Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

[x] Yes

edit: changing yet again because I don't believe the quiescence issue will be that big of an issue in reality
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Could do side stories or the like.
I likely would (and likely will play around with the idea regardless), but your main story would be put on hold for potentially significant periods of time. You would have to be willing to put aside one of the threads for weeks at a time, and that should go into consideration for this.

Personally, I would have no problem with that as a quester, since I'd be getting to vote in at least one thread at all times, but some may be more impatient or excitable and this would definitely turn them off, even if I did regular sidestory updates.
[x] No

Changing vote to no because of the delay quiescence could cause in a shared quest.
Was wondering how spirit of fertility would interact with our affinity for water and if that could eventually be used to increase the fertility of fish in the surrounding area.
[X] No

Though I wouldn't mind a bit of light crossover, it does seem like quiescence would be a real issue for full co-op.
[X] No

Having some crossover might be fine, but long term coordination feels like it would drag down both quests.

On another note: Why is it decided that we will play a Fear spirit? I mean I have a slight preference to playing Faith instead of Fear, because ultimately Faith can help growing your religion a lot better than Fear could, but it seems like people treat Fear as a foregone conclusion.
[X] No

Doing two simultaneous quests would be too complicated and very cumbersome. I don't think we could manage that here, I would much prefer one good quest than two trapped by the other.

As for Faith or Fear, I would prefer Faith, it is more stable and more open to some social encounter.
[X] No

Having some crossover might be fine, but long term coordination feels like it would drag down both quests.

On another note: Why is it decided that we will play a Fear spirit? I mean I have a slight preference to playing Faith instead of Fear, because ultimately Faith can help growing your religion a lot better than Fear could, but it seems like people treat Fear as a foregone conclusion.
You will have a choice when the first turn rolls around that will direct you towards fear or faith.
Huh. I originally voted yes to reach the 40 votes line earlier, so that we could start with the quest. but it seems now that yes is not a foregone conclusion anymore.

To be honest, the quiescence thing doesn't bother me that much, and i don't really have a strong preference either way, so i guess i'll just edit the X out of my earlier post.
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[X] Yes

Gonna stick with this, if only because interludes, mini-turns, and the like would have helped bridge the gaps of the absurdly long sleeps we frequently took. I hope that doesn't end up happening again.
Look, it's not like the story would totally pause. There would be interludes, which would help make long sleeps less abrupt.
*Dirty Scheming*

@notanautomaton, the votes were particularly close between lawgiver and water spirit, yes? And the ultimate con was proposed... why not make everybody happy and play the other side of the vote? That way we get a lawgiver AND a water spirit.

Now in the past, when @Evilness42 asked the thread if we'd like coop, I leaned towards no. The recent relevation of downtime for a quest means my urge to vote no has deepended.

But if, say, you managed to appease the 27 of us who voted lawbringer... I might be convinced to change my vote, yes?

Edit: If you're totally opposed to writing a lawmaker quest, you could maybe trade roles with Power and write the water spirit?

Also, Lawbringer, Lawgiver... wtf me. Stop making things up. Just stick with Lawmaker damn it.
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It is all well and good to say that interludes and bits from people on the ground can fill the gap as we sleep, but what if we have to sleep for something essential and big? What if we have to fill 9-15 turns with scenes from other randoms? This basically keeps us from ever sleeping for big traits.