Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

Only giving them two-years is dumb. If we go to the effort of spawning an Ur-Beast, we might as well let them rampage enough to hit their Legend Threshold so we can actually afford our desired Traits.
He asked how I would put animal aspects on the table, what I laid out would put them on and keep them on until we got what we wanted. It would be pretty cheap too, because it would be 9 sustenance per kid total. We could get a better benefit out of it if we were willing to wait years and years sure, but that doesn't keep animal aspects on long term.
I'm not selling the lets get Aspect of the Squid, just realy like useing em as templates for beasts.

Hmm if I dont remember wrong they have more than one heart.
Well if it's just as beast aspects we can already Shapeshift them in. Just 5 Sustenance to take the form and another 9 to push it in.

I would like to call it evolution.
It WAS Lunacy. The whole business involved rolling Blood Moon(which generated mass amounts of random animal aspects in any children born), and a Violet laser that turned into babies.
People always talk up rituals as if they are a simple thing to do. Instead they require a bunch of resources and turns to research, and then a giant pile more to actually cast. This isn't an easy fix.
Not quite a simple thing, but it's something we've been building to have the capacity for, given our very strong ritual research traits and we even have a source of exotic materials for ritual props(Harvest Moon).

Though really if you wanted random animal aspects, just keep Blood Moon up.
Fucking our way there is a 5-10% chance, assuming we're doing enough scary things to hit about 15-20 vehemence without doing enough specialized scary shit that they flood the animal aspects off the table during a glut. People are afraid of us, but they aren't relatively as afraid of that animal.

...until they start giving birth to horrific mutants anyway. Blood Moon then, would be an independent source of Animal Fear.
Personally I'd just ritual my way there. We're more likely to glut a crapton of elemental traits instead otherwise. Plus the whole monstermaking endeavor is a lot more efficient with Shapeshifter Avatar and a cost of only 10 sustenance to push an animal trait we lack into it.
The main advantage of Rituals is that it's a certain way.
As long as you don't screw up the preparations, you can be sure to get the Trait you want.
Hey veekie, do you think you could add a "if we form avatar instead of suffering, put <however much DE you have left> into blessings/inspirations", or maybe just outright putting some blessings/inspirations in with subvotes that that DE should be the first to go if our compulsions desire it, to your vote, and another study stars - future? The former will help with DE and ambrosia next turn if we do get enough to reform outright (or just don't need however much DE you left to satisfy compulsions, and the latter should help overall--with 15 Astrology and +1 success from our realm (but no strong bonus from painted stars), we have a 56% chance of at least an Epic I success and thus a reroll, so 2 of those should give us an ~80% chance of at least one reroll, which should help with twist fate and/or the dominance rolls.

...On that note, @Powerofmind does our realm bonus success apply to Twist Fate? Also, for developing rituals, does mysticism apply half its benefit to precision and half to accuracy, or does it give its full bonus to both? That is, if we do a mysticism action that gets 4 degrees of success, is that the equivalent of rolling 2 degrees of astrology and 2 degrees of omen reading, or 4 degrees of both? Also, if you've decided how DE return for inspirations are going to work, can you share them? I was going to check @Sivantic 's DE return math.
Hey veekie, do you think you could add a "if we form avatar instead of suffering, put <however much DE you have left> into blessings/inspirations", or maybe just outright putting some blessings/inspirations in with subvotes that that DE should be the first to go if our compulsions desire it, to your vote, and another study stars - future? The former will help with DE and ambrosia next turn if we do get enough to reform outright (or just don't need however much DE you left to satisfy compulsions, and the latter should help overall--with 15 Astrology and +1 success from our realm (but no strong bonus from painted stars), we have a 56% chance of at least an Epic I success and thus a reroll, so 2 of those should give us an ~80% chance of at least one reroll, which should help with twist fate and/or the dominance rolls.

