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The People have Fallen. Their great Kingdom is shattered into pieces. Take control of one of those pieces and try to guide it through the turbulent waters of history.


Team Plasma Grunt
"… With the sieges at Redshore and Sacred Forest repulsed, it was the Great Khan's personal failure to breach the walls of Valleyhome that ended his campaign. Having stripped his eastern holdings dry as the casualties mounted, he no longer had the men to continue to fighting the Ymaryn. Receiving word that his Hung holdings were in revolt, he retreated to attend to the East. He would not return to the West.

"Yet the great Ymaryn kingdom was doing no better. The Ymaryn had paid ten lives for every one of the Great Khan's horde they had killed, and they had killed hundreds of thousands of that Horde. The expertise and institutional knowledge that allowed the Ymaryn to administer their massive kingdom was gone, dead on the battlefield. Not only that, due to the nobility's measures to keep power secure in their own families, they lacked the training infrastructure to rebuild it. Even if they had, many of lines of loyalty that connected the provinces to the core had been severed by the conflict.

"The situation was worse than that of course. While Hathytta and Txolla were merely practically no longer answering to the King in Valleyhome, the situation on the Yllthon and the Thunder Plateau was even more dire. Western Wall, Greenshore, and Tinshore had bent knee to the Great Khan and when the Great Khan left in defeat they openly rebelled, knowing that their betrayal would not be tolerated. The worst, however, was the Thunder Plateau. A shard of the Great Khan's Horde had taken the Thunder Plateau and installed themselves as the nobility, poorly aping the styles of the Ymaryn. Their leader, who had taken the name "Maximilian" had declared the Black Sheep Empire the true successor to the Ymaryn and was eager to attempt to reunify the realm."

The Kingdom of the People has fallen. Ancient beyond memory before writing was invented, by them, it endured almost three thousand years. Their success was their own undoing, for overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer. They had won for so long they forgot that they could lose, forgotten that others could win as well.

But one cannot live for so long and then disappear without a trace. The kingdom has left successors, each vying to survive and lay claim to the mantle of The People that spawned them.

Which successor shall you attempt to guide?

Green: Core
Black: Black Sheep
Brown: Txolla
Red: Hathytta
Yellow: Western Wall
Light Orange: Greenshore
Orange: Tinshore
Purple: Amber Road

[] The Core
The birthplace of the Ymaryn. Where the god Bynwyn bestowed the Sacred Warding upon the People, where The First Smith stole Iron from the gods, and where the Great Khan was defeated. They have wonders beyond compare: The Sacred Warding, the Sacred Forest, industrial infrastructure respectable by the standards of the early 1800s OTL, libraries with every scrap of lore ever produced in the vicinity of the Kingdom. Yet they are urbanized to a degree unsustainable without the rest of the kingdom, if they can not secure enough food to feed the cities then they will die in a few short years. If they can survive, however, none will be able to deny they are the true successor of the Ymaryn Kingdom, because they are the Ymaryn Kingdom!

[] Hathytta
The Hathyan people have long sheltered under the arms of the Ymaryn. They have been treated well, their lands invested with black soil and with Hathyans elected king as often as the governors of any other province. Yet now the Ymaryn have fallen, their kingdom shattered into splinters. It is time for Hathytta to go its own way and secure its own destiny. They have advantages: never having fallen to the Great Khan the Sacred Warding is intact, and Trelli is a city able to rival even Redshore. However, the greedy barbarian Syffronites ever clamor at the gates.

[] Txolla
Fertile Txolla! Their fields grew the food which supported the great cities of the Kingdom, Xohyr among them! Now that the Ymaryn have fallen, Txolla must find its own way. It has strong advantages: a recoverable Sacred Warding as well as fields and forests bountiful enough to feed empires. Unfortunately, that is exactly why the Black Sheep Empire will be eager to conquer them first, and why the Highlanders will take their chance to emerge from their hills.

[] Western Wall
The Western Wall is the north most portion of the old kingdom, settled by Ymaryn stock over thousands of years. They have a fully intact Ymaryn bureaucracy, and with the Great Khan in retreat their northern border is ripe for the taking.

