There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

Omake Rewards:

@DaOneInDaCorner for Emotion yet Peace:

(remember to mark with an O):

[] War is Hell, boys: Atton fought in the Jedi Civil War, and in the Dark Wars, and in the Mandalorian, on many sides and many fronts, everything from grinding front combat to special operations. Much of the same thought process applies to both, and it's a lesson he certainly isn't above teaching to your Jedi. (Reroll first failed combat check in next Report on the War)
[] A Growing Council: Atton has begun preparing his own lessons for your order, including how to force out attackers. (+10 Knowledge)
[] An Old Lecture: The Drakion are curious to hear more about this Arca Jeth, and his knowledge of the Force. (1 one time Recruitment dice)
[X] Make contact with Yuthura Ban, offering to let her coordinate the Jedi's war with the Hutts and the title of Jedi Master General. (Gain Jedi Master Yuthura Ban, +1 Jedi Master General, -40 PP for angry Republic for baiting the Hutts)
[X] Make contact with Yuthura Ban, offering to let her coordinate the Jedi's war with the Hutts and the title of Jedi Master General. (Gain Jedi Master Yuthura Ban, +1 Jedi Master General, -40 PP for angry Republic for baiting the Hutts)
Omake Rewards:

@DaOneInDaCorner for Emotion yet Peace:

(remember to mark with an O):

[] War is Hell, boys: Atton fought in the Jedi Civil War, and in the Dark Wars, and in the Mandalorian, on many sides and many fronts, everything from grinding front combat to special operations. Much of the same thought process applies to both, and it's a lesson he certainly isn't above teaching to your Jedi. (Reroll first failed combat check in next Report on the War)
[] A Growing Council: Atton has begun preparing his own lessons for your order, including how to force out attackers. (+10 Knowledge)
[] An Old Lecture: The Drakion are curious to hear more about this Arca Jeth, and his knowledge of the Force. (1 one time Recruitment dice)
Right... any thoughts from anyone on this'n? I wanna grab the reroll but looking for suggestions.
[O] War is Hell, boys: Atton fought in the Jedi Civil War, and in the Dark Wars, and in the Mandalorian, on many sides and many fronts, everything from grinding front combat to special operations. Much of the same thought process applies to both, and it's a lesson he certainly isn't above teaching to your Jedi. (Reroll first failed combat check in next Report on the War)
[X] Make contact with Yuthura Ban, offering to let her coordinate the Jedi's war with the Hutts and the title of Jedi Master General. (Gain Jedi Master Yuthura Ban, +1 Jedi Master General, -40 PP for angry Republic for baiting the Hutts)
[X] Make contact with Yuthura Ban, offering to let her coordinate the Jedi's war with the Hutts and the title of Jedi Master General. (Gain Jedi Master Yuthura Ban, +1 Jedi Master General, -40 PP for angry Republic for baiting the Hutts)
[X] Make contact with Yuthura Ban, offering to let her coordinate the Jedi's war with the Hutts and the title of Jedi Master General. (Gain Jedi Master Yuthura Ban, +1 Jedi Master General, -40 PP for angry Republic for baiting the Hutts)
@Voikirium, I think I'll go with this one:
[O] There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge: A Yuuzhan Vong explorer was aboard the vessel Naron Vahl gave his life on, and has sent incontestable proof that the Jedi are not, simply, charlatans. +20 PP for making the Republic look good, improve Vong relations.

