This Bites! (One Piece SI)

Man, things like this always feel like a waste... don't get me wrong! I'm sad too, but it feels like we just met the Going Merry as a character, and she's getting killed off almost immediately (probably... saving her now would feel like an asspull at this point). It doesn't really help that ever since she showed herself, she had very little interaction that wasn't cut by the undercurrent of "...Oh don't forget that I'm dying." and even then she didn't get very much screen time in order to act.

That said, the Strawhats absolutely need a new ship and this is the only way that is happening. Not because the Going Merry is weak, but because there is simply not enough room on her for the crew, and fixing the keel won't change that problem at all. The Going Merry was getting rather full in the original show as they reached Water 7. Here, it has been repeatedly stated that there are simply not enough beds to go around anymore, and we know that the crew has not finished growing. So either they were going to get a second ship and split the crews under one banner, or replace the Going Merry entirely... and I always felt the former just wasn't in the spirit of the show.
Yes, I'd be really sad to see Merry go. Not just for the same reasons as in canon - but because here, she could be an interesting and unique character!
I want the Strawhats to have a Klabautergeist in their crew, damnit!

And both her weakness and the lack of room could be solved by an upgrade just fine. Nothing says ships can't be upgraded after all, right?
Well, or get a second ship and engage in some ship-to-ship shipping :p
Yes, I'd be really sad to see Merry go. Not just for the same reasons as in canon - but because here, she could be an interesting and unique character!
I want the Strawhats to have a Klabautergeist in their crew, damnit!

And both her weakness and the lack of room could be solved by an upgrade just fine. Nothing says ships can't be upgraded after all, right?
Well, or get a second ship and engage in some ship-to-ship shipping :p
The lack of room can't entirely be fixed with an upgrade, as by that point your building an entirely new ship and naming it Going Merry. Keels and Frames are most definitely not one size fits all and no amount of upgrades barring installing a TARDIS can change the number of rooms that can fit inside one ship.

I don't doubt that she could have been upgraded to handed the Grand Line (and I secretly hope she still can). In fact, I bet there are some things that she could do that the Going Sunny would never be able to do (especially if she gets the Full Franky Overhaul) just due to sheer lack of size.
You know it kills me to reach the end of the update and get hit with a cliff full of feels. Then I notice the thread mark shows there's another post so I click it hoping against hope for a double update. Nope the omake keeps getting shoved to the end of the list. Well played Cross-Brain. Well played.
Merry can be saved. They said the keel is like a spine, right? Sure, a normal doctor could fix that, so don't use normal doctors. Use the madmen, the crazies, the ones who do what can't be done!

Grab Franky, have Chopper go Full Spark, call Crocus, have Soundbite play this as background music!

It doesn't matter if it should be impossible, this is One Piece, screw expectations they've got ton of stupidity, and a boatload of heart!
I wonder if Law is on the island to do a little switch?

Either way, the best chance I see is to give Merry a Zoan and let her heal up in Animal form. Build the Sunny and let her rest in Animal form until her 'scars'? heal.

There's an idea. I do agree with you overall though. I think best solution is new ship + Klabautergeist Merry. That's Merry as a separate entity btw not changing ships like a hermit crab changes shells. Sunny should be his own being. Then we have Lion and the Lamb! Or whatever Cross-Brain comes up with. I'm sure it will be good :D
soundbite should play this when saying good by to merry

that said i dont think this will be the actuall end of the merry i still belive that she can be saved, her spine may be broken but arnt there doctors IRL who attemted head transplants? her body may not be completly hers but people get prostetics all the time. so i am keeping hope
Wouldn't it depend on the materials it was made of? I mean, using ordinary wood vs whatever the Merry's replacement used in canon was one of the main differences in why the ship needed repairing, right?
Eh, I suppose if you built the Caravel out of Treasure Tree Adam wood it might be able to survive in the sense it won't break apart but it's not just wear and tear that's the problem. A Caravel is not large enough to reliably survive the monstrous weather of the Grand Line without extreme measures. More than likely that a huge storm would simply capsize it and drown everyone.
Eh, I suppose if you built the Caravel out of Treasure Tree Adam wood it might be able to survive in the sense it won't break apart but it's not just wear and tear that's the problem. A Caravel is not large enough to reliably survive the monstrous weather of the Grand Line without extreme measures. More than likely that a huge storm would simply capsize it and drown everyone.
that would make more sense, if there wasn't Milhawk who sails about in a friggin' coffin.

