There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

Humans, most of them with military regulation haircuts, dominate the place. Sith military haircuts.

Not, historically, a great sign for an alien.

Say... a chiss.

With no visible weapon. Or armor.

And a big Republic starbird sewn onto the right shoulder of his blue jacket.
Almost like he's looking for a fight.
"Yeah. Who wants to know?"

"A Jedi." A moment later, a green lightsaber bursts to life; and pandemonium ensues.
It must be a really good feeling to drop that on bad guys and have them get their brown pants.
And I do mean me. Since I was the one to knock him out, I am the one he is working with. Seems sort of bass ackwards to me but then, I'm no Mandalorian.
Ass backwards.
We were less than better than the resurrected spirit of King Adas. In point of fact, he beat the shit out of us. Bastila and the others are currently stuck in the brig while Adas, possessing Master Bao-Dur's body, has set to work claiming this system; and, calling that Sith witch here.
I'm sorry, what?!
Teach me to run my mouth, I took a blaster bolt to the eye!
You should consider yourself lucky to be alive and not have your head plastered all over the place.
So I went with something unorthodox: I changed my saber. The power now channels through three ports, the main blade being longer and hotter.

It has been like relearning my velocities; but, it worked. It changed my style enough that, combined with the unfamiliarity of the Old Sith in using a Zabrak's body, he quite simply lost.

But he managed to ruin my favorite jacket before he did.


Bao-Dur is sleeping it off, while the Padawans are helping keep guard over the prisoners, who were less than thrilled to fight after they saw me toss around an ancient Sith with the Force. Criminals are a supersticious and cowardly lot, I suppose...
Damn, he actually managed to pull it off.
Holy shit, that Padawan just beat King Adas. Attenuating circumstances or not, god damn, good work kid.

I'm a little concerned at how many Jedi are getting hitched, but hopefully it works out for the best.
Hmm, at least that's the Holocron issues dealt with. And a nice reduction to enemy morale, which should be down to 5% from just the Jedi actions. Considering how the Republic is hounding them, they're likely in the negatives for morale. As well, we seem to have a Jedi Batman in Zez, so that's all good.
Better relations with the Mandalorians is always good, although the shipper in me hopes it isn't just a fling. Either way, we had three Padawans who distinguished themselves this quarter. Very nice, although one of them needs a new eye now.
Mission Report 3946 BBY Q2
Mission 1 (Knight Kador Shirot, Padawan Sorda, The Core)
-Knight Kador-

I found what I was looking for, Master: a shipyard manifest.

Let me explain:

Czerka had a few fighter factories before this war began, but the sort of large scale, capital-ship yards required to actually go toe-to-toe with the Republic navy were essentially stripped from it after Revan killed Malak and ended the war. Any capital ship production they were involved since then was them partnering with loyal companies. But, they have managed to throw a few piece-of-junk capitals at the Republic. Even Czerka could hardly have just tossed these in the closet then pulled them out when they needed them.

As I expected the data I found showed payments to certain criminal elements (The Hutts, I'm talking about the Hutts) to redress this imbalance.

What I did not expect was that they did not simply buy ships, but shipyards themselves. But where was unknown to me.

Meaning I need to go have a chat with a Hutt.

Always a fun time.
Mission 2 (Knight Breda Sunguard, Padawan Atris, Master Juhani, 1 Padawan, Mid-Rim)
-Master Juhani-

We have the Sith warship's likeliest refuel position figured out after destroying the resource depot. So the good news is, we have her pinned down to one ship, heading to places we know, on a course we can follow.

The bad news, of course, is that there is no chance in hell of us destroying that warship by ourselves. Outnumbered, out powered, and out of our minds to try; maybe if the Sith wasn't on it with her apprentices, but she'd feel all of us if we tried something as fancy as sneaking on and blowing the reactor to bits.

No. If we want to to do this, we need the Republic's help.

Mission 3 (Bao-Dur, Bastila, 3 Padawans, Outer Rim)
-Grandmaster Bao-Dur-

I can feel him, beating in my head. Screaming, rioting, raging, like a bull pulling against his plow; he wants to be free. It feels like the war again, a fury that will not die; he seeks to claim my body. My mind. My soul.

But I will not let him. I will join the Force before I let that happen.

Fortunately, Bastila has informed me of old Jedi legends that speak of a place to remove him from me. On Ossus.

It will require efforts; but I believe I can undo what has been done.

