There are really few 1-2 stars that do crazy DPS. Hassan was one since alternatives were atrocious. Eric is another, although there is bunch of good Berserkers around so even that's pretty pointless.

Lower stars only really work as supports, riding on their utility and cheap cost. George and Hans are prime examples of that.
Well duh. Hence why pretty much every female being a auto 4/5 star is pretty bloody annoying. When the only class to have a female under three stars is Assassin and maybe Rider, we have a problem.

The game knows where its money comes from, and that source is waifu-loving nerds. Of course the girls are harder to get, that means more money.
Seriously? Did not know that. I suppose that isn't too surprising, because 1-2 stars aren't in the paid gacha, so DW can't make money off of them.
That wasn't true when the game released.

i was reffering to an apk for fgo?

and i cant open qooapp. both versions are giving me network connection errors.
I'm not a magician. I need more information then that, especially for a issue that your the only person in the entire thread whose experienced.
I dunno. About the only thing that holds Kojirou back from being pretty damn good is that he's a one star, and thus, level caps just as he starts to curve again.

Give him another 40 levels and I reckon he'd actually be pretty good.

Eh, I don't know. Hassan is a better Assassin, he's naturally generating stars like crazy and has skills allowing him to generate even more. Which is pretty much what you want from his class, killing dragons being a bonus today.

Kojiro has a great set of skills, buuut... he's a one star, and a Saber disguised as an Assassin. It would be great if he was reworked as, I dunno... a 3*/4* Saber ? A "Regend of France" special edition.
I'm not a magician. I need more information then that, especially for a issue that your the only person in the entire thread whose experienced.

bleh. i dont really have any more. all i know is that it isnt working

opening either version of qooapp leaves me with a network connection error. at that point, using the fgo apk boots me back to the menu (i had qoo-red open while installing qoo-blue, and it also did this), but its not there, and its not listed as installed in the settings.

using the fgo apk while memu is closed will open it automatically, but it still doesnt show up.

thats all i got.
bleh. i dont really have any more. all i know is that it isnt working

opening either version of qooapp leaves me with a network connection error. at that point, using the fgo apk boots me back to the menu (i had qoo-red open while installing qoo-blue, and it also did this), but its not there, and its not listed as installed in the settings.

using the fgo apk while memu is closed will open it automatically, but it still doesnt show up.

thats all i got.
Sounds like your emulation doesn't have a internet connection.

A thought. Berserker Cu in Grand Order is Mebd trying and failing to hack the Grail for a perfect husbando, not an actual Cu that ever existed. Jeanne Alter is Gilles trying to hack the Grail for a perfect waifu and hitting the jackpot, not an actual Jeanne.

Does that mean that Kojiro is no longer alone in the sad clubhouse of "Servants who didn't actually exist", now he has two friends he can hang out with?
There are plenty of servants that aren't the person they appear to be. Or just plain didn't exist.

But the Cu in Cu Alter was a real Cu.