Well, Monster Girl Waifu Arachne is a gimme for the latter one, but who'd qualify for a Boar heroic spirit?

Diarmuid's brother I guess?

Basically Dia's mom fucks a druid, gives birth to bastard, Dia's biological dad (Dia got fostered by a god) kills said bastard when he finds out

Druid also finds out his kid got killed and then reincarnates the kid as the Mega Murder Rune Dragon Eating Pig and also curses that him and Diarmuid will kill each other

Or Chinese Zodiac Year stuff since now its Pig there or something
Well, Monster Girl Waifu Arachne is a gimme for the latter one, but who'd qualify for a Boar heroic spirit?

Any Servant can fit the bill, provided you have Circe or Benienma around. :V

Aside from the ones mentioned above, there's also Berserker Atalanta (and Archer Atalanta when using Agrius Metamorphosis), who is kind of a boar, but also a lion, and can grow wings to fly... anyway, since the source of the transformations is the pelt of the Calydonian boar, I feel like we can add her to this category.
None of them.

There is no concrete lore comparing gods from different regions and mythologies to each other.
And even then, comparing gods from different mythologies is probably like comparing metro railways in different countries. Sure, Hong Kong's railway blows New York's out of the water, but that's not really going to change how you get to work if you live in NY, yeah? And by the time major pantheons could potentially meaningfully interact with each other human progress and/or Christianity had basically rendered them completely irrelevant.
Wasn't there something about a number of later sun deities being fragments of the sun deity at the time the White Titan attacked?
According to Kojirou, it's given in folklore that of the deceased that enter unto the court of the Enma in the Japanese Underworld, those guilty of the sin of dishonesty are "parted with their tongues."

He elaborates that the Lord Enma is equivalent to the figure in Buddhist mythology known as the Yamaten (夜摩天, yamaten), "the first among the dead" (最初の死者, saisho no shisha), who by the will of the Buddha is vested with the duty of the Underworld's administration. The ten sparrows that act as the top officers under Beni-Enma within the Inn's management structure are named after "the Kings of the Ten Courts" (十王, jyuu-ou; the ten sparrows that appear in Beni-Enma's NP animation) that preside over the judgment of the deceased.

One amongst the sparrows gives that Beni-Enma was originally a human -- a kamuro (禿), or a girl-child sold unto the red light district that would prospectively be trained as an oiran. Running away from captivity, she ventured unto a Mayoiga (迷い家) -- an illusory house that entraps wanderers in the deep mountains -- and therein lost her life. However, before her death, she somehow quelled the Mayoiga, and was therefore absolved of sin when passing unto the Underworld. Thereafter, she served as an assistant to the Datsue-ba (奪衣婆), on the banks of the Sanzu (三途の川, sanzu no kawa) -- the Oni responsible for stripping the deceased of their clothing; who had in fact inhabited the Underworld since before the Enma arrived; who he'd taken as his wife.

The sparrows elaborate that the Datsue-ba was the miserly sort, somewhat alike to those who had abused Beni-Enma in life. Rather than paying Beni-Enma, she reasoned that if Beni-Enma would become as her daughter, there wasn't any need to pay her for her services. However, because of Beni-Enma's perseverance under such conditions, the Enma elected to take Beni-Enma under his wing as a formal ward -- making true on Datsue-ba's promise. Thus, the iaijutsu practiced by Beni-Enma is the iai of the Enma himself; and Beni-Enma's title of Shita-kiri (舌斬り, shita-kiri), "the Tongue-Cutter," isn't merely for show.

After becoming a ward of the Enma, Beni-Enma was vested with the administration of the Mayoiga, and thereon opened the Enma-Tei to the Surface. The sparrow elaborates that the purpose of the Enma-Tei is to grant healing to those Gods that have suffered injury, and to save humans who have lost themselves in the mountains.

Kojirou hypothesizes that would be the justification for the Inn of the Sparrows (雀のお宿, suzume no oyado) that appears in the folktale of the Tongue-Cut Sparrow -- but the sparrow states that he cannot confirm this with any certainty, as the continuity of time in the Underworld and upon the Surface do not match.

According to Mashu, the folktale of the Mayoiga gives that it's a deserted mansion in the depths of the wilderness, within which those who are lost discover a grand meal prepared within the dining area, and treasures untold. If they partake of the food, or seek to acquire the treasure for themselves, they are no longer capable of finding the exit, and thereafter meet their deaths; but if, in the opposite case, the wanderer controls their desires and keeps their hands to themselves, they will upon returning to the World of Man find happiness. The house itself is considered a kaii (怪異) that tests the desires of Man -- similar to the judgement of the Enma.

Mashu observes that the Enma-Tei more closely resembles the Inn of the Sparrows from the folktale, rather than the Mayoiga; as rather than testing the desires of man, it in the first place draws unto its premises only those who are kind of heart. The sparrow clarifies that this is the form that the Mayoiga has taken under the administration of Beni-Enma; the original form of "the kaii that saves those wanderers that lose themselves within the mountains" spoken of in the Uji Shuui Monogatari (宇治拾遺物語) -- which Kojirou compares to the Japanese version of Nursery Rhyme.

In any case, Mashu gives that Beni-Enma isn't a personage who became a Hero in life; but one that became a Hero in death.


"Sasaki is omnipresent. It's said that he exists everywhere and nowhere."
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You sure you can post that image of Abegail here, fallacies? I thought SV didn't approve of pictures of her.
In the past, a certain Rakshasa once visited the Inn, and made a nuisance of herself in the hot springs. Beni-Enma managed to chase her away, but her residual resentment made the hot springs unusable ever thereafter -- forming into a Curse that demanded to be supplied with bishounen and bishoujo and sake until she's had her fill.

