Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

If I could roll my eyes any harder, they'd fly out of my head and slam into yours. :)

Please don't, I surrender already, I want to live :p

Hmm well I favor the two named temple raising as they look to get us aquatic worshippers

Still need to grow up which means that they won't be any help during the actual temple building, where they would be needed, at least for @veekie's plan

Does aquatic worshippers, no temple building on the Teeth, refines the ritual, should have some decent DE churn, all in all a solid plan.

Don't tempt me Ivy :V
If I could direct you to Temple Alternate.

Does aquatic worshippers, no temple building on the Teeth, refines the ritual, should have some decent DE churn, all in all a solid plan.
My tally program is being annoying, how close is it to winning/being a serious contender? If so i'd like to check its DE churn like i did veekie and siv's plans
[X] Plan Temple Raising Alternate

Not enough Ambrosia for decent blood bears... (Avatar 2 Influence 1?)... Rituals falling to the wayside... Nobody's even looking for the Crone's next village... Agreed on not attacking it yet, but we do need to know where it is!

So... would a Cathedral be the sort of Amber Age thing that takes generations to build, like Pyramids?
@Van Ropen can you make a plan?

Only things I want:

+Blood Moon Bear
+Temple outsourcing to the Crafter Spirit
+Studying the Siren Ritual to reduce cost

Outside of that, I'd prefer to leave the Crone alone, but I'm not so picky. You'd have my vote in advance, if you don't mind.

@veekie you think I can convince you to create the VanPanPlan?

@veekie could you please include Blood Bear and Ritual studying in there?

Because it makes sense to reduce the cost when we have time and ability, instead of constantly being distracted by every new thing that appears like some sort of demented magpie.

Tl;dr: Nobody is saying doing the ritual, just reducing costs so we can.

On one hand, yes, this is how a Fear Spirit thinks.

On the other, long-term planning and execution is a valuable skill to cultivate.

They need to be created eventually, yes. They sit far away from civilization until we aim them with a Blood moon.

Go create them in the Ruined Village where we first fought the Crone. Simple.

The time will never be perfect.

There's always something, always. Unless it's a turn where we nigh unanimously agree that there's a better use of our time, you can believe that I'll be advocating for my interests.

In this case, I want Blood Bears and working on the Ritual, since we all agree to work on the Temple.

If necessary, I'll ask @Sivantic if they're game to step up. I have no problem with a Siv Plan.

Ask for some, like we did before, if you can't drop actions to include it.

We cant ask for a loan?

Hmph. I'll settle for Temple and Ritual work this turn, since there's valid "we can't" reasons for no Blood Bears.

[X] Candesce

I literally hate all of the other plans.

@Candesce would you be able to fit in an action or two for studying the Siren Ritual?

Also to garner votes, if you consider switching the location of the Temple to maybe "shore of the Teeth" then people might be okay with that. I don't care one way or another, but just thought I'd throw the suggestion out there.

No temple? No ritual? No blood bear? No interest.

Especially yours. No disrespect intended, but I first read it and nearly did the equivalent of a mental projectile vomit.

Harvest Moon.

Some of us still want to know what it is, as opposed to exploring only the things that we JUST got. We're a goddess, not a magpie. We're allowed to return to previously started projects and finish them.

I'd rather hope for a crit that ups Mysticism and/or Omen Reading from improving the Ritual then working on reading the Past, which was stated to be our "Learn Rituals" button.

1. Not a bad idea, still not Blood Bears.
2. I don't disagree with SSPixies, still not Blood Bears.
3. We can't have Blood Bears this turn, that's fine, but these suggestions are not valid alternatives.

Go for it, young padawan.

You do understand that literally none of this is particularly convincing.

"I don't like these plans."
"What about mine?"
"Nope, here's why..."
"Yeah, well, allow me to shit on you."

I'd laugh if I hadn't lost my sense of humor while playing DS3.

No regrets! Temple first. Pyramids later.

You guys thought I was pushing for the Temple for no reason? Ha!

What a babe, y'all. I don't have a specialized plan this turn, so you'd be proxy voting for @Candesce with me. Not that I have a problem with this at all, since she's the only one doing Temple building and actually looking into refining our Ritual.

I'll make a plan next turn, in your honor! o7

He had a Temple, got a bunch of votes, changed the Temple out, told everyone he was doing so, but can't change the name without getting EVERYONE who voted for him to do the same.

Some people don't stalk the thread and just show up every once in a while. It'd split his vote, which I'm sure you'd enjoy, but it'd be counter productive for him.

Look, don't do that. Don't argue in bad faith.

Because obviously he wanted to make a plan that included temple raising, until you and others bitched repeatedly about cost and feasibility and time and blah blah blah.

You were a part of that, don't make me go back and quote spam you, to prove a point.

Also you missed the "He told his voters that he was changing to no temple" and nobody complained, probably because they mostly wanted the Seamen (hurr) or because they didn't want to be bitched at next.

tl;dr: Don't be an ass.

Oh. My. Fucking. Goodness.

I... *squints* Whatever.

This is why I'm voting @Candesce
I don't have to deal with these shenanigans, or people bitching at them about the proper way to make a plan. Then bitching at them for changing their plan to stop the bitching.

Vote [] Candesce
It's a vote for no politics and other stuff! I might have forgotten what was actually in the vote...

Candesce is close to winning. Obviously you should throw your vote in there!

If I could roll my eyes any harder, they'd fly out of my head and slam into yours. :)

If I could direct you to Temple Alternate.

Does aquatic worshippers, no temple building on the Teeth, refines the ritual, should have some decent DE churn, all in all a solid plan.

You are being one, especially towards Sivantic, and you have been for the majority of this voting session. Dial it back.

Within the spoiler are all 23/24 of my posts since the last update. It's currently page 417 and the update was on page 402.
First I'd like you to note how many of my posts are related to @Sivantic at all.
Then I'd like you to note how many are even remotely assholish towards them.
Lastly, I'd like to you do better before you try to come for me. Have several seats, please and thank you.
Vote Plan Gaerig Prepares! In addition to gathering materials amd assistance from the other spirits, it gathers DE with lots of Growth in the least harmful way. That way we have the most number of people in a grateful state more willing to work on a monument to their Goddess Gaerig.

It also has Octopus Monsters

I think they're really smart and have octopus pics?

[12] Plan: ◈Temple Raising Festivities
[11] Plan: ◈Gaerig Prepares
[7] Plan: ◈Temple Raising Alternate
[1] Plan: ◈Goddamnit Omega

Total No. of Voters: 31
People don't care to have monsters.
More like, people are looking at our sustenance situation and saying we need to plan ahead if we want to use lots of it.

As far as I'm concerned, the biggest use for our Temple is going to be increasing the amount of Ambrosia we can stockpile - specifically so we have the surplus to do things like spawn monsters and breed fantastic races.
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