...On that note, @Powerofmind does our realm bonus success apply to Twist Fate? Also, for developing rituals, does mysticism apply half its benefit to precision and half to accuracy, or does it give its full bonus to both? That is, if we do a mysticism action that gets 4 degrees of success, is that the equivalent of rolling 2 degrees of astrology and 2 degrees of omen reading, or 4 degrees of both? Also, if you've decided how DE return for inspirations are going to work, can you share them? I was going to check @Sivantic 's DE return math.
Yes it does. Half to each, for now. I'm probably going to stick to 3*Successes, since you can easily average 3-4 successes per inspiration and get slightly worse than 2.5:1 returns. I'm probably also going to cut a chunk of growth from inspirations somewhat (because if they literally just do piles of good shit why would you ever do anything else?).
Yes it does. Half to each, for now. I'm probably going to stick to 3*Successes, since you can easily average 3-4 successes per inspiration and get slightly worse than 2.5:1 returns. I'm probably also going to cut a chunk of growth from inspirations somewhat (because if they literally just do piles of good shit why would you ever do anything else?).
Also, what were the circumstances in which darken increases survival inspiration rolls? It didn't happen all the time, right?
Turn 26 Results
[X] Plan Rising Tide
-[X] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DE
--[X] Expend <10> DE on petitioners on Survival
--[X] Expend <10> DE on petitioners on Perform(Sing)
--[X] Expend <5> DE on petitioners on Mysticism
---[X] For Ghette
-[X] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea, The Cold and The Sky. Costs: 13 DE
--[X] Command Water [How]
---[X] Calm Seas
----[X] x2
--[X] Command Clouds [How]
---[X] Call Rain
-[X] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 18 DE
--[X] Call Fish.
---[X] x2
-[X] Darken** - Artificially draw away the light, strongly enhancing Melee, Ranged, War, Trickery, and Survival skill tests. Costs: 13 DE
--[X] In your territory
---[X] x2
-[X] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Avatar actions using Trickery, Astrology, etc. and Influence Acts excluding Blessings or Inspirations). Costs: 30 DE
--[X] In your territory
---[X] x2
-[X] Increase Stability of the Realm - Pay <3> Ambrosia for Stability 3
-[X] Empower Realm - Pay <18> DE to reserve more energy for upkeep.
-[X] Exert Will - Pay <5> DE per effect or gateway added to your realm.
--[X] Divine Pool of Ambrosia
-[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
--[X] Study Rituals - Cast your gaze to the sky, where patterns reveal themselves and show you secrets. Develop a new specific trait ritual or two random rituals. Costs: 12 DE
---[X] Develop a ritual for Elemental Affinity - Ocean
--[X] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
-[X] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
--[X] Ritual of Unknowable Bodies. Costs: 12 DE
-[X] Commune with Saiga. Costs: 5 DE (One Time)
--[X] Share <2> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[X] Commune with Saitev. Costs: 5 DE (One Time)
--[X] Share <2> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[X] Commune with with Keshketev. Costs: 5 DE (One Time)
--[X] Share <2> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[X] Commune with Attrouska. Costs: 5 DE (One Time)
--[X] Share <2> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
Divine Acts
Survival rolled 13, 15
4/5 Degrees; Gain 27 DE
Sing rolled 13, 13
3/3 Degrees; Gain 18 DE
Mysticism rolled 14
4 Degrees; Gain 12 DE
Gain 0 Growth

Control Waters (Still don't have Sea affinity, Sky)
Influence rolled 12, 17
Influence rolled 11
4/6/4 Degrees; Gain 14 VE, 1 Growth

Call Fish
Fishing rolled 10, 34!
3/Critical! Degrees; Gain 2.25+11.25=14 VE, 2 Growth
+1 Fishing

Darken (Nox, Night, Stars)
Influence rolled 12, 11
5/4 Degrees; Gain 13.5 VE, +1.8 Successes to applicable personal checks

Influence rolled 9, 10
Moderate/Moderate Success, +12 to personal Divine or Influence Acts, and +12 to Mystical Acts
Weird rolled 13, 13
No Weirds

Subtotal Earnings: 57 DE, 42 VE, 0 Legend, 3 Growth

Realm Acts
Gain Stability 3
Exert Will (Expand Ambrosia Storage)

Avatar Acts
Design Rituals (EA - Ocean; Alluring Singer)
Astrology rolled 9
Major Success; Ritual of the Deep Expanse (90-120 DE, 8-11 Ambrosia OR 50-90 Tiers of appropriate (?) Crafts (?)
Astrology rolled 10
Major Success; Ritual of the Alluring Singer (50 DE, 5 Ambrosia OR 40 Tiers of appropriate Amber Crafts (?)

