We need Abacus to finish asap, we can't really build any ships without it.
Also, less Warp monofocus please while we actually have direct access to ship hulls AND manufacturing. More manufacturing, design, and weapons R&D. We can't do any real manufacturing while we're elsewhere unless yall do the right efficiency research and pump out manufactory fleet ships. Last time you all used the excuse of Denva having tech to neglect it, no more.
Shit, our 'army' got whacked by a single station of cultists. 3k scouts was unwise.
Because getting rid of it means that it runs to the nearby Chaos held FORGEWORLD and tells them that there is an uncorrupted AI to attack and gives them the secrets on how to beat our psychic defenses.
Some of the available OMC stuff would be for a vast, worldshaking boost to Denva's ability to utilize all this tech.
...You know, another one on top of the several we've already delivered, but still. Right now OMC operators have to have something like doctoral-level education, AIUI? We could probably increase the number of operators by upwards an order of magnitude, and maybe ramp towards an all-OMC economy. It's cool stuff.
I can definitely see cases for a lot of other things (see the warptech arguments, say). But OMC is wildly appealing too, sitting on the brink of a sort of light singularity. Imagine a world:
-[] Streamlined OMC interface (125 RP) Your Organic-machine control implants are a beast to learn how to use, and the learning curve to true mastery is measured in decades if not centuries. With a further redesign focused on effective tooltips, detailed tutorials on every facet of their function and further optimization to work with various kinds of robots you can help new operators figure out the ropes and get up to speed quickly. (Increases effectiveness of humans equipped with OMC implants, both for combat and manufacturing)
-[] Gameified OMC (75 RP) You have the combat simulation part of it down, but a game is more than just fighting. You need a framework for why the fighting is happening, some kind of tie-in to manufacturing and the ability to make people care about the results of the combat. You can solve all of those problems, but doing it properly so that people actually learn useful skills and enjoy doing it will be tricky. (Create a game that teaches OMC-skills to the general populace, both providing basic training and helping find individuals with above-average proficiency. Synergizes well with Lower OMC Implant Specs)
-[] Interchangeable OMC control (100 RP) Right now it's somewhat tricky for somebody to take over a new OMC system. There's a lengthy process of familarization & customization as they feel out the new system and get it all running. All of this means that it's hard for people to easily switch off between constructs or take over new ones when the old ones are destroyed. If you can streamline the user interface and make everything more standardized, then it'll be possible for operators to "plug and play" with new hardware. (Makes it possible for people with OMC implants to quickly swap between controlled systems, letting them do things like just jump control to a new fighter when the old one is destroyed, keep manufactory systems operating through multiple shifts and ease collaboration.)
-[] Lower OMC Implant Specs (150 RP) Your OMC implants are fairly intense, and only growing more so as you improve their capabilities. If you figured out how to dial down the requirements for the software, then it would be possible for less-sophisticated and invasive implants to also work with the system. They wouldn't operate at the same capabilities of control, but it would allow people with civilian-grade implants to control a CP or two worth. (Dramatically lowers the barrier to entry into OMC-style work, allowing a much larger fraction of the population to work with organic-machine control, and likely accelerating training as lower-scale implants are required to successfully work with OMC-technology. May unlock future technology to allow implant-less people to operate OMC effectively through normal cogitators).
Does it make sense to leave bongo on denva next time we leave?
We are going to give them all our anti chaos tech and knowledge, so they will be able to keep him secured just as well as we can.
But he won't be in the Warp with us to soak up energy when we travel.
Perhaps something to consider if daemonology doesn't let us bibs him completely.
Hmmm. Chaos continues to be damaging, even with the head of the leadership (almost certainly) being cut off. Also, reading the fight for Kysslar's Nest was tense, especially with the influence of the warp manifesting. Properly drives in that when cornered the worshippers of Chaos are at their most dangerous with nothing left to lose.
On other matters, @Neablis, besides the description of Warp Manufacturing being wrong, as already pointed out? I don't think that Warp Weather Predictions was properly discounted. I haven't noticed any other problems in discounts, but I would appreciate if someone else double-checked this.
Does it make sense to leave bongo on denva next time we leave?
