Okay, so rough compilation of the general plans, smooshed together:
+ Skill: Awe [Reason: So we can be more awesome and stand a chance of not getting insta-dominated]
+ Attribute: Avatar [Reason: Harder to disperse, hit harder, more skill slots]
+ Attribute: Influence [Reason: So we can aim further and not have 'our' people be the ones we primarily have to hurt in order to grow]
+ Trickster Spirit -> Siren [Reason: So we can have a potent Perform skill and something to help us out so we aren't instantly dominated]
+ Aspect of the Fish -> HC of the Fish [Reason: Demispirits and Monsters]
+ Aspect of the Squid/Octopus, maybe? [Reason: Demispirits and Monsters]
+ EA: Ocean, EA: Waves, maybe EA: Rain [Reason: Thematic, broadens our repertoire, makes our sea-related skills more potent]
+ AA: Moon [Reason: Broadens our limited far-seeing skills, synergizes with our Astrology skill, opens the doorway to magic, synergizes with our water-related nature]
+ Water Avatar [Reason: Increases Avatar, provides a basic defense against dispersion, thematic]
This sound like a solid set of choices to aim for, for the time being? Because I think these can/will form our core, if we let them.