Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

The Hunter and the Sea
[X] Plan Sabotage and Smiles
-[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery).
--[X] Expend 4 DE on petitioners for Trickery
-[X] Disrupt Saiga's fishermen to the south. Costs: 5 DE (must reserve at least one destructive act) WARNING: Outside of effective influence range; divine powers will have reduced effectiveness.
-[X] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
--[X] Reserve for Disrupt.
-[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
--[X] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[X] Trick Saiga - Use your wiles to convince Saiga to drop his guard when you confront him (use trickery). Costs: 5 DE
-[X] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want.
--[X] Deny the shrine to Saiga
---[X] Have people(especially the Trickery blessed) convince Saiga that the monster his people spoke of comes from the ice sheet.

Read the Future
Astrology rolled 3

Blessings for Sacrifices
Trickery rolled 18, 13, 5, 10

Saiga's arrival time
Rolled 6 - Early in the year

You can't hide from me! (All contested rolls: Enemy vs You)
Saiga's Survival rolled 11 vs 2

First Sight
Astrology rolled 3

Flexing a muscle you hadn't used before, though it had always been close, you begin gifting your people with a touch of your own abilities, eager to reap the rewards they earn for themselves, and perhaps help you prepare for Saiga's arrival a little better. You are still stumbling through your reading, early in the year, when Saiga arrives unannounced and very suddenly. The villagers are completely unable to stop him, as he ignores their oft-skilled tongues, apparently sensing you clearly now that you're not away.

You do not even have a chance to mask your appearance as something more appealing before he has waded into the waters of your shoal, peering at where you sit on the rocks.

Holy Place Bonus active
Show Dominance - First Round
Awe + Perform rolled 13 vs 12

Lovestruck - Second Round
Trickery rolled 6 vs 11
Major Success

Show Dominance - Third Round
Awe + Perform rolled 7 vs 13
Major Success

Spirit Encounter
Awe rolled 11
Gained 4 legend

You lay out upon the rocks, inviting as you can appear. Saiga squares his shoulders, head held high as he comes closer, wading into the sea. He towers over the shallows, two heads higher than you, and you are at least a head higher than any man in your village. Even raised onto the rocks, his eyes are level with yours, betraying wariness, an unspoken contest. For a moment, there is complete stillness as you try to figure out a way to break the stalemate.

Then you flash a coy smile, stifle a giggle, and, when Saiga's eyes widen in surprise, you leap backwards into the sea, swimming out of reach of the shore. He follows with abandon and, somewhere in the deepest part of the shallows, catches you by the leg. You squirm free with a laugh and prop yourself onto another good sitting rock as Saiga treads water, seemingly waiting for your cue.

Now that you are able to rest, the act of meeting a spirit somehow exhilarating and draining all at once, you look him over more fully. Though they are wet now, Saiga wears the snowy white fur of a bear as a cloak and skins of walrus, too thin for any normal man without more padding. Your eyes flicker to the distance, where a spear tipped with a magnificent spiral horn lay forgotten. He draws a little closer, and the scent of the sea, already all-encompassing, seems stronger, more inviting somehow.

[You have won a social dominance contest. You may attempt to request as many items as you want, but beware, the more you ask for without offering something in return, the less likely the other party is to accept them]

[There is a 2 hour delay before voting is allowed. Proxy voting is allowed if a voter is unsure they will have the time or access to vote after the two hour limit is up.]

[] Beckon him closer...
[] Play hard to get (warning: initiates another round of dominance)
[] Ask him some things
-[] Like what?
[] Ask him for a favor
-[] Like what?
[] While he's distracted, lash him against the rocks with the waters!
[] Something different?
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Turn 6 Results
[X] Plan Stolen Spear
-[X] Beckon him closer.
--[X] While he is distracted, you'd use your control over water to wash his spear away to a hidden place in your Holy Place.
-[X] Ask him for a favor
--[X] To not come back unless he has a proper gift for you next time.
Siphon 1 Ambrosia. Avatar low, convert to sustenance (+1 DE)

Sleight of Hand
Trickery rolled 4 vs 8
Total threshold too low for success, no failure

Extended Interaction
Awe rolled 7
Gained 1 Legend

Trickery rolled 11

Awe rolled 4
No legend gained

FEAR BUY - Fear value (5)
1-15: Shrine 2
16-20: Fear 2
21-35: Avatar 3
36: Astrology
37: Navigation
38-40: Perform (Trickery)
41-45: Minor Aspect of the Walrus
46-50: Minor Aspect of Humanity
51-60: Minor Spirit of the Sea
61-65: Lesser Spirit of Mischief
66-70: AA - Moon
71-80: OA - Sea
81-85: OA - Waves
86-90: AA - Stars
91-100: Capricious One

Rolled 58: Minor Spirit of the Sea
1 remaining Fear Value
Legend rolled 11
(Trait/Attribute purchases disabled, secondary roll: Astrology 1-30, Navigation 31-50, Perform (Trickery) 51-100)
Rolled 63: Perform (Trickery
No additional Purchases
Gained Minor Spirit of the Sea (+2 Fishing, +1 Navigation)
Gained Perform (Trickery) 3, Gained Navigation 4, Gained Fishing 2 (Locked)

Guided by the domain your people see in you, you beckon Saiga closer to the rock you wait on. He draws close, and you cup his bearded face as he rises out of the water to meet you. A kiss is drawn from him, and you attempt to wash away the spear. It does not move far, having been caught between the stones upon the beach, but you cover your pout by drawing Saiga into embrace. At least you will still have your conquest, you muse, before everything blurs together in pleasure.

The deed done, and a great deal of power transferred from him to you, you whisper into the hunter's ear, "Good hunter, I am a young and powerful woman. If you wish to meet with me again, remember the offering, as is custom, hmm?" He nods haltingly, and when he seems unwilling to leave, you hide yourself, disappearing to your other shrine. Your sense of him fades eventually, and you return to your shoal, especially pleased with yourself.

Taking advantage of your condition, you go out among the shallows and the bay that the fishermen from Saiga's village frequent, disguising yourself as a woman of great beauty and hiding among the dangers of the shallows and near the floating ice chunks in the evenings, where you draw the young men out with cries of distress and coos of invitation. More than once, the fishermen swim with preternatural skill, even when capsized, and so escape the final pull of the sea. It does not take long for you to hear them whisper and their eyes flit among the waves, and even though their village is distant, you can still feel their burgeoning fright as it feeds you.

Saiga does not come out to stop you, still bound by whatever power your coupling had over him, so it is with recklessness and mirth that you draw men to their deaths this year, unbound by pity or care.

[Voting opens 2 hours after the update. Voters who are unsure if they will be capable of voting within approximately one day may enact proxy votes early.]

Divine Resources Available
28 - 28 (Expended) = 0 + 1 (gluttony) + 2 (0.5*2*2 Faith Income) + 20 (5*1*2*2 Total Fear Value) + 15 (Omake) + 7 (PB) = 45
-5 (Holy Place condensing)
Remaining: 40
0 + 1 (condensation) = 1
12 + 5 = 17 total legend
11 - 5 = 6 unspent legend

Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)

[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery).
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE. WARNING: Your Legend is low, Inspiring may result in the Petitioner receiving credit instead of you!
[] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends.
-[] Whip Waves. Costs: 5 DE
-[] Calm Seas. Costs: 5 DE

Avatar Actions (20/20)

[] Form Avatar (2 Ambrosia) (Avatar already formed!)
[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling

[] QUEST: LABOR OF THE MOON-SPHERE - You will return to the Moon-Sphere's resting place and retrieve it for yourself. Costs: 17 DE. (Note: may need to be taken multiple times) Turns left: 3

[] Punish locals - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror. Costs: 3 DE. WARNING: Low Avatar and poor combat skills make this a dangerous act without reserving divine powers for punishment.
[] Disrupt Saiga's fishermen to the south. Costs: 5 DE (must reserve at least one destructive act) WARNING: Outside of effective influence range; divine powers will have reduced effectiveness.
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Guide the Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Past - Look beyond yourself to a time before. The world is old and storied, and secrets are buried in history. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 16 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)

Commune Actions (20/20)

[] Issue Decree - You take form within your shrine or via avatar to address those who you can reach and issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Decrees Issued: 0/1
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want.
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum shrines 1/2.
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement) Currently unavailable, not enough Fear (need 3).
[] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 5 DE


Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)

Minor Aspect of the Fish (+1 Trade, +1 Navigation, Faster water travel): 2 (1) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Crustacean (+2 Melee, Increased wound threshold): 2 (1) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Walrus (+1 Fishing, +1 Survival, Increased maximum sustenance): 2 Legend
Minor Aspect of Humanity (+1 Leadership, +1 Innovation, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 2 Legend

Lesser Spirit of Mischief (+3 Perform (Trickery), +1 Survival, Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, grants a small chance of escaping disadvantaged encounters): 7 Legend
Lesser Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +1 Trade): 7 Legend
Minor Spirit of Exploration (+1 Survival, +1 Navigation, +1 Trade): 5 Legend

Elemental Affinities
Astral Affinity - Moon (A being of the sea and tide, you are intrinsically linked to the phases of the moon): 4 Legend
Astral Affinity - Stars (All that twinkles in the night is the vastness of creation): 4 Legend
Cold Affinity - Frost (You have seen man's lips blue in chill waters, felt the nip of ice upon skin): 4 Legend
Ocean Affinity - Sea (All the waters of the world converge, and spill into the sea): 5 (4) Legend
Ocean Affinity - Rain (What the sun takes, the skies return): 3 Legend
Ocean Affinity - Waves (Push and Pull, High and Low, forever lapping at the earth and reclaiming the land into the sea): 3 Legend
Classical Affinity - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 3 Legend
Classical Affinity - Stone (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 3 Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Affinity - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 3 Legend Inherent Lockout

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 4 (3) Legend

Divine Enhancements
Capricious One (You are a being of arbitrary cruelty, as well as sudden magnanimity, whose actions are as inscrutable as the path of an arrow in the wind. All failures to enact constructive efforts or destructive efforts produce slightly more Fear Value, 2 legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase): 5 (4) Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Perform (Trickery)

Spirits are lightly compelled to default to their previous encounter archetype when follow-up encounters occur.

EDIT: Because I've never been good at typing numbers without devolving into index-finger-stare-at-keyboard level typing (changed a 4 to a 5 on the first fearbuy to correctly reflect the winning result).
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Turn 7 Results
[X] Plan Unstoppable Lure
-[X] Disrupt Saiga's fishermen to the south. Costs: 5 DE (must reserve at least one destructive act) WARNING: Outside of effective influence range; divine powers will have reduced effectiveness.
-[X] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE x2
--[X] Preferentially target Saiga's fishermen
-[X] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends.
--[X] Whip Waves. Costs: 5 DE
---[X] Use to support Lure action if possible.
-[X] QUEST: LABOR OF THE MOON-SPHERE - You will return to the Moon-Sphere's resting place and retrieve it for yourself. Costs: 17 DE. (Note: may need to be taken multiple times) Turns left: 3
-[X] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want.
--[X] Demand that your people find out more about Saiga.
--[X] Demand that one man and one woman of their most attractive youths serve you while in the village for a year. If they lapse in their duties at all, you will use Lure on their family members.
Quest: Labor of the Moon Sphere
Influence rolled 12
Avatar rolled 18
Quest Progress: 30 + 40 = 70

Demand Knowledge
Fear rolled 10

Demand Attendants
Fear rolled 10

Trickery rolled 13, 9

Whip Waves
Influence rolled 9

Saiga does not come
Awe rolled 18
Gained 3 Legend

FEAR BUY - Vehemence (9)
1-6: Shrine 2
7-8: Fear 2
8-14: Influence 3
15-30: Avatar 3
31: Navigation
32-35: Perform (Trickery)
36: Minor Aspect of the Fish
37: Minor Aspect of the Crustacean
37-40: Minor Aspect of Humanity
41-55: Lesser Spirit of the Sea
56-70: Lesser Spirit of Mischief
71-80: OA - Sea
81-90: OA - Waves
91-100: Capricious One

Rolled 76: Ocean Affinity - Sea
5 remaining Vehemence
Legend Rolled 5
No Additional Purchases
Gained Ocean Affinity - Sea

As the year begins, you return to the open sea where you last left the sphere. With it's weight, it is difficult for the current to take it freely, so the divot left by several stones kept it right where you left it. Your efforts are not interrupted by the pangs of hunger this time, nor the appearance of the Hunter, allowing you to make excellent progress as the sphere climbs the slope towards the shoal. You stop when you have been away for at least two days, securing the sphere, which has lost just a touch of it's brightness, for your next attempt.

You return to your shoal, but appear in your shrine over the village, where a handful of people offer pittances of fat before burning it, the smell barely palatable to you. You rise up and demand that the finest-looking male and female pair wait on you, as compensation for the stench or simply because you enjoy their lavish attentions is hard to determine. For every stumble and mistake, you ask them a name of someone of their blood. You will ensure perfection the next time you desire this treatment, and the best way to do that is to make sure they know the price of failure. But later. For now, you will enjoy yourself.

Weeks later, as you make to leave for the attendants' punishments, and to toy with Saiga some more, you try to have one of the older people tell you more of Saiga and, finding they knew little you didn't already, struck them across the face, knocking them down. Your demand is then echoed, with a time limit imposed, to as many as can hear, and if these people cannot tell you new things, they only have one use left for you.

You draw many a boat into your trap, relatives of your attendants among them. The fishers who swim so well from Saiga's village find their previous mode of escape much less effective now that you have taken to drowning them more forcefully once they're out of their boats. For the times when you are lurking just below the surface, or drifting closer to land, you often hear their worry making itself known; Saiga has sequestered himself in his shrine, and will not leave to face you.

Well then, you'll just have to survive without his tender attentions for a while.

