So we would generally want to begin those projects after quicker, more-efficient options have been exhausted.
Only if you are looking at spending money. Both of those actions have benefits beyond spending Treasury, especially the Math Reform. The Math Reform is certainly something we can want to get started before doing all of the loan and support province actions when other factors are taken into account.

You gotta spend money to make money. If we can somehow get math reform now that'd be... huge. Possibly push open more mysticism doors too.
Math Reform is also the next step in unlocking research slots.
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Only if you are looking at spending money. Both of those actions have benefits beyond spending Treasury, especially the Math Reform. The Math Reform is certainly something we can want to get started before doing all of the loan and support province actions when other factors are taken into account.
The problem is that Math Reform should be done with 2 Influence in order to boost the 45% chance (otherwise its expected duration is 11.1 years; so we'd have to wait that long for +2 Income and +Authority), and using both our available Influence risks cancellation of a long-term project due to the 10% Revaunchist tantrum.

[Which project gets cancelled is probably random; I don't want to see what happens if Math Reform itself gets paused mid-way; it would be utter chaos.]

Waiting for the Calendar to finish (60% next year) gives us that 2 Influence (and also incidentally allows us to use the newly-freed Authority on a short-term action this year).

[Support Thunder Plateau was suggested a while back, and Authority would help with the incomplete bureaucracy. That said, we've probably accomplished the original intention by early Sacred Warding, so other ideas could be used.]


Update: with Deepen Ties, Amber Road not completing until probably-next year, second Influence dice is not currently available.
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Deepen Ties, Amber Road
Needed: 21. Rolled: 69. Successful.

A mutual defense pact has been signed between the Victorious Alliance and The Kingdom of The People.

[+1 Alliance lvl with Amber road, -3 Opinion]
I thought this took two years, not one?
[] Deepen Alliance: Having built the foundations of a strong relationship with another polity, see about deepening the ties that bind you. (80%. 2 Years. +1 Alliance Level, -Opinion = new Alliance Level, cannot be used if this would take their opinion below 5)
Aw heck, and here I thought Amber Road short-circuited it

Still can't account for the extra 0.5 Treasury from last snapshot, but adjusting anyway to match the official stat.

91% chance of a -1.4 income shock (to -0.6 income) starting in 1625 due to Thunder Plateau; probably doesn't affect many plans but keep it in mind.


30/1623 Initial Results Snapshot of frequently-changed stats (30/1623 Start)

Base Influence: 5 Influence, 2 Authority

Naval Status (Yllython Mor): 14 (Average)
Naval Status (Saffron Sea): 2 (Anemic)
Naval Status (Salt Sea): 4 (Weak)
Naval Status (Monsoon Sea): 6 (Poor)
(Combined Yllython+Saffron Naval: 16 [Good])
Total Naval Score: 26

Professional Army Formations:
Iron Flower Banner Company (Pike & Shot [crossbow]) - Deployed to Amber Road
Heaven's Hawk Banner Company (Heavy Cavalry) - Not Deployed

Treasury Status: 9.5/10
Income: +.8

Expensive Actions subtract 1 from treasury status, Profitable actions add 1 to it. Very is x2, Extremely is x3, Ruinously/Insanely is x4.
Income adds itself to the Treasury Status every 5 years.

Provinces and Loyalty

Core: Rock Solid
Memory of Spirits: Rock Solid
Txolla: Unshakable
Hathytta: Decently Loyal
Western Wall: Solid, for now
Greenshore: Solid
Tinshore: Rock Solid
Thunder Plateau: Retaken, Transitioning to Civilian Control, Grateful

Client States:

Tin Tribes

Opinions of you:

Khemetri: 4/10 [C] R
Magyar: 7/10
Ealam: 7/10
Vynta: 6/10
Ruma: 5/10
Pamplona: 8/10
Abyss: 5/10
Hung: 8/10 [C]
Rexum Germanum: 5/10
-Hasum 4/10
-Behryvar 4/10
-Ochrur ?/10
Tarta: 5/10
Styrmyr: 5/10
Amber Road: 10/10 [C], 2/5 [A]
Norsca: 4/10
Berba: 5/10
Hellas: 3/10 [C] R
Pulska: 4/5 {B}

