Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

Congrats on your win.

Actually I'm thinking about not using it now if we can help it.

My plan was to pick up traits through rituals and that'd make us go Formless. Presumably it's much less explosive if we're already dispersed.

Omenseer needs to be our next ritual target though. It's highly valuable.
Omenseer I could see getting. Still think it's better to form again though. Need to finish the Temple to increase Ambrosia Cap. Divine Bank gives us 25% more cap but at 6 Upkeep so we're at 15 upkeep right now.
Might I suggest that we do a mysticism check to determine the effects of Alluring Singer before we perform a ritual to add it to ourselves?
effects? Explain please.
There's also still this issue:

And a couple of other questions:
-If we reform an avatar, can we take avatar actions the same turn?
-Can we do rituals in part with crafts and in part with DE and Ambrosia, and if so how do the "Tiersof appropriate crafts" translate to DE and/or Ambrosia?
You acquired enough successes that a major and an epic made no difference.
No. You do with one or the other only.
@Powerofmind can we hold on to the donated Ambrosia?
No. It's still technically their ambrosia, and it wasn't donated, just 'offered'.
Two actually, I frequently screw the trait counter up.
Might I suggest that we do a mysticism check to determine the effects of Alluring Singer before we perform a ritual to add it to ourselves?
It's Minor Spirit of the Siren.
That's fair. I take it moonlight doesn't affect our in-realm mystic actions?
Yes it does.
Do we know enough through studying the ritual to actually get the trait description/effects at this point?
No you don't.
*mumbles about @veekie being right yet again*
Any way we can boost the Ritual to give us a full Spirit rather than a minor one?
Or does that take an entirely new ritual?
Every ritual is unique. You get minor only.
You acquired enough successes that a major and an epic made no difference.
No. You do with one or the other only.

No. It's still technically their ambrosia, and it wasn't donated, just 'offered'.

Two actually, I frequently screw the trait counter up.

It's Minor Spirit of the Siren.
In that case, the other astrology (9 -> 36 + 5 (EA Stars) + 30 (Astrology 15) + 12 (Moonlight) + 20 (Veil) = 103) and the omen reading (16 -> 90 + 22 (Omen Reading) + 20 (Veil) + 12 (Moonlight) = 144) are also shorted by a success, though i guess since we hit 100% accuracy on the omen reading its just the other astrology that matters, assuming extra successes on discovering a ritual count like refinement.
25(Inspire)+26(Control Water)+36(Direct Fish)+26(Darken)+60(Moonlight)+18(Divine Upkeep)+20(Study Stars)+15(Study World)+10(Temple)+30(Ritual)=266 DE

5(Avatar)+8(Ur-Spawn)+3(Study Stars)+1(Study Omens)+1(Ritual)+2(Equip)+.5(Temple)+6.5(Pantheon)+1.5(Kids)=28.5 Sustenance

12(Avatar)+1(Temple)+2(Ritual)=15 Ambrosia

[X] Plan Gaerig Returns!
-[X] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DE
--[X] Expend <15> DE on petitioners on Survival
--[X] Expend <10> DE on petitioners on Perform(Sing)
-[X] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea, The Cold and The Sky. Costs: 13 DE
--[X] Command Water [How]
---[X] Calm Seas
----[X] x2
--[X] Command Clouds [How]
---[X] Call Rain
-[X] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 18 DE
--[X] Call Fish.
---[X] x2
-[X] Darken** - Artificially draw away the light, strongly enhancing Melee, Ranged, War, Trickery, and Survival skill tests. Costs: 13 DE
--[X] In your territory
---[X] x2
-[X] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Avatar actions using Trickery, Astrology, etc. and Influence Acts excluding Blessings or Inspirations). Costs: 30 DE
--[X] In your territory
---[X] x2

Divine Realm Actions (31/40) (Next Turn Upkeep - 22/40)
[X] Empower Realm - Pay <18> DE to reserve more energy for upkeep.

Avatar Actions (No Avatar, Greatly Limited)
[X] Form Avatar (12 Ambrosia)
-[X] Produce a mortal cchid
--[X] Silver Man
---[X] x2
[X] Lay with [Sea Pixie]
-[X] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[X] Contribute <8> Sustenance for two random traits

-[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
--[X] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
--[X] Study Rituals - Cast your gaze to the sky, where patterns reveal themselves and show you secrets. Develop a new specific trait ritual or two random rituals. Costs: 12 DE
---[X] Omenseer
---[X] Divine Mystery
-[X] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
--[X] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[X] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
--[X] Divine the Purpose (Faces of the Moon). Costs: 15 DE
--[X] Divine the Purpose (The Sleeping Brew (Tier X Drink) ). Costs: 15 DE

-[X] Use Items
--[X] Equip an item(Songstress' Amulet)
--[X] Gift an item(Waterskin Cloak (Tier 3 Clothing))
---[X] To Seski

Commune Actions (No Avatar, Greatly Limited)
-[X] Build a Temple - You are a Goddess! You are deserving of an incredible edifice to your divinity! Maximum Temples 1/3. Costs: 1 Ambrosia, 10 DE, Significant amount of materials (uses T0 materials for construction if not provided personally).
--[X] Continue work on [Keshketev's Basin] temple (4 successes stored).
---[X] Commit all figurines but bone figurines

- [X] Commune with Saiga.
--[X] Learn about him (Current circa turn 13)
---[X] Ask about his travels
--[X] Request something
---[X] Gift him a piece of amber
---[X] Ask him to go with you to search for a Plant spirit next year.
---[X] Ask him to build a shrine near your new temple when it's convenient for him.
---[X] Ask if he wants you to try to transmute his new weapon, if it's made of bone. Include it in your Harvest Moon if he agrees

-[X] Commune with Saitev.
--[X] Learn about him
--[X] Request something
---[X] Gift him a piece of amber
---[X] Ask him to go with you to search for a Plant spirit next year.
---[X] Ask him to build a shrine near your new temple when it's convenient for him.