The Curse can be driven to dissipate, but only on the condition that she's defeated by something stronger than her -- and she will recognize as her stronger only an opponent who wields the same weapons as her. Therefore, Guda calls on Diarmuid to take up the challenge.

He was able to defeat the Curse of the terrible Rakshasa, but at the cost of getting stripped of his armor, and ending up topless.
You sure you can post that image of Abegail here, fallacies? I thought SV didn't approve of pictures of her.
I suppose so.
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In the past, a certain Rakshasa once visited the Inn, and made a nuisance of herself in the hot springs. Beni-Enma managed to chase her away, but her residual resentment made the hot springs unusable ever thereafter -- forming into a Curse that demanded to be supplied with bishounen and bishoujo and sake until she's had her fill.

The Curse can be driven to dissipate, but only on the condition that she's defeated by something stronger than her -- and she will recognize as her stronger only an opponent who wields the same weapons as her. Therefore, Guda calls on Diarmuid to take up the challenge.

He was able to defeat the Curse of the terrible Rakshasa, but at the cost of getting stripped of his armor, and ending up topless.

I suppose so.
Musashi got GOOD TASTE.

Stuff said:
So, to collect "feeling of gratitude" we eventually figure out that we can simply repair the broken rooms at Enma-tei and visitor will eventually come in as they would be summoned by the inn itself. Of course, these visitors are also people who we formed bonds with, the Heroic Spirits.

Upon repairing one of the room, a pair of visitor came. It is Marie and Anastasia. After a small talk, we lead them to their room. At first, Anastasia was pretty disappointed as there was no Sweet Room available. She was planning to spend the day while surrounded by Geisha (a high-class professional and traditional female entertainer in Japan), singing, dancing, and drink alcohol all night.

However, all of the sudden, several wild monkeys came in and successfully threw a mudball onto Anastasia's face.

Marie who knew well about Anastasia tried her best to calm her down, but it didn't work. Anastasia says it's the Russia way to always pay back favor times billion. So, she picked up the falling mudball, put a jewel in it….. and freaking threw it so hard at the monkey and made it spin as it flew off the roof

As we surprised at Anastasia's action, she then ask us to help her to "scare away" the monkeys with a cold merciless smile. Before we head to where the monkeys are, Anastasia confesses that when she had a snowball fight with her older sister, she often put rocks inside the snowball. She made her cry too. Merciless.

In the end, we chase the monkey to the mountains where we fight the monkeys. In this battle, there is a special mechanic that drop an enemy's HP to 1 each turn. It was Anastasia. She threw rocks at them during battle
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Btw Anastasia stoning her sister actually happened

Anastasia, a sharp and clever child, was a very monkey for jokes, some of them at times almost too practical for the enjoyment of others. I remember once when the family was in their Polish estate in winter the children were amusing themselves at snowballing. The imp which sometimes seemed to possess Anastasia led her to throw a stone rolled in a snowball straight at her dearly loved sister Tatiana. The missile struck the poor girl fairly in the face with such force that she fell senseless to the ground.

Source: Memories of the Russian Court - a book by Anna Vryubova on last Imperial Family of Romanov Russia - The Imperial Children

Also Ramsey Sparrow is a thing now
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I really like what FGO has done with Anastasia's character since her introduction. Her serious Russian Tsarista side came through strongly in her introductory Lostbelt to pretty solid results, and the following events she's appeared in have highlighted her more casual characteristics while still retaining her dignified royal attitude. Her mischievous side works in tandem with her dignity, rather than overwhelming it or vice-versa.

It's cool how much of her writing draws from historical anecdotes, what with the mirror selfie and the snowball incident mentioned in the post above. I also like the occasional callback there is to her relationship with Kadoc, such as when she talks about trying to listen to rock 'n' roll despite not really getting it in the recent Christmas event.

Glad to see her appearing as often as she does.
I forget, is there still a separate place to post servant ideas, or would they just go here now?
I forget, is there still a separate place to post servant ideas, or would they just go here now?
They just go here now. So do fic ideas. We've sorta decided that fic updates don't, they need their own thread (though personally I kinda disagree but whatever), but up to that it's fine.

Hell, we still occasionally do Guess-That-Servant mystery games, though it's gotten much rarer this year.
Five hundred years ago, the Taketori no Okina (竹取の翁) visited the Enma-Tei, and claimed to have brought with him a collection of his family's five sacred treasures. During his stay, however, he alerted the sparrows that his room had been robbed, and when Beni-Enma came to investigate, she could find no trace of the thief, and no trace of the treasures. She could conclude only that whoever committed the crime was possibly an inhabitant of the Inn.

Furious, the Taketori no Okina demanded that she recompense him with payment of the "feelings of thankfulness" collected by the Inn once a year, until such a point in time that the cost of the five treasures was matched. However, as the treasures were virtually priceless, Beni-Enma has in practice been handing over her "thanks" for five hundred years -- and the end of her repayment is nowhere in sight. Worse, the Taketori no Okina gives that it would be his right to take the Inn as collateral if she cannot pay her dues at the specified time every year.

In consequence, the "thanks" which would've originally gone toward the growth and sustenance of the Mayoiga's Saint Graph has been denied to it -- and thus, alongside the loss of faith from the World of Man, the Inn has gradually fallen into disrepair.

After hearing of the circumstances, Fionn gives that though repayment of the cost is probably impossible, it isn't impossible to give over items "virtually equivalent" to the five treasures lost, from out of the personal belongings brought by the Servants attracted to the Inn by Chaldea's karma. Thus, Chaldea embarks upon a plan to secure replacements for the lost items ...
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