There are now Classical Elements, Elemental Affinities, and Focused Manifestations (Moon develops unique moons, Metal gives particular metals, etc.).
-Classical Affinities, as there are only 4, scale strongly in power with influence.
-Elemental Affinities are unlocked mostly by action, though a few can be automatically unlocked due to having a particular classical affinity. There are two main types of Elemental Affinities; Affinities and Manifestations.
--Affinities represent environments or concept groupings (seas, weather patterns, caverns, waterfalls, etc.). They grant special bonuses relating to effective influence range, and give minor improvements to Classical Element Powers relating to them (greater control of cold and ice, power over light especially with regard to fire, etc.). The main ascension focus of Affinities is 'Gaia'.
--Manifestations represent singular objects or events (Sun, Moon, tidal waves, infernos, etc.). They grant special, high-cost powers unique and separate from the basic elemental control granted by a Classical Element, including Ex Nihilo creation of something. The main ascension focus of Manifestations is 'Pandemonium'.
-Focused Manifestations share a singular trait slot, and progressively discount their Capstone Manifestation which they are absorbed into when purchased. Getting a capstone does not preclude purchase of additional Focused Manifestations.