I'd figure different sized ships have to handle storms in different manners. some can weather them, and some have to literally ride the waves like a surfboard.
that would make more sense, if there wasn't Milhawk who sails about in a friggin' coffin.

I'd figure different sized ships have to handle storms in different manners. some can weather them, and some have to literally ride the waves like a surfboard.
Mihawk is also a monster in series in terms of strength and ability. I imagine he simply cuts his way through anything even if logic dictates it shouldn't work.

That and capsizing a coffin and capsizing a full sized ship are completely different. The coffin, for one, has a good chance of remaining afloat once tipped over.
Mihawk is also a monster in series in terms of strength and ability. I imagine he simply cuts his way through anything even if logic dictates it shouldn't work.

That and capsizing a coffin and capsizing a full sized ship are completely different. The coffin, for one, has a good chance of remaining afloat once tipped over.

Also, Ace with his Fire powered jet ski that he rode around in. IIRC Blackbeard was basically riding around in a large raft when he was first assembling his crew in Jaya, which was smaller than the Going Merry. and if you want to add events in this story as evidence, there was the "Magical Girl" who was riding around in a dingy at random.

Size of the ship really only indicates size of the crew it seems. Could be that the storms can get just plain bad enough that there is no "big enough" ship to ride out the waves fully, given that there are storms capable of throwing ships clear over mountain ranges. Or the Grand Line just goes easy on you if you don't try to stack things in your favor too hard. whatever the reason, smaller ships arn't too uncommon in the Grand Line.
Also, Ace with his Fire powered jet ski that he rode around in. IIRC Blackbeard was basically riding around in a large raft when he was first assembling his crew in Jaya, which was smaller than the Going Merry. and if you want to add events in this story as evidence, there was the "Magical Girl" who was riding around in a dingy at random.

Size of the ship really only indicates size of the crew it seems. Could be that the storms can get just plain bad enough that there is no "big enough" ship to ride out the waves fully, given that there are storms capable of throwing ships clear over mountain ranges. Or the Grand Line just goes easy on you if you don't try to stack things in your favor too hard. whatever the reason, smaller ships arn't too uncommon in the Grand Line.
I would like to note that anyone who goes around in a small ship is already terrifyingly powerful. We never find out Ace's top speed on that little jet ski out of all but knowing One Piece it was probably absurd provided he didn't fall asleep.

But yeah, it's a fair point nonetheless. I just doubt the crew are at the level necessary to actually pull it off.
Actually the Zoan Devil Fruit sounds like a good idea. She eats one and they can then make upgrades as they did for Lassou.

And Cross knows exactly where 3 such now uneaten Devil Fruits are located. It does mean becoming proactive and spout spoilers so the crew can go to Enies Lobby to kick Spandam's face in before he gives the fruits to CP9.

Though I don't know how a ship would react to a Devil Fruit user weakness to sinking in water and their powers drained. Though it isn't a problem that cannot be worked around in the case it is a issue and not just have her be fine cause so little of her body is ever in contact with water and we see devil fruit users ok when a little submerged.
You know, they could go an entirely different route.

Fix up Merry as much as the Strawhats consider 'reasonable'.
Then commission a new ship built.
Dock Merry IN the new ship, and use her to go the last few miles to each island.

Larger ships - like they'll need for their ever increasing crew - are harder to properly dock. Much better to weigh anchor half a dozen miles off-shore, and go the rest of the way on the Merry. This also allows them to keep their stuff somewhere safe. Like all that gold.
Actually the Zoan Devil Fruit sounds like a good idea. She eats one and they can then make upgrades as they did for Lassou.

And Cross knows exactly where 3 such now uneaten Devil Fruits are located. It does mean becoming proactive and spout spoilers so the crew can go to Enies Lobby to kick Spandam's face in before he gives the fruits to CP9.

Though I don't know how a ship would react to a Devil Fruit user weakness to sinking in water and their powers drained. Though it isn't a problem that cannot be worked around in the case it is a issue and not just have her be fine cause so little of her body is ever in contact with water and we see devil fruit users ok when a little submerged.
Devil fruit users lose all buoyancy. Such a ship would sink like a brick and the options to make it float are essentially build a boat to carry the boat, strap balloons to make her float which I imagine would be somewhat uncomfortable and also be a giant floating weakspot, and coat it it that Saboady stuff/bubble coral however one only works within a specific range and the other requires them to be under the sea to begin with and it probably has the same flaw.