VS and Dendera which is more powerful?

The heat of Dendera can be exchanged for lightning which is a long range attack whereas the heat of the Dendera is an aoe attack which opposes the gods,and could reach multi continent level.

VS carries a heat and lightning which has a divine mystery of killing gods but it is anti-unit
Maybe it comes up to Legends

Karna is a madlad cursed by nearly all the Gods and still 'wins' in spirit at least defying all of them, everyone remembers Karna as this great guy but Arjuna dies in the trip to the Himalayas because he is prideful of his archery or something and is also remembered for shooting Karna's head off while Karna is busy unearthing his Chariot

Meanwhile Bible God curbstomped the shit outta of the Egyptians and their Gods pretty casual like, there wasnt even a token resistance
TVアニメ「ロード・エルメロイⅡ世の事件簿 -魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note-」公式サイト

Case Files website up, as is PV1. July broadcast.

Director: Makoto Katou
Series Composition: Ukyou Kodachi
Character Design: Jun Nakai
Supervisor: Ei Aoki
Art Director: Sei Itou
Art Setting: Ryuu Sakamoto
Color Design: Mariko Shinohara
Director of Photography: Tomonari Katou
CG Director: Mitsutaka Iguchi
Editing: Shouta Migiyama
Animation Producer: Toshiyuki Nagano
Sound Director: Jin Aketagawa
Sound Production: Magic Capsule
Music: Yuki Kajiura
Studio: TROYCA

Lord El-Melloi II: Daisuke Namikawa
Grey: Reina Ueda
Add: Daisuke Ono
Reines: Inori Minase
Flat Escardos: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Svin Grashate: Seiichirou Yamashita
Caules Yggdmillennia: Yuusuke Kobayashi
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New Years Event Preliminary Information:
  • Sion is able to enact rayshifting with TRIGMEGISTOS II, using the Paper Moon as a replacement for SHEBA. As she isn't privy to the secrets of the House Animusphere, the specificity of the rayshift is lower than at Chaldea, and access of the Lostbelts is impossible. She invites Mashu, Guda, and Gordorf to participate in a rayshifting trial to a lower-order Singularity that apparently contains a hotel resort from Japan.

  • Guda and Mashu find themselves in a corner of the Japanese Underworld, which contains a hot springs resort for the gods. (It's literally the one from Spirited Away.) The manager of the resort is Beni-Enma, who was apparently formerly the sensei of Tamamo, Tomoe-Gozen, and Kiyohime.

  • Apparently, before passing on to the Throne, Tamamo, Tomoe-Gozen, and Kiyohime stayed for a time in the Japanese Underworld, and attended a "Throne of Heroes Preparatory School - Home Economics, 60 Day Course," where Beni-Enma was their teacher. All three of them have traumatic memories from this experience.

  • Gordorf and his two appointed bodyguards, Fionn and Diarmuid, make their way into the resort. Without permission, they partake of the food -- and afterwards, at the temptation of a snake-masked spirit, Gordorf opens the offering box that contains the "thanks" left to the resort by the gods. As a result, a year's worth of thanks are "liberated."

  • Offended at the development, Beni-Enma says that the visitors from Chaldea will all be turned into pigs if they can't make back the "thanks" by working as staff within the resort for the next two weeks.
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That's awfully arrogant for a swallow when Chaldea has Tsubame Gaeshi on speed dial

Wait didn't Sasaki pratice it on phantasmal swallows? Oh god what are the odds he killed Beni-Enma's friends?

I need a room line where she's scared of him now
That's awfully arrogant for a swallow when Chaldea has Tsubame Gaeshi on speed dial

Wait didn't Sasaki pratice it on phantasmal swallows? Oh god what are the odds he killed Beni-Enma's friends?

I need a room line where she's scared of him now
Sparrows aren't swallows except through the same memes that make dragons swallows.
VS and Dendera which is more powerful?

The heat of Dendera can be exchanged for lightning which is a long range attack whereas the heat of the Dendera is an aoe attack which opposes the gods,and could reach multi continent level.