We are going to give them all our anti chaos tech and knowledge, so they will be able to keep him secured just as well as we can.
But he won't be in the Warp with us to soak up energy when we travel.
Perhaps something to consider if daemonology doesn't let us bibs him completely.
Oh heck no. If somebody has to deal with an only mostly locked down daemon, please let it be Vita, not people we like but can't completely rely on not to mess it up.
I could see handing Bongo to, say, the Space Marines. Or maybe the craftworlders if they're interested. Because there if he somehow manages to get one over on them, well, that's more a them problem than an us problem. If he messes with Denva? That's an us problem.
-[] Warp Manufacturing (150 RP) The laws of physics break down in the warp, and in spaces influenced by the warp. This includes creating impossible structures and pushing materials beyond their limits. Figuring out how to use that might be tricky, but will probably be quite rewarding. (Figure out ways to use warptech to improve mundane manufacturing, unlocks techs for both mass-production and relic-tier artificing). Requires Immaterium understanding.
If we are going to be doing a bunch of warp-related research now, maybe we should do Immaterium Understanding first? We have the required Warp Research Lab.
It's a little expensive, but we will more then likely get the cost back in discounts.
[] Plan: The Eye of Vita
-[] Repair Bay: Outer Hull Psychic Shielding 221 -> 240/240 = 19 HP (95/1,000 BP)
-[] Construction: Gain build points equal to your build capacity, write in what you spend them on. | 5,340 VBP (Aetherion Manufactories) + 1,100 VBP (Voidforge Miners) + 600 VBP (Spark Manufactories) = 7,040
--[] Repair the 41 damaged manufactories around Aetherion into Machine Spirit Orbital Manufactories (4,100 VBP)
--[] Construct 2 additional Machine Spirit Orbital Manufactories (600 VBP)
--[] Build stasis chambers to contain the 500 captured chaos cultists. (1,000 BP at the previously mentioned 2 BP / Person rate)
--[] Replenish remaining Light Machine-spirit tanks up to 100 (150 BP)
--[] Replenish remaining Medium Machine-spirit tanks up to 100 (375 BP)
--[] Replenish remaining Specters back to 1,000 and then construct an additional batch of 1,000 (200 BP)
--[] Replenish remaining Heavy Machine-spirit humanized Infantry Bots with Machine Spirit Jammers back to 1,000 and then construct an additional batch of 1,000 (380 BP)
--[] Replenish remaining Medium Humanized Machine-spirit Infantry Bots back to 1,000 and then construct an additional batch of 1,000 (200 BP)
--[] Build 7 Personal Void Shields (35 BP)
-[] x2 Research: Gain research points equal to your research capacity, to be spent designing new blueprints or researching projects. Write in what you spend them on. | 400 RP + 85 (Anexa) + 60 (Cogitare) = 545 RP
--[] The Taste of Chaos (Makes your warp sensors very sensitive to Chaos-associated markers. More useful in detecting cults than individuals, though will be able to detect chaos blessings. Like to unlock further research to screen for ever-smaller amounts of chaotic influence) (100 RP)
---[] Anexa active Action: Research - assists a research action you take, granting +5xLevel RP to the action. Will level on a successful roll, scaled by the importance of the tech.
--[] Empathy at Range (Makes your warp sensors active at longer range, unlocks further research to pinpoint psychic activities from across the solar system. Half of the prereq for basic warp-based FTL communication) (200 RP)
--[] Large-Scale organic-machine Control (Allows OMC implants to control any kind of industrial production, including shipyards and non-military megastructures. Leads to further technology to improve the amount of CP one person can control.) (75 RP)
--[] Superconductive Shenanigans (A flat production boost of 5-15% depending on rolls) (50 RP)
--[] Abacus Manufacturing (Unlocks the void abacus ship equipment) (50 -> 100/100 = 50 RP)
--[] Faith is My Shield (Understanding the benefits of Faith. May unlock further research to allow Vita to design a less objectionable faith optimized for warp protection, and help develop better psyker training programs. Likely to unlock further understanding of relics and their usage.) (15 -> 75/75 = 60 RP)
--[] Intelligence Coding (Helps you understand your own code. Prerequisite to building new AIs, starts command point tree and automation tree, also unlocks personality-checking research) (170 -> 180/400 = 10 RP)
-[] Diplomacy/Subversion: Talk to people. (Write-in goal & method)
--[] Talk to the Stellar Ascendancy government.