-[X] Commune with Attrouska.
--[X] Learn about her (Current circa turn 22)
--[X] Request something
---[X] Gift her a unit of Malachite Green
---[X] Request that she teach people how to write.

-[X] Visit Seski
-[X] Study World with Ghette
-[X] Take Gaelte bird watching.

Grab Avatar again and continue work on the temple! Also communing with Saiga as we've been gone for a while and he should have had time to explore the island again. He should have some stories to tell again. Visiting kids again and seeing what their up to. Finally grabbing that Siren Ritual and seeing what it does.
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assuming extra successes on discovering a ritual count like refinement.
They do. I'll fix it.
Right, but I wanted to know what the mechanical effects of Minor Spirit of the Siren are. Has it come up before and I just missed it?
No it hasn't.
We can only ritual traits we've unlocked, so the description should be there in the updates we were a spirit.
Not so.
Maybe specifically target food that we kept to a side? Possibly make a Demand.
Can't demand, still dispersed
There's also still this issue:

And a couple of other questions:
-If we reform an avatar, can we take avatar actions the same turn?
-Can we do rituals in part with crafts and in part with DE and Ambrosia, and if so how do the "Tiersof appropriate crafts" translate to DE and/or Ambrosia?

@Powerofmind said before that we reform at 10 sustenance IIRC.

If so I'll add some temple raising
Did he even make a plan yet?


DE: 269-52(Mystic)-217(Divine) = 0/269
Ambrosia 15-12(reform) = 3 /9

[] Plan Rite of the Inscrutable
+1 Blessings
+25 Inspirations = 5 * 10
+39 Water = 13 * 3
+26 Darken = 13 * 2
+26 Freeze = 13 * 2
+30 Moonlight
+35 Silver Moon
+35 Harvest Moon
=217 DE
-[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: See your known Skills.
--[] Expend 1 DE on petitioners for Astrology
-[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DE x5 = 25 DE
--[] Omen Reading x2
--[] Astrology x3
-[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea, The Cold and The Sky. Costs: 13 DE x3
--[] Command Water [How] x2
---[] Roil Water x2
--[] Command Clouds [How] x1
---[] Call Rain x1
-[] Deadly Chill** - Suck the warmth from the earth and from all life, coating it in frost. Costs: 13 DE x2
--[] Freeze [What?] x2
---[] Freeze food
-[] Darken** - Artificially draw away the light, strongly enhancing Melee, Ranged, War, Trickery, and Survival skill tests. Costs: 13 DE x2
--[] In your territory x2
-[] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Avatar actions using Trickery, Astrology, etc. and Influence Acts excluding Blessings or Inspirations). Costs: 30 DE
--[] In your territory
-[] Silver Moon* - The silver moon, gray and dull upon an indigo night, colored to better contrast the stars and reveal their incredible secrets. Very strongly alters Astrology actions and empowers Wind Influence acts. Costs: 35 DE
--[] In your territory
-[] Harvest Moon* - The orange moon of change, wealth and transformation, cast by the turning of the seasons. Transforms the Inanimate and empowers Fire Influence acts. Costs: 35 DE
--[] In your territory
---[] Bone

+8 Stars - Future
+12 Stars - Ritual
+8 Omens - Future
+12 Omens - Ritual
+12 Mystic - Ritual
= 52 DE
-[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
--[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
--[] Develop Ritual of Unknowable Bodies. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
--[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
--[] Develop Ritual of Unknowable Bodies. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
--[] Refine a Ritual. Costs: 12 DE
---[] Ritual of Unknowable Bodies

-[] Form Avatar (12 Ambrosia)

-With Excellencies piling up that are difficult to Despise, we need a lot of progress towards Inscrutable One, so in it goes with one in every category
-With many Ritual research actions being done, Moonlight and Silver Moon becomes a natural fit to buff it.
-Which means Inspires and Blessings go to Astrology/Omens too

-We're reforming next turn and we have a large collection of bone figurines. Best to transmute them so we have something to use.

-The rest is to generate relatively not very damaging VE(this includes the Roils). I wanted to see if Freeze could be used productively though. Maybe we'd make stuff impossible to eat, or maybe we'd make ice cream, or maybe we'd have preserve food.

It's not X'd in, but it's there.
I took half an hour out of breakfast for it.
Might I suggest that we do a mysticism check to determine the effects of Alluring Singer before we perform a ritual to add it to ourselves?
Do we know enough through studying the ritual to actually get the trait description/effects at this point?
Right, but I wanted to know what the mechanical effects of Minor Spirit of the Siren are. Has it come up before and I just missed it?
We know already
It's Minor Spirit of the Siren.
Effects: Perform(Sing) +2, Enhanced Lure options.
Two actually, I frequently screw the trait counter up.
Yeah, I always count them every update since it's pretty important. That's why Inscrutable Rushing.