Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Politics intensifies!
And if I'm reading this correctly the choice is about whose SL gets done first?
And we can do both of them?
The Bai Xiao Fen option seems to include personal reflection of recent events, while Liao Zhu would include asking him for advice. I would want us to find our own answers to questions like "is it okay to kill, and if so when?" instead of getting our answers from our senior
Basically, Fen is an amusing distraction, but I don't really think she needs to be on screen every month, and Liao Zhu feels like a better fit to Ling Qi's current arc to me.
To be fair, we also didn't vote for Fen last month, so we barely got any of her then either.

However, I think Liao Zhu fits better with the current introspection arc, while Fen Fen fits better if we instead want to focus on "doing our job well", as it prioritise our duties both for now (fenfen) but also for post scout stuff.
The Bai Xiao Fen option seems to include personal reflection of recent events, while Liao Zhu would include asking him for advice. I would want us to find our own answers to questions like "is it okay to kill, and if so when?" instead of getting our answers from our senior
Ling Qi does do that, as we can see.

Getting others' perspectives though can be very helpful for refining one's own thoughts.
Nice update. Cool to see other Emerald Seas students reaching out to Ling Qi. But this vote is rough. Do we want to be the cool and quirky teacher, or hang out with our cool and quirky teacher?

My instincts lean towards Xiao Fen, mainly because we seldom see Ling Qi get to teach anyone. I just enjoy that kind of scene so much.
I'm not sure if Liao Zhu is going to be the panacea that people think he'll be. He's Bloody Moon focused, which we've seen doesn't sit well with Ling Qi, so his advice might not be well suited for the situation. I plan to vote Fenfen.
"Quite," Xiulan said in amusement, eyeing the bolts of cloth hanging on display at a vendors stall. "...Though I find myself more irritated that her little lapdog managed to contract a Heavenly Dragon. Do you know how much time I have spent, how many things I have tried, attempting to entice one?" She grumbled. "It is nonsense I tell you."
Ugly River Eel...

You were meant to be ours. :(:(:(
Ugly River Eel...

You were meant to be ours.
Have no fear! The Ugly River Eel was a river dragon. Ji Rong has bound a Heavenly Dragon, so we know that they are not the same.

I'm not sure if Liao Zhu is going to be the panacea that people think he'll be. He's Bloody Moon focused, which we've seen doesn't sit well with Ling Qi, so his advice might not be well suited for the situation. I plan to vote Fenfen.
To be fair to Liao Zhu, he is more than bloody moon. He is also patronaged by the reflecting moon, the moon of self-reflection and diplomats. He will likely be talented in finding out what our problem is and helping us to self-reflect on it.
[X] Take care of her tutoring session with Bai Xiao Fen, to ensure her time afterward was free.
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Ling Qi let out a breath of relief, sometimes when speaking to other nobles, it was easy to forget that what she thought of as family was something closer to 'one's immediate household' than what they referred to as family. Still, it unsettled her, how little care her friend showed for what she had done. Even Cai Renxiang had been a little troubled by the battle. "Have you killed someone before, Meizhen?" She blurted out.

"Smooth," Sixiang murmured. Ling Qi winced.

Meizhen turned a curious look to her. "Of course, Grandfather would not have sent me out into the world unblooded," she replied. "...It was a highwayman, who foolishly attempted to prey on the roads between our capitals satellite villages, if I recall."

"How he squealed," Cui laughed, like they were talking about a humorous anecdote.

Ling Qi stared at her friend for a long uncomfortable moment, and her friend shifted under her gaze, a faint frown touching her lips. Meizhen was the one to look away. "...It was hardly something to glory in, but I cannot be experienced in all fields," she huffed.

Yep, still definitely eating Qi at the inside. Liked her way-too-blunt way of opening the topic. Got the impression that Meizhen started to feel a little deflated at the thought of Qi thinking she's a bad person, looking away at Qi's uncomfortable stare.

That was not the issue, Ling Qi thought uncomfortably. "I- did it bother you? I just- even though I know it was necessary, I can't…" she trailed off into uncertainty, not sure how to articulate the problem in a way her friend would understand.

However, it seemed that her words were enough as understanding dawned in the girls golden eyes. It was still hard to meet them.

And that is when Meizhen understands the point, because Qi is a murderer now too, and she's having a tough time dealing with it and needs her best friend.