Study the Bones (Ritual of Unknowable Bodies)
Omen Reading rolled 16
Epic II Success; Accuracy raised to 100%, Amber Craft revealed to be Many-Faceted Craft (DC 60 to create)

Seski rolled 12
Boosted The People: +3%
Seski spends 1 Legend, gains Craft (Carving) 5

Ghette rolled 10
Ghette spends 3 Legend; gains Astrology 9, Omen Reading 8, Trade 5

Gaelte rolled 12
Gaelte spends 2 Legend; gains Fishing 6, Navigation 3

Rashelki Strikes!
Survival rolled 12 vs 15
Tie; Rashelki defends a nest!
Saiga (and new weapon) vs Rashelki
Melee rolled 17 vs 13
Moderate Success; Spear 1/2, Rashelki 2/6
Rashelki evolves!
Rashelki abandons her nest!
Generate 2 VE
Rashelki gains 2 Legend, Saiga gains Legend
Rashelki spends 4 Legend; gains Survival 7, Craft (Weaving) 4

Subtotal Earnings: 2

Communal Acts
Beg Saiga
Leadership rolled 10
Ambrosia open to you (4)

Beg Saitev
Leadership rolled 10
Ambrosia not open to you

Beg Keshketev
Leadership rolled 9
Ambrosia open to you (2)

Beg Attrouska
Leadership rolled 7
Ambrosia not open to you

Stones - Gained 2 Obsidian
Gifts - Gained (2) Bone Figurines (1 Poor, 1 Okay)
Taking - None

Subtotal Earnings: 0

FEAR BUY - Vehemence (44) (66 Boosted)
1-25: Shrine 8
26-40: Influence 9
41: Fishing
42: Omen Reading
43: Survival
44: Mysticism
45: Perform (Sing)
46: Leadership
47-48: Excellence of Trickery
49-50: Mastery of Astrology
51-60: Spirit of the Stars
61-70: Spirit of the Sea
71-80: EA - Sea
81-85: Omenseer
86-90: Lesser Inspiration
91-95: Divine Mystery
96-100: Inscrutable One

Rolled 47: Excellence of Trickery
Legend rolled 3; Buy complete
Gained Excellence of Trickery
Gained Fishing 1

Once again you are forced to stay within the relative safety of your Realm, your form still mostly smoke and vapor. You do a few little displays of power, remind people who's in charge, and their healthy respect for you earns you a great deal of energy for a small amount of effort. How useful.

Once again, Rashelki tries for more children, but this time her efforts are thwarted by an especially persistent Saiga, making use of your darkness empowerment to catch her. The fight for the nest is short and somewhat disappointing, as Saiga seems to have crafted himself a new spear, almost certainly in conjunction with Keshketev, that doesn't break so easily upon Rashelki's skin, and breaks through it much easier as well. Rashelki's retreat is swift from the nest, where Saiga smashes the few eggs there and frees the victims slated to be food. You honestly aren't sure whether to be happy or upset.

Your other children do less interesting things without you around, Seski making a set of twins, Ghette studiously delving further into mystical knowledge, and Gaelte... well Gaelte has managed to prove that he's a good fisherman, and in Saiga's village, your attendants more and more are the particularly good-looking orphans who do not have a parent to barter skills for food. Gaelte is generous with his catches, it seems.

You... were forced to call upon your subordinates, however, in order to make sure you could properly reform your avatar soon. Saiga and Keshketev, the two who are closest to you, offer without a second thought their reserves, but Saitev is cautious and refuses, as does Attrouska, who has only just managed to reform her body, looking curiously different now without the strangeness of the shrew affecting her. She has grown decidedly plump, and despite the age she appears to show, is not so much a mad hag as a wizened woman.

She's still not as pretty as you are, though.

[Voting is locked for 2 hours following the initial posting.]

Divine Resources Available
267 - 265 (Expended) = 2 + 57 (Blessings and Inspirations) + 7 (Rites) + 616 (44 Vehemence) + 2 (PB) = 684 DE
Holy Place Condensation -5
Overflow Condensation -410
Gained 42 Ambrosia
Remaining: 269

Equations Noted for this turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*6*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 7 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 14 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
Equations Noted for next turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 7 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 13.6 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
CURRENT POPULATION MODIFIER: 2 of -32 minimum (Extinction Threshold -21), was 3 last turn (+ 10 (Natural Growth + Pantheon) - 13 (VE Damage) = -3 Final Growth; -1 Population Modifer)
6 + 42 (Condensation) - 3 (Realm) = 45
Amber Condensation - 36
Gained 13 Amber
Remaining: 9 + 6 (Shared) = 15
330 total legend
26 - 8 = 18 unspent legend
Gained 2 Obsidian
Gained (2) Bone Figurines (1 Poor, 1 Okay)
Gained 3 Amber (Net)
Gained 1 Electrum

