It's specifically out of the reach of Demonic Defender of the State is what I recall.
It's both. Vlad loses the bonus of the territory set up by Demonic Defender of the State, but the explanation is specifically that he's also weaker because he's not in Romania anymore and that he's lost his fame boost.

Essentially, if you take Vlad's baseline stats in Apoc as being before DDotS, he goes from Berserker Lancelot tier physical stats to averaging around Cs.
Regarding the lineup of the Fifth War, I'm tempted to suggest that we have Atomic Gatorade summon Caster - Avicebron who in a twist on the typical narrative is completely willing to work with his child sacrificing summoner. This gives us a antagonist Caster for the good guys to fight.

Expanding on this I don't think I've ever seen a Grail War where Atomic Gatorade gets a Servant that is ruthless enough to work with him in-spite of the whole juicing children for prana deal. With Atomic Gatorade's wealth and connections he can supply Caster with resources enough to build a Golem army.

Since he has less prep-time, a lack of homonclus batteries and it's not an entire clan pouring everything they have into him this time around Caster's probably has a smaller lower grade quality force of Golems compared to canon. Still more than enough to be a real problem for the Fifth War Masters - Servants mind you.

I'm thinking that in a ironic end Atomic Gatorade gets thrown into Adam's core by Caster eventually. Given Gatorade's dog kicking personality Caster is probably less broken up about it than with Roche.

Further thoughts: if Illya does call up Mordred then she enjoys much the same position as canon by having one of the most powerful servants in the war. Compared to Berserker Fran and maybe Rider - Astolfo under Rin (if we decided to go with that) Mordred is going to a serious problem. Plus side for those opposing Team Saber Mordred can't resurrect like Herc and Shirou transformed into Siegfried can temporarily match her but still they are looking to be a major player.

For another Servant - Master matchup what if Assassin - Semiramis gets called up by Sakura? Since the way things have fallen out suggests to me that Kariya didn't save her in this continuity her situation should be some variation of canon and even if he did Semiramis aligns with a rescued Sakura on some points.

Semiramis would be an interesting partner for Sakura, she would flat out poison Shinji if the canon situation in the Matou household is in effect because and this is a direct qoute from her bio "she sees men who claim other women without a second thought as despicable." Also she's smart - invested enough to recognize that the Book of False Attendant deal would cripple her so yeah bye, bye Shinji.

Assassin is less passive than Rider personality wise. Rider in canon didn't kill Shinji because it would make Sakura sad and while unhappy with the situation didn't act until Sakura started going down the exact same path Medusa did. Semiramis seems likely to try and take Sakura under her wing and encourage her to take control of her life. Whether such efforts would blow up in everyone's faces and kick of a Heaven's Feel scenario or just result in something like Fate/hollow ataraxia Sakura is unclear to me.

Thoughts @Omida @Ferian ?
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Expanding on this I don't think I've ever seen a Grail War where Atomic Gatorade gets a Servant that is ruthless enough to work with him in-spite of the whole juicing children for prana deal. With Atomic Gatorade's wealth and connections he can supply Caster with resources enough to build a Golem army.
Avicebron would probably be ecstatic when he sees the children...but not for the reasons Atomic Gatorade would think.

"Finally," Gatorade smugly thinks upon seeing Avicebron's joy, "someone on the same wavelength as me."

"Finally," Avicebron is thinking at the same time, "a completely irredeemable shitbag who the world would be objectively better off without. Just gotta get him to use up all his command seals, and then he's going in the golem..."
Avicebron would probably be ecstatic when he sees the children...but not for the reasons Atomic Gatorade would think.

"Finally," Gatorade smugly thinks upon seeing Avicebron's joy, "someone on the same wavelength as me."

"Finally," Avicebron is thinking at the same time, "a completely irredeemable shitbag who the world would be objectively better off without. Just gotta get him to use up all his command seals, and then he's going in the golem..."

This of course results in a dramatic scene where Caster monologues to the good guys. A speech full of condemnation for the evils of humanity as embodied by his late Master and how the world needs have paradise forced upon it.
Doesnt the person doing the summoning affect the servant a bit

Avicwbron with Guda-Godamn MVP of Lostbelt Russia and a man who laments his sins

Roche- Revolver Golem Ocelot
Expanding on this I don't think I've ever seen a Grail War where Atomic Gatorade gets a Servant that is ruthless enough to work with him in-spite of the whole juicing children for prana deal. With Atomic Gatorade's wealth and connections he can supply Caster with resources enough to build a Golem army.

