6-1: Refocusing
The original N-body Problem
- Pronouns
- It/She/They
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Aug 19, 2024 at 4:36 AM, finished with 176 posts and 29 votes.
[X] OPLAN: Slow Walk
[X] Plan Hard-Nosed, High handed
[X] OPLAN: Shadow Marshal
[X] OPLAN: Slow Walk
-[X] Write-In: Perform back-alley negotiations/communications with the PMC. Expend diplomatic capital (such as forgiveness of incurred aid debt that might otherwise be called in) to convince them to commute the sentence (conditional on the individuals actually not being responsible for execution of UNTHINKBLE) of the three survivors to exile to Home space, on pain of death if they ever return to the S'taxu system in any capacity (they cannot transit through S'Taxu even as a passenger) and a complete release of all claims to rulership etc. Inform them that the HSWS and Home desire peace, stability, and good relations, but that some concessions will avoid ruffled feathers in the future and ease cooperation and economic recovery for S'Taxu-4 and the S'Taxu system.
-[X] Write-In: Provide continual Fleet Landing Forces deployment in peacekeeping and aid operations; FLF Rangers, our in-house SOF squadron, will be attached to search for remaining Dynast and Xyphoni high-value personnel who may have survived, such as the Lady Diana Mechtilde. If the Lady Mechtilde is located AND efforts to release the Marquess fail, she is to be transported to Home under absolute secrecy and her death "verified" as part of our diplomatic break with the PMC.
-[X] HSWS Military Intelligence Corps
-[X] Continue to negotiate with the Aslan. Attempt to hire advisors in the design and operation of small strike-craft and larger carriers.
-[X] Design and produce a landing ship which can deploy FLF Forces; up to five craft (dependent on final carrying capacity), each capable of carrying and deploying at least company of FLIF and supporting landings with orbit-to-ground or ship-to-station fire and potentially carrying the fighter-bombers as a contributing strike package or self-defense. Look into potential MMV variant, as well as entirely purpose-built craft as design alternatives.
-[X] Design and produce a single experimental carrier for further development of strikecraft operations and doctrine and to serve as a defense vessel for Home.
-[X] Design and produce a small courier / cargo vessel to establish a permanent military "mail service" between far-flung outposts and HSWS HQ so we can stop relying on our DSS, etc. as makeshift couriers.
-[X] Look into potential refit options for older craft, such as the system destroyers.
-[X] Continue to produce the Multi-Mission Vehicle as rapidly as possible, as budget and yard space allows.
-[X] Continue to produce the Interstellar Cruiser block IIa as possible, secondary to the MMV.
-[X] Continue to produce the new missile frigate as possible; at least one frigate per larger MMV or cruiser laid down or currently in active service.
-[X] Perform sensor sweeps "south", beyond Heimdall to get an idea of what lies beyond
-[X] Deploy forces:
--[X] Maintain OPLAN Bowshot forces in S'Taxu until the crisis is over, aid has slowed, and they are no longer needed to conduct missions or maintain our stronger diplomatic presence.
--[X] Heimdall Station: After conclusion of Bowshot - one IC and two escorts, when available, in Heimdall to protect the mining and fueling operations and to act as a tripwire force.
--[X] S'Taxu Station: After conclusion of Bowshot - one IC and two escorts, when available, as a permanent S'Taxu station.
--[X] Home Defense Station: Monitor, two IC, six escorts when constructed, as the main Home Defense Fleet (plus orbitals and system defense ships).
--[X] Expeditionary Station: After conclusion of Bowshot - 2 IC, 1 MMV, 1 FSS, Scout Flotilla - available for exploration and exploration escort or other expeditionary missions. headquartered in Home, but can be deployed as necessary.
--[X] Reserve Station: After conclusion of Bowshot - four IC, eight escorts when available; "stationed" in Home, but generally available to be deployed in case of emergency. Generally ships who are doing rest/refit and preparing to be cycled out to other duty stations.
[X] OPLAN: Shadow Marshal
-[X] HSWS Military Intelligence Corps
-[X] Write-in: Make all possible diplomatic attempts to preserve the life of the Marquess Chambrestrong alone. Offer money, weapons, the revocation of titles-anything to make clear that the death of a child will not wash off from the hands that enact it, and that such illegal orders threaten a permanent diplomatic break.
-[X] Write-in: Make clear that we will not interfere with the trials of any adult Chambrestrong survivors, but that we require those trials be fair and impartial; offer all legal and diplomatic aid, including the work of our nascent SWS JAG corps, in arraigning and interrogating Dynasty personnel and leadership for trial.