Your return to your shrine is met with a handful of exhausted people, their lips spilling words mingled together and unrecognizable to a mortal man. But you pick apart the different voices and consider what each of them says carefully. Saiga is old, older than his appearance would suggest, at least. It is good that you will not age and die like a human, though you may look the part. Saiga has been the patron of that village and one or two others for longer than any man in either village has been alive, over a hundred long nights have passed, and all have known Saiga. Saiga is also very restrained from the time of the oldest generations. The grandmothers tell stories that they were told but have never seen, depicting Saiga as brash, adventurous, and far more magnanimous than he is today. For as long as any have known him, he has gone to hunt game and fish when the people need him most, but little else. The last man gives perhaps the most useful information; he had waited, into the Long Night, as Saiga remained in his shrine, hoping to glimpse what the spirit did. Instead, he ducked away as a mortal approached during a time of rest, raising a stone disk with a few images depicted on it. He spoke carefully, and your informant could not hear, but Saiga turned his head and bowed!

You had your man describe the disk to many people of your village, and eventually you have what you want to know. Those who sneered and spat, refusing to utter the name of their spirit patron, now clamor for your affection when the disk is described, and the situation it was found in explained. The disk, and the images upon it, are the symbol of Attrouska, The Crone.

You have discovered Attrouska, The Crone.

[Voting opens 2 hours after the update. Voters who are unsure if they will be capable of voting within approximately one day may enact proxy votes early.]

Divine Resources Available
40 - 39 (Expended) = 1 + 2 (0.5*2*2 Faith Income) + 36 (9*1*2*2 Total Fear Value) + 20 (Omake) + 4 (PB) = 64
Remaining: 64
17 + 3 = 20 total legend
9 - 4 = 5 unspent legend

Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)

[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery).
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
[] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends.
-[] Whip Waves. Costs: 4 DE
-[] Calm Seas. Costs: 4 DE

Avatar Actions (15/20)

[] Form Avatar (2 Ambrosia) (Avatar already formed!)
[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling

[] QUEST: LABOR OF THE MOON-SPHERE - You will return to the Moon-Sphere's resting place and retrieve it for yourself. Costs: 12 DE. (Note: may need to be taken multiple times) Turns left: 2

[] Punish locals - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror. Costs: 3 DE. WARNING: Low Avatar and poor combat skills make this a dangerous act without reserving divine powers for punishment.
[] Disrupt Saiga's fishermen to the south. Costs: 5 DE (must reserve at least one destructive act) WARNING: Outside of effective influence range; divine powers will have reduced effectiveness.
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE. WARNING: Lacking Survival, exploration will be more difficult. Navigation provides very limited benefits overland.
[] Guide the Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Past - Look beyond yourself to a time before. The world is old and storied, and secrets are buried in history. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)

Commune Actions (15/20)

[] Issue Decree - You take form within your shrine or via avatar to address those who you can reach and issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Decrees Issued: 0/1
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want.
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum shrines 1/2.
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement) Currently unavailable, not enough Fear (need 3).
[] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 5 DE


Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)

Minor Aspect of the Fish (+1 Trade, +1 Navigation, Faster water travel): 2 (1) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Crustacean (+2 Melee, Increased wound threshold): 2 (1) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Walrus (+1 Fishing, +1 Survival, Increased maximum sustenance): 2 Legend
Minor Aspect of Humanity (+1 Leadership, +1 Innovation, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 2 Legend

Lesser Spirit of Mischief (+3 Perform (Trickery), +1 Survival, Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, grants a small chance of escaping disadvantaged encounters): 7 Legend
Lesser Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +1 Trade): 7 Legend
Minor Spirit of Exploration (+1 Survival, +1 Navigation, +1 Trade): 5 Legend

Elemental Affinities
Astral Affinity - Moon (A being of the sea and tide, you are intrinsically linked to the phases of the moon): 5 Legend
Astral Affinity - Stars (All that twinkles in the night is the vastness of creation): 5 Legend
Cold Affinity - Frost (You have seen man's lips blue in chill waters, felt the nip of ice upon skin): 5 Legend
Ocean Affinity - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 8 (7) Legend
Ocean Affinity - Rain (What the sun takes, the skies return): 4 Legend
Ocean Affinity - Waves (Push and Pull, High and Low, forever lapping at the earth and reclaiming the land into the sea): 4 Legend
Classical Affinity - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 4 Legend
Classical Affinity - Stone (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 4 Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Affinity - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 4 Legend Inherent Lockout

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 4 (3) Legend

Divine Enhancements
Capricious One (You are a being of arbitrary cruelty, as well as sudden magnanimity, whose actions are as inscrutable as the path of an arrow in the wind. All failures to enact constructive efforts or destructive efforts produce slightly more Fear Value, 2 legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase): 5 (4) Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Perform (Trickery)
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End of a Divine Labor
[X] Plan Ease off on Locals, Keep Kicking Foreigns.
-[X] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation.
--[X] Expend 2 DE on petitioners
-[X] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends.
--[X] Whip Waves. Costs: 4 DE
---[X] Use to support Lures where possible
--[X] Calm Seas. Costs: 4 DE
---[X] Use to support our Inspired follower and Navigation blessings, followed by rewarding petitioners who performed well on demands on this year and the last if not applicable.
-[X] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
-[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
--[X] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[X] QUEST: LABOR OF THE MOON-SPHERE - You will return to the Moon-Sphere's resting place and retrieve it for yourself. Costs: 12 DE. (Note: may need to be taken multiple times) Turns left: 2. x2
-[X] Disrupt Saiga's fishermen to the south. Costs: 5 DE (must reserve at least one destructive act) WARNING: Outside of effective influence range; divine powers will have reduced effectiveness.
-[X] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE x2
--[X] Focus on Saiga's village.
-[X] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want.
--[X] Demand that your people find out more about Attrouska.
--[X] Demand that one man and one woman of their most attractive youths serve you while in the village for a year. If they lapse in their duties at all, you will use Lure on their family members.
Read the Future
Astrology rolled 6

Quest: Labor of the Moon Sphere 1
Influence rolled 10
Avatar rolled 15
Sustenance -2 (additional), Quest progress: 70 + 25 (home stretch hard mode)= 95

Quest: Labor of the Moon Sphere 2
Avatar rolled 10
Sustenance - 1 (additional), Quest progress: 95 + 5 (home stretch hard mode) = 100

Quest complete!

As the year begins, and the energy you absorbed earlier is digested, you set out with one goal in mind; you will have the sphere, and you will not be made to wait for your prize any longer.

You spend days dragging the sphere all manner of ways; hoisted upon your back, hugged close to your chest, with your back bent forward and the orb trailing close to the ground below. Finally, with a triumphant whoop, you reach your domain, invigorating you to go even further.

And then you reach the boundary of your shoal, realizing you hadn't thought this part through all the way. The incredibly steep, rocky rise to the shallows of your shoal is a daunting task you had completely forgotten in your efforts to bring the sphere from the deep. Though you need only climb a single span of depth, it is across a forward distance barely a quarter that amount. You steel yourself, knowing that this is somehow the most important part of your journey back, the crowning moment of your discovery, and climb.

You stumble, and trip, and the sphere bounces dangerously, sometimes falling your height in distance before you can get beneath it to stop it's descent. You ache and burn in a way that only this effort has made you feel, and your encounter with the Hunter had only echoed. For the first time since your first year, since the accident with the girl that formed you, you slumber from exhaustion, clutching the sphere tight as you lay halfway up the mountain of stone leading to your shoal. You awake only to travel higher, to grow closer to the wavering light bouncing off the surface ripples. At the very edge of your success, you trip, you stumble, but with a great and terrible heave and a cry that echoes out as you burst to the surface, you succeed, lifting the sphere fully overhead for all to see, and to know the glory of your achievement. Sometime during your final trudge, the sun had given way to night, and the sphere gleams softly with the moon.

You have done it.

Labor of the Moon Sphere Complete!

Choose one reward below.

[] Accumulating Avatar discount +5, Major Legend roll
[] Accumulating Shrine discount +5, Major Legend roll
[] Minor Spirit of Strength (+2 melee, 3 accumulating discount to Avatar), Major Legend roll
[] Astral Affinity - Moon, Major Legend roll
[] Have it forever ornament your shoal! (Gaerig permanently gains Moonbeam while she controls the Teeth of the Sea Holy Place; Moonbeam grants a Minor Legend roll whenever rolling a Major Astrology success or better.), disallows decomposing the Sphere for silver units, Major Legend roll
[] Bask in the Glory! (Gain very significant Vehemence boost this turn, Major III Legend roll)

Minor, Moderate, and Major successes represent a particular degree of success; 1, 2, and 3 respectively. You can have more than a Major success, represented by roman numerals following Major success. In this situation, a Major Legend roll represents a multiplier to the Awe result.
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[] Have it forever ornament your shoal! (Gaerig permanently gains Moonbeam while she controls the Teeth of the Sea Holy Place; Moonbeam grants a Minor Legend roll whenever rolling a Major Astrology success or better.), disallows decomposing the Sphere for silver units, Major Legend roll
Major Legend
Fear rolled 15
Gained 10 legend

Calm Seas
Influence rolled 2

Demand Attendants
Fear rolled 9

Disrupt Saiga (Lure : Whip)
Trickery rolled 9, 12
Influence rolled 15

Saiga Hunts
Survival rolled 10 vs 15
Saiga cannot find you in the sea despite being in Influence range (embarrassing); approaches your Holy Place instead!

With a final effort, you drive the sphere onto the highest crag on your shoal, grinding the stone and breaking it in a way you have seen nothing do before. When it has settled, you feel something click into place. It would take a grand effort, greater than the efforts you took to dislodge it from it's original home at least, to remove it now, despite it's seeming instability. The people point and shout by the shore, and some come out to pay homage to you and the sphere directly.

You suddenly whip the sea into a mad frenzy, going into tantrums and fury that the mortals would dare draw near the sphere, which is yours and yours alone! Even those upon the shore are badly battered or dead, and those who dared ride their boats out to see it are best not mentioning. You feel guilt, even through the pleasure feeding yourself gives, because when the heat of jealousy fades you know that you wish the people to see the sphere. You shouldn't have lost control.

You apologize by taking for yourself another beautiful pair of mortals to attend to you when the tides are low, so that they may see and bask in the sphere's reflected light first among your mortals.. You spend much time in introspection rather than ordering your attendants about, worried about your loss of control, your emotional response that ran counter to your actual desire.

You go to make yourself feel better by taking and drowning some more of Saiga's people, since intentional mayhem always makes you happy. You are beginning to think that Saiga doesn't even care when you sense him near the edge of your village shrine, coming ever closer! As the last time you had been caught by surprise, you swiftly swim back to your domain, outpacing him as he paddles along in his boat.

Race to the Holy Place!
Navigation + Avatar rolled 11 vs 8
Saiga arrives nearly the same time you do, no free Trickery

Saiga comes bearing a gift
Trade + Quality vs Awe + Shrine rolled 16 vs 16
Appreciated and... acceptable (no Lovestruck rounds)
(are you kidding me with this crit nonsense?)

Show Dominance - First Round
Perform + Awe rolled 8 vs 9
Minor success

Negotiation - Second Round
Trade + Priors rolled 10 vs 12
Minor success

You arrive latched beneath Saiga's canoe, dissolving and reforming near the sphere as you cross the boundary of the Holy Place. You are prepared for a fight, and when Saiga stops his canoe as he sees you, reaching into the hollow to pull something out, you very nearly react by whipping him and his boat into the rocks. Still, your curiosity gets the better of you and you wait as he reveals a large tusk, carved into the likeness of you as you lay upon a rock. It is simple, and cannot compare to the sphere, but Saiga's work is good, catching your eye. Gently, he lowers it to the water and lets it sink into the shoal where you will be able to look at it more later. For a short moment the two of you are locked in the silent battle of your last meeting, before he breaks it suddenly to speak, his voice richer than the wordless noises he made during your last meeting would have you expect.

"Gaerig, please turn away your wrath from my village, in exchange for this gift made in your image and beauty!" he exclaims. "I promise such offerings for all time, Gaerig! Please, pledge yourself to me as I would to you!"

Well. This was unexpected.

[Trade encounters have shorter dominance showings and are explicitly give-and-take encounters. The presenter (aggressor) in a trade offers a set of things they would like, and the holder (defender) attempts to negotiate a number of things they would like in return for the presenter's demands, having the ability to deny certain conditions based on the competing parties relative bargaining positions and personalities.]

[Plan creation will unlocked TWO HOURS after this has been posted: Before then, you may freely make player proxy votes if you feel you will not have the time/access to vote in the next ~24 hours. Planners and voters, know that if you take advantage of the trust of people who voted for you (on the premise that you would produce or vote for a certain type of plan for them), this experiment will be ended immediately.]

[] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
[] Acquiesce to Saiga's second condition (binds Gaerig and Saiga together in marriage, much easier to refuse).
[] Give something else instead of either condition (can upset Saiga regardless of what is offered if it doesn't include easing up on his fishers).
[] Demand more in exchange for granted requests.
-[] What kind of things?