Divine Actions
Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: See your known Skills.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DE
[] Twist Fate** - You are capable of warping the course of fate, making a moment of critical importance favor you, or strongly disfavor one you dislike. Costs: 60 DE
-[] Self
-[] Another [Which?]
[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea, The Cold and The Sky. Costs: 13 DE
-[] Command Water [How]
-[] Command Clouds [How]
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 18 DE
-[] Call Fish.
-[] Drive Fish Away.
[] Deadly Chill** - Suck the warmth from the earth and from all life, coating it in frost. Costs: 13 DE
-[] Freeze [What?]
[] Darken** - Artificially draw away the light, strongly enhancing Melee, Ranged, War, Trickery, and Survival skill tests. Costs: 13 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Avatar actions using Trickery, Astrology, etc. and Influence Acts excluding Blessings or Inspirations). Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Silver Moon* - The silver moon, gray and dull upon an indigo night, colored to better contrast the stars and reveal their incredible secrets. Very strongly alters Astrology actions and empowers Wind Influence acts. Costs: 35 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blue Moon* - The blue moon, rare and beautiful, shining down upon the seas and casting out cool winds. Strengthens all Water and Weather Influence acts. Costs: 35 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blood Moon* - The bloody red moon, eclipsed by the earth and denied the light of the sun, casts curses and suffering upon the earth in spite. Transforms the Flesh and induces Bestial Madness. Costs: 35 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Harvest Moon* - The orange moon of change, wealth and transformation, cast by the turning of the seasons. Transforms the Inanimate and empowers Fire Influence acts. Costs: 35 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Yellow Moon* - The shine of the Full Moon in all it's glory, timed with the fertility of the woman and the greatest virility of the man. Greatly increases Fertility and empowers Blessings. Costs: 35 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blacken* - You are the Goddess of the Night and the Dark, Lady of the Moon, Knower of Countless Hidden Secrets. Blanket the nights in cloying darkness, a veil that only the Nox Arcana can pierce, heavily penalizing all mysticism-based actions for the turn for those who do not possess the Affinity, and greatly enhancing the range and power of Divine Acts and Influence for the turn for those who do. Costs: 60 DE, 2 Ambrosia.

Divine Realm Actions (31/40) (Next Turn Upkeep - 22/40)
[] Increase Stability of the Realm - Pay <X> Ambrosia equal to the level of stability you wish to purchase (costs are cumulative; Stability 2->4 is 3+4=7 Ambrosia).
[] Empower Realm - Pay <X> DE to reserve more energy for upkeep.
[] Exert Will - Pay <5X> DE per effect or gateway added to your realm.
[] Rebound - Pay <X> DE equal to five times the Upkeep of effect or gateway you wish to remove.

[] Choose an Avatar Action and perform it (usable only while Dispersed or Formless). Cost: See action.
[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Study Rituals - Cast your gaze to the sky, where patterns reveal themselves and show you secrets. Develop a new specific trait ritual or two random rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of Unknowable Bodies. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
-[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Entrails - Look into the entrails spilled upon the earth. As all life consumes earth's bounty and is returned as new bounty, you can learn from the transition. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of Unknowable Bodies. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
-[] Study [Material]. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Divine the Purpose (Aids in divine item creation). Costs: 15 DE
-[] Refine a Ritual. Costs: 12 DE

Avatar Actions (No Avatar, Greatly Limited)

[] Form Avatar (12 Ambrosia)
[] Suffer Avatar (<X>, up to 11 Ambrosia) (Restores avatar with a variable sustenance value - can include negative values if the fraction of Ambrosia committed is too low compared to current Avatar, which causes violent rampages until hunger is sated to at least 10)
[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Lay with [Animal]
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Sire a Divine Creature, using [X] as a base
-[] Contribute <5X> unspent Legend for each sire in the litter, <X> Ambrosia for Attributes of the litter, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits of the litter
[] Change your Divine Form - Take on the appearance of a mortal creature or strange elemental manifestation to camouflage yourself, or speak directly to mortals. Costs: 5 Sustenance

[] Innovate something!
-[] Silver
-[] Electrum
-[] Colored Crystals
-[] Hard Crystals
-[] Precious Gems
-[] Amber
-[] Ultramarine
-[] Malachite Green
-[] Low-Tier Materials (infinite limit)
[] Create Art
-[] Cast paints upon a canvas of hide and fur
[] Use Items
-[] Equip an item
-[] Gift an item
-[] Consume an item
-[] Destroy an item

