Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

You're actually at 17 of 18 since the rework.
Oops, still going off the front page. Will that be changed any time soon?

I have some questions about the latest information from Actions of Others. Are high rolls how much they learn from us or us from them?

Also is the trait granted to the People dimorphic as well or will both sexes have it?

... Is that really an argument against it?
The Fear Spirit in me desires absolute destruction and maybe a chance of gifting his traits to a proper child of ours. However I must resist as we would simply explode and it is too bothersome to reform, despite how fun it is.
I already addressed that.
[X] Appear to him and guide him home. Guiding the Bastard to his new home with you, you will try to settle him in your lands.
Oops, still going off the front page. Will that be changed any time soon?

I have some questions about the latest information from Actions of Others. Are high rolls how much they learn from us or us from them?

Also is the trait granted to the People dimorphic as well or will both sexes have it?
End of the turn.

High rolls represent their personal actions and how well they did, not necessarily whether they picked something up from you.

It could be dimorphic, it depends in part on the trait in question and a weighted check.
Skill (Mysticism) - The realm makes the mystic significance of things visible and material, which makes it easier to interact and interpret them. Gain an action Tier to Mysticism actions performed in the realm (Enhances unchecked actions, adds a Skewed Modifier to tests).
Skill (Innovation) - The realm enriches the potential within everything, expanding the possibilities when trying new things. Gain an action Tier to Innovation actions performed in the realm (Enhances unchecked actions, adds a Skewed Modifier to tests).
Control (Passive Defense) - The appearance of the realm is deceptive and misleading. Within Gaerig's realm, all non-divines who enter without permission must pass a DC 80 Trickery test or be ejected back into the mortal realm. Divines who enter without permission must instead contest Influence against Gaerig, with a penalty applied.

Pool Gateway (Physical) - Diving into the pools within Gaerig's Temples and major Shrines leads to facsimiles within her realm with fixed locations.
Ritual Gateway (Metaphysical) - Performance of a specific ritual, requiring certain Divine capabilities, allows passage of a divine spirit into Gaerig's realm.
Gaerig's R&D lab go!

Also our worshippers can use it, though it's not really the most friendly realm for them to stay in, it enhances creativity!

Creche (Adjustment) (Passive/Child Phase) - The Creche bestows the Divine's Shrine Defense bonus to attached Ur-Spawn. The Creche grants Ur-Spawn assigned to it an additional free Skill Point per year at Shrine Attribute 4/8/10 (the free skill points may exceed the spawn's current legend, producing a deficit). The Creche automatically ejects Ur-Spawn who possess 20/30/40 skill points at Shrine Attribute 4/8/10.
Much the same as it was.

Current inhabitant is Rashelki:
Melee 4
Survival 7
Awe 4
Craft(Weaving) 6
Perform(Sing) 0
Perform(Dance) 0

Skill total: 21/20

Shrine Attribute is 7.
Rashelki graduates immediately unless we raise our Shrine Attribute this turn(we're trying, but you know, dice).
But I think we're using it as containment, so not sure how that changes things.

Pool of Bounty (Passive/Maintenance Phase) - The Pool of Bounty automatically restores 1 Population Unit to the village it is centered in per year as long as it has more than 1 Population Unit, and increases the rate of Population Increase by 0.05 per Shrine Attribute (to 0.5, when combined with the passive rate of 0.2 to be 0.7 per year).
Covers for 1 pop worth of damage per year, which is pretty nice for crawling out of another Gaerigsplosion.
Pop growth boost is nice too, when we're raining the Growth blessings.

Chamber of Change (Active/Divine Power Phase) - The Chamber of Change enhances the transformative properties of Moonlight and Color Moon actions, increasing dissemination for a random applicable Brood or Bloodline by 1d3% per Color Moon, or distilling 10% of a unit of Quicksilver Draught, which grants a very powerful effect at random the turn after imbibing it.
If we go full lunar disco, we could add 5-15% dissemination. We're going to be cracking this every turn anyways.

Plus there's the Quicksilver Draught...which reminds me we forgot to Mysticism research Harzivan's beer.

Saiga's Agendas - 36 (Saiga accomplishes little)
Saitev's Agendas - 99 (??? - Saitev's opinion too low, still secretive)
Keshketev's Agendas - 95 (Gains Legend, Creates unique item!)
Attrouska's Agendas - 68 (Attrouska rebuilds secondary Village to 3/3)
Well, Saiga's sleepy anyway.
Saitev did something good, but no idea what.
Keshketev made something kickass. Good for him.

Attrouska progresses her village rebuilding. Nice, but she has many to go.