Mission 4 (Brianna and Ossin, Colonies)
-Master Brianna-

Traveling with the Mandalorians, we have heard reports that a small world, Tor Kanar, is under attack by a Czerka detachment. Time to see if time has dulled Canderous' skill in battle.
Mission 1 (Knight Kador Shirot, Padawan Sorda, The Core)
-Knight Kador-

Unfortunately, I am being stonewalled by the Hutts. They are few in number, here in the Core; and so loathe, more than usual, the idea of giving up one of their own.

The only contact I have made thus far is Groda the Hutt, an outcast among his people who offers the information in return for safety. I can scarcely imagine how vile he is, if he is, in truth, loathed by the hutts.
Mission 2 (Knight Breda Sunguard, Padawan Atris, Master Juhani, 1 Padawan)
-Master Juhani-

This resource depot consists of two parts, one for starships and one for groundforces. Admiral Onasi has, as always, been of great help to us; he has offered us the aid of his Third Fleet, consisting of more than enough heavy metal to have a tete-a-tete with the Sith.

The larger problem is the ground force. If the Sith are allowed to to take control of it, they will be capable of waging a guerilla war here, on Kalapoli, home of a billion people. Clearly, this is not acceptable.

But the higher brass of the Republic has proven less than amenable to listening to a Sith, a Jedi, and a few traitors. We will need to convince them, and only through effort can we do that.
Mission 3 (Bao-Dur, Bastila, 3 Padawans)
-Grandmaster Bao-Dur-

We have landed on the surface of Ossus. Radiation readings are surprisingly down from what they should be, given the relative recentness of the Nova that purged the planet; it is I suppose a side-effect of being caused by Sith Alchemy, rather than a natural phenomena. The area I am looking for should inside the ruined temple, deep, deep in the hidden places, where even a star's death could not be felt.

But there's something else as well; something I can feel, just on the tip of my tongue; but King Adas has proven less than amenable to shutting the hell up and letting me think.

Victory or the Force.

No other options.
Mission 4 (Brianna and Ossin, Colonies)
-Master Brianna-

We have arrived in system, a Mandalorian fleet. The Czerka raiders fled on our arrival for reasons I can only guess at; however, I am more distracted by sensor readings indicating-

What was that?
Mission 1 (Knight Kador Shirot, Padawan Sorda, The Core)
-Knight Kador-

Well that's egg on my face! It seems I had entirely misunderstood why the other Hutts so loathed Groda; he is better than they are, not worse. A member of a small, nearly extinct culture from before the fall of the Hutt Empire proper, they were what might be understood as the Mercantile Clans; still profit focused, yes, but certainly not as vile and slimy as the crime lords that now dominate Hutt Space. Honest businessmen in truth, instead of as a cheap euphemism. The hutts constantly seek to wipe them out, hoping to ensure they have no competition, and our own meeting was no different; the Hutts sent at least four Trandoshan hunter teams to kill myself, my Padawan, and Groda.

You can guess how that went for them, considering I am writing this report.
(Gain intel on Czerka locations, +15 PP)
Mission 2 (Knight Breda Sunguard, Padawan Atris, Master Juhani, 1 Padawan)
-Master Juhani-

I have convinced General Yro of the Star-Fighter Corp. to deploy his forces, reinforced with Militia from the planet itself.

When the Sith Arrive, they may find they do not enjoy what comes next.
(Trap prepared for Sith forces)
Mission 3 (Bao-Dur, Bastila, 3 Padawans)
-Grandmaster Bao-Dur-

I went into the ruined Temple.

I journeyed deep, deep into its layers, where the dark never fell. I was assailed by memories...visions...both, of the Mass Shadow Generator. Of the battle of Telos, when HK and I destroyed his "children." Of a thousand moments, and a thousand regrets.

I saw the general.

Finally I entered an oasis of sorts, a small archive filled with the genetic records of every species to ever live on Ossus, maintained by the Jedi, as well as a meditation chamber sealed away the planet by a massive rock.

I entered; and meditated.

I journeyed to the very depths of my mind, and cast Adas into the fire where there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. But he dealt me a grievous blow, and I thought I would not wake.

But I was mistaken.

When I came to a dark skinned human was attending to me, binding up my wounds; the Force was flowing through me and him, and I felt connected as I never had been before.

