Touhou: Scarlet Devil M̶a̶n̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ Mafia

Should Day 2 be extended by another twenty-four hours?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
End of Night 5/Start of Day 6
The party of nine from where they had entered in the night comes out to a party of seven, all of them looking as two more of their numbers have vanished. And so like every night prior, the two missing are revealed.

The first is revealed as Reisen Inaba, Moon Rabbit on Earth (@Shalmoa), who 'died' from a Knock on the Head.

The second is revealed as Alice Margatroid, Seven-Colored Puppet Master (@dinomannitro6), who 'died' from being Knocked Out In A Closet.

And a message is left upon the table to read.

Reevals needed on Walker's flip
Everyone needs progressions now IMO
Hobo's vote NAI even if late due to self-pres
Other votes probably won't get good info at this point
Not sure if absences are notable right now (Dino/Comi, YP to a lesser extent)
Figure one more affordable miss ATM but needs serious discussion given game length
Probably makes it a good spot to fill out claim space
Wiadi, Comi, Atoms are the only unclaimed ATM
Atoms can clear with N5 Town kill, Wiadi/Comi mech-locked out of Odd-Night TKP

And so the seven members of the party begin the sixth day…

End of Day is at
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I think we're generally on the same page with 99L, but can you elaborate on the other stuff?
Hermit's been more interesting to watch and their discussions with other players give the vibe of Town v Town, but without actually feeling like Hermit is Town from it. I've been generally rating most of their stuff as NAI to very slight Town. You've been hanging back a lot more than I would expect in a way that's more consistent with your general scum behavior, but we're also between Christmas and New Year's so eh. I haven't really seen you try to get on the same wavelength with anyone in particular either, so my checklist of Town behavior is blank atm. I am still catching up though.
I was obviously also just poking people for reads in general but yes I asked you for town reads because I wanted to see if you were townreading a specific person.
These are definitely vibes. Not ones that I am catching, but I am seeing them go past my inability to read :V
ngl. Clown Bean and 99Lies feels like Megaolix and Hybrid again.
Another odd post where frankly it's just TMI self-view? +1 lean scum point here because I generally dislike: I'd do this as scum statements
Kinda inverse for me. I'm not a fan of it, but it is pretty much the biggest thing YP does to get himself voted out as Town.
I try not to bring up previous games much, but it's just kinda really twigging that feeling. Happy Animal Forest Mafia, Hybrid was a bad player while Megaolix was a very good player and they were teamed. Hybrid did their previous scum and town behaviors again and dipped for large portions of the game, and Megaolix excused it as pretty basically just that Hybrid is a bad player and that it wasn't really out of the norm for them to do that.

99Lies really does not deserve the comparison to Hybrid, but I'm getting the same kind of feeling now for some reason.
Ori feels really different from how she was last game, and I don't like that at all. It's possible that this is partially due very different circumstances, so I'm not going to say that it's because she's scum this time yet, but I don't like that it feels like I can't click with her thoughts so far that well and I don't like some of her rationales.

I think it's mostly just me not having a lot of actually strong feelings, and not having a public d1 dayvig forcing me to have strong feelings yet. Nothing in thread has really made my brain just activate yet, I think 99L is more likely town than not but everytime he posts I just feel like it's in a way where I almost want to flip him to confirm it.

Hermit's posting has gotten better since I gave the Cyri/Hermit read. I should probably actually like read the thread and see if I can divine what's going on but tbh I'm going to go against the grain and say that Nictis is either very townie or feels the need some reason to powerwolf extremely hard extremely early which while not out of scum range is hitting really hard out of the gate for what I think is a weird level of gain.
fwiw I think this is on meta for town 99L it's just that 99L is also not above doing this as mafia either lmfao.
Does anything stand out here? I've noted a few odd interactions around Clown Bean and Young Pyromancer that I'm not quite sure what to make of yet, and more points of interest may help.
tbh I barely remember interacting with YP, and I think my main interaction with CB is after this post, so I will also appreciate the refresher.
I don't have much on Hugh this game, but these posts stand out as good content in that I don't think we'd see them if we were in a world where both 99L and Hugh are scum. These messages would be in scum chat in that world.
Y'know, I was going to comment on my belief that Hugh would just say it in both. But I don't actually remember what game we were scum together aside from, I think, Biohazard. And that was a special case.
Player List:

  1. Cyricubed - Cyri is playing like me and playing kinda passive-reactive I think which is like ok I can't actually talk shit on that without being a hypocrite.
  2. -Rosen - Churno.
  3. Absum - I think absum is good
  4. Logos - hasn't stuck out to my brain yet, which probably means I should reread
  5. hugh_donnetono - Hugh seems p comfortable which is a good sign for town hugh so far.
  6. Nanimani - I don't really have an issue with Nani yet
  7. dinomannitro6 - who
  8. Nopeguy - that vote was pretty bad ngl
  9. A Bunch Of Atoms - who
  10. Shalmoa - I'm ngl I have glazed over Shalmoa posting
  11. Nictis - lean town for playing out.
  12. Byzantine - ???
  13. RoachTV - Roach prob good here
  14. NinetyNineLies - 99L is always scummy /shrug
  15. Young Pyromancer - YP is always scummy /shrug
  16. Ori - haihai
  17. Zaealix - What the fuck is Zaealix doing.
  18. A Wise Hermit - much improved signal/noise ratio compared to the early lore posting just to post (I know this is a slight mischaracterization but that's still what it felt like to me)
  19. Wiadi - Wiadi is probably good imo even if 99L flips mafia just vibes.
  20. Variable - idk
  21. Clown Bean - wouldn't hang, not as instantly lock town as last game but that doesn't mean shes not town.
Fair point on asking after Big News not doing much to find scum. In my defense, I was half asleep at the time and memeing rather than trying to make a serious post, with the extent of my thought being 'ah no, not again' when a connection was made between namedropping two roles and posting a lot about the characters that might be in the game about halfway through finding the memes, when at the time I hadn't made the connection on why those two specific characters might be assumed present. My expectation was to get a flat "no," possibly after it was explained what Big News was, satisfy my paranoia, and move on.

Now, since I'm posting half asleep again anyway, a post prompted me to do a bit of reading back and I think I have a thread to pull. This one:

Now to me, and this might be me making odd connections again that won't make much sense when I'm properly awake, this post feels weird to me in that checking to see if I'm the lowest poster or not is the kind of thing that would not occur to me unless I was trying to coast by lurking and not drawing attention.

Then the post goes on to suggest riding the 99L wagon to end of day while expecting to get little out of it. That feels like a very useful course for scum to encourage if they know 99L isn't one of them. Absent night actions changing things, we wouldn't be much better off start of day 2.

And checking what posts Zaealix has made led me to this series.

The push is more of a meme than anything else, gained no traction, and was swiftly abandoned. As was said in arguments at the time, a scum chat would probably counsel against making this kind of case... and perhaps they did, and weren't heeded; the three hour gap speaks against 'not fast enough'. But the case was made, and it might make sense to drop a case like this against a teammate who is attracting a lot of attention and might get hit by a vig or cop at some point. At least, it makes more sense to me than trying this case against town, or as town.

I still want to know what 99L was thinking asking for vanillas, but I feel like this is both more likely to hit scum and possibly more productive if it does.
[x] vote Zaelix

I like this post a lot.

Zaea feels super off in his own world which like is not a good sign for Zaea.
I can do a push on a neutral person with a suspicious post even if it would normally not be enough for me to push them because hey it might not be great but it's something.
Okay, still having trouble squaring "least bad option available" with "bait." It's feeling like your motives for this hypothetical push are in a weird superposition where it's simultaneously a gambit and kinda sincere.
Because I'd rather not vote lies here, but they are making it really hard to justify that. I originally voted on them with the intention to move off eventually, to see what other people would jump on the vote, but then lies doubled down.