Melkut Ymaryn: 83

Additional Stats (30/1623 Initial Results)
Prestige:: 83
Authority: 0 (+1 Pending)
Influence: 1
Estimated Stress (unknown start point): 14.6
Other Notables: None

Num Profitable Markets: 3 (2 without Probable -Amber Road Opinion)
Num Semi-Profitable Markets [Estimated Treasury]: 4 [1.875]
(These estimates are probably out of date. see 1613 Start for latest updates)

Next Guild Income Within: 32
Treasury: 9.5 (+0.8 mid-1625,1630,1635; +1.8 mid-1640,1645... ; +1 mid-1622,1624) (edit: new calendar adopted)
Treasury: 9.5 (+0.8 mid-35,40; +1.8 mid-45,50... ; +1 mid-32,24,...)
Loans Taken: 4
Unoccupied Banner Companies: Both
(-1.4 income on completion of Train Thunder Plateau Administrators)

Action [Investment]: Scheduled Investment Return Year (Estimated Return Year)
Build Ties, Rus [1 Authority]: 1627 (1627)
Touch The Cow, Thunder Plateau [1 Authority]: 1624 (1624)
Deepen Ties, Amber Road [1 Influence]: 1625 (1625)
Train Thunder Plateau Administrators, Elective [1 Influence]: 1625 (1625)
Calendar Reform [1 Influence]: 1625 (1625) {+1 Influence when done}
Touch The Cow, Western Wall [1 Influence]: 1626 (1627)

Revaunchists ("Peacock") Weakenings: 5 + (1 "gravely") + (1 Rus)? - 1
  1. Tin Tribes Independence
  2. White Peace with Hellas
  3. Amber Road Independence
  4. Refrain from conquering Stymyr to mountains
  5. Strengthening: Blame Western Wall
  6. "Gravely weakened": Khemetri Concession
  7. Leave the Highlanders

Not sure: Rus independence?

3 weakenings likely reduces "antsy": no more half-measures -> reduced half-measure roll weights

Sacred Warding Notes: Can provide to three polities (Source) [Currently 1/3]

All dates are tentative estimates; they can change in response to circumstances (e.g. failures, crits). +/-1 in [year] means that an extra +/-1 will be available for us during Turn [year]. I believe that income is added during the Initial Results part of a year, though the exact ordering within that stage is unclear.
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You know, I did the math. Actions with over 40% success rate give us more sucesses per influence to do with 1 influence than 2.

So, really it comes down to when we think the king is going to die.

The last roll we think was a survival roll was 1d100+20 vs DC 55.

That means the king had a 35% chance of dying if overworked. This number will only increase as he ages and start to happen every turn regardless of if he overworks or not.

I am starting to lean towards starting the math reform with 2 influence and just saying screw it if the peacocks steal one of the influence.

5 years with a 10% cumulative chance that the peacocks steal an influence. That's .9^5 chance we don't lose an influence basically during the whole reform. That's a 59% chance the peacocks don't reduce our influence at all.

And if they do steal an influence it doesn't end the action. It just slows it down. And it only does that if we don't have some other action finishing at the same time to eat the influence loss instead.

And once we start the math reform we sorta do want the king to die. We should, if we really want to get meta, work him overtime. If he dies in the middle of the math reform then the new king can in theory get 3 authority. Aranfan may shut that down mercilessly, but maybe not.

So I think that's a valid way to do the next turn. 2 influence on math reform and overwork the king to get a flex influence to do something else.

- And it would be hilarious if the survey actually returned that we have massive groves of cork or cinnamon trees and the king merely misunderstood the fact that the survey actually found a valuable trade good because said trade good was tree based.
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And once we start the math reform we sorta do want the king to die. We should, if we really want to get meta, work him overtime. If he dies in the middle of the math reform then the new king can in theory get 3 authority. Aranfan may shut that down mercilessly, but maybe not.

