Traveller, The Rise of Empire: A Naval Design, Procurement and Command Quest

6-1: Refocusing
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Aug 19, 2024 at 4:36 AM, finished with 176 posts and 29 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN: Slow Walk
    [X] Plan Hard-Nosed, High handed
    [X] OPLAN: Shadow Marshal
    [X] OPLAN: Slow Walk
    -[X] Write-In: Perform back-alley negotiations/communications with the PMC. Expend diplomatic capital (such as forgiveness of incurred aid debt that might otherwise be called in) to convince them to commute the sentence (conditional on the individuals actually not being responsible for execution of UNTHINKBLE) of the three survivors to exile to Home space, on pain of death if they ever return to the S'taxu system in any capacity (they cannot transit through S'Taxu even as a passenger) and a complete release of all claims to rulership etc. Inform them that the HSWS and Home desire peace, stability, and good relations, but that some concessions will avoid ruffled feathers in the future and ease cooperation and economic recovery for S'Taxu-4 and the S'Taxu system.
    -[X] Write-In: Provide continual Fleet Landing Forces deployment in peacekeeping and aid operations; FLF Rangers, our in-house SOF squadron, will be attached to search for remaining Dynast and Xyphoni high-value personnel who may have survived, such as the Lady Diana Mechtilde. If the Lady Mechtilde is located AND efforts to release the Marquess fail, she is to be transported to Home under absolute secrecy and her death "verified" as part of our diplomatic break with the PMC.
    -[X] HSWS Military Intelligence Corps
    -[X] Continue to negotiate with the Aslan. Attempt to hire advisors in the design and operation of small strike-craft and larger carriers.
    -[X] Design and produce a landing ship which can deploy FLF Forces; up to five craft (dependent on final carrying capacity), each capable of carrying and deploying at least company of FLIF and supporting landings with orbit-to-ground or ship-to-station fire and potentially carrying the fighter-bombers as a contributing strike package or self-defense. Look into potential MMV variant, as well as entirely purpose-built craft as design alternatives.
    -[X] Design and produce a single experimental carrier for further development of strikecraft operations and doctrine and to serve as a defense vessel for Home.
    -[X] Design and produce a small courier / cargo vessel to establish a permanent military "mail service" between far-flung outposts and HSWS HQ so we can stop relying on our DSS, etc. as makeshift couriers.
    -[X] Look into potential refit options for older craft, such as the system destroyers.
    -[X] Continue to produce the Multi-Mission Vehicle as rapidly as possible, as budget and yard space allows.
    -[X] Continue to produce the Interstellar Cruiser block IIa as possible, secondary to the MMV.
    -[X] Continue to produce the new missile frigate as possible; at least one frigate per larger MMV or cruiser laid down or currently in active service.
    -[X] Perform sensor sweeps "south", beyond Heimdall to get an idea of what lies beyond
    -[X] Deploy forces:
    --[X] Maintain OPLAN Bowshot forces in S'Taxu until the crisis is over, aid has slowed, and they are no longer needed to conduct missions or maintain our stronger diplomatic presence.
    --[X] Heimdall Station: After conclusion of Bowshot - one IC and two escorts, when available, in Heimdall to protect the mining and fueling operations and to act as a tripwire force.
    --[X] S'Taxu Station: After conclusion of Bowshot - one IC and two escorts, when available, as a permanent S'Taxu station.
    --[X] Home Defense Station: Monitor, two IC, six escorts when constructed, as the main Home Defense Fleet (plus orbitals and system defense ships).
    --[X] Expeditionary Station: After conclusion of Bowshot - 2 IC, 1 MMV, 1 FSS, Scout Flotilla - available for exploration and exploration escort or other expeditionary missions. headquartered in Home, but can be deployed as necessary.
    --[X] Reserve Station: After conclusion of Bowshot - four IC, eight escorts when available; "stationed" in Home, but generally available to be deployed in case of emergency. Generally ships who are doing rest/refit and preparing to be cycled out to other duty stations.
    [X] OPLAN: Shadow Marshal
    -[X] HSWS Military Intelligence Corps
    -[X] Write-in: Make all possible diplomatic attempts to preserve the life of the Marquess Chambrestrong alone. Offer money, weapons, the revocation of titles-anything to make clear that the death of a child will not wash off from the hands that enact it, and that such illegal orders threaten a permanent diplomatic break.
    -[X] Write-in: Make clear that we will not interfere with the trials of any adult Chambrestrong survivors, but that we require those trials be fair and impartial; offer all legal and diplomatic aid, including the work of our nascent SWS JAG corps, in arraigning and interrogating Dynasty personnel and leadership for trial.
    -[X] Provide continual Fleet Landing Forces deployment in peacekeeping and aid operations; FLF Rangers, our in-house SOF squadron, will be attached to search for remaining Dynast and Xyphoni high-value personnel who may have survived, such as the Lady Diana Mechtilde. If the Lady Mechtilde is located AND efforts to release the Marquess fail, she is to be transported to Home under absolute secrecy and her death "verified" as part of our diplomatic break with the PMC.
    -[X] Scouting towards and around Hermosa, since the Heimdall station is soon to be online.
    -[X] Design and produce a carrier ship which can deploy the X-40 or similar strike craft. Begin with one prototype and long-term flight testing.
    -[X] Design and produce a landing ship which can deploy FLForces at company or battalion strength; build at least 5, enough to deploy most of a full squadron out of our current operational wing (two squadrons) of FLF troops.
    -[X] Continue to produce the Multi-Mission Vehicle as rapidly as possible.
    -[X] Continue to produce the Interstellar Cruiser block IIa as possible, secondary to the MMV.
    -[X] Deploy and maintain deployment of Bowshot forces (hereafter Task Force Angelus) with full FLF ground support until conclusion of S'taxu crisis. Consider this a long-term security assistance and humanitarian aid mission.
    [X] Message to PMC: "You knew something would happen and did not inform us. On contrary, you've sent a warship to the planet which could be interpreted as attempt to aid at anti-Chambestrong effort.
    [X] Seize the remaining Chamnbestrong space infrastructure, such as naval yards. Inform remaining Chambestrong servicemen, that if they want to survive the inevitable purges by new autorities on S'Taxu, they should cooperate with us. Have them seize for us the Capital City and anything that survived from Chambestrong infrastructure planetside. We are going to "safeguard" these as to protect the people from purges, until the true investigation is done.
    [X] Early Warning and Fast Response Department (EWaFaR)
    [X] Continue to negotiate with the Aslan. Have embassies open, have a "naval attachee and supporting staff" added to each embassy. At least part of "supporting staff" should be EWaFaR people. Hire a lot of SIS personnel to EWaFaR there.
    [X] Have embassies with naval attachees ant supporting staff open in all Xyri factions. Study the security situation there, how likely is the conflict in system.
    [X] Have embassy and naval attachee and supporting staff open at Nova Refugio. Learn about people there - are they political dissidents? Religious dissidents? Send them some supplies on regular basis. If we are already sending, send more. Learn whatever they can tell us about Hermosa. Ease them to our presense.
    [X] Continue to produce the Interstellar Cruiser block IIa and Frigates as possible (we can possibly lose the PMC yard space, we need to build smaller ships at the moment).
    [X] Deploy more forces in S'Taxu. Have them hover around while we are doing diplomacy and take over the remaining Chambestrong stuff.
    [X] Plan Tradition and the young.

Vote Result: OPLAN Slow Walk

The Months That Follow
Operations on the surface of S'Taxu-4 slowly but surely drag to an end. The dust clouds settle, weeks pass, and it slowly becomes apparent that there are no more survivors trapped and now the problem is fundamentally one for the civil architects and engineers, not military search and rescue. The FLF Rangers stay on the surface, assisting in the deployment of aid from Cassalon transport barges and ensuring there is at least some modicum of peaceful life for the refugees and survivors of this nuclear terror. There are two notable incidents where the FLF are forced to engage with lethal force, both well within their rules of engagement: a Xyphoni attack on an aid convoy is turned back with relative ease and only a single casualty amongst the FLF, while an attempted attack on a religious gathering turns into a gun battle on the steps of an ad-hoc house of worship. Three men and a woman with ties to the Chambrestrong Dynasty are killed.

During negotiations it rapidly becomes clear that the PMC and representatives of Cassalon are not interested in negotiating for the release of their captives. Valaria is arguably the next in line for control of the Duchy and thus constitutes a figurehead behind which monarchists could rally. Damjana is less closely tied to the family, but is nonetheless ennobled and was closely involved with Dynastic politicking and power-brokering. Neither of these women will see out the year, considered guilty even before bringing up the events of the last months. They were, after all, part of the ruling class that threw the entire system into internecine conflict.

