Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

End of a Journey
[X] Hid it in the jug, saving the rest for later.

You crawl into the knot, holding close the miraculous gifts Great One gave you...

You are in the total darkness once more. Behind you is a great sphere, and before you is another. There is a tone, and you fall towards the farther sphere, the orb that you know houses the place you came from. Once more, you fall with blistering speed only to touch gently upon the surface.

"Take me back," you say. "Take me to where I came from..."

And the maw of the spheres opens once more...

It is dark...

Reward time! Yaaaay!

Prefaced by a modification of existing Elemental Affinity traits, you haven't lost anything, as the concepts in play have been determined to be approximately at the level I want them to be represented with.

[Elemental Affinity - Sea, Elemental Manifestation - Darkness, Elemental Manifestation - Moon] have replaced Ocean Affinity - Sea, and Astral Affinities - Moon, Harvest Moon.

There are now Classical Elements, Elemental Affinities, and Focused Manifestations (Moon develops unique moons, Metal gives particular metals, etc.).
-Classical Affinities, as there are only 4, scale strongly in power with influence.
-Elemental Affinities are unlocked mostly by action, though a few can be automatically unlocked due to having a particular classical affinity. There are two main types of Elemental Affinities; Affinities and Manifestations.
--Affinities represent environments or concept groupings (seas, weather patterns, caverns, waterfalls, etc.). They grant special bonuses relating to effective influence range, and give minor improvements to Classical Element Powers relating to them (greater control of cold and ice, power over light especially with regard to fire, etc.). The main ascension focus of Affinities is 'Gaia'.
--Manifestations represent singular objects or events (Sun, Moon, tidal waves, infernos, etc.). They grant special, high-cost powers unique and separate from the basic elemental control granted by a Classical Element, including Ex Nihilo creation of something. The main ascension focus of Manifestations is 'Pandemonium'.
-Focused Manifestations share a singular trait slot, and progressively discount their Capstone Manifestation which they are absorbed into when purchased. Getting a capstone does not preclude purchase of additional Focused Manifestations.

[] Goddess of the Winter Night's Journey
Faces of the Moon Artifact (Grants up to tier 2 Shapeshifting when worn), The Sleeping Brew Consumable (Imbiber triggers Spirited Dreams)
Elemental Affinity - Night, Grand Affinity - Nox Arcana (Ascension, Moon Colors Capstone)
+2 Omen Reading, +2 Mysticism +2 Perform (Trickery)
[] Path of the Exiled Explorer
Faces of the Moon Artifact (Grants up to tier 2 Shapeshifting when worn), Bittersweet Memories consumable (Imbiber triggers Forlorn Recollections)
Influence +2 (Total Influence 4)
Lesser Spirit of Exploration (+3 Survival, +1 Navigation, +1 Trade, Expanded exploration range), Stargazer (You are a natural reader of the stars and their omens. Astrology no longer counts towards skill capacity (only if Mysticism is also learned), enables enhanced Avatar Astrology actions)
+2 Omen Reading, +2 Perform (Trickery), +2 Survival
[] Resonance of Impossibilities
Faces of the Moon Artifact (Grants up to tier 2 Shapeshifting when worn), Pool of the Dead consumable (Imbiber triggers Crumbled Walls)
Chimera (Two Tier 3 Aspect traits are combined under Chimera, no longer counting against the trait limit. Unlocks Chimeric Traits), Shapeshifter Avatar (The spirit can control it's form almost utterly. Trait selection for children costs one more sustenance than random buy, gains unique avatar actions)
+2 Omen Reading, +4 Perform (Trickery)
Gain Title - The Successor
[] Glimpse Creation
Faces of the Moon Artifact (Grants up to tier 2 Shapeshifting when worn), The Heady Drink consumable (Imbiber triggers Overwhelming Visions)
Lesser Spirit of Madness (+2 Omen Reading, +1 Fear, 6 accumulating Legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase), Inscrutable One (A natural evolution of capriciousness, you are not merely fickle, your motives are utterly incomprehensible. +2 Perform (Trickery), FEAR ONLY (Faith only locked): Traits may be despised without normal limitations, are always despised successfully, and the last (Shrine Attribute) despised traits can be manually restored for no cost in Legend)
+4 Omen Reading, +2 Perform (Trickery)
Gain Comprehension

Yes, these are all approximately equal rewards, depending on your state of mind. Objectively and mechanically they are all roughly the exact same value. Questions answered in advance:
  • Faces of the Moon does work for mortals. No, Seski normally cannot perform her shapeshifting abilities to the extent you can. Yes, mortals can 'fake' spirit-hood with the Faces just as a spirit could fake mortality.
  • I will not tell you what the drink trigger does. And yes, the third one is that reference.
  • You will ascend immediately if you choose Winter Night. This will make it harder to pick up different traits, and most of your trait offerings will be exclusively under Nox Arcana's EA set. It will be possible to travel outside that limitation, but you won't be able to just have sex with one octopus and get 5-10% of the trait table. Choose at your own risk.
  • The +1 Fear on Lesser Spirit of Madness is external, not affecting your base value.
  • No, I will not tell you exactly what The Successor does until you pick it. It is an 'equipped' title, meaning the advantages you take from it are exclusive with other titles (including pantheon titles).
  • No, I will not tell you what Comprehension does at all until you pick it.
That was a fun little quest thing. Let's do it again sometime!
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Turn 14 Results
[X] Goddess of the Winter Night's Journey
While Mommy's away, Seski will play!
Trickery rolled 13 vs 15
Seski gained 10 legend, Attrouska royally embarrassed (Seski +1 Trickery)
Seski spent 2 legend; gains Perform (Trickery) 4

Divine Return
Fear rolled 13
Gained 15 Legend

Major Pantheon Disruption - Goddess of the Mysterious Night Gaerig vs High Elder Spirit Attrouska
Influence rolled 12 vs 7 (Attrouska moderate win)
Focus Strength rolled 8 vs 21! (Gaerig Major II win)
Social Dominance rolled 10 vs 12 (Gaerig moderate win)
Gaerig usurps Saiga's Pantheon Enhancement Slot; gains The Goddess Sought

FEAR BUY - Vehemence (12)
1-5: Shrine 4
6-20: Influence 3
21-25: Fear 5
26-35: Avatar 6
31-32: Perform (Trickery)
33-34: Navigation
35-36: Survival
37-40: Omen Reading
41-50: Focused Manifestation - Harvest Moon
51-60: Focused Manifestation - Silver Moon
61-70: Focused Manifestation - Blue Moon
71-80: Focused Manifestation - Blood Moon
81-90: Focused Manifestation - Yellow Moon
91-100: Divine Mystery

Rolled 57: FM - Silver Moon
9 Vehemence remaining
Legend rolled 11, Additional Buy, replace FM - Silver Moon with EM - Darkness
Rolled 11: Influence 3
Double purchase, buy exhausted
Gained Influence 3
Gained Focused Manifestation - Silver Moon

You return to the realm you call home suddenly, jerkily, as though the world is having a hard time properly taking your account. Ignoring the oddness, you swim up, see the stars, and know that the long night has just begun, the Crone missing you entirely. Your return is faster than you remember, and the reason becomes apparent soon after you reach the shoal. You are very nearly as tall as the water is deep at the higher tides now! Looking yourself over, you see that you are wearing strange new skins, and furs that do not soak and droop in the water. Stilling the water enough to see your face, you nearly recoil in surprise.

You're... different, now. Taller, for one, and more mature-looking for another. Your earlier looks that used to portray your playfulness now portray a confident woman, appearing to know something you don't, and your mischievous smirk is now a temptress's inviting smile. You should show off!

Your gliding walk through the village turns every head, brings nearly every knee to the cold snowy earth. There are whispers and awed chatterings behind you. You walk to the Creche, to the temple where your darling little Seski makes her home. "Mommy!" she cries enthusiastically. "You're back!"

You pick her up and wander inside, laying her in her bed as she tells you of all the fun she'd had while you were away, especially with the big mean lady you know is Attrouska. When The Crone entered your village, it was with a retinue of two men and flanked by Saiga, who kept repeating that you had gone and he did not know where. Sensing opportunity, Seski got a hold of her original shell, hiding within the skins of your shrine's alter. When the Crone approached, beseeching your appearance, Seski played the horn and spooked the old spirit, who swiftly raised the disc, apparently signalling her men to play their instruments and her to perform a strange ritual, where the sun's light bent and fractured into myriad colors through the disc and a strange, clear, perfect liquid formed in the central hole. The liquid, apparently not finding you as you were away, violently burst from it's container, badly injuring the Crone and prompting Seski to jump from the skins and laugh at her.

The Crone danced and stamped her feet in a tantrum before finally leaving, and many people saw her injuries and heard Seski's laughter. Your daughter is a devious little hellion, it seems.

You feel strangely energized during this long night...

[Voting is locked for 2 hours following the initial posting. Please try to abide by it more fully this time, it's been falling a bit to the wayside recently.]

Divine Resources Available
72 - 72 (Expended) = 0 + 14 (Blessings) + 11 (Rites) + 82 (12 Vehemence) + 10 (PB) = 117

Equations Noted for this turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(15+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 11 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(10+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 6.8 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
Equations Noted for next turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 5 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 8.4 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
CURRENT POPULATION MODIFIER: 1 of -18 minimum, was 3 last turn (-2 Vehemence Damage)
0 + 1 (Confluence) - 1 (Sate Hunger) = 0
107 + 15 = 122 total legend
39 + 15 - 3 - 3 = 48 unspent legend
Gained Faces of the Moon (Tier X Mask) - Grants Shapeshifting Tier 2 [Mortal/Immortal Guise] (Free)
Gained The Sleeping Brew (Tier X Drink) - Grants Spirited Dreams

Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Omen Reading, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Costs: 5 DE
[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea. Costs: 6 DE
-[] Command Water [How]
-[] Command Sea [How]
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Call Fish.
-[] Drive Fish Away.
[] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Silver Moon* - The silver moon, gray and dull upon an indigo night, colored to better contrast the stars and reveal their incredible secrets. Very strongly alters Astrology actions and empowers the wind. Costs: 20 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blacken* - You are the Goddess of the Night and the Dark, Lady of the Moon, Knower of Countless Hidden Secrets. Blanket the nights in cloying darkness, a veil that only the Nox Arcana can pierce, heavily penalizing all mysticism-based actions for the turn for those who do not possess the Affinity, and greatly enhancing the range and power of Divine Acts and Influence for the turn for those who do. Costs: 30 DE, 2 Ambrosia. WARNING: Cannot currently Manifest Darkness, effect has a higher DC threshold.

Avatar Actions (13/30)

[] Form Avatar (7 Ambrosia) (Avatar already formed!)
[] Suffer Avatar (<X>, up to 6 Ambrosia) (Restores avatar with a variable sustenance value - can include negative values if the fraction of Ambrosia committed is too low compared to current Avatar, which causes violent rampages until hunger is sated to at least 10)

[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Lay with [Animal]
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Sire a Divine Creature, using [Life form] as a base
-[] Contribute <5X> unspent Legend for each sire in the litter, <X> Ambrosia for Attributes of the litter, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits of the litter

[] Experiment with Unknown Materials
-[] Strange Metal
[] Innovate something!
-[] Silver
-[] Obsidian
-[] Amber
-[] Low-Tier Materials (infinite limit)
[] Use Items
-[] Equip an item
-[] Gift an item
-[] Consume an item
-[] Destroy an item

[] QUEST: Flee - You must not be present for much of the year. You suspect The Crone may come soon, and the picture-disk frightens you. Costs: 15 DE, 3 sustenance. (Greatly reduces confrontation chance, maximum three times to guarantee no confrontation. Can have other effects) Remaining turns: ?
[] QUEST: Dominate - You will descend upon The Crone suddenly and with much fanfare. She is beneath your notice, a mere speck that all can see at a glance is lesser than you. Dominate her utterly. Costs: 16 DE. Remaining turns: ?

[] Personally Incite - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror. Costs: 3 DE.
[] Travel elsewhere - Visit one of the villages you've discovered and mess with them! Costs: 6 DE - Fox Village, 8 DE - Crone Village, 6 DE - Saitev's Village, 10 DE - Imprisoned Settlements
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE

[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Past - Look beyond yourself to a time before. The world is old and storied, and secrets are buried in history. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Read Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
-[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Entrails - Look into the entrails spilled upon the earth. As all life consumes earth's bounty and is returned as new bounty, you can learn from the transition. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE

[] Perform Ritual
-[] Minor Ritual of the Alluring Singer. Costs: ? DE, ? Ambrosia OR ? appropriate Amber Crafts (?)

Commune Actions (13/30)

[] Issue Decree - You take form, or manifest your avatar in order to issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Maximum Decrees: 2/4
-[] Alter the Decree of Attendance - "Each blood family must offer a single beautiful young adult to attend you and your shrines each year, or they will benefit from neither your blessings nor protections on the sea."
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 4
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum Shrines 2/3.
-[] Specify a shrine to Leave to Ruin
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make [name shrine] grander. Costs: 5 DE.
-[] Dedicate <X> materials for progress.
-[] Expand another Creche (T2 Limited).
[] Build a Temple - You are a Goddess! You are deserving of an incredible edifice to your divinity! Maximum Temples 0/1. Costs: 1 Ambrosia, 10 DE, Significant amount of materials (uses T0 materials for construction if not provided personally).
-[] Improve [name shrine] into a temple.
-[] Create a temple anew at [location].
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
[] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
-[] Learn about him (Current circa turn 13)
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits


Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)
Attribute Accumulated Discounts: Faith 2 (currently locked), Fear 2/5

Aspect of the Fish (+2 Trade, +3 Navigation, +2 Survival, Faster water travel, can command fish directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Crustacean (+3 Melee, +2 Fishing, +2 Perform (Dance), Increased wound threshold, can command crustaceans directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Walrus (+3 Fishing, +2 Survival, +2 Awe, Increased maximum sustenance, can command walrus and sea lions directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Octopus (+2 Fishing, +3 Survival, +2 Perform (Dance), Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, can command octopodes directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +3 Innovation, +3 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 13 Legend

Spirit of Mischief (+4 Perform (Trickery), +2 Survival, Common ability to mask or disguise Avatar (False Mortality), grants a small chance of escaping disadvantaged encounters): 9 (8) Legend
Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +3 Trade, gain the ability to speak directly with and negotiate with sea creatures): 15 (15) Legend
Spirit of Exploration (+3 Survival, +3 Navigation, +1 Trade, Expanded exploration range, greatly reduces detection risk when exploring): 18 (21) Legend
Spirit of the Stars (+3 Astrology, +2 Omen Reading, +2 Navigation, gain the ability to Shift Stars): 18 (20) Legend
Spirit of Premonitions (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Astrology, +2 Survival, gain the ability to Twist Fate): 18 (21) Legend
Spirit of Mysteries (+2 Mysticism, +2 Magic (First), +2 Magic (Second), gain strange senses): 18 (16) Legend
Spirit of Motherhood (+3 Leadership, +2 Perform (Sing), reduces Sustenance cost to add random and specific traits by 1 and 1 when siring, grant one additional specific trait when siring): 18 (21)
Spirit of Death (+3 Melee, +2 Omen Reading, gains an automatic success against mortals when acting to kill them, gains a Strong Bonus against any Ur-Spawn or any Spirit one tier lower than you when acting to kill or disperse them): 18 (18)

Elemental Affinities
Classical Element - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend
Classical Element - Earth (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Element - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend Inherent Lockout

Elemental Affinity (Tier 2) - Lake (Stagnation save the ripple of action upon it): 5 (7) Legend

Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 8 (9) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Sky (The sky is part of your natural domain as Lady of the Night): 8 (5) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Cold (The chill of the night, the smoke of the breath): 8 (5) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Frost (You have seen man's lips blue in chill waters, felt the nip of ice upon skin): 5 (2) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Darkness (You are one with the dark places, granting you power over shadow): 5 (2) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Tidal Waves (Push and Pull, Rise and Fall, yours is the domain of the water that reclaims even the high earth): 8 (9) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Yellow Moon (You have a special affinity with the night moon): 8 (3) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Blood Moon (You have a special affinity with the moon spurned the light of the sun): 8 (3) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Blue Moon (You have a special affinity with the strange moon): 8 (3) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Harvest Moon (You have a special affinity with the orange moon of fall): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Obsidian (Black as night, hiding a deadly edge): 5 (2) Legend
Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Silver (Divine Silver, whose light even hints at darkness): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Rain (What the sun takes, the sky returns): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Storms (Whip with furious wind, scour with pelting water): 8 (10) legend

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 5 (4) Legend
Elemental Avatar - Silver (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can transmute silver, +2 Awe): 5 Legend
Elemental Avatar - Shadow (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can perform shadow teleportation within linked domains, gain Ethereal, gain Vulnerability towards light/fire based attacks): 5 Legend

Divine Enhancements
Inscrutable One (A natural evolution of capriciousness, you are not merely fickle, your motives are utterly incomprehensible. +2 Perform (Trickery), FEAR ONLY (Faith only locked): Traits may be despised without normal limitations, are always despised successfully, and the last (Shrine Attribute) despised traits can be manually restored for no cost in Legend): (8) 11 Legend
Divine Mystery (As spirits grow to godhood, secrets are revealed to them that are unsuited to mortal minds. +2 Mysticism, may elect to swap current Focus Attribute using a basic ritual): 8 (6) Legend
Stargazer (You are a natural reader of the stars and their omens. Astrology no longer counts towards skill capacity (only if Mysticism is also learned), enables enhanced Avatar Astrology actions): 8 (10) Legend
Lesser Bless (Your blessings are slightly improved, and you gain access to specialized blessings apart from Sacrifice and Growth, based on the skills you possess): (3) 6 Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Astrology (MAXED OUT)
Omen Reading
Mysticism (LOCKED)
Perform (Trickery)

You have ascended for the first time. A few helpful hints regarding ascension:
The Avatar demands more sustenance than before, requiring 50% more ambrosia to reform properly, and costing an extra full point of sustenance to maintain.
Influence range per point has been increased by roughly 50%, applied after bonus range from high-tier shrines.
You now have two points of Strong Modifier against Spirits and Ur-Spirits, and four points against mortals.
Devotional Energy capacity is now 15*Highest two attributes instead of 10.
You can now build a Temple, a massive edifice that is capable of storing large amounts of ambrosia for grand, divine gestures.
You can now sire Divine Creatures, creatures that are very similar to spirits in the extent of their abilities, but do not procreate especially often or easily (typically they maintain a static population).
Any future Ur-Spawn are born with a demi-god template, receiving protection from the mortal Strong Bonus against up to Local God tier.
If you wish, you are now capable of Elevating Ur-Spawn to full Spirit or God-hood. Elevation can only be done if you currently possess a Divine Realm (Influence too low for a Divine Realm).
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Turn 15 Results
[X] Plan Gaerig is bored...
-[X] Travel elsewhere - Visit one of the villages you've discovered and mess with them! Costs: 6 DE - Fox Village, 8 DE - Crone Village, 6 DE - Saitev's Village, 10 DE - Imprisoned Settlements
--[X] Fox Village
--[X]Saitev's Village
-[X] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
-[X] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE. WARNING: Lacking Survival, exploration will be more difficult. Navigation provides very limited benefits overland.
-[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
--[X] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
-[X] Read Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
--[X] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
--[X] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
--[X] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
--[X] Request that Saiga join you exploring the land and introduce you to Saitev
-[X] Play with Seski
--[X] Bring her along
---[X] Give her a piece of amber for her good work trolling Attrouska.
-[X] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
-[X] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea. Costs: 6 DE
-[X] Command Sea [How]
--[X] Roil Waters
---[X] x3
-[X] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
--[X] In your territory
---[X] x2
Inspire (Innovation)
Influence rolled 14

Control Waters [Roil]
Influence rolled 16, 6, 14
Weird rolled 10

He who seeks to pacify the furious tides
Discovery rolled 7 vs 17
Sought, but not found; Gaerig gains 2 legend

Influence rolled 15, 16
Major success+Major Success
A Weirding rolled 11, 4
Weird rolled 15
1 total weird

Ask Saiga to tag along
Automatic accept (Saitev)
Trade rolled 5

Meet the Neighbor Bird
Shock the System
Trickery rolled 13 vs 6
Minor Failure
Perform+Awe rolled 4 vs 17
Major Success
Awe +1
Weird rolled 4
Recursive Weirding rolled 13
2 total weirds

Spirit Interaction
Fear rolled 17
Gained 14 Legend

Fox Hunt (Saiga does not come)
Survival rolled 11 vs 33! (Seriously?)
Survival +1
Weird rolled 12

Spirit Interaction
Fear rolled 13
Gained 12 Legend

A Merry Chase
Trickery rolled 16
Perform (Trickery) +1
Weird rolled 5
3 total weirds

Wander Earth
Survival rolled 8

Explore Sea
Navigation rolled 9

Develop Ritual
Astrology rolled 4
Omen Reading rolled 11
Minor Ritual of the Alluring Singer. Costs: 30-80 DE, 4-7 Ambrosia OR 20-50 total Tiers of appropriate Amber Crafts (?)