Right, that is not intended. Changing it so that the authority is unaviliable while the action is in progress. Since it's supposed to represent the Bureaucracy being too stressed from the math reform to grant the extra authority from centralization.
I'd want to use authority on Math reform. But I also want that Hellas spy network. And our authority is tied up on Rus outreach which is also worthwhile.

Support Province: Stallionlands could be a very good use of the treasury - they've just had an influx of angry and resentful settlers to an underpopulated province. Recipe for trouble if we don't stay on top of it; +Loyalty would help.
Another random thought - The Rus tribes in Ukraine may be more open to joining Amber Road than us. Amber Road is basically Rus flavored Ymar at this point. If we can get them to organize based on Ymaryn government structures they would slot quite easily into being a province of Amber Road. It essentially boils down to if they want to tie themselves to the bigger pile of money or the group that has closer cultural ties.

Ether way they would Ymarynize fairly quickly.

Ymarynize... They would start to live in Ymarmony.

I'd want to use authority on Math reform. But I also want that Hellas spy network. And our authority is tied up on Rus outreach which is also worthwhile.

Support Province: Stallionlands could be a very good use of the treasury - they've just had an influx of angry and resentful settlers to an underpopulated province. Recipe for trouble if we don't stay on top of it; +Loyalty would help.

This is basically impossible at this point. Math reform costs an authority to run. That leaves us with only 1 authority and it's tied up in the Rus for 3 more turns.

Math reform realistically needs to be done with 2 influence. That gives it a 95%+ chance of success each turn. The Hellas spy network would need to wait until after the Rus diplomacy finishes.
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Another random thought - The Rus tribes in Ukraine may be more open to joining Amber Road than us. Amber Road is basically Rus flavored Ymar at this point. If we can get them to organize based on Ymaryn government structures they would slot quite easily into being a province of Amber Road. It essentially boils down to if they want to tie themselves to the bigger pile of money or the group that has closer cultural ties.

Ether way they would Ymarynize fairly quickly.

Ymarynize... They would start to live in Ymarmony.

No. The Rus are more open to joining us than Amber Road. Amber Road is far up north, while we're here everyday interacting with them, and eventual defenses.

That said, ideally we'll diplo-annex. If they decided to become their own country, that's good too as long we tie up the Rus into our network of alliance.
No. The Rus are more open to joining us than Amber Road. Amber Road is far up north, while we're here everyday interacting with them, and eventual defenses.

That said, ideally we'll diplo-annex. If they decided to become their own country, that's good too as long we tie up the Rus into our network of alliance.
I think a Ymaryn style administration of a Rus state is the best path to diplo-annex. Our form of government basically allows us to eat correctly formated states as provinces without much issue.

We just need to convince the Rus to form an administration that we can negotiate with and eventually take on as a province.
I think a Ymaryn style administration of a Rus state is the best path to diplo-annex. Our form of government basically allows us to eat correctly formated states as provinces without much issue.

We just need to convince the Rus to form an administration that we can negotiate with and eventually take on as a province.

Reformatting Rus' hard drive...success
Installing YmarynGov v11.3.11...success
Reinserting RusMemory...success
Installing Warding v2.1...success
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+1 Treasury (Guild Industry, calendar calibration)
+.5 (Income, calendar calibration)

Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Thunder Plateau
Needed: 71+. Rolled: 65+50 (Authority)=115.

The bones of the Sacred Warding are complete and in place. The local priests will be able to take things from here. Thunder Plateau cheers at the benevolence of the Melek. The skepticism of the younger generation is silenced.

Surely they heard stories of how the plaque return from their parents and grandparents?

Also, an authority is freed.
[5/5, ++Thunder Plateau loyalty]

Good to know. Didn't see it reflected in our status page yet.

Build Ties, Rus Tribes
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

Initial contact seems to be going well. Your ambassadors seem to be received well.

We know ahead of time it's going to give us good result. We just need to be prepared for the inevitable invasion.

Train Thunder Plateau Administrators, Elective
Needed: 31+. Rolled: 42. Success.

Work continues in electing and training new administrators.


One more turn and we're done, hopefully.

Calendar Reform
Needed: 41+. Rolled: 56. Success.

