I agree with @karmaoa: after negotiations with the Black Sheep are finished (since Balthazar will either be using his personal diplomatic boost with them in 1619, or it'll just finish in 1618), catching up on Plays and Theological Debate would help to take the pulse of the People (who are sure to be discussing the consequences of the recent decision... and, from the invisitext, in a positively-inclined manner).

The risk is that, if controversial among the debaters, it could devolve into fighting. This is mitigated by the 1-2 years that would have passed, and by the then-recently completed reclamation of Thunder Plateau, which gives a nice distraction to the more agitated/prideful.

It's also fair, however, to want the entire war to be completed before taking that risk.
I agree with @karmaoa: after negotiations with the Black Sheep are finished (since Balthazar will either be using his personal diplomatic boost with them in 1619, or it'll just finish in 1618), catching up on Plays and Theological Debate would help to take the pulse of the People (who are sure to be discussing the consequences of the recent decision... and, from the invisitext, in a positively-inclined manner).

The risk is that, if controversial among the debaters, it could devolve into fighting. This is mitigated by the 1-2 years that would have passed, and by the then-recently completed reclamation of Thunder Plateau, which gives a nice distraction to the more agitated/prideful.

It's also fair, however, to want the entire war to be completed before taking that risk.
Let's wait till the war is over and he has cemented his place as The Humble King who rebuilt his kingdom.

Ymar understands the wisdom that sometimes the best crops grow from some straight up bullshit. Sometimes the best of farmers end up covered.

Oh, there's invisitext in this quest. How long has that been a thing?

There is a setting that highlights it for you.
Addendum: once the entire war has indeed completed, the content of the plays would probably have shifted a bit (though the content of the debates, less so). Praise of the Khem decision would also be drowned, somewhat, by the noise from praise of the war victory.

So, for ideal narrative effects, attend Plays and Theological Discussion before war is fully over (though reduced effects would probably still be there after the war). Perhaps once the final deployment has taken place to Western Wall.
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You tend to do it when you want to give a commoner opinion instead of a nobility opinion.
I sorta want our king to wake up to the fact that the nobility are not the whole picture and for us to create an spy network within our own people feeding us what factions like the nobles and commoners REALLY think.

I wonder if we discover a isolationist faction opposed to the revanchists, who both of whom are opposed to the mercantalist faction.
Currently a tie between plan war and plan peace. Voting remains open, I'm just unable to sleep so I thought I'd see where the vote is.
Adhoc vote count started by Aranfan on Apr 26, 2021 at 12:56 AM, finished with 70 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan Oshha
    -[X] Authority: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
    --[X] Ymaryn
    -[X] Influence: Survey Txolla Province: Txolla has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use on the floodplains. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)
    [X] Plan Fouredged
    -[X] Authority: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
    --[X] Ymaryn
    -[X] Influence: Seek Black Sheep's Surrender: You have been winning the war, see if the Black Sheep are willing to give more acceptable terms for their surrender. (Narrative%, 1 year)
One concern I have not seen brought up yet, is that a peace offer from the Black Sheep could carry a hefty influence penalty for refusal. (Like the one from the Black Sheep Rebels did.) Presumably, that represents when the nobles or other powerful groups think that it is a great offer, and would be upset if we do not accept it)

Thus, extending peace feelers to the Black Sheep is not a risk free option.
One concern I have not seen brought up yet, is that a peace offer from the Black Sheep could carry a hefty influence penalty for refusal. (Like the one from the Black Sheep Rebels did.) Presumably, that represents when the nobles or other powerful groups think that it is a great offer, and would be upset if we do not accept it)

Thus, extending peace feelers to the Black Sheep is not a risk free option.

That seems to be an absolutely valid concern.
HanChenYou brings up a good point, so changing vote. Let's wait for a diplomatically-boosted peace deal from Balthazar, rather than a shot in the dark.

[X] Plan Oshha
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We need to be able to figure out a diplomatic resolution that doesn't involve pissing off Thunder Plateau so that we can pull out of the Thunder Plateau and begin demobilizing.
One concern I have not seen brought up yet, is that a peace offer from the Black Sheep could carry a hefty influence penalty for refusal. (Like the one from the Black Sheep Rebels did.) Presumably, that represents when the nobles or other powerful groups think that it is a great offer, and would be upset if we do not accept it)

Thus, extending peace feelers to the Black Sheep is not a risk free option.

Your worried about... getting too good a peace deal?
Your worried about... getting too good a peace deal?
I think more worried about getting a deal good enough there is a lot of pressure to take it, but otherwise one that forces us to compromise somewhere we really do not want to compromise.

The worst case would be a peace deal that the nobles get pissed at rejecting, but the TP people get pissed if we take due to going back on promises made to them.

I personally don't worry too much about it. I don't think the nobility is all to pressed for peace when there are still glorious battles to win on the backs of thousands of dead levi soldiers.
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If I were the BS king sending a peace envoy I'd give them quite a lot of leeway to negotiate because I really want a deal at this point.

I'd be looking to retain
  • Our lives
  • some degree of wealth and comfort
  • the chance for our children to become Ymaryn nobles

I'd be offering as necessary
  • A cooperative surrender
  • a big chunk of our running away stash of mobile wealth
  • active cooperation unravelling the changes we made
  • our services as world class light cavalry.