The boy, however, is a different matter. Nobody is particularly in love with the idea of executing a child, there was simply no other option. He cannot be allowed to grow up on S'Taxu, where a thousand political groups will attempt to sway him to their side. Fortunately, Home offers another option; the abrogation of at least part of the aid bill, a new name and a caretaker family who will raise him in something approaching normality aboard an orbital station that circles Home. He will, of course, never be allowed to return to S'Taxu but that is considered a small price for his life. Julius Danial Stefan Chambrestrong dies in S'Taxu - but Julian Demirci will hopefully have a full and long life in Home.

S'Taxu will recover, and a new government will form from the fires of nuclear war. The Peoples Military Council has always considered itself a temporary body necessary for fighting off the Dynasts threat to the rest of the system and now, with their power shattered, it can be reincorporated back into the system. The Democratic Republic of Cassalon will inherit control of the entire system, with the Peoples Military of Cassalon becoming simply the armed forces of the state. They do have several quite reasonable requests and demands during the ongoing negotiations with Home that incorporate the transition of power;
- S'Taxu - or Cassalon - is not prepared to defend itself at this time, focused as it will be on the survival of its people and rebuilding the cities that have been devastated. It is requested that people from Cassalon be able to volunteer and enlist in the HSWS, as they have been up until now, and that the HSWS inherently take on the defence of Cassalon's space as if it was our own. This is fundamentally a continuation of current policies, formalised with the transition of power.
- Cassalon will continue to provide 4,000 dTons of yard space to the HSWS for construction of militarily vital ships and ship components, and will also provide 500MCr. of additional funding to assist in this construction and to the maintenance of the fleet.
- Cassalon will retain control of the defence asteroids, the four Dynast SDB's and any other in-system forces, but would be pleased to cross train their defence forces with the HSWS to ensure compatibility of doctrine and strategy.
- In return, Home will recognise Cassalon, allow the construction of civilian jump ships in Cassalon yards and allow open trade between Cassalon and Home.

The Citizens Council is unhappy about the loss of two significant survivors of the Chambrestrong Dynasty, having considered them to be a useful tool they could have held over the heads of the people of S'Taxu. They will, however, accept the complete economic and military reliance on Home that Cassalon has agreed too, and they already have plans to further ensure that reliance as time goes on. After all, the people of Cassalon are going to need a great deal of aid as they recover...

New Deployments, New Construction - 09y00m00w
The HSWS undergoes a period of reorganisation as new ships come out of the yards, new stations are established and new postings are formulated. From hereon out, the Service will be organised into the following established groups (several ships listed are not yet with the fleet but will be in time):
Home Fleet - The Interstellar Monitor, two Interstellar Cruisers, one Multi Mission Vehicle, six Frigate, Fleet Escorts, one Flotilla Support Ship.
Heimdall Station - Two Interstellar Cruisers until the arrival of the Frigate, Fleet Escort then the post becomes one IC and two FFE's on rotation.
Cassalon Station - Two Interstellar Cruisers until the arrival of the Frigate, Fleet Escort then the post becomes one IC and two FFE's on rotation.
Expeditionary Force - Two Interstellar Cruisers, one Multi Mission Vehicle, one Flotilla Support Ship.
1st Scout Flotilla - As already described.
Reserve Station - All other ships, especially those on rest and refit
This creates six new formal and permanent postings for five Flight Commodores (O-7) and a single Vice-Marshal (O-8) and plans for a total force strength of eight cruisers, two MMV's and ten FFE's in the permanent force structure. This will require, according to estimates, fourteen cruisers, at least three MMV's and preferably four, and 16-18 FFE's.

If you would like to design patches for these forces, I have been using this generator. Any submitted will be voted on in the next update.

With 5,000 dTons available in yards, the Service considers the following to be a reasonable construction plan for the beginning of our tenth year;
- 2 x Interstellar Cruiser block IIa - 783.18MCr.
- 4 x FFE (2nd tranche) - 757.04MCr.
For a total cost at the start of the year of 1540.22MCr. This would leave 2,000 tons and around 700MCr. for experimental construction and planning, especially of the courier concept and the small carrier. It is broadly understood that at the beginning of next year we will lay down a second MMV, slow-rolling the deployment of the class but ensuring that there are enough ships to cover our stations in the short term.

Regarding other planned forces there are some simple choices to make:
The courier will be a small, fast ship capable of multiple jumps. It should be capable of (choose 1+):
[ ] Four jumps on internal fuel (40% of tonnage)
[ ] Defending itself against minor threats
[ ] High speed transit between the main world and the jump point.
[ ] Carrying priority cargo and passengers between systems.
[ ] Not be intended to fly in system, relying on local shuttles and ships.
[ ] Other - write in.
The Landing Ship will carry multiple platoon landing shuttles. It should be capable of (choose 1+):
[ ] Deploying a Company strength formation (3 platoons plus HQ - 150 FLF - 4 shuttles) - ~550 tons
[ ] Deploying a Battalion strength formation (3 infantry coys, 1 fires coy, 1 rangers coy - 772 FLF - 20 shuttles) - 3,000 tons
[ ] Supporting a landing with ortillery missiles
[ ] Supporting a landing with ortillery torpedoes
[ ] Supporting a landing with ortillery mass drivers
[ ] Defending itself against incidental fire
[ ] Defending itself against concerted attack
[ ] Other - write-in

Next Update: Aslan, Scouting South, Refits
Please present any votes as a plan. Voting opens at
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6-2: Lions Pride
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Aug 20, 2024 at 4:22 AM, finished with 50 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] PLAN - Fast as F**k boi and Assault Carrier
    -[X] Four jumps on internal fuel (40% of tonnage)
    -[X] Carrying priority cargo and passengers between systems.
    -[X] High speed transit between the main world and the jump point.
    -[X] Other - minimal point-defense armament.
    -[X] Deploying a Battalion strength formation (3 infantry coys, 1 fires coy, 1 rangers coy - 720 FLF - 20 shuttles) - Approx 6,000 tons
    -[X] Supporting a landing with ortillery missiles
    -[X] Supporting a landing with ortillery mass drivers
    -[X] Defending itself against incidental fire
    -[X] Other - At minimum a flight of X-40s to provide close escort and air support for FLF landings. If possible expand this to a full squadron if this does not compromise on the other requirements - if not feasible, keep the reduced complement to a single flight.
    -[X] Other - on-board hospital facilities and staff to manage receiving, triaging, stabilising, damage-control surgery and the initial recovery of casualties.
    -[X] Other - a detachment of CASEVAC, SAR and general utility shuttles to support the embarked battalion and squadron.

PLAN - Fast as F**k boi and Assault Carrier

Instant Messaging
Clarity of intelligence is going to be vital going forwards, if the incidents in Cassalon have taught us anything. The senior members of the fleet have decided that what is needed is a small, cheap message carrier that is capable of delivering priority cargo and messages at very long ranges without refuelling. Thus the Corvette, Fast Courier is born, a 100-dton ship with a crew of just five and a range of 4 parsecs without ever seeing a drop tank.

It does not, unfortunately, meet the requirements for a fast passenger transport as designed, but it is broadly understood that in the event of requiring just such a transport the gunner will give up their bunk and re-unite with their ship at a later date. Is the CFC going to be a comfortable ship for its crew? No. However, this is a vessel that can cross four parsecs in a months without ever seeing a refuelling station and thus can make a journey from the furthest known points of space all the way to Home without stopping. All of this capability will cost the HSWS barely more than 40 million credits per ship, as well.

How many should be built?
[ ] Three, used sparingly and deployed when necessary.
[ ] Six, one for each potential posting.
[ ] Nine, one each plus spares.

The FLF carrier is going to be almost the exact opposite of the sleek corvette. While the former is trimmed as much as possible, the latter will be a fat, bloated whale of a ship that can carry and deploy some 800 people to the surface of the world from their deep hangers. The carrier - likely to receive the designation 'Military Assault Transport' - will require the following components:
- Quarters for 33 officers and 748 enlisted soldiers, requiring a tonnage of at least 1,628 devoted solely to this. It is expected that common areas and other requirements will raise this to 1,700 tons. This will allow the carriage and deployment of three rifle companies, a fires company and the ranger company, as well as the HQ&S unit that organises the battalion. See the following chart for force org:
- Hanger space, launch and landing facilities for a total of 20 shuttles. This will allow the 17 landing craft the battalion requires, plus three spares for emergencies, low intensity operations or supply deliveries. Current plans are for the FLF to use the 'standard' 50-ton prototype boarding shuttle once that reaches mass production. This will require 2,300 tons devoted solely to carrier operations.
- Drives will require 6.5% of the ships hull, the power plant around 14%, fuel for two jumps will need 20% and plant fuel another 2.8%, a moderate armour scheme suggests 10% of volume as plating. Based solely on the above additional equipment and given this 53.3% devoted to vital equipment, it is expected that the ship must be 8,000 tons or even larger in total volume.