The Calendar is further promulgated, with few incidents like in the first year.


Also one more turn hopefully.

Deepen Ties, Amber Road
Needed: 21. Rolled: 69. Successful.

Negotiations have begun for a mutual defense pact between the Victorious Alliance and The Kingdom of The People. A major sticking point currently is the vast power differential between the two of you. Any power strong enough to threaten the Melkut Ymaryn would consider Amber Road a speedbump, and a war that was big for Amber Road might not even be noticed by the Melkut Ymaryn. Figuring out such things is what the diplomats are here for tho, and they shall surely work it out.


Makes sense.
Survey Core
Needed: ???. Rolled: 24. ???

What they hell kind of joke is this? You found trees? Of course you found trees!

Someone is losing their job.

An influence is freed for next turn.

Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Western Wall
Needed: 31. Rolled: 50. Successful.

Herds are brought over, and the reconstruction of the Sacred Warding begins.


By then our warding experts are experts in spreading the warding, and probably the Ymaryn Sign Language.

Rumor Mill:

Amber Road Victorious!: Glory and Victory to the Victorious Alliance! Gulryv has fallen, it's wealth and lands added to their own!

In this timeline, Gulryv heard boss music. Also, the Victorious Alliance didn't have to face the prospect of losing people to war.
Another thing to note is we should be aware that we are going to drop income negative as we reestablish the administration in Thunder Plateau. If I remember right they are going to give us -1.7 income. That will bring us down to -1.1 income.

Now, with the guilds this isn't a big deal. We still need to be aware that we can't spend money recklessly. It will place us in the unenviable situation of having turns that our treasury will drop. We need to be aware of that and keep enough of a buffer that failed rolls and world events won't force us to spend a lot of treasury right before a negative income tick.

I don't think it's going to be a problem, what with us sitting at 9.5 treasury at the moment, but it's a theoretical danger we need to keep in mind.
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I've been thinking about our diplomatic options. At the moment we have Build Ties which is supposed to simulate building long term trust with a particular polity by consistent fair dealing and friendliness over many years without devoting significant extra resources their way. The mechanics of 4 years 10%, influence only don't really reflect that. Influence only makes sense - we're talking about countless interactions below the level of royal oversight including the behaviour of non government actors. The time/probability spread doesn't - we want the effect to come from consistency over the best part of a generation, not a four year luck streak or the more likely fifty years of mostly failing to maintain those standards - neither is plausible and it's not a viable action for the players to choose. If it's supposed to take a certain timescale, give it that length with a high probability e.g.
[] Build Ties: Improve relations with a state through consistent fair dealing, diplomatic honesty, and positive cultural interactions [Influence dice only, 15 years, 85%, +Opinion. Narrative events can shorten the time or cause outright failure of this action]
-[] Write in target

There's also the problem that Build Ties is the only action we have to deal with groups of multiple minors and tribes* because the more transactional actions only make sense with singular counterparties but it doesn't really describe what we're doing with the Rus at all. For one thing we are spending quite a lot of resources on them; a diplomat at every court; facilitating inter-tribe communication; acting as honest broker for same; maintaining trade links (currently at a loss due to reduced population) and; providing priestly services of education, medicine, farming advice, and even religion if they want it. Over an area the size of the Released Territories that can easily be a treasury. So, it's both more expensive and more helpful than Build Ties but it's also a much greater expression of power. One wouldn't expect Build Ties as written to lead directly to alliance though it will make such a move easier but our actions among the Rus can be expected to (and are intended to) lead to alliances, vassalage arrangements and eventually, applications to join the Melkut**.

In short, it's a different action that needs a different name and effect e.g.
[] Regional Outreach: Demonstrate the Benevolence of the Melkut Ymaryn through intense diplomacy, aid and services to all the parties of region. [4 years, 50%, expensive, + opinion in region, deepening political influence in the region, no cooldown]
-[] write in target.