It seems then, that not everything died on Ossus. He calls himself; or perhaps his people; the Ysanna.
(Destroyed Ancient Sith Spirit, meet the Ysanna, Bonus to Ossus Colonization)
Mission 4 (Brianna and Ossin, Colonies)
-Master Brianna-

Master Mira has returned, though only she could offer her full story.
(Mira and crew are back)
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... only Mira? Oh dear... Am I going to have to scrap that Visas-centric omake idea I had? :V
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Sorry this was late, had to do some cleaning and shit.
Thats fine, It happens. I am almost in the same position as you since i just got back from a 7 hour drive after spending time with family out of state for at least 4 days. So many updates to read. Including warhammer Fantasy dynasty of dynamic alcoholism with has 20 pages for me to go through after reading the update.
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Research Turn Q2 BBY 3946
Heading to the center of the Dantooine Enclave, you sit, surrounded by a number of Initiates, as you give them orders. You've managed to rebuild, reclaim, and relearn much knowledge; but a plethora is still lost to you at the time.

Fortunately, a little less, now...

On a different note, there are Holocrons you still need to examine:

(72/5=14 Points of Research to spend)

Tier 1

Training Doctrines- The methods by which you train new Jedi-- how and to what purpose. (Mutually exclusive)
Many Students, One Teacher (0/5)- There aren't enough of you for you to teach only one student each. For the moment, at least, you need to be training multiples. (Bonus to recruitment Quantity)

Infrastructure- Recruitment, lost or abandoned Temple Worlds such as Ossus or Jedha, and other miscellany representing your Order's most important resources.
Ossus (12/15)- Examine the world of Ossus, determine if it is now safe for habitation, and reclaim the Temple. (Open Ossus to Expansion)

Tier 2

Combat- The Sith, the true Sith, are waiting for you out in the dark. It will require battle to save the galaxy from their evil.
Force Combat II (0/10)- While the Dark Side is a more combative thing, a solid base in telekinesis and other universal applications can allow you to do battle with less trained Dark Siders wielding only the Force. (May apply Wisdom bonus in combat against Dark Acolytes)
Armored Warfare (0/10)- You have a few suits of the heavier Jal Shey and Zeison Sha armor that do not overly restrict Jedi from drawing on the Force-- perhaps studying them will allow you to make your own? (+1 Vitality from improved defense)

Tier 3

One Student, One Teacher (Tier 3)
Personal Attention: A disturbing number of students fell to the Dark Side because they were precocious enough to advance, but did not have the personal attention of their often overworked teachers. Helping break that habit will be useful. (+1 Wisdom) (0/20)
Back Roads: Often what keeps Jedi from reacting to crises is not being near enough. Having your masters pass on the secret, unknown hyperspace routes, reststops, and shortcuts to your Padawans; and for that matter, among yourselves, will help. (+1 Vigilance) (0/20)
Let's Just Be Friends: The Jedi are sworn to the Republic; but you are not sworn to be its butchers. Make sure that is very clear to your students . (-1 Detachement for not getting involved in Republic's Wars) (0/20)
Masters' Trial: Currently, gaining the title of Master is a difficult task; reliant on either training a student to knighthood or a thousand other vagaries. Having a simple trial should help simplify the matter. (Difficulty Check for gaining title of Master reduced by 1)(0/20)

In addition, you may work on one Holocron:
-Holocron of Arca Jeth (2/3)
-Holocron of Arren Kae
-Holocron of Karn Degarr
-Holocron of Homonix Rectonia
-Holocron of Vodo-Siosk Baas
-Holocron of Nomi Sunrider
-Holocron of Odan-Urr
-Holocron of Sar Agorn
-Holocron of the Unknown Jedi

Vote will be open in Four Hours
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Ossus (12/15)- Examine the world of Ossus, determine if it is now safe for habitation, and reclaim the Temple. (Open Ossus to Expansion)
with the recent event on Ossus, i think opening it for expansion would be nice as having a place providing a bonus to combatting possession is a powerful and we might be able to recruit the Ysanna if we colonize it.

Armored Warfare (0/10)- You have a few suits of the heavier Jal Shey and Zeison Sha armor that do not overly restrict Jedi from drawing on the Force-- perhaps studying them will allow you to make your own? (+1 Vitality from improved defense)
that leaves us with 11 points and of the 10 point options i like this one the most as it will help in all combat
What's detatchment?