VS carries a heat and lightning which has a divine mystery of killing gods but it is anti-unit
fam there isn't a single servant in this franchise that could approach single continent level without being a Grand, let alone multi continent

Even if you want to take it at face value, nothing about Ozzy opposes the gods. Everything about Ozzy is because of his divinity. His IP comes from his existence as the Pharaoh which is said to be an incarnation of a god, his NPs are all divine in nature, and he never ever ever shuts up about how he's a god and that everyone else is inferior to him. Dendara is the epitome of his godly strength, not at all anything that opposes the gods.

Vasavi Shakti also doesn't actually carry a specialised Anti-Divine effect the same way that Balmung does Anti-Dragon, as far as I'm aware. It's just a fuckload of raw power, enough so that it could kill a god if one was hit by it. It's simple power, which is why it's one of the few weapons that explicitly works on Sefar.

And, ultimately, it comes down to the writer. You know damn well that no matter what, if the writer wanted it to happen, they could make Dendara weaker than Boudica's sword or stronger than AAS. It's up to the author.
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  • Apparently, before passing on to the Throne, Tamamo, Tomoe-Gozen, and Kiyohime stayed for a time in the Japanese Underworld, and attended a "Throne of Heroes Preparatory School - Home Economics, 60 Day Course," where Beni-Enma was their teacher. All three of them have traumatic memories from this experience.
Huh would had thought Osakabehime would be there rather than Tomoe-Gozen given that she, Tamamo and Kiyohime have that message group. Also is Kiyohime related to the gods somehow since as far as I know she's just a chick who turned into a dragon which yes is pretty crazy but it isn't godly like Tamamo and Tomoe-Gozen's abilities are?
  • Gordorf and his two appointed bodyguards, Fionn and Diarmuid, make their way into the resort. Without permission, they partake of the food -- and afterwards, at the temptation of a snake-masked spirit, Gordorf opens the offering box that contains the "thanks" left to the resort by the gods. As a result, a year's worth of thanks are "liberated."
  • Offended at the development, Beni-Enma says that the visitors from Chaldea will all be turned into pigs if they can't make back the "thanks" by working as staff within the resort for the next two weeks.

Wow Diarmuid has absolutely no luck with boars/pigs does he.
Beast III isn't exactly Pleasure, though. Pleasure maps onto III/L because Kiara Sessyoin was a mega-hedonist who turned into it. Beast III/L is more about taking, while III/R is about giving.

Competition isn't attributed to any of the 4 Beasts we know either.
Pretty sure Kiara is Beast III/R (the one who receives love from all), and that the identity-unconfirmed one is Beast III/L (the one who gives love to all).

Also, I've seen differing discussion refer to Beast IV as representing "Comparison" or "Competition".
Pretty sure Kiara is Beast III/R (the one who receives love from all), and that the identity-unconfirmed one is Beast III/L (the one who gives love to all).
Also, Beast III is 快楽 (Pleasure), while Beast III/R is 愛欲 (Lust), which is natured around Receiving.
I hate the way people miss posts at the bottom of thread page cutoffs.
Huh would had thought Osakabehime would be there rather than Tomoe-Gozen given that she, Tamamo and Kiyohime have that message group. Also is Kiyohime related to the gods somehow since as far as I know she's just a chick who turned into a dragon which yes is pretty crazy but it isn't godly like Tamamo and Tomoe-Gozen's abilities are?
It's the Underworld. Unless they're immortal, everyone within the cultural sphere ends up there at some point -- up until it's excluded as a process by the Human Order.
It's the Underworld. Unless they're immortal, everyone within the cultural sphere ends up there at some point -- up until it's excluded as a process by the Human Order.
Can people resurrect themselves after dying, if they end up in their culture's underworld? Going by how Babylon's worked I don't think so, but I feel like myth exist where folks ventured into the Underworld of X culture and returned to the land of the living once more. They might've been alive when they entered, though :p
Can people resurrect themselves after dying, if they end up in their culture's underworld? Going by how Babylon's worked I don't think so, but I feel like myth exist where folks ventured into the Underworld of X culture and returned to the land of the living once more. They might've been alive when they entered, though :p