I will resist cracking commitment jokes. I will resist cracking commitment jokes. I will resist cracking commitment jokes...
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Turn 8 Results
[X] Plan Weddings Mean Shared Assets right?
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's first condition (not voting for this is implicit refusal of the condition, can be difficult and will likely upset Saiga).
-[X] Acquiesce to Saiga's second condition (binds Gaerig and Saiga together in marriage, much easier to refuse).
-[X] Demand more in exchange for granted requests.
--[X] That you would spare only those who would have an attractive young man or young woman of their blood serve you well each year as a mark of proper respect.
--[X] That he builds you a shrine, in or near his village where you choose, before you would marry him, so that you may meet more often.
Saiga only agrees to your first demand assuming you spare everyone entirely for at least two years beforehand, your decree comes into effect automatically at that time (until then, you cannot harm any mortal fishers)
Your shrine will be finished at the end of turn 9

Joining the Geshtef
Astrology rolled 12, 14, 17
Discovered [The Giver]; Discovered one of Attrouska's titles: The Keeper of Secrets; Discovered [The Imprisoned One], and receive significant information on him

Minor Legend
Fear rolled 12
Gained 2 legend

Spirit Encounter
Fear rolled 15
Gained 4 Legend

Blessings (rolled 1, bless Astrology)
Influence+Astrology Rolled 8, 11

Inspirations (becomes Inspire Astrology)
Influence+Astrology Rolled 12

Investigating Attrouska
Rolled 10

FEAR BUY - Vehemence (10)
1-5: Shrine 2
6-15: Fear 2
16-20: Influence 3
21-35: Avatar 3
36-40: Minor Aspect of Humanity
41-55: Lesser Spirit of Mischief
56-70: AA - Moon
71-75: OA - Ocean
76-80: OA - Waves
81-100: Capricious One

Rolled 66: Astral Affinity - Moon (5 Legend)
5 Vehemence remaining
Legend rolled 15
Additional full purchase, AA - Moon split between AA - Yellow Moon, Blood Moon, Blue Moon, Harvest Moon, and Silver Moon
Rolled 27: Avatar 3 (3 Legend)
(Double Purchase Turn) No additional purchases
Gained Astral Affinity - Moon
Gained Avatar 3
Unlocked Fishing (0) 2

You ponder but a moment before replying, "O Saiga, you who would shower me with lavish things and promise contentment, I accept these terms, with two conditions."

"What do you ask of me, beautiful Gaerig?" he asks, eagerness clear in his eyes.

"I would be surrounded not just by beauty of your making, but of mortal men and women! Those who do not offer me the beauty I desire will always suffer my displeasure!" you announce to Saiga, to the peeping mortals by the beaches.

Saiga bellows his reply, and something cements itself. "It will be done!"

"I would have you build a place for me, so that I may be with you always!" you continue, and at this Saiga seems to puzzle out the worth of your demand, before finally acquiescing with another bellow and another solidified sense of truth. "It will be done!"

There is a sense of joining, a unification, though you feel you could still slip free of these self-imposed shackles. Another great weight quickly follows, one that you fear you will never be able to escape, as well as a vague sense of three other presences you had not known before. One of them immediately grates upon your ears and being, giving you a distinct hatred for the Crone, knowing this act is of her design.

It cries with tortured anguish, watching as all it loves is stripped of meaning and function. For every faithful it suffers another impalement, and though it has no mouth, it's screams echo in the chamber of it's final imprisonment.

When you return to your senses, Saiga has already left, eager to put in place your home in his village so that you may share a marriage bed. With little else to do this year, you opt to grant small boons on a few of your people, granting them a taste of your star-knowledge. For one, you do not hold back at all, giving him the full weight of your comprehension. He acts funny, gibbering strange things on occasion and telling people the successes they may meet in love and life. Maybe you will do it again sometime, considering it was somewhat effective when the others you'd blessed translated for him.

Those you'd commanded to discover knowledge of The Crone come back empty-handed, but not for lack of trying. The Crone's villages are fortified, and her favored are dangerous, powerful people. Many were too afraid to even approach.

[Voting opens 2 hours after the update. Voters who are unsure if they will be capable of voting within approximately one day may enact proxy votes early.]

Divine Resources Available
64 - 64 (Expended) = 0 + 2 (0.5*2*2 Faith Income) + 40 (10*1*2*2 Total Fear Value) + 30 (So many Omakes I should consider diminishing returns) + 7 (PB) = 79
Holy Place Condensation - 5
Remaining: 74

NEW EQUATIONS NEXT TURN: (Rite Income = 4*[(15+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 4 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(10+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 4.8 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
CURRENT POPULATION MODIFIER: +0 of -12 minimum, was +2 last turn
1 - 1 (Sate Hunger) + 1 (Condensation) = 1
20 + 16 = 36 total legend
21 - 9 = 12 unspent legend

Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
[] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends. Costs: 4 DE
-[] Whip Waves.
-[] Calm Seas.
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 6 DE
-[] Call Fish.
-[] Drive Fish Away.
[] Moonlight* - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
-[] In your territory.
-[] Over an enemy's territory.

Avatar Actions (16/20)

[] Form Avatar (3 Ambrosia) (Avatar already formed!)
[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Lay with <[Animal]>
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait

[] Personally Incite - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror. Costs: 3 DE.
[] Disrupt Saiga's fishermen to the south. Costs: 5 DE (must reserve at least one destructive act) WARNING: Outside of effective influence range; divine powers will have reduced effectiveness. Turns remaining: 1
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE. WARNING: Lacking Survival, exploration will be more difficult. Navigation provides very limited benefits overland.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE
[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Past - Look beyond yourself to a time before. The world is old and storied, and secrets are buried in history. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)

Commune Actions (16/20)

[] Issue Decree - You take form within your shrine or via avatar to address those who you can reach and issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Maximum Decrees: 0/2
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 2
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum shrines 2/2.
-[] Specify a shrine to Leave to Ruin
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement) Currently unavailable, not enough Fear (need 3).
[] Meet with Saiga. Each selection costs 0.5 Sustenance. Costs: 5 DE
-[] Learn more about him
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Consummate your marriage, but refuse a child for now
-[] Consummate your marriage, contributing <X> Ambrosia for Attributes and <4X> Sustenance for traits or <9X> Sustenance to choose traits, in order to bear a Spirit Child

Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)

Minor Aspect of the Fish (+1 Trade, +1 Navigation, Faster water travel): 2 (1) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Crustacean (+2 Melee, Increased wound threshold): 2 (1) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Walrus (+1 Fishing, +1 Survival, Increased maximum sustenance): 2 Legend
Minor Aspect of Humanity (+1 Leadership, +1 Innovation, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 2 Legend

Lesser Spirit of Mischief (+3 Perform (Trickery), +1 Survival, Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, grants a small chance of escaping disadvantaged encounters): 6 Legend
Lesser Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +1 Trade): 6 (5) Legend
Minor Spirit of Exploration (+1 Survival, +1 Navigation, +1 Trade): 5 Legend

Elemental Affinities
Astral Affinity - Yellow Moon (You have a special affinity with the night moon): 7 Legend
Astral Affinity - Blood Moon (You have a special affinity with the moon spurned the light of the sun): 7 Legend
Astral Affinity - Blue Moon (You have a special affinity with the strange moon): 7 Legend
Astral Affinity - Harvest Moon (You have a special affinity with the moon of plenty): 7 Legend
Astral Affinity - Silver Moon (You have a special affinity with the moon that shows itself in the waning light of day): 7 Legend
Astral Affinity - Stars (All that twinkles in the night is the vastness of creation): 5 Legend

Cold Affinity - Frost (You have seen man's lips blue in chill waters, felt the nip of ice upon skin): 5 Legend

Ocean Affinity - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 9 (8) Legend
Ocean Affinity - Rain (What the sun takes, the skies return): 5 Legend
Ocean Affinity - Waves (Push and Pull, High and Low, forever lapping at the earth and reclaiming the land into the sea): 5 Legend

Classical Affinity - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 5 Legend
Classical Affinity - Earth (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 5 Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Affinity - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 5 Legend Inherent Lockout

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 4 (3) Legend

Divine Enhancements
Capricious One (You are a being of arbitrary cruelty, as well as sudden magnanimity, whose actions are as inscrutable as the path of an arrow in the wind. All failures to enact constructive efforts or destructive efforts produce slightly more Fear Value, 2 legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase): 5 (4) Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Perform (Trickery)

Siring an Ur-Child is a major expense and gamble. If the child doesn't survive to acquire the amount of legend committed, you lose the legend you spent to make it. If it does last that long, however, you get the legend you spent back, with 75% interest (rounded up)!

Siring an Ur-Beast is a major expense. You become weaker and lose the ability to perform your weakest skill while it is alive and still under it's legend threshold. An Ur-beast has a legend threshold of the spirit's (Focus Attribute*2)+Legend Cost of written Avatar paid to create it, so the tougher you are, the harder it is for the monster to give you legend back.

All Ur-Children can ascend upon their death if they have earned legend during their natural lifetime equal to or exceeding the parent spirit's current spent legend.

-Attributes have had several of their effects reorganized. Check out The Character in the Amberpedia for details.
-The Vehemence mechanic has been updated as part of an income system overhaul.
-The Population Modifier mechanic has been updated as part of an income system overhaul.
-There has been an income system overhaul.

New equations have been put in place and will be added to the Amberpedia in a hotfix later today or tomorrow.
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Turn 9 Results; Gaerig's Grand Annihilation
[X] Plan: Marriage Makes Gaerig Giddy
[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Astrology.
-[X] Expend 5 DE on petitioners
[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Trickery
-[X] Expend 5 DE on petitioners
[X] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
[X] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 6 DE
-[X] Call Fish.
[X] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
-[X] Attempt to Find new creatures of the ocean. x1
[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
-[X] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[X] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)
[X] Moonlight* - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
-[X] In your territory.
[X] Meet with Saiga. Each selection costs 0.5 Sustenance. Costs: 5 DE
-[X] Learn more about him
-[X] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[X] Consummate your marriage, but refuse a child for now.
[X] Lay with <[Antarctic Octopus]>
-[X] Contribute <4> Sustenance
[X] Produce a mortal child
-[X] Contribute <6> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[X] Contribute <4> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
-[X] Contribute <3> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[X] Contribute <4> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[X] Make Demand - The mortals are to improve your shrine.

Total cost: 73/74, 17 sustenance
Astrology rolled 12, 18, 9, 18, 7
Trickery rolled 11, 10, 15, 5, 17
Gain 15 DE

Influence rolled 9

Call Fish
Fishing rolled 6
Minor Failure

Influence rolled 7
Minor Failure

Bear Ur-child: 6 Legend
Base 1 + Paid 1 = 2 random traits
Spirit of Mischief: 1-2
Spirit of the Sea: 3-4
Classical Affinity - Water: 5-7
Ocean Affinity - Sea: 8
Astral Affinity - Moon: 9
Random Known Trait: 10

Rolled 6, 9: Classical Affinity - Water, Astral Affinity - Moon
Evens (F)and Odds (M) rolled: 3

Bear Ur-child: 3 Legend
Base 1 + Paid 1 = 2 random traits
Spirit of Mischief: 1-2
Spirit of the Sea: 3-4
Classical Affinity - Water: 5-7
Ocean Affinity - Sea: 8
Astral Affinity - Moon: 9
Random Known Trait: 10

Rolled 2, 7: Spirit of Mischief, Classical Affinity - Water
Evens (F)and Odds (M) rolled: 6

Bear monster child
Base 0 + Paid 1 = 1 random trait
Spirit of Mischief: 1
Spirit of the Sea: 2
Classical Affinity - Water: 3-4
Ocean Affinity - Sea: 5-6
Astral Affinity - Moon: 7
Parent Bonus: Aspect of the Octopus: 8-9
Random Known Trait: 10

Rolled 1: Spirit of Mischief

Navigation rolled 11
Moderate Success

Read the Future
Astrology rolled 17
+1 Astrology
(And that makes the sixth or seventh astrology roll of 17. This is seriously becoming a theme.)

Minor Legend
Fear rolled 11
Gained 2 Legend

Meet with Saiga (Learn Him : Learn Area)
Trade rolled 6
Minor Success
Trade rolled 13
Major Success

Spirit Encounter
Fear rolled 17
Gained 4 Legend

Reflecting Pool
Calm Seas rolled 9, 12
Astrology rolled 15

Second Magic prerequisites not met
Wild Magic rolled 14 - The Black Star
--- rolled 21
Ritual of the Black Star
Astrology rolled 18
Drain 15 DE, Drain 2 Ambrosia
Not enough Ambrosia, Drain 45 DE
Not enough DE, Cannibalizing Holdings
Avatar cannibalized for 30 DE
Apostate village shrine cannibalized for 10 DE
Saiga's village shrine cannibalized for 10 DE
Ritual Cost met
Gain Fear 2

Explosion at the Shrines
Child rolled 6
First Ur-child dies in shrine explosion

Child rolled 13
Second Ur-Child survives!
Child rolled 7
Child gained 3 Legend
Child immediately pays out investment, gain 5 legend?

That was very impressive... and very scary
Fear rolled 22!
Gained 20 Legend

FEAR BUY - Vehemence (17)
Legend rolled 13
Major Glut - Must spend at least (17) Legend
Table 1
1-35: Shrine 2
36-50: Fear 3
51-55: Influence 3
56-60: Avatar 4
61-70: Astrology
71-80: Minor Aspect of Humanity
81-85: Minor Aspect of the Octopus
86-90: OA - Waves
91-95: AA - Silver Moon
96-100: Capricious One

Table 2
1-25: Shrine 3
26-40: Fear 3
41-45: Influence 3
46-55: Avatar 4
56-65: Astrology
66-75: Aspect of Humanity
76-80: Aspect of the Octopus
81-90: OA - Waves
91-95: AA - Silver Moon
96-100: Capricious One

Rolled 24: Shrine 2 (2 Legend)
15 Vehemence remaining, replace Shrine 2 with Shrine 3, see Table 2
Rolled 75: Minor Aspect of Humanity (2 Legend)
13 Vehemence remaining, replace Minor Aspect of Humanity with Lesser Aspect of Humanity, See Table 2
Rolled 84: Ocean Affinity - Waves (5 Legend)
8 Vehemence Remaining, replace Ocean Affinity - Waves with Ocean Affinity - Tides, See Table 1
Rolled 36: Fear 3 (3 Legend)
5 Vehemence Remaining, See Table 1
Rolled 60: Avatar 4 (4 Legend)
2 Vehemence Remaining, See Table 1
Rolled 40: Fear 4 (4 Legend)
Vehemence Exhausted, Glut complete
Population rolled 17
-3 Population Modifier (additional); Major Glut penalty
Gained Shrine 2
Gained Fear 4
Gained Avatar 4
Gained Minor Aspect of Humanity
Gained Ocean Affinity - Waves
Gained Leadership 1
Gained Innovation 1

Your year is far more busy now, though it's easy enough to grant your divine blessing on the people when they ask your aid. You selectively grant some of your cleverness and knowledge to the especially devout, and leave them to return with proper sacrifices, and once again gift a divine inspiration to a sleeping person. They wake, but seem to not have been as heavily affected by your inspiration. How rude!