[X] Make contact with Yuthura Ban, offering to let her coordinate the Jedi's war with the Hutts and the title of Jedi Master General. (Gain Jedi Master Yuthura Ban, +1 Jedi Master General, -40 PP for angry Republic for baiting the Hutts)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Voikirium on Jan 9, 2022 at 10:46 PM, finished with 27 posts and 16 votes.
Jedi Recruitment 3941 BBY Q1
Jedi Recruitment 3941 BBY Q1

[X] Make contact with Yuthura Ban, offering to let her coordinate the Jedi's war with the Hutts and the title of Jedi Master General. (Gain Jedi Master Yuthura Ban, +1 Jedi Master General, -40 PP for angry Republic for baiting the Hutts)

At Matale Spaceport, a ship touches down. It's a ramshackle old Hutt thing that looks like some hybrid between old chemical rockets and Tionese lightships, if you had to name one. You can't see it, exactly, meditating as you are within the Enclave's entrance, pads of flimsi with mathematics scrawled on them laid out over the whole floor, but you can feel the energy, propagating through the air, the stars, touching the world.

Well, that and the holofeed is constantly blaring news about how you've invited a dangerous radical/noted combatant/former Sith/hero of the people (delete as appropriate) to take command of much of your efforts to burn out the Hutts.

You can only hope for victory.

(+70 Initiates)
(+70 Padawans, -70 Initiates)
(+9 Jedi Consulars, -9 Jedi Padawans)
(+11 Jedi Guardians, -11 Jedi Padawans)
(+8 Jedi Sentinels, -8 Jedi Padawans)
(+1 Jedi Weapon Master, Breda Sunguard, -1 Jedi Guardian)
(+1 Jedi Master Watchman, unknown, -1 Jedi Sentinel)
Breda Sunguard is one of the first Jedi you ever started training, with nearly a decade under her belt never mind the maturity of her life before she became a Jedi-- for all it was a mistake in many respect, there is plenty to be learned from a mistake.

And you would like a full Council.

Do you extend an invitation to the Council to Breda Sunguard?

[] Yes
[] No

Vote will open in Jan 14, 2022 at 8:30 PM
Last edited:
I think yes, she's one of our longest serving, and I don't reccal any particular red flags. Do we get to know much of her views? Councillors shape direction and policy after all, and it's worth having a litmus for variety.
I think yes, she's one of our longest serving, and I don't reccal any particular red flags. Do we get to know much of her views? Councillors shape direction and policy after all, and it's worth having a litmus for variety.
-Trained by Mical and so cognizant of the Order's past triumphs and failures on a surpassing level, though she has sharply broken with her Master's views vis-a-vie and re: the Mandalorian Wars and the Council's decision to not fight them, namely backing it if not to hilt.
-Formerly a Sith Soldier, so she has some grounding in their philosophy as well. "It's about as shallow as you'd expect, really." To that end she wants to grow the Order's strength for when the next Revan decides to burn and ruin and betray and convince people to waste their lives fighting for their mad cause not that she'd know anything about it.
-Something of a peacenik in general, surprisingly, on the scale of states if not, necessarily, on the personal scale.
Yeah, don't see any reason to say no.

I think yes, she's one of our longest serving, and I don't reccal any particular red flags. Do we get to know much of her views? Councillors shape direction and policy after all, and it's worth having a litmus for variety.

Breda said this of Kador and our handling of him:
Breda Sunguard said:
What the hell was Kador thinking? Was he thinking?


In any case, the CorSec has asked us for help with a somewhat sensitive matter. Surplus materiel from the collapsed Sith Empire has begun making its way to Coruscant and the lower levels. While the Senate has been working to improve conditions, there are plenty who want things to remain awful so they have a cheap, easy, disposable source of labor for licit and illicit business. So they have requested we help put pressure on the dealers, which mostly just means showing up-- they might be stupid enough to try and do this in the galactic capital, but they aren't stupid enough to fight a Jedi when we find them.

So, not a fan of Kador's, ah, looser view of rules.
Obvious option here she doesn't have any black marks on her and well we need masters on the council.

Though I find Jedi Weaponmaster kind of clunky for a title.
It's just the prestige title from KOTOR 2.

I may or may not change it, but I figure making it clear is worth at least a little clunk.

(Also I had a typo: there's a space between Weapon and Master which, I think, makes it flow better)