If we are to fit the additional requirements into the ship, as well as arming it, fulfilling crew requirements and more, we will need to make some compromises in order to bring it to the requested 6,000 tons.
What elements would the HSWS be willing to compromise on?
[ ] Carry only one jump, relying on a tanker for range.
[ ] Reduce the in-system speed, lowering both drive and plant requirements.
[ ] Slim down the armour scheme.
[ ] Slow launch - save 500 tons by skipping the launch tubes
[ ] Slow landing - save 500 tons by skipping the recovery deck
[ ] Other - write-in

The Coming of the Lion
The first Aslan ship to ever be allowed into the Home system identifies itself over communications as the Halaheike-class pocket warship Perumai. Escorted by a pair of Interstellar Cruisers, this rotund little ship slides into Home's orbit with all the skill of an experienced pilot. Its fighters dance around orbital traffic, demonstrating performance flying for the entertainment of HSWS sailors. Eventually they form up on the wing of their carrier, drifting closer and closer until one by one they slide back into snug hangars.

Over the next weeks the Perumai operates alongside the Ninurta and the Tlaloc, conducting a series of mock-engagements with the larger, but less heavily armed ship. The high firepower quotient of the Interstellar Cruisers proves decisive in several engagements, though strafing runs by the Aslan fighters are particularly effective at picking off turrets and beam cannons.

The Aslan also see the first flight tests of the XF-40 multi-role attack craft. The tiny ship with its crew of two conducts numerous demonstration flights and attack runs with both anti-ship missiles in space and air-to-ground missiles deployed from its ordnance bays. The HSWS is very happy with it and the Aslan males roar their approval with every accurate pass made with bombs or missiles.

I'm considering upscaling this drawing to get a real good sense of the design because I think it's cute.

When the Aslan leave, they depart in company with a single Interstellar Cruiser and the HSLS Bá Kim, the diplomatic ship designed to be a travelling embassy. They will hopefully return in several months with news of successful diplomacy and a more detailed agreement reached between the two peoples - ours and theirs.

What would the HSWS hope to achieve from this diplomacy?
[ ] Transit rights, to extend the range of our scouts.
[ ] Technological exchange, to improve our ship building.
[ ] Trade, to increase the wealth of Home.
[ ] Something else - write in

Please present any votes as a plan. Voting opens at
I'm leaving the patches competition open for another day, so be sure to get your designs in!
6-3: Lander Issues
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Aug 21, 2024 at 6:47 AM, finished with 35 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN: Starfall
    [X] OPLAN: Starfall
    -[X] Nine, one each plus spares.
    -[X] Leave lander as-is; assess final cost of complete design before deciding on if revisions are needed.
    -[X] Trade, to increase the wealth of home.
    -[X] Transit rights, to extend the range of our scouts.
    -[X] A permanent embassy, if the Aslan are willing and negotiations go well.
    [X] Plan A
    -[X] Nine, one each plus spares.
    -[X] Military Assault Transport should be slimmed down to 6K tonnes. As needed, in order of priority:
    --[X] remove the fighter-bombers
    --[X] remove the recovery deck
    --[X] lower the in-system speed
    --[X] lower the FLF complement
    -[X] Transit rights, to extend the range of our scouts.
    --[X] If the negotiations are going well, then in addition to the above inquire about setting up a permanent embassy.
    --[X] If the negotiations are going well, then in addition to the above out potential trade deals.
    [X] OPLAN: Pickup and Home
    -[X] Reduce the in-system speed, lowering both drive and plant requirements.
    -[X] Write-in: maintain current Carrier specs in spite of weight if necessary.
    -[X] Transit rights, to extend the range of our scouts.
    -[X] Trade, to increase the wealth of home.
    [X] OPLAN: Pickup and Home

How many should be built? Nine, one each plus spares.
What elements would the HSWS be willing to compromise on? Leave lander as-is; assess final cost of complete design before deciding on if revisions are needed.
What would the HSWS hope to achieve from this diplomacy? Trade, to increase the wealth of home. Transit rights, to extend the range of our scouts. A permanent embassy, if the Aslan are willing and negotiations go well.

Military Assault Transport
The Marine Lander, the FLF Fast Conveyor, the Military Assault Transport. It has gone through several names and conceptualisations of design over the last few years, but the near finalised version is finally in front of the HSWS. The MAT is to be the largest ship in the fleet, capable of emptying almost half of its volume in order to deploy a full battalion of FLF infantry to the surface of a world and then provide them with orbital fire-power in the form of four mass drivers and twenty missile tubes. It will also be capable of delivering a full squadron of fighters into the locale, to conduct orbital and atmospheric supremacy missions as well as ground strike with their cavernous weapons bays.

Unfortunately, the design is overweight by half a kiloton. The HSWS has two choices, according to the architects; Either cut some capabilities or enlarge the ship by another kiloton or more. The latter option is likely to expand construction times dramatically as it will require shipping components in from Cassalon rather than simply relying on the local yards.

How would the HSWS like to solve this problem:
[ ] Reduce the fighter complement to 4, saving nearly 600 tons.
[ ] Remove the mass drivers, saving 250 tons.
[ ] Trim the drives and power plant to minimum levels, saving some 200 tons.
[ ] Enlarge the ship to 9ktons+
[ ] Other - write in.

Other construction
Nine CFC's are laid down in the Cassalon yards, taking up a tiny amount of yard space in return for a remarkable change in capability. These nine little ships will be named for the muses - Calliope, Clio, Polyhymnia, Euterpe, Terpsichore, Erato, Melpomene, Thalia and Urania - and will be ready for duty in just ten months. At that point, the last of the block I Interstellar Cruisers will be in the yards for refits, the first of the block IIa will be coming off the slips and the first eight FFE's will be ready and with the fleet. If the HSWS is willing, there should be 8,000 tons of yard space available at 10y00m00w.

Scouting South
The 1st Scouting Flotilla spends months in the South surveying deep space and conducting long range scans of unknown space. What they return with is the knowledge of multiple direct routes to Home from Hermosa with barely any time spent in deep space. The 1st SF seek permission to conduct scouting operations into these sectors in order to establish exactly how possible it is for the Hermosans to travel into what is at this point broadly considered Home space.

How does the HSWS feel about this?
[ ] Conduct peaceful exploration missions into this space, establishing routes of access and ensuring the Hermosans are not a threat.
[ ] Attach military forces and conduct scouting with escorts - which ships?
[ ] Something else - write in.

Numerous squadron patches have been submitted to the fleet, including:

Cassalon Station

Fleet Landing Force Infantry

Home Fleet

MMV Patch, Perkūnas variant

Expeditionary Force Patch

Are there any objections from the HSWS?
[ ] None
[ ] Write in.

Please present any votes as a plan. Voting opens at
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6-4: Spreading the Web
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Aug 22, 2024 at 5:13 AM, finished with 42 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN Chain Home
    [X] Plan: SCR-270
    -[X] Reduce the fighter complement to 4, saving nearly 600 tons.
    -[X] Other - write in: Reduce the mass drivers to 2
    -[X] Other - write in: Increase the number of missile turrets, and correspondingly increase magazine sizes
    -[X] Write-in: Assemble a scouting mission only after the Fast Escorts are ready for assignment to these flights as the point ships to guard Scouts and DSS-we know Hermosa to be a hostile power and cannot go in unprepared.
    -[X] None
    [X] OPLAN Chain Home
    -[X] Reduce the fighter complement to 4, saving nearly 600 tons.
    -[X] Write-in: Assemble a scouting mission only after the Fast Escorts are ready for assignment to these flights as the point ships to guard Scouts and DSS-we know Hermosa to be a hostile power and cannot go in unprepared.
    -[X] None

How would the HSWS like to solve this problem: Reduce the fighter complement to 4, saving nearly 600 tons.
How does the HSWS feel about this? Assemble a scouting mission only after the Fast Escorts are ready for assignment to these flights as the point ships to guard Scouts and DSS-we know Hermosa to be a hostile power and cannot go in unprepared.
Are there any objections from the HSWS? None

Finalising Designs
The MAT undergoes its final variation, the slimming down of the onboard fighter squadron in order to fit into an 8,000dton volume. This version of the massive ship will be the one laid down, though it will be some time before that can actually be achieved.

Looking at the yard schedules, the MAT will have its first members laid down and the first steel cut somewhere in the middle of the tenth year. It will cost the majority of the budget for that year, but it will also extend capabilities dramatically in the same way that the MMV and the FSS before them did. It will not be named yet - that doesn't come until the keel is laid down.