Read Bones
Omen Reading rolled 5

Field Trip!
Seski rolled 14 vs Saitev's 9
And the girl just keeps on pranking.
Seski rolled 10 vs Fox Spirit's 11
And pranking.
Seski gains 8 Legend
Seski spends 2 legend; gains Perform (Primitive Instrument) 2, Survival 1

1 - Moon of Beasts
2 - Moon of Transmutation
3 - Moon of Life
4 - Moon of the Earth
5 - Moon of Wild Tide
6 - Moon of Secrets Revealed
7 - Moon of Wrath
8 - Moon of Darkness
9 - Moon of Shifts
10 - Moon in the Sun

Rolled 10 - Moon in the Sun (8)
Rolled 10 - Moon in the Sun (9)
Rolled 6 - Moon of Secrets Revealed (7)
The Night in the Day
Fear rolled 4, 12
Gained 10 Legend
Indigo Moon
+1 Omen Reading
Gained 6 Legend

FEAR BUY - Vehemence (45) (Boost to 68)
Legend rolled 10
Major Glut - Must spend at least (14) Legend and make (6) rolls (see AN for mechanics)
1-5: Shrine 4
6-10: Influence 3
11-25: Fear 5
26-40: Avatar 6
41-42: Navigation
43-44: Survival
45-46: Omen Reading
47-50: Perform (Trickery)
51-60: Focused Manifestation - Harvest Moon
61-70: Focused Manifestation - Blue Moon
71-80: Focused Manifestation - Blood Moon
81-90: Focused Manifestation - Yellow Moon
91-100: Stargazer

Rolled 36: Avatar 6
8 Vehemence Remaining, Avatar 7 replaces Avatar 6
Rolled 44: Survival (1d3) +1
7 Vehemence Remaining
Rolled 7: Influence 4
3 Vehemence Remaining, Influence 5 replaces Influence 4
Rolled 46: Omen Reading (1d3) +1
2 Vehemence Remaining
Rolled 6: Influence 5
Vehemence Exhausted, Influence 6 replaces Influence 5
Rolled 26: Avatar 7
Vehemence Exhausted, Rolls Exhausted, Glut Complete
Population rolled 3
-7 Population Modifier (Additional); Major Glut Penalty
Gained Avatar 7
Gained Influence 5
Gained Survival 2
Gained Omen Reading 3

Feeling especially curious, you strike the bones beneath the shoal and watch them dance. Seeing no warnings in them that the Crone will come, you set about preparing for a grand display. The moon glows brightly in the nights, and as the day grows longer, you feel weaker. Quite suddenly, you are overwhelmed with power, your preparations to send the seas into a frenzy at a sudden peak you had not expected.

The seas writhe under your cruel hand, churning and twisting. For days on end, the entire shoreline for several miles is completely unnavigable, the boats have to be pulled farther onto the shore. Saiga braves the furious seas in his kayak, laden with gifts, but the waves turn him in circles, he cannot even reach you from your place on the sea as he calls for you. You smile.

The sea vanishes.

A handspan, two, three, six, ten. More and more of the sea retreats from the shore, Saiga still spun in circles by whirlpools and impossible currents. And then it bulges, rising, rising, rising, and finally cresting; a miles-long wave so grand and so terrible that the heady taste of terror reaches you before the thing even breaks into white foaming death, and when it does... You are in ecstasy.

You lose yourself in the pleasure of that single moment of destruction for days on end, the seas calming in the wake of your destructive influence. You come to your senses and appear within Seski's shrine, swinging her up into the air. "Mommy!" she cries as usual. "Lots of people were sad and came here. They left you things."

Your gaze sweeps over your alters, seeing a paltry pile of cheap carvings and burned fat. The stink makes your nose flare in disgust, and you'd like to leave soon. "Seski," you start. "We're going on a trip."

The girl squeals, delighted. You carry her across the barren stonelands to Saiga's village, where you see that the village has been horribly devastated. You imagine the little village you rule is also in such poor condition, but what could have done so much damage? Almost immediately upon stepping into the village, Saiga approaches you, laying at your feet a pretty figurine of obsidian. "I am sorry, dear wife, for not giving you my gifts as promised," he says. "Please, I beg you, do not harm the people any further, they cannot survive it."

You do not dissuade Saiga his misconception that you still have the strength to twist the waves, and wordlessly take the figure with a warmer sort of smile. "Husband, Saiga..." you begin. "I wish to see this Saitev you've spoken so often and highly of. Could you take me there?"

Apparently as delighted by this as Seski was earlier, Saiga nods, offering you his hand. You take it with the hand not cradling Seski to your breast, and he leads you inland. You cross through a thin forest of evergreens that grows somewhat thicker as you travel. Eventually, you come upon a cleared place, where a large, bustling village is nestled into a small depression, not quite deep or steep enough to be called a valley. Saiga leads you from the treeline, and the sun is suddenly blotted out. You look up, seeing the outline of a massive bird, Saitev, if you had to guess, as it descends to meet you.

Saitev is truly all your husband claimed him to be, a bird so large that even you must bend your neck back to meet his eye. A streak of white crosses his plumage, and upon his beak and back are draped ornamenting bones and clinking stones, strung together and hanging off of him.

Unconsciously, the shine of your eyes grows enticing, the stars in your nightshade hair sparkling in curious patterns. Saitev merely laughs, the sound of cawing especially mocking. In response, you raise your chin, looking down upon him despite the fact he is half again your height. There is a glint of caution, and the raven rears his head up and slightly away from you. You have proven how impressive you are.

His voice is deep, but warbles like the crowing of the creatures of his namesake. "So this is Gaerig, great terror from the sea?" he says immediately, to Saiga's immense confusion. There is a fit of laughter as he continues, "I can see why The Crone fears you so, I can. Such defiance, irreverence, boldness!"

The raven continues, leaning in to look at you with one large beady eye. He caws again. "Not so much of the Sea anymore, are you?" he queries, and you flinch at his insights. He is... much smarter than you expected. "Do not fear me, little Goddess, never me. Content to see and watch and wait, am I. My beak has blooded enough, my eyes seen far, so that now I am averse to making trouble, though I am glad you will in my stead."

Seski cries out for attention, and you incline your head slightly to the Great Raven. He caws once more, and flies away, marking your time to return. As you travel back, Seski giggles, sneakily revealing to you a bone and a severed strand of string. Clever little Seski earns a tickle for the theft as you share her mirth.

When you return, you beg Saiga take you on an adventure, but with resignation, he shakes his head. "My duties tie me to this place. I must keep a watchful eye for the terror," he explains once more. You wish to shake him in his ignorance, but to tell him he has been lied to for so long gives you pause you cannot understand. With Seski still held in the crook of your arm, you give him a parting kiss.

"Then I shall tell you my stories when I return," you say.

And what stories you will tell indeed. You venture out past the ice floes to the east, seeking the Fox Spirit. You cross a point, and suddenly there is an unspoken agreement, a contest of hunter and hunted, thief and owner. With a word of caution, you release Seski into the thick woods around you, pointing her to her target, and saunter deeper into the wood. You toy with the spirit who guards this place, these people, freely stepping about behind his back and twisting his efforts to track you into befuddled knots.

Twice, you enter his village personally, joining Seski in trading about the mens' beds, tricking the children into the woods with the starlight of your hair, the changes of your eyes. The third time you hear his snarl, see your daughter running with tears of unabated laughter streaming from her face, and the moon covers the sun, bathing the village in artificial darkness. In the turmoil of the eclipse, Seski escapes to the woods, and you leave shortly after, your laugh taunting the fox as you go.

Your return to Seski's bed is interrupted by frequent giggles and barking laughter. Despite how satisfied you feel, however, you feel your hold on your form growing... tenuous.

You need more people under your influence to offer you favor...

[Voting is locked for 2 hours following the initial posting.]

Divine Resources Available
117 - 117 (Expended) = 0 + 5 (Rites) + 378 (45 Vehemence) + 4 (PB) = 387 DE
Holy Place Condensation -5
Overflow Condensation -200
Gained 21 Ambrosia
Remaining: 182

Equations Noted for this turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 5 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 8.4 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
Equations Noted for next turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 2 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 4 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
CURRENT POPULATION MODIFIER: -10 of -20 minimum, was 1 last turn (-7 Glut Damage, -4 Vehemence Damage)
0 + 21 (Condensation) - 3 (Sate Hunger) = 18
Amber Condensation -15
Gained 5 Amber
Remaining: 3
122 + 14 + 12 + 10 + 6 + 2 = 166 total legend
48 + 44 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 2 = 68 unspent legend
Gained 5 Amber
Lost 1 Amber
Gained 1 Obsidian Figurine (Okay)

Divine Actions
Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Omen Reading, Mysticism, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DE
[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Command Water [How]
-[] Command Sea [How]
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Call Fish.
-[] Drive Fish Away.
[] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 20 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Silver Moon* - The silver moon, gray and dull upon an indigo night, colored to better contrast the stars and reveal their incredible secrets. Very strongly alters Astrology actions and empowers the wind. Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blacken* - You are the Goddess of the Night and the Dark, Lady of the Moon, Knower of Countless Hidden Secrets. Blanket the nights in cloying darkness, a veil that only the Nox Arcana can pierce, heavily penalizing all mysticism-based actions for the turn for those who do not possess the Affinity, and greatly enhancing the range and power of Divine Acts and Influence for the turn for those who do. Costs: 40 DE, 2 Ambrosia. WARNING: Cannot currently Manifest Darkness, effect has a higher DC threshold.
[] ??? - You feel something curious, a spilling, a bubble upon creation. Costs: ? DE, ?

Avatar Actions (31/40)

[] Form Avatar (7 Ambrosia) (Avatar already formed!)
[] Suffer Avatar (<X>, up to 6 Ambrosia) (Restores avatar with a variable sustenance value - can include negative values if the fraction of Ambrosia committed is too low compared to current Avatar, which causes violent rampages until hunger is sated to at least 10)

[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Lay with [Animal]
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Sire a Divine Creature, using [Life form] as a base
-[] Contribute <5X> unspent Legend for each sire in the litter, <X> Ambrosia for Attributes of the litter, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits of the litter

[] Experiment with Unknown Materials
-[] Strange Metal
[] Innovate something!
-[] Silver
-[] Obsidian
-[] Amber
-[] Low-Tier Materials (infinite limit)
[] Use Items
-[] Equip an item
-[] Gift an item
-[] Consume an item
-[] Destroy an item

[] QUEST: Flee - You must not be present for much of the year. You suspect The Crone may come soon, and the picture-disk frightens you. Costs: 15 DE, 3 sustenance. (Greatly reduces confrontation chance, maximum three times to guarantee no confrontation. Can have other effects) Remaining turns: ?
[] QUEST: Dominate - You will descend upon The Crone suddenly and with much fanfare. She is beneath your notice, a mere speck that all can see at a glance is lesser than you. Dominate her utterly. Costs: 16 DE. Remaining turns: ?

[] Personally Incite - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror. Costs: 3 DE.
[] Travel elsewhere - Visit one of the villages you've discovered and mess with them! Costs: 6 DE - Crone Village, 8 DE - Imprisoned Settlements
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE

[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Past - Look beyond yourself to a time before. The world is old and storied, and secrets are buried in history. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
-[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Entrails - Look into the entrails spilled upon the earth. As all life consumes earth's bounty and is returned as new bounty, you can learn from the transition. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
-[] Study [Material]. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Divine the Purpose (Aids in divine item creation). Costs: 15 DE
-[] Study the ??? Action. Costs: 15 DE
-[] Refine Rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)

[] Perform Ritual
-[] Minor Ritual of the Alluring Singer. Costs: 30-80 DE, 4-7 Ambrosia OR 20-50 total Tiers of appropriate Amber Crafts (?)

Commune Actions (31/40)

[] Issue Decree - You take form, or manifest your avatar in order to issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Maximum Decrees: 2/4
-[] Alter the Decree of Attendance - "Each blood family must offer a single beautiful young adult to attend you and your shrines each year, or they will benefit from neither your blessings nor protections on the sea."
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 4
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum Shrines 2/3.
-[] Specify a shrine to Leave to Ruin
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make [name shrine] grander. Costs: 5 DE.
-[] Dedicate <X> materials for progress.
-[] Expand another Creche (T2 Limited).
[] Build a Temple - You are a Goddess! You are deserving of an incredible edifice to your divinity! Maximum Temples 0/1. Costs: 1 Ambrosia, 10 DE, Significant amount of materials (uses T0 materials for construction if not provided personally).
-[] Improve [name shrine] into a temple.
-[] Create a temple anew at [location].
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
[] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
-[] Learn about him (Current circa turn 13)
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with Saitev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Learn about him
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with the Fox Spirit properly, now that you have proven your superiority as cleverest of all. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance, 5 DE (One time)


Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)
Attribute Accumulated Discounts: Faith 2 (currently locked), Fear 2/5

Aspect of the Fish (+2 Trade, +3 Navigation, +2 Survival, Faster water travel, can command fish directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Crustacean (+3 Melee, +2 Fishing, +2 Perform (Dance), Increased wound threshold, can command crustaceans directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Walrus (+3 Fishing, +2 Survival, +2 Awe, Increased maximum sustenance, can command walrus and sea lions directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Octopus (+2 Fishing, +3 Survival, +2 Perform (Dance), Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, can command octopodes directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Snowy Owl (+3 Survival, +2 Awe, +2 Perform (Sing), Grants a free degree of success when attacking a divine of equal tier from ambush, can command owls directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +3 Innovation, +3 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 13 Legend

Spirit of Mischief (+4 Perform (Trickery), +2 Survival, Common ability to mask or disguise Avatar (False Mortality), grants a small chance of escaping disadvantaged encounters): 9 (8) Legend
Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +3 Trade, gain the ability to speak directly with and negotiate with sea creatures): 15 (15) Legend
Spirit of Exploration (+3 Survival, +3 Navigation, +1 Trade, Expanded exploration range, greatly reduces detection risk when exploring): 18 (21) Legend
Spirit of the Stars (+3 Astrology, +2 Omen Reading, +2 Navigation, gain the ability to Shift Stars): 18 (20) Legend
Spirit of Premonitions (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Astrology, +2 Survival, gain the ability to Twist Fate): 18 (21) Legend
Spirit of Mysteries (+2 Mysticism, +2 Magic (First), +2 Magic (Second), gain strange senses): 18 (16) Legend
Spirit of Motherhood (+3 Leadership, +2 Perform (Sing), reduces Sustenance cost to add random and specific traits by 1 and 1 when siring, grant one additional specific trait when siring): 18 (21)
Spirit of Death (+3 Melee, +2 Omen Reading, gains an automatic success against mortals when acting to kill them, gains a Strong Bonus against any Ur-Spawn or any Spirit one tier lower than you when acting to kill or disperse them): 18 (18)
Spirit of Madness (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Fear, 6 accumulating Legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase): 18 (21) Legend

Elemental Affinities
Classical Element - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend
Classical Element - Earth (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Element - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend Inherent Lockout

Elemental Affinity (Tier 2) - Lake (Stagnation save the ripple of action upon it): 5 (7) Legend

Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 8 (9) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Sky (The sky is part of your natural domain as Lady of the Night): 8 (5) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Cold (The chill of the night, the smoke of the breath): 8 (5) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Frost (You have seen man's lips blue in chill waters, felt the nip of ice upon skin): 5 (2) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Darkness (You are one with the dark places, granting you power over shadow): 5 (2) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Tidal Waves (Push and Pull, Rise and Fall, yours is the domain of the water that reclaims even the high earth): 8 (9) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Sun (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 8 (10) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Yellow Moon (You have a special affinity with the night moon): 8 (3) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Blood Moon (You have a special affinity with the moon spurned the light of the sun): 8 (3) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Blue Moon (You have a special affinity with the strange moon): 8 (3) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Harvest Moon (You have a special affinity with the orange moon of fall): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Obsidian (Black as night, hiding a deadly edge): 5 (2) Legend
Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Silver (Divine Silver, whose light even hints at darkness): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Rain (What the sun takes, the sky returns): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Storms (Whip with furious wind, scour with pelting water): 8 (10) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Orbits) - Eclipse (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 20 (15) Legend

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 5 (4) Legend
Elemental Avatar - Silver (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can transmute silver, +2 Awe): 5 Legend
Elemental Avatar - Shadow (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can perform shadow teleportation within linked domains, gain Ethereal, gain Vulnerability towards light/fire based attacks): 5 Legend

Divine Enhancements
Inscrutable One (A natural evolution of capriciousness, you are not merely fickle, your motives are utterly incomprehensible. +2 Perform (Trickery), FEAR ONLY (Faith only locked): Traits may be despised without normal limitations, are always despised successfully, and the last (Shrine Attribute) despised traits can be manually restored for no cost in Legend): (8) 11 Legend
Divine Mystery (As spirits grow to godhood, secrets are revealed to them that are unsuited to mortal minds. +2 Mysticism, may elect to swap current Focus Attribute using a basic ritual): 8 (6) Legend
Stargazer (You are a natural reader of the stars and their omens. Astrology no longer counts towards skill capacity (only if Mysticism is also learned), enables enhanced Avatar Astrology actions): 8 (10) Legend
Lesser Bless (Your blessings are slightly improved, and you gain access to specialized blessings apart from Sacrifice and Growth, based on the skills you possess): (3) 6 Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Astrology (MAXED OUT)
Omen Reading
Perform (Trickery)