"It was unsettling in the moment, I will admit. However Grandfather was there to talk me through it," she hesitated for a moment, as if deliberating on something. "...It is a happy memory all things considered, Grandfather rarely took personal time for us. While it is untoward to glory overmuch in killing, Ling Qi, the world is deadly, and for one to live and grow, others must die. You have slain many spirit beasts, some of which could even think and speak as we do, given some age and experience, and consume pills and elixirs made from their essence every day. Why be so torn at this death?"

Ling Qi leaned back in her chair with a complicated expression. She wanted to say that it was different, that killing a person wasn't like killing an animal, no matter how smart, but then… She looked down at Cui and then back up at Meizhen. She thought of Zhengui and Heijin and Zhenli, and all the other spirit beasts she knew. "I… don't know," Ling Qi admitted aloud. Was it just because the bandits had looked like her, because seeing their eyes as they died was different than looking down into the eyes of a dying beast.

"And isn't that a nasty tangle of thoughts brewing," Sixiang said with a sigh.

That is a good fucking point, my little snake, even if it seems like your point was "you already kill sapient beings by the dozen, what's the big deal". Whole lotta spirit beasts are absolutely sapient, ostensibly just as morally valuable as humans, and you harvest them for materials. Seems a little messed up when you start to remember that. Human beings have a great capacity to empathize with people, but that empathy has a gigantic off-switch labelled "Other". And it's way easier to flick that switch when the other person isn't shaped like a human.

"I'm sorry for dragging things off on a tangent," Ling Qi sighed. She loved her friend, but it was clear that this was one trouble that Meizhen couldn't help with.

Meizhen gave her a searching look, and then stepped over Cui's coils to approach her. Ling Qi looked up in surprise as Meizhen hesitantly reached out to place a hand on her shoulder. "Qi, I cannot fully understand what troubles you here, but… I am glad that you did as you did. Because you fought and lived, you are still here before me. Is that not the most important thing?"

Ling Qi blinked, and then smiled. "...Well of course, I wouldn't want to inconvenience miss Bai."

Meizhen huffed and withdrew her hand. "That is not what I meant and you know it," she accused.

"I know," Ling Qi replied quietly. "...Thanks Meizhen."

That'll do, Meizhen. Remind her that she has friends who are glad she is alive.

"Quite," Xiulan said in amusement, eyeing the bolts of cloth hanging on display at a vendors stall. "...Though I find myself more irritated that her little lapdog managed to contract a Heavenly Dragon. Do you know how much time I have spent, how many things I have tried, attempting to entice one?" She grumbled. "It is nonsense I tell you."

"Luck is a talent as well," Meizhen said dryly, giving Ling Qi a long look.

Nope, nuh uh, I refuse to curse Ji Rong for his good luck, because if I do, Qi will be immediately struck by a lightning bolt for bad karma.

But seriously. Nice.

"More importantly, how are things with your two suitors?" Xiulan asked slyly, bumping her good shoulder against Ling Qi's. "I never thought you the type to string them along."

"I'm doing nothing of the sort," Ling Qi scoffed. "Shen Hu is a good sparring partner, and Xuan Shi is just friendly. Get your mind out of the gutter Xiulan."

"Indeed, she is clearly pining for our Senior Brother Liao Zhu," Meizhen said serenely. "Given the time spent waxing lyrical over his skills."

"Meizhen," Ling Qi complained, drawing out the word. "Not you too, he's just a really good teacher."

"Oh? How have I not heard of this?" Xiulan asked, her eyes alight with mischief. Ling Qi was swiftly remembering why she didn't do this often. These two teamed up against her far, far too easily.

"I hate to interrupt. I really, really do," Sixiang lamented. "But you've got somebody approaching from your right, they're focused on you."

The primary duty of Qi's friends is to constantly call her out. Man, I just wish Six could've jumped in and roasted Qi with her memories of swordboi.

[] Take care of her tutoring session with Bai Xiao Fen, to ensure her time afterward was free.
[] Seek out Liao Zhu, there were things she wanted to get out of her mind, and she thought her senior brother might have useful insights.

I'm leaning Liao Zhu. We'll still have ample time afterwards to take care of snek-kouhai, and I definitely want a scene of Moon boi helping Qi through this. This is something he's absolutely thought about, given his deep connection to justice.
"Hmph, the Ling presumes too much. The foolish thing went against Aunt and Mother's plans. If her fangs had not found its' throat, I Cui would have killed it myself,"
Classically Cui dismissive but she uses LQ's name and is even somewhat reassuring, good start for repairing the relationship!

"It was unsettling in the moment, I will admit. However Grandfather was there to talk me through it," she hesitated for a moment, as if deliberating on something. "...It is a happy memory all things considered, Grandfather rarely took personal time for us.
This is depressingly sweet. Do love interactions with such contrasting perspectives though.