By 09y06m00w, a bevy of new ships join the Service. The first of the block IIa Interstellar Cruisers, with their comfortable quarters and their advanced sensors, enter service as the HSWS Neto and the HSWS Ullr. The Alaz, Ogun, Wadjet and Zhurong, the first of the Frigate, Fleet Escorts, come into fleet hands and spend a month in rigorous shakedowns in preparation for their deployment on scouting operations to the 'South'.

There are around 700MCr. left in the budget for financial year 09y, and a desire to ensure that in a years time there will be 8,000 dtons of yard space clear for the MAT.
Please select up to 4k dtons of construction to begin 09y06m:
[ ] Frigate, Fleet Escort (500 dtons, 189.26MCr.)
[ ] Interstellar Cruiser (1,000 dtons, 391.59MCr.)
[ ] Diplomatic Cruiser (1,000 dtons, 420.43MCr.)
[ ] Refitting an SDD into a carrier (4,000 dtons, ?MCr.)
[ ] Something else - write-in

Scouting South
A fleet comprising of nine ships leaves Home on 09y06m00w, heading all the way to Heimdall station for fuelling and to prepare for the next leg of their mission. It takes them a month to reach the empty system with the fat gas giants and the tiny station that harvests thousands of tons of fuel from it. A pair of Interstellar Cruisers - the Apolake and the Tlaloc - welcome the scouting flotilla warmly, the eleven ships assembling around the mining station in a grand display of the modern capabilities of the HSWS.

Of course, no-one is there to see it, and once the various ships have tanked off the station, they begin splitting off on their various missions.
- Tasking One is a force of one Interstellar Surveyor, one Deep Space Surveyor and two Frigate, Fleet Escorts, charged with chumping into sectors -03,02 and -03,01 in order to assess the systems 'North' of Hermosa. The intention is to return to Heimdall and the safety of the cruisers between missions in order to refuel.
- Tasking Two is an identical force which will operate out of Shambala, using the FFS as a fuelling depot and scouting into sectors '-01,03' and '00,03'. While a less well protected deployment, it's considered less risky due to the additional distance between Shambala and Hermosa.
- Tasking Three is the FFS, which is going to spend most of its time floating around Shambala and not really worrying about anything at all. The HSWS Ikapati is quite used to this type of mission by now.

Arriving in Heimdall on 09y07m00w, it is another week before the mission proper begins due to the time needed for the station to process enough fuel for the entire task force. Once that is done, however, they scatter and begin their jumps.

-03, 01 - Equus
Survey Index:
System Code: D977589-7
Star(s): Type G (Yellow Star)
Orbitals: -0301-1 (Small Gas Giant),-0301-2 (Large Gas Giant), -0301-3 (Rocky planet), -0301-4 (Rocky planet), -0301-5 (Rocky planet), -0301-6 (Rocky planet), -0301-7 (Rocky planet), -0301-8 (Planetoid Belt), -0301-9 (Rocky planet)
Comments: Entry was made in the system with a force of four ships. Contact was made with local inhabitants, a small enclave of workers who demonstrate a remarkably xenophobic position. They maintain an orbital fuelling depot in orbit around the inner most gas giant which we are invited to pay for the use of. No other contact is allowed, according to local doctrine.

-03, 02 - Sinone
Survey Index:
System Code: ?300???-?
Star(s): Type M (Red Star)
Orbitals: -0302-1 (Large Gas Giant),-0302-2 (Rocky planet), -0302-3 (Rocky planet), -0302-4 (Small Gas Giant), -0302-5 (Small Gas Giant), -0302-6 (Rocky planet)
Comments: Contact made with governor of a local colony. Advised not to approach any worlds or the inner system and that any approach will be considered a hostile act. A large ship, circa 3k dtons, begins transit into outer system after task forces arrival. Task force departs, but not before learning this is a colony from Hermosa.

-01, 03 - Hexos
Survey Index:
System Code: C42048C-9
Star(s): Type M (Red Star) with distant Binary companion
Orbitals: -0103-1 (Rocky Planet),-0103-2 (Rocky planet)
Comments: First contact established with local government. Tidally locked main world on brink of political collapse, major disasters have caused die-off of majority of population. Aid sought for the remaining few thousand.

00, 03 - Garda-Villis
Survey Index:
System Code: B978868-A
Star(s): Type M (Red Star)
Orbitals: 0003-1 (Planetoid Belt), 0003-2 (Rocky planet), 0003-3 (Planetoid Belt), 0003-4 (Planetoid Belt), 0003-5 (Rocky Planet), 0003-5-1 (Trojan Planet)
Comments: First contact made, tasking invited to visit the main world or to accept an escort back to origin point. Both refused. Advanced ships meet our scouts, accompany them around a tour of the system. Non-standard jump point is selected for return journey due to one captains 'gut feeling'. It must be noted that the locals did not seem hostile.

The scouts begin their return journey to Home and finally arrive back in their usual station on 09y10m00w.

Once the Diplomatic Ship returns from the Aslan, we should consider dispatching it to one of these locales.
We should send it to:
[ ] Sinone, to begin contacting the Hermosans
[ ] Hexos, to establish what aid is needed by local population
[ ] Garda-Villis to find out exactly what is going on there
Any other business in the wake of this mission?
[ ] Write-in.

Please present any votes as a plan. Voting opens at
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Aug 23, 2024 at 1:45 AM, finished with 23 posts and 10 votes.

Please select up to 4k dtons of construction to begin 09y06m: Modular armed fleet station for emplacement in Heimdall, so that crews can stretch their legs and ships can undergo basic repair.
We should send it to: Immediate on an IC: Hexos, to establish what aid is needed by local population. Wait for the Diplomatic Cruiser: Garda-Villis to find out exactly what is going on there

Meeting the Aslan
It is several months before the diplomatic mission that was sent into Aslan space returns, and it does so with a fanfare. The returning ship comes escorted by a 600-ton personnel transport (Khtukhao-class) and a 400-ton trade ship (Eakhau-class), unusual little ships that are as brightly painted and decorated as Home's previous visitor. They bring trade goods, a diplomatic mission to be stationed permanently on Home and the invitation for reciprocity.

The traders - a merchant family led by a heavily scarred woman with a permanent scowl etched onto her leonine features - bring with them one hundred and seventy tons of technological marvels. Wearable reflective anti-laser suits, and thick polymer carapace rated against small arms. Advanced Hostile Environment suits, far superior to anything the HSWS is currently able to procure for its service members. Full motion holographic entertainment systems and floating tables with miniaturised anti-grav systems installed on the underside. Insta-freeze emergency ice boxes, intended to flash-cool a trauma victim and store them until they can be transported to a properly appointed medical facility. As for weapons, well...

The Aslan seem particular proud to show off their advanced personal weaponry and compare it to Home standards. Their 'ACR' is a gyroscopically stabilised personal weapon with integrated electronics support, firing a 6mm rifle round faster and more accurately than anything Home can deliver. Effective and viable laser rifles that have good effect on target despite atmospheric disruption of their beam. Multi-use dialable tactical missile launchers which can fire in anti-air, anti-tank or even anti-personnel modes.

The wealthy of Home swoop down on the traders and soon there is nothing left. Examples have been procured for the HSWS, but many items show materials science currently beyond our ability to machine and maintain. We could, potentially, acquire a steady supply of equipment for small parts of our force, but it would leave us technologically reliant on the Aslan until such a time as we can develop our own capabilities.

As for a returning mission, one problem faces the HSWS - there is no personnel transport of anything like the capacity for the transport of a diplomatic mission to return to Aslan space. Normally the HSWS would simply deliver them via the Diplomatic Cruiser, but that ship is already scheduled to make a run 'South' to Garda-Villis. The only option is to rely on the Aslan mission for now, but the Citizens Council would have another avenue opened up.

Until now, the only jump ships allowed to be built in civilian yards are the Interstellar Conveyors, the fat little trade ships that run to Deep Hope, Xyri, Cassalon and even all the way to Heimdall. This pseudo-merchant service has proved vitally useful in recent months, delivering great quantities of aid to Cassalon, and it would behoove the HSWS to allow for the construction of a larger civilian ship with deeper holds and, vitally, a passenger capability.

Should we allow the procurement of militarily vital materials from the Aslan?
[ ] Yes, trade is the life blood of peace!
[ ] No, we cannot rely on a foreign power for any capabilities.
[ ] Other - write in.

What of the Citizen's Councils suggestion?
[ ] We should free the civilians to build whatever they like.
[ ] We should commission a design for a larger ship.
[ ] We should establish a true semi-civilian merchant service to operate alongside the HSWS.
[ ] Other - write in.