The stars have especially interesting information for you this year, telling you that you must take certain action as quickly as possible, lest the seeds you've sown are washed away... You're a touch worried about what the stars imply, but they also imply you go find some men to lay with, so it's probably okay. You start with Saiga, of course, but you know that you'll have to save your strength for your other conquests, a sentiment Saiga thankfully agrees with, for now. Upon your temporary marriage bed, he tells you a little of himself, often distracting his stories of himself with stories of his explorations. You learn that for a long time now, Attrouska has seen terrible futures, so Saiga and Saitev - a raven spirit and apparent close friend of Saiga's - have been careful not to overextend themselves for many years. His stories of his exploits in recent times have been understandably dull, where he keeps a close eye on the horizon for a Dread Thing from the sea. He seems especially glad that you will be with him now, in a form of flesh though he'd traveled your waters for decades, to make his lonely vigil more exciting.

You ignore pointing out that you came from the sea, and that you've done many terrible things to the people since your awakening.

Your first mortal conquest is a fine-looking young man from Saiga's village, who you take into the bones of your new shrine to bed under cover of night. There is a feeling of purpose and power within you and you nurture it a little before you leave, bidding Saiga a temporary farewell. Your second comes from one of your own people, as you draw him towards your shrine at night, away from his wife. You nurture another purpose within you, feeling pleased that you will have children now.

You end up traveling rather far soon after, your wanderlust having gone unsated for too long, and in the time you spend away, you get a better sense for the shore for a few miles, a curiously round crescent that your good sense of distance tells you seems to center around the great pit near the sunken village. In your travels, you find a curious little creature with many tentacles, so small as to fit in your hand. In a fit of curiosity, you decide to also add it to your list of conquests! The logistics are tricky, but you eventually manage to coax it to give you another child.

Your third child, poor thing, doesn't seem to have the same kind of power the first two did, but it's okay, you like it more anyway since it can swim and live underwater with you; something you get the feeling your other children can't share with you... While you wait to bear your secret children, and your abdomen swells like the mothers on the land, you try to experiment with your newest powers, pouting when nobody seems to notice that you'd even used them! You know you made the moon glow brighter... a little... And there were more fish in your shoal, though you could never really count them anyway... Bah! At the least, your children will still be born soon, and you will figure out how to do those new things better next time.

Your first birth, though the final child you'd taken, is kept secret in your shoal. A small number of tiny eggs, maybe a dozen, free themselves from you suddenly, and you sequester them away near the bottom of your Holy Place, around the depth you'd found them at so they grow as best as they can! The second child, and first you'd taken into yourself, is born later, in your shrine. The birth is painful, more than once you snap at the old women who remain by your side to try to help you birth it, but eventually the child comes out, and his sister shortly after. There is some light bowing and praising when the women see the children for the first time; your son has strange eyes that do not match, one blue, one silver, while your daughter has only bright blue ones on her pudgy little smiling face.

And then the Long Night arrives. You still the waters as the moon peaks over the horizon at the apex of the stars' path, and, with greater care, peer deeply into the reflection...

You catch a flicker. It comes again, but it has been twice now that the strange body has been only barely seen. Seeing it fills you with desire, with terror-joy-love-anguish-a pinnacle! The reflection of your eyes shows them dilate and shift from phase to phase, and you lick your lips, feeling unnaturally dry despite your innate form. With trembling hand, you reach out for the hollow place in the sky, and cup the still water in your hands, bringing it close to your lips as you take one little sip...

Quite suddenly, everything is wrong. Already low on strength from the year's near-end, you feel a pull from the sky as you are both empowered to greater heights and drained to a low you have never felt before. Your shrines, anointed with your power, implode suddenly as you feel your domain shrivel and shrink. Your body emaciates itself, and for a split second there is only a terrible, terrible hunger before it bloats and explodes, joining your shrines as they bring daylight to the long night, and as the earth shudders near each separate ground zero, panic overtakes everyone in amounts you've never felt before, never comprehended before.

The waters of the shoal buck and heave as you try to shudder without a body, to moan in ecstasy without a mouth. You fall into a contented haze, basking in the power you've gained, and all you can think of is the color Black.

[Voting opens 2 hours after the update. Voters who are unsure if they will be capable of voting within approximately one day may enact proxy votes early.]

Divine Resources Available
74 - 73 (Expended) - 45 (Wild Magic Ritual) + 50 (Cannibalized) = 6 + 4 (Rites) + 82 (17 Vehemence) + 7 (PB) = 99
Holy Place Condensation - 5
Overflow Condensation - 20
Remaining: 74

Equations Noted for this turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(15+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 4 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(10+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 4.8 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
Equations Noted for next turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(15+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 3 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(10+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 5.6 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
CURRENT POPULATION MODIFIER: -4 of -16 minimum, was 0 last turn
1 - 1 (Sated Hunger) + 3 (Condensation) = 3
Ambrosia Condensation -3
Condense 1 Amber
Remaining: 0
36 + 29 - 9 = 58 total legend
43 - 6 - 3 - 20 = 14 unspent legend

Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
[] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends. Costs: 4 DE
-[] Whip Waves.
-[] Calm Seas.
[] Call Wave* - You twist and churn the waters, making them rise and rise to batter even the high land with the relentless, consuming sea. Costs: 14 DE
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 6 DE
-[] Call Fish.
-[] Drive Fish Away.
[] Moonlight* - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
-[] In your territory.
-[] Over an enemy's territory.

Avatar Actions (No avatar, greatly reduced options)

[] Form Avatar (4 Ambrosia) (Avatar dispersed, most actions disabled)
[] Suffer Avatar (<X>, up to 3 Ambrosia) (Restores avatar with a variable sustenance value - can include negative values if the fraction of Ambrosia committed is too low compared to current Avatar, which causes violent rampages until hunger is sated to at least 10)
[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Lay with <[Animal]>
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait

[] Experiment with Unknown Materials
-[] Strange Stone
-[] Strange Metal

[] Personally Incite - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror. Costs: 3 DE.
[] Disrupt Saiga's fishermen to the south. Costs: 5 DE (must reserve at least one destructive act) WARNING: Outside of effective influence range; divine powers will have reduced effectiveness. Turns remaining: 1
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE. WARNING: Lacking Survival, exploration will be more difficult. Navigation provides very limited benefits overland.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE
[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Past - Look beyond yourself to a time before. The world is old and storied, and secrets are buried in history. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)

Commune Actions (No avatar, greatly reduced options)

[] Issue Decree - You take form within your shrine or via avatar to address those who you can reach and issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Maximum Decrees: 0/2
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 2

[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum shrines 0/2.
-[] Specify a shrine to Leave to Ruin
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
[] Meet with Saiga. Each selection costs 0.5 Sustenance. Costs: 5 DE
-[] Learn more about him
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Consummate your marriage, but refuse a child for now
-[] Consummate your marriage, contributing <X> Ambrosia for Attributes and <4X> Sustenance for traits or <9X> Sustenance to choose traits, in order to bear a Spirit Child

[] Temporary (Dispersed only): Call to Saiga from beyond. Costs: 10 DE
-[] Aid in Restoring Avatar (Pool Husband's Ambrosia next turn)

Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)
Attribute Accumulated Discounts: Faith 2 (currently locked)

Minor Aspect of the Fish (+1 Trade, +1 Navigation, Faster water travel): 3 (2) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Crustacean (+2 Melee, Increased wound threshold): 3 (2) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Walrus (+1 Fishing, +1 Survival, Increased maximum sustenance): 3 Legend
Minor Aspect of the Octopus (+1 Fishing, +1 Survival, Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar): 3 Legend
Lesser Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +1 Innovation, +2 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 5 Legend

Lesser Spirit of Mischief (+3 Perform (Trickery), +1 Survival, Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, grants a small chance of escaping disadvantaged encounters): 6 Legend
Lesser Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +1 Trade): 6 (5) Legend
Minor Spirit of Exploration (+1 Survival, +1 Navigation, +1 Trade): 5 Legend

Elemental Affinities
Astral Affinity - Yellow Moon (You have a special affinity with the night moon): 7 Legend
Astral Affinity - Blood Moon (You have a special affinity with the moon spurned the light of the sun): 7 Legend
Astral Affinity - Blue Moon (You have a special affinity with the strange moon): 7 Legend
Astral Affinity - Harvest Moon (You have a special affinity with the moon of plenty): 7 Legend
Astral Affinity - Silver Moon (You have a special affinity with the moon that shows itself in the waning light of day): 7 Legend
Astral Affinity - Stars (All that twinkles in the night is the vastness of creation): 6 Legend

Cold Affinity - Frost (You have seen man's lips blue in chill waters, felt the nip of ice upon skin): 6 Legend

Ocean Affinity - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 9 (8) Legend
Ocean Affinity - Rain (What the sun takes, the skies return): 6 Legend
Ocean Affinity - Tides (Your affinity for the rolling waves has expanded to include even the tide itself): 7 Legend

Classical Affinity - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 6 Legend
Classical Affinity - Earth (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 6 Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Affinity - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 6 Legend Inherent Lockout

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 4 (3) Legend

Divine Enhancements
Capricious One (You are a being of arbitrary cruelty, as well as sudden magnanimity, whose actions are as inscrutable as the path of an arrow in the wind. All failures to enact constructive efforts or destructive efforts produce slightly more Fear Value, 2 legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase): 5 (4) Legend
Stargazer (You are a natural reader of the stars and their omens. Astrology no longer counts towards skill capacity (only if Mysticism is also learned), enables enhanced Avatar Astrology actions): 8 (7) Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Perform (Trickery)

You've unlocked Avatar 4! Avatar 4 gives a bonus skill slot. Continue raising avatar, for the next special unlock at Avatar 7.
You've unlocked Demand Appeasement! Demand Appeasement consumes a decree slot and reduces your Fear score by 2 to give a large bonus modifier to your Rite income. You can increase the value of the Appeasement by reducing your Fear score by further increments of 2 (maximum 8).
You've created a burgeoning Monster race brood. Monsters have slightly expanded natural habitats compared to their base component, and the effect of aspects on their form is increased. Breed additional monsters with the same traits to increase their dissemination into the area. Within a number of years based on the monster's base birth-rate and fertility, it will stabilize and become a new local species.
You've unlocked your first Shrine Extension. You can have one additional type of extension to improve your shrines with every even Focus score, so choose your extensions wisely!

Keep a close eye on changes and apparent errors for me, I very likely missed upwards of half a dozen different things given the sheer amount of crap you guys screwed with this turn.

EDIT: Fuck me and spoilers, I need to preview more often.
Last edited:
Turn 10 Results
[X] Plan Minimizing the Aftermath
[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation.
--[X] Expend 20 DE on petitioners for Navigation
[X] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing.
--[X] Expend 17 DE on petitioners for Navigation
[X] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE x2
[X] Moonlight* - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
--[X] In your territory.
[X] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends. Costs: 4 DE x3
--[X] Calm Seas. x3
[X] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum shrines 0/2.
Bless Sacrifices
Navigation rolled 18, 10, 17, 14, 8. 3, 10, 7, 7, 5. 7, 11, 12, 8, 9. 10, 11, 8, 10, 14
Gain 22 DE
Bless Growth
Navigation rolled 5, 10, 11, 2, 10. 7, 12, 4, 6, 12. 11, 4, 18, 4, 6. 9, 13
Gain 14 DE
1 Interesting Result
Weirding rolled 11
No weird

Influence rolled 13, 16

Influence rolled 9
Minor Success
Fear rolled 4
Gained 3 Legend
Weirding rolled 11
No weird

A Weirding
Rolled 15
Strangeness may occur under this moon

Calm Seas
Influence rolled 12, 14, 10
Weirding rolled 10, 17, 9
Aaand that's two
Weirding of a Weirding rolled 13
No mastur-weirding

Build Shrine
Influence rolled 14

Accidentally Despise (No Mischief)
Shrine rolled 15
... You didn't despise it. Really?

Seski makes trouble
Trickery rolled 9
Not this time

1 - Moon of Beasts
2 - Moon of Transmutation
3 - Moon of Life
4 - Moon of the Earth
5 - Moon of Wild Tide
6 - Moon of Secrets Revealed
7 - Moon of Wrath
8 - Moon of Darkness
9 - Moon of Shifts
10 - Moon in the Sun

Rolled 6 - Moon of Secrets Revealed (10)
Rolled 3 - Moon of Life (14)
+1 Astrology
Major III Growth Event
Rolled 3
Population Modifier +3
Gained 4 Legend

FEAR BUY - Vehemence (13)
1-30: Shrine 3
31-40: Influence 3
41-45: Fear 5
46-50: Avatar 5
51-55: Fishing
56-60: Perform (Trickery)
61-70: Navigation
71-80: Astrology
81-85: AA - Yellow Moon
86-90: AA - Silver Moon
91-95: AA - Blue Moon
96-100: Capricious One

Rolled 96: Capricious One
9 Vehemence Remaining
Legend rolled 10, No buy (reduced chance of extra buys for balance adjustment, requires much higher unspent legend or roll)
Gained Capricious One
Trait Cap Exceeded
Become Formless

Your first year in quite a while without a body is easier to adjust to than you'd expected, like slipping off a glove to work with your bared fingers. You brighten the moon, still the seas, and give your blessings to the people who ask. Saiga seems forlorn that your body has gone the way of the shrine he made for you, but he curiously decided to begin work on another shrine despite the accident with the last one, even going so far as the bless it for you, since you are too weak to do it yourself.