She wanted to say that it was different, that killing a person wasn't like killing an animal, no matter how smart, but then… She looked down at Cui and then back up at Meizhen. She thought of Zhengui and Heijin and Zhenli, and all the other spirit beasts she knew. "I… don't know," Ling Qi admitted aloud. Was it just because the bandits had looked like her, because seeing their eyes as they died was different than looking down into the eyes of a dying beast.

"And isn't that a nasty tangle of thoughts brewing," Sixiang said with a sigh.
So this questioning of morality has been a long time coming. Meizhen and Cui are kinda the best people to bring it to mind though. Don't even want to imagine a scene where Zhengui's the one to bring it up.

Meizhen hesitantly reached out to place a hand on her shoulder. "Qi, I cannot fully understand what troubles you here, but… I am glad that you did as you did. Because you fought and lived, you are still here before me. Is that not the most important thing?"
Ah, adorable stuff. Conflicting thoughts and opinions but Meizhen's there for her despite it all. She may not understand but she gets it's a big deal to LQ and that's enough.

"He has reached the full third realm. The last I heard he was solidifying his foundation and seeking aid to help his cousin through. That fiance of mine is still languishing in the second. He had a very bad failure, or so I heard."
Nice one Han boys. Sad one Fan boy.

"More importantly, how are things with your two suitors?" Xiulan asked slyly, bumping her good shoulder against Ling Qi's. "I never thought you the type to string them along."

"I'm doing nothing of the sort," Ling Qi scoffed. "Shen Hu is a good sparring partner, and Xuan Shi is just friendly. Get your mind out of the gutter Xiulan."

"Indeed, she is clearly pining for our Senior Brother Liao Zhu," Meizhen said serenely. "Given the time spent waxing lyrical over his skills."
Tag teamed, too terrible. Interesting to hear Meizhen and Ling Qi are in a place where Qi can gush about a guy and Meizhen'll comfortably joke about it. Good to see.

"Elder Sister Yanmei has been quite busy," Xiulan replied smoothly. "But I believe she is in contact with Father regarding your uncle's suit."
Fro trading partners to a slightly firmer alliance, bet the Han are getting wary

""I sometimes get together with others from the east of the province to have a little hunt and discuss matters of the province. If you would like, feel free to join us as your time allows. Vassals of the Cai should get along after all,"
Had to happen eventually, at least we've gotten some decent momentum to ride into our solo introduction.

[] Take care of her tutoring session with Bai Xiao Fen, to ensure her time afterward was free.
[] Seek out Liao Zhu, there were things she wanted to get out of her mind, and she thought her senior brother might have useful insights.
Leaning towards Zhu since I want LQ to proactively deal with this trauma on screen. Would be interesting to see if LQ'll be weird around FenFen though
Nah, its the same type of dragon that the Sage Emperor was raised by and the same type that he bound. If anything, it is likely more powerful than the river dragon. Something to look out for.

Also, Ji Rong is a cheater cheater pumpkin eater.

Many would say we are equally cheaty.

Either way, it's not terribly relevant to us for the moment, just something to keep in mind.
"I still enjoy archery, but I'm not exactly going to be pulling it out in a fight or a duel any time soon, so it can sit here, in case I get invited onto some fancy hunt or something."

""I sometimes get together with others from the east of the province to have a little hunt and discuss matters of the province. If you would like, feel free to join us as your time allows. Vassals of the Cai should get along after all," Luo Zhong said smoothly. "I would be honored by your presence."

That is a good fucking point, my little snake, even if it seems like your point was "you already kill sapient beings by the dozen, what's the big deal". Whole lotta spirit beasts are absolutely sapient, ostensibly just as morally valuable as humans, and you harvest them for materials. Seems a little messed up when you start to remember that. Human beings have a great capacity to empathize with people, but that empathy has a gigantic off-switch labelled "Other". And it's way easier to flick that switch when the other person isn't shaped like a human.
To be fair, they weren't sapient yet
they could have been, given enough time to reach higher realms, but they were still just animals at the time of their death
To be fair, they weren't sapient yet
they could have been, given enough time to reach higher realms, but they were still just animals at the time of their death
This is a large moral grey area. How do we know that the spirit beasts were not sapient already? Zhengui was sapient at yellow. Zhengui was sapient at red. Where is the point in which a spirit beast can be labeled as sapient? How do we know when they have reached that point if we can not communicate with them? It seems a little self deceiving for Ling Qi to say they were just animals when we don't know.