---[] Give them Abacus Manufacturing and Warp Drive technology.
---[] Give them Large-Scale organic-machine Control.
---[] Give them warp scanner technology incorporating Empathy at Range and The Taste of Chaos for detecting chaos cults.
---[] Give them our stasis technology for prisoner storage.
---[] Hand over 7 Personal Void Shields.
---[] Try to help them establish an organization for rooting out chaos.
----[] Victan active action: Diplomat-Spy - assists any diplomacy action you take, granting +Level to the dice to the action. Will level on a successful roll, scaled by the significance of the action.
-[] Passive Psyker improvement: Cia will take lower-risk actions to improve herself, including meditation, study and augmentation. A single level-up roll, with only a very low roll resulting in perils of the warp.
Get the rest of the damaged manufactories online for next turn, then do some rationalization of the numbers of our available bots and tanks. Stick all our captured cultists in stasis until we have a use for them (Maybe they get scanned during the research phase). The personal void shields are just to use up the last 60 points of production.
Empathy at Range and The Taste of Chaos should allow for the detection of cults and chaos blessings anywhere in the system, which won't get rid of isolated subversives and curruptees but should allow anything actually organized to be stomped on.
Large-Scale OMC and Superconductive Shenanigans have both been irritatingly outstanding for a while imo and are both good gets.
Abacus Manufacturing and Faith are both irritatingly partially complete, so let's go ahead and wrap them up.
Intelligence Coding gets the last 10 points because it's also irritatingly in-progress.
Anexa gets to focus on The Taste of Chaos becuase it's the most important this go-round. We really want to be able to scan for cults even if we won't be able to find lone corruptees.
The diplomacy action will be turning over a lot of important technology and trying to help Denva set up thought-police in as ethical a way as possible. Victan gets to help with this, and gets a set of personal void shields to hand out if he needs to grease any wheels. Hopefully this will immediately grab us two more boons for giving the Stellar Ascendancy access to the stars and helping them clean up their cult problems, and next turn we can see about helping them establish a research industry.
Edit - I initially misunderstood the tank prices, that's been corrected.
Thanks for catching that, I was reading the cost as per individual tank for some reason. I'll revise the numbers tomorrow.
We're already going to see a jump in our BP going into next turn just from repairing the remaining factories, and I'm sort of waiting to see exactly what we get from superconductive shenanigans to see what we do next... Possible also Large-scale Void Manufacturing if we manage to squeeze that in next turn. In the meantime, we have to replenish our troops at some point and I think we can definitely benefit from sticking our captured cultists in stasis to be absolutely sure they can't get up to any nonsense. If skipping all that for this turn would have let us get the shipyard reactivated immediately, I might have gone for that, but since it won't we'll get it done next turn most likely.
They're already going to be able to scan for cults anywhere in the system and they've got the designs for normal psychic shielding and cognito-filter implants to work with it. I think they'll be in a good place with my current list.
Can we get ride of Bongo for once and all so he stops sharing our info on us and having attempts etc. I worry he rolls well and succeeds and that is game over! Or fling him into the sun also happy with that
Can we get ride of Bongo for once and all so he stops sharing our info on us and having attempts etc. I worry he rolls well and succeeds and that is game over! Or fling him into the sun also happy with that
I have to ask.... why do you worry about that? He has not come anywhere near escape since that first attempt, he has been getting longer and longer odds to manage anything ever since.
Honestly. Daemonology FOLLOWED by DSI sounds more viable. We can at least bind the thing to something so it can't escape, AND it'll get us 1 step closer to true-killing the thing. At least in that order, it would keep the Daemonology discount and use it, instead of wasting that final note VERY AFFORDABLE fruit from this stupid thing. Far more bang for our buck that way. After all, they don't seem to be mutually exclusive researches, after all.