And then the strange things start happening. In the night, as you go about brightening the yellow glow of the moon, all throughout your domain you can sense a churning, roiling passion. It is enough to feed you, and when you try to pull your attentions to something resembling sight, you discover that a mad orgy has begun in the village, and Saiga's as well. Saiga seems unable to control himself, either, taking woman after woman for his pleasure.

Good thing you don't have a body right now. That looks draining.

On the other side of the long day, the first full moon to rise is strangely purple, and though this time the people are asleep, you are the one entranced, staring and churning the waters in strange, perfect shapes. Your blessings prove a lucky choice, this year, as the many, many pregnancies you'd accidentally brought about have made the women hungrier and the need for good preserves in the long night greater. There is one issue, however. The pair you'd blessed with dreams followed along after an especially foolish young man, traveling around the ice shelf to the east and provoking a fight with the people on the other side before they returned, bloody, but alive.

[Voting opens 2 hours after the update. Voters who are unsure if they will be capable of voting within approximately one day may enact proxy votes early.]

Divine Resources Available
74 - 74 (Expended) = 0 + 15 (Blessing rollover error) + 36 (Blessings) + 3 (Rites) + 73 (13 Vehemence) + 4 (PB) = 131
Holy Place Condensation -5
Overflow Condensation -10
Remaining: 116

Equations Noted for this turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(15+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 3 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(10+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 5.6 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
Equations Noted for next turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(15+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 5 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(10+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 6.4 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
CURRENT POPULATION MODIFIER: -2 of -18 minimum, was -4 last turn (+3 event, +1 natural growth [weak], -2 Vehemence exhaustion)
0 + 2 (Condensation) = 2
58 + 4 + 3 = 65 total legend
14 + 7 - 4 = 17 unspent legend

Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
-[] FORMLESS: Drive Petitioner to (Avatar Action). Costs: +15 DE surcharge
[] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends. Costs: 4 DE
-[] Whip Waves.
-[] Calm Seas.
[] Call Wave* - You twist and churn the waters, making them rise and rise to batter even the high land with the relentless, consuming sea. Costs: 14 DE
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 6 DE
-[] Call Fish.
-[] Drive Fish Away.
[] Moonlight* - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
-[] In your territory.
-[] Over an enemy's territory.


[] Form Avatar (4 Ambrosia) (Avatar dispersed, most actions disabled)
[] Suffer Avatar (<X>, up to 3 Ambrosia) (Restores avatar with a variable sustenance value - can include negative values if the fraction of Ambrosia committed is too low compared to current Avatar, which causes violent rampages until hunger is sated to at least 10)
[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Lay with <[Animal]>
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait

[] Experiment with Unknown Materials
-[] Strange Stone
-[] Strange Metal

[] Personally Incite - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror. Costs: 3 DE.
[] Disrupt Saiga's fishermen to the south. Costs: 5 DE (must reserve at least one destructive act) WARNING: Outside of effective influence range; divine powers will have reduced effectiveness. Turns remaining: 1
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE. WARNING: Lacking Survival, exploration will be more difficult. Navigation provides very limited benefits overland.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE
[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Past - Look beyond yourself to a time before. The world is old and storied, and secrets are buried in history. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)

-[] Scry Distant Places - View the places you have not seen, the places you cannot go. Costs: 15 DE


[] Issue Decree - You condense into a roiling mass just barely capable of overwhelming, booming speech in order to address those beneath you and issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Costs: 15 DE. Maximum Decrees: 0/4
-[] LOCKED: Decree that families who send one of their beautiful members to attend your shrines for a time will be spared your wrath. Costs: 15 DE
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Costs: 15 DE. Issues per turn: 4
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Costs: 10 DE. Maximum shrines 1/2.
-[] Specify a shrine to Leave to Ruin
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make a shrine grander. Costs: 10 DE.
-[] Dedicate <X> materials for progress.
-[] Expand a Pool of Endless Fish (T1): Grants free growth based on Shrine Tier per turn.
-[] Expand Sacrificial Bowls (T1): Grants a small amount of DE/turn based on total Shrine Tier.
-[] Expand the Painted Stars (T1): A map of stars will be painted upon the skins inside a single shrine, granting ???.
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 20 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
[] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 4 DE per option
-[] Learn more about him
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance (LOCKED and FREE with all other meeting options)
-[] Learn from him
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Consummate your marriage, but refuse a child for now
-[] Consummate your marriage, contributing <X> Ambrosia for Attributes and <4X> Sustenance for traits or <9X> Sustenance to choose traits, in order to bear a Spirit Child

Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)
Attribute Accumulated Discounts: Faith 2 (currently locked), Fear 2/5

Minor Aspect of the Fish (+1 Trade, +1 Navigation, Faster water travel): 2 (2) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Crustacean (+2 Melee, Increased wound threshold): 2 (2) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Walrus (+1 Fishing, +1 Survival, Increased maximum sustenance): 2 (3) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Octopus (+1 Fishing, +1 Survival, Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar): 2 (3) Legend
Lesser Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +1 Innovation, +2 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 5 Legend

Lesser Spirit of Mischief (+3 Perform (Trickery), +1 Survival, Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, grants a small chance of escaping disadvantaged encounters): 6 (5) Legend
Lesser Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +1 Trade): 6 (5) Legend
Minor Spirit of Exploration (+1 Survival, +1 Navigation, +1 Trade): 3 (5) Legend

Elemental Affinities
Astral Affinity - Yellow Moon (You have a special affinity with the night moon): 6 (7) Legend
Astral Affinity - Blood Moon (You have a special affinity with the moon spurned the light of the sun): 6 (7) Legend
Astral Affinity - Blue Moon (You have a special affinity with the strange moon): 6 (7) Legend
Astral Affinity - Harvest Moon (You have a special affinity with the moon of plenty): 6 (7) Legend
Astral Affinity - Silver Moon (You have a special affinity with the moon that shows itself in the waning light of day): 6 (7) Legend
Astral Affinity - Stars (All that twinkles in the night is the vastness of creation): 3 (6) Legend

Cold Affinity - Frost (You have seen man's lips blue in chill waters, felt the nip of ice upon skin): 3 (6) Legend

Ocean Affinity - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 9 (8) Legend
Ocean Affinity - Rain (What the sun takes, the skies return): 3 (6) Legend
Ocean Affinity - Tides (Your affinity for the rolling waves has expanded to include even the tide itself): 6 (7) Legend

Classical Affinity - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 3 (6) Legend
Classical Affinity - Earth (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 3 (6) Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Affinity - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 3 (6) Legend Inherent Lockout

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 4 (3) Legend

Divine Enhancements
Inscrutable One (A natural evolution of capriciousness, you are not merely fickle, your motives are utterly incomprehensible. +2 Perform (Trickery), FEAR ONLY (Faith only locked): Traits may be despised without normal limitations, are always despised successfully, and the last (Shrine Attribute) despised traits can be manually restored for no cost in Legend): 11 Legend
Stargazer (You are a natural reader of the stars and their omens. Astrology no longer counts towards skill capacity (only if Mysticism is also learned), enables enhanced Avatar Astrology actions): 8 (10) Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Perform (Trickery)

The new mechanic, Formless, comes into play when a spirit or god has exceeded his trait capacity, the carvings of them too varied and their tales too contradictory for their form to be stable enough for an Avatar.

Formless gods are helpless masses of power, unable to form avatars to interact directly, thus losing the ability to use many skills and temporarily deactivating certain traits regarding form (though this does not reduce the number of traits they possess). Formless gods' inherent traits do not exert additional influence on them as they normally would. They lose the ability to stray from the protections of their supplicants and shrines, thus cannot travel or explore. They can no longer physically defend their shrines, and interaction with other gods is relegated to aggressive dominance tests, and cannot be naturally peaceful (Formless gods can still trade and interact, but all encounters are first tested through aggressive dominance, and relations are at a natural penalty with other gods, making interaction less fruitful).

Formless gods add half of all skill levels to effective Awe in encounters with other gods. This bonus is not calculated towards a successful domination, but still protects from domination or cowing before others. They do not have to consume sustenance to maintain an avatar, and their incomprehensible lack of form greatly increases the maximum Divine Energy and Ambrosia they can store, as well as slightly increasing the effect of all divine acts (fires, fertility, tornadoes, etc.).

Formless gods can mimic direct interaction with the world, but the process is especially expensive, DE negative and does not have the same degree of accuracy or effectiveness as a god with an Avatar would have.
Catch my notation errors, please and thanks as usual.

WEIRDINGS occurred on especially odd rolls (you were just inside the first DC, so you got no free Weird table stuff), and would activate only if the Weirding check was high, low, or a rare occurance (not a DC check).
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Turn 11 Results
[X] Plan Towards getting a body again
-[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation.
--[X] Expend 5 DE on petitioners for Navigation
--[X] Expend 10 DE on petitioners for Perform(Trickery)
-[X] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing.
--[X] Expend 11 DE on petitioners for Navigation
--[X] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
---[X] Navigation x1
-[X] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends. Costs: 4 DE. x3
--[X] Calm Seas. x3
-[X] Moonlight* - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
--[X] In your territory.
-[X] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
--[X] Despise Ocean Affinity - Waves
-[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. x2
--[X] Scry Distant Places - View the places you have not seen, the places you cannot go. Costs: 15 DE x2
---[X] Take a look at those people your explorers found
-[X] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Costs: 10 DE. Maximum shrines 1/2.
--[X] Rebuild the shrine in Apostate Village
-[X] Issue Decree - You condense into a roiling mass just barely capable of overwhelming, booming speech in order to address those beneath you and issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Costs: 15 DE. Maximum Decrees: 0/4
--[X] LOCKED: Decree that families who send one of their beautiful members to attend your shrines for a time will be spared your wrath. Costs: 15 DE
Bless Sacrifices
Navigation rolled 2, 8, 15, 9, 14.
Trickery rolled 12, 13, 19, 15, 8. 13, 14, 13, 11, 15.
Gain 21 DE
Weird rolled 14, 11, 4
Weird rolled 8
1 Weird

Bless Growth
Navigation rolled 13, 8, 10, 14, 17. 7, 11, 12, 12, 5. 15
Gain 11 DE

Inspiration (Navigation)
Influence rolled 12

Calm Seas
Influence rolled 9, 12, 6

Influence rolled 18
Weirding? rolled 10
Here we go again people! Extra weird (bonus success)
Weird rolled 5
2 extra Weirds; 3 total

Scry Lands
Astrology rolled 18, 17
asdasdlfg +2 Astrology
Weird rolled 13

Minor Legendx2
Fear rolled 11, 10
Gained 5 Legend

Rebuild Shrine
Influence rolled 13

Issue Decree
Fear rolled 8

Despise Waves
Shrine rolled 9 - Despised

Seski the Scamp
Trickery rolled 13
Gained 1 legend!
Spent 1 legend for 1 Perform (Trickery)

Guess what time it is?
1 - Moon of Beasts
2 - Moon of Transmutation
3 - Moon of Life
4 - Moon of the Earth
5 - Moon of Wild Tide
6 - Moon of Secrets Revealed
7 - Moon of Wrath
8 - Moon of Darkness
9 - Moon of Shifts
10 - Moon in the Sun

Rolled 10 - Moon in the Sun (13)
Rolled 2 - Moon of Transmutation (15)
Rolled 4 - Moon of the Earth (9)
The Night in the Day
Fear rolled 12
Gained 8 Legend
Somewhere in the distance, someone is screaming in impotent fury
SALT BECOMES SILVER *laughs uproariously in background*
Fruit of the Frozen Places
Minor Growth Event
Population rolled 4
+2 Population Modifier
Gained 6 Legend

FEAR BUY - Vehemence (20)
1-40: Shrine 3
41-50: Influence 3
51-65: Fear 5
66-70: Avatar 5
71-75: Perform (Trickery)
76-80: Navigation
71-80: Astrology
81-85: AA - Harvest Moon
86-90: AA - Silver Moon
91-95: Lesser Spirit of Mischief
96-100: Stargazer

Rolled 85: AA - Harvest Moon
13 Vehemence Remaining
Legend rolled 12, bonus buy (Harvest moon replaced by Silver Moon, (L) Spirit of Mischief expanded to 86-95).
Rolled 2: Shrine 3
Double purchase, buy complete
Gained Astral Affinity - Harvest Moon
Lost Ocean Affinity - Waves
Gained Shrine 3
Formless removed

Your year begins, as it has in the recent past, with you giving out a few lesser blessings on the mortals, your previous experiences showing you it works well enough to keep your strength up. Almost immediately one of them takes his kayak and goes off into the distance, never to be heard from again. Oh well, his loss.

You continue calming the waves on the sea and in your shoal to make the fishers jobs easier, but it's just not having much effect for them, their years subsisting on fishing leaving them experienced enough that a waveless sea doesn't affect their work all that much. Maybe you could do something else at the same time?

Your old shrines are all finally back, and you spend an inordinate amount of time simply hovering over the little waddling thing that is your daughter. You wish to pinch her cheeks, or make silly noises; it seems to entertain the women in the villages enough with all their new children, but you have no body, so that will have to wait... You feel a swelling of pride as Seski fools the attendants you've taken, when she hides behind a skin and speaks into a strangely-shaped shell, imitating your booming voice. "I will get you and eat you!" she says, smiling cutely and giggling loudly when the attendants run away. You still have to scold her, however, seeing as those were the attendants you wanted because they were pretty...

And then you reach out to the moon and brighten it once more... except this time it responds strangely, moving in an odd pattern before finally coming to rest right in front of the sun for nearly an hour, bathing the land in unnatural darkness during the long day. That... that's actually very helpful for you, you note, as your blessings have even further increased effect, and your power over the tides grows even greater, allowing you to nudge about the boats even on still seas to speed them along. There is terrified screaming, however, that ruins your industrious work, and more than one person rends their clothes apart as they burst into your shrines begging you return the sun. Silly mortals, you can't do that! You have no idea how you did this in the first place!

