Frankly, this is a stupid reason not to do more diplomacy. We have strong incentive to engage in diplomacy and will benefit from heavy engagement with diplomacy. Shooting ourselves in the foot is not something we should be doing. If Aranfan wants us to take less diplomacy actions, they need to incentivise it first because right now, engaging in diplomacy is one of our better courses of action and the main action argument against it shouldn't be that we need to act against our own interests to create less work for the QM.

I agree.

If you feel more diplomacy good, then do more diplomacy.

It'll just mean it takes longer to update.
Kushy math means better administration, means we keep better of our numbers, and hopefully better chance of success and more tax revenue somehow. Also may help us rediscover the wonder that are our Grand Libraries, because we need to look up our knowledge about the Kus.

[] Plan Kushy Math and Khem
-[] Authority: Reestablish Administrative Control, Hills: Restore the mechanisms of control over the hills between the Core and Txolla. The flow of taxes, orders, and information must be restored. (20%. 3 years. More defensible border, Profitable.)
-[] Authority: Touch the Cow, Do it Now:, Txolla: The Sacred Warding in Txolla is in shambles. Order some of the priests to do their best to repair it. (???%. 2 years. +Txolla Loyalty. Possible +Influence)
-[] Authority: Diplomatic Contact, Khemetri: Who are the Khemetri these days even? Try to reach out and establish dialogue and relations. (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Vynta: Who are the Vynta and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence: Diplomatic Overview, Monsoon Sea: You have no knowledge of what barbarian powers are important in the Monsoon Sea. In your current position of weakness that ignorance could be deadly. (90%, 1 year. Overview of Kus and Monsoon Sea powers.)
-[] Influence: Kus Numerals: The traders have some interesting things to say about their Kus counterpart's account books. Something about better numbers? The old number glyphs have served perfectly well for thousands of years, but maybe these numerals are worth looking into? (60%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence: Much Ado about Nothing: The Kus traders have said some things that have the priests in a titter. Some priests are asking for permission to travel to Kus to get more information. It's probably nothing important. (???%. 1 year.)
-[] Attend to a particular action personally. (Provides bonus to action)
--[] Kus Numerals

My mind changed again.

Survey is out, and added back Khem, along with Vynta.