Mechanics for Glut Buy will be as follows (I really hadn't considered the sheer volume a glut could give with higher fear, and it's honestly too high by itself):
Only calculates from base Vehemence.
Must roll greater than 100 to proc a Major glut (each legend point = +1 final result).
Glut continues for (Vehemence/Written Fear Attribute) Legend and (Fear Attribute*1.5) rolls, and only ends when both conditions are satisfied.
Last edited:
Gaerig's Turbulant Year
[X] Plan Attrouska, The Night Has Come For You!
-[X] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 20 DE x2
--[X] Over an enemy's territory x2
---[X] Attrouska's
-[X] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea. Costs: 10 DE x3
--[X] Command Water [How] x3
---[X] Flood Attrouska's village with water and snow from above x3
-[X] Blacken* - You are the Goddess of the Night and the Dark, Lady of the Moon, Knower of Countless Hidden Secrets. Blanket the nights in cloying darkness, a veil that only the Nox Arcana can pierce, heavily penalizing all mysticism-based actions for the turn for those who do not possess the Affinity, and greatly enhancing the range and power of Divine Acts and Influence for the turn for those who do. Costs: 40 DE, 2 Ambrosia. WARNING: Cannot currently Manifest Darkness, effect has a higher DC threshold.
-[X] QUEST: Dominate - You will descend upon The Crone suddenly and with much fanfare. She is beneath your notice, a mere speck that all can see at a glance is lesser than you. Dominate her utterly. Costs: 16 DE. Remaining turns: ?
-[X] Travel elsewhere - Visit one of the villages you've discovered and mess with them! Costs: 6 DE - Crone Village, 8 DE - Imprisoned Settlements
--[X] Crone Village
---[X] Go in disguise until she comes out of her shrines.
-[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
--[X] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[X] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
--[X] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[X] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE x3
--[X] Reserve one for Appeasement. Spend remainder(or unused Appeasements) on Attrouska's people
--[X] Preferentially target her woodcutters and hunters. No fuel or fires for her!
-[X] Innovate something!
--[X] Silver
-[X] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
--[X] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
---[X] Especially Attrouska
-[X] Meet with Saitev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 5 DE (One time)
--[X] Learn about him
--[X] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
---[X] Especially Attrouska
-[X] Play with Seski
--[X] Gift her more Amber
-[X] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make [Saiga Village Shrine] grander. Costs: 5 DE.
--[X] Dedicate 6 Bone Figurines for progress.
--[X] Dedicate 1 Okay Obsidian Figurine for progress.
--[X] Expand another Creche (T2 Limited).
-[X] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
-[X] Produce a mortal child
--[X] Contribute 30 Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
--[X] Contribute 20 Sustenance to give the child random traits
-[X] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 4
--[X] To bring you the blackest things they have found over the year.
Divine Actions
Influence rolled 10, 15, 10
Major VIII Success

Influence rolled 10, 9
Double Minor
Weird rolled 10, 10
Weirding rolled 11
1 Weird

Influence rolled 12
Minor Success

subtotal VE: 22

Avatar Actions
Bear Ur-Child: 30 Legend
Base 1 + Paid 5 = 6 random traits
Spirit of Mischief: 1
Spirit of the Sea: 2
Aspect of Humanity: 3
CE - Water: 4
EA - Sea: 5
EA - Stars: 6
EA - Night: 7
EM - Moon: 8
FM - Silver Moon: 9
GA - Nox Arcana: 10
Capricious One: 11
Random Known Trait: 12

Rolled 10, 9, 2, 8, 11, 2: Lesser Spirit of the Sea, EM - Moon, FM - Silver Moon, GA - Nox Arcana, Capricious One
Evens (F) and Odds (M) rolled: 1

Trickery rolled 15, 13
Major V Success

Innovate Silver
Innovation rolled 9
Minor Success

Future/Bone Reading
Astrology rolled 16
Major III Success; Gained 1 ambrosia
Weirding rolled 16
Omen Reading rolled 12
Moderate Success

subtotal VE: 10

Commune Actions
Punishment Lure
Trickery rolled 9
Minor Success

Demand Appeasement
Fear rolled 4
Moderate Failure
Punishment damage rolled 10
-1 Population Modifier

Demand Materials
Fear rolled 14
Gained 4 units Obsidian, Gained 1 unit crystal

Learn from Saiga
Trade rolled 11
2 Successes

Learn from Saitev (self: Niogg)
Trade rolled 9
1 Success
Trade rolled 15
3 Successes

Play with Seski!
Trickery rolled 7
No legend gained
Seski spends 2 legend; gain Perform (Trickery) 5, Craft (Stoneworking) 2

Improve Shrine
Quality + Shrine rolled 8
Gained 3 of 2 necessary successes
Raised to T2, 1 overflow success (passed to Creche)

Expand Creche
Shrine rolled 10
Creche requires 2 additional successes, or [5 bone figurines]

subtotal VE: 6

Weird time!
1 - Moon of Beasts
2 - Moon of Transmutation
3 - Moon of Life
4 - Moon of the Earth
5 - Moon of Wild Tide
6 - Moon of Secrets Revealed
7 - Moon of Wrath
8 - Moon of Darkness
9 - Moon of Shifts
10 - Moon in the Sun

Rolled 5 - Moon of the Wild Tide (17)
The Blue Moon Shines
Gained 2 Legend, gained 2 VE

With a careful eye on the damage you've caused, you demand the people appease you with sacrifices instead, foreseeing trouble if you aren't careful. Unfortunately, people seem to take your demand for appeasement as a chance to take a break. After reminding them who's in charge, things run smoothly, at least, though you wince at the prickling sense of pushing your people even further into suffering, enough that a few even leave, headed for greener pastures. Before an especially pretty young man escapes, you lure him away into the trees, where you take him happily.

Turning your mind to something more pleasant, you try to play games with your daughter, gifting her more precious stones to work. "Mommy, I want to stop," she says petulantly when you try to help draw in victims for her pranks. "I'm tired of tricking, I want to do something else..."

You feel surprised, a little... hurt, even. "Alright," you say softly. "I'll let you be..."

Instead, you go to Saiga, asking for another story. "My Gaerig, I have no stories left, only paths and pathmarks," he says. "Please, leave me to my hunts. The people need to eat, and I must feed them..."

You furrow your brow in confusion. Don't the people eat well enough already? There are plenty of fish in the sea, and your sense of their number is as notable as the lack of boats...

Finally, you go to Saitev, who caws in your face. "You know as much of me as I'd care for you to know, little goddess!" he crows, shaking his head and rattling the bones upon his beak. "Though I can tell you that Attrouska has discovered a strange thing, quite strange indeed! Little squiggles and lines, rife with meaning, yes? From my place in the sky I hear their name, the runes."

Turned away by those you like, you settle with your silver dust and experiment with it. It vanishes quickly in water, and quite a lot can be absorbed before it settles on the bottom. When you boil away the water to try to get the dust back, however, the silver crystallizes! Beautiful fractals form within the bowl you'd used, and you secret it away for yourself, doling out a number of figurines and blessings for your shrine in Saiga's village, though they are... insufficient.

Your problems, all of them, stem from The Crone, from Attrouska! She is the reason your Saiga cannot give you new stories, the reason Saitev thinks he can deny you what you want! She probably poisoned the opinions of your people when she arrived two years ago, and it's why they're leaving! You will break her, then, like she broke your husband, like she broke The Imprisoned spirit.

It starts small. Unseasonably high snowfall and eerily bright nights within the Crone's home village. The moon turns a cold blue, suddenly, and your efforts are enhanced powerfully, blizzards and snow and frozen rain falling upon her village even into the warm months.

And then you bathe the night sky in blackness. Shrieks and wails echo from the village as you slip inside under the cover of a truly dark night. With mortal guise afforded by the mask, you go ever closer to where you feel your enemy resides. She stands near a hastily raised fire, her strange, stoic children feeding wood into the blaze.

Sneaky Gaerig
Mysticism vs Trickery rolled 10 vs 5
Tie; Attrouska knows you're not what you seem!

Confrontation (Children of the Rune vs Gaerig)
Melee rolled 6, 12, 12, 13 vs 17
Tie to Gaerig; Children of the Rune temporarily dispersed, disguise rent apart!

You Dare Run? (Attrouska vs Gaerig)
Perform + Awe rolled 18 vs 9
Major Failure; Attrouska retreats!

Delay (Children of the Rune vs Gaerig)
Melee rolled 11, 9, 4 vs 26! (every god damn time, man)
Gained +1 Melee; Encounter Weird rolled 13
Major II Success, Children of the Rune slain to a man!

Catch her!
Survival rolled 11 vs 11
Moderate Success; Nearly caught up...

In a flash, she stamps her foot and cries out, "I see through your guise; Foul Deceiver, seeking my demise!"

She wails and points towards you, and the strange children draw ceremonial weapons, hammers and chiseling stones. They surround you, and you repulse them with dismissive sweeps and kicks, sending a withering look at the aged spirit, who does two sudden stamps of her feet. "I will rule in this place; I fear not your true face!"

Cackling as she runs at surprising speed for her apparent age, the children surround you once more. Furious at the Crone's escape, you brutalize the simpering things, squeezing them and hitting them over and over until they break, until finally the ones who stood against you died, letting you give chase once more.

But the Crone is already too far. She has retreated into her shrine, and every second you take will increase the chance she is prepared for your intrusion. The stars you've veiled are ephemeral, confused. Should you leave you will risk terrible retribution, yet the entrails of Attrouska's slain children warn of a great danger if you do not put the Crone down swiftly should you follow after her...

[] Catch her, make her submit!
[] Destroy everything. Ruin as much of the Crone's village as possible, force her out of hiding!
[] You will retreat... for now.
Last edited:
Turn 16 Results
[X] Destroy everything. Ruin as much of the Crone's village as possible, force her out of hiding!
Veil of Darkness Condition: Mortals must check to dogpile

Avatar rolled 12
Major Success

Torches and Flares
War rolled 15 vs 6
Mortals regroup

Melee rolled 7, 3, 11 vs 15
Moderate Success; Mortals scattered

Ruinate 2!
Avatar rolled 13
Major Success

Torches and Flares
War rolled 7 vs 15
Mortals blind

Brave Fools
Melee rolled 4 vs 13
Major Success; Mortals scattered

Ruinate 3!
Avatar rolled 7
Minor Success

I grow tired of waiting!
Influence rolled 10
3 Degrees of success (Sunburst Defense); Wounded 4/8

Ruinate Shrine!
Avatar rolled 15
Moderate Success

Mortals Swarm!
Melee rolled 3, 10, 8 vs 11
Minor Success, Mortals scattered

Ruinate Shrine!
Avatar rolled 16
Moderate Success; Shrine Ruined!
Attrouska Traits rolled 9; Shrine Attribute damaged, Trait Shatter!
Attrouska Traits
???: 1
???: 2
Law: 3
Motherhood: 4
???: 5
???: 6
???: 7
???: 8
???: 9
???: 10
???: 11
Mystic: 12

Rolled 8, 12: ??? and Mystic loses a level (becomes Stargazer/Omenseer, Crone dispersed)
Victor's Spoils (??? and Stargazer) rolled 11, 16: Do not acquire ???, Gained Stargazer!
Fight over the scraps (Saiga, Saitev, Imprisoned One, Fox) rolled 11, 2, 6, 16: Fox Spirit acquires ???

Mortals Swarm
Melee rolled 17, 13 vs 5
Major I Failure; Wounded 3/8

Attrouska begins her ritual!
The Drum
Perform (Drums) rolled 10

Mortals Swarm
Melee rolled 11, 15 vs 8
Minor Failure; Encounter Weird rolled 11

The Horn
Perform (Horn) rolled 8

Mortals Swarm
Melee rolled 13, 10 vs 18
Moderate Success; Mortals Scattered

The Chant
Mysticism rolled 9

Perform + Awe rolled 4 vs 11
Moderate Success; usurped the Crone as Pantheon Head, Goddess Sought becomes Night Mother

Third Magic - Ritual of the Chains of Punishment
Perform (Drums) - 10
Perform (Horn) - 8
Disc of Refractions - T4 Ritual Implement
Mysticism - 9
BLACKENED; -1 Successes
4/5 Successes, insufficient successes for completion

Brave Fools
Melee rolled 6 vs 16 (seriously how many times will you crit?)
Major II Success, +1 Melee; Encounter Weird rolled 8

Bow, Witch!
Perform + Awe rolled 9 vs 12
Minor Success; Crone cannot bow to you

Crone flees, you are too exhausted to follow

Spirit Encounter
Fear rolled 3
Gained 2 Legend

Destroyer, Usurper, Victor
Fear rolled 4
Gained 6 Legend

Blacken Legend (oops)
Fear rolled 19
Gained 12 Legend

subtotal VE: 16

FEAR BUY - Vehemence (56) (Boost 84)
Legend rolled 13
Yet another Major Glut - Must spend at least (21) Legend and make (6) rolls
1-5: Shrine 4
6-10: Influence 6
11-30: Fear 5
31-50: Avatar 8
51-52: Perform (Trickery)
53-54: Omen Reading
55-56: Innovation
57-58: Survival
59-60: Melee
61-70: Focused Manifestation - Blue Moon
71-80: Focused Manifestation - Blood Moon
81-90: Focused Manifestation - Yellow Moon
91-100: Focused Manifestation - Harvest Moon

Rolled 2: Shrine 4
17 Legend remaining; Shrine 5 replaces Shrine 4
Rolled 84: FM - Blood Moon
14 Legend remaining; Elemental Manifestation - Darkness replaces FM Blood Moon
Rolled 67: FM - Blue Moon
11 Legend remaining; Elemental Manifestation - Frost replaces FM Blue Moon
Rolled 59: Melee (1d3) +2
9 Legend remaining
Rolled 48: Avatar 8
1 Legend remaining; Avatar 9 replaces Avatar 8, Awe replaces Melee
Rolled 13: Fear 5
Vehemence Exhausted, Rolls Exhausted, Glut Complete
No population check (almost solely propagated through out-of-influence areas)
Gained Avatar 8
Gained Fear 5
Gained Shrine 4
Gained Focused Manifestations - Blood Moon, Blue Moon
Gained Melee 4

So Attrouska wishes to hide in her shrine, then? Fine. You will simply destroy everything else here! You are huge, and despite the sturdy construction around you, it is only a matter of applying your impressive natural strength to topple the first building. The commotion and screams of the people inside draw attention, however, and you are swiftly surrounded by thrown torches. Roughly a dozen fall upon you, but you stamp and crush like you had the Rune Children before, giving you a chance to vanish into the night once more to wreck even more havoc.

Another two buildings fall to your anger before you look back towards Attrouska's Shrine. "If you will not bow to me, witch," you yell. "Then I will make you!"

Her shrine is, unfortunately, bigger than you are, but you take a wooden stake from around it to use as an impromptu club. You slam the log into the structure, and as you do, an explosion of fire and light reaches out from the shrine, striking you squarely. The burns are agonizing, and the flashes of light have brought yet more mortals to you, dispersed easily enough with a sweep of your club. The second strike makes a resounding crack! and a huge portion of the shrine crumples suddenly, the Crone and two more Children fleeing the collapse.

You are about to go after her when the mortals interfere once again, striking and pelting you brutally. By the time you've cleared them away, Attrouska's chant is nearly done. You dare her to finish with nary a man between you, and she does...

... and she fails!

You give a lopsided smirk to the difficult old bat, who... runs? She's not supposed to do that! "Curses on you, I will not be cowed; Know this Gaerig, soon you will be bowed!"

That... that little cheater! You proved it! You proved you were better! How dare she refuse! How did she refuse?

You will ponder these questions later. You need to return home; you have a child to bear, and you will name them Ghette, or Ghetti, Victory Man, or Victory Woman, in memory of your success.

[Voting is locked for 2 hours following the initial posting.]

Divine Resources Available
182 - 179 (Expended) = 3 + 2 (Rites) + 224 (56 Vehemence) + 7 (PB) + 10 (Omakes) = 246 DE
Holy Place Condensation -5
Overflow Condensation -30
Gained 4 Ambrosia
Remaining: 211

Equations Noted for this turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 2 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 4 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
Equations Noted for next turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*2.25*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 7 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 3.6 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
CURRENT POPULATION MODIFIER: -9 of -22 minimum, was -10 last turn (-1 Punishment Failure, +2 Saiga's efforts)
3 + 1 (Confluence) + 4 (Condensation) - 2 (Blacken) - 4 (Sate Hunger) = 2
122 + 12 + 6 + 2 + 2 - 30 = 158 total legend
68 + 22 - 30 - 8 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 3 - 2 = 65 unspent legend
Lost 1 Amber

Divine Actions
Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Omen Reading, Mysticism, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DE
[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Command Water [How]
-[] Command Sea [How]
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Call Fish.
-[] Drive Fish Away.
[] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 20 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Silver Moon* - The silver moon, gray and dull upon an indigo night, colored to better contrast the stars and reveal their incredible secrets. Very strongly alters Astrology actions and empowers Wind Influence acts. Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blue Moon* - The blue moon, rare and beautiful, shining down upon the seas and casting out cool winds. Strengthens all Water and Weather Influence acts. Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blood Moon* - The bloody red moon, eclipsed by the earth and denied the light of the sun, casts curses and suffering upon the earth in spite. Transforms the Flesh and induces Bestial Madness. Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blacken* - You are the Goddess of the Night and the Dark, Lady of the Moon, Knower of Countless Hidden Secrets. Blanket the nights in cloying darkness, a veil that only the Nox Arcana can pierce, heavily penalizing all mysticism-based actions for the turn for those who do not possess the Affinity, and greatly enhancing the range and power of Divine Acts and Influence for the turn for those who do. Costs: 40 DE, 2 Ambrosia. WARNING: Cannot currently Manifest Darkness, effect has a higher DC threshold.
[] ??? - You feel something curious, a spilling, a bubble upon creation. Costs: ? DE, ?

Avatar Actions (32/40)

[] Form Avatar (12 Ambrosia) (Avatar already formed!)
[] Suffer Avatar (<X>, up to 11 Ambrosia) (Restores avatar with a variable sustenance value - can include negative values if the fraction of Ambrosia committed is too low compared to current Avatar, which causes violent rampages until hunger is sated to at least 10)

[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Lay with [Animal]
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Sire a Divine Creature, using [Life form] as a base
-[] Contribute <5X> unspent Legend for each sire in the litter, <X> Ambrosia for Attributes of the litter, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits of the litter

[] Experiment with Unknown Materials
-[] Strange Metal
[] Innovate something!
-[] Silver
-[] Obsidian
-[] Amber
-[] Low-Tier Materials (infinite limit)
[] Use Items
-[] Equip an item
-[] Gift an item
-[] Consume an item
-[] Destroy an item

[] Chase down the Crone to her next hiding place! She will bow or she will die! Costs: 12 DE, 3 sustenance.

[] Personally Incite - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror in your domain. Costs: 3 DE
[] Personally Incite (Distant) - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror elsewhere. Costs: 10 DE
[] Travel elsewhere - Visit one of the villages you've discovered and mess with them! Costs: 8 DE - Imprisoned Settlements
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE

[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Study Rituals - Cast your gaze to the sky, where patterns reveal themselves and show you secrets. Develop a new specific trait ritual or two random rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
-[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Entrails - Look into the entrails spilled upon the earth. As all life consumes earth's bounty and is returned as new bounty, you can learn from the transition. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
-[] Study [Material]. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Divine the Purpose (Aids in divine item creation). Costs: 15 DE
-[] Study the ??? Action. Costs: 15 DE
-[] Refine Rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)

[] Perform Ritual
-[] Minor Ritual of the Alluring Singer. Costs: 30-80 DE, 4-7 Ambrosia OR 20-50 total Tiers of appropriate Amber Crafts (?)