Eventually the moon's path takes it away from the sun once more, and your moment of power in the daylight fades. There is a bunch of crying and completely unexpected deep joy that you drink of, so everything seemed to work out great for everybody in the end. And then a few months later the moon shines orange in the sky.

At first, people write the event off as minor. The moon turns orange sometimes, but never that particularly bright. Then the fish they catch have unnatural coloring, seeming almost muted gray. You check on your little brood, and sure enough, those who still remain in your domain have become an oddly grey color! Then, the poeple start going blind, the color of their eyes changing to blue-gray even for those whose eyes were green or brown. Some of them turn blue-gray in patches on their skin, especially their tongues. Others still turn entirely from head to toe, even their nails and hair changing to gray-white. Eventually, enough of them crowd into your and Saiga's shrines that you resonate with something... they have silver in them! You communicate this as best you can, and it doesn't take much longer for people to discover that the salts they used for preserves had become silver dust! You immediately have the discovery hoarded into your shrines, seeing as they hardly seem to need it and you want more silver you want it!

The poisoning seems, thankfully, relatively minor, but those whose tongues have been suffused with silver seem to take especially well to your blessings of cleverness, and those whose bodies have turned seem oddly canny and flexible, at least, those who didn't die or go blind first. And then the moon turns green. People seem to have grown utterly terrified of doing anything that season, for some reason, and Saiga coordinates with the village leaders on several occasions to check everything he can get his hands on. Their efforts end up wasted when a number of plants start to grow, completely out of season, with especially heavy and bountiful edible parts. A small share of them go to becoming burned sacrifices for you, and everybody seems pleased with the end result. You helped!

You decide to finish off an excellent year by drawing conclusions from the stars, catching sight of many things and places. Across the ice, several miles out of your way, you see the village your people spoke of before, and a curious-looking land creature that seems to be stuck in a knowing grin, furry and bushy-tailed. He looks to the sky, and for a moment you think he has somehow seen you seeing him! You look away, and see another village a few miles inland, where an exceedingly angry-looking old woman throws a tantrum with the most unusual dance. You look away, and see... a massive bird! A raven, bedecked with a few skins upon his back and head, with baubles ornamenting his beak. He spits bones of animals, and, seeing something within them, caws several times, reminiscent of a laugh. You look away, and see... you recoil in horror as your gaze falls upon a few settlements near the great frozen mass, on the edge of a water-filled valley that hisses with a vapor as the water bubbles. There is a grand structure here, with many settings for displays, all ransacked and ripped away. [The Imprisoned One] is trapped within, as hulking figures with painful squiggles etched into their leathers lead balding, powerful-looking men inside with ropes and bindings, only for them to be slain before an alter as a pair of brothers, crafted from the ice itself, slave over tables of stones and leathers and unmelting ice, all as [he] screams in agony, formless, powerless, chained.

That such an existence can even be grinds against your very core. You want to hurtpainkill something, even if it is to end the nails of suffering driven into your mind!

[Voting opens 2 hours after the update. Voters who are unsure if they will be capable of voting within approximately one day may enact proxy votes early.]

Divine Resources Available
116 - 113 (Expended) = 3 + 32 (Blessings) + 5 (Rites) + 128 (20 Vehemence) + 5 (Omake) + 6 (PB) = 179
Holy Place Condensation -5
Overflow Condensation -90
Gained 10 Ambrosia
Remaining: 89

Equations Noted for this turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(15+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 5 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(10+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 6.4 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
Equations Noted for next turn's income: (Rite Income = 4*[(15+[Fear/2]+Pop Modifier)/15] = 4 DE) /// (Income per Vehemence = 4*[(10+[Fear*2]+Pop Modifier)/10] = 6 DE per Vehemence, rounded up)
CURRENT POPULATION MODIFIER: -3 of -18 minimum, was -2 last turn (+2 event, +2 natural growth [weak], -3 Vehemence exhaustion, -2 Mass Poisoning)
2 + 10 (Condensation) + 1 (Nursery Rhyme) = 13
Condensation -9
Gained 3 Amber
Remaining: 4
65 + 8 + 6 + 5 = 84 total legend
17 + 19 - 7 - 3 = 26 unspent legend
Gained 10 units of Silver Dust!

Divine Actions (Actions marked with asterisks can only be performed a number of times per turn equal to the number of asterisks present)
[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing.
-[] Expend <X> DE on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
[] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends. Costs: 4 DE
-[] Whip Waves.
-[] Calm Seas.
[] Direct Fish** - You direct fish to or away from your domain, having knowledge of the temperatures and currents that they prefer. Costs: 6 DE
-[] Call Fish.
-[] Drive Fish Away.
[] Moonlight* - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
-[] In your territory.
-[] Over an enemy's territory.
[] Harvest Moon* - Shine down the light of the orange moon, the moon of plenty and change where one thing becomes another; stone to ash, bone to gems, lead to gold. Costs: 20 DE
-[] Self - Transmute minerals and baser metals into more valuable, more powerful things.
-[] Enemies - Transmute minerals and metals into weaker, brittler forms, collapsing buildings and dulling weapons.

Avatar Actions (No Avatar, greatly reduced actions)

[] Form Avatar (4 Ambrosia) (Avatar dispersed, most actions disabled)
[] Suffer Avatar (<X>, up to 3 Ambrosia) (Restores avatar with a variable sustenance value - can include negative values if the fraction of Ambrosia committed is too low compared to current Avatar, which causes violent rampages until hunger is sated to at least 10)
[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait
[] Lay with <[Animal]>
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <4X> Sustenance per trait or <9X> Sustenance to choose a trait

[] Experiment with Unknown Materials
-[] Strange Stone
-[] Precious Silver!
-[] Strange Metal

[] Personally Incite - Travel onto the cold earth and indulge in sowing chaos and terror. Costs: 3 DE.
[] Travel elsewhere - Visit one of the villages you've discovered and mess with them! Costs: 8 DE - Fox Village, 10 DE - Crone Village, 8 DE - Saitev's Village, 12 DE - Imprisoned Settlements
[] Wander the Depths - Travel away from your shoal to explore the deeper places. Costs: 10 DE
[] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE. WARNING: Lacking Survival, exploration will be more difficult. Navigation provides very limited benefits overland.
[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Lure - Seduce and enchant the incautious, leading them to their doom. Costs: 6 DE
[] Give Bounty - Seek fish and sea creatures to capture and give to mortals. Costs: 8 DE
[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
-[] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
-[] Read the Past - Look beyond yourself to a time before. The world is old and storied, and secrets are buried in history. Helps develop rituals. Costs: 12 DE
-[] Reflecting Pool - Dedicate greater efforts to studying the still sea and the strange energy you encountered. Costs: 14 DE (reserves two uses of Calm Seas)

Commune Actions (No avatar, greatly reduced)

[] Issue Decree - You condense into a roiling mass just barely capable of overwhelming, booming speech in order to address those beneath you and issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Maximum Decrees: 1/4
-[] Alter the Decree of Attendance - "Each blood family must offer a single beautiful young adult to attend you and your shrines each year, or they will benefit from neither your blessings nor protections on the sea."
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Issues per turn: 4
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <X>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum shrines 2/2.
-[] Specify a shrine to Leave to Ruin
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make [name shrine] grander. Costs: 5 DE.
-[] Dedicate <X> materials for progress.
-[] Expand a Pool of Endless Fish (T1 Limited): Grants free growth based on Shrine Tier per turn.
-[] Expand Sacrificial Bowls (T1 Common): Grants a small amount of DE/turn based on total Shrine Tier.
-[] Expand the Painted Stars (T1 Grand): A map of stars will be painted upon the skins inside a single shrine, granting ???.
[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Costs: 5 DE (one time), 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
[] Meet with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per option
-[] Learn more about him
-[] Learn more about Niogg (has a maximum limit on successes)
-[] Request something
-[] Trade something
-[] Test dominance
-[] Learn from him
-[] Share <X> DE (sets of 10)
-[] Share <X> Ambrosia (sets of 2)
-[] Lay with him for a spirit child, contributing <X> Ambrosia for attributes, and <4X> or <9X> sustenance for traits

Divine Attributes: Current base level plus one cost per point (i.e. Avatar 2 -> 3 costs 3 Legend, Influence 0->1 costs 1 Legend)
Attribute Accumulated Discounts: Faith 2 (currently locked), Fear 2/5

Minor Aspect of the Fish (+1 Trade, +1 Navigation, Faster water travel): 2 (2) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Crustacean (+2 Melee, Increased wound threshold): 2 (2) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Walrus (+1 Fishing, +1 Survival, Increased maximum sustenance): 2 (3) Legend
Minor Aspect of the Octopus (+1 Fishing, +1 Survival, Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar): 2 (3) Legend
Lesser Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +1 Innovation, +2 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase): 5 Legend

Lesser Spirit of Mischief (+3 Perform (Trickery), +1 Survival, Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, grants a small chance of escaping disadvantaged encounters): 6 (5) Legend
Lesser Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +1 Trade): 6 (5) Legend
Minor Spirit of Exploration (+1 Survival, +1 Navigation, +1 Trade): 3 (5) Legend
Minor Spirit of the Stars (+2 Astrology, +1 Navigation): 3 (5) Legend

Elemental Affinities
Astral Affinity - Yellow Moon (You have a special affinity with the night moon): 6 (8) Legend
Astral Affinity - Blood Moon (You have a special affinity with the moon spurned the light of the sun): 6 (8) Legend
Astral Affinity - Blue Moon (You have a special affinity with the strange moon): 6 (8) Legend
Astral Affinity - Silver Moon (You have a special affinity with the moon that shows itself in the waning light of day): 6 (8) Legend
Astral Affinity - Stars (All that twinkles in the night is the vastness of creation): 3 (5) Legend

Cold Affinity - Frost (You have seen man's lips blue in chill waters, felt the nip of ice upon skin): 3 (5) Legend

Ocean Affinity - Ocean (The rivers of the earth feed the seas, but the seas of the world feed the oceans): 9 (8) Legend
Ocean Affinity - Rain (What the sun takes, the skies return): 3 (5) Legend
Ocean Affinity - Waves (Push and Pull, High and Low, forever lapping at the earth and reclaiming the land into the sea): 3 (1) Legend

Classical Affinity - Wind (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 3 (5) Legend
Classical Affinity - Earth (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 3 (5) Legend Inherent Lockout
Classical Affinity - Fire (Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the four classical elements, are inexorably tied to one another): 3 (5) Legend Inherent Lockout

Avatar Enhancements
Elemental Avatar - Water (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, Increased wound threshold, Can drown in grapples): 4 (3) Legend
Elemental Avatar - Silver (3 accumulating Legend discount to next Avatar Attribute purchase, can transmute silver, +2 Awe): 5 Legend

Divine Enhancements
Inscrutable One (A natural evolution of capriciousness, you are not merely fickle, your motives are utterly incomprehensible. +2 Perform (Trickery), FEAR ONLY (Faith only locked): Traits may be despised without normal limitations, are always despised successfully, and the last (Shrine Attribute) despised traits can be manually restored for no cost in Legend): 11 Legend
Stargazer (You are a natural reader of the stars and their omens. Astrology no longer counts towards skill capacity (only if Mysticism is also learned), enables enhanced Avatar Astrology actions): 8 (10) Legend

Personal Skills:
Improve Skill: 1 Legend per Level (i.e Melee 2->3 costs 1 Legend, Melee 2->4 costs 2 Legend, etc.) Max Rank: 10
Purchase New Skill: 2 Legend for a new Skill
Perform (Trickery)

Check my math, all that jazz.

God damn you guys really can't get a break with all this halping you're doing to these people.
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Really Helpful Rule Thingy
Time of the Gods Mechanics Cheatsheet
Or: How the hell does this game work again?

Powerofmind is using a (frankly) really weird but kind of clever system (for most of the rolls anyway; some rolls don't follow this pattern, but most do). He's mapping 1d100 results onto 2d10's, but not in the normal way. Instead, each 2d10 roll result is converted into a value out of 100 based on the cumulative probability that that result was rolled. That is, there's a 1% chance of rolling a 2, a 2% chance of rolling a 3, and a 3% chance of rolling a 4. Thus, a roll of a 4 on the 2d10 scale is worth (1+2+3) = 6 points on the d100 scale. This allows the dice to represent the full range of 1d100 without extraneous one digit differences (specifically, PoM doesn't like how little difference there is between, say, a 43, a 44, and a 44. In this system, all of those values (and more) fall under one roll-a 10 on the 2d10 scale represents a 45, while a 9 represents a value of 36.) without messing with the overall probability (See fig 1). The base results of these rolls can be found in table 1 below (Criticals will be covered later).
<Fig 1>

Now that we know how to convert the base 2d10 rolls to their value, we need to look at how those values translate into game terms. This is done via Degrees of Success. Every normal roll in the game has a DC assigned to it by PoM. These DCs are normally multiples of 20, and a moderate difficulty roll (like reading the future, or many of our influence actions) is DC 40. If the modified value of our roll (we'll cover modifiers shortly) matches or exceeds the DC, then that is (at least) a "Minor Success". For every 20 points above the DC our roll is, we get another (degree of) success. That is, if the DC is 40, than any roll with a modified value of 80-99 would be a Moderate Success (that is, 2 successes). Successes are notated as Minor Success (1), Moderate Success (2), and Major Success (3), with any successes above 3 being represented by roman numerals added to Major Success (that is, a roll earning 5 successes would be a Major Success II).