Since he has less prep-time, a lack of homonclus batteries and it's not an entire clan pouring everything they have into him this time around Caster's probably has a smaller lower grade quality force of Golems compared to canon. Still more than enough to be a real problem for the Fifth War Masters - Servants mind you.

I'm thinking that in a ironic end Atomic Gatorade gets thrown into Adam's core by Caster eventually. Given Gatorade's dog kicking personality Caster is probably less broken up about it than with Roche.

Further thoughts: if Illya does call up Mordred then she enjoys much the same position as canon by having one of the most powerful servants in the war. Compared to Berserker Fran and maybe Rider - Astolfo under Rin (if we decided to go with that) Mordred is going to a serious problem. Plus side for those opposing Team Saber Mordred can't resurrect like Herc and Shirou transformed into Siegfried can temporarily match her but still they are looking to be a major player.

For another Servant - Master matchup what if Assassin - Semiramis gets called up by Sakura? Since the way things have fallen out suggests to me that Kariya didn't save her in this continuity her situation should be some variation of canon and even if he did Semiramis aligns with a rescued Sakura on some points.

Semiramis would be an interesting partner for Sakura, she would flat out poison Shinji if the canon situation in the Matou household is in effect because and this is a direct qoute from her bio "she sees men who claim other women without a second thought as despicable." Also she's smart - invested enough to recognize that the Book of False Attendant deal would cripple her so yeah bye, bye Shinji.

Assassin is less passive than Rider personality wise. Rider in canon didn't kill Shinji because it would make Sakura sad and while unhappy with the situation didn't act until Sakura started going down the exact same path Medusa did. Semiramis seems likely to try and take Sakura under her wing and encourage her to take control of her life. Whether such efforts would blow up in everyone's faces and kick of a Heaven's Feel scenario or just result in something like Fate/hollow ataraxia Sakura is unclear to me.

Thoughts @Omida @Ferian ?
Seems solid. Though, I have been thinking about the previous idea of connecting Fourth War with Apo servants with this one, with Sakura rescued and Semiramis summoned by Atomic.

So, we don't know how long it takes to be in Grandpa Zouken's Happy Fun Time Dungeon (TM) to turn person into Matou, but let's say that when Kariya and Waver break Sakura out, she is enough of Matou, that ten years later Grail picks her as Matou representative. So she goes to Fuyuki, to finally confront her past and free herself of it. She summons Spartacus, who will help her get out from under the oppression of her past :V.

Meanwhile, Atomic Gatorade and Semiramis get along pretty well actually. The thing to remember is that Atomic discarded Medea as useless because he summoned her with the expectations she could summon Colchis dragon. Only when she says that she doesn't know how, does he turns into Asshole McDick. But Semiramis? If Gatorade summons her for her Flying Gardens, she can totally deliver on that. Sure, she needs shitton of exotic materials, but Atrum is wealthy enough, and sunk enough money into this already that he easily supplies her with needed stuff. And since he summoned Semiramis explicitly for her power, she can respect him just enough. She won't deride him for his magecraft, since her specialty is in poisons and all the big feats of magic we see from her are due to Flying Gardens, so she probably would just applaud him for finding a workaround to his weaknesses.

Meanwhile, Rin summon Rider just like her dad, if not such a powerhouse as Achilles. I am not cruel enough to inflict Astolfo on her, so let's go with another discarded idea from Apocrypha. Saint George. The guy dropped fro the script because in a war with Siegfried, Achilles and Karna in, he was the unkillable one. So now, on the other end of the world from Europe, he doesn't get his ridiculous fame bonuses. He is still good defensive Servant, and since Rin tends to hang around the frontline and provide support, he meshes well tactics wise. He also tends to be goofy when off duty.

Shirou and Fran have their arc, Ilya and Mordred are either purely antagonistic force, or with Mordred forcing her master to give this whole sibling thing a chance.

That leaves us with Caster, Archer and Lancer. We have Zouken, who have been skulking around since Atalante and Kintoki fried his house and worm pit, we may potentially have Kirei surviving his encounter with Shakespeare, we have Bazett, who lost her Cu-summoning catalyst for the sake of the plot :V.

No matter what though, if we get Avicebron in, and he gets his golem core, the 'good team' (Rin, Sakura, Shirou, with Ilya being solid maybe) have not only kaiju battle against Adam, but later on will have to assault Flying Gardens. Which is... less then optimal, given that there is no one in this war that has either the resistance or the cure for Semiramis' super poison.


Victory to Atrum Galiasta and Semiramis! Enjoy Angry Mango's birth :V.
Fame boost takes into account where the Servant is, not where they were summoned. That's why Vlad loses his fame boost when he ends up in the Hanging Gardens, which are no longer "Romania".