Also, strongly tempted to plough all the points after Ossus into Personal Attention - no more Exar Kuns or Revans or Malaks if we can help it.
Czerka had a few fighter factories before this war began, but the sort of large scale, capital-ship yards required to actually go toe-to-toe with the Republic navy were essentially stripped from it after Revan killed Malak and ended the war. Any capital ship production they were involved since then was them partnering with loyal companies.
But, they have managed to throw a few piece-of-junk capitals at the Republic. Even Czerka could hardly have just tossed these in the closet then pulled them out when they needed them.
There should be a space between these two paragraphs.
As I expected the data I found showed payments to certain criminal elements (The Hutts, I'm talking about the Hutts) to redress this imbalance.
Come on, Cador, it could be the Black Su-right, they won't exist till 300 years from now. Well, it could be the Zygerrian Slave E-, doesn't exist yet. Pykes? Don't know if they existed back then. Exchange? Possible, but still probably reeling from G0-T0's death.

...Hutts it is.
I can feel him, beating in my head. Screaming, rioting, raging, like a bull pulling against his plow; he wants to be free. It feels like the war again, a fury that will not die; he seeks to claim my body. My mind. My soul.

But I will not let him. I will join the Force before I let that happen.
You can do it, Bao-Dur.
The hutts constantly seek to wipe them out, hoping to ensure they have no competition, and our own meeting was no different; the Hutts sent at least four Trandoshan hunter teams to kill myself, my Padawan, and Groda.
Reminds me of the big showdown with Trandoshan hunters on the Yavin 4 space station in KotOR 1.
I journeyed to the very depths of my mind, and cast Adas into the fire where there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. But he dealt me a grievous blow, and I thought I would not wake.
Chaos is not a nice place.
When I came to a dark skinned human was attending to me, binding up my wounds; the Force was flowing through me and him, and I felt connected as I never had been before.

It seems then, that not everything died on Ossus. He calls himself; or perhaps his people; the Ysanna.
(Destroyed Ancient Sith Spirit, meet the Ysanna, Bonus to Ossus Colonization)
Nice, meeting the Ysanna.
Master Mira has returned, though only she could offer her full story.
(Mira and crew are back)
Masters' Trial: Currently, gaining the title of Master is a difficult task; reliant on either training a student to knighthood or a thousand other vagaries. Having a simple trial should help simplify the matter. (Difficulty Check for gaining title of Master reduced by 1)
How many points is this?
I agree with Ossus (we're almost there anyway) and Armored Warfare. While I would like personal attention, I think we get more bang for our buck - and faster, too - from taking the lower hanging fruit.

I'd be inclined to direct the remaining 1 point at Force Combat II, since we'll want to pick that up. Or Personal Attention, as a long term investment.
There should be a space between these two paragraphs.

Come on, Cador, it could be the Black Su-right, they won't exist till 300 years from now. Well, it could be the Zygerrian Slave E-, doesn't exist yet. Pykes? Don't know if they existed back then. Exchange? Possible, but still probably reeling from G0-T0's death.

...Hutts it is.

You can do it, Bao-Dur.

Reminds me of the big showdown with Trandoshan hunters on the Yavin 4 space station in KotOR 1.

Chaos is not a nice place.

Nice, meeting the Ysanna.


How many points is this?
They're the same paragraph, formatting is just making them funky.


What's detatchment?

Also, strongly tempted to plough all the points after Ossus into Personal Attention - no more Exar Kuns or Revans or Malaks if we can help it.
Essentially what it sounds like: how detached you are from the rest of the Galaxy (In their own opinion). It does not affect you currently because you are about five people with a stick and a dream. When that is no longer the case, all of a sudden they will be on you like ugly on a hutt.

(Probably going to really start up once you finish developing somewhere into a Temple)
Essentially what it sounds like: how detached you are from the rest of the Galaxy (In their own opinion). It does not affect you currently because you are about five people with a stick and a dream. When that is no longer the case, all of a sudden they will be on you like ugly on a hutt.
So in other words, the canon order around the clone wars had that, Engagement, and expansion at very bad levels?
So in other words, the canon order around the clone wars had that, Engagement, and expansion at very bad levels?
Canon Order had fine Expansion for the Infrastructure Doctrine they were using, mediocre Engagement thanks more to the Sith sabotaging their efforts, and pretty good detachment actually, as a result of leading the GAR.
Ossus, Armored, and Personal would get my vote. Ossus is just great, Armored because we've had enough people (too many really) losing eyes and limbs and stuff.