[] Greenshore
Directly bordering the Styrmyr, Greenshore only has the advantages of a fully intact Ymaryn bureaucracy. Their border with the Styrmyr is probably indefensible.

[] Tinshore
Tinshore borders the Styrmyr, but there are mountains on the border. If they can defeat the syffonite barbarians that are their other neighbors, they will surely be able to secure their borders. They have the benefit of a fully intact Ymaryn bureaucracy.

[] Black Sheep Empire
Fuedalism Ho! Bring the glory of Private Property to the Ymaryn! You benefit from vigorous leadership and a relatively undepleted military. However, the other successors will all rightly consider you nomad savages, and may even ally against you to their own detriment, denying you any legitimacy unless you conquer at least the old borders of the Kingdom.

[] Amber Road
The Great Khan has left. You have not been able to re-establish contact with the king or his chiefs. You are on your own. At least the primitives in the vicinity are all either still using flint or dependent on you for iron.

Note: If you do not pick the Core, they will collapse of famine and unsustainable urbanization.

Link to Source Material: Paths of Civilization Original
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[x] The Core
The birthplace of the Ymaryn. Where the god Bynwyn bestowed the Sacred Warding upon the People, where The First Smith stole Iron from the gods, and where the Great Khan was defeated. They have wonders beyond compare: The Sacred Warding, the Sacred Forest, industrial infrastructure respectable by the standards of the early 1800s OTL, libraries with every scrap of lore ever produced in the vicinity of the Kingdom. Yet they are urbanized to a degree unsustainable without the rest of the kingdom, if they can not secure enough food to feed the cities then they will die in a few short years. If they can survive, however, none will be able to deny they are the true successor of the Ymaryn Kingdom, because they are the Ymaryn Kingdom!
[X] The Core

I want to play the remnant rather than a successor state.
Civ Sheet
Melkut Ymaryn
(Kingdom of The People)​

Economic System: Guild Merchantile
Government System: Absolute Elective Monarchy (Heir appointed by Parliament)
Primary Religion: Mylathadysm
Secondary Religions: Folk Animism (Old Ways/Crow Pantheon), Meshamini, Geoyrgon, Samynish, various other Monotheisms

Base Influence: 5 Influence, 2 Authority

Current King: Brynn
Current Heir:

Naval Status (Yllython Mor): 4 (Weak)
Naval Status (Saffron Sea): 12 (Average)
Naval Status (Salt Sea): 4 (Weak)
Naval Status (Monsoon Sea): 6 (Poor)
(Combined Yllython+Saffron Naval: 16 [Good])
Total Naval Score: 26

Professional Army Formations:
Iron Flower Banner Company (Pike & Shot [crossbow]) - Not Deployed
Heaven's Hawk Banner Company (Heavy Cavalry) - Not Deployed

Treasury Status: 5.3/10
Income: +.7

Expensive Actions subtract 1 from treasury status, Profitable actions add 1 to it. Very is x2, Extremely is x3, Ruinously/Insanely is x4.
Income adds itself to the Treasury Status every 5 years.

Provinces and Loyalty

Core: Rock Solid
Memory of Spirits: Rock Solid
Txolla: Unshakable
Hathytta: Solid
Western Wall: Rock Solid, for now
Greenshore: Solid
Tinshore: Rock Solid
Thunder Plateau: Transitioning to Civilian Control, Rock Solid

Client States:

Tin Tribes


Greater Sacred Forest: The pacts between the People and the Forests run deep. As you nurture and protect the forests, they nurture and protect you. Climatic crises are reduced, all but the most severe to nothing.
(Negative Climate Random Events are ignored)

Sacred Warding: The ancient blessing of a defunct god, maintained through the magics and diligent efforts of millennia of holy men. With it, the People are immune to the depredations of the starpox. Inspired by its example, the People have created the finest system of medicine and sanitation in the world.
(+20 to rolls to combat diseases and plagues. If you fail to contain a civ ending plague, you get a saving throw to have a second chance at lower success rate without the bonus, that takes twice as long at double the cost.)

Guild Industry (5/5): The People are an industrial titan unmatched in the present age. Neither the Kus nor the Hung are able to match their output, and the best products of those lands only match the average quality of what is produced by the People.
(Every 2 years, +1 Treasury Status. If wonder is degraded, instead every 7-Lvl years it will repair itself by 1 lvl.)