I've made it higher percentage for a couple of reasons. 1. A multi-year 10% action isn't worth the effort to cut and paste in terms of this quest's gameplay, it won't get picked. 2. I simply don't buy the Ymaryn diplomacy bad idea. Not only does it contradict the way the quest has been played and previous Ymaryn history but because diplomacy is a learned skill and institutional support for diplomacy is buildable so, even allowing that our diplomatic capabilities were at a nadir in the collapse, there's been 30 years and plenty of motivation to fix that shit.

*Dealing with them individually is utterly impractical for this quest
**We'd expect this to be piecemeal as individual groups make the choice rather than the whole region at once.
The diplomatic corp is only a few years old at most. It's likely that our efficacy is really that low for now. It will improve once we begin practicing.
The diplomatic corp is only a few years old at most. It's likely that our efficacy is really that low for now. It will improve once we begin practicing.
In fact, one of the reasons that the build ties action has so low of a success chance is that we are not used to doing it.

Though personally, if I was to tweak the politics system of the quest it would be by giving relationship modifiers a bonus/penalty to relationship actions success chances so that 5/10 relationships have no modifier, 10/10 had +50% success chance, and 0/10 relations had a -50% success chance. Most diplomacy actions should thus be around 50% likely to succeed. Diplomacy should be nearly impossible with a state that has a 0/10 opinion of us. Diplomacy should be almost assured with any state that has a 10/10 opinion of us.

The other thing I would do would be to reduce the relationship reduction after increasing an alliance by the difference in rank between the two polities, minor/standard/great/KoTH. For example a defensive alliance with Amber Road doesn't put any demands on Amber Road in reality, and is just Ymar promising to beat the crap out of anyone who swings at them. Why does this cause a -3 relationship penalty? The difference in power should make Amber Road happy to join up unless they have a narrative reason to not do so.

But this is just random thoughts.
Yrmayn don't diplome gud is an informed characteristic brought out only when game effects don't seem to make sense, unelaborated, no narrative reason nor mechanism to improve given.

If we look at what has actually happened, what do we see?
  • Txolla, Hathytta, Memory of Spirits and the Stallionlands rejoin the Core by negotiation, plus a bloodless surrender by Tinshore.
  • We blagged the loan of a navy from the KMT.
  • Administrations reestablished with barely any violence.
  • Diplomatic relations (re)opened with the powers of the Saffron Sea, North Syffryn, the Monsoon Sea and the Hung.
  • Multiple states and their somewhat dubious populations persuaded to Touch the Cow. Likewise our cholera treatments accepted, trusted and put into practice.
  • Friendly relations established with our local steppe nomads and arrangements made with enough of the rest that we could drive a sacred herd to the Central Empire overland.
  • Trade enclaves set up in the Central Empire.
  • A multi-year project upgrading the administration in Pamplona.
  • Trade deals, arms sales and loans conducted.
  • Other attempts at diplomacy and trade failed but it's still institutional experience.
  • A formal foreign office founded.
  • Balthazar personally talked his way from gouging the Core* to becoming king and he came damn close to talking the Styrmyr round twice.
  • Every deal and every threat meticulously kept.
It sure looks like a people who see the value of diplomacy, who practice it on every scale from superpower to tribal village, whose civil service can interface with those of others, whose traders can make deals and whose priests can persuade - in short who are quite good at it.

Now it's true we have some difficulties that not everyone else has. Our religious setup with Mythladism as state religion but near complete toleration of other faiths gets reactions from 'weird' to 'blasphemy!'. Our lack of private land ownership or inheritable kingship gives us very little presence on the international royal marriage market. We don't conquer, we don't set out to devastate and we don't bluff otherwise - this limits the leverage we can get from our military strength - Balthazar can't do a Namar style prestige grab for instance. These are all problems in specific circumstances but they don't add up to being bad at diplomacy.

Our nobles are on average an arrogant bunch but so are everyone's - it's a noble thing rather than an Ymaryn thing. Even if our average is worse than others', people vary and we have a large population - we can find competent people without sending the incorrigible arseholes on missions where it matters.

Items in yellow would seem to have directly applicable skills for what we're doing with the Rus.

*Remember that when criticising the Khem over the Kus famine.
To be fair, the Ymaryn is decidedly the most unmartial empire in the history of the world to ever empire, and we have a long history of vacuously agreeing with nomads and gifting them salt.