It also effects the servant when they are summoned.

See Artie under Kerry having rather high stats from being summoned in Europe despite his low level as a magus and master.

You have changes as far as new noble phantasms and stuff as well. The matter of fame is a matter of bringing out more of a servant, or the aspect.

A servant container with modified parameters or new noble phantasms would not see them go poof the moment they step an inch out of their land. As another example Vlad Apocrypha does not change into Vlad Extra when he leaves "Romania"
Some trivia on the Lords of Clock Tower of BL:
Lord Inorai owns her own private movie theater to watch whatever movie she wants (my headcannon is that from here Touko got her love for projectors, she was her disciple). She uses sand magic and her attributes are earth, water and wind. Melvin calls her mama.
Lord Tranberio is currently on his sixth wife and has thirteen daughters.
Lord Eulyphis has a secret library on a basement guard by a skeleton. From there he pulls a book by Makiri Zoulgen (for what, wait for the next volume, on the same subject, he and Olga receive a letter from Lorelei)
The Animusphere are mountain mages. Like how the Makiri were from russia or the Tohsakas have Fuyuki, they have their mountain.

About Animusphere mountain here is the quote:

もとより彼女の家系──アニムスフィアは、都市にではなく高地、山脈に地盤をつくっている。時折山から下り て、こうしてロンドンの時計塔本部と接触を取るわけだが、やはり場違いという感覚は拭えない。人が多すぎる ことも、建物が密集していることも、一日中ずっと馬やら車やらが走っていることも、彼女にしてみれば馴染め ない要素でしかない。

They stablish on the mountain, is theirs, high territories are better for their magic, dunno how many generations back they have own it though. Olga just call it the mountain, and when talking about her father says he doesn't leave his workshop/descends from the mountain

About the patent system of Clock Tower:
Certain magecraft can only be used in certain locations or certain places. For instance when the right planet is overhead or on a specific leyline (matou having to refuse the Church fallen leyline because it didn't fit with their magecraft). So when combining magical formulas to make higher tier magecraft, this naturally becomes a limitation. For instance if you have a high tier ritual but there's a formula that only activates in spring and a formula in there that can only activate in winter, your ritual ain't going to work.

The patent system in the Clocktower allows magi to submit patents of certain useful techniques that can help other magi get around such situations. And then anyone who incorporates that into their magecraft needs to pay a royalty. Tokiomi made one of these patents and that's what Rin was living off.
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Nah, to be Full Digimon there needs to be two more levels and branching points at each stage. Probably a second baby form prior to larva and an Ultimate/Mega after the White Titan (or an intermediary stage between Altera and the Titan).

Although, given how Genghis Khan is often compared to Atilla the Hun, how the Japanese syncretize Genghis Khan with Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune, I suspect Ushi is part of the branching system for Altera somehow.
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Nah, to be Full Digimon there needs to be two more levels and branching points at each stage. Probably a second baby form prior to larva and an Ultimate/Mega after the White Titan (or an intermediary stage between Altera and the Titan).

Although, given how Genghis Khan is often compared to Atilla the Hun, how the Japanese syncretize Genghis Khan with Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune, I suspect Ushi is part of the branching system for Altera somehow.

Larva-Hun-Giant-Titan Bunny

Altera is Wargreymon
Valkyries are BlackWargreymon
Ushi/Gengis Khan is ShineGreymon

Bunch of info on Fate Requiem dropped on Reddit.

Interesting note - while Voyager is initially thought to be the Little Prince (or rather the author thereof) he apparently isn't. Nzambi identifies him as a servant of the future.

I suspect he may be a Heroic Spirit representing one of the Voyager probes - he's mentioned as being fond of music, which could link to the golden records on the Voyager probes.

Also, kind of awkward that the first Sub-Saharan African Servant is not only a villain, but a creepy serial killer one at that, who controls zombies.
Nzambi identifies him as a servant of the future.
How the heck do you identify someone's a Heroic Spirit from the future without them outright telling you so?
*reads again*
Oh, do you mean 'of the future' in the 'is from 1900s period onwards' sense?
How the heck do you identify someone's a Heroic Spirit from the future without them outright telling you so?
*reads again*
Oh, do you mean 'of the future' in the 'is from 1900s period onwards' sense?
Servants have Hero Encyclopedias in their head

Its how Diarmuid recognizes Arturia in Zero and why keeping NP hidden a big deal
Altera Larva Noble Phantasm

Its kinda funny and sad that Extella gets all those fancy photon Rays and Larva doing a Setsuna Cosplay while FGO is just that advancing stab...which is part of Extella combo finishers. Welp that's what ya get when Altera debuts in FGO first I guess