Grand Libraries: The libraries of the People contains the wisdom of the ages. Every scrap of lore within reach of the People has been collected and preserved.
(+2 Research Slots once Advanced research is unlocked)

Trelli: The strait of Trelli is an extremely important waterway. Merchants flock there from all over the Yllython Mor and Saffron Sea. The Wealth of Empires flows through that strait, and whoever controls it has but to dip their hand into that stream to pull out wealth beyond dreams of avarice.
(+1 Income)

???: This Wonder has been forgotten, although it remains in place. As such, it provides no bonuses.


None presently.

Other Statuses:

Elitist: You are not the good guys. You are assholes.

The King's Lake: You have full control over the entire shoreline of the Yllython Mor. (+1 Income)

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[X] The Core

It's tempting to go for Western Wall or one of the more legitimate successor states, but history is full of stories of successor states eclipsing and bringing to ruin the wonders of past ages, even as they lie liberally and claim that all that remains is all that ever was.

In terms of direct value, the Core has both the most industry and densest population, and edicts to simply drain the cities dry for conscripts would do wonders to curtail the food shortage and simultaneously reclaim lost realms. In addition, it has a number of esoteric bonuses in the form of wonders and special effects, and has the advantage of being the default legitimate seat of empire in the eyes of local lords and peoples. However, it would also be the worst sufferer of bureaucratic inertia and difficulty managing itself.

By comparison, other entities are more stable and have less inertia holding them back from immediate growth, either wide or tall, but are also less well-equipped to actually grow wide enough to claim true legitimacy in such a short time as the core.

This quest will run similarly to how Imrix's Ultuan Quest functions. Instead of having set categories of actions that you get to pick a given number of actions from each, you have a massive pool of actions and only so much political sway to get your agenda done. This sway is represented by Influence and Authority.

Influence. Each influence die is a 1d100 that will be rolled to see how well the action goes. Each action will have a percentage to indicate how likely it is to succeed. 1 influence on an action is 1d100, 2 influence is 2d100, etc. The die is invested for however many turns the action says it takes, meaning that if you take actions that take multiple years you will not get the Influence back until it finishes. Influence can come and go depending on how well received your agenda is by the elites of society.

Authority. A point of Authority spent on an action will have that action carried out to the best of the Kingdom's ability. It represents not political influence and connections, but the sheer authority and prestige of the King giving a command that cannot be disobeyed. Do not expect to get more than the base amount unless your king pulls off heroic deeds worthy of legend.

Treasury Rules:

One of the main resources you need to worry about is Wealth. This is represented by a treasury and an income status. On every year IC divisible by 5, the income stat adds itself to the treasury.

Actions can also be Expensive or Profitable. Expensive Actions subtract 1 from treasury status immediately, Profitable actions add 1 to it upon successful completion. Very is x2, Extremely is x3, Ruinously/Insanely is x4.

Treasury 0/10 is bad. Very, very bad.

Naval Rules:

Each "Build Warships" action adds +1 to your naval status in the sea that it is built in. In connected seas, such as the Saffron Sea and the Yllython Mor, naval power can be shifted around as a free action. The number of "build warships" actions one can take is limited in number and location by the number of cities with shipyards you have. Naval rolls are modified by the Ranks, which have break points according to the chart below.

0 Nonexistant
1 Anemic
3 Weak
6 Poor
10 Average
15 Good
21 Strong

Dominant goes to whoever has the strongest naval score in the relevant ocean.

Opinion Rules:

There are three opinion scales: Barbarian, Civilized, and Ally. It is very difficult to conduct diplomacy to someone who thinks of you as a barbarian. The higher the Civilized Opinion Gauge is the more well inclined that polity is towards you, with exceptionally high opinion allowing alliance options. Ally only has a 5 point scale compared to the 10 point Civilized Scale. 1=Nonaggression Pact, 2=Favorable Trade Deals, 3=Mutual Defense Pact, 4=Free Trade, 5=Military Coordination. "R" denotes that they consider you a rival.
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Diplomatic Profiles

Melkut Ymaryn (Green): You. Absolute Monarchy with heir elected by a weak Parliament. No slavery or serfdom. Strong opinions on agriculture. Likes farming, trees, and iron. Hates diseases and nomads.