Our problems are when we tried to do something new for the kingdom or the fact that we sometime can't walk and chew bubblegums at the same time.
To be fair, the Ymaryn is decidedly the most unmartial empire in the history of the world to ever empire, and we have a long history of vacuously agreeing with nomads and gifting them salt.

Our problems are when we tried to do something new for the kingdom or the fact that we sometime can't walk and chew bubblegums at the same time.
I would argue that we are very martially inclined. We just don't go out and act aggressively. We have sustained a powerful well equipped and trained military for thousands of years. We are one of the top 1 or 2 states in the world who can mobilize the troop count we can, and we are likely equipping that troop count better than the other top state.

We just steadfastly refuse to waste it. That's one of the reasons we can sustain such a large economic investment in our military. We are not smashing it to bits with pointless wars every generation.
I would argue that we are very martially inclined. We just don't go out and act aggressively. We have sustained a powerful well equipped and trained military for thousands of years. We are one of the top 1 or 2 states in the world who can mobilize the troop count we can, and we are likely equipping that troop count better than the other top state.
...Not really...
Though it depends on what you consider 'martially inclined'. Our civ in comparison to the rest of the world is very anti-war even by modern standards. On the other hand, if someone starts something with them, THEY ARE GONNA FINISH IT!
Yrmayn don't diplome gud is an informed characteristic brought out only when game effects don't seem to make sense, unelaborated, no narrative reason nor mechanism to improve given.

If we look at what has actually happened, what do we see?
  • Txolla, Hathytta, Memory of Spirits and the Stallionlands rejoin the Core by negotiation, plus a bloodless surrender by Tinshore.
  • We blagged the loan of a navy from the KMT.
  • Administrations reestablished with barely any violence.
  • Diplomatic relations (re)opened with the powers of the Saffron Sea, North Syffryn, the Monsoon Sea and the Hung.
  • Multiple states and their somewhat dubious populations persuaded to Touch the Cow. Likewise our cholera treatments accepted, trusted and put into practice.
  • Friendly relations established with our local steppe nomads and arrangements made with enough of the rest that we could drive a sacred herd to the Central Empire overland.
  • Trade enclaves set up in the Central Empire.
  • A multi-year project upgrading the administration in Pamplona.
  • Trade deals, arms sales and loans conducted.
  • Other attempts at diplomacy and trade failed but it's still institutional experience.
  • A formal foreign office founded.
  • Balthazar personally talked his way from gouging the Core* to becoming king and he came damn close to talking the Styrmyr round twice.
  • Every deal and every threat meticulously kept.
It sure looks like a people who see the value of diplomacy, who practice it on every scale from superpower to tribal village, whose civil service can interface with those of others, whose traders can make deals and whose priests can persuade - in short who are quite good at it.

Now it's true we have some difficulties that not everyone else has. Our religious setup with Mythladism as state religion but near complete toleration of other faiths gets reactions from 'weird' to 'blasphemy!'. Our lack of private land ownership or inheritable kingship gives us very little presence on the international royal marriage market. We don't conquer, we don't set out to devastate and we don't bluff otherwise - this limits the leverage we can get from our military strength - Balthazar can't do a Namar style prestige grab for instance. These are all problems in specific circumstances but they don't add up to being bad at diplomacy.

Our nobles are on average an arrogant bunch but so are everyone's - it's a noble thing rather than an Ymaryn thing. Even if our average is worse than others', people vary and we have a large population - we can find competent people without sending the incorrigible arseholes on missions where it matters.

Items in yellow would seem to have directly applicable skills for what we're doing with the Rus.
And that is why we were able to create a diplomatic corps as at all and unlock the additional diplomacy actions we currently have available to us. This organisation is still only a few years old and lacks institutional experience as the only successful diplomatic actions since taking it were either in the last update or accepting offers that initiated by the other party. Any previous ones before the creation of the diplomacy corps were ad hoc in nature and therefore we were unable to gain institutional experience from them.