Modular Defence Station
Taking the 2,000 ton mining and fuelling modular station as its basis, a defensive anchorage of 2,000 tons would have some 1,800 tons to devote to vital military capacity especially because a modular station will inherently be unarmoured. The following have been recommended for integration:
- The commander of the small but burgeoning fighter force argues that this would be a perfect long-term base for a 12-ship flight of bombers, where they can conduct patrols and interdict ships moving through the sector without requiring one of the guard ships to head out and take a look. 1,200 tons would turn this station into a true fighter base, while still retaining space for weapon systems or other plans.
- The Gunnery School suggests that point defence on an un-armoured station would be (relatively) pointless, and that this would be an opportunity to demonstrate the superiority of its longest range weapons. Massive particle cannons and multi-tube torpedo launchers would suit the station very well, though some consideration will have to be given to not crowding out any other plans.
- Representatives from a group of junior officers (junior here meaning Lieutenant-Colonel and below) propose a dedicated R&R space that would allow crews on long rotations out in the deep black to spend some time in slightly more comfortable quarters. It's fully expected that ships will spend significant time docked with the station, after all.
- Bunkerage for ships on station. Fuel can be supplied by the mining station, but the additional tankage in the system would allow for more expansive missions to be deployed through the region faster.

What would the HSWS consider most vital? (select two)
[ ] Capacity for a squadron of XF-40 bombers.
[ ] A large gunnery armament, with particle beams and torpedoes.
[ ] Plenty of space for R&R.
[ ] Fuel bunkerage for any single deployment of ships.

Operation FAST RUN
With a potential crisis on the hands of the HSWS, a group of diplomats and negotiators are loaded onto an under-crewed Interstellar Cruiser and they depart in company with the HSLS Lakapati. The pair make the two week trip to Staging Point, where fuel is supplied, before continuing their journey. Another two weeks sees them arrive in Hexos. Five weeks later, the two ships return with news of the terrible conditions.

Hexos was once a thriving planet with hundreds of thousands of inhabitants. While a tidally locked planet is not ideal for settlement, a great belt of towns ran around the charred equator, where warmth could be gathered on one side and ice on the other. However, what could have been a grand world was struck by disaster - a destabilising series of cometary impactors followed by a solar storm. Electronic infrastructure was devastated when it was needed most, and thousands died. Now the last remnants of the planets population live in the ruins of several equatorial settlements, divided politically, economically and by unassailable distance.

They do not, however, wish to abandon their home world. They would like aid, support and industrial machinery to allow them to rebuild and re-establish their world and perhaps, in time, grow it back into something that can be considered a thriving world once more.

If the HSWS and Home are to offer this aid, what would be wanted in return?
[ ] Mathematically inclined members of the populace, to train as pilots.
[ ] Development rights to the systems orbitals, allowing for basing.
[ ] Exploration and excavation rights in the uninhabited sectors of the equatorial ring.
[ ] Something else - write in.

Please present any votes as a plan. Voting opens at
6-6: The Deep South
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Aug 25, 2024 at 5:34 AM, finished with 45 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN: Overseer
    [X] Plan We'll Do More Later
    -[X] Write-In: Limited purchases. Procure enough of weapons to allow for extensive testing and development of potential countermeasures. Coordinate this project with the Militia. Purchase some amount of "expendable" equipment to be used on special ocasions, on mission-by-mission basis.
    -[X] We should free the civilians to build whatever they like (so long as those are not warships).
    -[X] Capacity for a squadron of XF-40 bombers.
    -[X] Plenty of space for R&R.
    -[X] Exploration and excavation rights in the uninhabited sectors of the equatorial ring.
    [X] OPLAN: Overseer
    -[X] Continue to procure samples for testing and study; work with the Militia to maintain a sizable armory so individual houses, individuals, etc., do not eventually out-gun us! After all, we can't stop citizens from buying them...
    -[X] We should establish a true semi-civilian merchant service to operate alongside the HSWS.
    -[X] Capacity for a squadron of XF-40 bombers.
    -[X] Plenty of space for R&R.
    -[X] Exploration and excavation rights in the uninhabited sectors of the equatorial ring.

Should we allow the procurement of militarily vital materials from the Aslan? Continue to procure samples for testing and study; work with the Militia to maintain a sizable armoury so individual houses, individuals, etc., do not eventually out-gun us! After all, we can't stop citizens from buying them.
What of the Citizen's Councils suggestion? We should establish a true semi-civilian merchant service to operate alongside the HSWS.
What would the HSWS consider most vital? Capacity for a squadron of XF-40 bombers. Plenty of space for R&R.
If the HSWS and Home are to offer this aid, what would be wanted in return? Exploration and excavation rights in the uninhabited sectors of the equatorial ring.

Anchorage Station
The first elements of the Anchorage Station to be established in Heimdall are ready for construction. Building off of the plans for the Heimdall and Deep Hope mining station, this five module 2,000 ton station will mostly be a fighter base, but will also have significant space dedicated to entertainment and recreation for visiting crews. It will be expensive - the addition of launch tubes and a landing deck more than doubles the cost of the station - but it will also be a major addition to force capabilities in Heimdall.

The station should be ready in 16 months, circa 11y02m00w, and be fully deployed by the middle of that year.
It must be noted, however, that the presence of a burgeoning series of stations around Heimdall-III implies that there is to be a longer term deployment to the sector and a desire to defend it as if it is functionally Home territory. There are, in fact, several ongoing discussions about establishing a colony on one of the moons of Heimdall-III and developing it into a true mining and supply colony. Such an establishment would, however, require a far greater capacity for transport and trade than is currently available. This leads us into our next report:

Home Space Merchant Service
The HSMS - cousin to the HSWS - has been a concept that has been considered several times over the last few years, but has never actually managed to become reality. That dream is finally starting to become reality, as the senior members of the HSWS put pressure on the Citizens Council to ensure that merchant ships can be requisitioned by the Service in times of crisis. They point at the events in Cassalon, which required as many merchant ships as could be found to deliver vital aid to the wounded system, and question whether, as Home's influence extends, it will be able to offer similar assistance in future to other allies in dire straits.

"We cannot allow the business interests to interfere with humanitarian considerations" is one of the key lines of attack, pushing the idea that the Citizen's Council has a responsibility not just to the people of Home, but to all people it plans to engage with should they experience a disaster. Certainly, it is not expected that Home will be at all responsible for the the next crisis, but it is surely best to be prepared.

The Home Space Merchant Service will have three principal goals:
- To formalise the relationship between the HSWS and the merchants that are increasingly flying between Home and various systems. There are, after all, more than twenty such ships drifting between Home, Xyri, Cassalon and even further afield.
- To ensure that at any time, the registered merchants supply at least 10% of their tonnage to the HSWS for logistical and other support. All merchants built in Home will be registered as part of the HSMS and other systems are welcome to access those benefits if they are willing to abide by the expectations.
- At any time, the HSWS is able to declare an emergency and requisition any HSMS-flagged merchant ship to support the fleet. This will allow the HSWS to respond to a crisis with alacrity, and the merchants will have already been compensated via the benefits of being flagged as a part of the HSMS.

Please submit designs for an HSMS patch and vessel symbol. You have 24 hours and will be voted on in the next update.
With developments in civilian ship building capacity, the HSMS should be established with a new, capable merchant design. It should be:

[ ] A smaller, easier to build merchant that can carry more bespoke cargoes.
[ ] More interstellar conveyors, modernised. They are the workhorse of the HSMS fleet.
[ ] A larger, more capable merchant of up to 4,000 dtons, which can carry major payloads and larger station modules.
[ ] Something else - write-in.

Diplomacy in the Far South
Three parsecs from home, Garda-Villis has brought about more than a little concern from naval planners. Our first visit with them was confusing, and led to our scouts retreating as quickly as possible due to the significant presence of large, advanced warships. Thus, it is decided to return with a true diplomatic mission, escorted and supported by the best warships available. The mission begins on 10y01m00w.

The HSLS Lakapati will escort the HSLS Bá Kim, the couriers Calliope and Terpsichore, the twin cruisers Neto and Ullr and the Frigates Juno and Nike as far as Shambala. There it will dispense half its full tank, some 740 tons of liquid hydrogen, to the seven ships flying in company with it, before those seven depart onwards to Garda-Villis. It takes four weeks just to reach Shambala, and then another week of preparations and tanking, before the seven ships make their final jump towards Garda-Villis on 10y02m01w.

The ships arrive in Garda-Villis over the course of 13 hours, with the escort frigate HSWS Nike arriving first, and the courier HSLS Calliope arriving last, half a day after the frigate.

