Honestly, the only thing about the plan that I might niggle with is that there aren't any blessings for Astrology or Perform(Trickery) to back up potential Inspirations, and potentially gain us a skill point or two. However, I'm not going to.
Some notes on new things, and old things, and Income:
Our current DE cap is
80, thanks to Avatar 4 and Fear 4.
Ambrosia cap is 2, thanks to Shrine 2.
With 34 DE spent on blessings this turn, we should obtain anywhere from 34 to 51 DE from Blessings alone.
Passive income is 3.
Vehemence income is still 4.8 - wait, that doesn't look right...
(Income per Vehemence = 4*[(10+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 4.8 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
Fear = 4; Pop Mod = -4. Income per Vehemence = 4 * [(10 + [8] - 4) / 10] = 4 * [(18 - 4)/10] = 4 * [14/10] = 4 * 1.4 = 5.6 DE per V.
@Powerofmind, triple-check my numbers, please?
Inspirations: Unknown net return. Potential fun effects as Inspirations are currently somewhat random.
Moonshine: High potential Vehemence, depending upon rolls, due in small part to last turn's explosion.
Calm Seas: Hopefully goes well; poor rolls may result in a higher chance for Capricious One and increase Vehemence.
Good rolls may also increase Vehemence, but not to the same degree.
Double failing on Calm Seas and Moonshine would be bad. Hilarious, but bad.
Assuming average rolls (no crit-fails anywhere), Expected Vehemence is in the range of 2-3: Enough to hopefully grab another point of Shrine or Influence, especially since we're once again Trait-capped. If we end up with another rank of Avatar or Fear I'll laugh... and cry.
Estimated Income: Minimum 34. Maximum... umm... yeah, IDK. Crit-fails here be hilarious, yo. Same with a crit-success Moonshine accidentally triggering another Reflecting Pool... or crit-failure/crit-success Calm Seas during Midsummer. Sunshine, ho...
Expected: 42 (Average Blessing) + 3 (Rites) + 16 (Vehemence 3) = 61. - 5, automatic condensation, 56. No expectations from Inspirations.
Ambrosia: 1/2.
... hmm... I think everything else has been covered already...