I feel Khem is more likely to provide bang for the bucks. We are neighbors and they also trade on the Monsoon sea. While they have no obvious geopolitical interest in Trelli, they are not someone we want to have an enemy with.
I feel Khem is more likely to provide bang for the bucks. We are neighbors and they also trade on the Monsoon sea. While they have no obvious geopolitical interest in Trelli, they are not someone we want to have an enemy with.
I for one want to reestablish our friendship. I rather liked the alliance between Khemetri and Ymaryn that formed.
[X] Plan Kushy Math and Khem
-[X] Authority: Reestablish Administrative Control, Hills: Restore the mechanisms of control over the hills between the Core and Txolla. The flow of taxes, orders, and information must be restored. (20%. 3 years. More defensible border, Profitable.)
-[X] Authority: Touch the Cow, Do it Now:, Txolla: The Sacred Warding in Txolla is in shambles. Order some of the priests to do their best to repair it. (???%. 2 years. +Txolla Loyalty. Possible +Influence)
-[X] Authority: Diplomatic Contact, Khemetri: Who are the Khemetri these days even? Try to reach out and establish dialogue and relations. (???%. 1 Year.)
-[X] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Vynta: Who are the Vynta and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[X] Influence: Diplomatic Overview, Monsoon Sea: You have no knowledge of what barbarian powers are important in the Monsoon Sea. In your current position of weakness that ignorance could be deadly. (90%, 1 year. Overview of Kus and Monsoon Sea powers.)
-[X] Influence: Kus Numerals: The traders have some interesting things to say about their Kus counterpart's account books. Something about better numbers? The old number glyphs have served perfectly well for thousands of years, but maybe these numerals are worth looking into? (60%. 1 Year.)
-[X] Influence: Much Ado about Nothing: The Kus traders have said some things that have the priests in a titter. Some priests are asking for permission to travel to Kus to get more information. It's probably nothing important. (???%. 1 year.)
-[X] Attend to a particular action personally. (Provides bonus to action)
--[X] Kus Numerals
[X] Plan Surveys
-[X] Authority: Reestablish Administrative Control, Hills: Restore the mechanisms of control over the hills between the Core and Txolla. The flow of taxes, orders, and information must be restored. (20%. 3 years. More defensible border, Profitable.)
-[X] Authority: Touch the Cow, Do it Now:, Txolla: The Sacred Warding in Txolla is in shambles. Order some of the priests to do their best to repair it. (???%. 2 years. +Txolla Loyalty. Possible +Influence)
-[X] Authority: Diplomatic Contact, Khemetri: Who are the Khemetri these days even? Try to reach out and establish dialogue and relations. (???%. 1 Year.)
-[X] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Vynta: Who are the Vynta and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[X] Influence: Diplomatic Overview, Monsoon Sea: You have no knowledge of what barbarian powers are important in the Monsoon Sea. In your current position of weakness that ignorance could be deadly. (90%, 1 year. Overview of Kus and Monsoon Sea powers.)
-[X] Influence: Survey Memory of Spirits Province: Memory of Spirits has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use in the hills. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)
-[X] Influence: Survey Homevalley Province: Homevalley has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use in the hills. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)
-[X] Attend to a particular action personally. (Provides bonus to action)
--[X] Survey Homevalley
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[X] Plan Styrmyr dipomacy math and surveying
-[X] Authority: Reestablish Administrative Control, Hills: Restore the mechanisms of control over the hills between the Core and Txolla. The flow of taxes, orders, and information must be restored. (20%. 3 years. More defensible border, Profitable.)
-[X] Authority: Touch the Cow, Do it Now:, Txolla: The Sacred Warding in Txolla is in shambles. Order some of the priests to do their best to repair it. (???%. 2 years. +Txolla Loyalty. Possible +Influence)
-[X] Authority: Diplomatic Contact, Khemetri: Who are the Khemetri these days even? Try to reach out and establish dialogue and relations. (???%. 1 Year.)
-[X] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Styrmyr: You are most displeased to find that the Styrmyr have decided to immediately conquer Greenshore upon the cessation of the Games. Still, Greenshore were rebels, so maybe the Styrmyr could prove reasonable? (???% 1 Year.)
-[X] Influence: Survey Homevalley Province: Homevalley has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use in the hills. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)
-[X] Influence: Kus Numerals: The traders have some interesting things to say about their Kus counterpart's account books. Something about better numbers? The old number glyphs have served perfectly well for thousands of years, but maybe these numerals are worth looking into? (60%. 1 Year.)
-[X] Influence: Much Ado about Nothing: The Kus traders have said some things that have the priests in a titter. Some priests are asking for permission to travel to Kus to get more information. It's probably nothing important. (???%. 1 year.)
-[X] Attend to a particular action personally. (Provides bonus to action)
--[X] Diplomatic Contact, Styrmyr
By the way, we got confirmation on the Discord that ongoing campaign for Trelli in the background counts for the purposes of Revaunchism.
Can we get a "raise taxes" action? I am thinking it would hurt our relations with someone but be profitable.

Maybe a trade authority and relations for treasury button.
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New stats for the loyalty of our vassals and the other successor states to the Ymaryn Empire.
Provinces and Loyalty

Core: Unshakable
Memory of Spirits: Solid and Grateful
Txolla: Solid and Grateful
Hathytta: Weighing their options
Western Wall: In Rebellion
Greenshore: In Rebellion/Under Foreign Occupation
Tinshore: In Rebellion
Thunder Plateau: Under Foreign Occupation
Not the levi though.

Wait, income is every 5 turns right? That's not as bad. I was thinking it's every turn. We have SOME time to get a buffer back and work on our income.
Yep. Plus, taking the "Profitable" labeled actions automatically nets us +1 so we will probably have around 10 turns to fully get our income stabilized, assuming we don't blow money too much on other things during the period.