If you can find a mythological example of someone resurrecting themselves after dying, then it probably works for that specific method or afterlife in Fate too. But most of the time it's actual heroes going down to the underworld to drag the resurructee back to life.
Also happened with Suzuka and her husband

He killed her in rage due to perceived NTR then went to the Underworld to take her back

Suzuka faked betraying him for a Oni he was tasked to kill so she could weaken the Oni. Except she didnt tell him of the plan
According to Tomoe-Gozen, the Enma-Tei exists within a context that resembles a Bounded Field -- a domain subject to the Laws of Kakuriyo (幽世の理, kakuriyo no kotowari; where "Kakuriyo" is the Shinto concept of "the World Unmanifest," inhabited by the Gods), rather than the Laws of Utsushiyo (現世の理, utsushiyo no kotowari; where "Utsushiyo," is "the World Manifest," inhabited by Man). Tamamo elaborates that rather than being a inn that's merely distant from civilization, the Enma-Tei is "an inn of the heart of those mountains that would beckon unto an Otherworld" (異界に招く山奥の旅館, Ikai ni Oku Yamaoku no Ryokan).

Ergo, any travelers that arrive at the inn are not merely lost, but those who have entered unto an Otherworld -- spirited away (神隠し, kamikakushi), similar in nature to entering unto the Palace of the Dragons from Urashima Tarou; or the Peach Blossom Spring of Chinese mythology. Fionn elaborates that the Changelings of Celtic folklore would be subject to something similar -- stating that the Faeries hold a varied assortment of solitary worldviews (独自の世界観, dokuji no sekai-kan, "independent world settings"), and that they will occasionally draw humans unto the Common Sense of an Otherworld (異界常識, ikai joushiki).

Both Tamamo and Fionn mention that within an Otherworld, it's frequently the case that the visitor won't age; but as of returning, they might suddenly grow old in the manner of Urashima Tarou. Diarmuid asks if Fionn is referring to the Tír na nÓg (常若の国, tokowaka no kuni, "the country of the ever-young"); but Fionn denies this, stating that though the Tír na nÓg is a land where the Faeries dwell, it doesn't in fact qualify as an Otherworld.

Fionn states that a Faerieland (妖精郷, youseikyou) proper is a Dream of the Star (惑星が眠る夢, wakusei ga nemuru yume, "dream within which the planet slumbers"; but pronounced 星が見る夢, hoshi ga miru yume, "dream as witnessed by the star") -- a variety of Reality Marble. Whether this would be a good or bad dream would depend upon the nature of the Faerie that creates it.

Given that we know that "the Faerieland proper" is within the Reverse, it would seem likely that the Shinto concept of Kakuriyo is in Nasu merely a term for the Reverse. Also, this corner of the Japanese Underworld would therefore be situated in the Reverse, rather than in the World of Man, as in the case of Ereshkigal's Underworld. Utsushiyo is obviously a term for the World of Man.

In any case, it would seem that business at the Enma-Tei is poor, as many of the Inn's facilities are worn down and in disrepair, possibly as a result of incursions by demonic monkeys. As a result, there are barely any guests, and it's impossible for Chaldea to make back the "thanks" they owe in two week's time. Therefore, the visitors from Chaldea plan to see if they can't make use of their karmic bond with assorted Servants to bring in a new host of guests; and to repair the Inn so that there are sufficient facilities to service a larger body of customers.


To elaborate, this discussion arose because Kiyohime observed that for some reason, her body was reacting as if she were actually alive -- and subject to the various discomforts of the biological processes, including hunger and tiredness.

Beni-Enma states that as of present, owing to a lack of Faith, humans rarely enter unto the vicinity of the Inn anymore.
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Therefore, the visitors from Chaldea plan to see if they can't make use of their karmic bond with assorted Servants to bring in a new host of guests; and to repair the Inn so that there are sufficient facilities to service a larger body of customers.

Oh my goodness. So Chaldea's plan is essentially recommending their friends/Servants to come stay and relax at this really nice inn in an Otherworld through word-of-mouth/karmic bonds, much like how any person would tell their friends about a really nice restaurant with amazing food. What a mundane solution!