They've had original characters, historical characters, public domain fiction, and references to copyrighted things that vaguely refer to them. The classification for a Servant must be very broad and open in this universe too to allow so many Servants unless there are many copies of the same Servant running around, which is fine for me since the rules seem to get looser and looser, though Shirou himself with Archer Emiya always allowed exceptions for fun and the sake of the story and a lot of exceptions are in built and can be easily added on with how settings work.
See also: English dubs of Jojo's Bizarre Adventures names of StandsIn other works,like pokemon, they will 'creatively dub' the reference in the countries where it infringes on intellectual properties.
>type moonHas a Nasu verse work ever had a character still under copyright?
They've had original characters, historical characters, public domain fiction, and references to copyrighted things that vaguely refer to them. The classification for a Servant must be very broad and open in this universe too to allow so many Servants unless there are many copies of the same Servant running around, which is fine for me since the rules seem to get looser and looser, though Shirou himself with Archer Emiya always allowed exceptions for fun and the sake of the story and a lot of exceptions are in built and can be easily added on with how settings work.
If it is the Little Prince, it would be a mess to localize because of international and local copyright laws.
Because of the French author's untimely death during the 1940s during Nazi Germany's invasion of France, his work entered public domain in some countries earlier than others.
Within Japan for example, the work entered public domain this year.
In the US, the work will enter public domain in 20 years. The only way to include the Little Prince in officially published works in America would be to get permission from the copyright holder's estate, twist the character a bit (the Pittle Lrince or Lrittle Pince or something of the like that isn't the Little Prince who instead of crashing in the Sahara crashes in the Gobi or some other thing to keep it legal friendly and technically allowed), not publish in the US or publish in a way that isn't directly monetized or advertising of the brand, publishing claiming its academic literature, or simply publish without permission of the copyright holder and risk the copyright holder seizing all the revenue from nations where the copyright is still enforced.
It's also technically illegal but not enforced in some other nations, but that might change.
Unrelatedly, Martha demonstrated that she can switch back and forth between Rider and Ruler as she likes."Santa Claus is the giver of presents. Not an existence that would be attacked by anyone. Therefore, by merging with the Concept of Santa Claus, I am protected."
"Santa Claus can only be defeated by a Santa Claus of greater purity."
<Altera> "Fumufumu. I see." (She doesn't understand at all.)
"The Santa Claus that now inhabits me is the purest distillation of the essence of Santa Claus from the Santa Claus Grail, obtained by the holy ritual that is this lucha libra tournament."
"I am become the One True Santa Claus."
"Quetzalcoatl is a righteous god that protects the righteous. Thus, I who am the evil half of Quetzalcoatl cannot be defeated by you who are likewise Quetzalcoatl! Being that we are the same existence, you cannot deny my righteousness!"
"Therefore, in order to defeat my evil half, I shall acknowledge that I cannot myself defeat her. The Santa Claus that defeats Quetzalcoatl (Santa / Samba) must be a Santa Claus that is not Quetzalcoatl! I shall pass my Santa Essence to Bradamante!"
"Useless. With just your Santa Essence alone, Bradamante cannot defeat me!"
"Who says it's just mine?"
<Santa Alter> "That's right. As a Santa, it's only right to Santa Essence with Bradamante!"
Santas all over the world! Please grant Bradamante your assistance!
<Astolfo> "But how will you pass your power to Bradamante, Alter-san?"
<Santa Alter> "Distance is no object to a Santa, and nothing is impossible!"
*Bradamante's Saint Graph ascends.*
Also, Ruggiero's name was listed on the African team that never appeared on-screen.
Could it be? The Grail granted my wish?
Daddy D'Este when DW?
About that curse; how did Shirou survive? Wouldn't Tohsaka be unable to heal him?I know about the causality effect, but Gae Bolg also carries a curse that prevents lethal woulds from healing themselves if it pierces a target's heart. That's why when Cu stabs himself and Rin tries to give him medical aid he tells her it's futile since wounds to the heart inflicted by Gae Bolg cannot be healed. In the anime this is represented by a purplish red light effect where they are pierced.
I'm wondering if Jeanne can resist this with her skills, since she is able to stop Jack's NP in the same manner.
I don't think Cu stabbed Shirou in the heart, since it would be presumably a quite painful death and Cu didn't really like having to do it.About that curse; how did Shirou survive? Wouldn't Tohsaka be unable to heal him?
Didn't Rin make a new heart? Thus the curse on the old one wasn't a problem.About that curse; how did Shirou survive? Wouldn't Tohsaka be unable to heal him?
In the Fate route Cu very explictly states that he didn't use Gae Bolg as an NP against Shirou. He stabbed Shirou with a perfectly normal spear. This is in contrast to when he stabs Shirou later in the Fate route and tells Saber that he made sure that Shirou wouldn't be able to heal from this one, despite the fact that it did less damage than the first time.About that curse; how did Shirou survive? Wouldn't Tohsaka be unable to heal him?
Notably Cu draws a distinction between the 2 times he stabbed Shirou, stating that he made sure Shirou wouldn't get better the second time."Well. I'm the one that stabbed him, but this is actually the second time I did it. He stayed alive the last time I did for some reason, so I 'pierced' him for sure this time."
"You-- used Gae Bolg on Shirou...!?"
"Don't worry. I didn't hit his heart. But the curse is still there.
Even you should know the curse of this lance. This is the 'lance of cause and effect', that reverses the cause and the effect. The one cursed by this thing cannot change their fate unless they have great luck."
"To put it simply, the wound made by the Gae Bolg cannot be healed.
The one cursed cannot heal and bears the wound until they die. As long as this lance exists."
Rin had to make Shirou a new heart because there was so much damage.I don't think Cu stabbed Shirou in the heart, since it would be presumably a quite painful death and Cu didn't really like having to do it.
About that curse; how did Shirou survive? Wouldn't Tohsaka be unable to heal him?
This.Didn't Rin make a new heart? Thus the curse on the old one wasn't a problem.
The Holy Grail War that happened in Fuyuki 2004 in FGO was the first and only grail war that happened in that timeline. Angra Mainyu's curse wasn't a problem because the grail never got corrupted.Thanks; I have one last question:
What happened to Angra Mainyu curse in fgo? I mean, Caster and his master asked their wish...
If you ever start thinking Rin is just a ditzy girl who can't succeed when it's important, remember that Rin is also the sort of genius who can transmute a new human heart from scratch, on the first try, with zero experience. And then successfully perform a transplant with it.
That girl is incredible.
A thought just occurred to me, it's been revealed that the Olympians are Robots, and Hercules can transform into a tank, are the Olympians basically Transformers?