The vast, vast majority of the budget for year 10 will be spent laying down the MAT, with the last of year 9's budget being spent on the anchorage station. Are there any questions you would like to ask or other business you would like actioned?
[ ] Write-in.

Please present any votes as a plan. Voting opens at
6-7: Reports from Garda-Villis
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Aug 26, 2024 at 5:27 AM, finished with 18 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan War Games
    -[X] Write-In: 4K tonnes modular conveyor, 2 jumps, optimize for module size. Common modules should include: Bulk Personel Transport (low-comfort), Bulk Cargo Freight and Rescue & Recovery.
    -[X] Write-In: Organize simulated combat exercises for some HSWS ships.
    -[X] Write-In: Review the initial findings of HSWS intelligence arm.

With developments in civilian ship building capacity, the HSMS should be established with a new, capable merchant design. It should be: 4K tonnes modular conveyor, 2 jumps, optimize for module size. Common modules should include: Bulk Personel Transport (low-comfort), Bulk Cargo Freight and Rescue & Recovery.
Are there any questions you would like to ask or other business you would like actioned? Organize simulated combat exercises for some HSWS ships. Review the initial findings of HSWS intelligence arm.

Diplomacy in the Far South
Multiple reports have been submitted in the wake of the return of the diplomatic mission to Garda-Villis, on 10y04m00w. Diplomats, senior officers and even several junior members of ships crew who were allowed a limited shore leave have been interviewed by the HSWS Military Intelligence Corps. What follows are several excerpts from their interviews and reports:

"Our formation was intercepted by a local patrol vessel about six hours after the Calliope came on station. At least, it identified itself as a patrol ship - it outmassed our entire formation twice over. This massive, sleek dagger of a ship slotted itself into the centre of our formation with significant skill for station keeping and escorted us into the inner system.

If it hadn't been such a massive craft, I'd have questioned why it would put itself in such a vulnerable position. As it was, I felt disconnected from the rest of my kind and gradually shifted the formation via laser-comms until we had direct contact with every ship. They let us - and I can only assume it was a case of allowing us - and showed no further interest in disrupting us. I guess they didn't think us much of a threat."
Colonel Elizabet Andreu Wong, Mission Commander.


"If it weren't so heavily populated, one would wonder why the people here had chosen Garda-Villis for settlement. It is a massive frozen rock, one of thousands in this area of space, and yet there are hundreds of millions of sophonts living on the surface. Clearly something attracted them to this place, and I will admit that it is very beautiful. Pure white ice caps on the poles, connected across the entire surface by ice fields that stretch across continental distances. Tiny outposts of land spire above these ice fields with one significant continent that contains the majority of the planets population central to all of them." Planetologist Doctor Ning Jian Porra about HSLS Bà Kim.


"We met a diplomatic party from Garda-Villis several times across the two weeks we spent in the system. We primarily met in accommodations provided to us by them, but several meetings were also held aboard the Bà Kim. Recordings have been provided. The meetings had aboard the ship included the full team, the meetings held on their premises were complicated by the refusal of local representatives to discuss matters in front of women. Slightly under half our team identify as female, and another six percent identify as non-male. We decided to abide by local customs for the purposes of initial diplomacy, but we must be aware of this... limitation of their culture.

Not only this, but the locals also apparently understand deceit to be a vital part of diplomacy. None of our questions were answered straightforwardly, and while we can recognise the capabilities of the peoples of Garda-Villis, we also do not have a clear understanding of what exactly can be achieved through diplomacy here. What we have learned can be summed up in three points:
- They show no serious interest in coming to find us, and were not particularly interested in sharing star charts.
- They are humans, like us, but they show no real interest in forming bonds with their fellow peoples across the stars.
- They are not operating independently. It is my assumption that Garda-Villis is a... a colony or an outpost for a more significant power."
Major Kamini Vidar Batal, Diplomatic Corps


"Aye, it was lovely. The lassies had no fun - they weren't allowed out without a chaperone, local rules - but the station knew how to accommodate a military man, y'know? Plenty to eat, drink, weird movies about some half-noble kid reclaiming his titles and commanding an ice-breaker. That bit felt familiar at least, I have a sister on the ice breakers back Home. Apparently they have a summer thaw along the equators that redirects the ships North or South. Wild stuff.

Was I followed? Yeah, the whole time. They had security agents all over the place, hardly bothering to hide their presence. Why wouldn't they - it's their station. I think they were just making sure no-one got rowdy. Didn't want a fight to spoil the diplomats dinner parties. Not that I'd have started a fight, we're trained better than that. Had to collar a couple of my boys though, make sure they didn't forget themselves."
Sergeant Sergo Sala, HSWS Ullr


"It's all laid out in my report. Again? Yes, sir.

Garda-Villis maintains a fleet of at least six jump-capable ships which mass some 15,000 tons each. Orbital infrastructure suggests a capability to support ships significantly larger than that. I think, after discussing it with Major Batal, that the locals are hiding their real force strength from us. What we've seen, what we've been escorted in by, those are scout ships. Somewhere out there, either hidden in system or waiting for us to leave, they have something much, much bigger. We should not do anything to upset the people of Garda-Villis or whoever their masters are. We cannot fight them."
Flight Captain Malina Bernat, HSWS Nike

What is the HSWS response to this:
[ ] We should stay away from Garda-Villis and whoever else is out there. Due-South is not for us.
[ ] Negotiate with Nova Refugio to station a tripwire courier in their system, to give us warning of oncoming threats from the South.
[ ] We should attempt to develop a trade relationship with Garda-Villis, for the benefit of both polities.
[ ] Other - Write in.

HSWS Military Intelligence Corps
The MIC has spent the vast majority of its first year of existence simply working out what its job actually is. It has gathered copies of reports, personnel files, orders, planning documents and more. Analysts have looked over every incoming recruit, from Home and abroad. Masses of time has been spent tracking the movement of personnel with a notable interest in the Daughters of the People, but there is an understood freedom to practice religion within the HSWS and the MIC has yet to see a reason to do anything that might risk that.

The MIC has also dispatched significant numbers of staff officers to foreign stations, including to Xyri, Cassalon and Aslan space. it is broadly understood that every diplomatic mission from hereon out will include MIC officers, though it might not be clear who is and who is not reporting to that particular branch of the Service. After all, the MIC looks out as well as in.

Is there anything specific the Service would like from the MIC?
[ ] Spread the net to include the HSMS, bringing them into the purview of the MIC
[ ] Assess the threat of the Daughters to the stability of Home
[ ] Assess the threat of (write in) polity to Home
[ ] Other, write in.

War Games
The HSWS is more than ready to conduct war games between various forces. They have but one question: What is the HSWS looking to test?

What is the BLUFOR? What is the OPFOR? Choose two to be pitched against each other:
[ ] HSWS Caturix, Interstellar Monitor
[ ] HSWS Perkūnas, Multi-Mission Vehicle
[ ] Interstellar Cruiser formation, four ships
[ ] Interstellar Cruiser formation, two ships
[ ] Escorted Cruiser formation, one IC, two Frigates
[ ] Fighter-Bomber formation, 12 XF-40 ships
[ ] Other, write in.

Please present any votes as a plan. Voting opens at
6-8: The Only Winning Move
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Aug 27, 2024 at 4:26 AM, finished with 32 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Lion King 9000
    -[X] We should stay away from Garda-Villis and whoever else is out there. Due-South is not for us.
    -[X] Spread the net to include the HSMS, bringing them into the purview of the MIC
    -[X] Assess the threat of the Aslan to the stability of Home
    -[X] Wargames Assignment:
    --[X] BLUFOR: Escorted Cruiser formation, one IC, two Frigates
    --[X] OPFOR: HSWS Perkūnas, Multi-Mission Vehicle
    [X] Plan Looking Inward v2
    -[X] We should stay away from Garda-Villis and whoever else is out there. Due-South is not for us.
    -[X] Assess the threat of the Daughters to the stability of Home
    -[X] Wargames Assignment:
    --[X] BLUFOR: 2x Interstellar Cruiser, 2x Fast Escort Frigate
    --[X] OPFOR: 1x Multi-Mission Vehicle
    [X] Plan If no Strength, then maybe a bit of Guile?
    -[X] Negotiate with Nova Refugio to station a tripwire courier in their system, to give us warning of oncoming threats from the South. Potentially, the tripwire could be turned into the space station (for trade or for security)
    -[X] We should attempt to develop a trade relationship with Garda-Villis, for the benefit of both polities. MIC agents should be embedded into trader crews going to Garda-Villis.
    -[X] MIC assignment
    --[X] Spread the net to include the HSMS, bringing them into the purview of the MIC
    --[X] Assess (carefully!) the possibility of getting in contact with any independent traders or smugglers in Garda-Villis.
    -[X] Wargames Assignment:
    --[X] BLUFOR: Escorted Scout formation, two Deep Space Surveyors, two Frigates
    --[X] OPFOR: Fighter-Bomber formation, 12 XF-40 ships
    [X] Plan Lion King 9000
    -[X] We should stay away from Garda-Villis and whoever else is out there. Due-South is not for us.
    -[X] Spread the net to include the HSMS, bringing them into the purview of the MIC
    -[X] Assess the threat of the Aslan to the stability of Home
    -[X] Wargames Assignment:
    --[X] BLUFOR: Escorted Cruiser formation, one IC, two Frigates
    --[X] OPFOR: Fighter-Bomber formation, 12 XF-40 ships

