oh hell no that was my idea and I got shit for that.As a random just-to-be-contrary thing, what did you think about my idea about the water burial Decree?
even if I think it would be great
oh hell no that was my idea and I got shit for that.As a random just-to-be-contrary thing, what did you think about my idea about the water burial Decree?
oh hell no that was my idea and I got shit for that.
even if I think it would be great
We *do* have a DE cap, remember? (Though @Powerofmind did say he hadn't decided on the specifics yet, and its possible that omake boosts and/or participation boosts can exceed it. still, don't go counting our silver orbs before we bring them backAfter the participation DE we're going to be able to just BUY the moon sphere quest next turn even if we have to triple down on it.
Why why why why WHY do you think combat between spirits must be decided by fisticuffs?its early enough that's its still pretty relevant in combat between spirits.
What I want now is a general gameplan for how we want to develop as a spirit.
I think an inoffensive spread to aim for:
How's that sound? I guess just use hug if it sounds acceptable and quote me and tell me why not, otherwise.
Trying to make this Fear Spirit work, without being ridiculous, like I promisedbefore I became President-Elect
Okay, I'll outline priorities, then applicable actions:
1) Get the Moon Ball. Urgent(this is our best chance for actually fearbuying Moon aspect, and it will pay out large amounts of Legend, but we have only 6 turns, and DE spent moving the ball gives us no DE payout). If we're lucky, Avatar 2 is enough to drag it in 2 turns.
1.1) If Avatar 2 is not enough, then we'd need to focus the next 4 turns heavily on Roil and Calm Water, in order to fearbuy Elemental Avatar(Water), driving down the cost of an Avatar purchase WHILE giving us the DE we need to go move the ball.
2) Get Spirit of Mischief. We can get this from ambigious actions, or actual physical avatar mischief.
3) Get Spirit of Exploration. Actually fairly easy for us, we can repeatedly Demand that they explore the sea to find new islands, and combine that with a Guide Ships action. Helps with Mischief too, but would require repeated attempts
So what I think our action plan should be at present:
Turn 1
- Demand a shrine. @Powerofmind could you clarify if there is a suitable site to place a shrine nearer to the underwater ruins, or are our Shoals the nearest thing we know of in that regards? A shrine nearer to the ruins would dramatically cut the DE expenses of moving the sphere.
- Aggressively combine Roil and Calm water actions, targeting our own people. There are a few strategies for this to extend the fear payout:
-- Calm waters during nights with new moon and full moon. We will be performing astrology during these times anyway(best stargazing/moongazing times), so we want it calm anyways. This encourages people to go sailing at night, which would induce certain attitudes of fear.
-- Roil waters in the day. This means they must, due to us, fish at night. This would almost certainly kill some people, but would pay off greatly in Legend and DE.
Probable Fearbuy list:
-Aspect of Humanity(low) - 2 Legend
-Spirit of Mischief(med) - 3 Legend
-Spirit of the Sea(high) - 3 Legend
-Astral Affinity - Moon(low) - 4 Legend
-Cold Affinity(low) - 4 Legend
-Ocean Affinity - Ocean(high) - 3 Legend
-Ocean Affinity - Rain(low) - 3 Legend
-Ocean Affinity - Waves(high) - 3 Legend
-Elemental Avatar - Water(med) - 4 Legend
-Influence 3(med) - 3 Legend
-Avatar 3(low) - 3 Legend
-Fear 2(high) - 2 Legend
Turn 2:
-Same as Turn 1, except we cut down the Roiling, but continue Calming at night(again, encouraging people to fish at dangerous times). Instead, we spend the DE earned to move the sphere. Most of the Medium to High traits on the above list should make it easier to move the sphere.
Turn 3:
Too far ahead, there will be a lot of variance in what traits we score on two turns. But if all goes well, we should have the setup to bring fear in new ways with the fearbuys.
Put up a shrine in good view of Saiga's coast.
Turn 4:
Use the DE gathered from Turn 3's new terrors and go on the offensive, roiling Saiga's people heavily in the day.
