expect a harvest.​

Maybe there are chests with other golden crops too. Who knows?


[X] The Lady Luck
By @ShieldCrown

[X] Gargorites
By @Zalkon

[X] Solar Plants

[X] Sand Seas
By @SleepyCaterpilar
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[X] Gargorites

Gargorites possess a segmented chitinous exoskeleton that is strong enough to withstand the vacuum of space and impacts from micrometeoroids. Their bodies are usually hunched and angular, adapted for tunneling and maneuvering through complex labyrinthine tunnels that they carve in their homes on asteroids.

These creatures typically reach a height of eight feet when fully upright, but they rarely assume such a posture, preferring to move in a crouched gait that allows them to quickly traverse rocky terrain. They have six limbs, four of which serve as powerful legs with clawed tips for gripping onto rocky surfaces, while the other two are multifunctional arms equipped with a set of retractable tools for cutting and extracting metals.

Gargorites lack eyes - they are born in pitch darkness within the depths of asteroids, relying on vibrations and subtle electromagnetic fields from their prey and treasure troves to navigate and hunt. Dominating their faces, if they can be called that, is a large mouth with crystalline teeth capable of crunching through both stone and metal, surrounded by delicate sensory tendrils that perceive the mineral content of the surrounding environment.

The metabolism of Gargorites is unique and based on a form of chemosynthesis, in which energy is extracted from metals and silicates. This allows them to "feed" on the substance of the asteroids themselves. Their digestion is extremely efficient, with waste material being used to reinforce their exoskeletons with metallic alloys, making them stronger and more resilient.

They breathe a thin atmosphere of vapors emanating from sublimating ices, which release mineral gases their bodies can process over extended periods of time, enabling them to thrive in the isolated and airless void.

Gargorites are driven by a relentless accumulation of wealth, constantly seeking rare metals and gemstones, hiding them in treasure chambers deep within their asteroids.

Their society revolves around plunder and hoarding. Hierarchy is established based on the size and value of personal treasure chambers. These hoards are fiercely defended against anyone daring to intrude into their lairs in search of riches.

Their intelligence, predominantly utilized for searching and processing materials, has also led to the development of intricate traps to safeguard their precious treasures. Their communication, when it occurs, consists of a series of resonating vibrations that can travel through rock, a language nearly impossible for other species to interpret.

Gargorites can survive in the vacuum of space due to their robust physiology. They navigate through the void, hopping from one asteroid to another, utilizing precise gas ejections expelled from their bodies.

Every few cycles, Gargorites experience a mysterious desire to abandon their individual pursuits and join a grand horde, pooling their resources to construct a colossal mothership resembling a fortress from the metals of their asteroids. Their goal, when this happens, is always a location of immense wealth, and they descend upon it as a living asteroid storm, intent on pillaging and only pillaging. Gargorytes descend like a swiftly moving plague. Their method is a swift breach; they burrow into their target using both their natural abilities and explosive devices fashioned from volatile minerals. Once inside, they spread rapidly, overwhelming defenses with brute strength and swarming tactics. After the raid, they disband, burdened with new treasures to accumulate and protect within the depths of their lairs.


[X] Golden Carrots
By @Andre Chaos

[X] Solar Plants
By @SeaTheTree

[X] blade, tail snake
By @szymonmolitoris2

[X] Sand Seas
By @SleepyCaterpilar

P.S As always ready to trade votes
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[X] Solar Plants
These grow on asteroid surfaces and are black metallic plantlike organisms with large blue leaves shaped like sonar panels which always point towards the sun, the leaves absorb solar energy and use it to generate energy in the form of electricity which it uses for both sustenance and to generate heat it uses to melt ice into water which it absorbs via its roots alongside metals. While harmless, care should be taken if harvesting or eating them raw( if the eater can eat metal) as being careless can result in getting shocked by the currently stored and flowing electricity in the plant. If these plants are grown and well kept they can be used to generate electricity which can be siphoned via wires.