Commune Actions (32/40)

[] Issue Decree - You take form, or manifest your avatar in order to issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Maximum Decrees: 2/5
-[] Alter the Decree of Attendance - "Each blood family must offer a single beautiful young adult to attend you and your shrines each year, or they will benefit from neither your blessings nor protections on the sea."
-[] Alter the Decree of Appeasement - + 2 Fear to affect the degree of the decree (Cannot reduce written Fear to 0).
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 5
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum Shrines 2/5.
-[] Specify a shrine to Leave to Ruin
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make [name shrine] grander. Costs: 5 DE.
-[] Dedicate <X> materials for progress.
-[] Expand another Creche (T2 Limited).
[] Build a Temple - You are a Goddess! You are deserving of an incredible edifice to your divinity! Maximum Temples 0/1. Costs: 1 Ambrosia, 10 DE, Significant amount of materials (uses T0 materials for construction if not provided personally).
-[] Improve [name shrine] into a temple.
-[] Create a temple anew at [location].
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
[] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
-[] Learn about him (Current circa turn 13)
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with Saitev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Learn about him
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with the Fox Spirit properly, now that you have proven your superiority as cleverest of all. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance, 5 DE (One time)


Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)
Attribute Accumulated Discounts: Faith 2 (currently locked), Fear 2/5

Aspect of the Fish (+2 Trade, +3 Navigation, +2 Survival, Faster water travel, can command fish directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Crustacean (+3 Melee, +2 Fishing, +2 Perform (Dance), Increased wound threshold, can command crustaceans directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Walrus (+3 Fishing, +2 Survival, +2 Awe, Increased maximum sustenance, can command walrus and sea lions directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Octopus (+2 Fishing, +3 Survival, +2 Perform (Dance), Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, can command octopodes directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Snowy Owl (+3 Survival, +2 Awe, +2 Perform (Sing), Grants a free degree of success when attacking a divine of equal tier from ambush, can command owls directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +3 Innovation, +3 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 13 Legend

Spirit of Mischief (+4 Perform (Trickery), +2 Survival, Common ability to mask or disguise Avatar (False Mortality), grants a small chance of escaping disadvantaged encounters): 9 (8) Legend
Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +3 Trade, gain the ability to speak directly with and negotiate with sea creatures): 15 (15) Legend
Spirit of Exploration (+3 Survival, +3 Navigation, +1 Trade, Expanded exploration range, greatly reduces detection risk when exploring): 18 (21) Legend
Spirit of the Stars (+3 Astrology, +2 Omen Reading, +2 Navigation, gain the ability to Shift Stars): 18 (20) Legend
Spirit of Premonitions (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Astrology, +2 Survival, gain the ability to Twist Fate): 18 (21) Legend
Spirit of Mysteries (+2 Mysticism, +2 Magic (First), +2 Magic (Second), gain strange senses): 18 (16) Legend
Spirit of Motherhood (+3 Leadership, +2 Perform (Sing), reduces Sustenance cost to add random and specific traits by 1 and 1 when siring, grant one additional specific trait when siring): 18 (21)
Spirit of Death (+3 Melee, +2 Omen Reading, gains an automatic success against mortals when acting to kill them, gains a Strong Bonus against any Ur-Spawn or any Spirit one tier lower than you when acting to kill or disperse them): 18 (18)
Spirit of Destruction (+3 Melee, +2 Ranged, gains an automatic success when destroying structures, gains an automatic success when destroying enemy items): 18 (21)
Spirit of Madness (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Fear, 6 accumulating Legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase): 18 (21) Legend

Elemental Affinities
Classical Element - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend
Classical Element - Earth (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Element - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend Inherent Lockout

Elemental Affinity (Tier 2) - Lake (Stagnation save the ripple of action upon it): 5 (7) Legend

Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 8 (9) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Sky (The sky is part of your natural domain as Lady of the Night): 8 (5) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Cold (The chill of the night, the smoke of the breath): 8 (5) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Frost (You have seen man's lips blue in chill waters, felt the nip of ice upon skin): 5 (2) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Darkness (You are one with the dark places, granting you power over shadow): 5 (2) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Tidal Waves (Push and Pull, Rise and Fall, yours is the domain of the water that reclaims even the high earth): 8 (9) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Sun (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 8 (10) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Ice (The dread chill that saps even the hardiest fire of warmth): 8 (5) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Yellow Moon (You have a special affinity with the night moon): 8 (3) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Harvest Moon (You have a special affinity with the orange moon of fall): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Obsidian (Black as night, hiding a deadly edge): 5 (2) Legend
Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Silver (Divine Silver, whose light even hints at darkness): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Rain (What the sun takes, the sky returns): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Snow (Beautiful flakes in geometric patterns, or haphazard clumps, driven in blizzards): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Storms (Whip with furious wind, scour with pelting water): 8 (10) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Orbits) - Eclipse (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 20 (15) Legend

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 5 (4) Legend
Elemental Avatar - Silver (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can transmute silver, +2 Awe): 5 Legend
Elemental Avatar - Shadow (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can perform shadow teleportation within linked domains, gain Ethereal, gain Vulnerability towards light/fire based attacks): 5 Legend

Divine Enhancements
Inscrutable One (A natural evolution of capriciousness, you are not merely fickle, your motives are utterly incomprehensible. +2 Perform (Trickery), FEAR ONLY (Faith only locked): Traits may be despised without normal limitations, are always despised successfully, and the last (Shrine Attribute) despised traits can be manually restored for no cost in Legend): (8) 14 Legend
Divine Mystery (As spirits grow to godhood, secrets are revealed to them that are unsuited to mortal minds. +2 Mysticism, may elect to swap current Focus Attribute using a basic ritual): 8 (9) Legend
Lesser Bless (Your blessings are slightly improved, and you gain access to specialized blessings apart from Sacrifice and Growth, based on the skills you possess): (3) 9 Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Astrology (MAXED OUT)
Omen Reading
Perform (Trickery)
Last edited:
The Law of Slaves
[X] Plan Gaerig Helps
[X] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing, Survival.
-[X] Expend <6> DE on petitioners for Fishing
-[X] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea. Costs: 10 DE
--[X] Command Water [How]
---[X] Coordinate with Saiga to determine where and when
----[X] Call Rains
----[X] Reduce Snowfall
---[X] Command Sea [How]
----[X] Calm Seas
-[X] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 12 DE
--[X] Call Fish.
---[X] x2
----[X] Coordinate with Saiga to determine where and when(see Trade action)
-[X] Blue Moon* - The blue moon, rare and beautiful, shining down upon the seas and casting out cool winds. Strengthens all Water and Weather Influence acts. Costs: 25 DE
--[X] In your territory
-[X] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
--[X] x3
-[X] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE
--[X] x3
-[X] Travel elsewhere - Visit one of the villages you've discovered and mess with them! Costs: 8 DE - Imprisoned Settlements
-[X] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget Awe.
-[X] Lay with [Sea Pixie]
--[X] Contribute 4 Sustenance for two random traits.
-[X] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE.
--[X] x2
-[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
--[X] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
-[X] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
--[X] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[X] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
--[X] Study Silver. Costs: 10 DE
--[X] Study the ??? Action. Costs: 15 DE
-[X] Innovate something!
--[X] Silver
-[X] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
--[X] Trade something
---[X] Offer to command the sea and guide the fishes this turn to coordinate with his blessing.
-[X] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make Saiga's Fishing Village Shrine grander. Costs: 5 DE.
--[X] Dedicate 2 Obsedian materials for progress.
-[X] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum Shrines 2/5.
--[X] On a spot overlooking Saiga's other village.
-[X] Meet with Saitev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 5 DE (One time)
--[X] Learn from him
---[X] Learn Perform(Sing)
--[X] Offer to build him a shrine in your village if he build one for Gaerig in his.
[X] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum Shrines 2/5.
-[X] For Saitev and only if he agrees
-[X] Ask about the Imprisoned One
-[X] Meet with the Fox Spirit properly, now that you have proven your superiority as cleverest of all. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance, 5 DE (One time)
-[X] Play with Seski
--[X] Play with your silver while she plays with her new stones.
-[X] Mother Ghette
Divine Acts
Bless Growth
Fishing/Navigation (it doesn't matter the check was inside a low-overflow range) rolled 6, 11, 18, 15, 11. 7
Gained 7 DE

Influence Waters (Rainfall, Snowfall, Calm Sea)
Influence rolled 11, 11, 12

Direct Fishes
Influence/Fishing rolled 11, 12

Blue Moon
Influence rolled 5 (Major I Future reroll) 9
Minor Failure>Reroll>[Minor Success]
Minor Legend
Fear rolled 15
6 Legend gained

Subtotal VE: 12

Avatar Acts
Git Drunk
Awe rolled 7
Awe removed (barely)

Guide Ships
Navigation rolled 9, 12, 11

Give Bounty
Fishing rolled 6, 9, 17

Victory Lap (Travel)
Survival rolled 15
Perform + Awe rolled Cannot Contest vs 12

Spirit Interaction
Fear rolled 28! Oh. Hello exploded die for the turn.
Special interaction unlocked

Partial Avatar Subtotal VE: 10

Needing to coddle your people so they stop leaving, you prepare for a more calm, peaceful time. As you build up your strength and influence to go about mending the peoples' troubles, you also decide that a victory lap of your newly subordinate pantheon is in order. You opt to start with the only member you've thus far managed not to see in person, The Imprisoned One.

On your little journey, you see many curious things, such as large, fluffy creatures with horns that often butt against each other. Theirs is a strong male scent, and their furs would make excellent coats... You should ask Saiga why he doesn't hunt them. The very land around you is shockingly warm and the climates mild, the hardy northern plantlife flourishing like weeds unchecked as you get closer.

And then you nearly stumble through the thicket into a sorry sight. Children of the Rune stand at nearly every corner of the... the super-village (you are pleased by your clever naming sense) you've reached, and you mask yourself quickly to avoid much suspicion.

Super-village seems an apt name, since despite the poverty these people suffer under the old bat's oppression, the houses are made with worked and smoothed stone, interlocking wood beams with dried clay to fill the seams. Structures such as these could even survive your violent moments, could weather terrible colds and snowstorms with ease, so why did the Crone not have them built for herself? Indeed, why does she seem to be destroying them systematically, if the ruins you've found are anything to go by.

... Why did the spirit here allow it?

Curiosity piqued, you make your way through the super-village, before coming to the edge of a basin of steaming water, a phenomenon you had no idea could occur naturally, especially in winter. The great wall of ice that plows through the island has melted badly here, and near the bottom of the basin you can see a truly grand edifice of stone and wood; you have found the shrine. You rush down to see the spirit trapped within, slipping easily past the dull Children, without their mother to reveal you, and what you see inside makes your soul ache.

The spirit here is truly as imprisoned as the stars implied, his form shriveled to naught but an effigy of skin and bone. Every now and again, a few of the villagers from the settlement above are ritually slain upon an alter slick with rusty blood, and the poor creature sealed by one of the accursed discs howls in agony. Nearby, two men of sculpted ice are occasionally whipped as they are made to pound and beat and carve stone and ice into pleasing forms.

[] This is incorrect. This... This slavery will not be allowed to continue! Drive out the oppressors, free the spirit and his people. (???)
[] This is incorrect. You are the Lady First in this pantheon, these slaves should be yours! Drive out the oppressors, oppress in turn. (???)
[] This is... tolerable. You cannot free this spirit while The Crone yet holds sway in your pantheon. Leave things as they are for now, you cannot succeed on your own. (???)
Turn 17 Results
[] This is incorrect. This... This slavery will not be allowed to continue! Drive out the oppressors, free the spirit and his people. (???)
It is I, Gaerig!
Awe rolled 13
Jailers stupefied

Break the Shackles!
Avatar rolled 10
3 degrees of success; Disc 3/4

Leadership rolled 11
Minor Success; Ice-boys turn on jailers!

Go away moon lady! (Rune vs Gaerig : Rune vs Ice-boys)
Melee rolled 13, 6, 3, 8 vs 10 AND 14, 15 vs 19, 7
Minor Success! Children of the Rune temporarily dispersed; Tie! Trade damage (Ice Avatar causes additional harm)!

Break the Shackles!
Avatar rolled 11
4 degrees of success; Disc 1/4

Call Freedom!
Leadership rolled 7
Minor Failure

Stahp moon lady! (Rune vs Gaerig : Rune vs Ice-boys)
Melee rolled 8, 10, 9 vs 5 AND 10(-2), 8(-2) vs 16, 6
Minor Failure! Unwounded; Major I Success! Let some experts break it!

Break the Shackles
Craft (Stoneworking) rolled 15, 2
5 (-2) successes (silly brother); Disc Destroyed!

Oh Shit this is bad
Leadership rolled 7
Minor Failure! Children of the Rune in retreat!

Leadership rolled 16
Mass revolt, Children of the Rune overwhelmed

Well Met, Stranger, Savior!
Perform + Awe rolled 18 vs 14
Tie>[Gratitude]>Major Success; I am Keshketev, I will follow you!

No, this will not stand. With a flourish and sudden transformation, you reveal yourself. "I am Gaerig, and know that none shall dare enslave man under my dominion!"

The guards are stunned into stupefaction, giving you time to go at the disc with all your might... but it is rather sturdy. Seeing your intent, the Children of the Rune once more turn their hands against you, and you punish them thoroughly their transgressions, seeing the two ice-men get their fair share of attacks in, now that their patron is near to being freed.

The guards dispersed for now, you rain blows upon the disk, spidering cracks and chipped pieces falling away. Your efforts renew the vigor of the defending Rune Children and you are nearly overwhelmed, but the Ice-men have slain their opponents, rushing to the disc and crushing it with their simple tools.

Newly freed, the spirit within seems to gain incredible vigor in moments, it's formerly frail body bulging with cords of muscle and coated in a thin layer of frost. With a furious howl, he tears one of the Ice-men's tools from him and leaps into the fray with you, scattering the Children in fear. He does not let up the chase, and when he drives them out of the shrine, bellows up the basin "I AM FREE, MY CHILDREN! SLAY THE MURDERERS TO A MAN! KILL THEM ALL!"

The sounds of the dying Children of the Rune echo for several minutes, blissful music to your ears, and the spirit, along with his Ice-Men, greets you properly. "Who are you, stranger, to save me from my torment?"

"I am Gaerig," you say simply. "I have bested the Crone and claimed her place as mistress of the Geshtaf."

The spirit grins widely. "Splendid! Splendid," he repeats, gesturing to his Ice-men. "These are my sons, Norte and Morte. I am Keshketev. I once had many more names, but the witch stripped me of them and shackled my people, forcing them to create symbols of her power over me and others. It... It has been so long, I had feared I would die. I owe you my life, Gaerig, now unto the end of my days."

He bows before you. It is... good.

Gained Spirit of Mischief, Strongly added Lesser Goddess of Freedom to turn Fear Buy.

Event VE: 8
Event Legend (Fear rolled 8): 9 Legend gained

Insert Traits (Sea Pixies)
4 sustenance = 1 new trait (another error here, you wrote 4, but claimed 2 rolls, I'm going with the lower number)
Humanity: 1
Mischief: 2
Sea: 3
CA - Water: 4
EA - Sea: 5
EA - Stars: 6
EA - Night: 7
EM - Moons: 8 (with focus reroll)
GA - Nox Arcana: 9
Capricious One: 10
Stargazer: 11
Random known trait: 12

Rolled: 12
Rolling 1d5 for grouping (slightly increased aspect range): 5 (Divine Enhancement)
Rolling [Divine Enhancements]: Capricious One

Evolutionary Adaptation rolled 8; Trait has low compatibility with fertility, survival, and hunting, check too low for dissemination

Survival rolled 8, 12 (special roll 9, nothing)
Filling in the maps

Read Future
Astrology rolled 13
Major I Success

Read Bones
Omen Reading rolled 14
Major Success

Study Silver
Mysticism rolled 11
Powers of Silver I

Study ???
Mysticism rolled 13
Moderate Success

Innovate Silver
Innovation rolled 11
You made a thing again!

Subtotal Avatar VE: 10

Communal Acts
Failure goes unpunished!
Population Modifier rolled 15 (you wanted low here)
7 Successes
Fear rolled 11
3 Successes
-4 Vehemence damage

This isn't a trade with Saiga, this is a request, because you're not actually giving him anything
Leadership (for coordination) rolled 9
A bit clumsy, but it does help (minimal boost to Saiga's growth efforts)

(At this point I'm just fucking confused because the vote devolves into a confused mass of things in near-random order, in some cases repeated, some of which don't even belong under certain umbrella votes. If you're not getting exactly what you hoped for, tough beans because I'm guessing my way through this.)

Learn Singing from Saitev
Saitev's Trade exceeds Perform (Sing) 1; success automatic

Saitev tells of the Imprisoned One
Trade rolled 18
What he knows...

Trade with Saitev
Trade rolled 11
Saitev is amenable to this trade

Spirit Encounter
Fear rolled 6
Gained 2 Legend

Saitev's new shrine is outside of his effective influence radius, you must pay 1 ambrosia to complete it by next turn or the deal is void and Saitev will be upset.

Meet the Fox
I demand... A rematch!
Trickery rolled 19 vs 12
Minor Failure
Perform + Awe rolled 9 vs 11
Moderate Success; Is... interested.

Spirit Encounter
Fear rolled 7
Gained 4 Legend

Play with Seski
Craft (Stoneworking) rolled 17
Seski creates a Simple Woodwind with an amber mouthpiece; Perform (Crude Instrument) becomes Perform (Flute)
Seski gains 2 Legend
Seski spends 2 Legend; gains Perform (Flute) 3, Craft (Stoneworking) 3

SMother Ghette
Trickery rolled 10
Ghette moved to Saiga village Creche

Improve Saiga Village Shrine
Shrine + Quality rolled 16
5 of 3 successes
Improved to Tier 3
2 of 4 successes; insufficient, flow to Creche
Creche completed

Build a shrine
Shrine rolled 7
Shrine completed

Subtotal VE: -2

FEAR BUY - Vehemence (28) (42 boosted)
1-5: Shrine 5
6-10: Influence 6
11-20: Fear 6
31-40: Avatar 8
41-42: Perform (Trickery)
43-44: Omen Reading
45-46: Innovation
47-48: Survival
49-50: Melee
51-60: Focused Manifestation - Yellow Moon
61-70: Focused Manifestation - Harvest Moon
71-80: Elemental Manifestation - Darkness
81-100: Lesser Goddess of Freedom

Rolled 11: Gained Fear 6 (auto-discount 2 legend; totally forgot that last time...)
38 Vehemence remaining; Legend rolled 11 (sufficient for double buy)
Rolled 20: Gained Fear 7
Gained Fear 7
Gained Spirit of Mischief

When you return, it is to the accidental death of your new breed of Pixie, their apparently capricious nature being... poorly suited to their normal mating and hunting habits. Disappointing, but not a serious setback.

Your plans for the year complete themselves, and your coordination with Saiga... leaves something to be desired, though it works well enough. Hopefully, people will return to your villages soon. In the meanwhile, you try to figure out something new with your silver pieces, and Seski crafts a curious bit with amber and wood, sticking it into a flute. The amber vibrates in some impressive way when she plays, producing a beautiful, perfect set of tones. You encourage her to play further, and so distracted are you by her efforts, that you do not notice when the silver changes suddenly, becoming a beautiful deep blue powder, which a cursory test of reveals it to be an excellent pigment!

More of your time is spent in contemplation of the world itself. You discover that Silver, in particular the powdery crystals you possess, is a catalyst. When properly formed (if only you knew what proper was or how to do it), it can form nearly perfect reflections, having transmutative effects on other elements. You even figure out what the bubble was! Apparently, your body is so grand it presses against the weakening fabric of all things about you, and you can take this private space and use it however you will! What fun!

When you try to play with Ghette, you soon discover that very young babies are boring little creatures. He wails over nothing and barely lifts his head. You do not know how to play with such a child! You are petrified of trying to care for the creature, so you leave it in your other shrine and wander the earth, hoping to find more things. You spot a few of the strange furry beasts, but the things are especially difficult to goad into doing what you want. The males are all busy rutting each other, even! Ridiculous animals, they make no sense!

You approach Saitev in your travels, and an idea strikes you for a trade. He agrees, but you are unable to follow through on the deal... You may have a problem carrying out your end of the bargain.

Frustrated, you go to the fox instead, who immediately gives you a sense that it is time for a rematch, his pride impinged.

You are... defeated. In a fit, you level an angry stare at the smug little beast, who bows with mock politeness, saying "I would be delighted if you'd come again next year, clever friend!"

Stupid fox. Stupid Baby. Stupid... stupid giant furry things!

[Voting is locked for 2 hours following the initial posting.]