What is the HSWS response to this: We should stay away from Garda-Villis and whoever else is out there. Due-South is not for us.
Is there anything specific the Service would like from the MIC? Spread the net to include the HSMS, bringing them into the purview of the MIC. Assess the threat of the Aslan to the stability of Home.
What is the BLUFOR? What is the OPFOR? Choose two to be pitched against each other:
BLUFOR: Escorted Cruiser formation, one IC, two Frigates
OPFOR: HSWS Perkūnas, Multi-Mission Vehicle

War Games
Four ships are selected for the wargames - the HSWS Perkūnas will take the role of an opposing attack ship, while the HSWS Neto, accompanied by the frigates Keres and Wadjet, will represent defensive formations of Home. The four manoeuvre to the battle space in formation, before splitting and entering a period of radio silence; the appointed start time is coming and nobody wants to give away an easy firing solution.


lights up scan boards first, with thrust plates glowing and her particle beams already tracking the distant targets. Simulated torpedoes slip from her tubes, ghosts on the sensors that will perform as if they are solid machinery and explosives. The particle beams light up green, capacitors charged, and their energy is dumped into the jump drive to simulate firing.

MMV PB damage potential against IC: 180
Attack effectiveness: 0.75
Sandcaster Defence: 4
Final Damage: 131
Critical Hits: M-Drive 1, Cargo 1
Radiation: -2 to crew skill

Automated referee software notes several significant damaging hits on the Neto, and her commander imagines the blasts the particle beams would leave in her hull. They order return fire even as a damage control party rushes to the drive bays to tend to non-existent fires. The Frigates close ranks, readying for an incoming torpedo salvo.

IC PB damage potential against PB: 160
Attack effectiveness: 0.5
Sandcaster Defence: 16
Final Damage: 64
Radiation: No effect

Both frigates fire their missiles, but the MMV seems thoroughly unimpeded by the hits it has received, even as simulated radiation washes the decks. Torpedoes streak in as the large ship manoeuvres to maintain the advantageous range and the small squadrons PD net goes to work. The combined network of laser turrets spin and flash, intercepting and detonating every torpedo before they has a chance to engage. Missiles sweep back in return, and the MMV is only able to intercept or divert eighteen of the twenty-four launched, the last six detonating along the hull - or they would, if the munitions actually existed.

Damage from Missiles: 12

The MMV fires again, its massive turrets tracking and engaging the most dangerous target - the BLUFOR cruiser. This time the beams sweep across the bridge and turrets and, had the shots been real, the HSWS Neto would be limping along with barely three-quarters of its crew combat effective.

MMV PB damage potential against IC: 180
Attack effectiveness: 0.5
Sandcaster Defence: 8
Final Damage: 82
Critical Hits: M-Drive 1, Cargo 1, Bridge 1, Weapons 1
Radiation: -4 to crew skill

IC PB damage potential against PB: 120
Attack effectiveness: 0.25
Sandcaster Defence: 16
Final Damage: 14
Radiation: No effect

The Perkūnas hardly bothers to engage with its torpedoes again. It systematically disassembles first the cruiser, then both frigates with just its particle cannons in what shows itself to be an utterly lopsided fight. However, there are some significant lessons learned -
- The frigates add excellent munition defence to their charges, but the sand defences of the smaller ships are decidedly small.
- Radiation damage is perhaps the most dangerous threat possible - the Neto was principally disabled by 'dead' crew, not by shattered bulkheads.
- An MMV cannot penetrate its own PD network with its torpedoes.

Would the HSWS care to institute any lessons learned from this war game?
[ ] Write in

Home Space Merchant Service

Why is your patch so big....
The HSMS will begin production of a new class of merchants once the yard space is available, a 4,000 ton modular design which has three-quarters of its volume available for switching out. It is expected that a merchant of this type would be able to conduct missions with:
- Around 500 passengers in relatively comfortable conditions, with enough space for stewards and open common spaces for their journey.
- 3,000 tons of cargo, equivalent to six interstellar conveyors in a single load.
- a 2,500 ton station or station module, allowing for the deployment of much larger constructions.
- Considerations have been made for a 'SAR' module, with space for a handful of shuttles, quarters for an FLF ranger coy and medical facilities sufficient enough to provision care for significant casualties. It would be expected that such a module would be vital for operations such as the one conducted recently in Cassalon.

Are there any modules the HSWS would particularly like to see designed?
[ ] A Merchant Troop module that can carry significant numbers of FLF infantry into a combat zone.
[ ] A 'Q-Ship' module, to turn the ship into something akin to a fighting ship.
[ ] A CAM module, to turn the ship into a light carrier.
[ ] Other - Write in.

Life Goes On
In other parts of the HSWS, operations proceed as planned. Scouting missions are planned to the North and West, ships rotate in and out of deployment in various systems, and new ships join the fleet. The Heimdall Anchorage has her first steels cut, and so does the MAT. That 8,000 ton ship - now named the HSWS Banka-Mundi - will occupy the entirety of the Home yards; or it would if those yards weren't constantly being expanded.

10 year budget check: Increases from 1,800MCr. to 2,200MCr.
10 year yard check: Increases from 8,000 to 9,750 dTons.

Going into 11y00m00w, you will have a budget of 2,700MCr. and 3,750 dTons of yard space.

What will be done with it?
[ ] Write in.

Please present any votes as a plan. Voting opens at
7-1: The Age of War(Games)
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Aug 28, 2024 at 4:28 AM, finished with 53 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan War Games Re-Run
    -[X] Write in: Re-Run the exercise with equal tonnages on both sides, one MMV vs. three ICs. If feasible, have the crews and referees discuss the results and prepare for the third set of exercises, which would pit the MMV against an escorted cruiser group same as in the first iteration but with improved tactics.
    -[X] Write in: Investigate radiation shielding and other potential countermeasures for radiation. Evaluate the tonnage requirements for the different solutions.
    -[X] CAM module, to turn the ship into a light carrier.
    -[X] Fuel module, to turn the ship into a tanker. If feasible, it should be able to mine materials or gather raw fuel and refine it on-site.
    -[X] Engineering module, to turn the ship into a mobile repair and construction platform. In addition to supporting the fleet on deployments it ought to be able to assist in infrastructural development of systems such as Cassalon and Nova Refugio. If feasible, perhaps even as far as building starports?
    -[X] Construct one 2,5K armed defense station to be placated at Home or later moved to other location.
    -[X] The remaining yardspace goes towards supporting the HSMS and infrastructural developments.

Would the HSWS care to institute any lessons learned from this war game? Re-Run the exercise with equal tonnages on both sides, Investigate radiation shielding and other potential countermeasures for radiation.
Are there any modules the HSWS would particularly like to see designed? CAM module, to turn the ship into a light carrier. Fuel module, to turn the ship into a tanker. Engineering module, to turn the ship into a mobile repair and construction platform.
What will be done with it? Construct one 2.5K armed defence station.

War Gaming
Over the next months, multiple ships go out into the far reaches of the Home system and demonstrate their capabilities against one another:
- In the first game, the Perkūnas is set against three smaller Interstellar Cruisers. She is out-gunned in just such a scenario, and even with the deployment of nuclear torpedoes, she is only able to disable one of the cruisers before radiation and hull damage from the cruisers twelve particle cannons flags her as mission-killed. It should be noted that a cruiser at full strength was only able to intercept or spoof five of the three incoming torpedoes, and thus suffered significant damage after impact. The use of nuclear warheads would greatly increase the damage these three munitions can do, while multi-warhead torpedoes would improve hit counts against the enemy.

- In the second, the Perkūnas once again sails into the black with an Interstellar Cruiser and two Frigates accompanying her. Many in the staff office have called for the frigates to act more aggressively, closing the range in order to distract the larger cruiser from her principal target. Instead, when the combat starts, they break from their companion cruiser and boost away in company. They open the range as the IC is mission-killed in short order by a combination of particle beams and torpedoes. Then, at ranges of up to half a million kilometres (almost two light seconds) they launch barrages of nuclear missiles and the only response the MMV has is her torpedoes. After three hours of combat, the Perkūnas is declared the winner on a technicality - she still has ten of her crew flagged as non-causalities, while the Frigates have both been reduced to two crew total.