[] Personally Incite - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror in your domain. Costs: 3 DE
[] Personally Incite (Distant) - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror elsewhere. Costs: 10 DE
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE

[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Study Rituals - Cast your gaze to the sky, where patterns reveal themselves and show you secrets. Develop a new specific trait ritual or two random rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
-[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Entrails - Look into the entrails spilled upon the earth. As all life consumes earth's bounty and is returned as new bounty, you can learn from the transition. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
-[] Study [Material]. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Divine the Purpose (Aids in divine item creation). Costs: 15 DE
-[] Refine Rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Follow the strands of Magic. Costs: 20 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 16 DE (reserves one use of Control Waters)

[] Perform Ritual
-[] Minor Ritual of the Alluring Singer. Costs: 50 DE, 5 Ambrosia OR 40 total Tiers of appropriate Amber Crafts (?)
-[] Ritual of Unknowable Bodies. Costs: 50-200 DE, 1-12 Ambrosia OR 40-80 total Tiers Many-Faceted Amber Crafts (DC 60)
-[] Ritual of the Deep Expanse. Costs: 90-120 DE, 8-11 Ambrosia OR 50-90 total Tiers of appropriate (?) crafts (?)

Commune Actions (No Avatar, Greatly Limited)

[] Issue Decree - You take form, or manifest your avatar in order to issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Maximum Decrees: 6/10
-[] Alter the Decree of Attendance I - "Each blood family must offer a single beautiful young adult to attend you and your shrines each year, or they will benefit from neither your blessings nor protections on the sea."
-[] Alter the Decree of Shimmering Stones I - + or - 1 Decree slot to affect the degree of the decree.
-[] Alter the Decree of Gift Offerings I - + or - 1 Decree slot to affect the degree of the decree.
-[] Alter the Decree of Taking II - "Return unto the sea they who I have blessed."
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 10

[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum Shrines 5/8.
-[] Specify a shrine to Leave to Ruin
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make [name shrine] grander. Costs: 5 DE.
-[] Dedicate <X> materials for progress.
-[] Expand another Creche (T2 Limited).
-[] Expand Traveler's Alters (T3 Common): Grants bonus DE from Trickery, Survival, Navigation, and Trade blessings.
-[] Expand a Tomb of Divines (T3 Limited): Grants an additional significant legend reward when Ur-Spawn and special characters die.
-[] Expand the Chamber of Change (T3 Grand): A room filled with reflective surfaces, and space for the light of the sun or moon to shine through, granting ???.
[] Build a Temple - You are a Goddess! You are deserving of an incredible edifice to your divinity! Maximum Temples 1/3. Costs: 1 Ambrosia, 10 DE, Significant amount of materials (uses T0 materials for construction if not provided personally).
-[] Improve [name shrine] into a temple.
-[] Create a temple anew at [location].
-[] Continue work on [Keshketev's Basin] temple (4 successes stored).

[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
[] Commune with Saiga. Costs: 5 DE (One Time)
-[] Learn about him (Current circa turn 13)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)

-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Siphon Ambrosia to reform (dominance test)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Commune with Saitev. Costs: 5 DE (One Time)
-[] Learn about him
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)

-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Siphon Ambrosia to reform (dominance test)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Commune with with Keshketev. Costs: 5 DE (One Time)
-[] Learn about him (Current circa turn 21)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)

-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Siphon Ambrosia to reform (dominance test)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Commune with Attrouska. Costs: 5 DE (One Time)
-[] Learn about her (Current circa turn 22)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from her (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)

-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Siphon Ambrosia to reform (dominance test)
[] Meet with the Fox Spirit, who will probably demand a contest when you meet him. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Learn about him
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet the Bloodied Man? Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Test dominance (personal)
-[] Treat with pantheon head


Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)
Attribute Accumulated Discounts: Faith 2 (currently locked)

Aspect of the Fish (+2 Trade, +3 Navigation, +2 Survival, Faster water travel, can command fish directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Crustacean (+3 Melee, +2 Fishing, +2 Perform (Dance), Increased wound threshold, can command crustaceans directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Shark (+4 Melee, +3 Awe, Deals damage to opponents or weapons when successfully attacked in melee, can command sharks directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Walrus (+3 Fishing, +2 Survival, +2 Awe, Increased maximum sustenance, can command walrus and sea lions directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Octopus (+2 Fishing, +3 Survival, +2 Perform (Dance), Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, can command octopodes directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Snowy Owl (+3 Survival, +2 Awe, +2 Perform (Sing), Grants a free degree of success when attacking a divine of equal tier from ambush, can command owls directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Ox (+2 Awe, +3 Melee, +2 Survival, Grants a strong modifier when defending or asserting dominance, can command oxen directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Polar Bear (+3 Melee, +2 Survival, +2 Fishing, Can communicate with and command Bears, Reduce Wound Threshold of enemies by one degree): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +3 Innovation, +3 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 13 Legend

Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +3 Trade, gain the ability to speak directly with and negotiate with sea creatures): 15 (22) Legend
Spirit of Exploration (+3 Survival, +3 Navigation, +1 Trade, Expanded exploration range, greatly reduces detection risk when exploring): 18 (30) Legend
Spirit of the Stars (+3 Astrology, +2 Omen Reading, +2 Navigation, gain the ability to Shift Stars): 9 (11) Legend
Spirit of Motherhood (+3 Leadership, +2 Perform (Sing), reduces Sustenance cost to add random and specific traits by 1 and 1 when siring, grant one additional specific trait when siring): 18 (30) Legend
Spirit of Fertility (+3 Farming, +2 Fishing, enhances growth generated by growth blessings, may hold births to add more sustenance and ambrosia): 18 (30) Legend
Spirit of Death (+3 Melee, +2 Omen Reading, gains an automatic success against mortals when acting to kill them, gains a Strong Bonus against any Ur-Spawn or any Spirit one tier lower than you when acting to kill or disperse them): 18 (28)
Spirit of Destruction (+3 Melee, +2 Ranged, gains an automatic success when destroying structures, gains an automatic success when destroying enemy items): 18 (30)
Spirit of Madness (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Fear, 6 accumulating Legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase): 18 (30) Legend
Spirit of the Leader (+3 Leadership, +2 Awe, +1 Influence, 3 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute Purchase, gain new options when dealing with subordinates): 18 (30 Legend)

Lesser Goddess of Freedom (+2 Trade, +1 Faith, greatly weakens the effects of domination by and against you): 20 Legend
Lesser Goddess of Knowledge (+2 Mysticism, +2 Writing, +1 Faith): 20 (17) Legend

Elemental Affinities
Classical Element - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend
Classical Element - Earth (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (9) Legend
Classical Element - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (9) Legend

Elemental Affinity (Tier 2) - Lake (Stagnation save the ripple of action upon it): 5 (8) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 2) - Sea (All the waters of the world converge, and spill into the sea): 5 (7) Legend

Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 8 (11) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Cold (The chill of the night, the smoke of the breath): 8 (6) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Light (A being of the sky, you are naturally drawn to the light): 5 (8) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Tidal Waves (Push and Pull, Rise and Fall, yours is the domain of the water that reclaims even the high earth): 8 (11) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Sun (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 8 (11) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Ice (The dread chill that saps even the hardiest fire of warmth): 8 (6) Legend

Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Obsidian (Black as night, hiding a deadly edge): 5 (1) Legend
Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Silver (Divine Silver, whose light even hints at darkness): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Rain (What the sun takes, the sky returns): 5 (5) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Snow (Beautiful flakes in geometric patterns, or haphazard clumps, driven in blizzards): 5 (5) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Storms (Whip with furious wind, scour with pelting water): 8 (8) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Dread Storm (The winds scour the earth, the rain drives through the skin; this is The Hurricane, cleanser of all that dare crawl upon the earth): 11 (11) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Orbits) - Eclipse (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 20 (15) Legend

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 5 (4) Legend
Elemental Avatar - Silver (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can transmute silver, +2 Awe): 5 Legend
Elemental Avatar - Shadow (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Influence Attribute purchase, can perform shadow teleportation within linked domains, gain Ethereal, gain Vulnerability towards light/fire based attacks): 5 Legend
Elemental Avatar - Light (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Influence Attribute purchase, gain Ethereal, gain a free success when performing any light or heat-based Influence Act, all light and heat-based Influence Acts gain bonus damage): 5 (10) Legend
Shapeshifter's Avatar (gain Full Shapeshifting, granting the ability to display only a specific set of traits (disables penalties of forms you possess, but also disables bonuses), grants the ability to perform a ritual to shift inherent traits onto other inherent slots, Imparting specific traits to sired spawn now costs Base Sustenance Cost + 1): 10 Legend
Giant Avatar (Increases size by an additional foot per Avatar level, Increases total wounds by 50%, Increases wound threshold, Increases sustenance demand per turn by 2): 10 Legend