*Zooms in* This will and always has been the case. Participation boni and Omake Boni always ignore capacity. Fuck I still need to update amberpedia with those other omakes.We *do* have a DE cap, remember? (Though @Powerofmind did say he hadn't decided on the specifics yet, and its possible that omake boosts and/or participation boosts can exceed it. still, don't go counting our silver orbs before we bring them back)
These are dumb ideas.I just thought of a possible interesting ritual concept to super charge demispirit/monster making: Every X number of years demand a combination of human sacrifice and mate. The sacrificial mate is to be honored with festivities and ceremonies of thanks by the rest of the people, and then they come to us for babymaking. After which, or in the height of it, the sacrificial mate is killed.
On variant could be the sacrificial mate living and being honored for a year, and possibly having each new sacrificial mate begin their year by slicing the throat of the old one
Why why why why WHY do you think combat between spirits must be decided by fisticuffs?
You do recall skill limits are now a thing?
I just thought of a possible interesting ritual concept to super charge demispirit/monster making: Every X number of years demand a combination of human sacrifice and mate. The sacrificial mate is to be honored with festivities and ceremonies of thanks by the rest of the people, and then they come to us for babymaking. After which, or in the height of it, the sacrificial mate is killed.
On variant could be the sacrificial mate living and being honored for a year, and possibly having each new sacrificial mate begin their year by slicing the throat of the old one
*Zooms in* This will and always has been the case. Participation boni and Omake Boni always ignore capacity. Fuck I still need to update amberpedia with those other omakes.
I just thought of a possible interesting ritual concept to super charge demispirit/monster making: Every X number of years demand a combination of human sacrifice and mate. The sacrificial mate is to be honored with festivities and ceremonies of thanks by the rest of the people, and then they come to us for babymaking. After which, or in the height of it, the sacrificial mate is killed.
On variant could be the sacrificial mate living and being honored for a year, and possibly having each new sacrificial mate begin their year by slicing the throat of the old one
Shut up, don't judge me!
I just thought of a possible interesting ritual concept to super charge demispirit/monster making: Every X number of years demand a combination of human sacrifice and mate. The sacrificial mate is to be honored with festivities and ceremonies of thanks by the rest of the people, and then they come to us for babymaking. After which, or in the height of it, the sacrificial mate is killed.
On variant could be the sacrificial mate living and being honored for a year, and possibly having each new sacrificial mate begin their year by slicing the throat of the old one
Care to clarify why? I mean I have no doubt that SV is too white-knightish to follow through, and I also realize that even if it were otherwise it would still be a while before we had enough sway to pull it off
I want to note that sometime during this nonsense, we went from 50ish pages to 100 pages, with only one update in the midst of all of that.
There's several problems. Problem 1: We're Speaking ENGLISH.
Problem 2: In Latin, Bonus means good. Not 'extra' or what bonus has come to mean in English.
So he's literally saying 'multiple goods' or something, rather than what bonus actually means.
Problem 3: Again, remember, we're not speaking Latin.
Dear god, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Is now the moment where I look outside and it's 100 AD and the English-speaking world of 21st century America was all a silly dream?
Edit: Also, the dictionaries think you are a time-traveler.
plural noun: bonuses
I hate to be that guy, but it's bonuses. Her bonuses make for two separate characters with pretty reasonable stats. There's no language where 'boni' means what you think it does. Including Latin, where it merely means "good."
And in English, the correct plural of bonus is bonuses.
I think it'd probably have more impact to have the successor kill the poor guy. Feeding him the remains is a nice touch though.That could work, but we might pick up some death or spider traits as a result of killing (and eating?) the poor guy.
Care to clarify why? I mean I have no doubt that SV is too white-knightish to follow through, and I also realize that even if it were otherwise it would still be a while before we had enough sway to pull it off
But in terms of how magic works in the setting: ritualistic behavior, showmanship, emotional investment by large numbers of people, effort and sacrifice ... it hits all the key points for a strong ritual.
It was a thing we could eventually do, not something we could do right now. For that matter I doubt we even have the influence to convince them to offer up a human sacrifice in the first place yetPersonally, I just want to go completely Yandere for Saiga (or whatever the other god's name is). Bonus points if we end up with a semi-fluid gender, just to be a lettle extra freaky!
As for the manly sacrifice, I wish to raise two points: First, the population is a bit low for a yearly sacrifice. Second, why settle for some random schmuck, when we can instead grab the manliest-man to sail upon our waters, have a bit of fun, then watch and see if he can swim to safety from wherever we happen to end up. It'll make a lovely game!
Also, I kind of want to turn our little town into Innsmuth (or whatever). Eventually, anyway.