-[X] Provide continual Fleet Landing Forces deployment in peacekeeping and aid operations; FLF Rangers, our in-house SOF squadron, will be attached to search for remaining Dynast and Xyphoni high-value personnel who may have survived, such as the Lady Diana Mechtilde. If the Lady Mechtilde is located AND efforts to release the Marquess fail, she is to be transported to Home under absolute secrecy and her death "verified" as part of our diplomatic break with the PMC.
-[X] Scouting towards and around Hermosa, since the Heimdall station is soon to be online.
-[X] Design and produce a carrier ship which can deploy the X-40 or similar strike craft. Begin with one prototype and long-term flight testing.
-[X] Design and produce a landing ship which can deploy FLForces at company or battalion strength; build at least 5, enough to deploy most of a full squadron out of our current operational wing (two squadrons) of FLF troops.
-[X] Continue to produce the Multi-Mission Vehicle as rapidly as possible.
-[X] Continue to produce the Interstellar Cruiser block IIa as possible, secondary to the MMV.
-[X] Deploy and maintain deployment of Bowshot forces (hereafter Task Force Angelus) with full FLF ground support until conclusion of S'taxu crisis. Consider this a long-term security assistance and humanitarian aid mission.
[X] Message to PMC: "You knew something would happen and did not inform us. On contrary, you've sent a warship to the planet which could be interpreted as attempt to aid at anti-Chambestrong effort.
[X] Seize the remaining Chamnbestrong space infrastructure, such as naval yards. Inform remaining Chambestrong servicemen, that if they want to survive the inevitable purges by new autorities on S'Taxu, they should cooperate with us. Have them seize for us the Capital City and anything that survived from Chambestrong infrastructure planetside. We are going to "safeguard" these as to protect the people from purges, until the true investigation is done.
[X] Early Warning and Fast Response Department (EWaFaR)
[X] Continue to negotiate with the Aslan. Have embassies open, have a "naval attachee and supporting staff" added to each embassy. At least part of "supporting staff" should be EWaFaR people. Hire a lot of SIS personnel to EWaFaR there.
[X] Have embassies with naval attachees ant supporting staff open in all Xyri factions. Study the security situation there, how likely is the conflict in system.
[X] Have embassy and naval attachee and supporting staff open at Nova Refugio. Learn about people there - are they political dissidents? Religious dissidents? Send them some supplies on regular basis. If we are already sending, send more. Learn whatever they can tell us about Hermosa. Ease them to our presense.
[X] Continue to produce the Interstellar Cruiser block IIa and Frigates as possible (we can possibly lose the PMC yard space, we need to build smaller ships at the moment).
[X] Deploy more forces in S'Taxu. Have them hover around while we are doing diplomacy and take over the remaining Chambestrong stuff.
[X] Plan Tradition and the young.
Vote Result: OPLAN Slow Walk
The Months That Follow
Operations on the surface of S'Taxu-4 slowly but surely drag to an end. The dust clouds settle, weeks pass, and it slowly becomes apparent that there are no more survivors trapped and now the problem is fundamentally one for the civil architects and engineers, not military search and rescue. The FLF Rangers stay on the surface, assisting in the deployment of aid from Cassalon transport barges and ensuring there is at least some modicum of peaceful life for the refugees and survivors of this nuclear terror. There are two notable incidents where the FLF are forced to engage with lethal force, both well within their rules of engagement: a Xyphoni attack on an aid convoy is turned back with relative ease and only a single casualty amongst the FLF, while an attempted attack on a religious gathering turns into a gun battle on the steps of an ad-hoc house of worship. Three men and a woman with ties to the Chambrestrong Dynasty are killed.
During negotiations it rapidly becomes clear that the PMC and representatives of Cassalon are not interested in negotiating for the release of their captives. Valaria is arguably the next in line for control of the Duchy and thus constitutes a figurehead behind which monarchists could rally. Damjana is less closely tied to the family, but is nonetheless ennobled and was closely involved with Dynastic politicking and power-brokering. Neither of these women will see out the year, considered guilty even before bringing up the events of the last months. They were, after all, part of the ruling class that threw the entire system into internecine conflict.
The boy, however, is a different matter. Nobody is particularly in love with the idea of executing a child, there was simply no other option. He cannot be allowed to grow up on S'Taxu, where a thousand political groups will attempt to sway him to their side. Fortunately, Home offers another option; the abrogation of at least part of the aid bill, a new name and a caretaker family who will raise him in something approaching normality aboard an orbital station that circles Home. He will, of course, never be allowed to return to S'Taxu but that is considered a small price for his life. Julius Danial Stefan Chambrestrong dies in S'Taxu - but Julian Demirci will hopefully have a full and long life in Home.