Divine Resources Available
211 - 211 (Expended) = 0 + 7 (Rites) + 101 (28 Vehemence) + 6 (PB) = 114 DE
Holy Place Condensation -5
Gained 1 Ambrosia
Remaining: 109

Equations Noted for this turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 7 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 3.6 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
Equations Noted for next turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*2.25*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 11 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 8 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
CURRENT POPULATION MODIFIER: -2 of -26 minimum, was -9 last turn (+5 Personal Efforts, +2 Saiga's efforts)
2 + 1 (Condensation) - 1 (Drinking) - 2 (Sate Hunger) = 0
158 + 9 + 6 + 4 + 2 = 179 total legend
35 + 21 - 6 - 7 = 43 unspent legend
Lost 2 Obsidian chunks
Lost 1 Silver
Gained 5 Ultramarine (the color pigment, not the Spess Mehren chapter)

Divine Actions
Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Omen Reading, Mysticism, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DE
[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Command Water [How]
-[] Command Sea [How]
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Call Fish.
-[] Drive Fish Away.
[] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 20 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Silver Moon* - The silver moon, gray and dull upon an indigo night, colored to better contrast the stars and reveal their incredible secrets. Very strongly alters Astrology actions and empowers Wind Influence acts. Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blue Moon* - The blue moon, rare and beautiful, shining down upon the seas and casting out cool winds. Strengthens all Water and Weather Influence acts. Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blood Moon* - The bloody red moon, eclipsed by the earth and denied the light of the sun, casts curses and suffering upon the earth in spite. Transforms the Flesh and induces Bestial Madness. Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blacken* - You are the Goddess of the Night and the Dark, Lady of the Moon, Knower of Countless Hidden Secrets. Blanket the nights in cloying darkness, a veil that only the Nox Arcana can pierce, heavily penalizing all mysticism-based actions for the turn for those who do not possess the Affinity, and greatly enhancing the range and power of Divine Acts and Influence for the turn for those who do. Costs: 40 DE, 2 Ambrosia. WARNING: Cannot currently Manifest Darkness, effect has a higher DC threshold.
[] Form Divine Realm - You feel something curious, a spilling, a bubble upon creation. Costs: 20+ DE, 5+ Ambrosia

Avatar Actions (26/40)

[] Form Avatar (12 Ambrosia) (Avatar already formed!)
[] Suffer Avatar (<X>, up to 11 Ambrosia) (Restores avatar with a variable sustenance value - can include negative values if the fraction of Ambrosia committed is too low compared to current Avatar, which causes violent rampages until hunger is sated to at least 10)

[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Lay with [Animal]
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Sire a Divine Creature, using [Life form] as a base
-[] Contribute <5X> unspent Legend for each sire in the litter, <X> Ambrosia for Attributes of the litter, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits of the litter

[] Experiment with Unknown Materials
-[] Strange Metal
[] Innovate something!
-[] Silver
-[] Obsidian
-[] Amber
-[] Low-Tier Materials (infinite limit)
-[] Ultramarine
[] Use Items
-[] Equip an item
-[] Gift an item
-[] Consume an item
-[] Destroy an item

[] Chase down the Crone to her next hiding place! She will bow or she will die! Costs: 12 DE, 3 sustenance.

[] Personally Incite - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror in your domain. Costs: 3 DE
[] Personally Incite (Distant) - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror elsewhere. Costs: 10 DE
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE

[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Study Rituals - Cast your gaze to the sky, where patterns reveal themselves and show you secrets. Develop a new specific trait ritual or two random rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
-[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Entrails - Look into the entrails spilled upon the earth. As all life consumes earth's bounty and is returned as new bounty, you can learn from the transition. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
-[] Study [Material]. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Divine the Purpose (Aids in divine item creation). Costs: 15 DE
-[] Refine Rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)

[] Perform Ritual
-[] Minor Ritual of the Alluring Singer. Costs: 30-80 DE, 4-7 Ambrosia OR 20-50 total Tiers of appropriate Amber Crafts (?)

Commune Actions (26/40)

[] Issue Decree - You take form, or manifest your avatar in order to issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Maximum Decrees: 2/7
-[] Alter the Decree of Attendance - "Each blood family must offer a single beautiful young adult to attend you and your shrines each year, or they will benefit from neither your blessings nor protections on the sea."
-[] Alter the Decree of Appeasement - + or - 2 Fear to affect the degree of the decree (Cannot reduce written Fear to 0).
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 7
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum Shrines 3/5.
-[] Specify a shrine to Leave to Ruin
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make [name shrine] grander. Costs: 5 DE.
-[] Dedicate <X> materials for progress.
-[] Expand another Creche (T2 Limited).
-[] Expand Traveler's Alters (T3 Common): Grants bonus DE from Trickery, Survival, Navigation, and Trade blessings.
-[] Expand a Tomb of Divines (T3 Limited): Grants an additional significant legend reward when Ur-Spawn and special characters die.
-[] Expand the Chamber of Change (T3 Grand): A room filled with reflective surfaces, and space for the light of the sun or moon to shine through, granting ???.
[] Build a Temple - You are a Goddess! You are deserving of an incredible edifice to your divinity! Maximum Temples 0/1. Costs: 1 Ambrosia, 10 DE, Significant amount of materials (uses T0 materials for construction if not provided personally).
-[] Improve [name shrine] into a temple.
-[] Create a temple anew at [location].
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
[] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
-[] Learn about him (Current circa turn 13)
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with Saitev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Learn about him
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with Keshketev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 7 DE (One time)
-[] Learn about him
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with the Fox Spirit, who will probably demand a contest when you meet him. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Learn about him
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits


Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)
Attribute Accumulated Discounts: Faith 2 (currently locked)

Aspect of the Fish (+2 Trade, +3 Navigation, +2 Survival, Faster water travel, can command fish directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Crustacean (+3 Melee, +2 Fishing, +2 Perform (Dance), Increased wound threshold, can command crustaceans directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Walrus (+3 Fishing, +2 Survival, +2 Awe, Increased maximum sustenance, can command walrus and sea lions directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Octopus (+2 Fishing, +3 Survival, +2 Perform (Dance), Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, can command octopodes directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Snowy Owl (+3 Survival, +2 Awe, +2 Perform (Sing), Grants a free degree of success when attacking a divine of equal tier from ambush, can command owls directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Ox (+2 Awe, +3 Melee, +2 Survival, Grants a strong modifier when defending or asserting dominance, can command oxen directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +3 Innovation, +3 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 13 Legend

Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +3 Trade, gain the ability to speak directly with and negotiate with sea creatures): 15 (15) Legend
Spirit of Exploration (+3 Survival, +3 Navigation, +1 Trade, Expanded exploration range, greatly reduces detection risk when exploring): 18 (21) Legend
Spirit of the Stars (+3 Astrology, +2 Omen Reading, +2 Navigation, gain the ability to Shift Stars): 18 (20) Legend
Spirit of Premonitions (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Astrology, +2 Survival, gain the ability to Twist Fate): 18 (21) Legend
Spirit of Mysteries (+2 Mysticism, +2 Magic (First), +2 Magic (Second), gain strange senses): 18 (16) Legend
Spirit of Motherhood (+3 Leadership, +2 Perform (Sing), reduces Sustenance cost to add random and specific traits by 1 and 1 when siring, grant one additional specific trait when siring): 18 (21)
Spirit of Death (+3 Melee, +2 Omen Reading, gains an automatic success against mortals when acting to kill them, gains a Strong Bonus against any Ur-Spawn or any Spirit one tier lower than you when acting to kill or disperse them): 18 (18)
Spirit of Destruction (+3 Melee, +2 Ranged, gains an automatic success when destroying structures, gains an automatic success when destroying enemy items): 18 (21)
Spirit of Madness (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Fear, 6 accumulating Legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase): 18 (21) Legend

Lesser Goddess of Freedom (+2 Trade, +1 Faith, greatly weakens the effects of domination by and against you): 20 Legend

Elemental Affinities
Classical Element - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend
Classical Element - Earth (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Element - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend Inherent Lockout

Elemental Affinity (Tier 2) - Lake (Stagnation save the ripple of action upon it): 5 (7) Legend

Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 8 (9) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Sky (The sky is part of your natural domain as Lady of the Night): 8 (5) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Cold (The chill of the night, the smoke of the breath): 8 (5) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Frost (You have seen man's lips blue in chill waters, felt the nip of ice upon skin): 5 (2) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Darkness (You are one with the dark places, granting you power over shadow): 5 (2) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Tidal Waves (Push and Pull, Rise and Fall, yours is the domain of the water that reclaims even the high earth): 8 (9) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Sun (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 8 (10) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Ice (The dread chill that saps even the hardiest fire of warmth): 8 (5) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Yellow Moon (You have a special affinity with the night moon): 8 (3) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Harvest Moon (You have a special affinity with the orange moon of fall): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Obsidian (Black as night, hiding a deadly edge): 5 (2) Legend
Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Silver (Divine Silver, whose light even hints at darkness): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Rain (What the sun takes, the sky returns): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Snow (Beautiful flakes in geometric patterns, or haphazard clumps, driven in blizzards): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Storms (Whip with furious wind, scour with pelting water): 8 (10) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Orbits) - Eclipse (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 20 (15) Legend

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 5 (4) Legend
Elemental Avatar - Silver (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can transmute silver, +2 Awe): 5 Legend
Elemental Avatar - Shadow (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can perform shadow teleportation within linked domains, gain Ethereal, gain Vulnerability towards light/fire based attacks): 5 Legend

Divine Enhancements
Inscrutable One (A natural evolution of capriciousness, you are not merely fickle, your motives are utterly incomprehensible. +2 Trickery, FEAR ONLY (Faith only locked): Traits may be despised without normal limitations, are always despised successfully, and the last (Shrine Attribute) despised traits can be manually restored for no cost in Legend): (8) 14 Legend
Divine Mystery (As spirits grow to godhood, secrets are revealed to them that are unsuited to mortal minds. +2 Mysticism, may elect to swap current Focus Attribute using a basic ritual): 8 (9) Legend
Lesser Bless (Your blessings are slightly improved, and you gain access to specialized blessings apart from Sacrifice and Growth, based on the skills you possess): (3) 9 Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Astrology (MAXED OUT)
Omen Reading
Perform (Sing)

Oh dear god this was such a bad idea it took me 3 fking hours to do this post why did I punish myself like this?!
Last edited:
Turn 18 Results; Moon Madness
[X] Plan VE Liberation
-[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices
--[X] Expend 2 DE on Astrology
-[X] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 20 DE x2
--[X] In the crone's territory x2
-[X] Blood Moon*
--[X] In the crone's territory
-[X] Control Waters***
--[X] Snow is nice. But repetition is so dull. Why not try something with a little more punch? Like... hail. x3
-[X] Travel to the nearest village with a standing Crone shrine (12 DE).
--[X] So you can pummel the village with Hail and turn the moon a beautiful shade of Red.
-[X] Innovate something!
--[X] Ultramarine
-[X] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
--[X] "You don't have to do what the Crone asked any more; do wut u want hubby <3"
--[X] Request that he helps you with Saitev's shrine next year by consecrating it with Ambrosia.
---[X] Offer materials Amber in trade.
--[X] Tell him about the Oxen. If he is looking for something new and exotic to hunt...
-[X] Play with Seski
--[X] Sing with her as she plays the flute.
-[X] Issue Decree
--[X] Cancel the Decree of Appeasement
--[X] Bring you that which gleams in the light or shines in the dark. You're building a temple soon and you need worthy materials.
Divine Acts
Bless Sacrifices
Astrology rolled 15, 19
Gained 4 DE

Influence rolled 11, 8
Weirding rolled 9
Weird turn rolled 12, 8; 1 weird turn
Weirding rolled... 8?
Recursive Weirding rolled... 8 ADOJOJHASDFO"OL:JKFSD
What the eff is this? recursion rolled 10
Three Weirds

Blood Moon [LUNACY]
Influence rolled 9
Moderate [Major] Success
Fear rolled 10
Gained 8 Legend

Influence rolled 15, 13, 7
Epic I/Major/Minor (Renamed Major X to Epic X, sounds cooler)

Subtotal VE: 28

Avatar Acts
Travel to the Crone's Village to cast stuff
Survival rolled 12
Minor Success; avoid detection long enough to magic

Technically Interacted? I mean, turning a village into giblets is interaction, right?
Fear rolled 17
Gained 20 Legend

Innovate with Ultramarines
Innovation rolled 9
Art (Painting) added to table, made a simple thing

Subtotal VE: 0

Communal Acts
Trade with Saiga
Trade + Quality rolled 16
Willing to help pay for the shrine

Tell Saiga things
Leadership rolled 7
Minor Success; will think about it...

Music with Seski
Perform (Sing) rolled 6
Perform (Flute) rolled 11
This was a bad idea rolled 5 (Boom)
Seski Survival rolled 11
You rolled 9, avoided damage
Shrine damage rolled 16, is a sturdy mofucka
Minor Success, Seski avoids you blowing her up again. Seski gains 4 legend.
Seski spends 2 legend; Survival 2 and Perform (Flute) 4
Weird rolled 4
Recursion rolled 11
Four Weirds

Fear rolled 14
Immediate reward - 2 obsidian, 1 crystal
Decree of Shimmering Stones I - (may add or subtract decree slots to this decree, increases payout/turn) "Give me that which shimmers and gleams in the light of day and dark of night."

Ma'am your baby is floating
Ghette rolled 6
Ghette's personal Weird table 6
Ghette gains 6 legend
Ghette spends 2 legend; Astrology 2

Subtotal VE: 6

1 - Moon of Beasts
2 - Moon of Transmutation
3 - Moon of Life
4 - Moon of the Earth
5 - Moon of Wild Tide
6 - Moon of Secrets Revealed
7 - Moon of Wrath
8 - Moon of Darkness
9 - Moon of Shifts
10 - Moon in the Sun

Rolled 7 - Moon of Wrath
Rolled 8 - Moon of Darkness
Rolled 2 - Moon of Transmutation
Rolled 3- Moon of Life
Wrath (a.k.a. 360 NOSCOPE)
Influence rolled 11
3 Degrees of Success
Target? rolled 10
Gained 12 VE, Obliterated Crone's Shrine
Attrouska Traits rolled 17; Shrine Attribute holds, 1 Trait shatter
???: 1
???: 2
Law: 3
Motherhood: 4
???: 5
???: 6
???: 7
???: 8
???: 9
???: 10
Omenseer: 11
Stargazer: 12

Rolled 5: ??? removed
Victor's spoils rolled 19: Gained Lesser Spirit of the Stars (+3 Astrology, +1 Omen Reading, +2 Navigation)
Terror, and Madness
Fear + Influence rolled 6
+1 Success to Blood Moon, Alters Blood Moon to Lunacy
Shiny Yellow Moon: Major III Wastage
Rolled 17
-18 BASE growth (before pop mod conversion), Gained 18 VE
Gained 8 Legend, Gained 8 VE

Weird VE subtotal: 48

FEAR BUY - Vehemence... (82) (Boosted 123)
Legend rolled 11
Major Glut - Must spend (25) Legend and make (7) rolls
1-5: Shrine 5
6-10: Influence 6
11-25: Fear 8
26-40: Avatar 9
41-42: Perform (Sing)
43-44: Leadership
45-46: Innovation
47-48: Survival
49-50: Art (Painting)
51-60: Focused Manifestation - Harvest Moon
61-70: Focused Manifestation - Yellow Moon
71-80: Elemental Manifestation - Darkness
81-85: Spirit of the Stars
86-100: Lesser Goddess of Freedom

Rolled 8: Influence 6
19 Legend remaining; Influence 7 replaces Influence 6
Rolled 70: FM - Yellow Moon
16 Legend remaining; Elemental Manifestation - Frost replaces FM - Yellow Moon
Rolled 61: FM - Harvest Moon
13 Legend remaining; Elemental Affinity - Sky replaces FM - Harvest Moon
Rolled 48: Gained Survival (1d3) +2
11 Legend remaining
Rolled 49: Gained Art (Painting) (1d3) +1
10 Legend remaining
Rolled 33: Avatar 9
1 Legend remaining; Avatar 10 replaces Avatar 9
Rolled 54: EM - Sky
Legend Exhausted; Rolls Exhausted, Glut Complete
Gained Avatar 9
Gained Influence 6
Gained Survival 4
Gained Art (Painting) 1
Gained EM - Sky
Gained FM - Harvest and Yellow Moons

Not wanting to upset the Raven, Saitev, you go to Saiga, asking his help towards building another shrine to Saitev. He doesn't even allow you the time to offer Amber to him before he agrees, looking especially pleased to have his friend closer than before. He cannot handle the anointment until next year, however. Feeling bold, you speak to him further. "Husband, you are free now," you inform him. "The Crone holds no sway, and I will never stop you from going where your heart desires."

Saiga ponders, looking greatly tempted by the offer. "I suppose..." he mulls. "Since you are mighty now, and you have Attrouska's sight, it may be as you say. I will seek out a place beyond your shores, and if there is peace, I will return with good tidings."

You also direct him to hunt the large Oxen, which he takes to with gusto. The Crone had forbidden his hunting of the inland places some time ago, and he much wished to return to hunting the large beasts for their plentiful meat and the long hairs that make up their fur.

You celebrate, playing with the new paint you've made by dying a skin from your shrine a deep shade of blue. Maybe you could have it cut into a coat for Seski's tenth-year, which will be next year, you note, wondering where the time goes. Seski has grown much in the eight and some years you've had her, and soon she will be old and wise enough that the Creche you've built for her will be stifling more than nurturing, so you decide to play with her one last time.

In hindsight, what you know of magic should have been warning enough that singing while she played her flute would have been a... poor idea. Fortunately, nothing is seriously damaged save the piece of amber Seski had bursting into myriad pieces. "Mama, you are dangerous sometimes," she says with an air of sage knowing. "Maybe you should be more careful."

Adequately scolded, you admit that perhaps Seski has a point. You can leverage this to your advantage! Demanding that you be brought regular quantities of finer stone and crystal, you see how quickly the people comply, fearing wrath you honestly didn't plan on handing out! Seski is so smart to point this out to you.

Given that you are dangerous sometimes, you leverage that even further, traveling near to the Witch's village so you can bury it in snow and impose terrible thoughts upon the inhabitants to soften it up for your visit sometime soon. Flitting about the woods and generally frightening the people, you prepare your powers to strike them down, feeling a very significant push from the Crone as her own lack of form and the day fights your night.

Then, suddenly, yet as expected as the tempo of the great clockwork, the Moon goes... weird. The snows you've piled upon the roofs of the houses and in great banks leaning on the tents suddenly gain momentum as the stabilizing stones squelch and suck at the woods and bones above them, turning to useless clay. The people are driven mad, by turns mating, killing, and living in excess they do not possess, howling at the Moon and tearing into each other's flesh. The displays twist your senses in the ecstasy you've come to associate your better years with, and as the Lunacy reaches it's peak, the villagers dying of starvation, murder, and cannibalizing themselves, the moon gains a hue of brilliant violet, and the clouds pass beneath it...

A crack! A resounding boom! The Witch's Shrine explodes in a hail of wood and bone with a cacophony of light, sound, and fire, and you hear a soundless yowl of frustration and a wordless curse as the light-form that was the Crone vanishes like blood into the ocean or smoke into the air. Seski really is quite clever, noticing how you are sometimes dangerous.

You return feeling triumphant, to Saiga admitting that you are indeed capable of defeating anything he can conceive coming by the sea, and to word from your attendants that Ghette had taken to vanishing and crawling upon the walls and ceiling of your shrine as though the earth had turned upon it's head, coinciding with the brightest Moonlit nights. Well, he's much cuter now that you know he's just like you~ Hopefully he'll do something even more interesting soon!

[Voting is locked for 2 hours following the initial posting.]