Mm. If there's another wagon I'll probably move to it.
If you think 99L is innocent, move. If not, stop hedging.
They subtly started pushing me as an alternative to lies in a way that felt like someone tossing out an option without wanting to tie themselves to it in an implicating way.
Interesting. Don't recall it but could've missed it. Cite?
I hate this.
I don't have much on Hugh this game, but these posts stand out as good content in that I don't think we'd see them if we were in a world where both 99L and Hugh are scum. These messages would be in scum chat in that world.
Middle two, maybe. Top and bottom are just generally helpful tho.

Yes, this is what I am commenting on. I am very devoted to not doing the brain thing anymore.
Absum feels really odd this game, but I'm not sure if that's in a scum way or if they are just having trouble communicating.

Ori has a quite good track record with catching Zaealix as scum, though that may just be a general belief zaealix is scum tbh
I'm probably coming off as 'weird' because nothing strong to form a case on is jumping out at me and Absun's earlier bop is telling me to double-down on making sure I know what I'm talking about.
That and I think I tend to add more odd florishes when I'm unsure, versus when I'm focused on someone.
Absun's earlier reluctance to go into detail about that twigs things a bit-
Like the bad post+vote DOES feel like a good cuff to get someone who's being weird to stop but uhh.
Just saying bad post feels unhelpful to town.
I can sort out and slap a narrative of my own but that's not the same as Absun explaining WHY my post is bad, yanno?
…Doesn't help he's sat his vote on my head instead of using the pressure to try and get people to make claims.
Any truers? Because I'm a truer.
I'm probably coming off as 'weird' because nothing strong to form a case on is jumping out at me and Absun's earlier bop is telling me to double-down on making sure I know what I'm talking about.
That and I think I tend to add more odd florishes when I'm unsure, versus when I'm focused on someone.
Absun's earlier reluctance to go into detail about that twigs things a bit-
Like the bad post+vote DOES feel like a good cuff to get someone who's being weird to stop but uhh.
Just saying bad post feels unhelpful to town.
I can sort out and slap a narrative of my own but that's not the same as Absun explaining WHY my post is bad, yanno?
…Doesn't help he's sat his vote on my head instead of using the pressure to try and get people to make claims.

I'm not a not truer except for the 'get people to make claims' part, but I'm going to interpret this in the most charitable way possible and assume that said claims aren't roleclaims.
Eh, why not. 5 theories for 99Lies. First three are for the role he was hinting at. Next two are for the problems.
1: Mayor. This has been shot in the water due to him talking about charges. Also means no get out of jail free card.
2: Vigilante. This is less likely given that he is suggesting he is a Cop/Vig like Landmine was. Also, if he was cop/vig then pulling as much attention to his role as he did was a very bad play.
3: Veteran. Obviously not what he is hinting at now, but was one possibility for why he was doing it. With how he's been acting it was more likely to pull protectives and investigatives than scum.

4: Non-Town 3P. Likely Jester in this case, don't care for the consequences if he is, kick him out.
5: Scum. If he is scum then he is just repeating previous scummy behavior so that it's excused as just being something he does, despite that really not being the case. It was out of character last game, and him repeating it is not his style as Town.

It is pretty obvious that the repeat was intentional.

Now as for why I hate it. I hate the slow leaking of role info to pull attention. It's not a claim, despite him being voted out, and the hints are too big for people not to figure a good idea of what he is.
Not like visceral hate, but more in the sense of "My vote doesn't have a gun attached and I would love to have one attached to my vote right now"
I'm not a not truer except for the 'get people to make claims' part, but I'm going to interpret this in the most charitable way possible and assume that said claims aren't roleclaims.
What-oh yeah noooo. Not roleclaims!
That's only useful if Town can daisy chain the things and it's still D1!
Claims as in hard stances like I'm considering RosenXAbsun as a scum duo. No clue who the others are and that's a problem. Not helped that Absun's case is thin- bopping me to try and suppress discussion in general and my case on Rosen is honestly just figuring him and Nictis don't seem to be on the same page meaning not on the same team aaaand I trust Nictis more at the moment.