Usko (Enough intelligence for roll checks)
Mo'sagao's Agendas - 94
Shosho'an's Agendas - 21
???'s Agendas - 4
???'s Agendas - 68
Fox has a fine day.
Sun does not.
Not sure what the rest are up to, but I think the Fox is trolling them?

Kaketor (Enough intelligence for roll checks)
Bloody Man's Agendas - 46
Ancestor Moon's Agendas - 42
Stern Mother's Agendas - 42
Oh good. Stay that way.

Goegg Mainlanders (Good intelligence for the turn)
Heske's Agendas - 51 (Little of note to you)
Widow's Agendas - 77 (Clever girl, and a lucky one, too)
Warmaker's Agendas - 11 (Major error in judgement)
Bastard's Agendas - 64 (Isn't that curious?)
EVENT: Asylum of a Bastard Decried
Ahaha. Ahahaha!

Young Mother (Seski)
90 (Converted to +4% Dissemination)
Seski spends 1 Legend (Perform (Flute) 8)
...has Seski been having babies every year?

I mean, yeah Ur-children are tougher than normal, but she's been having a kid, sometimes two kids, every year.
Aiming for Fertility upon ascension?

Seer Son (Ghette)
55 + 2 = 57 (DC ???)
Ghette spends 1 Legend (Herbalism 2)
No idea what Ghette is up to.
-Gaelte's Action usurped by Parent-
(This has happened every single turn of the game, generally to every single child you have. This is why Seski thinks you're an overbearing mother.)
Gaelte spends 1 Legend (Animal Handling 7)
Heh. :p

SV will never stop being control freaks about things.
But I think Gaelte(and Ghette) are well set, we can let them experiment alone from here. I figure we can do the same for most of our children. Monitor them to get them started, then let them be once the desired skills are at 3+.

Caged Beast (Rashelki)
66 (Skewed down from Creche) (DC 70 to escape)
Near failure, there is fighting to restrain her
Rashelki gains 2 Legend; Rashelki spends 2 Legend (Awe 6)
*Pokeball wobbles*

Norte (Keshketev's Eldest)
58 (??? - Gaerig is nosy, but... forgetful of mortal affairs)

Morte (Keshketev's Younger)
25 (??? - Gaerig is nosy, but... forgetful of mortal affairs)
Oh, Keshketev had some kids?

Frauma gain Melee 4, Omen Reading 4 from natural growth
Frauma 24/30 BSP
Awesome for them. Bearacles.

Children of the Rune
12 (Bloodline dying out, -1% dissemination)

Silver Bloodline
32 (becomes 1% dissemination)
Too bad for the Children of the Rune, but Attrouska would probably be working on rebuilding them in the future.

The People Bloodline
90 (becomes Malleable temporary bonus - The People will be especially receptive to one additional trait infusion: Expires turn 31)

This is the Humanity/Mischief bloodline, and we can try to add a new trait.
As a reminder:
All - Classical Affinity - Water
Males - Minor Aspect of Humanity
Females - Minor Spirit of Mischief.

If we add a second Water trait they'd be able to breath water.
Seski already counts as one of The People.
I'll recommend breeding in Minor Spirit of the Sea, as it will let them breath water, and also since they share a trait with Gaelte and Ghette, their children may also merge into the bloodline smoothly.

Sea Pixies Stable

Essence Drinkers
35 (Dissemination activates, becomes 3% dissemination)
Pixies are pixies.
Essence Drinkers killed a few dudes.

You return upset, but a little time in your realm calms your furious mood. When next you step on mortal soil, it is to bask in the bloody glow of an angry moon, and to run a hand across your swelling belly. To silence the pesky cries and whispers in your ears and mind - mortals never appreciate your efforts, after all - you lay blessings on the people and give them their irksomely bright yellowed moon, watching as they put up their little shacks and tents to accommodate the new life that comes with time.
Hmm, seems like that's a Nox bias.

Oh well.

Your suspicions are proven true as, after several days of the boy being awfully picky (what was wrong with the biggest wolves, really?), he spies the unique breed of wolf he wants from among the smaller ones, with colored furs and icy eyes.
Oh clever boy.

Domesticating animals needs the most docil to be bred. Also nice doggy.

Peeking out amidst the waves, you spy a curious boat of boring design, little more than a large flat of logs strapped together with leathers and corded grass.
...they have more advanced boats!


Upon the boat stands a handful of mainlanders, and a presence you sense among them leads you to the shifty, frightened form of a somewhat tall man, robed in what must have once been finer clothing, before countless rips, tears, and smears of blood revealed the state of the spirit's body and the shape of his features.
Hmm, hard to tell his traits from here.