Divine Resources Available
109 - 109 (Expended) = 0 + 4 (Blessings) + 11 (Rites) + 640 (82 Vehemence) + 6 (PB) = 661 DE
Holy Place Condensation -5
Overflow Condensation -410
Gained 42 Ambrosia
Remaining: 246

Equations Noted for this turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*2.25*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 11 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 8 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
Equations Noted for next turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 5 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 10 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
CURRENT POPULATION MODIFIER: -1 of -26 minimum, was -2 last turn (+1 Saiga's efforts)
0 + 42 (Condensation) - 1 (Sate Hunger) = 41
Amber Condensation -39
Gained 13 Amber
Remaining: 2
179 + 20 + 8 + 8 = 215 total legend
43 + 36 - 9 - 6 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 = 50 unspent legend
Gained 2 Obsidian
Gained 1 Crystal
Gained 13 Amber
Lost 1 Ultramarine
Gained 1 Colored Skins

Divine Actions
Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Omen Reading, Mysticism, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DE
[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea and The Sky. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Command Water [How]
-[] Command Sea [How]
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Call Fish.
-[] Drive Fish Away.
[] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Silver Moon* - The silver moon, gray and dull upon an indigo night, colored to better contrast the stars and reveal their incredible secrets. Very strongly alters Astrology actions and empowers Wind Influence acts. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blue Moon* - The blue moon, rare and beautiful, shining down upon the seas and casting out cool winds. Strengthens all Water and Weather Influence acts. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blood Moon* - The bloody red moon, eclipsed by the earth and denied the light of the sun, casts curses and suffering upon the earth in spite. Transforms the Flesh and induces Bestial Madness. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Harvest Moon* - The orange moon of change, wealth and transformation, cast by the turning of the seasons. Transforms the Inanimate and empowers Fire Influence acts. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Yellow Moon* - The shine of the Full Moon in all it's glory, timed with the fertility of the woman and the greatest virility of the man. Greatly increases Fertility and empowers Blessings. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blacken* - You are the Goddess of the Night and the Dark, Lady of the Moon, Knower of Countless Hidden Secrets. Blanket the nights in cloying darkness, a veil that only the Nox Arcana can pierce, heavily penalizing all mysticism-based actions for the turn for those who do not possess the Affinity, and greatly enhancing the range and power of Divine Acts and Influence for the turn for those who do. Costs: 50 DE, 2 Ambrosia. WARNING: Cannot currently Manifest Darkness, effect has a higher DC threshold.
[] Form Divine Realm - You feel something curious, a spilling, a bubble upon creation. Costs: 20+ DE, 4+ Ambrosia

Avatar Actions (31/40)

[] Form Avatar (12 Ambrosia) (Avatar already formed!)
[] Suffer Avatar (<X>, up to 11 Ambrosia) (Restores avatar with a variable sustenance value - can include negative values if the fraction of Ambrosia committed is too low compared to current Avatar, which causes violent rampages until hunger is sated to at least 10)

[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Lay with [Animal]
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Sire a Divine Creature, using [Life form] as a base
-[] Contribute <5X> unspent Legend for each sire in the litter, <X> Ambrosia for Attributes of the litter, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits of the litter

[] Experiment with Unknown Materials
-[] Strange Metal
[] Innovate something!
-[] Silver
-[] Obsidian
-[] Amber
-[] Low-Tier Materials (infinite limit)
-[] Ultramarine
[] Create Art
-[] Cast paints upon a canvas of hide and fur
[] Use Items
-[] Equip an item
-[] Gift an item
-[] Consume an item
-[] Destroy an item

[] Find the Crone's next village, you appear to have... left no trace to run to it. You do not know where to go next. Costs: 15 DE, 2 sustenance

[] Personally Incite - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror in your domain. Costs: 3 DE
[] Personally Incite (Distant) - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror elsewhere. Costs: 10 DE
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE

[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Study Rituals - Cast your gaze to the sky, where patterns reveal themselves and show you secrets. Develop a new specific trait ritual or two random rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
-[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Entrails - Look into the entrails spilled upon the earth. As all life consumes earth's bounty and is returned as new bounty, you can learn from the transition. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
-[] Study [Material]. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Divine the Purpose (Aids in divine item creation). Costs: 15 DE
-[] Refine Rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)

[] Perform Ritual
-[] Minor Ritual of the Alluring Singer. Costs: 30-80 DE, 4-7 Ambrosia OR 20-50 total Tiers of appropriate Amber Crafts (?)

Commune Actions (31/40)

[] Issue Decree - You take form, or manifest your avatar in order to issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Maximum Decrees: 2/7
-[] Alter the Decree of Attendance - "Each blood family must offer a single beautiful young adult to attend you and your shrines each year, or they will benefit from neither your blessings nor protections on the sea."
-[] Alter the Decree of Shimmering Stones I - + or - 1 Decree slot to affect the degree of the decree.
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 7
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum Shrines 3/5.
-[] Specify a shrine to Leave to Ruin
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make [name shrine] grander. Costs: 5 DE.
-[] Dedicate <X> materials for progress.
-[] Expand another Creche (T2 Limited).
-[] Expand Traveler's Alters (T3 Common): Grants bonus DE from Trickery, Survival, Navigation, and Trade blessings.
-[] Expand a Tomb of Divines (T3 Limited): Grants an additional significant legend reward when Ur-Spawn and special characters die.
-[] Expand the Chamber of Change (T3 Grand): A room filled with reflective surfaces, and space for the light of the sun or moon to shine through, granting ???.
[] Build a Temple - You are a Goddess! You are deserving of an incredible edifice to your divinity! Maximum Temples 0/1. Costs: 1 Ambrosia, 10 DE, Significant amount of materials (uses T0 materials for construction if not provided personally).
-[] Improve [name shrine] into a temple.
-[] Create a temple anew at [location].
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
[] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
-[] Learn about him (Current circa turn 13)
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with Saitev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Learn about him
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with Keshketev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 7 DE (One time)
-[] Learn about him
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with the Fox Spirit, who will probably demand a contest when you meet him. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Learn about him
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits


Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)
Attribute Accumulated Discounts: Faith 2 (currently locked)

Aspect of the Fish (+2 Trade, +3 Navigation, +2 Survival, Faster water travel, can command fish directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Crustacean (+3 Melee, +2 Fishing, +2 Perform (Dance), Increased wound threshold, can command crustaceans directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Walrus (+3 Fishing, +2 Survival, +2 Awe, Increased maximum sustenance, can command walrus and sea lions directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Octopus (+2 Fishing, +3 Survival, +2 Perform (Dance), Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, can command octopodes directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Snowy Owl (+3 Survival, +2 Awe, +2 Perform (Sing), Grants a free degree of success when attacking a divine of equal tier from ambush, can command owls directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Ox (+2 Awe, +3 Melee, +2 Survival, Grants a strong modifier when defending or asserting dominance, can command oxen directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +3 Innovation, +3 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 13 Legend

Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +3 Trade, gain the ability to speak directly with and negotiate with sea creatures): 15 (16) Legend
Spirit of Exploration (+3 Survival, +3 Navigation, +1 Trade, Expanded exploration range, greatly reduces detection risk when exploring): 18 (24) Legend
Spirit of the Stars (+3 Astrology, +2 Omen Reading, +2 Navigation, gain the ability to Shift Stars): 9 (9) Legend
Spirit of Premonitions (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Astrology, +2 Survival, gain the ability to Twist Fate): 18 (24) Legend
Spirit of Mysteries (+2 Mysticism, +2 Magic (First), +2 Magic (Second), gain strange senses): 18 (19) Legend
Spirit of Motherhood (+3 Leadership, +2 Perform (Sing), reduces Sustenance cost to add random and specific traits by 1 and 1 when siring, grant one additional specific trait when siring): 18 (24)
Spirit of Death (+3 Melee, +2 Omen Reading, gains an automatic success against mortals when acting to kill them, gains a Strong Bonus against any Ur-Spawn or any Spirit one tier lower than you when acting to kill or disperse them): 18 (21)
Spirit of Destruction (+3 Melee, +2 Ranged, gains an automatic success when destroying structures, gains an automatic success when destroying enemy items): 18 (24)
Spirit of Madness (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Fear, 6 accumulating Legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase): 18 (24) Legend

Lesser Goddess of Freedom (+2 Trade, +1 Faith, greatly weakens the effects of domination by and against you): 20 Legend

Elemental Affinities
Classical Element - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend
Classical Element - Earth (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (9) Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Element - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (9) Legend

Elemental Affinity (Tier 2) - Lake (Stagnation save the ripple of action upon it): 5 (7) Legend

Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 8 (10) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Cold (The chill of the night, the smoke of the breath): 8 (6) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Frost (You have seen man's lips blue in chill waters, felt the nip of ice upon skin): 5 (2) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Darkness (You are one with the dark places, granting you power over shadow): 5 (2) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2 - Light (A being of the sky, you are naturally drawn to the light): 5 (7) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Tidal Waves (Push and Pull, Rise and Fall, yours is the domain of the water that reclaims even the high earth): 8 (10) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Sun (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 8 (11) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Ice (The dread chill that saps even the hardiest fire of warmth): 8 (6) Legend

Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Obsidian (Black as night, hiding a deadly edge): 5 (2) Legend
Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Silver (Divine Silver, whose light even hints at darkness): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Rain (What the sun takes, the sky returns): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Snow (Beautiful flakes in geometric patterns, or haphazard clumps, driven in blizzards): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Storms (Whip with furious wind, scour with pelting water): 8 (11) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Dread Storm (The winds scour the earth, the rain drives through the skin; this is The Hurricane, cleanser of all that dare crawl upon the earth): 11 Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Orbits) - Eclipse (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 20 (15) Legend

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 5 (4) Legend
Elemental Avatar - Silver (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can transmute silver, +2 Awe): 5 Legend
Elemental Avatar - Shadow (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Influence Attribute purchase, can perform shadow teleportation within linked domains, gain Ethereal, gain Vulnerability towards light/fire based attacks): 5 Legend
Elemental Avatar - Light (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Influence Attribute purchase, gain Ethereal, gain a free success when performing any light or heat-based Influence Act, all light and heat-based Influence Acts gain bonus damage): 5 (10) Legend

Divine Enhancements
Inscrutable One (A natural evolution of capriciousness, you are not merely fickle, your motives are utterly incomprehensible. +2 Trickery, FEAR ONLY (Faith only locked): Traits may be despised without normal limitations, are always despised successfully, and the last (Shrine Attribute) despised traits can be manually restored for no cost in Legend): 8 (14) Legend
Divine Mystery (As spirits grow to godhood, secrets are revealed to them that are unsuited to mortal minds. +2 Mysticism, may elect to swap current Focus Attribute using a basic ritual): 8 (9) Legend
Lesser Bless (Your blessings are slightly improved, and you gain access to specialized blessings apart from Sacrifice and Growth, based on the skills you possess): 3 (9) Legend

Divine Excellence
Excellence of Astrology (You have mastered all man can comprehend of the stars and their motions. You must go further. Unlocks >10 Astrology bonuses): 5 Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Astrology (MAXED OUT)
Omen Reading
Perform (Sing)

So seeing you constantly VE bomb to this degree has made me consider a slight retool to VE generation. I mean, really, look at this nonsense. Overall you will generate somewhat less VE per act (it will be noticeable, but not crippling, as you're currently generating base 2 per success on harm-focused VE which is too high, plus EA bonuses). Gluts are mostly unchanged, but the (must spend X) legend equation will be slightly higher to compensate for lower VE.

You have encountered FORMLESS influence mechanics, which halve the Influence weak bonus and negate up to [Tier] Strong Bonuses to influence if the caster has any.

There were a number of alterations done to the initial results drop after I noticed you guys had an influence bonus from Night Mother. Successes are different than what you may have expected.
Last edited:
Turn 19 Results
[X] Plan Temple Raising Festivities
-[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices
--[X] Astrology x18
--[X] Trickery x18
-[X] Inspire Petitioner
--[X] Astrology x2
--[X] Trickery x2
---[X] One to Seski
-[X] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 25 DE x2
-[X] Harvest Moon*
--[X] In your territory
---[X] Transmute Obsidian.
-[X] Control Waters***
--[X] Command Water [How] x1
---[X] Reserve to support our rematch with the Fox with a timely rain. Or just rain on him. Whichever!
--[X] Command Sea [How] x2
---[X] Roil the seas
----[X] Could you make music with the waves?
-[X] Produce a mortal child with the Silver Men
--[X] Contribute 18 Sustenance to grant Minor Spirit of the Sea and Classical Affinity - Water
--[X] Contribute 10 Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[X] Create Art
--[X] Cast paints upon a canvas of hide and fur
-[X] Explore the Land
-[X] Study Stars
--[X] Read the Future
-[X] Study Omens
--[X] Read the Bones
-[X] Study World
--[X] Divine the Purpose (Aids in divine item creation). Costs: 15 DE
---[X] Ultramarine Skins
-[X] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE x2
--[X] Reserve for the Fox contest if relevant.
-[X] Build a Shrine
--[X] At a spot overlooking Keshketev's village, preferably near one of those hot water pools. Go with Keshketev's recommendation if he has a preference, to minimize conflict. Spend 1 Ambrosia if it's enough. If not, skip.
-[X] Improve a Shrine
--[X] Saiga's Fishing Village
--[X] Gaerig's Fishing Village
-[X] Issue Decree
--[X] Bring me your finest carvings.
--[X] The bodies of the Silver Men will belong to me in death.
-[X] Make Demand
--[X] Demand that they tell you of strange places, like where they found the crystal for you.
-[X] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
--[X] Trade something
---[X] Gift him a piece of amber, and bargain for his assistance with constructing your Temple at your Holy Place.
-[X] Meet with Saitev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 5 DE (One time)
--[X] Learn about him
--[X] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
---[X] About Attrouska's villages, if possible
--[X] Trade something
---[X] Gift him a piece of amber, and bargain for his assistance with constructing your Temple at your Holy Place.
-[X] Meet with Keshketev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option, 7 DE (One time)
--[X] Learn about him
--[X] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
---[X] About Attrouska's villages, if possible
--[X] Trade something
---[X] Gift him a piece of amber, and bargain for his assistance with constructing your Temple at your Holy Place.
-[X] Meet with the Fox Spirit, who will probably demand a contest when you meet him. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance, 5 DE (One time)
--[X] Test dominance
--[X] Learn about him
--[X] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[X] Take Ghette stargazing
-[X] Take Seski on your travels
--[X] Gift her a replacement Amber for the one you broke
Divine Acts
Bless Sacrifices
Astrology rolled 14, 14, 18, 5, 8. 12, 5, 16, 14, 16. 19, 9, 12, 9, 15. 16, 12, 11
4 Degrees; Gained 29 DE
Trickery rolled 15, 13, 18, 15, 35!. 15, 14, 9, 8, 15. 14, 7, 7, 8, 12. 12, 19, 4
4 Degrees; Gained 37 DE
Gained +1 Trickery

Astrology rolled 9, 19
Major/Epic III
Trickery rolled 18, 11
Epic IV/Epic I

Influence rolled 9, 9
Weird Trigger rolled 10, 12
No weird

Harvest Moon
Influence rolled 15
Epic II; transmute 10 units of Obsidian to Precious Gems (Overflow to Saiga)

Rain of Fox's Parade
Influence rolled 15
Epic II

Influence rolled 8, 6

Subtotal VE: 27

Avatar Acts
Bear Ur-Child: 10 Legend
Base 1 + Minor Spirit of the Sea + CA - Water = 1 random
Spirit of Mischief: 1
Spirit of the Stars: 2
Aspect of Humanity: 3
EA - Sea: 4
EA - Stars: 5
EA - Night: 6
EA - Sky: 7
EM/FM - Moons: 8-9 (subroll)
GA - Nox Arcana: 10
Capricious One: 11
Random Known Trait: 12

Rolled 4: EA - Sea
Inherent Parent core trait? rolled 17: Inherits FM - SIlver
Evens (F) and Odds (M) rolled: 9

Create Art!
Art (Painting) rolled 7
Not so good...

Explore Earth (Flight!)
Survival rolled 13
Epic I; Discovered the rest of the Crone's hiding places

Read Future; Read Bones
Astrology rolled 12
Epic I Success
Omen Reading rolled 7->[Reroll]->15
Major Success

Study World
Mysticism roll 13
3 Degrees

Lure (no, it would not be relevant)
Trickery + Sing rolled 16, 17
Epic I/Epic II
Trickery +2

Subtotal VE: 5

Communal Acts
Build Shrine (Boiling Basin)
Shrine rolled 9
Shrine complete; Spent 1 ambrosia

Improve Shrine [Saiga's Fishing Village]
Shrine - No Crafts rolled 14
3 of 4 needed successes
Incomplete; 1 success stored

Improve Shrine [Gaerig's Fishing Village]
Shrine - No Crafts rolled 8
0 of 4 needed successes

Next time dedicate materials.

Fear rolled 15
Immediate reward - (2 Poor, 1 Okay, 1 Moderate Bone Figurines)
Decree of Gift Offerings I - (may add or subtract decree slots to this decree, increases payout/turn) "Give me finery and images of my perfection."

Fear rolled 9
Immediate reward (none)
Decree of Taking - (Consumes 2 Decree slots) "Return unto the sea they who I have blessed."

Shimmering Stones - 1 Crystals

Fear rolled 7/[8]
Minor Success; Learned of Black Floe

Meet Saiga
Trade + Gift rolled 5
Saiga cannot help, he is too busy getting his explore on

Meet Saitev
Trade (learing) rolled 7, 12
Trade (deal) + Gift rolled 11
Minor Success; gives you some advice

Meet Keshketev
Trade (learning) rolled 11, 16
Minor/Major Successes
Trade (deal) + Gift rolled 7
Keshketev cannot help, he is too busy rebuilding his home village

Meet the Fox (Rematch!)
Trickery rolled 16 vs 9
Major Failure
Perform rolled 11 vs 14
Moderate Success->[Tie]
Trade (learning) rolled 12, 9

Spirit Encounter
Fear rolled 17
Gained 7 Legend

Read the Stars with Ghette
Ghette rolled 13
Ghette spends 2 legend; Gains Astrology 4

Wander with Seski->[Catch Seski!]
Runaway rolled 12 vs 13
Moderate Success
Epic IV critical Trickery Inspiration vs you rolled 4
Seski escapes you!
Seski gains 10 Legend
Seski spends 2 legend; Gains Survival 3, Trickery 6

Subtotal VE: 2

FEAR BUY - Vehemence (34) (Boosted 51)
1-10: Shrine 5
11-15: Influence 7
16-20: Fear 8
21-35: Avatar 10
36-38: Perform (Sing)
39-41: Trickery
42-44: Omen Reading
45-47: Mysticism
48-55: Excellence in Astrology
56-65: Elemental Manifestation - Frost
66-75: Elemental Affinity - Cold
76-85: Elemental Manifestation - Darkness
86-90: Spirit of the Stars
91-100: Lesser Goddess of Freedom

Rolled 40: Trickery
Auto-additional Buy
Rolled 73: EA - Cold
Legend rolled 4; bonus random skill buy from known skill list
Rolled (1d12) 2: Mysticism
Gained Elemental Affinity - Cold
Gained Trickery 10
Gained Mysticism 3

This year you put a great deal of energy into your blessings of the people, and even choose to inspire a few of them to greater things. One of them, the clever person from before, garners the blessings of both you and Saiga, traveling out across the sea once more. You grant him some knowledge of the stars as well, so he might not lose his way. Another you take for yourself, a silver man with a sharp tongue and quick wit, providing you some pleasure.

As you're granting dreams and visions of clever ideas and the meaning of the stars, one of them is given to Seski. The following day, your little girl disappears from your shrine, so you follow after her and catch her, pack brimming with her favorite belongings and a good deal of stolen venison. "I want to go see the birdy again, mama," she says, eyes dreadfully large and pleading. "I can walk myself, now!"

You acquiesce, knowing she's old enough to make the trip easily and clever enough to avoid any trouble. Only, when you visit Saitev yourself, she hadn't stayed to wait for you! Saitev laughs uproariously, of course. "The little one is smart, she is," he tells you. "Doubled back into the woods after sneaking more food and furs, dragging one of my younger hunters off for an adventure. Just like her difficult mother, hmm?"