Now let's talk modifiers. Most rolls have a skill or attribute listed next to the roll (for example "Fear rolled 5"). This is the modifying skill/attribute for the roll. That is, the calculated value of our roll receives a bonus based on that skill/attribute. For most things, this modifier is +2*[Level of modifier]. For example, a roll of "Fear rolled 5", rolled by a spirit with Fear 3, would result in a base value of 10, modified by 3*2 =6, for a total/modified value of 16. These sorts of modifiers are referred to as Weak Modifiers, meaning they directly affect the value of the roll. Sometimes there is more than one modifying skill/attribute, and both apply—though depending on the roll some can have a lower modifier. For example, blessings receive only +1 * skill level, and in dominance struggles, Awe and Perform(Trickery) (Outside of special trickery rounds) only provide +1*SL, while a unique perform skill provides +2. Another type of modifier is Strong Modifiers or Written Modifiers, which affect the underlying 2d10 roll. For example, a Strong Modifier of +2 would change a roll of 10 (value: 45) to a roll of 12 (value: 64). Due to the nature of the rolling system, these matter most for average rolls (going from a 10 to 11 is a difference of 55-45 = 10 value. Going from a 3 to a 4 is a difference of 10-6 = 4 value. Going from a 19 to an 18 is a difference of 99 – 97 = 2 value). This lets the modifiers have large effects on average without also making very high or low rolls pointless either way. The most common example of a strong modifier is the Untrained Penalty. If you don't have any of the skills involved in a skill check, you take a -1 Strong Penalty. Another example is the Shrine Defense Bonus, which provides +Shrine Strong Bonus to a spirit in their main shrine.

However, there are more ways the rolls can change. Whenever the two dice come up the same number, that roll is a critical, and grants a bonus success. These are shown in the updates via underline (that is, a "12" is any roll that adds up to 12 other than two sixes, worth 15 base value. A "12" is a roll of 2 sixes, and a critical, worth 15 base value and an extra success on top of the normal result). Snake Eyes, however, is a critical failure, and tends to reverse the intended effect of a roll. Benevolent actions become destructive, while destructive actions fissile and do little, or even nothing. A natural 20 (double 10's), however, is an exploding critical. With an exploding critical (which I think PoM said also occurs on most other dice if they roll their maximum value, on the rare occasions other dice are used), another die is rolled (that is, one more 1d10, not a full 2d10). If that die rolls max (that is, a 10), then it explodes as well. This continues until a non-max value is rolled. Value calculations change slightly in this case, with the roll value being 100 multiplied by the extra rolled value(s). For example, a 23 (10 + 10 + 3) has a value of 300, while a 31 (10 + 10 + 10 + 1) would have a value of 1000. There can be additional bonuses when the total die-roll is a double itself (22, 33, etc). However, these rolls do not calculate successes normally. Instead, PoM works out narratively what sort of effect they should have, using the values (which represent roughly how rare that roll is) to gauge how powerful an effect it should have. For example, on our first turn, we rolled a 33 (10 + 10 + 10 + 3) for "Something curious occurs?"—this is a value of 3000, plus another doubles bonus. Accordingly, our bonus was very large—an opportunity to get a free ritual that ended up giving us an Avatar, and could have done anything from given us DE and Legend to helping us learn a ritual to spawning a new spirit.

For anyone knew to this quest system, this is a modified version of the system used in Academia Nut's Into the Amber Age quest (which is awesome, go read it in the link in my signature).

We are a spirit, born from thoughts and beliefs of sapient mortals. When enough humans (or other mortals of at least near-human intelligence) have strong enough beliefs, good or bad, about a place, ancestor, animal, force of nature, or other concepts, then a spirit may form, depending on the circumstances. Populations that already have a spirit are less likely to create spirits, unless their existing spirit(s) don't cover important aspects of their life. For example, a village with a spirit that blessed hunters and warriors and ignored or hindered the women and their crafts and farming might spawn a spirit dedicated to the harvest--and to opposing the first spirit.

Our spirit has to deal with a few resources. The most important are Devotional Energy (DE), Sustenance, Ambrosia, and Legend. Devotional Energy is energy formed by the beliefs, faith, fear, and wonder of mortals. Spirits use DE to fuel most of their abilities, as well as to sustain an Avatar outside of their shrines. DE is gained via passive income based on equations shown in the Amberpedia, and by active income in the form of either Vehemence (energy generated by active fear and awe of a spirits actions) or sacrifices from benevolent actions and blessings (things done to help mortals directly). DE can be gained in other ways as well, including human sacrifice. Spirits use sustenance to feed their avatar. Each turn, a spirit consumes Avatar/2 sustenance, plus more for avatar actions. It is also used to create demispirit/monster children with mortals. If sustenance gets too low (10 out of a base cap of 20), then it needs to be replenished by ambrosia (1 Ambrosia = 10 Sustenance), or the spirit may go on a rampage to sate their hunger. Ambrosia is used to form and feed Avatars, and in the original quest was used to bless objects with power, creating talismans or blessed weapons. It is likely that this will still be the case, should we ever learn how to craft anything. Legend represents the, well, legend of a spirit--how well known they are, and how great their story is. It is increased by impressive actions, including first successful uses of abilities, great victories or successes, interactions with other spirits, and so on. It is spent in order to improve the abilities and capabilities of a spirit.

Each spirit has 3 main abilities that determine who/what they are (that can be changed in gameplay at least): Attributes, Traits, and skills. Attributes are the high level attributes of a spirit, describing the nature and strength of the faith or fear mortals have of them, the physical avatar the spirit possesses, their ability to influence the world outside their shrines, and their connection to their shrines. Traits describe what aspects of the world a spirit reflects, embodies, or can affect, and how they do so. Traits can unlock actions, provide bonuses to skills, discounts to attributes, special modifiers to actions, and more. Skills describe what a spirit can do, and how well--things like Melee, or Survival, or Astrology, or Perform (Sing). I'll eventually add spoilers going more in depth on each of these.

There are a lot of ways to modify these aspects. Skills, in particular, can be increased by rolling high on skill checks, training with other spirits, and so on. In general, a spirit can increase their abilities in <> ways: Quiescence, Fear Buys/Gluts, Rituals, Quests, and Spiritual Combat. Quiescence is an option available to Faith spirits, wherein they sleep, spending 1 Legend per turn to purchase attributes/skills/traits. Fear Buys are available to fear spirits instead. Each turn, actions taken by a fear spirit contribute to a Vehemence score, representing how destructive and terrifying it was. This score determines Vehemence income and fear buys. Based on the actions of the turn, a table of appropriate purchases (for example, if you destroy a village with waves, ocean and water related traits would be more likely) is generated and rolled upon to determine what upgrade(s) the spirit receives that turn. The legend cost of said upgrades can not exceed the vehemence value for the turn. Rituals are ways of influencing mortal believe and channeling DE, Ambrosia, and mystically significant materials and actions in order to improve a spirit. They are found and improved by the Astrology, Omen Reading, and Mysticism skills, and can be very dangerous and imprecise without proper care. Completing Quests can provide options to immediately gain or discount attributes or traits. When warring with another spirit, destroying shrines of the enemy spirit may cause it to lose traits. Sometimes, especially if you have a low number of traits compared to your trait cap and the traits are within your portfolio, you will gain those traits.

Spirits operate on a number of tiers-in the original quest, these included Spirit, Local God, and Regional God. At each tier, new mechanics unlock, as do new levels of traits and skills. Additionally, existing abilities are generally strengthened, and opposed rolls against lower tiered beings ("Mortal" is a tier as well) gain bonuses. To ascend these tiers, a being needs to ascend, which for spirits is generally a long process. To ascend as a spirit in the original quest, you needed two attributes at 5 or higher, as well as a high level (T3) trait. Depending on their traits, a spirit will have various ascension traits to choose from, at varying costs. An ascension trait by default would cost at least 20 legend (and thus turns), but could be decreased with a large number of related, high level traits. During ascension, skills and attributes are lowered or lost, and traits unrelated to the ascension traits taken can be lost as well. It is currently unknown how much of this is true in this quest.

Effects of Attributes​
-Affects income:
--DE/Turn from Rites: 4*[10 + Faith*2 + Pop-mod]/10 OR 4*[15 + Fear/2 + Pop-mod]/15
--DE/Vehemence Score: 4*[15 + Faith/2 + Pop-mod]/15 OR 4*[10 + Fear*2 + Pop-Mod]/10
-Used for Legend-gain rolls
-Every 2 levels, unlocks a new tier of Shrine Expansions (1 Grand, 1 Limited, 1 Common), allowing us to pick one to unlock.
-Increases base sustenance cost/turn: Avatar/2
-Increases cost to reform avatar: Avatar level in ambrosia
-Increases skill cap: Tier + Avatar (Exceptions: Gain an extra skill point at Avatar 4, none at avatar 7)
-Increases Sustenance cap: +10 at Avatar 7, +10 at Avatar 10.
-Increases Wounds (???)
-Increases Wound-Threshold (???)
-Shrine cap: 1 shrine/influence (Holy Places don't count, main shrine may not either)
-Influence Zone: (???, 0.5 Miles at influence 2)
-Max Population Mod (???)
-Non-inherent Trait Cap: (Tier + Shrine) * 2
-Ambrosia Capacity: Shrine
-Maximum Shrine Tier for each shrine: Shrine Level
-Shrine Defense Bonus (+[Shrine/2, round up] Strong Bonus in main shrine, less in secondary shrines. Holy Places get +1)

DE Income/Cap/Condensation:​
-Sacrifice Blessings are rolled out (gaining +1/skill modifier), then averaged to calculate the average success level, calculated separately for each skill used. They gain 1.2 DE/blessing return at DC 40, +0.2 per degree of success higher. They can increase pop mod, but only with a lot at high success levels.
-Growth Blessings work the same way, with 1.0 DE/Blessing at DC 40, +0.2 per degree of success. They also provide population mod, at a base of +1 for 10 blessings at DC 40, +1 per level of success.
-Other blessings: "most successes on anything other than blessings will either have significantly better DE return (1.5 minimum, 2.0 or better typically), significantly more versatile uses, or significantly better growth generation." (Per PoM)

DE Cap
Our DE is capped at 2 * (Highest Attribute * 2nd Highest Attribute), currently 80 from Fear 4 and Avatar 4. When we earn enough DE to exceed this cap, we start to condense. Note, however, that bonus DE from Omake and Participation bonuses do not count for the cap. On a turn with +4 PB and an 80 DE cap, we could have 83 or 84 DE without condensing, but not 85 or higher.
When our DE exceeds our cap, it starts condensing into ambrosia at a rate of 10 DE to 1 ambrosia, until our DE is under/at our cap. For example, if we had 100 natural DE and 80 cap, we'd condense 2 ambrosia for 20 DE, ending with 80 DE. If we had 101 natural DE, we'd condense 3 ambrosia, ending with 71 DE. Additionally, we have a holy place, which will condense an ambrosia at the better cost of 5 DE, so long as we end the turn with at least 10 DE.
When our ambrosia exceeds the cap, it will condense as well, into Amber. Ambrosia condenses at a rate of 3 ambrosia to 1 amber.
Sustenance is that value listed [??/20] beside the Avatar Actions and Commune Actions headers in the actions spoiler.
Sustenance Costs:
-Default per turn: Avatar/2
-Action in the Avatar Actions section: 1, unless otherwise stated. (Known Exception: Explorations that crit and go far can spend extra)
-Action in the Commune Actions section: 0.5, unless otherwise stated
Recovering Sustenance:
Sustenance is recovered by way of consuming ambrosia at a rate of 1 Ambrosia = 10 Sustenance, usually. When sustenance goes below 10, we will try to consume ambrosia. We will automatically do this at the end of a turn up to between the maximum sustenance cap and 10 below that cap (currently between 10 and 20). However, we can only eat ambrosia once in the middle of a turn. So if we have 14 and spend 6, and have a free ambrosia, we can get an extra 10 in the middle of the turn and be safe. However, if we spent 16, then we'd go on a rampage at sustenance 8, even if we had a second ambrosia available.
Note: The action to spend less ambrosia than our avatar to reform is strictly worse than the full reform. We will end up with less sustenance at best, so trying to exploit the system by spending 3 ambrosia to suffer a level 4 avatar and saving a 4th ambrosia to eat mid-turn is a bad idea. That said, reforming an avatar normally starts us off with full sustenance.
Negative Events:
When sustenance goes below 10, and we can't consume ambrosia, we might go on a rampage. Even if we do consume ambrosia, we might act on compulsions (from traits and nature of our spirit) if we haven't already fulfilled them. So going below 10 with a free ambrosia is safer on a turn we are destructive than on a blessing turn​

Other reminders:​
-If we are demanding appeasement, we must reserve a destructive act as punishment if people don't obey--this is any turn we have DA active, not just the first.
-Picking a shrine expansion unlocks that expansion (locking the other two away forever*) and builds it as appropriate. Grand expansions can only be built in one shrine at a time, and each shrine can only have one grand expansion. Limited expansions can be built in every shrine, but only one limited expansion can be built in any given shrine. Picking this choice builds *one* of these, and the option must be picked again to build one in another shrine. A shrine can have one grand and one limited expansion. Common expansions are automatically built in all current shrines as well as all future shrines as they are built, for no extra cost. Additionally, a shrine can have any number of common expansions.
*With a couple rare exceptions that I don't think we can do manually
-Skills get skillups with rolls exceeding 100, but not for blessings.
Shrine Expansions​
There are two main limiters on Shrine Expansions: Expansion Unlock Slots, and Shrine Expansion Slots. Expansion Unlock Slots are gained by way of Focus (Fear or Faith) score. Every even level of Focus a spirit gains 1 Expansion Unlock Slot of Tier <Focus / 2>, and gains a choice between 3 expansion options (1 Common, 1 Limited, and 1 Grand) of Tier <Focus /2>. When those choices are selected, the Unlock Slot is filled with that expansion, and the other two expansions cannot be chosen unless you somehow lose access to the chosen expansion entirely. Depending on the type of expansion chosen, the build option will do something different. Building a Grand or Limited expansion choice will start building one of that expansion in a chosen shrine (remember to specify). Building a Common expansion choice will build that expansion in every shrine, as well as make it so that any future shrines automatically include that expansion. Each shrine has 1 Grand Expansion slot, 1 Limited Expansion slot, and unlimited Common expansion slots. A Grand expansion can only every be built in one shrine, while limited expansions can be buid in as many shrines as you have so long as it is the only 1 Limited Expansion in the shrines in question.