Divine Enhancements
Inscrutable One (A natural evolution of capriciousness, you are not merely fickle, your motives are utterly incomprehensible. +2 Trickery, FEAR ONLY (Faith only locked): Traits may be despised without normal limitations, are always despised successfully, and the last (Shrine Attribute) despised traits can be manually restored for no cost in Legend): 8 (14) Legend
Divine Mystery (As spirits grow to godhood, secrets are revealed to them that are unsuited to mortal minds. +2 Mysticism, may elect to swap current Focus Attribute using a basic ritual): 8 (9) Legend
Lord of the Realms I (You are skilled in the creation and maintenance of Divine Realms. Combined upkeep is reduced by 10%, +1 Maximum Divine Realms): 5 (11) Legend
Lesser Bless (Your blessings are slightly improved, and you gain access to specialized blessings apart from Sacrifice and Growth, based on the skills you possess): 3 (9) Legend
Lesser Inspiration (Your inspirations are slightly improved, and you gain access to specialized inspirations apart from basic skill inspirations, based on the skills you possess): 4 (10)
Omenseer (Omen Reading no longer counts towards skill capacity (only if Mysticism is also learned), enables enhanced Avatar Omen Reading actions): 8 (13) Legend
Wanderlust (Drawn forever to new and strange places, you must discover, you must see! Navigation and Survival merged into Discovery (Survival/Navigation provide 0.5 Discovery per point), enables enhanced exploration actions)

Divine Excellence
Mastery of Astrology (You have mastered all man can comprehend of the stars and their motions. You must go further. Unlocks >10 Astrology bonuses, +1 Strong Modifier for all Astrology Checks): 10 Legend
Mastery of Trickery (You have mastered all man can comprehend of clever ploys and misdirection. You must go further. Unlocks >10 Trickery bonuses, +1 Strong Modifier for all Trickery Checks): 10 Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Astrology (MAXED OUT)
Omen Reading
Perform (Sing)
Trickery (MAXED OUT)
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And so we finally have a skill point in fishing :p
Astrology rolled 10
Major Success; Ritual of the Alluring Singer (50 DE, 5 Ambrosia OR 40 Tiers of appropriate Amber Crafts (?)
10 -> 45 + 5 (EA Stars) + 30 (Astrology 15) + 12 (Moonlight) + 20 (Veil Lifted) = 112, which is Epic I for avatar actions, even if moonlight doesn't apply (on that note, does moonlight apply to actions we take in our realm? Likewise, once we have an avatar again, can we get both the realm bonus and the Painted Stars bonus at once?)

Edit: Also, sweet, Kesh finally has an enhancement instead of the Crone! "Pantheon Enhancement: The Gentle Potter (Has a small chance to innovate while crafting using the same roll result, Crafting for mortals produces 20% better results.)"
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So, lots of good things this turn.

Seski is spitting out babies like her momma.
Rashelki is confirmed for female and not agendered (should we refer to the Essence Drinkers as female too?).
We have several Rituals ready to plow through
Rashelki continues to boost our hubby with their mutual dance of love. A shame that he can hurt her now, though.
We now have enough Ambrosia to either form a new Avatar
26 years old and still the prettiest girl in town!

But more importantly:
your attendants more and more are the particularly good-looking orphans
Those are totally Attrouska's fault.
DE: 269-52(Mystic)-217(Divine) = 0/269
Ambrosia 15-12(reform) = 3 /9

[] Plan Rite of the Inscrutable
+1 Blessings
+25 Inspirations = 5 * 10
+39 Water = 13 * 3
+26 Darken = 13 * 2
+26 Freeze = 13 * 2
+30 Moonlight
+35 Silver Moon
+35 Harvest Moon
=217 DE
-[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: See your known Skills.
--[] Expend 1 DE on petitioners for Astrology
-[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DE x5 = 25 DE
--[] Omen Reading x2
--[] Astrology x3
-[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea, The Cold and The Sky. Costs: 13 DE x3
--[] Command Water [How] x2
---[] Roil Water x2
--[] Command Clouds [How] x1
---[] Call Rain x1
-[] Deadly Chill** - Suck the warmth from the earth and from all life, coating it in frost. Costs: 13 DE x2
--[] Freeze [What?] x2
---[] Freeze food
-[] Darken** - Artificially draw away the light, strongly enhancing Melee, Ranged, War, Trickery, and Survival skill tests. Costs: 13 DE x2
--[] In your territory x2
-[] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Avatar actions using Trickery, Astrology, etc. and Influence Acts excluding Blessings or Inspirations). Costs: 30 DE
--[] In your territory
-[] Silver Moon* - The silver moon, gray and dull upon an indigo night, colored to better contrast the stars and reveal their incredible secrets. Very strongly alters Astrology actions and empowers Wind Influence acts. Costs: 35 DE
--[] In your territory
-[] Harvest Moon* - The orange moon of change, wealth and transformation, cast by the turning of the seasons. Transforms the Inanimate and empowers Fire Influence acts. Costs: 35 DE
--[] In your territory
---[] Bone

