Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

Now, everyone.

Remember the unity we have as we feed me Devotional Energy vote in unison. With one voice. With one mind. With one will.

Remember this moment for the minutes and hours and days and weeks to come.

Remember this feeling of being part of something larger than the sum of our parts. This feeling of moving in the undeniably right direction.

Remember this, everyone.

Because if this doesn't happen when Papa Panda makes the preordained Plan Pyramid, there's going to be trouble in paradise.

Ahem. Carry on.
The sea howled, and Saiga howled back. Waves ripped at him as he danced his kayak through crests of blazing white, moonlight curdled and whipped into a mockery of flame.
Gaerig, my love. Kiss me or kill me, it's all the same.
The waves slid together like a woman's legs, wrenching the kayak from Saiga's control and sending him hurtling up, up and up. Gaerig billowed underneath him, a great slithering sheet of coy fury as he balanced on the tip of her toe - and there.
The pod of whales breached, spray drifting into the sky, the slaps of fin and torso lost in Gaerig's laughter. Orcas. Saiga's prey. He had cut his way out here in the midst of the Long Night, defying the elders, defying his father. The dream of an orca, brilliant and bloody, proud in death - it still burned on the inner curve of his eye.
He would hunt.
Saiga squeezed his paddle with fingers he couldn't feel. They were black with blood in the moonlight.
Gaerig moaned, and he whispered back. Wordless babble. Soon the madness would set in, if he did not return to a fire.
The hunt would be quick.
Saiga danced.
He died, of course. They found him broken against the shore, kayak torn, harpoon and paddle missing. His family gathered him into a bier of bone and built him a cairn to remember by.
Three days later, the orca washed to the shore. They never found Saiga's paddle, but his harpoon filled the whale's eye, shorn into the bone behind.
And so a story was born. And as is the custom, it grew in the telling.
This seemed like one way for Saiga to have come to be naturally. A bit of embellishing later, and he stabbed in the harpoon, hands still clutched around it when they found his corpse - no, he RODE it in, only dying as his foot touched the earth - no, he SWAM the orca back, and died - died? No, Saiga the Hunter killed an orca with his bare hands, swam it back to shore, took eight wives, and had twenty-eight children before dying peacefully! A few generations of storytellers can do interesting things to a story.
Now, everyone.

Remember the unity we have as we feed me Devotional Energy vote in unison. With one voice. With one mind. With one will.

Remember this moment for the minutes and hours and days and weeks to come.

Remember this feeling of being part of something larger than the sum of our parts. This feeling of moving in the undeniably right direction.

Remember this, everyone.

Because if this doesn't happen when Papa Panda makes the preordained Plan Pyramid, there's going to be trouble in paradise.

Ahem. Carry on.


(X} Build Ziggurat.
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Honestly, the only thing about the plan that I might niggle with is that there aren't any blessings for Astrology or Perform(Trickery) to back up potential Inspirations, and potentially gain us a skill point or two. However, I'm not going to.


Some notes on new things, and old things, and Income:

Our current DE cap is 80, thanks to Avatar 4 and Fear 4.
Ambrosia cap is 2, thanks to Shrine 2.
With 34 DE spent on blessings this turn, we should obtain anywhere from 34 to 51 DE from Blessings alone.
Passive income is 3.
Vehemence income is still 4.8 - wait, that doesn't look right...

(Income per Vehemence = 4*[(10+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 4.8 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)

Fear = 4; Pop Mod = -4. Income per Vehemence = 4 * [(10 + [8] - 4) / 10] = 4 * [(18 - 4)/10] = 4 * [14/10] = 4 * 1.4 = 5.6 DE per V.

@Powerofmind, triple-check my numbers, please?


Inspirations: Unknown net return. Potential fun effects as Inspirations are currently somewhat random.
Moonshine: High potential Vehemence, depending upon rolls, due in small part to last turn's explosion.
Calm Seas: Hopefully goes well; poor rolls may result in a higher chance for Capricious One and increase Vehemence. Good rolls may also increase Vehemence, but not to the same degree.

Double failing on Calm Seas and Moonshine would be bad. Hilarious, but bad.

Assuming average rolls (no crit-fails anywhere), Expected Vehemence is in the range of 2-3: Enough to hopefully grab another point of Shrine or Influence, especially since we're once again Trait-capped. If we end up with another rank of Avatar or Fear I'll laugh... and cry.

Estimated Income: Minimum 34. Maximum... umm... yeah, IDK. Crit-fails here be hilarious, yo. Same with a crit-success Moonshine accidentally triggering another Reflecting Pool... or crit-failure/crit-success Calm Seas during Midsummer. Sunshine, ho...
Expected: 42 (Average Blessing) + 3 (Rites) + 16 (Vehemence 3) = 61. - 5, automatic condensation, 56. No expectations from Inspirations.
Ambrosia: 1/2.

... hmm... I think everything else has been covered already...
@Powerofmind you know, i knew that unless you wrote really quickly or locked earlier this morning, you'd post the update while i was at work, or close neough that i couldn't read and annotate right after...but you literally posted within a single minute of me clocking in. HOW???? :p

Also, with us actually having Fear 4, shouldn't we now have 84 DE, 2 Ambrosia, and 0 Amber, instead of 74/0/1?
No, you said that, and I presented an alternate possibility.

Because making it so you can freely produce demispirits with no penalty for spamming them into their own death is definitionally not breaking the system with a legend-hose.[/sarcasm] Your sole reason for removing the biggest penalty for Ur-children is that it prevents them from being competitive, but you also don't like it when demispirits can be shat at people and provide legend like a farm, even if they die by the drove. You can't have this particular cake and eat it too, the two concepts are diametrically opposed. I can't limit the legend farm without either a) limiting demispirit creation, which invalidates the spawn-god or b) making the legend investment a gamble, so that you aren't rewarded for ham-fistedly throwing children at a problem until it goes away.

That may be the best way to go about doing it. I could go for that, but it does come with the issue that the child could potentially never hit it's legend threshold while being led along by a hairs' breadth from it, just because the parent naturally always spends legend. It won't hurt to consider some mechanical twists and tricks, since I've got at least a turn before this can happen.

There is very, very little a human can do for magic. It is normally only possible for an unaugmented human to perform magic in the late Amber Age, and even then, they will likely need something crafted using superhuman talent to cast with.

Yes, Godhood.

That one is literally impossible. An object is not a place. They are both nouns, but there's a difference.
the pool itself is an object. made of water and stone
I was thinking about that as well.

It's vague enough that from an OOC perspective, I can easily see that IF WE HYPOTHETICALLY decide to become a domesticated Faith spirit, then something ELSE comes from the sea to fulfill the prophecy.

I'd rather act as if it's us, but be prepared in case it's not.

Edited for clarity.
And as a water aligned fear spirit, if it IS something else coming from the sea, thats no reason not to try to claim credit anyway