It is the Bastard, son of the Widow and Heske, and a handful of young men with a small retinue of elderly women. They venerate the Bastard and speak phrases of concern and safety at him while the men row the contraption across the sea that bore your name. It is not hard to guess that the Widow learned of your meeting and request and, hoping to last see her son alive, sent him to you using some of her followers.
Ah, clever Widow. Heske wasn't watching.

Does the below work?

[X] Appear to him and guide him home. Guiding the Bastard to his new home with you, you will try to settle him in your lands.
-[X] Draw him and his raft into your Divine Realm with you, then guide him to the pool within your Temple. Keep the raft, it's interesting.
-[X] Scatter logs, grass and leathers across the sea around where you took him, so it seems like the raft had been struck by foul weather.
-[X] Set up his new place near the Caldera where your Temple is, far from where Heske might see, where the lands are warm and rich for his plants.
-[X] Plot how the Bastard may disguise his appearance, such that even his father would not recognize him if they met again.

There's little chance of Heske figuring it out unless he's near the coast.
And the Caldera has a Town and more greenery, so he'd have a healthier starting base than frozen soil.
Does the below work?

[X] Appear to him and guide him home. Guiding the Bastard to his new home with you, you will try to settle him in your lands.
-[X] Draw him and his raft into your Divine Realm with you, then guide him to the pool within your Temple. Keep the raft, it's interesting.
-[X] Scatter logs, grass and leathers across the sea around where you took him, so it seems like the raft had been struck by foul weather.
-[X] Set up his new place near the Caldera where your Temple is, far from where Heske might see, where the lands are warm and rich for his plants.
-[X] Plot how the Bastard may disguise his appearance, such that even his father would not recognize him if they met again.
Clever, but the final two components would have to be special choices next turn.
Yeah, Morte and Norte.

The Ice twins.

I can't help but imagine him as something of a cross between a completely normal guy who just happens to be a spirit of craftsmanship and minecraft Steve.
That's... it's hard to picture that as anything but minecraft Steve, if only because despite the blocky features, Steve is exceedingly normal-looking.
Clever, but the final two components would have to be special choices next turn.

Alright. Consider those two presubmitted write ins for next turn then! We'd need costs for them after all.

[X] Appear to him and guide him home. Guiding the Bastard to his new home with you, you will try to settle him in your lands.
-[X] Draw him and his raft into your Divine Realm with you, then guide him to the pool within your Temple. Keep the raft, it's interesting.
-[X] Scatter logs, grass and leathers across the sea around where you took him, so it seems like the raft had been struck by foul weather.

Fake dramatic death scene!
@Powerofmind So is Actions of others going to be a consistent thing then?

That would be great for finding ways to spend time with the kids without being overbearing...

Also what do you mean that it would depend on the trait? Would it be possible to upgrade both Humanity and Mischief instead?
@Powerofmind So is Actions of others going to be a consistent thing then?

That would be great for finding ways to spend time with the kids without being overbearing...

Also what do you mean that it would depend on the trait? Would it be possible to upgrade both Humanity and Mischief instead?
Yes. I need to remind myself of which other characters exist every turn, and giving them agendas makes them more than plot devices to spring on you apparently ex nihilo.

Some traits more naturally gravitate towards other traits and would fall under a dimorph or the universal trait set more readily. Yes, you could just do that.
Okay, @veekie Would you consider helping Gaerig upgrade her minor Spirit of Humanity into a full one? Since we're still in turn 28 and have until turn 31 to try and upgrade the People to full Spirit of Mischief and Humanity.
Willing, but difficult:
-Rituals - Unlikely to bang out a ritual fast enough from past experience. This ritual is in the 14 legend zone
-Fearbuys - From past record, fearbuying Humanity involves making heavy use of Demands and Decrees, while not doing anything else scary. Tricky.

Overall I feel adding Spirit of the Sea to the People adds more for us than Humanity. They'd hit the 2 aquatic trait threshold to be able to breath water, and they have innate Faith so they can perform minor water magic like communicating with sealife every month or so.

Still worth trying to get more Humanity regardless of that though. I'll see what I can do for Demands.
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[X] Appear to him and guide him home. Guiding the Bastard to his new home with you, you will try to settle him in your lands.
-[X] Draw him and his raft into your Divine Realm with you, then guide him to the pool within your Temple. Keep the raft, it's interesting.
-[X] Scatter logs, grass and leathers across the sea around where you took him, so it seems like the raft had been struck by foul weather.
Willing, but difficult:
-Rituals - Unlikely to bang out a ritual fast enough from past experience. This ritual is in the 14 legend zone
-Fearbuys - From past record, fearbuying Humanity involves making heavy use of Demands and Decrees, while not doing anything else scary. Tricky.