But... Seski! She's still only 11 years old and such a good girl, dragging off a boy on a grand adventure... Where could she have gotten that idea from? You are interrupted from your musing by the crow once more. "I have seen what you will ask me, as well. A word of advice," he warns. "There will be much trouble and tiring if you wish to continue on this path, Gaerig of the Night. The time for what you wish is not yet right."

You harrumph and storm back to your village to blow off steam, riling up the waters, trying to make music like Seski and failing terribly when a few poor boatsmen keep hollering as you toss them to and fro. You change the nature of things as well, reforming Obsidian to something better, and the result, an assortment of fine smokey gems replacing the baser stone, almost lets you forget how upset and worried you are.

You examine the stars and the bones, seeking clues. You visit Keshketev, who shrugs unknowing as he restores his village to it's former glory. You visit Saiga, who sits in mostly mute silence, pondering other things. You even go to visit the horrid fox, who embarrasses you again, and even he does not know where Seski has gone!

In a fugue, you have a shrine put up in Keshketev's basin, hamhandedly 'improving' a few of your other shrines as well. You take and demand of your people, and seeing your strangeness, they comply easily. You slap some charcoal and ultramarine on a fur and the tangled mess just looks more depressing. For hours, you look at the richly blue hide you'd made, contemplating all the nice things you could have made for Seski with it. With the right efforts at the right time, you could have had it stitched together to protect her from the cold, from water...

Eventually, you take to spending inordinate amounts of time with Ghette and pointing out the constellations to him, between drawing the foolhardy and needy into the woods and hidden rocks upon the shore with sweet tones and sweeter forms. You bear a healthy son, and call him Gaelte, Water Man, when your attendants must constantly pull him from the water basin in your shrine.

You miss Seski...

[Voting is locked for 2 hours following the initial posting.]

Divine Resources Available
246 - 246 (Expended) = 0 + 66 (Blessings) + 5 (Rites) + 340 (34 Vehemence) + 5 (PB) = 416 DE
Holy Place Condensation -5
Overflow Condensation -170
Gained 18 Ambrosia
Remaining: 241

Equations Noted for this turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 5 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 10 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
Equations Noted for next turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 5 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 9.6 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
CURRENT POPULATION MODIFIER: -2 of -26 minimum, was -1 last turn (-2 Vehemence Damage, +1 Saiga's efforts)
2 - 1 (Create Shrine) + 18 (Condensation) - 4 (Sate Hunger) = 15
Amber Condensation -12
Gained 4 Amber
Remaining: 3
215 + 7 - 10 = 212 total legend
50 + 7 - 10 - 6 - 1 - 1 = 39 unspent legend
Gained 1 Crystal
Gained 4 Amber
Gained (4) Bone Figurines (2 Poor, 1 Okay, 1 Moderate)
Gained 5 Precious Gems
Lost 5 Obsidian
Lost 1 Ultramarine
Lost 4 Amber

Divine Actions
Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Omen Reading, Mysticism, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DE
[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea, The Cold and The Sky. Costs: 11 DE
-[] Command Water [How]
-[] Command Sea [How]
-[] Command Clouds [How]
-[] Command Ice [How]
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 14 DE
-[] Call Fish.
-[] Drive Fish Away.
[] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Trickery, Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Silver Moon* - The silver moon, gray and dull upon an indigo night, colored to better contrast the stars and reveal their incredible secrets. Very strongly alters Astrology actions and empowers Wind Influence acts. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blue Moon* - The blue moon, rare and beautiful, shining down upon the seas and casting out cool winds. Strengthens all Water and Weather Influence acts. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blood Moon* - The bloody red moon, eclipsed by the earth and denied the light of the sun, casts curses and suffering upon the earth in spite. Transforms the Flesh and induces Bestial Madness. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Harvest Moon* - The orange moon of change, wealth and transformation, cast by the turning of the seasons. Transforms the Inanimate and empowers Fire Influence acts. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Yellow Moon* - The shine of the Full Moon in all it's glory, timed with the fertility of the woman and the greatest virility of the man. Greatly increases Fertility and empowers Blessings. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blacken* - You are the Goddess of the Night and the Dark, Lady of the Moon, Knower of Countless Hidden Secrets. Blanket the nights in cloying darkness, a veil that only the Nox Arcana can pierce, heavily penalizing all mysticism-based actions for the turn for those who do not possess the Affinity, and greatly enhancing the range and power of Divine Acts and Influence for the turn for those who do. Costs: 50 DE, 2 Ambrosia. WARNING: Cannot currently Manifest Darkness, effect has a higher DC threshold.
[] Form Divine Realm - You feel something curious, a spilling, a bubble upon creation. Costs: 20+ DE, 4+ Ambrosia

Avatar Actions (31.5/40)

[] Form Avatar (12 Ambrosia) (Avatar already formed!)
[] Suffer Avatar (<X>, up to 11 Ambrosia) (Restores avatar with a variable sustenance value - can include negative values if the fraction of Ambrosia committed is too low compared to current Avatar, which causes violent rampages until hunger is sated to at least 10)

[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Lay with [Animal]
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Sire a Divine Creature, using [Life form] as a base
-[] Contribute <5X> unspent Legend for each sire in the litter, <X> Ambrosia for Attributes of the litter, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits of the litter

[] Experiment with Unknown Materials
-[] Strange Metal
[] Innovate something!
-[] Silver
-[] Simple Crystals
-[] Precious Gems
-[] Amber
-[] Ultramarine
-[] Low-Tier Materials (infinite limit)
[] Create Art
-[] Cast paints upon a canvas of hide and fur
[] Use Items
-[] Equip an item
-[] Gift an item
-[] Consume an item
-[] Destroy an item

[] Attack the Crone's closest village. Costs: 6 DE, 3 Sustenance
[] Attack the Crone's farthest village. Costs: 9 DE, 3 Sustenance
[] Find Seski! Costs: 10 DE, 2 Sustenance

[] Personally Incite - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror in your domain. Costs: 3 DE
[] Personally Incite (Distant) - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror elsewhere. Costs: 10 DE
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE

[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Study Rituals - Cast your gaze to the sky, where patterns reveal themselves and show you secrets. Develop a new specific trait ritual or two random rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
-[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Entrails - Look into the entrails spilled upon the earth. As all life consumes earth's bounty and is returned as new bounty, you can learn from the transition. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
-[] Study [Material]. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Divine the Purpose (Aids in divine item creation). Costs: 15 DE
-[] Refine Rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)

[] Perform Ritual
-[] Minor Ritual of the Alluring Singer. Costs: 30-80 DE, 4-7 Ambrosia OR 20-50 total Tiers of appropriate Amber Crafts (?)

Commune Actions (31.5/40)

[] Issue Decree - You take form, or manifest your avatar in order to issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Maximum Decrees: 5/7
-[] Alter the Decree of Attendance I - "Each blood family must offer a single beautiful young adult to attend you and your shrines each year, or they will benefit from neither your blessings nor protections on the sea."
-[] Alter the Decree of Shimmering Stones I - + or - 1 Decree slot to affect the degree of the decree.
-[] Alter the Decree of Gift Offerings I - + or - 1 Decree slot to affect the degree of the decree.
-[] Alter the Decree of Taking II - "Return unto the sea they who I have blessed."
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 7
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum Shrines 5/6.
-[] Specify a shrine to Leave to Ruin
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make [name shrine] grander. Costs: 5 DE.
-[] Dedicate <X> materials for progress.
-[] Expand another Creche (T2 Limited).
-[] Expand Traveler's Alters (T3 Common): Grants bonus DE from Trickery, Survival, Navigation, and Trade blessings.
-[] Expand a Tomb of Divines (T3 Limited): Grants an additional significant legend reward when Ur-Spawn and special characters die.
-[] Expand the Chamber of Change (T3 Grand): A room filled with reflective surfaces, and space for the light of the sun or moon to shine through, granting ???.
[] Build a Temple - You are a Goddess! You are deserving of an incredible edifice to your divinity! Maximum Temples 0/1. Costs: 1 Ambrosia, 10 DE, Significant amount of materials (uses T0 materials for construction if not provided personally).
-[] Improve [name shrine] into a temple.
-[] Create a temple anew at [location].
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
[] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
-[] Learn about him (Current circa turn 13)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with Saitev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
-[] Learn about him
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with Keshketev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
-[] Learn about him
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with the Fox Spirit, who will probably demand a contest when you meet him. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Learn about him
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits


Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)
Attribute Accumulated Discounts: Faith 2 (currently locked)

Aspect of the Fish (+2 Trade, +3 Navigation, +2 Survival, Faster water travel, can command fish directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Crustacean (+3 Melee, +2 Fishing, +2 Perform (Dance), Increased wound threshold, can command crustaceans directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Walrus (+3 Fishing, +2 Survival, +2 Awe, Increased maximum sustenance, can command walrus and sea lions directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Octopus (+2 Fishing, +3 Survival, +2 Perform (Dance), Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, can command octopodes directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Snowy Owl (+3 Survival, +2 Awe, +2 Perform (Sing), Grants a free degree of success when attacking a divine of equal tier from ambush, can command owls directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Ox (+2 Awe, +3 Melee, +2 Survival, Grants a strong modifier when defending or asserting dominance, can command oxen directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +3 Innovation, +3 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 13 Legend

Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +3 Trade, gain the ability to speak directly with and negotiate with sea creatures): 15 (16) Legend
Spirit of Exploration (+3 Survival, +3 Navigation, +1 Trade, Expanded exploration range, greatly reduces detection risk when exploring): 18 (24) Legend
Spirit of the Stars (+3 Astrology, +2 Omen Reading, +2 Navigation, gain the ability to Shift Stars): 9 (9) Legend
Spirit of Premonitions (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Astrology, +2 Survival, gain the ability to Twist Fate): 18 (24) Legend
Spirit of Mysteries (+2 Mysticism, +2 Magic (First), +2 Magic (Second), gain strange senses): 18 (19) Legend
Spirit of Motherhood (+3 Leadership, +2 Perform (Sing), reduces Sustenance cost to add random and specific traits by 1 and 1 when siring, grant one additional specific trait when siring): 18 (24)
Spirit of Death (+3 Melee, +2 Omen Reading, gains an automatic success against mortals when acting to kill them, gains a Strong Bonus against any Ur-Spawn or any Spirit one tier lower than you when acting to kill or disperse them): 18 (21)
Spirit of Destruction (+3 Melee, +2 Ranged, gains an automatic success when destroying structures, gains an automatic success when destroying enemy items): 18 (24)
Spirit of Madness (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Fear, 6 accumulating Legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase): 18 (24) Legend

Lesser Goddess of Freedom (+2 Trade, +1 Faith, greatly weakens the effects of domination by and against you): 20 Legend

Elemental Affinities
Classical Element - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend
Classical Element - Earth (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (9) Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Element - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (9) Legend

Elemental Affinity (Tier 2) - Lake (Stagnation save the ripple of action upon it): 5 (7) Legend

Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 8 (10) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Frost (You have seen man's lips blue in chill waters, felt the nip of ice upon skin): 5 (2) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Darkness (You are one with the dark places, granting you power over shadow): 5 (2) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2 - Light (A being of the sky, you are naturally drawn to the light): 5 (7) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Tidal Waves (Push and Pull, Rise and Fall, yours is the domain of the water that reclaims even the high earth): 8 (10) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Sun (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 8 (11) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Ice (The dread chill that saps even the hardiest fire of warmth): 8 (6) Legend

Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Obsidian (Black as night, hiding a deadly edge): 5 (2) Legend
Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Silver (Divine Silver, whose light even hints at darkness): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Rain (What the sun takes, the sky returns): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Snow (Beautiful flakes in geometric patterns, or haphazard clumps, driven in blizzards): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Storms (Whip with furious wind, scour with pelting water): 8 (11) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Dread Storm (The winds scour the earth, the rain drives through the skin; this is The Hurricane, cleanser of all that dare crawl upon the earth): 11 Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Orbits) - Eclipse (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 20 (15) Legend

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 5 (4) Legend
Elemental Avatar - Silver (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can transmute silver, +2 Awe): 5 Legend
Elemental Avatar - Shadow (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Influence Attribute purchase, can perform shadow teleportation within linked domains, gain Ethereal, gain Vulnerability towards light/fire based attacks): 5 Legend
Elemental Avatar - Light (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Influence Attribute purchase, gain Ethereal, gain a free success when performing any light or heat-based Influence Act, all light and heat-based Influence Acts gain bonus damage): 5 (10) Legend
Shapeshifter's Avatar (gain Full Shapeshifting, granting the ability to display only a specific set of traits (disables penalties of forms you possess, but also disables bonuses), grants the ability to perform a ritual to shift inherent traits onto other inherent slots, Imparting specific traits to sired spawn now costs Base Sustenance Cost + 1): 10 Legend

Divine Enhancements
Inscrutable One (A natural evolution of capriciousness, you are not merely fickle, your motives are utterly incomprehensible. +2 Trickery, FEAR ONLY (Faith only locked): Traits may be despised without normal limitations, are always despised successfully, and the last (Shrine Attribute) despised traits can be manually restored for no cost in Legend): 8 (14) Legend
Divine Mystery (As spirits grow to godhood, secrets are revealed to them that are unsuited to mortal minds. +2 Mysticism, may elect to swap current Focus Attribute using a basic ritual): 8 (9) Legend
Lesser Bless (Your blessings are slightly improved, and you gain access to specialized blessings apart from Sacrifice and Growth, based on the skills you possess): 3 (9) Legend

Divine Excellence
Excellence of Astrology (You have mastered all man can comprehend of the stars and their motions. You must go further. Unlocks >10 Astrology bonuses): 5 Legend
Excellence of Trickery (You have mastered all man can comprehend of clever ploys and misdirection. You must go further. Unlocks >10 Trickery bonuses): 5 Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Astrology (MAXED OUT)
Omen Reading
Perform (Sing)
Trickery (MAXED OUT)
Last edited:
Turn 20 Results
[X] Plan A Bear Is Fine Too
-[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices
--[X] Expend 50 DE on petitioners for Astrology
--[X] Expend 50 DE on petitioners for Navigation
-[X] Bless Petitioner for Growth
--[X] Expend 15 DE on petitioners for Survival
--[X] Expend 15 DE on petitioners for Navigation
-[X] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Trickery, Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 25 DE x2
--[X] In your territory
-[X] Yellow Moon*
--[X] In your territory
-[X] Sire a Divine Creature, using Polar Bears as a base
--[X] Contribute 20 unspent Legend for each sire in the litter, 2 Ambrosia for Attributes of the litter, and 18 sustenance for specific traits of the litter
--[X] 20 Legend for 4 Sires
--[X] 2 Ambrosia for Avatar +1, Influence +1
--[X] 18 Sustenance for Elemental Manifestation - Moon, Focused Manifestation - Blood Moon
-[X] Study Stars
--[X] Read the Future
-[X] Study Omens
--[X] Read the Bones
-[X] Study World
--[X] Divine the Purpose (Aids in divine item creation). Costs: 15 DE
---[X] Chamber of Change Shrine extension
-[X] Create Art
--[X] Cast paints upon a canvas of hide and fur
-[X] Innovate something!
--[X] Silver
-[X] Despise Trait
--[X] Despise Elemental Affinity - Sea
--[X] Despise Elemental Affinity - Stars
--[X] Despise Elemental Affinity - Cold
-[X] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
--[X] Request something x2
---[X] Ask him what places he had found in his wanderings.
---[X] Ask him to coordinate his blessings with your Yellow Moon.
--[X] Introduce him to the Bloody Bears before they grow into their full strength and see if they will listen to him.
-[X] Meet with Keshketev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
--[X] Learn about him
--[X] Trade something
---[X] Gift him the effects of the Yellow Moon upon his people.
---[X] Bargain for his assistance in making an enchanted coat out of the Ultramarine Skins for Seski
-[X] Take Ghette stargazing.
-[X] Put some Sea Pixies in the water basin in the shrine with Gaelte.
Divine Acts
Bless Sacrifices
Astrology rolled 12, 4, 11, 9, 19.. 13, 4, 8, 19, 9.. 17, 9, 4, 11, 11.. 18, 14, 4, 12, 7.. 10, 11, 8, 4, 8.. 17, 12, 11, 7, 9.. 7, 8, 7, 3, 14.. 4, 14, 16, 9, 7.. 10, 7, 6, 15, 14.. 13, 7, 14, 6, 12
4 Degrees; Gained 83 DE, Gained 2.5 [5] Growth
Weirding rolled 11, 18, 14
Recursive Weird rolled 12
Gained 1 Weird
Navigation rolled 11, 11, 17, 14, 17.. 14, 9, 12, 10, 7.. 4, 8, 9, 14, 8.. 8, 17, 8, 10, 17.. 8, 6, 13, 16, 8.. 13, 12, 11, 2, 11.. 25! 10, 7, 11, 18.. 6, 6, 15, 13, 9.. 11, 11, 11, 13, 7.. 11, 11, 4, 7, 8
4 Degrees; Gained 86 DE, Gained 2.5 [5] Growth
+1 Navigation
Weirding rolled 18, 13, 11, 14, 7, 14, 10
Recursive Weird rolled 6
Rerecursion rolled 12
Gained 4 Weirds

Bless Growth
Survival rolled 13, 9, 15, 9, 16.. 13, 10, 19, 8, 11.. 11, 11, 15, 17, 7
4 Degrees; Gained 19 DE, Gained 2.2 [4] Growth
Weirding rolled 19
Gained 5 Weirds
Navigation rolled 17, 18, 5, 8 ,11.. 6, 7, 7, 10, 4.. 10, 14, 12, 6, 14
3 Degrees; Gained 20 DE, Gained 1.9 [4] Growth
Weirding rolled 9, 11

Influence rolled 17, 11
Epic II/Major
Weird Trigger rolled 8, 18
Weirding rolled 11
6 Weirds

Yellow Moon->[Love Festival]
Influence rolled 17
Epic III Success; Gain 12 growth
Fear rolled 12
Gained 12 Legend

Subtotal VE: 6

Avatar Acts
Sire Divine Creatures (20 Legend->4 Creatures) (2 Ambrosia->2 Attribute Points) (18 Sustenance->2 Specific Traits)
1 Base = 1 Random Trait
BEAST MOON rolled (high, low): 4, 7 (+1 Trait, +1 Attribute - Fear 1)
1-3: Aspect Trait
4-6: Spirit/Goddess Trait
7-9: Affinity/Manifestation Trait
10-11: Avatar Enhancement
12: Divine Enhancement

Rolled 8, 2: Aspect, EA
Aspect Trait rolled into Aspect of the Polar Bear (+3 Melee, +2 Survival, +2 Fishing, Can communicate with and command Bears, Reduce Wound Threshold of enemies by one degree)
EA Trait 1 rolled into Harvest Moon

Rolling skills preferences (10 points):
Melee - 10
War - 6
Awe - 9
Leadership - 2
Survival - 10
Fishing - 4
Astrology - 5
Omen Reading - 10
Gains Melee 2, War 1, Awe 2, Survival 2, Astrology 1, Omen Reading 2

Final Birth Statistics:
Fear 1, Avatar 1, Influence 1
Elemental Manifestation - Moon, Focused Manifestation - Blood Moon, Focused Manifestation - Harvest Moon, Aspect of the Polar Bear
Melee 2 (5)
War 1
Awe 2
Survival 2 (4)
Fishing 0 (2)
Astrology 1
Omen Reading 2

Study Future
Astrology rolled 7
Moderate Success

Study Bones
Omen Reading rolled 7
Minor Success

Study World
Divine the Chamber of Change rolled 11
Moderate Success; The Chamber of Change affects rapid dissemination of bloodlines and broods on turns with a sufficient number of colored moons or weirds, and makes broods and bloodlines more pliable to trait infusions later.