+8 Stars - Future
+12 Stars - Ritual
+8 Omens - Future
+12 Omens - Ritual
+12 Mystic - Ritual
= 52 DE
-[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
--[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
--[] Develop Ritual of Unknowable Bodies. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
--[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
--[] Develop Ritual of Unknowable Bodies. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
--[] Refine a Ritual. Costs: 12 DE
---[] Ritual of Unknowable Bodies

-[] Form Avatar (12 Ambrosia)

-With Excellencies piling up that are difficult to Despise, we need a lot of progress towards Inscrutable One, so in it goes with one in every category
-With many Ritual research actions being done, Moonlight and Silver Moon becomes a natural fit to buff it.
-Which means Inspires and Blessings go to Astrology/Omens too

-We're reforming next turn and we have a large collection of bone figurines. Best to transmute them so we have something to use.

-The rest is to generate relatively not very damaging VE(this includes the Roils). I wanted to see if Freeze could be used productively though. Maybe we'd make stuff impossible to eat, or maybe we'd make ice cream, or maybe we'd have preserve food.
-The rest is to generate relatively not very damaging VE(this includes the Roils). I wanted to see if Freeze could be used productively though. Maybe we'd make stuff impossible to eat, or maybe we'd make ice cream, or maybe we'd have preserve food.
Maybe specifically target food that we kept to a side? Possibly make a Demand.
Oh right, I need to mark the new costs and rituals. Duh.
There's also still this issue:
And so we finally have a skill point in fishing :p

10 -> 45 + 5 (EA Stars) + 30 (Astrology 15) + 12 (Moonlight) + 20 (Veil Lifted) = 112, which is Epic I for avatar actions, even if moonlight doesn't apply (on that note, does moonlight apply to actions we take in our realm? Likewise, once we have an avatar again, can we get both the realm bonus and the Painted Stars bonus at once?)

Edit: Also, sweet, Kesh finally has an enhancement instead of the Crone! "Pantheon Enhancement: The Gentle Potter (Has a small chance to innovate while crafting using the same roll result, Crafting for mortals produces 20% better results.)"

And a couple of other questions:
-If we reform an avatar, can we take avatar actions the same turn?
-Can we do rituals in part with crafts and in part with DE and Ambrosia, and if so how do the "Tiersof appropriate crafts" translate to DE and/or Ambrosia?
Spoiler: Winning Plan [X] Plan Rising Tide
I did it. I finally won:cry:
Only two trait slots open now. But we have the ambrosia to reform fully
three actually
Spoiler: Divine Traits 15/18

-If we reform an avatar, can we take avatar actions the same turn?

@Powerofmind If we reform Avatar, all those strike-throughs go away this turn or next turn?
You can assume them gone immediately, but your actions might be a little weaker than usual.


@Powerofmind can we hold on to the donated Ambrosia?

Just use it first silly:p
I did it. I finally won:cry:

three actually


Just use it first silly:p

Congrats on your win.

Actually I'm thinking about not using it now if we can help it.

My plan was to pick up traits through rituals and that'd make us go Formless. Presumably it's much less explosive if we're already dispersed.

Omenseer needs to be our next ritual target though. It's highly valuable.
Enough for all the rituals.

Yay for everyone being happy! Except for the ones who don't actually want Inscrutable One/Siren, but who cares about them?

Congrats on your win.

Actually I'm thinking about not using it now if we can help it.

My plan was to pick up traits through rituals and that'd make us go Formless. Presumably it's much less explosive if we're already dispersed.

Omenseer needs to be our next ritual target though. It's highly valuable.
Performing Rituals without a body is rather difficult, though.
Might I suggest that we do a mysticism check to determine the effects of Alluring Singer before we perform a ritual to add it to ourselves?