[X] Gargorites
By @Zalkon
[X] blade, tail snake
By @szymonmolitoris2
[X] Space Sail Bugs
By @Crawkid
[X] Inch-Drakes
By @alexthealright
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[X] Solar Plants
These grow on asteroid surfaces and are black metallic plantlike organisms with large blue leaves shaped like sonar panels which always point towards the sun, the leaves absorb solar energy and use it to generate energy in the form of electricity which it uses for both sustenance and to generate heat it uses to melt ice into water which it absorbs via its roots alongside metals. While harmless, care should be taken if harvesting or eating them raw( if the eater can eat metal) as being careless can result in getting shocked by the currently stored and flowing electricity in the plant. If these plants are grown and well kept they can be used to generate electricity which can be siphoned via wires.

want to exchange votes?
[X] Cuprum Moss
This moss looks like (and is) a thin film of living copper. Its hues range from the bright orange of true copper to the vibrant green of malachites. It is unable to photosynthesize and instead gets energy for growth and propagation by creating small, swarthy humanoids known as copper gnomes that tirelessly strike aureate and argentine, stealing stored energy from these crystals.

Copper gnomes are surprisingly intelligent creatures, capable of speaking with any sentient being, including animals and plants. However, they are constantly tired and wish only to reform back into cuprum moss. Thus, their only concern is either mining aureate and argentine or, if they are ambitious, getting as much energy as they can in as little time as possible. Most of the time it means stealing it from someone or something.

[X] Solar Plants
[X] The Lady Luck
[X] Space Sail Bugs
[X] The White Compass.
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[X] Sand Seas
Storms of sand and dust travel through the debris. Either red, orange or yellow, these grains are fine and dense enough to swim or sail in, representing a possible means of locomotion for any inhabitants.

[X] Gargorites
By @Zalkon
[X] Cuprum Moss
By @Ralakesh
[X] blade, tail snake
By @szymonmolitoris2
[x] Space Sail Bugs
By @Crawkid
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[X] Void Weavers
Crystal Spiders about three meters wide and a meter tall. These creatures are made of onyx like black crystals that slowly grow over time, allow the sides to lay gem like eggs that unfold into their young. While needing no sustenance the void Weavers hate not being able to go where they see so they will create webs tying many smaller rocks together to make a large network for the void weavers to traverse. They live in small groups no more than 5 members and at the center of each void weaver pack's territory is a nest of their own making where they keep both their eggs and any other gem or gem like things they find as they have trouble telling between them.


[X] The Lady Luck
By @ShieldCrown

[X] Iron Skull Pirates
By @Sir Plusse

[X] Solar Plants
By @SeaTheTree

[X] Cuprum Moss
By @Ralakesh
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[X] blade, tail snake
They are metallic life forms. The blade tail can be any blade. These snakes mainly defend themselves self their blade tail that becomes of higher quality and skilled in use of as they age. They are true omnivores that can go a long time without needing to eat using said time to improve their skill with the tail blade. If a creature slay it the currrect way the blade turns better one last time as the rest of the dead snake is absorbed to improve the blade. If you slay it the wrong way the blade quickly will get worse. The best way to beat it is a straight fight which small mercies doesn't have to be fair.


[X] Sand Seas by @SleepyCaterpilar

[X] Solar Plants by @SeaTheTree

[X] Gargorites by @Zalkon

[X] Inch-Drake by @alexthealright

Please those I support please trade with me
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[X] The White Compass.
The White Compass is a small mechanical device made out of a strange shiny white metal, which makes it immune to rust and most other forms of damage. The White Compass does possess a another ability, which is the fact that it will always point in the direction of the thing that it's owner desires the most. It will appear in the possession of a intelligent being at the beginning of the turn.

(Any thoughts)

[X] Cuprum Moss
By @Ralakesh
[X] Solar Plants
By @SeaTheTree
[X] Gargorites
By @Zalkon
[X] The Lady Luck
By @ShieldCrown