Do the Art
Art (Painting) rolled 11
Produced Ultramarine skins again

Innovate with Silver
Innovation rolled 6
Failure, ruined piece

Subtotal VE: 0

Communal Acts
Despise Sea, Stars, Cold (At cap, +2 Strong)
Shrine rolled 8, 19, 6
Despised Sea and Stars, Cold remains
Weird rolled 4
7 Weirds

Meet Saiga
Gain Information canceled, Saiga asleep
Command (Leadership) rolled 9
Failed to enable sleep-activity

Meet Keshketev (You can't get one over on the game system, veekie. You're yellowing your territory, and your Basin shrine means you hit him anyway)
Learn (Trade) rolled 17
4 Degrees of success
Request (Leadership) rolled 13
Amenable to crafting for you
Craft (Weaving) rolled 16
Mysticism (stored 13) rolled 11 (used 13)
Epic III Success/Major Success
Creates Tier 3 Waterskin Coat (Grants Resistance to Water Influence, grants water breathing, +2 External Survival)
Gained 2 Legend

Stars with baby
Ghette rolled 10
Ghette's personal Weird rolled 11
Ghette spends 2 legend; gains Astrology 5, Navigation 1 (Ghette inflused with +2 Astrology, Astrology 7)

Gaelte rolled 7
Gaelte spends 2 legend; gains Fishing 2

Shimmering Stones grants 2 Obsidian
Gift Offerings grants (2) Bone Figurines (1 Poor, 1 Okay)
Taking grants 0 Units of Silver

The Frauma
Awe or Trickery rolled 7 vs 6
Minor success!
Perform rolled 10 vs 9
Tie->[Minor Success]; They are yours.

Subtotal VE: 0

1 - Moon of Beasts
2 - Moon of Transmutation
3 - Moon of Life
4 - Moon of the Earth
5 - Moon of Wild Tide
6 - Moon of Secrets Revealed
7 - Moon of Wrath
8 - Moon of Darkness
9 - Moon of Shifts
10 - Moon in the Sun

Rolled 1 - Moon of Beasts
Rolled 2 - Moon of Transmutation
Rolled 3 - Moon of Life
Rolled 6 - Moon of Secrets Revealed
Rolled 6 - Moon of Secrets Revealed
Rolled 7 - Moon of Wrath
Rolled 7 - Moon of Wrath
Beastly Transformations!
Influence + Avatar rolled 16
Infuse 2 additional bonus traits or attributes into siring, Mutagenic Buy added to Fear Buy table, Gain 8 VE, lose 6 Growth
Obsidian becomes... More Obsidian?!
Epic III Growth Event
Rolled 28!
Gained 28 Growth, Yellow Moon becomes Love Festival
Double Secret Moons - Mortal Peril
Gained +2 Omen Reading, Gain 6 VE
Influence rolled 11, 11
3 Degrees/3 Degrees
Targeting rolled 8
Gain 24 VE, lose 12 growth
Gained 14 Legend, Gained 14 VE

Weird Subtotal VE: 52

FEAR BUY - Vehemence (58) (boosted 87)
1-15: Shrine 5
16-20: Influence 7
21-25: Fear 8
26-40: Avatar 10
41-60: Mutation!
61: Omen Reading
62: Mysticism
63: Leadership
64-65: Excellence of Astrology
66-75: EM - Frost
76-85: EM - Darkness
86-90: Spirit of the Stars
91-95: Inscrutable One
95-100: Lesser Goddess of Freedom

Rolled 69: EM - Frost
85 Vehemence Remaining; Replaced EM - Frost with Spirit of Mysteries
Legend rolled 14; Additional Buy
Rolled 26: Avatar 10
Double purchase, Buy Exhausted
Gained Avatar 10
Gained EM - Frost
Gained Navigation 5
Gained Omen Reading 6
Gained 1 Temple Slot!

This year, you give a huge number of blessings to the people. Though some see more success than others, there is a general consensus that you've done a great kindness to your people as both the women and the men see greater success when seeking children, and an air of contentment comes with the calming yellow moonlight of the full moon. You personally feel strangely slow, though you're quite sure you've not taken a partner in a while. One man especially takes to your blessings, trailing all along the shoreline for many many miles, even coming to the end of the strait and seeing the open ocean!

You sit within your shrine and ponder the meanings for a while, finding some success... And then the colors of the moon change and shift again, giving you useful knowledge! There is some screaming and babbling in tongues from the mortals, but it doesn't seem to be an issue for little Ghette. "Mama, the moon is pretty!" he exclaims.

Then the color shifts, initially dark with hints of blue, it becomes brilliant purple, violet in color. You feel incredibly energized and empowered, but before you can direct it anywhere, the moon shines brighter, even more powerfully, and you release the energy with a cry of pain as cracks of lightening and claps of thunder strike near-randomly about your lands. There is screaming and suffering, and despite the feeding and energy you take from it, you are in pain yourself, trying to channel the energy flowing through you without bursting.

Eventually the light fades, only to be replaced by a brilliant gleam of red, orange and yellow. The obsidian your people give you is the first to be affected, and when the people drop the pieces that are to be your gifts, they break into pieces, yet are identical in size to the original piece! This leads to an excited, short period of time where you and your supplicants frantically bash the stones apart only to create more of them, and Keshketev comes over to you and thanks you at the shrine in his basin. You don't have the heart to tell him it was entirely accidental.

Almost at the same time, many people about your lands rend their clothes and act like animals in heat, some becoming violent and dangerous. The strangeness eventually ends, but the truly mad had to be put down, their bodies twisted and malformed.

With the strangeness ended, though your mind still feels strangely slow, you go to Keshketev, seeking his expertise to help you stitch together a nice coat for Seski, when she returns! You are in the middle of trying to make more silver things when you feel a spike of pain, and your eyes spill from your head, burning and scalding. You throw them away upon the snow, and the two moon-like eyes are consumed by several bears. When your eyes have regrown, the bears have not left, and in fact have changed impossibly.

Where once were mere bears now stands a quartet of beasts whose furs drip with blood and viscera, with eyes drawn to you. They growl, but you enchant them with whirls of snow and flashes of light. You sing to them as you land hands upon their snouts, and they lay at your feet. "The Frauma," you call them. "Kar, Kin, Sol, and San."

Well... At least you can surround yourself with other children even if you can't have Seski.

[Voting is locked for 2 hours following the initial posting.]

Divine Resources Available
241 - 241 (Expended) = 0 + 208 (Blessings) + 5 (Rites) + 557 (58 Vehemence) + 3 (PB) = 773 DE
Holy Place Condensation -5
Overflow Condensation -510
Gained 52 Ambrosia
Remaining: 258

Equations Noted for this turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 5 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 9.6 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
Equations Noted for next turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(17+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 6 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(12+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 10.4 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
CURRENT POPULATION MODIFIER: 0 of -26 minimum, was -2 last turn (+ [39] Net Growth - [29] Vehemence Damage = 10 Final Growth, converted to +2 Pop Modifier)
3 + 52 (Condensation) - 5 (Sate Hunger) = 50
Amber Condensation -48
Gained 16 Amber
Remaining: 2
212 + 14 + 12 + 2 - 20 = 220 total legend
39 + 28 - 20 - 10 - 2 = 35 unspent legend
Gained 2 [6] Obsidian
Gained 16 Amber
Gained (2) Bone Figurines (1 Poor, 1 Okay)
Lost 1 Silver
Lost 1 Ultramarine

Divine Actions
Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Omen Reading, Mysticism, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing, Survival.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DE
[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Cold and The Sky. Costs: 11 DE
-[] Command Water [How]
-[] Command Clouds [How]
-[] Command Ice [How]
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 14 DE
-[] Call Fish.
-[] Drive Fish Away.
[] Deadly Chill** - Suck the warmth from the earth and from all life, coating it in frost. Costs: 14 DE
-[] Freeze life
-[] Freeze other things
[] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Avatar actions using Trickery, Astrology, etc. and Influence Acts excluding Blessings or Inspirations). Costs: 25 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Silver Moon* - The silver moon, gray and dull upon an indigo night, colored to better contrast the stars and reveal their incredible secrets. Very strongly alters Astrology actions and empowers Wind Influence acts. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blue Moon* - The blue moon, rare and beautiful, shining down upon the seas and casting out cool winds. Strengthens all Water and Weather Influence acts. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blood Moon* - The bloody red moon, eclipsed by the earth and denied the light of the sun, casts curses and suffering upon the earth in spite. Transforms the Flesh and induces Bestial Madness. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Harvest Moon* - The orange moon of change, wealth and transformation, cast by the turning of the seasons. Transforms the Inanimate and empowers Fire Influence acts. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Yellow Moon* - The shine of the Full Moon in all it's glory, timed with the fertility of the woman and the greatest virility of the man. Greatly increases Fertility and empowers Blessings. Costs: 30 DE
-[] In your territory
-[] Over an enemy's territory
[] Blacken* - You are the Goddess of the Night and the Dark, Lady of the Moon, Knower of Countless Hidden Secrets. Blanket the nights in cloying darkness, a veil that only the Nox Arcana can pierce, heavily penalizing all mysticism-based actions for the turn for those who do not possess the Affinity, and greatly enhancing the range and power of Divine Acts and Influence for the turn for those who do. Costs: 50 DE, 2 Ambrosia. WARNING: Cannot currently Manifest Darkness, effect has a higher DC threshold.
[] Form Divine Realm - You feel something curious, a spilling, a bubble upon creation. Costs: 20+ DE, 4+ Ambrosia

Avatar Actions (41/50)

[] Form Avatar (15 Ambrosia) (Avatar already formed!)
[] Suffer Avatar (<X>, up to 14 Ambrosia) (Restores avatar with a variable sustenance value - can include negative values if the fraction of Ambrosia committed is too low compared to current Avatar, which causes violent rampages until hunger is sated to at least 10)

[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Lay with [Animal]
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Sire a Divine Creature, using [X] as a base
-[] Contribute <5X> unspent Legend for each sire in the litter, <X> Ambrosia for Attributes of the litter, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits of the litter
[] Change your Divine Form - Take on the appearance of a mortal creature or strange elemental manifestation to camouflage yourself, or speak directly to mortals. Costs: 5 Sustenance

[] Experiment with Unknown Materials
-[] Strange Metal
[] Innovate something!
-[] Silver
-[] Simple Crystals
-[] Obsidian
-[] Precious Gems
-[] Amber
-[] Ultramarine
-[] Low-Tier Materials (infinite limit)
[] Create Art
-[] Cast paints upon a canvas of hide and fur
[] Use Items
-[] Equip an item
-[] Gift an item
-[] Consume an item
-[] Destroy an item

[] Attack the Crone's closest village. Costs: 6 DE, 3 Sustenance
[] Attack the Crone's farthest village. Costs: 9 DE, 3 Sustenance
[] Find Seski! Costs: 10 DE, 2 Sustenance

[] Personally Incite - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror in your domain. Costs: 3 DE
[] Personally Incite (Distant) - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror elsewhere. Costs: 10 DE
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE

[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Study Rituals - Cast your gaze to the sky, where patterns reveal themselves and show you secrets. Develop a new specific trait ritual or two random rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
-[] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Entrails - Look into the entrails spilled upon the earth. As all life consumes earth's bounty and is returned as new bounty, you can learn from the transition. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Develop Ritual of The Alluring Singer. Costs: 12 DE
[] Study World - Examining the signs and functions of the world, you may determine how things are they way they are.
-[] Study [Material]. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Divine the Purpose (Aids in divine item creation). Costs: 15 DE
-[] Refine Rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)

[] Perform Ritual
-[] Minor Ritual of the Alluring Singer. Costs: 30-80 DE, 4-7 Ambrosia OR 20-50 total Tiers of appropriate Amber Crafts (?)

Commune Actions (41/50)

[] Issue Decree - You take form, or manifest your avatar in order to issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Maximum Decrees: 5/7
-[] Alter the Decree of Attendance I - "Each blood family must offer a single beautiful young adult to attend you and your shrines each year, or they will benefit from neither your blessings nor protections on the sea."
-[] Alter the Decree of Shimmering Stones I - + or - 1 Decree slot to affect the degree of the decree.
-[] Alter the Decree of Gift Offerings I - + or - 1 Decree slot to affect the degree of the decree.
-[] Alter the Decree of Taking II - "Return unto the sea they who I have blessed."
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 7
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum Shrines 5/6.
-[] Specify a shrine to Leave to Ruin
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make [name shrine] grander. Costs: 5 DE.
-[] Dedicate <X> materials for progress.
-[] Expand another Creche (T2 Limited).
-[] Expand Traveler's Alters (T3 Common): Grants bonus DE from Trickery, Survival, Navigation, and Trade blessings.
-[] Expand a Tomb of Divines (T3 Limited): Grants an additional significant legend reward when Ur-Spawn and special characters die.
-[] Expand the Chamber of Change (T3 Grand): A room filled with reflective surfaces, and space for the light of the sun or moon to shine through, granting ???.
[] Build a Temple - You are a Goddess! You are deserving of an incredible edifice to your divinity! Maximum Temples 0/2. Costs: 1 Ambrosia, 10 DE, Significant amount of materials (uses T0 materials for construction if not provided personally).
-[] Improve [name shrine] into a temple.
-[] Create a temple anew at [location].
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
[] Meet with Saiga (Currently Asleep). Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
-[] Learn about him (Current circa turn 13)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with Saitev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
-[] Learn about him
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with Keshketev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
-[] Learn about him
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits
[] Meet with the Fox Spirit, who will probably demand a contest when you meet him. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance, 5 DE (One time)
-[] Learn about him
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a God child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for random or specific traits


Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)
Attribute Accumulated Discounts: Faith 2 (currently locked)

Aspect of the Fish (+2 Trade, +3 Navigation, +2 Survival, Faster water travel, can command fish directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Crustacean (+3 Melee, +2 Fishing, +2 Perform (Dance), Increased wound threshold, can command crustaceans directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Walrus (+3 Fishing, +2 Survival, +2 Awe, Increased maximum sustenance, can command walrus and sea lions directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Octopus (+2 Fishing, +3 Survival, +2 Perform (Dance), Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, can command octopodes directly): 15 (15) Legend
Aspect of the Snowy Owl (+3 Survival, +2 Awe, +2 Perform (Sing), Grants a free degree of success when attacking a divine of equal tier from ambush, can command owls directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Ox (+2 Awe, +3 Melee, +2 Survival, Grants a strong modifier when defending or asserting dominance, can command oxen directly): 15 (16) Legend
Aspect of the Polar Bear (+3 Melee, +2 Survival, +2 Fishing, Can communicate with and command Bears, Reduce Wound Threshold of enemies by one degree)
Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +3 Innovation, +3 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 13 Legend

Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +3 Trade, gain the ability to speak directly with and negotiate with sea creatures): 15 (16) Legend
Spirit of Exploration (+3 Survival, +3 Navigation, +1 Trade, Expanded exploration range, greatly reduces detection risk when exploring): 18 (24) Legend
Spirit of the Stars (+3 Astrology, +2 Omen Reading, +2 Navigation, gain the ability to Shift Stars): 9 (9) Legend
Spirit of Premonitions (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Astrology, +2 Survival, gain the ability to Twist Fate): 18 (24) Legend
Spirit of Mysteries (+2 Mysticism, +2 Magic (First), +2 Magic (Second), gain strange senses): 18 (19) Legend
Spirit of Motherhood (+3 Leadership, +2 Perform (Sing), reduces Sustenance cost to add random and specific traits by 1 and 1 when siring, grant one additional specific trait when siring): 18 (24)
Spirit of Fertility (+3 Farming, +2 Fishing, enhances growth generated by growth blessings, may hold births to add more sustenance and ambrosia.
Spirit of Death (+3 Melee, +2 Omen Reading, gains an automatic success against mortals when acting to kill them, gains a Strong Bonus against any Ur-Spawn or any Spirit one tier lower than you when acting to kill or disperse them): 18 (21)
Spirit of Destruction (+3 Melee, +2 Ranged, gains an automatic success when destroying structures, gains an automatic success when destroying enemy items): 18 (24)
Spirit of Madness (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Fear, 6 accumulating Legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase): 18 (24) Legend

Lesser Goddess of Freedom (+2 Trade, +1 Faith, greatly weakens the effects of domination by and against you): 20 Legend

Elemental Affinities
Classical Element - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (4) Legend
Classical Element - Earth (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (9) Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Element - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 2 (9) Legend

Elemental Affinity (Tier 2) - Lake (Stagnation save the ripple of action upon it): 5 (7) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 2) - Sea (All the waters of the world converge, and spill into the sea): 5 (1) Legend
Elemental Affinity (Tier 2) - Stars (All that twinkles in the night is the vastness of creation): 5 (1) Legend

Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 8 (10) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2) - Darkness (You are one with the dark places, granting you power over shadow): 5 (2) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 2 - Light (A being of the sky, you are naturally drawn to the light): 5 (7) Legend

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Tidal Waves (Push and Pull, Rise and Fall, yours is the domain of the water that reclaims even the high earth): 8 (10) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Sun (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 8 (11) Legend
Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Ice (The dread chill that saps even the hardiest fire of warmth): 8 (6) Legend

Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Obsidian (Black as night, hiding a deadly edge): 5 (2) Legend
Focused Manifestation (The Deep) - Silver (Divine Silver, whose light even hints at darkness): 8 (3) Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Rain (What the sun takes, the sky returns): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Snow (Beautiful flakes in geometric patterns, or haphazard clumps, driven in blizzards): 5 (7) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Storms (Whip with furious wind, scour with pelting water): 8 (11) Legend
Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Sky) - Dread Storm (The winds scour the earth, the rain drives through the skin; this is The Hurricane, cleanser of all that dare crawl upon the earth): 11 Legend

Focused Manifestation (Lord of the Orbits) - Eclipse (The Moon in the Sun! The Moon in the Sun!!): 20 (15) Legend

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 5 (4) Legend
Elemental Avatar - Silver (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can transmute silver, +2 Awe): 5 Legend
Elemental Avatar - Shadow (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Influence Attribute purchase, can perform shadow teleportation within linked domains, gain Ethereal, gain Vulnerability towards light/fire based attacks): 5 Legend
Elemental Avatar - Light (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Influence Attribute purchase, gain Ethereal, gain a free success when performing any light or heat-based Influence Act, all light and heat-based Influence Acts gain bonus damage): 5 (10) Legend
Shapeshifter's Avatar (gain Full Shapeshifting, granting the ability to display only a specific set of traits (disables penalties of forms you possess, but also disables bonuses), grants the ability to perform a ritual to shift inherent traits onto other inherent slots, Imparting specific traits to sired spawn now costs Base Sustenance Cost + 1): 10 Legend
Giant Avatar (Increases size by an additional foot per Avatar level, Increases total wounds by 50%, Increases wound threshold, Increases sustenance demand per turn by 2)

Divine Enhancements
Inscrutable One (A natural evolution of capriciousness, you are not merely fickle, your motives are utterly incomprehensible. +2 Trickery, FEAR ONLY (Faith only locked): Traits may be despised without normal limitations, are always despised successfully, and the last (Shrine Attribute) despised traits can be manually restored for no cost in Legend): 8 (14) Legend
Divine Mystery (As spirits grow to godhood, secrets are revealed to them that are unsuited to mortal minds. +2 Mysticism, may elect to swap current Focus Attribute using a basic ritual): 8 (9) Legend
Lesser Bless (Your blessings are slightly improved, and you gain access to specialized blessings apart from Sacrifice and Growth, based on the skills you possess): 3 (9) Legend

Divine Excellence
Excellence of Astrology (You have mastered all man can comprehend of the stars and their motions. You must go further. Unlocks >10 Astrology bonuses): 5 Legend
Excellence of Trickery (You have mastered all man can comprehend of clever ploys and misdirection. You must go further. Unlocks >10 Trickery bonuses): 5 Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Astrology (MAXED OUT)
Omen Reading
Perform (Sing)
Trickery (MAXED OUT)
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