This is a fascinating look into the capabilities of guided munitions beyond the range of sensors to get a good lock. At two light seconds, self-guided weapons are still able to effectively engage their enemies while fires from the particle beams aboard the Perkūnas are functionally guessing where the enemy might be. When the enemy is a sixth your size and capable of applying up to 6G's in any direction, a random walk can keep them well out of the guns sights.

Radiation shielding is clearly about to become a necessity for ships in the fleet, and indeed it begins a crash program in testing capabilities for hull designs that can accommodate various enhancements to improve the fleet. This program discovers:
- Heat shielding, as we have previously used on some shuttles and other small craft, will also be useful to protect a craft against the heat of the star at relatively (note - millions of kilometres) close ranges. Heat shielding an interstellar cruiser cannot be applied post-facto and would cost 100MCr.

- Radiation shielding will protect against the washes of harmful radiation emitted by proximity to a star, certain stellar bodies and also the weapon systems primarily deployed by the fleet. Radiation shielding an interstellar cruiser would need to be done during construction and would cost 25MCr.

- Stealth systems would minimise electronic emissions as well as absorbing some incoming radar and lidar pulses as well. It would not hide a ship from being detected, but it can spoof sensors and confuse attempts to get an accurate location, bearing or identification of a ship. Applying stealth systems must be done during construction, requires 2% of the volume of the ship and would cost 40MCr. on an interstellar cruiser.

It would seem that technology is moving beyond our ability to refit the Interstellar Cruisers. Would the HSWS consider a new main combatant and, if so, how should it be designed?
[ ] A successor to the Interstellar Cruiser, of similar size.
[ ] A second class of MMV's, incorporating lessons from the war games.
[ ] An intermediate design of around 2,000 tons.
[ ] Other - write in.
How should it be armed?
[ ] A mixed armament of torpedoes and particle beams.
[ ] A mixed armament of missiles and particle beams.
[ ] Solely one armament type - which?
[ ] Other - write in.

In regards to a defence station, which would include many of the similar design principles incorporated into it, there are questions of secondary functions. Some argue that it should be an anchorage and headquarters for the HSWS. Others that it should be at least partially committed to the orbital construction of small craft such a shuttles and fighters. Others still think it should be as much a hostel for sailors as it is a weapons platform, with housing for those whose ships are in dock without the need for them to return to the surface.

What secondary role should the station serve?
[ ] It should be a pure defence station.
[ ] It should be capable of building small craft.
[ ] It should be an anchorage station.
[ ] Something else - write in.

Please present any votes as a plan. Voting opens at
Last edited:
7-2: Developments and Choices
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Aug 29, 2024 at 6:02 AM, finished with 49 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN: Bombardier
    [X] Plan Steenbeck
    -[X] Cruiser Successor: 2K tonnes, 2+2 jumps, optimize for speed and firepower, capable of at least 6G acceleration, principal armaments of particle beams, 50/50 split of point-defense and sandcaster defensive weapons, add extra electronic warfare stations for spoofing missiles and torpedoes, add radiation shielding, add virtual crew to replace servicemen disabled during battle.
    -[X] Defense Station: pure combat design with significant armor and defenses, add a command centre.
    [X] OPLAN: Bombardier
    -[X] A new class of 3,000 tons (Fast Attack Cruiser). Provide two design variants for review with particle beam/torpedoes and particle beam/missiles, with particle beams as secondary armament for medium ranged combat. Increase combat speed to M-6 so it can maintain range; include radiation shielding; include latest computer technology for crew assistance; include PD/sandcaster suite. Range 2+2. Munitions should be mix of standard, nuclear warhead and multi-warhead for saturating enemy PD, plus small amount of ortillery.
    -[X] Provide revised MMV design (Block II) with improved sensors / computer systems, swapping particle bays for torpedo or missile bays (if torpedo bay weight cannot be brought into an acceptable limit) and replacing torpedo barbettes with p-beam barbettes or additional point defense; replace 90-ton marine shuttle with the new attack shuttle. If possible, improve speed to M-6. Include radiation shielding for new construction. Munitions should be mix of standard, nuclear warhead and multi-warhead for saturating enemy PD, plus small amount of ortillery.
    -[X] It should be a purely defensive station.
    [X] Plan Heavy Steenbeck
    -[X] Cruiser Successor: 2k tonnes, 2+2 jumps, optimize for durability and firepower, principal armaments of particle beams, 2/1 split of point-defense and sandcaster defensive weapons, add extra electronic warfare stations for spoofing missiles and torpedoes, add radiation shielding, add virtual crew to replace servicemen disabled during battle.
    -[X] Defense Station: pure combat design with significant armor and defenses, add a command centre.

Would the HSWS consider a new main combatant and, if so, how should it be designed? A new class of 3,000 tons (Fast Attack Cruiser). Provide revised MMV design (Block II).
What secondary role should the station serve? It should be a purely defensive station.

Assessing the Lion
The MIC report arrives on the desks of senior personnel of the HSWS marked top secret, confidential, do no remove. Inside are eighty or so pages on the potential threat of the Aslan based on what has been seen of them thus far. What follows is a summary of the main thrust of the MIC report:
- As is already known, the Aslan people - at least in professional positions as we have seen thus far - are a sharply gender divided culture. Their men are warriors, fighters, leaders, they are strong and brash and bold. Their women are traders, diplomats and negotiators. Based on this understanding we have primarily sent women and non-men on our negotiation teams, but we believe there is at least some benefit to be found in 'surprising' the Aslan with men capable of negotiations as occurred at the first meeting.

- We think that this polity represents a tiny group split from the main Aslan settlement - as we can only imagine we are from the birthplace of Humaniti - and it shows in their warships. Based on repeating names seen coming and going from the system on public traffic logs, the MIC is of the belief that unless the Aslan are hiding significant strength elsewhere, we have an advantage in fleet strength.

- The Aslan are, however, technologically advanced and it may be that this advantage allows them to beat out an equivalent force in any engagement. We believe that acquiring an understanding of advanced shipbuilding techniques should be one of the first things we hope to achieve in any serious negotiations with the Aslan, though this may require direct conflict with one or more family groups.

- That being said, the Aslan practice a ritualised, negotiated form of conflict-as-dispute-settlement. When our negotiator was invited to war, it was a normal and casual question for the Aslan - it was an invitation to further negotiations, rather than a threat - it may be possible for us to engage in such ritualised conflict in order to acquire technology, examples of ships, or other useful results.

- We have not yet been beyond Keoiri and Lev, the two border systems of the Aslan technocracy. It may be that there is significant strength behind them, but based on trade and passenger travel, we believe that the population of their core systems cannot exceed the population of Keoiri by more than a factor of ten. This would match with our assumptions about their fleet, and would also imply that their are less Aslan in their systems than their are humans on Home.

Based on this intelligence report, how should we proceed with diplomacy with the Aslan:
[ ] Continue to negotiate trade agreements and work to establish safe ports in Xyri and Keoiri.
[ ] Propose a formal challenge for technology
[ ] Propose a formal challenge for resources
[ ] Craft a plan for a major fleet deployment to take Keoiri and Lev by force
[ ] Other - write in.
Where should the MIC focus their efforts next?
[ ] Assess the stability of Cassalon after the war.
[ ] Assess the penetration of the Daughters into life on Home.
[ ] Assess the people of Xyri, their governments and whether there should be concern over how quiet they have been.
[ ] Other - write in.

Hexos Quandries
Every cargo ship that makes the long run to Hexos brings with it a couple of hundred tons of much needed industrial machinery, supplies and a handful of workers who are willing to make the six week journey in ad-hoc steerage. It's rough, cramped, smelly and by the time they arrive on the tidally-locked world they are sorely in need of a shower. At least they are able to get to work, some helping the people of Hexos to rebuild their collapsing society and others heading for abandoned towns along the twilight border.

Their excavations reveal what everyone knew; a technologically advanced civilisation collapsed into the Hexos we know today and the remains of that civilisation can be harvested for its bones with relative ease. Computers are still semi functional, data-banks still hold caches of information and a great many things can be learned from the graveyards of a nation.

In these deep data banks, these treasure troves, we find enough information to advance our knowledge of (choose two):
[ ] Improved Plant Efficiencies
[ ] Quality Hull Construction
[ ] High-Density Metals
[ ] Enhanced Starship-grade Weapons
Note that these will be included in upcoming offered designs.

Please present any votes as a plan. Voting opens at