Overall I feel adding Spirit of the Sea to the People adds more for us than Humanity. They'd hit the 2 aquatic trait threshold to be able to breath water, and they have innate Faith so they can perform minor water magic like communicating with sealife every month or so.

Still worth trying to get more Humanity regardless of that though. I'll see what I can do for Demands.
Spirit of the Sea is still a minor though. We're also working at getting Ocean so if you really want to go that route, I think that might be better.

Either way I'm hoping for a way to get mermaid rather than fishpeople>.>

As for Demands, we haven't had any sort of festivities in our name so maybe an Annual Singing Competition, also as the Fear Goddess it might be interesting to create a Fear Festival as well, like the old stories of what Halloween used to be like(where monsters entered the villages and were appeased by tribute). Or heck as Nox Arcana we could even try and go for Walpurgisnicht(The Witch's Celebration). April Fool's Day is another option with our Spirit of Mischief.

Alternatively see if we can figure out what sort of politics is going around in the villages? That was what helped Harzivan out didn't it? Getting involved with what people do might also help push Humanities as well.
Alternatively see if we can figure out what sort of politics is going around in the villages? That was what helped Harzivan out didn't it? Getting involved with what people do might also help push Humanities as well.
The higher up in the totem pole you go, the more distant you're going to get (it's simply the nature of divines). A regional or national god, for example, is barely (if at all) capable of mentally recognizing that Spirits are any different than mortals, which are basically relegated to 'these little mortals are like my lungs; I need them to live, but because I'm not a hyper-obsessed fitness nut, the only thought I put into them on a daily basis is when I get particularly introspective or forget to breath.'
The higher up in the totem pole you go, the more distant you're going to get (it's simply the nature of divines). A regional or national god, for example, is barely (if at all) capable of mentally recognizing that Spirits are any different than mortals, which are basically relegated to 'these little mortals are like my lungs; I need them to live, but because I'm not a hyper-obsessed fitness nut, the only thought I put into them on a daily basis is when I get particularly introspective or forget to breath.'
Then what do you recommend?
Oh, Keshketev had some kids?
Aren't those the names of the two ice golem children he already had?

Okay, @veekie Would you consider helping Gaerig upgrade her minor Spirit of Humanity into a full one? Since we're still in turn 28 and have until turn 31 to try and upgrade the People to full Spirit of Mischief and Humanity.
I really think adding minor spirit of the sea into the people is the better call, rather than upgrading their traits. More groups that can live underwater is a great thing for us.

Veekie, do we even need to figure out a disguise for the bastard? We have the mask after all. I know people like keeping their magical artifacts close, but avoiding a war seems pretty important. The other pantheon has never actually been to our lands, so how would they know we didn't have this guy around all the time so long as he comes across different than he used to.

[X] Appear to him and guide him home. Guiding the Bastard to his new home with you, you will try to settle him in your lands.
-[X] Draw him and his raft into your Divine Realm with you, then guide him to the pool within your Temple. Keep the raft, it's interesting.
-[X] Scatter logs, grass and leathers across the sea around where you took him, so it seems like the raft had been struck by foul weather.
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Then what do you recommend?
There's little you can do to regularly manage mortal affairs after a certain point has been reached. You can try to extend the time you have left, but as mortals go from being viewed as independent of you to 'just another part of you', Gaerig's attention will slide farther away.

Aspects in general will cease to be a valid trait choice on your next ascension, even. You'll have what you have, and you'll like it.
So basically sort out our aspects at this tier.
Chimera too.

More or less as planned
Veekie, do we even need to figure out a disguise for the bastard? We have the mask after all. I know people like keeping their magical artifacts close, but avoiding a war seems pretty important.

Key to a proper disguise is a cover story and preferably something innate like acquiring traits.
The mask works as a part of a solution, but shapeshifting on its own doesn't conceal your true nature.

We just need to apply some prophecy assisted Tricks.
Spirit of the Sea is still a minor though. We're also working at getting Ocean so if you really want to go that route, I think that might be better.

Recall that elemental affinities are largely cosmetic for bloodlines. But an innate skill at navigation and fishing goes a very long way.

The People with Spirit of the Sea and Sea Pixie assistants can hit Fishing 7 and directly catch fish underwater.

Think on how that might affect population growth. Especially if they expand underwater.
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