But improving encryption, improving our OMC stuff, and getting abacus Tech is great. Warp Comms progress isn't as vital for immediate turns, far less than it's being made-out to be, but it's still an extremely good idea to get within the next ten turns.
Replenish our forces, both for the cult cleansing action and when we find ourselves in a sudden fight again.
Research a lot of stuff that helps us in that fighting.
Build up our production capacity.
Taste of Chaos to find them.
Integrated Psychic Shielding and MS-controlled shields so our bots won't fall as easily.
Psychic Encryption so they won't see us coming.
Faith because people want it and it may help as well.
Abacus manufacturing gets us a second boon to spend next turn for turning it over.
The first we get for helping cleanse the chaos cults.
[] Plan: Find and get rid of the chaos cults
-[][Repair Bay]: spent in Construction
-[] Construction (600 VBP + 5340 single use boon + 1,100 VBP (Voidforge Miners) = 7040 / 1000 Repair Bay / 500 Lift Capacity):
--[] 110 BP of structure damage [110 Repair Bay]
--[] Outer Hull 221/240 -> 240/240 HP [95 Repair Bay]
--[] Replace Psychic Experimentation Lab (-200 BP, as well as -675 BP for Max Shields,*1.5 due to being inside a completed ship) (1215 BP)
--[] Fix up 41 Orbital Manufactories to MS-manufactories (4100 BP)
--[] 3000x Spectres (300 VBP)
--[] 3000x Medium Humanized Machine-spirit Infantry Bots (300 VBP)
--[] 3000x Heavy Machine-spirit humanized Infantry Bots with Machine Spirit Jammers (570 VBP)
--[] 100x Light Machine-spirit tanks (150 BP)
--[] 100x Medium Machine-spirit tanks (375 BP)
--[] 6 x Personal Void Shields (30 BP)
-[] Research x2 (400 + 85 (Anexa) + 60 (Anexa staff) = 545 RP)
--[] The Taste of Chaos (100 RP)
---[] Anexa assist
--[] Small-scale design-integrated psychic shielding (150 RP)
--[] Hardware Psychic Encryption (50 RP)
--[] Abacus Manufacturing (50/100 RP -> 100/100 RP)
--[] Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (75 RP)
--[] Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP)
--[] Faith is my shield? (10/75 -> 75/75 RP)
--[] Intelligence Coding (10 Overflow)
-[] Orders: Help cleanse the planet of hidden chaos cults
-[] Anexa active Action: Research
-[] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
-[] Cia: Deployment on chaos cult clean up
Considering switching Victan to help cult hunting, but him looking out for anything unexpected might also save us some grief.
Oh, no doubt. Assuming the guy on the golden chair is even vaguely aware of us, he's probably losing his absolute shit that the only reason humanity didn't get to make the Warp its own playground a dozen millennia or two ago is that pretty much all AI systems just were not equipped with psionic shielding as a cost-cutting measure.
Slowly unraveling the nature of Chaos, possibly to cracking Warp-powered manufacturing on an industrial scale, all the stuff the Imperium will never achieve? Throw Vita a wraithbone and she can probably make the Eldar lose their cool too by printing a variant of it eventually.
Or, on a particularly unlikely fantasy tangent, just send us back in time to the Golden Age of Technology. Let's recruit golden chair man before he turns into a (g/x)enocidal paraplegic asshole with a self-refuting godlessness complex.
Or, on a particularly unlikely fantasy tangent, just send us back in time to the Golden Age of Technology. Let's recruit golden chair man before he turns into a (g/x)enocidal paraplegic asshole with a self-refuting godlessness complex.
If we get that IMO it's worth it to try to crit it as a 5% discount is neat, but not gamebreaking, but 15% and more options for further discounts would be a bigger deal. So maybe go for it in a turn Anexa has nothing better to do and stack the odds?
Do we actually need the captured cultists for anything? IMO just give them to Denva, they are going to need to deal with and give therapie to far more cultists, having to deal with 500 more shouldnt be a big deal. Especially if we also give them mood regulators since those combined with the cognition filters and detection tech should give them all the tools to find and humanely deal with anyone exposed to Chaos.