We have found competent people to be our diplomats, that is the whole point of founding our diplomacy corps. Before 1619, there was no institutional diplomacy experience gained because there was no diplomacy institution to gain that experience. Any institutional experience gained from from our actions has only started in 1619 when we got a diplomacy chief and formed our diplomacy corps.

Furthermore, we have only don't Touch the Cow with a couple of foreign nations and one of those was Amber Road, where our point of contact is culturally Ymaryn. All of the others have been restoring the Sacred Warding to our internal Ymaryn provinces and all of the Sacred Warding actions and anti-Cholera actions aren't diplomacy actions, they are mysticism actions and done by our priesthood, not our diplomats.
gouging the Core*

*Remember that when criticising the Khem over the Kus famine.
This is wrong as he did not do this. In exchange for providing food to the Core, he asked for money, authority and the army with the only overly ambitious thing was being made king. The army was needed because Txolla was being invaded by both the Black Sheep and the Highlanders and the money was needed to fix the government since their bureaucracy was as badly mauled by the Great Khan as our own. The Core needed food to survive and had money to spare while Txolla needed money and military to survive and had surplus food so a deal was made based off of those respective needs and surpluses. We were not gouged, Txolla made us pay for the food instead of providing it for free because they needed that money to survive and therefore could not afford to give it away without payment. They didn't overcharge us as all they did is make us pay regular prices instead of getting it for free in taxes. That is not gouging as gouging requires them to overcharge us unfairly or dishonestly.
The negotiations lasted several days, as they argued over details, yet in the end the situation was not difficult to understand. Txolla was as shattered as the kingdom, Balthazar having only sporadic control of the land. He would need three things to secure Txolla for the core: he would need money, authority, and the army. Money, to fund everything he would need to do to reestablish the mechanisms of state, authority to get his underlings to listen to him, and the army to fight the Highlanders and the Black Sheep.

The army would need to be led by the War Chief, Dragon General Dafydd who had locked horns with the Great Khan. Showing that the Lord's Loyalty still held would do much to bring the gentry and nobility of Txolla into line peacefully, and brute force would do for the rest. To give Balthazar even more authority would require making him the Heir, which Bedwyr recognized as ambition more than necessity. As for money, Txolla could not afford to give the grain in taxes, it would need to be paid for, which would surely cause the guilds to howl. Yet, it could be done, The People were rich beyond measure, they could afford to pay for their food.
Meanwhile the Khem didn't need the money to survive, they just wanted it for the profits. They weren't the on the verge of collapse and needed that money to rebuild their shattered government like Txolla. They gouged the Kus by overcharging them because they were greedy and wanted to make a quick buck. This is gouging because they exploited the need for foreign food by the Kus to unfairly force the Kus into paying unfairly high prices.

The situations were not at all comparable. The Khem charged as much as possible for profits out of greed. Txolla made us pay regular prices out of survival as they couldn't afford to give it away to us for free without collapsing.
And that is why we were able to create a diplomatic corps as at all and unlock the additional diplomacy actions we currently have available to us. This organisation is still only a few years old and lacks institutional experience as the only successful diplomatic actions since taking it were either in the last update or accepting offers that initiated by the other party. Any previous ones before the creation of the diplomacy corps were ad hoc in nature and therefore we were unable to gain institutional experience from them.

We have found competent people to be our diplomats, that is the whole point of founding our diplomacy corps. Before 1619, there was no institutional diplomacy experience gained because there was no diplomacy institution to gain that experience. Any institutional experience gained from from our actions has only started in 1619 when we got a diplomacy chief and formed our diplomacy corps.

Furthermore, we have only don't Touch the Cow with a couple of foreign nations and one of those was Amber Road, where our point of contact is culturally Ymaryn. All of the others have been restoring the Sacred Warding to our internal Ymaryn provinces and all of the Sacred Warding actions and anti-Cholera actions aren't diplomacy actions, they are mysticism actions and done by our priesthood, not our diplomats.
...Honestly, I just thought of something, does any other nation have a dedicated diplomat corps like we do? I know everyone has diplomats in this general period, but I don't know just how organized and structured they were...