Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

It seems ninjafish and mc2rpg are
right. People don't care to have monsters.

It also builds the temple this turn if that helps sweeten the pot:D

I've been saying that shit for ages.

But you doubted me sivantic, doubt is your downfall.

Do not accept "we'll do it later" as a valid answer, because they'll just keep putting things off and never actually do it.
Within the spoiler are all 23/24 of my posts since the last update. It's currently page 417 and the update was on page 402.
First I'd like you to note how many of my posts are related to @Sivantic at all.
Then I'd like you to note how many are even remotely assholish towards them.
Lastly, I'd like to you do better before you try to come for me. Have several seats, please and thank you.

Ah, so now you're going to be an ass to me as well. Looks like I'm making the right decision in giving up on this thread.
More like, people are looking at our sustenance situation and saying we need to plan ahead if we want to use lots of it.

As far as I'm concerned, the biggest use for our Temple is going to be increasing the amount of Ambrosia we can stockpile - specifically to we have the surplus to do things like spawn monsters and breed fantastic races.
What part of my plan isn't in preperation? Neither veekie nor I are saying to never build the temple. Simply to stack the deck before we start.

Besides my comment was in response to the two that voted because of what the the plans bred
Ah, so now you're going to be an ass to me as well. Looks like I'm making the right decision in giving up on this thread.

While I can understand getting frustrated with the recent atmosphere of the thread (been sticking out of it by and large for more reasons than time), even if you are right, jumping on someone in the most hostile terms is not, in general, a good way to convince them to lighten up. It's a good way to make them feel attacked and dig in.

Also, sorta ninja'd by...

If you want to go, do so. Fanfare and being extra does nothing to expedite your exit.

But announcing that 'you made the right decision in giving up on the thread' is just needlessly crapping on those who still enjoy. You want to leave, fine, walk away, that's your prerogative. But trying to act like a poster behaving in a way you dislike is representative of the entire thread is basically just being an ass- if there's rules violations afoot, get a mod, if there's not, don't blanket drag the entire thread in by picking those you think worst behaved and treating them as representative.

It's just not nice, and getting on other's cases about being not nice while failing to be civil yourself is neither nice nor compelling.
Then I'll just have to put monsters in all my plans if this succeeds. Then all your spite will be for naught!
Ha ha!
Eye'm a genius!
*and lo did the day come that Sivantic put monsters in a plan, and ninjafish was all 'man, those are so last season. this thing is the new in, and you lost me by including monsters over it.' And Sivantic wept upon seeing the folly of their plan, and the ninjafish exulted in ultimate forum post spite victory*
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*and lo did the day come that Sivantic put monsters in a plan, and ninjafish was all 'man, those are so last season. this thing is the new in, and you lost me by including monsters over it. And Sivantic wept upon seeing the folly of their plan, and the ninjafish exulted in ultimate forum post spite victory*

*And many pots were spanked*
Yeah I missed most of the discussion and my main thing is I have wanted aquatic worshippers and aquatic people. I do want some aquatic monsters as well that would work with said worshipper. I guess I am in part inspired by all the turns of Dominions playing as the underwater races. Love the idea of sharks and other beasts working with our people, plus shark cav is something I want. That way our people can rule the waves!
Yeah I missed most of the discussion and my main thing is I have wanted aquatic worshippers and aquatic people. I do want some aquatic monsters as well that would work with said worshipper. I guess I am in part inspired by all the turns of Dominions playing as the underwater races. Love the idea of sharks and other beasts working with our people, plus shark cav is something I want. That way our people can rule the waves!

I don't just want underwater people.

I want deep ones.

Fishmen are the master race.
*and lo did the day come that Sivantic put monsters in a plan, and ninjafish was all 'man, those are so last season. this thing is the new in, and you lost me by including monsters over it.' And Sivantic wept upon seeing the folly of their plan, and the ninjafish exulted in ultimate forum post spite victory*
Fools that you are that don't realize the depth of my plans!
[X] Plan Pandemonious Ivy.

Because if Sivantic wants it I will vote against it.

(Except if it's involves making monsters, I won't go against my principles to spite such a petty creature.)

For that means I have broken the man of his dreams.

All for the price of monsters I want anyway :3
I don't just want underwater people.

I want deep ones.

Fishmen are the master race.
Aquatic people are the first step to further underwater races. We can breed them easily enough now and then push additional traits into them hopefully. Though if we can I would like to get the Atlantis type where they just grow with age to be larger and larger and the largest reside in the deeps. Here for amphibious and here for aquatic, mainly the oceania and atlantis units. Notable mounts used-war lobsters and sharks, also an underwater centaur called an ichtycentaur.
Aquatic people are the first step to further underwater races. We can breed them easily enough now and then push additional traits into them hopefully.
>Breed them easily
lolwut? We would have to wait at least 16 years before we even manage to do it the first time? This would be a really long scale project.

Octopus however reach maturity in less than a year:3
>Breed them easily
lolwut? We would have to wait at least 16 years before we even manage to do it the first time? This would be a really long scale project.

Octopus however reach maturity in less than a year:3
Can we turn monsters into worshippers though? I was under the impression we couldn't though I could be wrong. See I want us to develop one or more races of underwater worshippers that can also build a civilization underwater. Of course they will also need some monsters they can domesticate or partner with depending on intelligence. Breed stronger lobsters to serve as mounts, sharks with water traits and spirit of ocean to make them go faster, camo octopuses to work with the scouts to lay ambushes and drag our enemies to their doom. Giant Sea serpents to ride into battle and crush ships. Hardshelled monster turtles that can snap a ship in two with their bite.