Immediate Neighbors:

Khemetri (Brown): Religious Theocracy, with high cleric king. Major industries are Agriculture (cash- and food- crops) and mining, especially gold. Loves cats.
Hellas League (Cyan): Nominally an alliance of city states, practically a kingdom where all states answer to the king of one particular city state.
Styrmyr (Orange): Cousins.
Highlanders (Pink): Still there.

Saffron Sea Powers:

Berba (Blue): Militaristic Monarchy, with senate.
Pamplona (Maroon): Stalwart Mountainfolk. Gender Egalitarian. Has a proper bureaucracy.
Ruma (Light Purple): Militaristic Monarchy, with senate.
Vynta (Dark Purple): Merchants. Known for Wine.

Northern Saffron Powers:

Rexum Germanum: A nightmare realm of constant civil war and disorder.
Norsca: Warlike kingdom, eager to establish Hegemony in the not!Baltic.
Tarta: A group that settled the western side of the Metal Mountains. A noteworthy and influential power.
Pulska: Meshami Zealots
Amber Road (Minor): A confederation of tribes united by religion and the needs of mutual defense. Time will tell if they can hold together.

Western Monsoon Sea Powers:

Khemetri: Religious Theocracy, with high cleric king. Major industries are Agriculture (cash- and food- crops) and mining, especially gold. Loves cats.
Abyss/Damut (Horn of not!Africa): An ancient and powerful people. With sophisticated government and ancient pedigree, this state is not to be underestimated.
Magyars (Purple): Nomad Barbarians.
Ealam (Orange): A relatively young kingdom that is based on the island of Lanka. Very similar to Kurna, although some details of course vary.

Far East Powers:

The Central Empire (Hung): Covering an absurd amount of territory and people, this empire is in many ways the pinnacle of civilization. They have a sophisticated bureaucracy, countless farms, vast armies, and nigh impenetrable fortifications. The output of their manufactories rivals the Ymaryn, and their sheer wealth surpasses that most ancient kingdom! All Under Heaven belongs to the Emperor!

Opinions of you:

Khemetri: 4/10 [C] R?
Magyar: 7/10
Ealam: 7/10
Vynta: 6/10
Ruma: 5/10
Pamplona: 8/10
Abyss: 5/10
Hung: 8/10 [C]
Rexum Germanum: 5/10
-Hasum 4/10
-Behryvar 4/10
-Ochrur ?/10
Tarta: 5/10
Styrmyr: 5/10
Amber Road: 7/10 [C], 3/5 [A]
Norsca: 4/10
Berba: 5/10
Hellas: 3/10 [C] R
Pulska: 4/5 {B}

Prestige Rankings:
<30 = Minor Power
30-59 = Major Power
60-99 = Great Power
100+ = Super Power

Melkut Ymaryn: 82

Saffron Sea:

Local King of the Hill: KMT

Khem: 89
Vynta: 55
Berba: 55
Hellas: 53
Pamplona: 47
Ruma: 53

North Saffron:

Local King of the Hill: Rexum Germanum

Rexum Germanum: 90
-Hasum: 40 (only Ymaryn recognize trading prestige)
-Behryvar: 32
-Ochrur: 30
Norsii: 50
Tarta: 48
Styrmyr: 42
Pamplona: 45
Pulska: 32
Amber Road: 18

Western Moonsoon Sea:

King of the Hill: KMT

Khem: 89
Abyss: 61
Magyar: 82
Kurna: 33
Ealam: 35

Far East:

King of the Hill: Hung

Hung (The Central Empire): 125
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[X] The Core

I hope this game will be more allowing than the original and the offshoots when it comes to gaining an advantage: it started to become somewhat acidic that no matter how far we went, there was always someone that seemed our equal or better, if only when focused against us as our foil.
[X] The Core

I joined SV too late to participate in the original Path of Civilization quest, but man, reading through it was certainly an experience. Well I hope it goes better for the Ymaryn this time around.