S'Taxu will recover, and a new government will form from the fires of nuclear war. The Peoples Military Council has always considered itself a temporary body necessary for fighting off the Dynasts threat to the rest of the system and now, with their power shattered, it can be reincorporated back into the system. The Democratic Republic of Cassalon will inherit control of the entire system, with the Peoples Military of Cassalon becoming simply the armed forces of the state. They do have several quite reasonable requests and demands during the ongoing negotiations with Home that incorporate the transition of power;
- S'Taxu - or Cassalon - is not prepared to defend itself at this time, focused as it will be on the survival of its people and rebuilding the cities that have been devastated. It is requested that people from Cassalon be able to volunteer and enlist in the HSWS, as they have been up until now, and that the HSWS inherently take on the defence of Cassalon's space as if it was our own. This is fundamentally a continuation of current policies, formalised with the transition of power.
- Cassalon will continue to provide 4,000 dTons of yard space to the HSWS for construction of militarily vital ships and ship components, and will also provide 500MCr. of additional funding to assist in this construction and to the maintenance of the fleet.
- Cassalon will retain control of the defence asteroids, the four Dynast SDB's and any other in-system forces, but would be pleased to cross train their defence forces with the HSWS to ensure compatibility of doctrine and strategy.
- In return, Home will recognise Cassalon, allow the construction of civilian jump ships in Cassalon yards and allow open trade between Cassalon and Home.
The Citizens Council is unhappy about the loss of two significant survivors of the Chambrestrong Dynasty, having considered them to be a useful tool they could have held over the heads of the people of S'Taxu. They will, however, accept the complete economic and military reliance on Home that Cassalon has agreed too, and they already have plans to further ensure that reliance as time goes on. After all, the people of Cassalon are going to need a great deal of aid as they recover...
New Deployments, New Construction - 09y00m00w
The HSWS undergoes a period of reorganisation as new ships come out of the yards, new stations are established and new postings are formulated. From hereon out, the Service will be organised into the following established groups (several ships listed are not yet with the fleet but will be in time):
Home Fleet - The Interstellar Monitor, two Interstellar Cruisers, one Multi Mission Vehicle, six Frigate, Fleet Escorts, one Flotilla Support Ship.
Heimdall Station - Two Interstellar Cruisers until the arrival of the Frigate, Fleet Escort then the post becomes one IC and two FFE's on rotation.
Cassalon Station - Two Interstellar Cruisers until the arrival of the Frigate, Fleet Escort then the post becomes one IC and two FFE's on rotation.
Expeditionary Force - Two Interstellar Cruisers, one Multi Mission Vehicle, one Flotilla Support Ship.
1st Scout Flotilla - As already described.
Reserve Station - All other ships, especially those on rest and refit
This creates six new formal and permanent postings for five Flight Commodores (O-7) and a single Vice-Marshal (O-8) and plans for a total force strength of eight cruisers, two MMV's and ten FFE's in the permanent force structure. This will require, according to estimates, fourteen cruisers, at least three MMV's and preferably four, and 16-18 FFE's.
If you would like to design patches for these forces, I have been using this generator. Any submitted will be voted on in the next update.
With 5,000 dTons available in yards, the Service considers the following to be a reasonable construction plan for the beginning of our tenth year;
- 2 x Interstellar Cruiser block IIa - 783.18MCr.
- 4 x FFE (2nd tranche) - 757.04MCr.
For a total cost at the start of the year of 1540.22MCr. This would leave 2,000 tons and around 700MCr. for experimental construction and planning, especially of the courier concept and the small carrier. It is broadly understood that at the beginning of next year we will lay down a second MMV, slow-rolling the deployment of the class but ensuring that there are enough ships to cover our stations in the short term.
Regarding other planned forces there are some simple choices to make:
The courier will be a small, fast ship capable of multiple jumps. It should be capable of (choose 1+):
[ ] Four jumps on internal fuel (40% of tonnage)
[ ] Defending itself against minor threats
[ ] High speed transit between the main world and the jump point.
[ ] Carrying priority cargo and passengers between systems.
[ ] Not be intended to fly in system, relying on local shuttles and ships.
[ ] Other - write in.
The Landing Ship will carry multiple platoon landing shuttles. It should be capable of (choose 1+):
[ ] Deploying a Company strength formation (3 platoons plus HQ - 150 FLF - 4 shuttles) - ~550 tons
[ ] Deploying a Battalion strength formation (3 infantry coys, 1 fires coy, 1 rangers coy - 772 FLF - 20 shuttles) - 3,000 tons
[ ] Supporting a landing with ortillery missiles
[ ] Supporting a landing with ortillery torpedoes
[ ] Supporting a landing with ortillery mass drivers
[ ] Defending itself against incidental fire
[ ] Defending itself against concerted attack
[ ] Other - write-in
Next Update: Aslan, Scouting South, Refits
Please present any votes as a plan. Voting opens at
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