Building Shrine Expansions requires a Shrine Check. As described by PoM:
"Shrine expansion has set success requirements that can be 'instantly' completed by meeting certain unique material requirements. You needed 6 for the grand, which you didn't meet immediately so were able to go to the preset material payment. You needed 6 to complete the Creche with no requirements, which you pulled off literally on the nose. If you don't complete one instantly, you get the accumulated successes -1 (for not having the materials) towards the next check, until it's finally finished."

Shrine Tier​
Shrine tier provides 2 main benefits: Increased influence range from that shrine (T3 at Influence 2 emanates almost a full mile away, while a T1 shrine at influence 2 emanates a range of ~half a mile.) and improvements to Expansions in that shrine (for example, our Painted Stars Grand Expansion gains an extra +1 Strong bonus if/when we upgrade our Apostate Village Shrine to Tier 4.

To improve Shrine Tier, you must use materials or figurines, rolling a Shrine + Quality check. As mentioned in the next section, figurines provide <Quality Tier> * <Material Tier> as a modifier to the check. Then, you gain 1 progress for every degree of success over DC 0 that check rolls. To improve to a higher shrine tier, you need <Current Tier> + 1 progress. For example, going from Tier 1 to Tier 3 requires 2 Progress to get to tier 2, and 3 more to get to tier 3, for a total of 5.

There are a lot of materials, with different uses and abilities. So far we only know a tiny amount.
Each material has a Tier level, which affects their use in shrines and the effects of figurines made with them.
Known Tier Levels: (Materials in <> are ones that are almost certainly that tier, but may not be)
T1: Bone, <Wood>
T2: Obsdian, Silver
T3: ??? (Copper, maybe?)

When crafting figurines (and presumably other art pieces), you roll a <Crafting Skill> Check with a DC of 0. The resulting figurine is of quality T(<# of successes rolled>). For example, a modified roll of 25 would produce a T2 figurine, while a roll of 80 would produce a T5 figurine.
There are 10 tiers of figurine quality, with the following names known:
T1 [DC 00]: Crude
T2 [DC 20]: Very Poor
T3 [DC 40]: Poor
T4 [DC 60]: Okay
T5 [DC 80]: Moderate
T6 [DC 100]: Good

A figurine, when used to improve shrines, provides <Quality Tier> * <Material Tier> Points as a modifier to the "Quality + Shrine" Roll. For example, a Moderate Quality Obsidian Figurine provides +10 points to the roll (or half a success), while a Poor Bone Figurine provides +2)
Skill Success Chance:​
These charts and graphs show the likelihood of hitting a given DC, with a given skill level. The left set of charts and graph is for things like blessings that provide +1%/level, while the right set are for the usual +2. Note that most DCs are multiples of 20, so those rows are bolded and given their own chart. Also note that these charts don't take the untrained penalty into account, which would shift the chances for skill level 0 down significantly. They do, however take criticals into account, with Snake Eyes counting as an automatic failure, and a Nat 20 counting as an automatic success.

These only cover skill 1-10, but here is a chart and graph for up to skill 25. This is for the usual +2% modifiers, with the same rules on criticals and untrained penalties.

This spoiler will cover things like Shrine Expansions that people often forget/misunderstand

This is where i'll put little tidbits of info from PoM

This is something i started doing in the middle of turn 8's updates. Each update I go through and annotate in red, showing the calculations of rolls, speculating on what those rolls mean ("we got X successes and Y legend, so this action was probably worth Y-X Legend" "We won with a 93 modified value vs his 72 + mod, and ties are within 10 for opposed checks, so he can't have more than 5 <Skill>"), pointing out connections between the fluff and results, important or interesting things mentioned, changes in actions and upgrade choices, etc. I also archive the character sheet each turn, putting a simple version at the start of an update, and the official version at the end, to help anyone catching up.

Note: Turns 1-8 were done in a quicker and lesser style, and were done with a lot less knowledge of the game and system. Take anything within with a grain of salt.
Turns 1-4
Turns 5-7
Turn 8 (All Updates)
Turn 9 is the first proper annotated update
Turn 9
Turn 10
Turn 11
Turn 12
Turn 13
Turn 14 Part 1: Quest of Amber and the Ages
Turn 14 Results
<Missing Turn 15 and 16>
Turn 17 Part 1: The Law of Slaves
Turn 17 Results
Turn 18
Turn 19

-Being out of influence range/in opposed influence range gives narrative penalties, not mechanical ones.
-Spirits without an appropriate elemental ability can't directly oppose offensive elemental attacks; the influence range narrative penalty is all that applies
-EA - Stars gives +5 weak mod to star gazing actions
-Most EA's don't give mechanical boosts, "just" narrative ones
-Moonlight gives +5 weak bonus per degree of success. This stacks fully with a second moonlight. The eclipse moon from weirds gives +10 on top of this.
12/3: Added Amber Age Basics, Cheatsheet for Planners, and Equations (currently just Attribute equations). Edited Basic Roll System slightly, added a slight amount to statistics, including some pictures.
12/4: Added information on Shrines and Crafting/figurines
12/15: Fixed incorrect shrine defense equation, added some currently unsorted bonus information
Character Sheet

Gaerig (Literally: Endless Water)
Devotional Energy: 182
Population Modifier: -10/-20
Ambrosia: 0/3
Legend: 68:166

Current Title:
Current Pantheon Enhancement: The Goddess Sought (All spirits of the pantheon must pass a Survival or Navigation (whichever is higher) check against your Perform (Trickery) in order to contact you (does not apply if you seek out others). If they fail, you gain legend. If they succeed, they gain legend.)

Ruined Garment - approx. 10 Units unknown material (Hard Metal)
Amber - 7 Units (Stone)
Silver - approx. 5 Units (Soft Metal)
Obsidian - approx. 1 Unit (Stone)
(2) Obsidian Figurines (1 Okay, 1 Moderate, 1 Good)
(6) Bone Figurines (2 Very Poor, 1 Okay, 2 Moderate, 1 Good)
The Sleeping Brew (Tier X Drink) - Grants Spirited Dreams
Faces of the Moon (Tier X Mask) - Grants Shapeshifting Tier 2 [Mortal/Immortal Guise] (Free)
Accumulated Attribute Discounts: 2/1 Faith (Focus Lockout), 2/5 Fear

Faith: 0
The locals are subjugated to you and pray to you, but you gain no special power from their mutterings as they pray for safety upon the water.

Fear: 4
You are a mighty, terrible being of both beauty and cruelty, a Goddess in all but your position in the eyes of the mortals who worship your pantheon.
The Painted Stars (Grand Tier 1 Extension) - Grants +1 Strong Modifier on all Astrology rolls. Improves at 4, 7, and 10 Shrine Tier.
Creche (Limited Tier 2 Extension) - May attach one Ur-Spawn youth. Grants the Ur-Spawn the ability to spend 1 additional legend per year on skills at Shrine Tier 1, 4, 7, and 10. Grants an additional +1 Strong Modifier on rolls tied to the Ur-Spawn's survival at Shrine Tier 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Ur-Spawn are removed from the Creche when they posses at least 20 skill points or at least 3 skills ranked 5 or higher.))

Avatar: 7
You are a goddess, and your form reflects this elegance and power. Hair as black as the night sky, pockmarked with specks of white like the stars and eyes that glow solidly the color of silver and black like a shifting moon, you are the picture of celestial radiance and mystery. From your eyes and mouth pours an infinite stream of clear, perfect water, and cloaked about your body are skins of supple ebony, rimmed with white. Standing tall at 11 feet, you are imposing and intimidating, even to most spirits, and your earlier girlish charm has changed, a more mature, calculating gaze replacing your earlier glint of mere mischief.

Influence: 5
Your influence extends nearly two miles in all directions from your holy site and shrines. Your hilltop shrine's influence extends nearly three miles in all directions. Your influence is so grand you are capable of sensing the Fox Spirit's shrine within it.

Shrine: 3
You possess a Holy Place and a pair of shrines, displaying tokens and pictograms of your past.
Maximum Shrines: (2/5, equal to Influence)
Teeth of the Sea [Confluence Effect: Moonbeam - On an astrology check of 16 or greater, condense a free ambrosia.]
Saiga's Fishing Village (T 1/3)
Gaerig's Fishing VIllage (T 3/3) - The Painted Stars (Grand) - Creche (Limited)
Inherent Traits - Regular Traits

Minor Aspect of Humanity (+1 Leadership, +1 Innovation, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase)

Lesser Spirit of Mischief (+3 Perform (Trickery), +1 Survival, Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar, grants a small chance of escaping disadvantaged encounters)
Minor Spirit of the Sea (+2 Fishing, +1 Navigation)

Classical Element - Water

Elemental Affinity (Tier 2) - Sea, Stars
Elemental Affinity (Tier 3) - Night

Elemental Manifestation (Tier 3) - Moon

Focused Manifestation (Nox Arcana) - Silver Moon

Grand Affinity - Nox Arcana

Capricious One (You are a being of arbitrary cruelty, as well as sudden magnanimity, whose actions are as inscrutable as the path of an arrow in the wind. All failures to enact constructive efforts or destructive efforts produce slightly more Fear Value, 2 legend discount to next Fear Attribute purchase)
Astrology 10
Omen Reading 4
Mysticism 2
Navigation 4 (5)
Perform (Trickery) 6 (9)
Fishing 0 (2)
Leadership 0 (1)
Innovation 1 (2)
Survival 2 (3)
Born Turn 9
Minor Spirit of Mischief (+2 Perform (Trickery), Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar)
Classical Affinity - Water

Perform (Trickery) 4 (6)
Perform (Primitive Instrument) 2
Craft (Stoneworking) 1
Trade 1
Survival 1

1 Amber
1 Crude Wooden Horn

Legend Threshold Hit! (Granted you 5 Legend on turn 9)
Unspent : Current // Threshold : Ascension Requirement
18:25 // 3:44
Transmuted Turn 11
Metal Affinity - Silver

Poach Material - Silver (Flaying the corpses of these people produces small amounts of silver, though the act is despicable).
Quicksilver - Increases maximum Perform (Trickery) by 2, Increases maximum Melee by 1.

Perform (Trickery) +2
Melee +1

Dissemination: 13%
Fertility bonuses: -1
Social bonuses: 1
Survival bonuses: 1
Spawned Turn 9
Minor Spirit of Mischief (+2 Perform (Trickery), Limited ability to mask or disguise Avatar)
Metal Affinity - Silver

Lesser Shapeshifter - Can transform into another object of similar size to it's natural size (approx. 4 inches). Preference: Human.

Perform (Trickery) 1 (3)
Fishing 1

Dissemination: 26%
Fertility bonuses: 0
Predator bonuses: 2
Survival bonuses: 2
Members of the Geshtaf (Gaerig's Pantheon) 2/2 Pantheon Enhancements
Born Turn -119
Known Attributes-
Faith 4
Avatar 6
Influence 3
Shrine 4

Minor Aspect of the Walrus (+1 Fishing, +1 Survival, Increased maximum sustenance): 3 Legend
Aspect of the Polar Bear (+3 Melee, +2 Survival, +2 Fishing, Can communicate with and command Bears, Reduce Wound Threshold of enemies by one degree)
Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +3 Innovation, +3 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase)

Lesser Spirit of the Sea (+3 Fishing, +2 Navigation, +1 Trade)
Lesser Spirit of Exploration (+3 Survival, +1 Navigation, +1 Trade, Expanded exploration range)
Spirit of the Hunter (+2 Survival, +2 Melee, +3 Ranged, Gain a Strong bonus against spirits with inherent T2 or T3 animal aspects, Gain an automatic success against spirits with inherent T2 or T3 animal aspects)

Wanderlust (Drawn forever to new and strange places, you must discover, you must see! Navigation and Survival merged into Discovery (Survival/Navigation provide 0.5 Discovery per point), enables enhanced exploration actions)

Awe - 6
Innovation - 4 (7)
Fishing - 8 (14)
Melee - 7 (12
Discovery - 7 (12.5)
Trade - 5 (10)
Craft (Carving) - 7
Craft (Woodworking) - 5

Titles: The Hunter, The Wanderer, The Fool Usurped
Born ???
Known Attributes-
Faith 5
Avatar 6
Influence 4
Shrine 4

Known Traits-
Aspect of the Raven (+1 Survival, +3 Perform (Sing), +3 Omen Reading, Avatar gains Flight, Can communicate with and command some Birds)

Spirit of Premonitions

Giant Avatar (Increases size by an additional foot per Avatar level, Increases total wounds by 50%, Increases wound threshold, Increases sustenance demand per turn by 2)

Omenseer (Omen Reading no longer counts towards skill capacity (only if Mysticism is also learned), enables enhanced Avatar Omen Reading actions)

Known Skills-
Perform (Sing)
Omen Reading

Born ???
Known Attributes-
Focus ?
Avatar ?
Influence 5
Shrine ?

Known Traits-
Lesser Aspect of Humanity (+2 Leadership, +1 Innovation, +2 Trade, 2 accumulating Legend discount to next Faith Attribute purchase)

Spirit of Law (+3 Leadership, +3 ???, +2 Art (Painting), Can impose 2 additional Decrees)
Minor Spirit of Motherhood (+1 Leadership, reduces Sustenance cost to add random and specific traits by 1 and 1)

Mystic (Astrology and Omen Reading merged into Mysticism (Astrology/Omen Reading provide 0.5 Mysticism per point), enables enhanced Mystical actions)

Known Skills-
Art (Painting)
Perform (Dance)

Known Additional Titles: The Keeper of Secrets
Pantheon Enhancement: High Elder (Enhanced effectiveness of Mystical actions, can impose 2 additional decrees, gains 1 legend per turn)
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